Lebanese society-DEVA (Aid & Development)

National Network

Mreijat- Municipality street- Floor -1, Zahle-Bekaa

00961 3 398977
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00961 3 398977
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
President: Genevieve Machaalany Vice president:Dr. Roy Abi Jaoude Secretary: Joumana Sawwan, Treasurer: Mireille Machaalany, Legal consultant: Wissam Warde
Mission and Objectives

-Activate and enhance the role of women,children, families and persons with special needs within the society
-Develop citizenship,general culture and arts, and preserving heritage and environment
-promote for human rights and fight against domestic violence
-Agricultural and industrial development
-Raising awareness on Health and public safety

Main Projects / Activities

Still under development

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By promoting the mission and objectives of the Anna Lindh foundation in regions far from the capital, which are usually seen as under developed regions, and which are in need of cultural projects to be able to explore the existing potentials to the maximum.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-Since the Anna Lindh foundation would provide our organization with essential needs to be able to implement our projects.
-It will enable us to meet and work together with partners from among the Lebanese Network with whom our organization could implement its projects.
-The diversified fields that our organization works in could be of interest to the other network members who are implementing projects in accordance with the mission and objectives of the ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Genevieve Machaalany
Head of the organisation
Genevieve Machaalany

Yoram Loewenstein acting School

National Network

Hamevasser 22 st. Hatikva neighborhood, 67124

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Yoram Leowenstein – C.E.O , Lilach Segal - Artistic manager , Galia Perry – Administration manager, Michal Perach -Marketing , Oded Mizrahi - Public relations, Lior Gilbert- Production manager, Einat Baranovsky – dramaturgy, Ifat Gabay – in charge of the costume storeroom, Raday Rubinsrain – internet manager, Halil Itzhak - Community program coordinator & scholarships coordinator, Inbar Warm – Bookkeeping, Mira Shoval – secretary, Dror Kahalani – Maintenance manager, Drora Cohen - secretary Shoshana Shaia – Cleanliness, Arie Hanan –accountant office , Natan Lerer – attorney. Uzi Ezer -internal auditor we have 16 Committee members volunteers and 33 proffesional teachers. we are non profit organization. Sources of funding: Ministry of culture - 1,479,371 nis, Tel-Aviv municipality – 458,296 nis, Ministry for foreign affairs – 25,000 nis , Self income – 2,950,000 nis, Damnations – 750,000 nis. we have 4 main projects:teaching groups in the community drama by students (partners: wellfare departments, schools, daycars and many more), international proffesional and communal theatre coproductions , scholarships for students who work in the community, subscription project (subsidized tickets)for the residents of our neighborhood
Mission and Objectives

The Theater Arts Studio was founded in 1988, under the direction of Yoram Loewenstein. The school is located in the most neglected neighborhood in Tel- Aviv, "shechunat Hatikva". The uniqueness of the school is in the combination between the highest level of professional acting studies with community work in the neighborhood where the school is located. Few such institutions exist around the world. Our mission is to nurture a new cadre of actors, strongly rooted in the community, who will be a driving force in Israeli theater, film and television. We aim to create a deep bonding between the school (students and stuff) and the Hatikva residents. Our community projects aim to empower the neighborhood residents, and also give them tools for individual growth and development.The school promotes professional and communal creative cooperation with other countries for developing the students and the residents.

Main Projects / Activities

The studio maintains a three-year study program for actors, preparatory courses in acting studies, and the general public.. As part of the training to become professional actors, the acting students are committed to lead 16 drama groups with in the community such as: youth at-risk, immigrant's children in distress, children with special needs and emotional problems, blinds and partly blinds, elderly and many more. Furthermore, we have subscription project for the residents of our neighborhood, who can attend the shows which are produced in our theatre hall. For most of the people in the community it is the first time in their lives to see theatre.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization can promote intercultural dialogue. We feel that your values are roots in our daily work. We feel that we can provide productive base for co productions, mutual understanding through theatre .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network will help the school promote our professional and communal creative exchange and cooperation with other countries. We participated in many international festivals in the past and did international professional and communal co-productions. The Studio works toward developing collaborations with countries to exchange culture and knowledge that will bring young people together to know understand and respect other cultures

Contact (1) Full Name
Halil Itzhak
Head of the organisation
Yoram Loewenstein

Amichai NPO

National Network

P.O.Box 817
Hod Hasharon 45108

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The organization is defined as a “familial association”, and this is realized in the significant representation that the families have in the board of directors, and in every significant decision making process in the organization. Presently, Amichai operates thirteen different settings that provide year round solutions for approximately eight hundred people which include individuals with developmental disabilities, their families and community members in which the organization operates.
Mission and Objectives

Amichai Organization develops and provides a range of community services for children, adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities in central Israel, out of the belief that every person has the right to be a full and equal rights member of the community.
The organization works to improve the quality of life of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families through a systemic viewpoint which seeks to provide solutions in a variety of fields impacting their lives including the therapeutic, the social, the communal and the public policy fields.

Main Projects / Activities

• Amichai is attentive to families – the organization was established by families, and they greatly influence what is being done and on the services being provided.
• Amichai sets a high standard of services – the organization works continuously to enhance the services it provides in the physical aspect, in the quality of the staff and in its treatment quality.
• Amichai works for the promotion of integration of individuals with developmental disabilities within the community – the organization holds workshops and lectures for children, adolescents and adults with the aim of raising awareness to the subject. Moreover, the organization runs many group classes that integrate, in practice, the organization’s service recipients with public school children and adolescents.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Amichai association develops and provides a wide range of services within the community for children, youth and adults with developmental disabilities, both Jews and Arabs. The Multi-Cultural program creates an opportunity for Jewish and Arab youth, low and average level of disability, to meet.
Together they experience activities that aim to improve their social skills and life talents in rehabilitation and educational aspects. Thus, four groups were composed; therapy through music, therapy through Art, therapy through Theatre and sport activity group. These groups are guided by professional staff members that combine therapeutic processes into their work. The groups are set to advance non verbal communication, emotional and social abilities as part of a wider program. The group members meet twice a week for two and a half hours, in which they use the sport and art global "language" to communicate. The group works on emotional dilemmas and experiences mutual to all children and youth.
In the physical aspect, they work to improve balance, coordination and movement and in the social aspect, they learn how to cooperate within a group context, how to work out joint dilemmas, how to postpone needs (wait for their turn, let their friend cross first, etc). This activity works as a bridge between the different people,

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The principal of combining people with special needs into the community is necessary to the progression of equal rights process and the rehabilitation process of people with developmental disabilities. In order to imply this goal Amichai is working intensively with the community and parallel to that, invests much in developing life skills and social abilities among its members.
This investment is meant to enable people with special needs to function to their optimum in the social diversity and within the social changes that take place in a sophisticated, multi-cultural, society. Better the members of Amichai will learn to know the community, with its special characteristics and mentalities, better they will be rehabilitated and integrated within their surroundings, their natural place.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gideon Ra'anan

ERI - European Research Institute

National Network

via scialoja 26,

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
L’European Research Institute è un ente no-profit che si occupa di promuovere la ricerca e la sperimentazione per l’innovazione negli ambiti scientifici e sociali. Lavoriamo per migliorare le condizioni economiche e culturali dei cittadini europei, e non solo. Sosteniamo, attraverso le nostre attività, il rispetto per l’ambiente, il territorio e gli esseri viventi. “Essere cittadini del mondo” è la nostra visione. Il nucleo che forma il gruppo di lavoro di ERI è nato a Torino negli anni '90.
Mission and Objectives

In un periodo storico nel quale le menti più brillanti emigrano dall’Italia, la nostra “mission” primaria è invece quella di lavorare per far emergere i talenti che il nostro territorio possiede. Ci piace l’idea di lavorare per contribuire a limitare “la fuga di cervelli” dal nostro Paese. Questo significa che, dopo aver individuato e supportato le potenzialità locali, è necessario aprirsi e dialogare con le varie realtà europee e internazionali per migliorare insieme la qualità della vita dei cittadini dell’UE. Ci proponiamo di essere un laboratorio di idee in grado di recepire e promuovere le proposte più innovative nei campi del sociale, della scienza e della cultura.

Main Projects / Activities

Ricerca e Sviluppo Finalità Favorire la competitività, la ricerca e lo sviluppo sostenibile dei sistemi produttivi. Modernizzare l'economia per garantire la sopravvivenza del nostro modello sociale e raggiungere obiettivi di crescita e occupazione. In particolare le azioni dell'European Research Institute in questo ambito si concentreranno: • sugli scambi di Know How per favorire lo sviluppo della conoscenza e dell'innovazione dei sistemi produttivi; • sulla crescita sostenibile dei sistemi produttivi, secondo la strategia di Göteborg e la direttiva Europa 20 20 20; • nell'individuazione di possibili sinergie tra i territori per favorire, innovare e valorizzare le eccellenze locali; • nell'aumento della sostenibilità dei sistemi turistici attraverso progetti comuni per la diversificazione e l'organizzazione trasversale dell'offerta. Protezione e Gestione del Territorio Finalità La gestione dei rischi concorre al raggiungimento degli obiettivi della strategia di Copenhagen, relativi alla lotta ai cambiamenti climatici e alla gestione delle risorse naturali in maniera responsabile. In un contesto di mutata sensibilità nei confronti del patrimonio naturale e del paesaggio, i punti che compongono la nostra mission sono: • proseguire nel recupero e nella gestione della biodiversità, del patrimonio naturale, degli spazi naturali, urbani, periurbani e rurali seguendo un percorso graduale che va dall'approfondimento delle conoscenze già acquisite, alla messa in rete, alla programmazione e alla realizzazione di azioni innovative • coordinare e migliorare l'efficacia dei dispositivi di prevenzione dei rischi naturali e tecnologici e degli interventi di emergenza, approfondendo e divulgando le conoscenze, rafforzando l'informazione alle popolazioni e consolidando i rapporti tra le strutture operative; • rivitalizzazione economica e alla gestione del territorio con realizzazione di filiere forestali multifunzionali in un'ottica di sviluppo di sistemi economici e sociali sostenibili. Qualità della vita Finalità Il benessere sociale e individuale dei cittadini che vivono e lavorano nelle comunità. Lavoriamo per attuare le Strategie per lo sviluppo sostenibile dell'Unione Europea che prevedono di raggiungere “coesione e equità sociale attraverso la promozione di una società democratica, sana, giusta, coesa; nel rispetto dei diritti fondamentali e della diversità culturale, che crea pari opportunità e combatte la discriminazione in ogni sua forma, nel rispetto della tutela dell'ambiente”. Nel concreto puntiamo a: • migliorare l'offerta e l'accesso ai servizi socio-sanitari, con particolare riguardo alle fasce della popolazione più deboli (donne, anziani, disabili, residenti in aree marginali); • proporre soluzioni che rispondano alle esigenze di mobilità sostenibile in un'ottica di area vasta, con attenzione alla programmazione, alla logistica, alle ricadute sociali, economiche, turistiche e ambientali; • incrementare e diversificare l'offerta culturale per rafforzare l'identità comune, anche attraverso l'informazione e la comunicazione; • favorire l'integrazione tra cittadini attraverso la mobilità e gli scambi in ambito educativo, sportivo, formativo e lavorativo.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La nostra esperienza nel campo della ricerca scientifica negli ambiti ambientali, prevenzioni dei rischi e qualità della vita per gli individui è un buon valore aggiuto.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La scelta di entrare nella rete della fondazione AL è dovuta a 2 motivazioni principali: 1- il valore aggiunto dello sviloppo del mediterraneo 2- favorire a livello locale la partecipazione attiva alle attività dell'associazione a individui nativi nel bacino del mediterraneo.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iskender FORIOSO
Head of the organisation
Iskender FORIOSO
Contact (2) Full Name
Federico FLORIS

CReA - Centre for Research and Activity

National Network

via Gran Sasso 42
00000 00030 Palestrina (RM)

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
CReA is a NGO , operating in the area of the province of Rome. Founded in 2003, it has 30 professionals associated, all working in the field of cultural-intercultural relationship and development issues. Funding is coming exclusively from public funds and the last budgetary years closed with 60.000 € of incoming funds. The main funders are European Commission, the Italian Ministry of Interior, The Province of Rome, the Social-Health District, Schools. CReA is partner in several national and international platform (DEAR forum of Concord, AOI -Italian Association of NGOs). Among the last implemented projects there are European Fund for Intergration Educational Activities( Workshops with teachers, pupils, social assistants, public officers); Awareness Raising Activities in Development education in "Challenging the Crysis" Europeaid NSA LA educational activities.
Mission and Objectives

CReA promotes initiatives aimed at promoting a cultura della solidarietà e del rispetto, in collaborazione con enti pubblici e privati. Le attività vanno dalla progettazione alla realizzazione, dal monitoraggio, alla valutazione e supervisione nell'ambito di azioni a favore delle nuove forme di convivenza civile . culture of solidarity and respect, in collaboration with public and private entities. Activities range from planning to implementation, monitoring, evaluation and supervision in an action in favor of new forms of civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

"Women and families neo-EU migration: health, maternity and culture" The project, co-funded by the Province of Rome in accordance with Law 328/00 in 2010, aims to improve the living conditions of women and families and neo-Community immigrants through education, prevention, training, dissemination and 'activation of social and health development interventions. Cognitive Enhancement - Using methods Instrumental Enrichment Program (Feuerstein) One of the sections of which has recently been enriched CReA is a working group that uses the methods of the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Program The Instrumental Enrichment Program (PAS) is a program of cognitive education. The PAS systematically strengthens the cognitive functions that enable learners to: 1. define problems; 2. make connections 3. catch relationships 4. self-motivation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through bedate and discussion, and bringing the experience realized also in other coordination bodies at european level as DARE Forum of Concord and European Civic Forum where Crea is representers for italian reality of CSOs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we feel that sharing and collaboration in Mediterranean Area is nowadays a must for everybody wants to be engaged in global citizenship and education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paola Berbeglia
Head of the organisation
Paola Berbeglia
Contact (2) Full Name
Cinzia Greco

Associazione Uniamoci Onlus

National Network

Via G. Matteotti, 12

0039 091 9765893
0039 091 9765893
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3292451180
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The association counts more than 140 persons (80% young people and 50% young disabled people). It has a competent staff of 10 people (administrative figures, lawyers, planners, physiotherapists and psychologists). Uniamoci Onlus is administered by a Board of Directors composed by 3 members (President, VicePresident and Secretary) elected by the Shareholder Assembly composed by 50 members that is the main body of the Association. The budgetary resources available in a year are about Euro 100000,00 thanks to the application for projects under YiA programme and LLP Programme By the European Commision, and Regional Fundig sources: concrete social projects, youth exchanges, seminars, youth initiatives, volunteering projects, trainings. Uniamoci Onlus has several project partners at local European level: Università di Palermo, Centro Abilità Diverse , C.E.I.P.E.S, Associazione Porte Aperte , Istituto Comprensivo E. Basile, Tellus (Group) Ltd - Work Experience UK, Unesco Initiative Centre, EuropaNah e.V., Diakonisches Werk Bremen e.V.
Mission and Objectives

Uniamoci Onlus Association is a non-profit organization that works in the field of integration, safeguard and disabled and disadvantaged people’s social assistance. Its main aims are:
- to create an inclusive society
- to spread the European values
- to involve people in activities that make them aware of their active role in the society
- to create the conditions that can allow to the disadvantaged people to make international experiences and participate to events of personal growth
- to beak down mental barriers

Main Projects / Activities

• Promotion and implementation of projects aimed at promoting the rights of disabled people
• Activities aimed at the social integration of disabled people: organization of trips and periodical recreational events
• Planning and implementation of European project involving disabled people, aimed to realize social inclusion and to promote the European active citizenship
• Promotion and claim of social institutions’ commitment to help weak and disadvantaged people
• Positive actions in the field of local social and cultural promotion.
• Realization of events, raising awareness campaigns, videoclips in favour of disabled people’s integration
• Constant complain about the injustices towards disabled people. This activity is documented through photos, movies and newspaper articles

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Finding participants for the international events promoted by the fondation, disseminating information about its work, implementing projects on the basis of methods and information acquired in seminars organized by the fondation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we would like to join the ALF Network in order to share our methods and expertize, to know different realities, to work at an international level on social topics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Davide Di Pasquale
Head of the organisation
Davide Di Pasquale

Associazione Musicale Jubilate

National Network

Via Abruzzi, 19
Legnano (MI)

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Association has a Cultural Association legal status, employes 6 people and has a financial turnover of about 400.000€/year. The sources are from tuition fees from the music school and from sponsorships for the other activities. Association organizes every year a Choral Music Festival (in 2013 will be XXIII ed.) and other activities in the field of music. For these activities main partners are both Institutional (Regional Gov, Townships)and private Companies.
Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to foster diffusion of music culture (especially choral music) by promoting encounters with other musical expressions from all over the world and by creating a deeper and deeper knowledge of the cultural and social value of music.

Main Projects / Activities

- The "Fabbrica del Canto" International Choral Festival, that in 2013 will celebrate its XXIII edition. This is a concert circuit involving a catchment area of about 2.500.000 citizens in 30 Townships and about 50 performances of invited choirs for a duration of about 10 days in June.
- School of Music, involving about 200 students from 3 to 60 years old for 8 months every year.
- Organ Concert Circuit, involving 10 Townships (in 2012 at its VII edition).
- Organization for other Townships/Organizations of spot concerts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution could be in two different threads:
- first, by creating a link between the Association and the top level musical expressions in other Countries to allow a sensibilization to these cultures on our territory
- secondly, by sharing with other Countries the know how in such cultural events organization, thus contributing to a possible growth of specific professional figures in other Countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Exchanges of cultures and of artistic expressions in the musical field is a major goal for the Association, therefore a collaboration with ALF could be a major step toward achievement of our goal.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Leonardi
Head of the organisation
Carlo Leonardi

COM NUOVI TEMPI (editor of "Confronti" magazine)

National Network

via Firenze 38 - 00184 Rome (Italy)

+39 06 4820503
+39 06 4827901
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
COM NUOVI TEMPI is a cooperative society established in 1972 and since 1989 edits the interreligious-intercultural magazine "Confronti". COM NUOVI TEMPI is composed by 125 partners and there are 5 employees and 3 cooperators that work in the cooperative society itself. The amount of budgetary resources available per year is about 500.000 € and the main sources of founding come from the pay-off for cultural services, for services offered to a third party and from contributions of private corporations. Our modalities of actions include: concrete projects on mutireligious and multicultural issues, refresher courses, exchanges (youth and adults peace operators), seminars (in Italy and abroad), scholarships, disseminations of researches and news through media (“Confronti” magazine, internet, social networks). We work with Italian and international partners, such as: secondary and high schools, universities, local and national institutions, local and national religious institutions, NGOs, cultural associations
Mission and Objectives

The object of COM NUOVI TEMPI cooperative society consists of the following activities: publishing, sale, dissemination of cultural works, books and periodicals, and the promotion of congresses, conferences, seminars (in Italy and abroad). These activities are also done through the magazine Confronti (which means “dialogue”), an interfaith and intercultural magazine, whose mission statement is to promote dialogue among the communities of faith in order to produce common actions for peace, justice and the integrity of creation.

Main Projects / Activities

COM NUOVI TEMPI through Confronti magazine developed during the years project such as “Semi di Pace” (Seeds of Peace) and “Fiori di Pace” (Flowers of Peace”) for dialogue in Middle East, involving youth and adults from Israel and Palestinian territories in order to give to Italian public the opportunity to know the situation in Middle East from the voice of people that struggles for reconciliation and a just peace. Confronti organize many cultural events, seminars and congresses in order to offer a space for reflection, testimony and debate, an alternative to the typically offered by mainstream media about interfaith and intercultural issues. One of this congress was “Islam in Italy between fundamentalism and Islamophobia” on October 2011, in cooperation with the Italian press national federation (FNSI). Furthermore, during the last years, Confronti organized several itinerant seminars in Israel and Palestinian territories, Russia, Ethiopia, Iran, Bosnia Herzegovina, India, Lebanon, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Developing international projects on the subjects suggested by ALF and disseminating through the media (such as “Confronti” magazine) such of ideas and projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF network is a unique opportunity to meet people and organizations that work in different ways in the field cross-cultural dialogue, democracy building and education to pluralism and coexistence. In a globalised world, affected by an impressive economical crisis is now, more than ever, important to share opinions, case studies, in order to find a new way to build on solid bases the future society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michele Lipori
Contact (2) Full Name
Gian Mario Gillio


National Network

VIA MERULANA 198, 00185

0039 0677264611
Telephone (other)
0039 0677264635
0039 0677264628
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
CIES - is a non-governmental organization and a non-profit organization founded in 1983. Headquartered in Rome, it is also active through Local Initiative Centers (Centri di Iniziativa Territoriale - CIT) in Emilia Romagna and Sicily. CIES promotes and supports projects for the self-development of populations and groups in Southern Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe. In Italy, CIES pursues education projects and provides linguistic-cultural mediation services. CIES also administers an Intercultural Documentation Center and, since 2010, manages a youth-center called “MaTeMù” situated in the Esquilino, the most multi-ethnic district of Rome. The executive staff in Rome consists of 25 members. CIES projects are partly financed by the Italian Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs, Education, Labour and Social Affairs, and by the European Union, UN Agencies, Local Authorities, ASL (Local Health Authorities), Foundations, State-owned and private Companies, partners and members, individual citizens and groups.
Mission and Objectives

CIES is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in 1983 whose mission is to promote
values of solidarity and cooperation, both in its national and international activities.
CIES’ activities aim at:
-promoting the intercultural values, the knowledge and the respect among cultures;
-fostering a positive integration by migrants;
-enhancing the cooperation to the development of weak and vulnerable social groups;
-increasing awareness on human rights, migration phenomena and fair trade;
-reducing the enormous gap between North and South and searching for new balances based on peace and the equitable distribution of resources of the planet.

Main Projects / Activities

Working divisions of CIES are: International Cooperation, Intercultural Mediation, Education and training, Communication and Events.
In particular, abroad, CIES supports projects and initiatives in the following activities: promoting children rights, education, alphabetization, job training, micro-finance, communication and health care.
In Italy, CIES encourages initiatives focused on the intercultural and global citizenship education and directed to develop positive integration of immigrants, such as linguistic-cultural mediation activities, workshops, seminars, training courses especially for teachers and young people, interactive exhibitions and multimedia productions.
Within the youth-center called "MaTeMù" everyday adolescents and young people, both autochthonous and of foreign origin, can express their creativity, participating in theater and music free activities; they can also receive scholastic support, improve the knowledge of the Italian language and find qualified educators, counselors and artistic operators that pay attention to their needs and problems. Moreover, CIES administers an Intercultural Documentation Center provides documentary resources to the intercultural activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CIES can contribute to the Italian Network offering its gained experience in the intercultural issues and sharing its best practises. Moreover CIES, as a member of the Italian NGOs Association and an active participant of the Global Citizenship Education Platform (which gathers more than 60 italian NGOs involved in the Global Citizenship Education sector), could spread in this context the initiatives undertaken within the ALF National Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CIES totally shares the Anna Lindh Foundation purpose and wants to contribute to the implementation of ALF fields of action and to strengthen the european partenership.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Center for Equality Advancement

National Network

Raugyklos str. 15-201, LT-01140
11203 Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

CEA’s main goals: 1. To promote the enforcement and implementation of equal rights for women and men. 2. To build the tolerance level of society, encourage individuals to combat discrimination due to sex, age, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, and reduce social exclusion within Lithuanian society. 3. To support the ideals of democracy by promoting the equal representation of the interests of both women and men in the decision-making process. 4. To advance the economic independence of women and men by providing equal and proper conditions for both to fulfill the right to work and to reconcile family and work responsibilities 5. To promote values of an open democratic society by encouraging gender dialogue. 6. To develop and promote gender equality ideas and change negative stereotypes of the sexes, age groups, national and ethnic minorities, the disabled and other social groups in society. 7. To advance and popularize ideas on gender equality. 8. To encourage dialogue and cooperation between NGOs and governmental institutions on projects and programs which promote equal opportunities. From January 1, 2012, the Center has a staff of five full time people and team of volunteers and experts (7 people). Financial sources for CEA's work come from project activities. Budget of CEA is around 100 000 Euro per year. CEA partners Alytus Women’s Crises Center Center of Women’s Studies and Policy (Bulgaria) Human Rights Monitoring Institute Ethnic research Center Kaunas Women’s Employment and Information Center Kretinga Women’s Information and Training Center Lithuanian Family Planning and sexual Health Association Lithuanian Gay League Lithuanian Human Rights Center Lithuanian National Radio LNK – TV Company The Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsman Shelter of Mother and Child Social partnership fund “Magnum Bonum” Social Research Institute of Vytautas Magnus University Tasso Foundation (Georgia) Tolerant Youth Association Ukraine Women’s Fund Women’s Information Center CEA Supporters Baltic-American Partnership Program European Commission Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Lithuania Embassy of the United States in Lithuania Fillia – private foundation Mama Cash Ministry of Social Security and Labor of Republic of Lithuania Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania Ministry of Education of Republic of Lithuania Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republis of Lithuania Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania Open Society Institute (New York) World Bank United Nations Development program in Lithuania

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the CEA is to raise public awareness and by pre-empting discrimination against gender, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation, protect human rights and promote democratic values in the society. Objectives:CEA aims to promote democratic values and mainstream equality and diversity in society.

Main Projects / Activities

CEA works in the field of gender mainstreaming, monitoring of policies on gender based violence, women’s leadership, access to gender justice, tolerance building and quality of equality policies. • The center permanently conducts training seminars on gender equality policies, women’s leadership and empowerment for Lithuanian and international target groups. Recently CEA experts conducted training seminar for women leaders from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Georgia and Ukraine in order to empower them in promoting gender equality policy objectives and strategies. Workshop for Kyrgyzstan local community leaders introduced the international good practices and lessons learned in the field of combating violence against women. Currently CEA experts have conducted cycle of seminars for Lithuanian public policy actors which provided enhanced knowledge on gender mainstreaming and transformative understanding of gender equality policies. • CEA has rich experience in organizing study tours for diverse international groups. Since 2006 CEA organized study tours for delegations from Ukraine, Uzbekistan and countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Among the participants of these delegations there were politicians and MPs from Ukraine, municipal administration, UNDP employees, civil servants from Ukraine, government representatives from Uzbekistan, NGO leaders, journalists and government members from Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Georgia etc. • Currently CEA is enrolled in the project to build the in-depth understanding and practical application of competences in implementation of reconciliation of family and work life. By conducting the seminars and trainings for employers and municipal administration the aim is to develop family friendly culture in working environment and the model of services and consultations needed for the families to reconcile family obligations and employment needs. • In the field of violence against women CEA implements the project to build self-confidence and empower victims of domestic violence through the collective activities to overcome traumatic experience. • CEA contributed to the Study on the case studies of Resisting and Challenging the Fundamentalisms under AWID initiative. The case study on Lithuania demonstrates concrete strategies and advocacy efforts to resist and challenge Catholic religious fundamentalism. It produces new and strategic knowledge on growing Catholic religious fundamentalism in public and political life in Lithuania and its deteriorating impact on women’s rights. The study presents strategies employed by women’s rights activists to resist and challenge them in order to contribute to supporting and strengthening responses to religious fundamentalism by women’s rights activists and advocates • CEA organizes public campaigns, petitions and other advocacy work to promote women’s rights, non-discrimination and democratic values. • CEA staff was invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide expert’s knowledge on gender equality in preparation and during chairmanship at ESBO in 2011 and continues their cooperation in 2012.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to promote the network and its ideas and values on the national level. We are already working in empowering civil society and building effective cooperations in the field of human rights and social cohesion, and we believe our participation in the ALF network would enable us to continue this work striving for our mutual objectives. Together by joining our efforts and resources we can achieve more effective results.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe in ALF's values and would like to be an active part of this international network. We would like to participate in mutual exchange of ideas and practices in the field of respect for diversity and equality, actively learning and contributing with our specific expertise and unique knowledge built upon experience related to transition to modern democracy in Central and Eastern Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Greta Kraujalyte
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms. Virginija Aleksejune
Contact (2) Full Name
Virginija Aleksejune
Job Title (2)