Molad - the Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy

National Network

22 Eek Refaim

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
MOLAD was founded in early 2012 by a diverse group of activists, thinkers and policy makers, in response to an unmet need in Israel’s political arena. Indeed, although a significant proportion of the Israeli public continue to hold progressive values and beliefs, many have lost confidence in the institutions of the Left and believe they no longer presents a viable alternative in the Israeli political system. In light of this, MOLAD seeks to re-invigorate the progressive camp and provide a united platform for a constructive, progressive and credible voice. As a think tank, MOLAD generates new content, clear ideas and incisive analysis, all with a view to affecting a strategic and conceptual realignment of existing and emerging forces within Israel’s progressive community. Through a variety of different methods, MOLAD spreads innovative ideas and solutions among key decision makers and the Israeli public in three main areas of influence: security and strategy, citizenship and community, and economics and society. MOLAD’s activities are governed by an active and engaged 5-member board which includes leading lawyers, academics, journalists and activists. Indeed, MOLAD’s leadership benefits from a dynamic combination of emerging young forces and experienced public figures.
Mission and Objectives

• initiates intellectually ambitious projects which seek to expand current discourse by articulating different approaches to understanding and reconstructing Israeli society and Israeli identity, as well as Israel’s place in the region and the world, thereby creating a comprehensive conception of Israel as a vibrant and substantive democracy integrated into the region;
• produces first rate research on current affairs and longstanding questions through quantitative and qualitative research projects, thus establishing itself as an authority on political, social and economic questions for Israeli progressives;
• produces policy commentary, analysis, and recommendations ranging from policy papers to op-eds and blogs;
• provides training in political skills and strategy for activists, consultants and politicians in order to improve progressives’ political savvy; and
• provides an ideological and physical space for the progressive community, for discussions, advice, seminars, lectures, support and strategizing.

Main Projects / Activities

MOLAD’s projects are based around three key themes:
Security and Strategy: It is widely recognized that Israel lacks strategic thinking outside of official agencies, and in particular the military. As such, the Israeli security discourse is dominated almost entirely by the security establishment. This has created a narrowed vision in relation to security and strategy. In light of this, MOLAD seeks to create an independent security conception of Israel and put forward new strategic directions on questions of security and foreign relations.
Citizenship and Community: One of the indispensable challenges for Israeli democracy is the creation of an inclusive framework to allow both Jewish and Arab citizens to wholeheartedly call Israel their home. This requires not only considerations on institutional, constitutional and legal affairs, but also reconsideration of civic education, ideological biases and historical sensibility. These issues are especially relevant today in light of the slew of Knesset legislation that undermines the citizenship and rights of the Palestinian minority.
Economics and Society: Although the vast majority of Israelis support progressive and social democratic approaches to socio-economic issues, the political establishment and all the major parties espouse a neo-liberal framework. This is evident in the erosion of the welfare state and the growing economic gap in Israel. The current challenge is to construct a model which will allow Israel to advance its position in the global economy while reconstructing the welfare state and combating intolerable inequalities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MOLAD seeks to create a hub for progressive thought - a place where actors in the community can come together to share ideas and strategize about the future of the Israeli Left.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Molad would like to join the ALF network in order to benefit from funding leads and to learn about best practices adopted by civil society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chantal Jacobs
Head of the organisation
Avner Inbar

Refugee Mission of Reformed Mission Centre

National Network

Alag Str. 3.

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Reformed Church provided aid to ethnic Hungarians arriving from former Jugoslavia or Romania since the collapse of the Communism, so helping asylum seekers and refugees has a long history here. In Central Europe, Hungary receives the second most asylum applications, according to UNHCR (4672 in 2009.), the majority of the refugees arrives from Serbia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Turkey.
Mission and Objectives

The main purpose of the Refugee Mission, which is part of the Reformed Mission Centre, is to provide assistance, comfort and fellowship to any asylum seeker in need regardless of nationality, race, religion or social position. Our overall vision and strategy is to assist Hungarian society in "welcoming the stranger" and accepting "newcomers" as future citizens and neighbors. We have main target themes: housing, education and employment, in these fields we seek to provide long term assistance by professional staff members.

Main Projects / Activities

Our housing project assists families by providing them with a full rent subsidy for one year and an incrementally decreasing subsidy for 6 months, helping them to leave the refugee camps, accompanied with the direct assistance of our social workers.
Those most at risk as refugees or foreigners in a new country and culture are children and women. Women are at risk for being taken advantage of and remaining isolated, unemployed. Our employment program provided refugee women with intensive Hungarian language instruction and skills training, like pre-school assistance or nurseries securing long time employment contracts for the participants. This was a one time program that we seek to repeat as the need and success rate was quite high.
The education program secures the access to education for refugee youngsters, we provide intense Hungarian language instruction, school supplies, books and tutoring to youth between the ages of 6 and 22, helping them with the successful integration into the Hungarian school system. We organize one-on-one lectures, in and after school classes, home work assistance, pre-exam preparation, lobby for accelerated learning programs as many young refugees loose so many years due to the journey and the lack of school papers. Community development is also crucial, for this purpose the mission set up cultural and sports activities, common celebrations. On staff or among our volunteers we work with people with a migration background who are an enormous support in partnering with the families of refugee youth or who can much better relate and provide practical and emotional support to unaccompanied minors as well.
In the education program we seek to empower our students with basic life skills just as advising on career development paths and basic citizenship lectures in class and during field trips. Cross-community programs are a structural part of our activities: on school holidays we organize field trips and exchanges in and outside of Hungary. In an Action 1.3 Youth Exchange program we participated with a mix of Hungarian and refugee student’s group with a very positive experience and the recognition of the need for more opportunities like these.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dóra Kanizsai-Nagy
Head of the organisation
Dóra Kanizsai-Nagy
Contact (2) Full Name
Enikő Virág

DemNet Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights

National Network

Pozsonyi út 14.

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
General Information

DemNet is registered in Hungary, overviewed by international board of 4 members and supervisory board of 3 members. It employs Hungarian staff of 1 full time and 3 part time in Budapest, and also works with external experts. Sources of funding are mainly grants, service fees, and other (donations). Recent concrete projects: 1) Citizens for Financial Justice (Europeaid), 2) developing active citizenship and participation skills of secondary schoolers in Georgia (IVF), 3) Stregthening regional, European and global CSO umbrella organisations (Europeaid), 4) Social Innovation weekend Prague (IVF) 5) Citizens' Assembly on climate (Sortition Foundation). Partners, memberships: HAND Association, Tax Justice Europe, Eurodad, Civicus, Fight Inequality Alliance.

Mission and Objectives

DemNet Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights is an independent Hungarian NGO that was established in 1996.

DemNet’s vision is a more just, more equal, and more sustainable world based on the universal respect for human rights.

We are committed to reducing inequality, strengthening global solidarity and partnership, promoting gender equality, joint responsibility, active citizenship, a strong civil sphere and transparency. Due the cross-national character of our work and mission, in most cases we implement our projects in cooperation with international partners. We are proud of the fact that in the two decades since DemNet was founded, a wide variety of international organizations and donors have honored us with their trust, providing us with expertise and financial support in the realization of our projects.

We believe in individual responsibility but at the same time we are also aware that systemic changes are needed to make the world more equal and more fair, as well as to achieve genuine social, economic and environmental sustainability. We place a great emphasis on the constructive dialogue between sectors and the principle of localism.

Our work includes the drafting of analyses and public policy proposals. We cooperate with domestic and EU decision-makers and opinion leaders in our policy work, and we launch awareness-raising campaigns and stimulate the exchange of ideas and experiences between domestic and international NGOs and opinion leaders. We also carry out educational programs and hold trainings in Hungary and in developing countries.

Due the cross-national character of our work and mission, in most cases we implement our projects in cooperation with international partners. We are proud of the fact that in the two decades since DemNet was founded, a wide variety of international organizations and donors have honored us with their trust, providing us with expertise and financial support in the realization of our projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects:
1) Citizens for Financial Justice (Europeaid)
2) Developing active citizenship and participation skills of secondary schoolers in Georgia (IVF)
3) Stregthening regional, European and global CSO umbrella organisations (Europeaid)
4) Social Innovation weekend Prague (IVF)
5) Citizens' Assembly on climate (Sortition Foundation)

Activities include:
a) Capacity building for civil society organisations and other community actors
b) Awareness raising and public information campaigns
c) Public advocacy for sustainability and citizens' participation
d) Policy work incl. drafting public policy analyses and proposals

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1) sharing know how
2) capacity building for Hungarian actors or even on international levels on international development and transition experience, common project implementation, social innovation, active citizenship etc.
3) representing a critical view
4) participating in working groups (if any)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1) to share know how on sustainability, social and economic justice, gender equality and active citizenship,
2) to find partners for common initiatives in the EU and in its Neighbourhood,
3) to design and imlement projects in coalition

Contact (1) Full Name
Éva Bördős
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Éva Bördős, director
Contact (2) Full Name
Zsófia Miklós

Kistarcsa Cultural Association

National Network

Bercsenyi u. 18.

+36 28 470 926
+36 28 470 926
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+36 30 349 0300
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Presidency (6 persons), board of trustees (6 persons).All members are volunteers. Budgetary in a year is about 50 000 Euro. Main sources are: proposal grants, contribution of local government, donations. We often participate in international exchanges, and organise seminars. Our main partners are from  Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, France.

Mission and Objectives

The civic association, which has a membership of 60, is committed to contribute to the improvement of the cultural life of our settlement.
The members of the association meet once a week, when educational lectures are held.
We annually organize show evenings when local amateur and professional artists perform. There are show evenings for talenred local children too.
We offer yearly award prizes for which local inhabitants may apply.
Every autumn is held a cultural week.
Since 1998 we have published a local calendar yearly.
We are active in researching local history, saving traditions and hand them to the youth.
For us is important our heritage and the European integration too. So we keep in mind and prefer the cultural diversity of diferent nations in our activity.
Our method of community building is via cultural programs like organizing courses, study visits, cooperation with partner organizations in transnational level.

Main Projects / Activities

Publication of printed publications connected to our town, handycraft courses, Europe for Citizens and Erasmus+ projects, making creations for local public places, exhibitions of special objects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute the network with our communication tools, with giving information to media.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to make more in the field of cultural diversity. We are looking for partners from countries outside the European Union too.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ferenc Kereszti
Head of the organisation
Ferenc Kereszti
Contact (2) Full Name
Csaba Csonka

RomNet-Media Foundation (RomNet-Média Alapítvány)

National Network

Teleki László tér 3.

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
We are a small NGO in Hungary. We don't have full time team mates, because everybody are volunteer work. We operate our foundation money to tender. This year's budget is U.S. $ 25,000
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the RomNet-Media Foundation is to provide information to societies via the internet, in electronic and printed format, and to present the cultures of Hungary and of other countries. By presenting the situation of the Roma and poor people of Hungary and Europe, and in particular of Central and Eastern Europe, the Foundation’s staff is making a protest against the exclusion and branding of Roma and every social group, as well as drawing the attention of society and of legislators to the need for change.
The aim of the RomNet-Media Foundation is to help the work of those organisations and professionals who represent the interests of the excluded, and who are working for the improvement of the situation of disadvantaged people. Thus the RomNet-Media Foundation helps these various organisations to communicate and cooperate with one another.

Main Projects / Activities

Our major projects for Roma news website.

Contact (1) Full Name
Csaba Báder
Head of the organisation
Csaba Báder
Contact (2) Full Name
Bernadett Bóni

Jakab Glaser Memorial Foundation

National Network

Apt. 13, 2nd floor, 23 Práter Str., Budapest, H-1082, Hungary

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The Organization is the non-profit organization of the last Shtiebel of Budapest, Hungary. A shtiebel is a traditional centre of learning, worship and community of Eastern European Jewry. This place keeps its own traditions, customs and tones, as well as – uniquely in Hungary – a Sephardic liturgy since its establishmentbefore WWI. The shtiebel is saved and operated by a small number of deeply engaged young adults, with no experience or positions in any other Jewish establishments. We established the organization in 2010and named it after the late JakabGláser who had kept the shtiebel alive for decades until his death in 2006, when he was 95. Since then community has been maintaining the shtiebel. JakabGláser was the last of the old generation, and his long life,dedication and hard work made it possible for the shtiebel to survive. By the end of the 1990s the community shrank to 8 or 9, mostly elderly members (most of whom are also gone by now) so without the community building activities of the young and devoted “newcomers”, this place would not exist today. At our organization there is 5 person working as a staff in a voluntary way. Our main partners are: MAOIH (Hungarian Autonomic Orthodox Community),MAZSIHISZ(Federation of Hungarian Jewish Congregations) ,Beyond Budapest Sightseeingand BálintHáz Budapest ,CHABAD Lubavitch,Past and Future” Publishing House. Our budgetary resorurces: 3800euro/year. Our sources of founding: from members through tenders, government support, Jewish organizations (eg Mazsihisz) 1% of the end of the eligibility period of collection organizing volunteer work for the community. Main activities: research and documentation of History of the shtiebel Community events,Publishing ,Women’s club and education, Participating in Jewish street festivals.
Mission and Objectives

Jewish religion and traditions
education, raising culture awareness, the Jewish religion and culture, organizing community programs fostering of religious and cultural heritage of the Jiddishkeit facilitate the exercise of religion organize and conduct religious services editing and publishing of Jewish religional, and educational publications.
The rehabilitation and operation of the Teleki Tér Shtiebel
To make The Teleki Tér Shtiebel suitable to prayer and community activities
Guarding and invigorating the traditions of oratory of the Shtiebel
Restoration, conservation, exhibition, -if possible- making suitable for use of the original devotional objects (Torah, Torah, jewelry, candle holders, wall plaques, etc) equipment (benches, cabinets, Torah, etc) and use of objects (prayer books, tefilim, etc),
Operation of the Shtiebel, development
Organizing community life of the Shtiebel, programs
social support (financial and material) of the community members
Creating community space, and operating it
Organization of religious ceremonies
Organizing community and cultural programs
Collecting, archiving, publishing
Guarding and invigorating the traditions of oratory of the Shtiebel
Searching for memories, reconstructing and documenting of the area’s prewar vibrant cultural and Jewish community life,
The typical neighborhood, homes operating in prayer houses (lakásimaházak) cultures, traditions, memories of exploring Archive
Review, Summarizing and documenting ofJakab Gláser’s life and pro community activities
Summarizing the results of research and publication of the outcome
publishing, book publishing

Main Projects / Activities

Research and documentation of History of the shtiebel,Community events, Publishing ,Women’s club and education,Participating in Jewish street festivals.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to be partners of some Hungarian ALF members, so we imagine a cooperation with ALF inside our country and also having new projects and being partners with international ALF members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We started to improve the capacity of our organization. For our future plans we need international contacts. The euro-mediterran region is the best for our partnerships.In Hungary we have heard about ALF as some of our new partners are members. They also suggested that if we are interested in intercultural dialogues this network is one of the bests for it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gábor Mayer
Head of the organisation
Gábor Mayer
Contact (2) Full Name
András Mayer

Jakina Youth Charity Association - جمعية شباب جكين للعمل الخيري

National Network

Rosso, Mauritanie
Jadr El Mahkan - Jakina

00222 36243064
Telephone (other)
00222 22210458
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
وعيا منا بأن تشابك الارادة التي لا تتزحزح بالساعد المفتول..هي التي تصنع المعجزات وترفع التحدي’فقد قرر شباب قرية (جكين) التابعة لبلدية جدر المحكن فقد قررت مجموعة من الشباب تأسيس جمعية تهتم بالعمل الخيرى،وتسعى إلى خدمة الناس. إن هذه النافذة ليست بالتأكيد إستدرارا لعطف أي كان وإنما تعريفا بما تزخر به هذه المنطقة من خيرات ومؤهلات سياحية هامة تحتاج من ينفض عنها غبار النسيان ويزيح ركام الايام الخوالي. إن إيماننا بتلك المبادئ والقيم السمحة التي ينبقي أن تسود لايوازيه سوى إيماننا بأن نستنهض كافة الهمم في سبيل صهرها في بوتقة واحدة تحمي الذمار وتذود عن الحمى . أيها الاخوة الاعزاء يقول إفلاطون في كلمته المشهورة (إن الكون هو ما قد كان ) وبالتالي لانستطيع الحلم بالمستقبل والتطلع للحاضر إلى عبر الماضي الذي صانه أجدادنا وورثوه لنا فعرف بالتراث’وبالتالي فإن التراثنا الطبيعي هو إمتداد لهويتنا ولوجودنا الثقافي ولا مناص من العمل بجد في سبيل المحافظة عليه فلنعمل من أجل ذلك وليكن شعارنا ((وللحياة معنى)).
Mission and Objectives

أهداف الجمعية:
1.تقديم العون والدعم والرعاية الصحية المناسبة للمواطنين.
3. كفالة ورعاية اليتيم المحتاج حسب الإمكانيات.
4. خدمة الفقراء والمحتاجين حسب الإمكانيات.
5. عمل دورات تأهيل لأبناء القرية لإيجاد فرص عمل.
6. عمل دورات تقوية لطلاب المرحلة الثانوية من أبناء القرية ودعم التعليم بصفة عامة.
8. مشاركة الجميع في مناسباتهم الخاصة والوقوف معهم في النكبات حسب
9. دعم وترقية النفاذ إلى الخدمات من أجل بلوغ أهداف التنمية.
10- تشييد المكتبات وتنظيم المخيمات الثقافية
11- تكريم المتفوقين من أبناء القرية فى الثانويات والجامعات والمسابقات المختلفة.
12- دعم المشاريع التجارية والإنتاجية لتحسين أوضاع المواطنين.
13- إقامة الأيام الطبية المجانية للجميع.
14- أية أهداف أخرى تستجد وتراها الهيئة العامة مناسبة في كافة المجالات الثقافية و
الرياضية والتراث والمناسبات الاجتماعية.

Main Projects / Activities

- des journées éducatives nationaux.
- des compagnes de sensibilisation.
- des ateliers
- des forums
- des couvertures médiathèques (publique et privée)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

par contacter des différents acteurs dans le domaines associatifs, culturels et artistique.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour multiplier les opportunités d’être efficace.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sheikh Saa'd bou weld aa'l
Head of the organisation
Imameldin Ahmadou

Assocition Nationale pour la Promotion de l'Education et la Culture

National Network

Nouakchott- Mauritanie, BP: 7627

+ 222 22 27 07 33
Telephone (other)
+ 222 46 47 62 12
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

2- Objectifs
L’équipe de l’association a opté pour la réalisation d’un ensemble d’objectifs relatifs au développement et à la lutte contre la pauvreté. Les activités de l’association sont axées sur la santé maternelle et infantile ainsi que la promotion de la femme et de l’enfant et apporter une contribution active dans la lutte contre le fléau de l’analphabétisme et ses corollaires surtout au niveau des femmes et l’avènement d’une société lettrée et aider les femmes et les jeunes filles des milieux défavorisés dans les zones ciblées à vaincre la pauvreté, l’ignorance et le chômage en leur assurant des formations intensives et appropriées dans le domaine de l'alphabétisation fonctionnelle, l'informatique, la couture et la teinture
• Lutter contre l’Analphabétisme particulièrement chez les couches les plus vulnérables surtout les populations culturellement marginalisées en particulier les femmes ;
• Sensibiliser dles décideurs pour le recouvrement des femmes divorcées de leurs droits en matière de gérance et de tutelle sur leurs enfants ;
• Aider à la prise en charge des femmes et des enfants handicapés et en situations difficiles.
• Faire acquérir aux bénéficiaires les compétences de lecture, d’écritures, du calcul et les rudiments de l’instruction civique (culture de la paix) ;
• S’inspirer de l’apport de la civilisation universelle dans un climat de tolérances et de concorde entre les peuples.
Au niveau économique :
• L’aide à la création de sources de revenus, en particulier pour les femmes chefs de ménages ;
• L’encouragement à la création de coopératives en milieu rural et péri urbain et leur soutien moral et matériel ;
• La réalisation de sessions de formation professionnelle au profit des filles en déperdition scolaire dans les domaines de la teinture, de la couture, de l’informatique, etc. ;
• L’aide et la prise en charge des femmes et des enfants handicapés et en situations difficiles.
Sanitaire :
• Lutter contre le V I H SIDA et les maladies sexuellement transmissible ;
• L’ouverture d’une caisse de solidarité pour aider à la prise en charge des malades indigents, des personnes en difficultés et les sans recette.
• Appui aux programmes de la santé de reproduction.
• Lutter contre la Fiévre jaune par l’acquisition et la distribution des moustiquaires imprégnées au profit des femmes enceintes dans les zones à risques;
• Contribuer à l’atteinte des Objectifs du Millénaire OMD.

Main Projects / Activities

L’ONG a eu à organiser et piloter un ensemble d'activités sur des thèmes variés et dans des univers géographiques différents. Ces interventions touchent, entre autres, la formation, l’alphabétisation, les Activités génératrices de Revenus, l'environnement, la salubrité et la santé des populations urbaines et périurbaines

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed ould Saleck
Head of the organisation
Mohamed ould Saleck
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatimettou mint Abdel Jelil

Benno pour reussir

National Network

penda kane s7c kalidou diallo bp 6892 Noukchott,mauritanie

00222 3 6572410 (Kane)
Telephone (other)
002222003028 (Sall)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00222 3 6572410
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
organisation à caractere associatif apolitique,à but non lucratif Equipe : 54 membre travaillant avec des partenaires au developpement
Mission and Objectives

sauvegarde et conservation des valeurs patrimoniales de la culture mauritanienne. Notre but est de servir comme espace d'approches professionnelles permettant d'offrir des degres consideranbles de capacité dans la sauvegarde et conservation des patrimoines culturels

Main Projects / Activities

sauvegarde des biens culturels de la mauritanies. Activites principales : revaloriser les sites historiques ( tichit,ouadane,chinguintty,oualata)classés au rang des patrimoines mondiaux.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

proposer une feuille de route au reseau en implicant toutes les associations locales membres.Elaborer un schema directeur permettant à tous les membres du reseau de piloter un programme d'activités relatives à tous les secteurs socio-politiques,economiques et culturels.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Considerant l'apport important que la FAL apporte au niveau des pays maghrebiens et le rôle intrermediare qu'elle joue pour la valorisation de la diversité culturelle et l'emergence de la democratie pour la mediterranée notre association enn terrme de citoyennete s'inscrit comme membre actif et constructif pour contribuer et appuyer cette honorable fondationj.

Contact (1) Full Name
Penda Kane
Head of the organisation
Penda Kane
Contact (2) Full Name
Coumba Sall


National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
- Structure: 2organes de décision l'assemblée générale (16 membres )et le bureau exécutif (7membres ) - Cotisation des organisations membres - Projets concrets - Partenaires :OXFAM,AACID,PASOC
Mission and Objectives

- Le Réseau est une association apolitique, à but non lucratif, créée en 2008 suivant récépissé n°597 du MINT. Il est constitué d’un ensemble d’organisations syndicales, d’ONG de droits humains, d’organisations de développement, d’ordres professionnels et d’associations de presse. Le réseau œuvre pour toute action visant l’approfondissement de la démocratie constituant un cadre de concertation et de dialogue entre les acteurs de la societe civile partageant les mêmes options dans processus de construction d'un État de droit à travers le renforcement de la bonne gouvernance et de la promotion de la citoyenneté. Il s’assigne comme objectifs stratégiques : le renforcement et la consolidation des capacités institutionnelles du réseau et de ses organisations membres, la promotion de la culture civique et de la promotion du Contrôle Citoyen de l’Action Publique (CCAP) ; la promotion de l’équité genre et le développement d’un vaste réseau de partenariat national et international.

Main Projects / Activities

A travers son université citoyenne qui est espace de dialogue de concertation de formation et d'autoformation il entame des activités de renforcement de capacité et de dialogue entre les culture ,les ethnie pour émergence d'une société forte .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En partageant avec lui notre expérience capitalisé dans le domaine de la promotion de la citoyenneté .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour porté et véhiculé les missions et objectif de la fondation Anna lindh en Mauritanie et à travers le monde

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud ould Mohamed Khairou
Head of the organisation
Amadou SALL
Contact (2) Full Name