Koza Visual Culture and Arts Association

National Network

Perşembe Pazarı Caddesi Arap Camii Mah.

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Koza Visual Culture and Arts Association (KozaVisual) is designed as a platform for artists, art and cultural actors and researchers aiming to discuss and produce together. KozaVisual develops and implements projects in the fields of visual culture, visual and digital arts, documentary and ethnographic film, and performance art. Develops uncommercial, alternative exhibition spaces and distribution networks for artists and cultural actors. Collaborates with local and transnational cultural networks. Conducts researches and implements projects on the development and expansion of utilizing the visual culture and visual thinking tools in the surrounding region along with the collectives, groups and platforms having similar orientations. Aims to initiate discussions intending implementation of creative, innovative, liberating and inquisitive art practices, and follows the principles of collective production and distribution in parallel to decentralization of art and culture in its geographical location.
Mission and Objectives

Objectives are; Forging the cultural bridges between Turkey and European, Mediterranean and the Caucasus countries; Promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding, mitigating the tension between those societies. Aims are; To establish cultural links and recognition between those countries through bringing together professionals in audio-visual field and creating possibility for them to work in collaboration. To strive to use art and culture as a means for creating links and fostering intercultural dialogue. To define the perceptions and attitudes of the societies in Turkey regarding the Mediterranean and European identity and their belonging or non-belonging. To launch an audiovisual collaboration which will bring together a group of professional and non-professional artists from Europe, Turkey, Mediterranean and the Caucasus. Missions are to initiate art and culture projects, develop intercultural, interdisciplinary projects, become a partner in artistic projects, organize international conferences on media education, new media, image theories, filmmaking techniques, documentary filmmaking, and contemporary arts.

Main Projects / Activities

Current projects
"bak.ma" an online digital media archive project https://bak.ma/
"Surplus of Istanbul" http://istanbulunartigi.net/
Past projects
“Penelopolis: Women’s Mapping of Mediterranean Town’s Culture / Podgorica 2013” supported by ALF.
“IPA Istanbul Performing Arts Summer Camp and Festival” http://www.i-pa.org/
“Frozen Public Art Project” 2011-12 (Gyumri-Kars-Diyarbakir)
“The Fire and The Wedding Video Exhibition Project” (Istanbul-Diyarbakir-Berlin) http://agirugowend.weebly.com/index.html
“Towards a Deeper Understanding of Rural Europe”, carried out by Bilkent University -Multidisciplinary visual ethnography project supported by EU Civil Society Program June 2008 – December 2009
“Art and Desire Seminars”, Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Visual Arts Directorate January 2009 – Nisan 2011 www.artanddesire.net
“ber_A_ber” Multimedia project between Turkey and Armenia August 2010 – September 2011
KozaVisual Activity Report 2007-2013http://kozavisual.net/wp-content/uploads/KozaVisual-2007-2013.pdf

Contact (1) Full Name
Alper Sen
Head of the organisation
Ozge Celikaslan

Oloop Ljubljana

National Network

Šmartinska c. 24

++386 1 620 91 87
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+386 41 325 569
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
OLOOP - institution for contemporary textile art and design - is non-profit organization - nobody is employed, but three people working regulary on the projects - source of founding: European Social Foundation, Slovene Ministerium of Culture, smaller Slovenian foundations - Modalities of action: seminars, artistic urban actions, art exhibitions, workshops, projects with vournerable groups - main partners: partners from social field
Mission and Objectives

our mission is to use texile art, craft, design as a way to connect with different people, to connect different people between each other, to connect different cultures, religions into collective action.
We’ve been researching and developing projects, activities and products under a common theme – Super Hands. By doing this we are raising awareness on the importance of handicraft and its effects on the well-being of individuals and communities.

Main Projects / Activities

2011/12 Revealed Hands - creating intercultural connections, socialisation and education with textile handicraft,
2012 Re-connected, textile space installation, Eurpean Capitale of Culture, Maribor, Slovenia
2012 Waiting Room Project, research of waiting time, BIO 23, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2011/12 Silent Revolutions, Exhibition of Contemporary Slovene Design
2011 Space of Silence, public textile space installation; Aksioma, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dray Walk Gallery, London, UK
2011 Home at home, community art project, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2011 Recycling Design – laboratory of cleaner world; international exhibition; Gallery SINGIDUNUM ULUPUDS, Beograd, Serbia
2010/11 Re-start - L'arte di trasformare le cose, international exhibition; Palazzo Frisacco, Tolmezzo, Italia
2010 Bake Love, Eat & Drink Design. Month of Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2010 Openwear, exhibition; Ljubljana, Milano, Istanbul /Slovenia, Italy, Turkey/

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasmina Ferček
Head of the organisation
Jasmina Ferček
Contact (2) Full Name
Katja Burger

African Care

National Network

PL 54
00101 Helsinki

+358 400 671 288
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information

African Care ry is a non-governmental organization operating from Helsinki, Finland. It was founded in 2001 by African women, working as health and social workers in the capital region. In Finland African Care aims to strengthen the societal position of immigrant women and their families. Currently the focus is on supporting health and wellbeing. African Care also organizes and facilitates trainings and seminars for Finnish authorities and health service students/professionals in the capital region on multiculturalism, female genital mutilation and honor violence. In Finland African Care also organises a global education project for upper secondary school students on the impact of global power structures on women’s lives in the developing world. Finally, African Care coordinates, with the support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, a maternity clinic and training project in Somalia.

Mission and Objectives

African Care’s goal is to promote human rights and gender equality and to empower disadvantaged women in Finland, as well as in the Global South.

Main Projects / Activities

African Care’s main project in Finland are women’s wellness groups. They provide a space for immigrant women to discuss, learn and share knowledge on different health related topics. African Care also provides a private swimming session for women. Furthermore, African Care organises global education, and in 2017-2018 the course is called ”Uncovering power structures – the impact of global power structures on women’s lives in the developing world”. In Somalia, African Care coordinates a Maternity Clinic and Training Project. The project begun in 2012 and is based in Afgooye, located about 30 km from the capital Mogadishu, where African Care works together with a local NGO. The clinic employs 20 healthcare professionals. The activities of the maternity clinic consist of assisting mothers in deliveries, helping and treating victims of rape and sexual violence, HIV testing along with consulting and raising awareness. The clinic treats approximately 1500 patients and assists in over 100 deliveries monthly.

Contact (1) Full Name
Batulo Essak
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Batulo Essak

The United Society for Developing Water Resources & Environment (USDWE)

National Network

P.O.BOX 2184- 11941 Amman

00962 6 5346938
Telephone (other)
00962 79 5404968
00962 6 5346938
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00962 79 5404968
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
It is a non-profit NGO registered under Ministry of Social Development. its board consists of seven specialists. Its main sources of fund are membership fees, government support and donors support through proposals. Modalities of action are researches, demonstration projects, awareness and training.
Mission and Objectives

1.Develop different studies and researches and implement diverse Water and Environment activities to raise the awareness of local communities.
2.Develop various sustainable development programs in the field of Water and Environment and strengthen its implementation mechanism by appropriate Information Management Systems.

Main Projects / Activities

Reusing grey water at schools for agriculture. the project used sub merged gravel filter to treat (10) cubic meter/month of grey water and irrigate the trees in the garden which was also provided by the project. Also, the NGO has been qualified recently to apply for EU project.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Help the network in achieving its objectives through the NGO development projects and the extensive experience of NGO's members especially the Executive Director who has long experience with Donors, writing proposals and managing projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand the NGO experience and expand the geographical area of its activities. to be imposed to the experience of other organizations in the network. to strengthen the NGO network.
USDWE is already a member in the global water partnership, first alliance to fight tobacco at Jordan and the IPMED committee for Mediterranean World

Contact (1) Full Name
Eng. Obyda Hummash-Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Eng. Ala'a Ahmad - Chairman
Contact (2) Full Name
Eng. Ala'a Ahmad - Chairman

Association France et Maroc au Coeur

National Network

1 rue du Joli Coeur

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Association loi 1901, 300 adhérents ( 35 en France, 265 au Maroc),CA de 15 membres en France et bureau de 9 membres dans l'antenne au Maroc
Mission and Objectives

Développement humain, lutte contre la pauvreté au Maroc ( commune de Mzouda, province de Chichaoua) et en France ( Lorraine).
Programme fondé sur 6 projets concernant les droits à la mobilité (routes), eau, alimentation de base, éducation, santé, talent créateur.

Main Projects / Activities

Transformation de pistes en routes goudronnées. réseau d'adduction d'eau et assainissement liquide. Jardin-école agroécologique et centre d'éducation formation à l'environnement.
Restauration et fonctionnement des 6 écoles d'El Hamri. Caravanes médicales et création d'un corps d'agents urgentistes de santé. Aides aux artisan et artistes autodidactes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre programme de développement humain en France comprend deux grands projets: développement de l'agroécologie dans le Grand Est et lutte contre l'exclusion des migrants en Lorraine.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour mieux réussir à concrétiser nos projets de développement humain au Maroc et en France

Contact (1) Full Name
Fouzia Delaite
Head of the organisation
Fouzia Delaite et Noël Nel , co-présidents
Contact (2) Full Name
Noël Nel

Baltic Regional fund

National Network

Brivibas gatve 204
Riga, LV-1039

+ 371 29256888
Telephone (other)
+ 371 20384844
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The fund has three members of the board who also are project managers and consultants, trainers.The fund has about 20 volunteers who are mostly young people from different regions from Latvias and with different background. The fund members are youth, students, teachers, academics and social active persons. The members are very active, professional and well motivated, who are interested in improvement of youth educational systems, as well as in enhancing personal skills. The foundation cooperates with the Latvian “Youth in Action” agency, where we organise training courses and participate in training processes for youth, with Latvian Red Cross and with another organisations from Latvia and EU countries (Sweden, Italy, Romania etc). The members of the foundation are also involved in the participation between the public sector and NGO’s in policy-making processes in Latvia.

Mission and Objectives

The “Baltic Regional fund” is a non governmental organisation and foundation, supporting social and intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and cultural exchange among young people and adults. Target groups: Children, youth, students, adults.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities: Project work, seminars, training courses and consulting. The Baltic Regional fund focusses especially on training business skills, project management, leadership, team building, communication, intercultural skills etcetera.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our personal experience in such a fields like education, project management, leadership and ect.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network as we are interested to make future projects with the countries form Mediterraian countries. That type of projets to help get better understanding among people from different counties regardless of their educational, religious, historical experience.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ginta Salmina
Head of the organisation
Ginta Salmina
Contact (2) Full Name
Uldis Vitolins

Albanian Socio Economic Think Tank - ASET

National Network

Rr Dibres, P 487

++355 4 2258171
++355 4 2258171
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
++355 69 20 95 495
Mobile Phone (other)
++355 69 20 73 732
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

ASET Albanian Socio Economic Think Tank, set up in 1999 as a Non-Profit Organization, is a think-tank that undertakes programmes, projects, and consultancy, publishing and training activities related to economic and social development. ASET represents an alternative to offer the proper expertise on the issues related to stimulation of the improvement of the whole economic and social mechanism, by extending the consciousness of the different levels of the society in this process.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to provide objective economic analysis and to promote constructive solutions to the challenges of transition, reform, integration and development in order to improve the socio-economic well-being of societies. Objectives The focus of ASET is addressing acute problems encountered in the course of development during transition, with a particular attention on economic progress and social welfare, namely: • Sustainable economic growth; • Advanced banking and financial sector; • Developed private sector, especially SME-s; • Improved legislative framework, from drafting to implementation; • Better-quality health and education services; • Social care and welfare; • Functional infrastructure; • Urban and rural development; • Protected environment; • Recognized country cultural and tourism attraction; • More efficient & transparent government practices; • Coordinated and shared authority from central to local government; • Increased participatory role of stakeholders in drafting, implementing, and monitoring public policies.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Project Title: Environmental Impact Assessment for Exploratory Drilling, Onshore Panaja Block, Albania INA-Naftaplin September 2000

2. Project Title: Designing and implementing a MADA baseline survey and collected data analysis accomplishment, Client Name: Mountain Areas Development Agency, 2001.

3. Project Title: Environmental Impact Assessment for Exploratory Drilling, Palokastra-1 Well, Block 4 Onshore Albania OMV-Albania April 2002

4. Project Title: labor markets salary survey design and implementation in Albania, Client Name: Albanian government (Department of Public Administration) and World Bank. 2002

5. Project Title: Economic policies for Tirana district development, Client Name: Ministry of Economy, 2002

6. Project Title: Holding a public debate on improving relations between public administration and the business community, Client Name: SOROS Foundation, 2002.

7. Project Title: principles of market economy projects, Client Name: US-Embassy, 2003.

8. Project Title: The statistical system and its principal indicators in Albania, Client Name: GTZ, 2003.

9. Project Title: sectorial studies – fuel retail and wholesale in Albania, Client Name: Southeast Europe Enterprise Development (SEED), 2003.

10. Project Title: Consumer panel survey, Client Name: COCA – COLA Italy & Alpine Division.2003.

11. Project Title: Financial survey elaboration on companies and budgetary institutions depending on the ministry of agriculture and food, Client Name: Ministry of Agriculture and Food, 2003.

12. Project Title: Environmental Impact Assessment for Exploratory Drilling, Kanina-1 Well, Block 5 Onshore Albania OMV-Albania January 2003

13. Project Title: Encouragement and sensibilization of business community participation in the anticorruption initiatives, Client Name: SOROS Foundation, 2004.

14. Project Title: An estimating survey on the level of receivables financing need of Albania, Client Name: Southeast Europe Enterprise Development – SEED, 2004.

15. Project Title: Albania: savings, credit and investments in north eastern mountainous areas, Client Name: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), 2005.

16. Project Title: Competitive company advantages in Albanian industry: present situation and politics’ influence in their future development, Client Name: Global Development Network (GDN), 2005.

17. Project Title: Beneficiary assessment survey design and implementation, Client Name: International Development Association and Ministry of Finance, 2005.

18. Project Title: Enhancing relationships between NGO-s and Vlore municipality, Client Name: SOROS Foundation, 2005.

19. Project Title: Regional integration and metropolitan development in southeastern Europe (Thessalonica, Skopje, Sofia, Tirana), Client Name: European Commission INTERREG III B CADSES Program Project

20. Project Title: Marketing distribution ltd – illustrative company profile, Client Name: Marketing Distribution Ltd 2005

21. Project Title: Training sme-s on legal and fiscal aspects, Client Name: Financial Rural Fond, 2005.

22. Project Title: The transforming potential of e-government in Albania, Client Name: SOROS Foundation, 2005.

23. Project Title: sectorial studies – refrigeratory capacities in Albania, Client Name: Southeast Europe Enterprise Development (SEED), 2005.

24. Project Title: Harmonization of social and educational policies, Client Name: SOROS Foundation, 2006.

25. Project Title: Market study – furniture capacities in Albania, Client Name: EBRD Business Advisory Services (BAS) Programme for Albania, SERENA FURNITURE (Albanian Company, 2006.

26. Project Title: Regional report elaboration establishing a regional and national client profile for migrant service centre in Western Balkan countries, Client Name: IOM, Tirana, 2006.

27. Project Title: Brain drain in south–eastern Europe: Albanian case, Client Name: UNESCO-CEPES Romania, 2006.

28. Project Title: Survey on local fees and taxes business operating in Albania, Client Name: Southeast Europe Enterprise Development – SEED, 2006.

29. Project Title: Strengthening understanding of gender dimensions in the labour market–institutional diagnostic, Client Name: Development & Training Services, Inc. and USAID/Albania, 2007.

30. Project Title: accessing information concerning women and elections advocacy support, Client Name: UNIFEM, 2008.

31. Project Title: improving public expenditure effectiveness in the healthcare sector (Case of Albania), Client Name: The Brookings Institution, 2007.

32. Project Title: recycling linkages – technical assistance to government, Client Name: IFC – International Finance Corporation PEP-Southeast Europe, 2007.

33. Project Title: action plan for albpaper company, Client Name: EBRD Business Advisory Services (BAS) Programme for Albania, AlbPaper Company, 2008.

34. Project Title: skills survey to identifying emerging occupations in Kukes and Shkoder regions, Client Name: IOM, Tirana, 2008.

35. Project Title: public perception regarding women participation in elections in Albania, Client Name: UNIFEM, 2009.

36. Project Title: Business Needs Survey in Kukes, Client Name: USAID Local Governnance Programme in Albania; July - September 2008

37. Project Title: Albania – growth and poverty reduction strategy (GPRS), Client Name: Government of Albania, 2009

38. Project Title: Annual 2009 working plan, approved by MOLSAEO and UNICEF, Client Name: UNICEF, 2009.

39. Project Title: Business Needs Survey in Fieri, Client Name: USAID Local Governnance Programme in Albania; July - September 2009

40. Project Title: beneficiary assessment on the mid-term review of project ii (CWP 2) (MTR), community works, Client Name: World Bank via ADF – Albanian Development Fund 2009

41. Project Title: Business migration and socio –economic impact, Client Name: Friedrich Ebert Foundation Tirana, 2009

42. Project Title: Butrinti human activity survey report (Butrinti national park management plan, Client Name: WB, 2009.

43. Project Title: Good governance: transport and infrastructure public policy monitoring, Client Name: SOROS Foundation, 2009.

44. Project Title: DHP social impact assessment, Client Name: Devolli Hydro Power 2009-2010

45. Project Title: Competitive company advantages in Albanian industry: present situation and politics’ influence in their future, in collaboration with American University USA. Client Name: University of Delaware, USA, 2010.

46. Project Title: Off-Grid generation Survey – Clean development mechanism CDM, Project supported by Energy Ashta and DHP, Tirana 2010-2011

47. Project Title: Consultancy service (QBS) LOT 6, Client Name: Mountain Areas Development Agency,

48. Project Title: CDM project. Client name: VEVE Group 2011.

49. Project Title: promise: municipal property management in south-eastern cities, Client Name: Community Initiative: South East Europe: Transnational Cooperation Programme, 2011-2012.

50. Project Title: Sopoti – business plan, Client Name: VEVE Group

51. Project Title: Business community stimulation and awareness creation on fiscal education, a benefit to all the community, Client Name: World Bank, Tirana Country Office,

52. Project Title: Towards an open and accessible government at the local level in Fushe Kruja town, Client Name: Local Governance Program in Albania – LGPA (USAID), 2009.

53. Project Title: Book translation “lessons and improvement recommendations: cee public administration and public policy”, Client Name: NISPAcee Slovakia, 2008-2009.

54. Project Title: Book translation “public management reforms in Central and Eastern Europe”, Client Name: NISPAcee Slovakia, 2009.

55. Project Title: Book translation “transitional countries, fiscal decentralization and grant transfers: a critical perspective”, Client Name: NISPAcee Slovakia, 2009-2010.

56. Project Title: Volunteerism – an element of social partnership, Client Name: SOROS Foundation.2007.

57. Project Title: “responsible youth entrepreneurship: creating a culture of anti-corruption in private sector”, Client name: YES Foundation, Macedonia.2010.

58. Project Title: To emphasize the problems regarding professional education in Albania, to draw the conclusions and relevant recommendations about this category of education. Client name: SOROS Foundation.2011-2012.

59. Project title: The effort to encourage and promote the export businesses in the area of medicinal and aromatic plants in Albania. Client name: ABC Foundation.2011-2012.

60. Project title: Supporting artisan women to engage in private enterprise as a sustainable activity. Client name: SOROS Foundation.2012.

61. Project title: To verify and assess the social inclusion regarding the state objectives of national strategy. Client name: UNICEF. 2012.

62. Project title: To develop the inclusive instruments and methods for an efficient management of municipal real estate. Client name: PROMISE Project, University of Thessaloniki, and Greece.2011-2012.

63. Project Title: Towards an inclusive society through the integration of vulnerable groups in the governance of municipality unit no.4 in Tirana. Client name: SOROS Foundation. 2011-2012

64. Project Title: Regional Development Plan for Gramsh District, 2012, Client name: Devolli hydropower SA. 2013

65. Project Title: PROMISE: Municipal PROperty Management In South-Eastern Cities South East Europe Local partner Client name: Tempus project

66. Project Title: The Karavasta Lagoon: a lot of potential for tourism but still sleeping, Client name:ABC foundation 2013

67. Project Title: Education: a strong weapon for the future of the Roma community. Client name: AMSHC, 2014

68. Project Title: Surveys for businesses in Albania Client name: Eurocost international S.A., Luxembourg, 2014

69. Project Title: Roma in health care: Equal or otherwise? Client name: Soros foundation, 2014-2015

70. Project Title: Social welfare for children in Albania public expenditure review, Copartner Client name: UNICEF, 2015

71. Project Title: Open Budget Survey 2015: Client name: International Budget partnership, USA 2015

72. Project Title: Study on higher education provision and labour market opportunities in the western Balkan” local coordinator, Client name: LSE London UK, 2015

73. Project Title: The Open Budget Survey 2015 Team leader, Financed by International Budget Partnership, USA January – November 2015

74. Project Title: SELDI 2015-2016: Survey on corruption pressure and involvement, and their perceptions of the level of corruption and anticorruption efforts. Client name: CIPE, USA

75. Project Title: Consultant of the "Portal of municipal financial data - open governance and total government" December 2016, January 2017 Client name: COPLAN in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance

76. Project Title: “Perception survey on investment climate in Albania”, April 2017 Client name: OSCE project

77. Project Title: “The national context of the 16 SG goal targets “, February – June 2017 Client name: REC Tirana office project PC 33369-1277

78. “Labour market and the needs in Tirana district “, May July 2017 Client name: SOS Fshatrat e femijve, Tirana

79. Project Title: The Open Budget Survey 2017 Team leader, Financed by International Budget Partnership, USA November 2017- April 2018

80. Project Title: Consultant for Management structure of National Park Divjaka Karavasta, REC, Hungary, May –September 2018

81. Project Title: SELDI 2017-2018: Survey on corruption pressure and involvement, and their perceptions of the level of corruption and anticorruption efforts. Client name: CIPE, USA September 2018-May 2019

82. Project Title: Challenges and Promotion of circular economy as a modern and future economy Client name: env.net and Co-PLAN May- November 2019

83. Project Title: Promotion of caves tourism in Tropoja Municipality Client name: ReLOaD June 2019- January 2020

84. Project Title: Promotion of caves tourism in Vlora Municipality Client name: Agency for the Support of Civil Society AMSHC July 2019- March 2020

85. Project Title: ALBA-2019-015 - Development of budget briefs for Health, Education and Social Protection programmes Client name: UNICEF October 2019 - March 2020

86. Project Title: Youth Labour Market Study Client name: RisiAlbania October 2019- January 2020

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Though sharing our expertise with other NGOs. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is profitable to share experiences and find collaborators

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatmir Memaj
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Fatmir MEMAJ
Contact (2) Full Name
Eglantina Zyka
Job Title (2)

Union Apare-Cme (Centre Méditerranéen de l'Environnement)

National Network

25 boulevard Paul Pons

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
-Membres: 120 personnes physiques+10 personnes morales -Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles:430000€ -Sources de financements: Subventions -Modalités d'action: échanges, séminaires -Partenaires principaux: département, région
Mission and Objectives

Environnement; Développement durable; Prévention des risques naturels; Développement local

Main Projects / Activities

Biodiversité, paysages, changements climatiques; animations jeune public, sensibilisation grand public, campus risques; séjours solidaires

Contact (1) Full Name
LANASPEZE Jean-Baptiste
Head of the organisation
LANASPEZE Jean-Baptiste
Contact (2) Full Name
LAGRE Lénaïck

Al-Ola society for development and community development

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
First: The General Assembly Article 15 Assembly, composed of all staff members as soon accept membership in the charity and Lavoie financial obligations imposed on them in accordance with the statute and in the deadlines set by the Board of Directors. Article 16 Call the General Assembly of the meeting: - 1 - General Assembly being held at its headquarters as it may be held in any other place specified in the invitation attached agenda once every year at least. 2 - Assembly is being held at the invitation written for each of its members who have the right to attend shows where the meeting place and time and the agenda and that ten days before the date. 3 - Call the General Assembly to meet ordinary and extraordinary at the request of: - (A) an absolute majority of the members of the Board of Directors. (B) one-third of the members of the Assembly at least. 4 - If you do not let the General Assembly meeting under paragraphs (a) and (b) clause (3) of Article (16) The Minister may invite them to a meeting or to appoint the calling of the meeting. Article 17 Board of Directors shall determine the date, place and agenda of the General Assembly Ordinary and Extraordinary. Article 18 Assembly consider at its regular meeting the following things without having to mentioned in the invitation for the meeting, namely: - 1 - Report of the Board of Directors on the activities of the charity and approval. 2 - the financial report of the Board of Directors and approval. 3 - Report of Auditor for the charity's financial center and approval. 4 - Appointment of an auditor. 5 - Election of a new Board of Directors. 6 - Any other business related to the Assembly and activity overall responsibility for formulating policies and directives of the charity. Article 19 Consider Assembly in its extraordinary meeting of the following: Amend the statute to the charitable organization. Isolate members of the Governing Council and the withdrawal of confidence from them. Solution of the charity and how to act with their own money and assets. Union charity or integrated with associations / bodies. Article 20 1 - Do not open the AGM did not attend the absolute majority (50% +1) to its members if such happens quorum at the opening of the meeting the Assembly may continue its deliberations and decision-making and fewer attendees. 2 - If you do not get a quorum mentioned within half an hour from the time specified in the call regarded the meeting postponed for 15 days at the same time and place without the need for a new call, and in this meeting deferred may present consideration and decision-making whatever their number, provided that not less than one-third of Charitable Society. Article 21 Presides over meetings of the General Assembly Chairman or his deputy, or the oldest member. Article 22 1 - The resolutions of the General Assembly by an absolute majority of the number of its members with regard to amending the statute. 2 - The resolutions of the General Assembly two-thirds majority of the members of the charity in the following matters: A - solution charity. - Amend the statute with respect to the objectives of the charity. C - isolating members of the Governing Council and the withdrawal of confidence from them. D - Union of the charity or integrated with other charity. The resolutions of the General Assembly by an absolute majority of the members present with the exception of things that were not mentioned in paragraph (1) and (2) of Article (22). Article 23 Regulates the minutes of each meeting of the General Assembly and the Secretary General shall codification and sign it in conjunction with the Chairman of the Board and then the record preliminary evidence on the content and on the legitimacy of the AGM and the decisions taken at the meeting. Article 24 On the Board of Directors to inform the competent ministry and the ministry under a written notice of the date and place of the meeting of the general assembly ordinary and extraordinary one month ahead of schedule at least attached to the agenda. Second: the Board of Directors Article 25 The General Manager of the Board of Directors consists of (7) members are elected by the General Assembly, and be a three-year Article 26 Terms of reference of the Board of Directors: - The Board of Directors following matters: - 1 - Department of Public Charitable Society and the preparation of regulations and internal regulations and instructions necessary for the functioning of the charity. 2 - Set the necessary staff to the charitable organization and define their responsibilities and terminate their services in accordance with the provisions of the law. 3 - Configure the committees that it deems necessary to improve the work and to determine their respective jurisdiction. 4 - Prepare final accounts for the financial year finished and the draft budget for the new year. 5 - Provide annual reports of administrative, financial and any future plans or projects of the Assembly. 6 - Call the General Assembly for an ordinary meeting or unusual and carry out its decisions in accordance with the provisions of the law and statute. 7 - Follow any comments received from the competent ministry and the ministry regarding actively charity and respond to them. Article 27 Board chooses from among its members a Chairman and Vice-Chairman and Secretary and Treasurer (A) The President of the Board of Directors or his deputy in his absence the following: - 1 - represent the charity in front of others and be signed on its behalf on all correspondence, correspondence, contracts and agreements made between them and the other actors and approved by the Board of Directors concluded 2 - preside over the sessions of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors and attended internal committees and the right call 3 - Adoption of the agenda of the meetings of the Board of Directors and monitor the implementation of its decisions. 4 - sign with the secretary on the records of the meetings and administrative decisions and personnel affairs 5 - signing with the treasurer of the instruments and securities. (B) respect the secretary of the Board of Directors of the charity, including the following: 1 - Prepare the agenda of the Governing Council and inviting members and the assumption of the Secretariat of the meeting and prepare minutes and resolutions, and recording records. 2 - recordkeeping stipulated in the law. 3 - to notify both the ministry and the ministry competent and competent Union statement the organic movement in the charity or any change or amendment made under a written notice within a period not exceeding fifteen days from the date of the change or amendment. 4 - to work on the implementation of the decisions of the Board of Directors. 5 - Prepare the annual administrative report on the activities of the charity and submitted to the Board of Directors 6 - setting the agenda of the General Assembly and to call in accordance with the law at the regular meetings and extraordinary. 7 - Supervise all administrative work, personnel and accept applications for membership. (C) The Secretary shall fund the charity, including the following: 1 - is responsible for all the affairs of the charity according to the financial systems and financial assets used 2 - general supervision of the Assembly resources and expenditures and receipts for extraction and receive all revenue and deposited with the National Bank adopted by the Governing Council. 3 - under all revenues and expenses, respectively, in the records so special and be responsible for the organization of work, inventory and financial supervision and observations on the Board of Directors. 4 - overseeing the annual inventory and report the outcome of the inventory of the Governing Council. 5 - disbursement of all amounts legally decide dispensing with document retention function on the health of exchange control and save documents. 6 - the audit of the financial records of the association charity and review financial documents before exchange and adoption, and save 7 - the implementation of the decisions of the Board of Directors with regard to financial transactions, provided that conform to the budget items 8 - preparation of the charity budget for the following year in conjunction with the Secretary and presented to the Governing Council. 9 - the signing of the instruments and securities with the Chairman of the Board of Directors. 10 - Search of comments received from the relevant ministry and the ministry and answered. Article 28 The Governing Council meets once every three months at least at the invitation of: (A) Chairman of the Board or his deputy, or the majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall not be held valid unless attended two thirds of the members and decisions are taken by an absolute majority (50% +1) and when a tie is President has a casting vote. (B) Governing Council convenes exceptionally whenever necessary so at the invitation of the President or Vice President, or one third of its members. Article 29 A - Any member of the Board of Directors to resign from office at any time by written notice to submit it to the Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors to decide on the notice within a period not exceeding one month from the date of submission In the case of non-refoulement is consent to resign. B - cut off a member of the Board of Directors for his performance in the Board of Directors if the eligibility or declared bankrupt Article 30 A - If a vacancy occurs as a member of the Governing Council meanwhile place the member who followed in the number of votes in the last elections for the Assembly, if there is no permissible for members remaining to appoint another member of the General Assembly members to serve on the Board until the nearest meeting of the General Assembly, and members may remaining capacity (interim committee) to continue to work as our Governing Council until such appointment - If you are unable to board member to perform his duties for any reason the remaining members may appoint one of the members of the General Assembly to replace him until he returns to the performance of its functions. C - if you can not board meeting due to resignation or death shall be from the rest of the Board of Directors (as a temporary committee) important work of the Council for a maximum period of one month during which call the general assembly to choose a new board of directors. D - follows a member of the Board of Directors work for the benefit of the charity within the purpose and in accordance with the Statute and the resolutions of the General Assembly, and perform all the duties imposed on the Assembly under the law of charities or NGO. E - The general assembly may separate member of the Board of Directors of the office all the time on the proposal of the Board of Directors. - The Board of Directors previously responsible for all financial matters during his address to the General Assembly and the competent authorities Article 31 If the Board of Directors mass resignation or not the Interim Committee referred to in paragraph (a) of Article "30" functions the minister to appoint an interim committee of the General Assembly members to carry out the functions of the Governing Council for a month and call the general assembly to convene within that period to choose the board of directors new Article 32 Should the Board of Directors as follows: (A) The organization of the following records: 1 - log correspondence issued and contained them. 2 - Register Statute, including the names of the members of the Board of Directors in each election cycle and the date of their election. 3 - Record of the names of the members of the charity, including identification numbers, age, date of affiliation and their profession and nationality. 4 - record the minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly, in chronological order. 5 - Record cash and in-kind income and expenses on the face of a detailed and in accordance with the established financial assets. (B) The Board of Directors shall organize Minutes decisions Bgelsath. (C) The Board of Directors shall seal the records referred to in the article "32" paragraph (a) by the competent department prior to use. (D) The Board of Directors shall maintain records mentioned in paragraph (a) of Article "32" and not destroyed for the duration of the work and handed over to the competent department at the solution of the charity and highlight these records to the competent department of the ministry requested at any time. Article 33 The Chairman of the Board of Directors and Treasurer to sign on all instruments, bonds, securities that are binding on them and do her name in the internal processes within the framework of its validity. Article 34 May not be the Governing Council membership includes two or more combines them relatives of the first and second. Article "35 May not be combined membership of the Board of Directors and to work in the charity paid. Article 36 No member of the Board of Directors to take any action to calculate the Assembly or for the benefit of a personal interest in it. Chapter IV Financial Assembly Article 37 Assembly financial consists of: - 1 - Members' contributions 2 - donations and members. For grants and subsidies is conditional receipts under arrest approved by the Ministry. 3 - the proceeds of the activities of the charity secured earning and legally permissible. 4 - resources determined by the Board of Directors. Article 38 The Assembly shall have an annual budget that starts from 1/1 of each year and ending on 31/12 of the same year and oversees a chartered accountants unless less expenditures for 1000 JD or equivalent in the local currency. In both cases provides the auditor's report on the financial position of the charity for the past financial year of the General Assembly at its annual meeting for approval and ratification. Article 39 A. Charity funds deposited cash at the Bank / or accredited banks before and he has to notify the competent ministry and the ministry for the depositary within a week from the date of occurrence. B. Not entitled to retain cashier in the General Fund cash balance of more than one month expense. C. Assembly must inform the Auditor on all the books of accounts and records of meetings and decisions and exchange receipts and arrested. Article 40 All funds of the charity dedicated to achieving its objectives and may not be spending any amount on any other purpose. Article 41 Assembly must submit their books accounting and financial report each year to the competent Ministry and the Ministry not later than four months after the end of the fiscal year. Chapter V Dissolution of the Association Article 42 A. If you do not the charity to achieve its objectives or unable to do so board Vlogelbah or one third of the members of the General Assembly have the right to request an extraordinary meeting. Assembly to consider the solution of the charity and the disposition of funds. B. The decision of the true solution if the meeting was attended by two-thirds of the members of the charity and with the approval of two-thirds of the members present. C. If you stay for the defunct charity funds after dissolution and after payment of all obligations owed to not Vtúl those funds to other Association have similar objectives within the borders of Palestine. Article 43 The Ministry has the right to solve the charity in the following cases: - 1 - If you do not proceed with its actual charity during the first year from the date of registration. 2 - if you are in breach of the charity statute fundamental breach and not corrected their positions within a period not exceeding three months from the date of notifying in writing to do so. 3 - If acted in charity money on specific aspects of her. 4 - If submitted to the Ministry or any other official data is incorrect. 5 - if you are in breach of any provision of law or public order or public morals. Chapter VI General Provisions Article 44 Charity is entitled to two-thirds majority of its members Union or merger with another charity, whether qualitatively or regionally Union or the General Union, according to the Charities Act and its implementing regulations. Article 45 Entitled to the charitable organization set up committees to work to achieve their purposes. Article 46 Prohibits the charity exercise of political activity and the creation of secret societies. Article 47 Prohibits the charity to operate only after the officially registered with the competent department of the ministry.
Mission and Objectives

- develop and build the capacity of individual sectors of society through training programs and specialized rehabilitation as an entry point for community development.
2 - Strengthening the role of women and youth in the community through support programs and community reinforcement.
3 - Work on reducing the prevalence of poverty and unemployment among young people and dependents through development programs and small projects and emergency relief through the coordination and work with donor development agency.
4 - Search and coordination with public and private institutions to expand the role of civil work in the service sectors of society.
5 - to contribute to the development of the educational work through the creation of learning programs and activities to support the formal educational institutions to raise the level of education

Main Projects / Activities

Of the most important achievements of Ola Association for Development and Community Development 2009
1 - Assembly made several free educational programs for students
2 - The General many educational meetings covering an area of ​​northern Gaza
3 - The General held numerous sessions for new graduates
4 - The Assembly hold seminars for Palestinian heritage
5 - The Assembly to hold workshops with parents
6 - The Assembly holding meetings to address mental disorders in children Iban war at Gaza Strip.
7 - The General work exhibition of handicrafts for parents
8 - the work of the Assembly Fine Arts Exhibition
9 - Assembly established folk band
10 - Assembly established the Task theatrical arts
Activities and events for the year 2009
1 - Assembly launched an educational project (tuition) to serve the Palestinian society are free and self-efforts of various areas in northern Gaza and specifically in the following areas
(Beit Hanoun; Beit Lahiya; Jabalya refugee camp).
Starting from the beginning of the school year to end
The target group of all educational levels and for this project was the beginning of what made by the Assembly in this area through the crew of new graduates have benefited from this project about 4500 students in various areas.
2 - The General job interviews educational for people of all regions of northern Gaza and had a positive impact on these areas through the role of the family in building society has reached a number of these meetings about 45 meeting was measured success preparing the growing of parents as the number of the first meeting in each region about 10 people, men and women, and in the second meeting number of participants reached 25 to be the last meeting a minimum of 53 individual.
The rate of each region 15 meeting distributed to twelve weeks each region starting from March until the end of the month.
3 - The Association to hold courses for graduates and new number 35 of the sexes in several areas, including cycle connection continues; refresher courses; preparation courses cadre animators; courses First Aid in cooperation with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society 24 weeks starting from March until the end of August
4 - The General job seminars for Palestinian heritage as a symbol of Palestinian identity In this sense it was necessary for us to consolidate our Palestinian in the minds of our children and the target group of Vanguard as the number of participants 60 individual has been the implementation of these seminars continuously for 8 weeks starting from the month July until the end of August.
5 - The General holding workshops for parents include violence against women; domestic violence; how to deal with children; facing teen; addressing sexual harassment among children and causes has been the implementation of these Alo workshops during the four months starting from April 2009 until the end of the month of July 2009
6 - The Association hold meetings with children from the age of six to the age of the third century and that the light of mental disorders have Iban war on the Gaza Strip and meetings were fruitful and held the spirit of joy and a smile to the lips of children through theatrical works for children for entertainment for them and entertain through a working group Assembly has continued this work for three consecutive months in all areas in northern Gaza.
7 - The General job fair handicrafts of making people to alleviate their suffering economic though Abeche walking through the presentation of these works and sell them to freelance and had this exhibition a great success has been the sale of these works there parents in order to exercise their right to exist has been opened this exhibition in the middle July 2009.
8 - The General job Fine Arts Exhibition of Vanguards of boys and girls and this was the work of making our children in order to prove to the world that we the people of the creator of his children so old and was the show in early August 2009 and has met very welcome within the Palestinian society.
9 - The establishment of a task force of the Assembly Palestinian Folk Art of the sexes and to preserve the heritage of the Palestinian loss because of the Israeli occupation tried and tried to steal the Palestinian national heritage in various fields and international technical arenas.
10 - Assembly has created a Task Force for the Performing Arts and to view the Palestinian cause through works of art because of its impact on the Arab viewer and We Rschena thus the Arab viewer and the Palestinian point of view and maintained on the Palestinian heritage.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cultural programs and the acquisition of knowledge Which claim to narrow the gap in the community Which reflected positively to the citizen
And knowledge of the progress of peoples through the intellectual culture
And taking Nmazj from friendly countries to adopt our

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To improve the intellectual peoples
The geographical proximity and intellectual youth development
Youth development and Palestinian women and the advancement of the Palestinian society
And cultural awareness among the peoples

Contact (1) Full Name
Hatem Dib Abdul Hamid Hamid

Alkhaimah - The Association for Education & Development

National Network

The Bedouin Community
P.O. Box 411
Taibeh City 40400


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Alkhaimah Association run by group of serious people, we have funding from many funds and trusts .
Mission and Objectives

Alkhaimah - the Association for Education & Development was established as a registered, non-profit organization in 2002 by concerned, Bedouin local residents as a response to years of continuous neglect by both the Taibeh Municipality and the Israeli government.
Based on the belief that every child has the right to receive proper education and equal opportunity to develop his or her skills, Alkhaimah is creating viable solutions for advancing the scholastic ability of each student. The organization has reached even further, working to ensure every citizen is granted their legal right to access governmental services such as education, health care and Social Security.
The organization has wide support among the younger generation, and is the only organization with accomplishments in Community Building and in Youth Education in the Bedouin community of Taibeh and other Arab villages in Israel.
Since 2009, Alkhaimah has expanded its activities to include more Arab villages in Israel. Today, Alkhaimah is running projects in various areas of Israel in order to aid children in obtaining proper education and support Community Development.

Main Projects / Activities

Education, Advocacy and Women Empowerment

Contact (1) Full Name
Saeed Azbarga