
National Network

Mladost 3, bl.321B

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
In the organization there are 10 people permanently working in the organization. We are constantly working with the local authorities and educational center Media. For specific projects and activities we connect external consultants and specialist to better our work. Budgetary wise the activities are project based and the financial support is based on sponsors, partners and external funds. The actions are focused on varieties of social events and educational programs.
Mission and Objectives

“Syznanie” is a non-government organisation working towards the adoption of alternative educational methods in Bulgaria.
Following the best of the European practices, we develop study programmes based on the living methodology – learning through experiencing. We stimulate children to make their own discoveries and to experiment. We encourage them to analyse their own experiences and to develop new skills and ways of thinking.
We are trying to find creative potential in each child while avoiding any set frameworks of what is right or wrong, ugly or beautiful. Our goal is for the children to express themselves in their unique creative ways.
We create a stable supportive environment for the children in disadvantageous position, through extra-curriculum educational programmes and courses in a stimulating creative environment.
Our main activities are related to social and educational themes focusing on marginal groups, human rights education, and emotions expression. We are trying to use art and music to express someone’s feelings, to understand our selves, to connect with the others and to the outside word. We are training to make nature part of our work and educational process and to stress the importance of health and environment in daily base life.

Main Projects / Activities

Course for stimulating children's creativity
Children work on topics like "My image", "The other's image", "Friends", "Dreams", "Expectations", "Needs", "Feelings", etc. They allow them to become aware of their own individuality, the differences between children, but also the common things and the similarities.
The activities involved have as a goal to create an environment that is safe and protected, but at the same time open for participation. There through work with various art forms children of different ages acquire and master a variety of skills, experiment in many different directions – with themselves and with the surrounding environment. They will follow their endeavors and raise their questions without the threat of being destructive or dangerous in the process of their development, growth and entry into society. The aim is through team work for the children to learn to communicate with each other, acquire useful skills, become confident and capable of taking responsibilities. The focus of the activities is on the positive and pleasant experience of the child and not on the end result and the accomplishment of a "finished work". Each child finds their own potential to be creative without the limitations of a framework of what is beautiful or right and what is ugly or wrong.
This summer we realized one day activity part of a our social project - Colors of the Hart where we link generations and we connect kids and their grandparents in varieties of workshops

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Locally, we are trying to get more and more close relations with the schools, kindergartens and other institutions. We believe that any project could benefit of that and we hope we could achieve it even more. Internationally, a partnership with ALF Network is one very important and significant step.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We do believe that the education is the tool for global social change. We, as an organization, and we - as members, are trying in our daily work to better, stimulate and develop the educational program and to brain-storm for solutions. There are varieties of topics that need to be adrees- human rights and environment as well as emotional intelligence are one of those where we are most focused. We believe ALF Network could be useful asset to our work and would help us better our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Milena Kamenova
Head of the organisation
Maria Dermendjieva
Contact (2) Full Name
Zornitza Getcheva

Rato - Associação para a Divulgação Cultural e Científica

National Network

Rua da Cordoaria, 53, 1 DTO, Cruz de Pau
2845 - 054 Amora


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Rato - ADCC has a board of directors (3 members), a General Assembly Board (3 members) and a Audit Comittee Board (3 members). For the implementation of the activities plan, Rato - ADCC has a team of 5 people that are in charge for the following areas: Volunteering, Training, Administration, Informatics and International Projects. The annual budget of Rato - ADCC is 55000€ and the intervention of Rato - ADCC is developed through training courses, youth volunteering, internships, development of online and multimedia projects and international projects (international volunteering, training courses, seminars). Rato - ADCC has different partners at international, national and local level and is funded by Portuguese Youth Institute, Town Hall of Seixal and Youth in Action Programme (through different projects).
Mission and Objectives

Rato - Association for Cultural and Scientific Promotion is a Portuguese organisation without profit intentions whose mission is centred on the stating of the society of information and emerging information and communication technologies.
This way, the primordial paths of activity are based on training, promotion and implementation of projects which are recurrent of the utilisation of the Computer and New Information Technologies' techniques and methodologies, being the creation of partnerships, with several agents and institutions of different regional levels, as the preferred vector of action.
The fundamental factor for the achievement of this vision is Youth, as an engine of development of activities in this domain, but it must promote multilateral mechanisms of generational interactivity.Rato - ADCC is an open project, dynamic to new wills and ideas, in a democratic enrichment perspective of the organisation.

Main Projects / Activities

Nowadays, the association develops mainly:
* workshops in Informatics and Information Technologies
* multimedia and online projects for non profit organizations and initiatives
In 2004, Rato - ADCC signs with Town Hall of Seixal a formal agreement and creates in the Youth Center of Miratejo R@to - ADCC's Center, a space dedicated to the development of training and volunteering activities in the field of Information and Communication Techonlogies.
In the same year, Rato - ADCC becomes an hosting organization for European Voluntary Service and, since then, has developed a work of promotion of different projects related to Youth Volunteering, hosting youngsters in volunteering activities, practical learning periods or freetime occupation activities combined with the methodologies and resources provided by Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Rato - ADCC has its core based on the use Information and Communication Technologies and it has several years of experience on the use of ICT tools for the development of Non Formal Learning projects, for different target groups.
Besides that, the organization has also a big intervention in topics such as active participation, european awareness and promotion of information society in different contexts and situations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The motivation of Rato - ADCC to join ALF Network is to create projects and networks with focus on the promotion of Information Society as a path for active citizenship.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nuno Alexandre Silva Carvalho
Head of the organisation
Tiago Alexandre Guedes Esteves
Contact (2) Full Name
Justyna Kukla


National Network

Rua Cruzado Osberne
nº7, 3ºesquerdo
1900-174 Lisboa


+351 960100020
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Xerem is a cultural association based in Lisbon. It is a international structure that works as a platform of independent professionals of culture. Xerem does not have employed staff. For each activity we work with different partnerships. Our main activity is the International Artists Workshop that takes place every two years involving a budget around 60.000€. Our main support comes from the Portuguese Government and the Gulbenkian Foundation, involving other support from embassy's and private companies as Instituto Francês and Goethe Institute. We mainly work on networking of artists and residency programmes and we have as main partner the Triangle Network involving 36 partners all over the world, as Gasworks in London, Triangle Association in USA or Rybon in Iran and partnerships with some Portuguese spaces as Carpe Diem - Art and Research, and RE.AL in Lisbon among others.
Mission and Objectives

XEREM is a cultural association which aims to: organize, develop, implement and disseminate cultural,multidisciplinary and intercultural projects within the social, artistic, educational field. It aims to promote activities locally, nationally and internationally, collaborating with public and private institutions, involving artists and diverse communities, with the following aims: Consulting, curating and agency in the field of visual arts and performing, cinema, audiovisual and multimedia among other intersections of art; Promotion of social action through art, in particular interventions within the public space; Production and dissemination of contemporary artistic creation in a multidisciplinary perspective (activities of museums, architecture, urban planning, science, literature, etc.); development of workshops and seminars mainly orientated for educational and therapeutic issues in the context of formal education; Vocational training in partnership with entities of different nature; Creation of Residences and artistic development of creative networking platforms; Publishing and distribution of artworks and publications in print and digital forms.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is the International Artists Workshop developed in partnership with Triangle Network (TN). It aims to create a space where artists can experience and experiment with new ideas, and be inspired and challenged by each other’s creative processes.
It consists of bringing together a group of 20 local and international artists to work together for a period of approximately two weeks. To artists we provide the opportunity to exchange ideas and work collaboratively and is also developed a program of artists presentations, events that culminate with the Open Day.
We aim to facilitate artists’ networking, supporting the production of new and experimental work and to promote cultural exchange through the dissemination of creative ideas and connections with the public.
The first edition was held in Sintra (Portugal), having as the underlying theme the subject of globalisation and the relationship between identity and cultural heritage.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By organizing artists in residence programmes in partnership with other artists organization, we believe that we can promote work within the Portuguese network. We are open to act on digital culture as a way to work and build ideas together.
Our recent experience in launching opportunities for artists in Xerem website make us believe that our work can be engaged on understanding the local necessities and creating responses for community needs.
We have done this on our last workshop by creating an open call for Portuguese artists and a programme that brought a group of volunteers to live and work together with artists.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As an independent artists organization we believe in Networking and we are interested in working with countries of the mediterranean, including north Africa"connect with local partners to develop projects and think together.
We feel that by networking with ALF we will be able to build new opportunities for Portuguese artists among neighboring countries and cultures in which our activity can propose dialogue and interchange of fresh ideas and partnerships.
We are interested in the dialogue between art and heritage, thinking about the Portuguese culture and its origins from a contemporary perspective in a contemporary perspective. We see ALF network as an opportunity to engage mobility in between Portugal partnerships and other countries, networking as a way to sustainable growth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jorge Rocha
Head of the organisation
Jorge Rocha
Contact (2) Full Name
Mónica de Miranda

Town of Radomsko

National Network

Tysiaclecia Street 5, 97 - 500 Radomsko

+48 (44) 685 45 10
48 (044) 685 45 13
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Town Hall is an institution which carries out the tasks defined by the City Council and duties provided by law. The Town Hall is responding the needs of Radomsko inhabitants. In the developing world, oriented on common aims, needs and initiatives, Town Hall organizes international cooperation, and gathers the European citizens on common ideas. Number of staff employed in City Hall is approximately 150. Various activities are carried with close cooperation with numerous institutions and organizations, including Public Library, Town Center of Culture, Museum, non-governmental organizations and others. Annual budget of Radomsko is 317.693.640 PLN. These founds come from incomes determined in relevant law acts as commune incomes - subventions from the state budget, local taxes, specific subsidies of own tasks and the tasks commissioned to the commune from the government administration as well as European and governmental funds. Since 2008, Town Hall is organizing international events for inhabitants in which citizens from different countries (twin cities or associated) can take part: workshops, debates, conferences, study visits, concerts, presentations, sport activities etc. Participants exchange experience, discuss, make friendships, develop the cooperation and strengthen the partnership. Actions are opened for all inhabitants, number of them confirms the need. Every year, are also organized visits at the civic level, between the mayors of twin cities. It gives, the great opportunity to maintain relation and point new directions.
Mission and Objectives

Radomsko City Hall is a budget authority and organizational unit, by which Mayor is realizing common public tasks, as well as the governmental administration tasks resulting from acts and agreements with other individuals of the civil service. Main mission of Radomsko City Hall is to promote and implement measures to ensure the sustainable development of the city and the standard of living of people in safe, friendly and efficient way.
Municipality is realizing the rule of self – autonomy which origin is to provide collective and individual satisfaction of inhabitants. In own actions municipality is guided by principles of legalism, transparency, reliability, appropriateness and economies.
Duties of the municipality are the activities of a particular:
-Social (health care, welfare, public education, disseminating culture, development of physical culture and tourism, care of public order and safety of citizens, pro-family policy)
-Infrastructure (care of ensuring the spatial order, protection of environment and nature, commune roads, etc.)
-Promotional (supporting and popularizing the self – governmental idea, promotion of the commune, interaction with non – governmental organizations, as well as local and regional communities of other states).

Main Projects / Activities

Radomsko realizes many Project In cooperation with international partners that refers to intercultural dialog In many aspects of understanding. Our aim is to show many dimensions of this dialog and look for most possible ways of communication.
1. Family Matters Project is concerned with the influence of emigration and immigration on communities and families, the role of volunteering in supporting families, the accessibility of services for children, the work of selected youth representatives, best practices and various methods which could be used by every local government.
2. „Golden ideas for creativity” - the objective of project is to create capabilities of cooperation and participation in building more opened Europe through tightening contacts and mutual understanding. This will be provided by forum for discussion about various aspects of creativity of cities shaped by activity of their inhabitants. The two-day conference consists from plenary part with general speeches of invited guests, as well as workshop part in four thematic groups. Project will allow to exchange experiences between cities representing.
3. Twin Towns in Action – the main purpose of the project was to promote activeness as a one of the most important aspect of living on the local and European level. Our aim was to promote activeness among European citizens, involving the local community considered on two fields: personal and social.
4. "Key to Identity" - project is directed to 50 people represents of different areas of activity (egg. authority, institution, ngo's). Project is aimed on building common European identity on local level and active citizenship participation. So, we will concentrate on our experience in EU, our potential and new possibilities to cooperate. The project provides four-day event relating to the main theme, which is building sense of European community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Thanks to five years of active cooperation and work on intercutural dialog In many dimension we hale many importand achievements and best practises that might be shared. All involved parters are very keen to further actions on many fields – education, culture and art, citizenship and social issues. All of that we could contribute to ALF Network.
What is more in 2011 Radomsko started cooperation with Israeli town Kiryat Bialik. That cooperation have deep background in history. Before II World War Radomsko was a almost 50% of Jewish population living there. Many aspects of local culture has Jewish root. Today we also celebrate this aspect of town’s historical integrity by organizing in egg. Jewish Culture Days. Now having Israeli partner we would like to start new chapter in Polish-Jewish relations locally. Remembering and inspired by the history we would like to look in the future and built it together. For that we invitied young people. They started to cooperate with Kiryat Bialik schools and prepare coomon projects that could be realized soon. We think that these activities developed consequently might be valuable contribution to the ALF Network here in Poland.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

All the projects already taken by the Town of Radomsko concerning international and twin cooperation prove our determination to maintain and develop multicultural dialog. We cooperate and realize common activities with many countries – Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Republic of South Africa. We consider the impact of this cooperation and realize that make our inhabitant more open. We also find inspiration for future activities as well as solution for current problems. During organized conferences, meetings, artistic events and education projects we touched many local and global problems which we would like to share and develop in the Network. We are orientated to spreading our partners network to enrich it and achieve synergy effect. That makes us useful to the ALF Network as well as gives us chance to use it for further development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarzyna Szczegodzińska

Natuf for Environment and Community Development

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Natuf is a Palestinian Non-governmental Organization that promotes community development in a healthy environment in addition, Natuf has a proven track of experience in community development, education, environment and infrastructure. Gaza Strip has suffered for long years from negligence, severe environmental problems compounded by widespread poverty and unemployment. In order to tackle these problems and to advance community development in the Palestinian society, Natuf accordingly has mainly established, through research and creating optimum solutions, approaches to address various environmental obstacles and development constraints in Gaza Strip as well as laying out collective strategies to overcome these obstacles in terms of developing the Palestinian community. Natuf was established in 2002 and staffed by academic experts and professionals who aim at reaching out to the community in different fields and at finding possible solutions for current restrictions facing development issues. Natuf organization is registered and licensed by the Ministry of Interior (license no. is 7196).
Mission and Objectives

Vision: Natuf aspires for excellence in achieving consistency and integration between social, environmental and economical development.
The mission of Natuf for Development is to empower all community categories through the creation of advanced quality services and self awareness to reach their full human resources potential. Therefore, Natuf issued the following objectives:
• Providing services in the field of community development, environment, education, and culture as well as specifying the needs of the community.
• Considering human resource development for NGOs in particular and for the community in general.
• Contributing & participating in enhancing the awareness of the community.
• Setting out a database for all scientific, cultural, environmental and community services in order to meet the needs of the Palestinian Society.
• It should be noted that all categories of the community have largely benefited from the activities. Natuf sincerely attempts to invest further efforts in children-related issues, youth development activities, technology applications, microfinance, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The contribution in developing sustainable transportation systems in Gaza Strip
'Developing traffic signals in Gaza City '
Developing transportation systems and traffic movement in Rafah and developing environmentally sustainable transportation systems.
The first statistical directory for Traffic and Transportation in Gaza
Provision of Stainless Steel Water Tanks for UNRWA schools in Gaza Strip
Ramadan Parcel
Microfinance projects
Microfinance project
Youth Capacity Building
Supply of medicines and medical disposables to the Ministry of Health-Gaza
Supply of medicines and medical disposables to the Ministry of Health-Gaza (2) jointly financed by The Islamic Bank for Development
Supplying UNRWA schools with potable water in Gaza Strip.
Provision of scholarships for the needy students in The Islamic University students
Rehabilitation and equipping kitchens in Gaza Strip Hospitals
Supplying & installing RO Unit in Al Shifaa’ Hospital
Excavating and constructing new water wells and the replacement of existing two wells
Maintenance of water wells and part of waste water networks in Gaza Strip jointly funded by The Islamic Bank for Development.
Repairing damages in the infrastructure of Gaza city and Beit Lahia
Constructing of waste water network in both Tal Al Hawa Area and Al Sheikh Ejleen area
Drilling and constructing new water wells in Khanyounis and Der Al Balah
Provision of medical equipment to the Ministry of Health (CTG device and PT monitor )
Immediate rehabilitation and recovery for the heath sector in Gaza Strip
Provision of scholarships for the needy students in The Islamic University students (Tow Phases)
Provision of scholarships for undergraduate students (Al-Fakhoora). Phase I
Provision of scholarships for undergraduate students (Al-Fakhoora). Phase II

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In order to strengthen the capacity yet further, to consolidate the principles in which Natuf deeply believes, and to achieve the objectives set for the organization throughout implementing successful projects, Natuf has already advanced coordination and strategic partnerships with renowned international agencies.
Partnerships have been apparently present in our jointly funded projects through Coastal Municipalities Water Utilities, Green Cross International, Islamic University of Gaza, local official entities, in addition to other well-know local organizations.
Natuf is exclusively considered the official local partner of the Qatar Red Crescent in Gaza Strip. In addition, Natuf has a successful coordination with Global Environmental Facility (GEF), UNDP, Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Qatar Charity, Norwegian People Aid (NPA), Qatar Foundation, Dove & Dolphin and NGOs Development Center (NDC).
In the same framework, Natuf has progressively established networking bridges either on local or worldwide basis with organizations and public figures to upgrade the performance of the organization. Recently, Natuf has been representing Al Eslah Society, Human Welfare Committee (Bahrain) after the joint cooperation agreement which singed in Feb. 2012.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Hashem
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Abu Shaban

Aura Society

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Aura is a Palestinian NGO whose goal is to promote science in the society, support physicists by training courses and providing scholarships, strengthening the relation between university teachers and schools teachers in the subject and make physics fun. The NGO works with the local community by using innovative tools that allow those engaged in the debate over issues to participate in meetings, public debates and broadcast events to better involve and inform citizens on environmental, public health and economical issues. CBI wants to contribute improve quality of lives and create temporary jobs in a concrete step to reduce poverty and give hope to vulnerable categories at the community scales. For achieving this goal, our NGO helps to identify possibilities for collective action at all levels, thereby contributing to raise environmental and health awareness on key issues in the Gaza Strip like water, waste water, solid waste and natural resources. Later, facilitating the formulation of agreements and plans of action, at national and community levels that support public health, social, cultural, and environmental progress. Participants in NGO process include representatives from institutions, syndicates, NGOs, environmentalists and civil society movements. The specific guidelines and expected outcomes of the NGO mediations are defined by its participants. Since 2010, Aura is according a specific attentions to issues related to the promotion of environmental awareness in the Gaza Strip, through a process aimed at supporting civil society organizations empowerment and networking. There are four employees in the organization. Source of funds are tuition fees, donation, funded projects.
Mission and Objectives

Build the capacity of community in such a way to enhance the quality of scientific research and abilities of physicists to take part in improving the local society.
Aura for physics goal is to build the capacity of physicists on the community through suitable programs and activities.

Main Projects / Activities

• Environmental awareness and science promotion campaigns
• programs to respond to the needs of the community during emergencies;
• Capacity building and human resource development for community members and NGOs;
• Initiate training programs and workshops

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through collaborative projects, I can provide other organization with my experience

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through ALF network, I will be able to communicate with other organization. Further, I can make collaboration with other partners on projects which may promote Aura organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Rifa El-Khozondar
Head of the organisation
Dr, Hala El-Khozondar
Contact (2) Full Name
Malak Hegazi

Ajyal Association of Development and Creative

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

1-Organization Structure: The organization structure consist of the board of directors which contains 9 volunteers. there is a head of directors and a deputy, and also there are 5 committees, namely administration committee, planning and projects committee, relations committee, accounting committees. Additionally, there are 3 employees work fin full time in the organization. Besides a varied number of volunteers. 2- Our yearly budget is approximately 30,000 USD 3- Our source of funding comes from three Donors components: funding agencies, members contributions, private local donors.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Ajyal Association keen to the youth physically and mentally to improve the youngster creative skills, and to help them confronting their problems . Our Projects: • Summer Camps for youth. • Having your own project . • Sponsoring the young people initiatives . • Towards a bright future for youth

Main Projects / Activities

1. Having your own business sponsoring small projects and the project ongoing 2. Youth towards bright future developing the young people skills and articulating their problems 3. Initiative youth sponsoring 10 Initiative idems implementing a project entitled . 4. Young sters for better future in cooperation with cultural center 5. Summer camps 6. Implementing a series of festivals for kids in gaza strips governorates . 7. Sponsoring students . 8. Conducting many training courses and work shops in various human development topics . 9. Initiating different campaigns in social and cultural issues .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1- We can participate in implementing projects and activities in the middle governorate. 2- we can contribute in enhancing and developing the vital issues related to the mission of the network. 3- we can utilize our facilities and relations to achieve the goals of the network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1- To build new partners who can help us achieving our goals. 2- To improve the skills and experience of our organization. 3- To fully contribute in building our nsociety. 4- To benifit from the funds available to the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Imad Haj
Head of the organisation
Imad Haj
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Abdalqader

El-Wafa Charitable Society

National Network
00970 (2) 8 28 0 11 88
Telephone (other)
00970 (2) 8 28 0 4139
00970 (2) 8 28 0 1189
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00970 (2) 598 500 028
Mobile Phone (other)
00970 (2) 599183 301
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The organization is governed by the board of directors which consists of nine members, and they are meeting twice monthly. Those board of director are elected by the general assembly, that is consisting of 270 member, and they are meeting at least once annually. General manager is the one who is responsible for ensuring that the Institution's polices are implemented in front of the board of directors and the general assembly. NB/Structure Diagram of organization is attached - Budgetary resources available in a year 1- Donation from local society and - Modalities of action Health Sector by run four programs 1- El-Wafa Charitable Hospital 2- El-Wafa medical rehabilitation outreach program 3-Poor patient food program 4-El-Wafa nursing home for Elderly
Mission and Objectives

General mission:
To improve the quality of life of the disabled clients by offering proper services in a specialized rehabilitation centre within the Gaza Strip.
• To help the disabled clients achieve their maximal possible potential regarding physical, mental, and behavioral abilities.
• To secure essential medical aid for disabled clients so they can achieve independence in functional activities
• To increase awareness of the disabled clients and their families regarding disability related complications and how to prevent them.
• To achieve integration of the disabled clients within the outer community.
• To empower the disabled clients to formulate unions and achieve their rights in the community.
• To raise community awareness of and participation in prevention of disabilities.
• To improve the living conditions of disabled clients through our different rehabilitation programs.
• To encourage voluntary work and enhancing community participation in the rehabilitation process.
• To enhance co-operation with other rehabilitation institutions to improve the quality of rehabilitation services in the Gaza Strip.
Our center is the only body that provides the distinctive and holistic approach of medical rehabilitation from A to Z, till our patients achieve their maximal possible functional potentials in performing their daily living activities.
Our facilities include surgical operation rooms, clinical laboratory, x ray department, ICU, recovery rooms, physiotherapy department, occupational therapy department, inpatient departments with 82 beds capacity, and outpatient clinics. We operate with 300 health professionals and admin staff

Main Projects / Activities

Health Sector by run four programs
1- El-Wafa Charitable Hospital
2- El-Wafa medical rehabilitation outreach program
3-Poor patient food program

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

El Wafa charitable society ( WCS ) is a nonprofit NGO that was established since 1982.
WCS runs El Wafa elderly nursing (WEN) home with 35 beds capacity where it shelters free
of charge needy aged social cases who has no breadwinner to look after. WCS also runs Elwafa
medical rehabilitation hospital (WMRH) with a capacity of 50 beds in which physically
challenged persons are medically rehabilitated
During our work we will contribute to the Network in our country

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To connect with organizations from across the Mediterranean to improve mutual respect between culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Saeb El-Zaanen
Head of the organisation
Dr. Jamal Mohamed El-Zebdaa
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Tayseer El-Biltajy

wefaq society for women and child care

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
WEFAQ aspires to play a leading role in empowering a society based on caring for women and developing children at risk in the Southern Governorates of Gaza to become active and responsible members in their communities.
Mission and Objectives

WEFAQ aims at providing a safe environment for development and growth through empowering women and children at risk psychological, socially and educationally.
1. Contributing in building the abilities of the society itself, targeted category, and partner institutions.
2. contributing in providing care for the victim women who suffer from violence in Rafah and other provinces in Gaza strip, by providing social, legal, and psychological care for them all.
3. Contributing in protecting and developing children abilities by providing them
educational, recreational, cultural and medical activities.
4. Making researches and studies to identify issues related to woman, child, and family, and gathering information that serve the society objectives.

Main Projects / Activities

• The Project of Supporting and Rehabilitating Women Victims of Violence in Rafah Area, funded by Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development and women Its total budget $61402.
• Psychosocial Support project for children and parents in partnership with World Vision with budget of $6000.
• Psychosocial Support project for children and parents in partnership with Mercy Corp with budget of $6000.
• Youth Empowerment and Job Creation Project in partnership with PNGO with a budget of $1800.
• Emergency Project for graduates employment in partnership with Islamic Relief/ France with a budget of $8613.
• Supporting and Rehabilitating victim women of violence in partnership with The Swedish Society for Solidarity with a budget of $17209.
• In-kind aids in partnership with Gaza Program for Mental Health with a budget of 27362.
• The project of improving Palestinian community awareness and its ability of treating gender equality issues, funded by UN for Gender Equality and Woman Empowerment with a budget of $20000.
• Total general budget for 2010/2011 is $121826.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The society has the possibility to participate in regional projects for the network, and applied at the local level, as well as to contribute to the deployment of shared values ​​through relevant programs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To consolidate the vision Assembly in outlook in its aspirations for women to play a better role in society locally through the experiences of countries Her experience in this aspect.

Contact (1) Full Name
hatem sameeh abu taha
Head of the organisation
yaser mater abu jame,a

yabous Cultural Centre

National Network
+972 2 6261045
+972 2 6261372
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1)Number of Full time employees are 10 Administrative and 7 at the internal premises Safety. 2)Budgetary Resources available in the year 2011 = $1,515,274.64 3) Sources of Funding are : • Representative Office Of Norway to the PA, West Bank • Beit El-Mal Al Quds AlSharif • Ford Foundation • A.M Qattan Foundation • Consolidated Contractors Group • Arab Fund Economic & Social Development • Bank Of Palestine • UNICEF • Edward Said National Conservatory Music Center • Al-Quds Company • Anera • Palestinian Investment Fund • Paltel Group • Spanish Cooperation • Al-Quds Bank • Cairo Amman Bank • Pontifical Mission 4)Modalities of action: performing arts, literature festivals, film screenings, all kind of Art exhibition 5)Partners involved in the organization’s projects are several Palestinian organizations acting in Jerusalem.
Mission and Objectives

Yabous Mission is “Develop arts in line with national aspirations and human values”
Yabous has accepted the mission of developing the current status of performing and visual arts. It is meant by developing: the investment over years to create a better situation compare to the current one.
Yabous sees the gradual development of art as a tool to achieve its vision to convert Jerusalem into a central cultural place.
Art: Includes all forms of arts such as performing arts, visual arts and literature.
National aspirations – it is national ambitions and dreams
Human values – it is the rights for people to live freely with dignity. It is based on respect of other’s vaules and beliefs with no discrimination between colors, genders and place of origin.
Strategic Objective 1: To make quality art accessible to the public
Strategic Objective 2: Enhance Yabous effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its mission and goals and ensuring its sustainability

Main Projects / Activities

1- music and dance festivals.
2- Literature Festivals.
3-Film Screenings & Festivals
4- Art Exhibitions.
5-Dabkeh Training Courses for Youth.
6- Fun Club for Children
7-Literary Readings and Panel Discussions

Contact (1) Full Name
Maha Hamuri
Head of the organisation
Rania Elias
Contact (2) Full Name
Rania Elias