Foundation CPI, Sarajevo (Center for Public Interest Advocacy)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 33 259 595
+387 33 259 597
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+387 61 165 166
Mobile Phone (other)
+387 61 271 638
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
State level non profit foundation, 5 full time and 10 part time staff, aprox 250 000 USD, Open Society Foundation, USAID, Swiss SDC, IBP (International Budget Partnership), NED, long term and short term projects, open budget initiatives and open data initiatives, public awareness projects, new media peace and reconciliation initiatives
Mission and Objectives

CPI is an non-governmental, non-profit organization which actively supports the development of Civil Society by collecting, analysing and publishing data that are of interest to citizens, and further accentuating those data.
CPI Foundation strives for public and verified data to be made easily accessible for citizens of BiH, in a way that is easy to understand by any ordinary citizen who is not professionally engaged in public administration and public finance. Our second goal is to use IT and new media as a tool for positive social change broader than public accountability

Main Projects / Activities

Hyperion I and Hyperion II for the first time made available online all the public budgets of 14 different governments of our too complicated country. Then we followed with awareness and advocacy campaigns. Our most famous project is Counter of public money, huge display placed in a center of Sarajevo, that counts the expenditure of the state per second.
We do ranking of Bosnia for Open Budget Index and applying same methodology to measure openness for lover levels of government. We organised Municipal Budget Outreach initiative, traveling to smaller communities and engaging in discussions about public money with local activists and ordinary citizens. We are launching a web based media project in a domain of peace and reconciliation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can share our experience with the Network and once we get more familiar with the network and it's members we can plan cooperation in future activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

our existing projects can benefit from networking with the similar initiatives and our new project tackles many topics that seems to be among your priorities and is planned as a multi country regional project that tries to deconstruct most important myths and prejudices among the nations, religious and ethnic groups

Contact (1) Full Name
Zoran Ivančić
Head of the organisation
Zoran Ivančić; Chairman of the Board
Contact (2) Full Name
Damir Mehmedbašić Executive Director

Cine Clube de Viseu

National Network

Apartado 2102
3500 - 158 Viseu

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
. Cine Clube de Viseu consists on voluntary and professional work. We have a board of directors, and then one executive producer for daily work, administration, representation. . One half of our anual resources come from public support, and the other half from our own income (rates from associates, providing sales and services) . Anual budget: 80.000 eur. . Main projects: film exhibition, film education, film history. . We envolve all levels of schooling, since age 3, public institutes related to cinema and education.
Mission and Objectives

CCV is now an institution committed to fulfill their role with increasing professionalism, looking for promotion of film as art and culture from a integrated perspective, so the cinephile memory is not lost.

Main Projects / Activities

- movie project for schools, for all levels of schooling, since age 3.
- film series, organized by themes, directors, countries
- film review, edited four a year, one of the rare cinema publications in Portugal
- outdoor cinema in the historic city center

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Disseminating the network, supporting the growth of other projects by networking.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To approach organizations with identical objectives, which share geographical areas of intervention with us. To get closer to projects that can help us improve.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rodrigo Francisco
Head of the organisation
Rodrigo Francisco


National Network


06 50 50 68 70
Mobile Phone
06 50 50 68 70
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
association loi 1901, réseau de 18 associations, 12 membres fondateurs, 6 animatrices du réseau principale source de financement : Conseil Régional PACA + membres échanges, conférences, formations de cadres associatifs, en cours projet ABRI MATERNEL en Algérie
Mission and Objectives

Amitié entre les peuples de la Méditerranée soutien aux projets citoyens : crèches, micro-crédit, associations soutien aux femmes algériennes pour leurs luttes : au quotidien, en politique, etc...

Main Projects / Activities

Projet actuel : 'ferme essaada' abri maternel en Algérie pour femmes avec enfants vivant dans la rue accueil, hébergement, accompagnement social, économique, formations

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

participer aux actions de la fondation être un partenaire actif

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour soutenir les femmes où qu'elles soient Pour échanger les savoir faire, les expériences

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Chester Beatty. Co-head of the ALF Ireland network since 2019.

National Network

Dublin Castle, Dublin 2

+353 1 4070750
Telephone (other)
+353 1 4070775
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Youth and education
General Information

12 staff & 12 Security Staff, 4 contract staff, 1 Fellowship Conservator total: 29 staff. 2. Annual grant-in-aid from the Department of Arts, Sports and Tourism. 3. They have received funding in the past from e.g. The Heritage Council and Coexist Foundation for specific projects. 4. They have a 2-year funding project (Léargas, our National Education Bureau) to explore multi/intercultural education in museums for adults (2005-2007) as part of our Education Programme. 5. For this particular project, 3 partners, Imagine IC, Amsterdam, Engage, UK, Instituto per I Beni Artistici, Culturali e Artistici, Italy & Settore Educazione al Patrimonio Culturale Citta di Torino, Italy.

Mission and Objectives

Aim : To maintain and preserve the Collections and make them available for the use and enjoyment of the public in order to promote a wider appreciation and understanding of international cultural heritage and foster relations between the people of Ireland and the peoples whose cultures are represented in those Collections

Main Projects / Activities

The Library hosts a number of events as part of its public programme. These range from temporary and permanent exhibitions of the Islamic, East Asian, Asian and European collections to talks, workshops, demonstrations and family days. More recently the Library held a seminar in December 2004 entitled Understanding Islam. Topics such as history, culture and so on, were explored.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Jenny Siung
Job Title
Head of Education
Head of the organisation
Fionnuala Croke
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Paula Shalloo

Associazione indisciplinarte

National Network

Via Campofregoso 98

+39 0744 285946
Telephone (other)
+39 0744 1921509
+39 0744 1921509
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 3280580550
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3483352149
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Indisciplinarte is an italian cultural organization curating projects around contemporary arts involved in european cultural project management and territorial development since 2005. It presents its project in CAOS cultural arts centre opificio siri in Terni and works in constant interaction with a well-established international network. It is member of IETM International network for contemporary performing art and ENCC-european network of cultural centres. The staff is made by 10 professionals but it also involve volounteers, artists if it’s needed. Moreover it works with associations or international institutes, embassies as well on each single project. In 2012 it collaborated with L’Officina Atelier Marseillais de production, Saint John University of York, Institute Francais, Short Theatre, Bassano Operaestate,Goehte Institute Roma, Contemporanea Festival and Festival Internacional de Santiago a Mil. Indisciplinarte main activities are cultural projects, festivals or events, but it also offers residencies for artists and workshops or seminars for children and adults to promote the whole process of cultural production. The available budget is around 120000 and it funds its own activities through applications, answering calls or grants; anyhow the public sector is the main source of funding.
Mission and Objectives

We think the main strategic role of art and culture is to generate creativity, mobility, imagination as crucial assets to develop social and economical opportunities.
We work in the perspective of within a strategic development of the area of south umbria, and the city of Terni ( where we are based ) at an international level linking it to the theme of contemporaneity and innovation in culture and arts.
Our main objectives are
- to build a positive atmosphere, favorable to creativity and production
- to create a place of exchange and dissemination for contemporary arts
- to foster the dialogue between art and communities through communty art projects or site specific works to reflect on their identity and to get them open to cultural diversity
- to support young emerging international artists and their mobility to reduce isolation of Italian artistic field
- to inspire artistic and cultural exchanges
- to foster the dialogue between artists from the Mediterranean basin developing a new sense of belonging

Main Projects / Activities

TERNIFESIVAL International festival of contemporary creation
The festival, at its seventh edition, presents national and International artists who operate in the field of performance, dance and visual art promoting innovation and crossing the border between different languages and traditional categories.
The festival also deals with spectatorship and audience involvement. Along with traditional theatre and dance forms the festival experiments community plays, site specific projects spread throughout the city and one to one audience related performances.
Miniatures Officinae
It is a creative project, brought forth by L’Officina, in partnership with cultural structures in various countries of the Mediterranean basin, based on a five-year period, from 2008 to 2013. The objective is to collect a multitude of miniature performances created by artist from Mediterranen area during residencies in the differnet countries involved. The multi-dimensional field of the project will inspire artistic and cultural exchanges, and the dialogue between artists and cultures as wells.The final goal of Officinae Miniatures is to offer to the audience these representations on stage in autumn 2013, in several spots in Marseille, during the annual edition of DANSEM in the frame of Marseille 2013 European Cultural Capital.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are part of several national networks and we run a huge cultural centre in a former factory: we can actively promote creative initiatives and cooperation projects: we want to improve the intercultural dialogue through creativity and arts, involving also the communities in this process.
In this perspective, beyond cultural projects, we could on one hand promote seminars workshops and educational projects on the other hand offer artistic residencies and support International mobility. Furthemore we want to support the circulation of information and knowledges, spreading information about the ALF network and its activities, and publish studies and research works.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network because we are intersted in cooperation and in intercultural dialogue and exchange. We want to explore the connections between Europe and ther Mediterranean basin, undelying how this crossing-border trend affects the cultural field too: people keep looking both to their local identity but they need to develop a wider and global view dealing with this complexity. We want to get closer to the activities promoted by the network especially in the field of culture and education supporting them also learning from them: we want to discover new methodologies and get ready to listen and study themes and needs came out from these new cultures, complex and composed by differences merged toghether

Contact (1) Full Name
Chiara Organtini
Head of the organisation
Linda DiPietro
Contact (2) Full Name
Massimo Mancini

International Foundation for Intercultural and Interreligious Education -IFIIE

National Network

via del Babuino, 114- 00187 Roma

+39 06 69190101
+39 06 233201962
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 3407194006
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3473522989
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
IFIIE is a private foundation non profit, headquartered in Rome and active worldwide. Employs 1 full-timer. It is also supported by dedicated help of several volunteers •Budgetary resources available in a year: less then 100.000 EUR •Sources of funding: Private donors. Banks, Foundations IFIIE organizes and facilitates Conferences and Seminars on topics selected to further the search for common values. It grants Fellowships to individuals belonging mainly to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam who demonstrate an authentic interest in deepening their knowledge and understanding of others religious traditions. Center for Interreligious understanding, New Jersey, USA and Catholic University of America, Faculty of Law, Washington, DC. USA. Foundation Campana dei Caduti Rovereto PISAI Memorandum of Understanding
Mission and Objectives

International Foundation for Interreligious and Intercultural Education (IFIIE) aims to promote academic research and education around interreligious and intercultural dialogue.
Its objective is to further the search for common values among members of different cultural and religious backgrounds,in a cross cultural perspective, in the belief that this is the only way to make dialogue both appealing and genuine.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to reach this goal, IFIIE facilitates international conferences and seminars on topics selected to further the search for positive pluralism and common values. It participates in international projects with other organizations to enhance a broader understanding of dialogue and encounter and it grants fellowships to individuals belonging mainly to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam willing to deepen their knowledge and understanding of other religions.
IFIIE operates as a Think Thank for advocacy activities in areas such as education and religious issues.In this manner, IFIIE strives to promote an awareness of the common values lying behind diversity

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IFIIE has an experience in Italy and at an international level which is willing to share with the other participants of ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

IFIIE is looking forward to creating relationships with other organizations and foundations working for Intercultural Citizenship formal and non formal Education and entering a network where to share its best practices and to learn from the other members’ achievements and experiences. The possibility of interacting at the Euro-Mediterranean level definitely encourages the search for common values and answers to similar problems while respecting the differences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adalberta Mazzini Bernardini-vice president
Head of the organisation
Armando Bernardini -president

Zveza študentskih klubov Slovenije

National Network

Zveza ŠKIS
Tržaška cesta 42
1000 Ljubljana


+386 1 42 36 970
+386 1 42 36 974
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+386 40 777 790
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 40 744 660
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Zveza študentskih klubov Slovenije (Zveza ŠKIS) is an organization that brings together 52 student clubs that operate in local areas all across Slovenia. Clubs are linked into six Slovenian regions and finally to Zveza ŠKIS, which as such represents one of the four pillars of the Student Organization of Slovenia (ŠOS). In Zveza ŠKIS works more than 70 activists and consists out of 7 boards: Main Board (9 members), Security Council (7 members), Board for High School Students (6 members), Board for Social and Health Affairs (3 members),International Board (5 members), Board for Higher Education (3 members) and Supervisory Commission (5 members). In year 2011 budgetary resources of Zveza ŠKIS, acquired from various sources (Student Organization of Slovenia, project partners, tenders, donations of clubs etc.), amounted to € 430,993.52. Zveza ŠKIS provides support for student clubs, organizes, prepares and carries out projects and events, organizes seminars, training courses and workshops and advocates interests and positions of students. Main partners that are involved in Zveza ŠKIS's project/activities are student clubs, Student Organization of Slovenia, foreign students, organizations from foreign countries, local communities, other NGOs and many others depending on single project.
Mission and Objectives

As an independent organization, Zveza ŠKIS is responsible for the efficient and proper work of student clubs. Through its projects, Zveza ŠKIS provides practical education to activists of student clubs, advising them in their work, resolve any problems, and takes care of the connectivity between clubs and also young people from all regions of Slovenia. With the organization of round tables on up-to-date issues and needs of students in all local communities, Zveza ŠKIS is involved in the formation of youth policies and forms a number of planning documents. Zveza ŠKIS is involved in negotiations with the government and the social partners within the framework of the Student Organization of Slovenia, as well as in government working groups for Student Affairs. As a member of the National Youth Council of Slovenia, Zveza ŠKIS is one of the most important national project and educational institutions, representing young people in Slovenia.

Main Projects / Activities

The largest one-day outdoor, eco-friendly event for young people in Slovenia is certainly the famous "Škisova tržnica" (Škis' fair). The event brings together more than 20.000 young people who have the opportunity to learn about Slovenia, to hear all Slovenian dialects, try food from all places throughout Slovenia and have fun with the varied program and great music.
Second-hand book fair is a traditional project of Zveza ŠKIS, taking place in early September during the weekend in Križanke, Ljubljana. Second-hand book fair is intended for children and their parents, whose social status does not allow them to buy new textbooks and other school supplies, and to those who see no point in buying new books every year.
"ŠKIS days of healthy living" is a two-day project, through which we want to raise awareness about healthy lifestyle and promote solidarity among students. The most important objective is to promote and maintain values such as healthy and active life, solidarity and empathy.
"Častim pol litra" (Giving away half a liter) has become a traditional and recognizable slogan for a nation-wide student blood-donating action, which takes place every year in the autumn and spring.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Activists at Zveza ŠKIS are constantly organizing seminars, workshops and trainings and we want to spread our knowledge among other members of the Network. We would also like to present our work to others and thereby advise other organizations. We would like to encourage mobility among Slovenian youth and also among youth in other countries.
Because we have a lot of activists, we can offer to the Network a lot of creativity and innovation. Above all, we want to build bridges of friendship between different organizations and nations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Zveza ŠKIS and especially International Board of Zveza ŠKIS would like to share and spread awareness of youth problems into other members of ALF Network. Also, we would like to learn something new, share our knowledge and finally in such a way we would like encourage mobility of Slovenian students. Finally with membership in the ALF Network we will gain some experiences and we will get together with youth in other countries. Also with this membership the reputation of Zveza ŠKIS will be improved both in Slovenia and abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adisa Dizdarević
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Eva Omerza

Save Youth Future Society

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
SYFS Structure: Management: - Executive Manager (Full-time) - Project Coordinators (3 persons – Full-time) - Field Coordinator (1 person – Full-time) - Field Monitors (3 persons – Full-time) - Field Researchers (3 persons – Full-time) Administration: - Administrative Assistant (1 person – Full-time) - Secretary/Receptionist (1 person – Full-time) - Units Officers (2 persons – Part-time) Accounting: - Financial Manager (1 person – Full-time) - Accountant (1 person – Full-time) Support staff: - It Specialist (1 person – Full-time) - Office keeper (1 person – Full-time) Over the past three years (2009, 2010 and 2011), the total budget of awarded grants is 1,026,227 USD. The main sources of funding are as follows: - Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Mercy Corps - IRD - ARD - ACTED - British Consulate - Save the Children
Mission and Objectives

SYFS mission is to work towards sustainable human development through:
• The development of Palestinian human resources
• Institutional building
• Networking and cooperating with International and regional organizations.
SYFS Objectives
SYF work recognizes the necessity of creating independent, self-reliant initiatives that achieve sustainable development and incorporate values of self-sufficiency and self-empowerment. With these goals in mind SYF pursues the following objectives:
• Development of Palestinian human resources
• Creation of sustainable Palestinian Community Development
• Enhancement of Palestinian women’s skills, knowledge and opportunities
• Increase Palestinian awareness of democratic and participation issues
• Empowerment of marginalized sectors within Palestinian society
• Enhancement of Palestinian self-reliance through training and income-generating projects
• Strengthen of cooperation and coordination with other Palestinian and international organizations in related fields.
• Increase the self-reliance, efficiency professionalism and effectiveness of Palestinian NGOs and grassroots organization.

Main Projects / Activities

SYFS Activities:
SYFS benefits from an extensive experience on awareness raising, capacity building and communities motivation. Since its establishment, SYFS focuses in the following fields:
o Education through a positive influence on the younger generation attitudes, values and skills.
o Capacity building of youth.
o Awareness raising and advocacy campaigns to empower participation of marginalized categories such as youth and women in civic issues.
o Direct social work that provides counseling and conflict resolution services on the individual and familial and community levels.
o Civil work to promote and encourage citizens' participation in decision-making.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• SYFS will contribute to the networks through providing assistant in cooperation and coordination with other Palestinian and international organizations in related fields.
• SYFS will present its success stories to the network as they will be needing and inspiring examples to the organizations in the network.
• SYFS will contribute to develop the human resources of the NGOs within the network different fields.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the network will add a great value to our society as the network will create chances to share the different organizational experiences and cultures in addition to opening new gates for coordinating new projects and ideas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emad Darweesh
Head of the organisation
Emad Darweesh
Contact (2) Full Name
Bahaa Fares

Damour Center for Media & Communication

National Network
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Damour Centre for Media and Communication is a non profit organization that was founded in 2010 in Ramallah City. It is located in Ramallah city, Al Masyoun neighbourhood with another branch for the centre in Kfar Kasem. The founders of this centre are: Ashraf Ajrami: General Manager George Ibrahim Rima Hamdan Damour Centre has been funded by the American Fund for Reconciliation,Tolernce & Peace.
Mission and Objectives

To contribute to creating genuine and objective knowledge of the other (for the Palestinians about the Israelis, and for the Israelis about the Palestinians) which would contribute to more ability to understand and therefore reaching an agreement
The centre aims at:
- Establishing a website in Arabic and Hebrew, where the Arabic section would be specialized in Israeli issues, while the Hebrew section would be specialized in Palestinian issues.
- Establishing cooperation between different Israelis and Palestinian media outlets that are involved in peace establishment in the region, with exchange visits and participation in mutual training sessions, workshops and other events.
- Giving spaces for liberal and moderate opinions that support peace but could not get a chance to be heard or published in media outlets.
- Showing both societies in their full picture with its variety and different aspects on all political, social, cultural and intellectual levels.

Main Projects / Activities

Estabishing website specialized in isreali affairs (
Estabishing youth website (
Project of Job Opportunities for Youth in Media and Research. Damour center thus offers to target 100 media students from three different universities from the north, south and center. These students are either graduates or current students, the requirement is for them to be media students or graduates.And to work with them on building their research skills, media related topics, and also network with media institutions to try also give them a real practical experience to practice their skills and apply all they learnt, and to accumulate this into an experience that would enrich their CVs and help them find jobs easily

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By education youth to know the other side (the Israeli) and on the values ​​of peace,we can contribute to Dissemination of the culture of peace.Also we help youth to have skills to be integrate in the work market.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it deals with the the dialogue between the different civilizations.Also to get benfit of the support of the organization

Contact (1) Full Name
Ashraf AL-Ajrami
Head of the organisation
Ashraf AL-Ajrami
Contact (2) Full Name
Rima Hamdan

Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey

National Network

Kadir Has Caddesi


0090 212 533 65 32 / 1219
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0090 533 315 20 18
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
CSR Turkey has multi-stakeholder governance including persons from NGOs, academics, media, public institutions and public sector. 4 professional, 12 volunteers. Funding are mainly provided with national and international CSR projects. annually 50.000-70.000 euro. CSR Turkey focuses on CSR trainins, scientific researches,CSR advocacy and CSR consultings. Main partners are European Commission, international institutions like UNDP, German Marshall Fund, Embassies, national agencies, etc, NGOs, private sector, CSR Europe, CSR Middleeast, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey was founded in 2005 to help the development of the consciousness of social responsibility, extend the knowledge of CSR in national and international level in its endeavor for sustainable development and social achievement in Turkey.
CSR Turkey creates tools, resources and methodologies particularly for business, so that businesses can mitigate the negative effects on social and environmental level and foster a positive impact on the development of the society and itself.

Main Projects / Activities

CSR Turkey focusses on 4 core areas:
CSR Trainings (Recently; ISO 26000)
Scientific researches on CSR (CSR Report 2010, CSR Report 2008)
Advocacy of CSR (article request to the Turkish Constitution)
CSR Consulting (for more information: )
CSR Turkey annually organizes:
CSR Marketplace in Turkey
Give & Gain Day
NGO Days
CSR Turkey is a member of:
CSR Europe
CSR Middle East
*recently CSR Black Sea

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our experience, knowhow, network. With its high visibility CSR Turkey can increase the awareness of ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To exchange the knowledge and experience, to network, to develop new innovative ideas collaboratively which will increase the positive impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Feride Dogan
Head of the organisation
Serdar Dinler
Contact (2) Full Name
Ali Ercan Ozgur