National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
PCR is an independent, community-oriented, non-governmental organization that was established in Gaza Strip in 2002. licensed number (7259). Number of staff 11,source of funding UNDP,NED,TAMKEEN, and USIAD
Mission and Objectives

Our mission:
We shall contribute to services and developing Palestine marginalized and poor groups, based on advanced concepts and best practices and utilizes highly qualities.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Offering societal and humanitarian services to Palestine refugees through our outreach centers.
2.Contributing to highlighting key relevant issues and Palestine concerns of refugees within the media.
3.Contributing to enhancing the living welfare of the poor and mitigating their poverty.
4.Societal empowerment of women.
5.Empowering & offering capacity building to the teens' niche.
6.Contributing to improved child welfare, better health, and entertainment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Omar KH Hodhod
Head of the organisation
Dr. Kalead shabaan
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Kalead shabaan

Individual member: Dragana Tripković

National Network

Zmaj Jovina 14, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro

+382 20651665
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+382 67611666
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
individual person
Mission and Objectives

- Share and develop knowledge through artistic expression, education, and public presentations
- Expression through poetry attitude toward current social occurrences and phenomena
- Cultural cooperation between European countries, different generations, marginalized and vulnerable groups, cultural institutions and research centers
- Enhance inclusion of socially disadvantaged groups through their involvement in artistic process

Main Projects / Activities

- Arts and cultures of the Mediterranean and Europe
- Contemporary poetry, drama, and prose in the European Mediterranean tradition and artistic heritage
- Multimedia presentation of art and culture (audio and video arts, documentaries, audio books)
- Published poetry books and playwrites: "Tricked soul", 2000 (publisher: KZP – Podgorica), "Love is when you go away", 2005 (publisher: Plima – Ulcinj, MNE), second edition in 2006, "Poems", 2006, (publisher: Antibarbarus, Zagreb); plays: "Herbs for the end","Shift" 2011 (publisher: OKF - Ars - Podgorica)
- Founder of Non- Govermental Organizastion ATAK (Alternative Theatric Active Company)
- Playwright, dramaturgie at project of Montenegrin National Theatre at Podgorica
- Playwright, dramaturgie and organizing at project "Blind" Morris Maeterlinck - theatre project which integrates and engages people with visual impairment along with professional theatre actors by NGO ATAK
- Proofreader of The Anthology of Albanian Conteporary Drama, translated to Montenegrin language (NGO Prostory)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To strengthen the cultural connections and develop new cultural links in the Euro Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dragana Tripković

Bruna NGO

National Network

Dr S. Zivojinovica 5
85 347 Igalo

+382 31 332 326
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 461 581
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Since 2008 Bruna was functioning as a branch office of NGO Adut and in 2010 has officially been formed as an independent organization. Since then all efforts are focused towards sustainable support to classical and affirmation of contemporary art. Another important course of action is creating a positive environment for professionals and amateurs in performing art and providing a qualitative education of solo singers. Our organization is named after Professor Bruna Spiler, Slovenian who was born in Herceg Novi, Montenegro. She was a famous pedagogue and a Head of Department of Solo Singing at the University in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Being educated in Belgrade (Serbia), Rome and Milano (Italy), she gave a great contribution to the region of Western Balkan. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are local and national government, high schools of music and universities, international partners such as various cultural organizations and foundations. To some extent we are self sustainable and finance ourselves from project activities. Our activities are mainly focused on organizing international festivals, specialized trainings and master classes of solo singing, competitions, workshops and publishing. Bruna's activities until now have involved more than 600 various experts and students in art and cultural workers.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is to produce a wide range of cultural, educational, and artistic programming, including preservation of cultural heritage and documentary work that assures that the cultural legacy of the Mediterranean region and European values are disseminated to a broad-based audience. Our Vision is to be the premier producer of cultural programs, across disciplines that celebrate the richness of values, showcase the contemporary creative community, and connect to traditions derived from international culture.
Objectives and key activities of the organization are based on:
Artistic cooperation & exchange of experiences
Artistic mobility & exchange of art works
To create a network of new and original artistic projects between International community and the Balkans Investing in intercultural diversity & dialogue
Valorization of cultural heritage
Organization of exhibitions, concerts, festivals and other cultural events
Support to organizations and individuals to achieve their cultural programs & projects
Education/Training of specific target groups
To promote the development of cultural tourism in the involved territories by means of the promotion of artistic-cultural initiatives

Main Projects / Activities

Bruna Spiler International Festival of Solo Singing is a perpetual extravaganza of performing arts on the site, lectures and conversations in an extraordinary place.
Based on the belief that the culture is being equally promoted by contemporary works as well as with classical cultural heritage, Festival Bruna Spiler is devoted to the creation of educational and musical events. This is the unique Festival of that kind in Montenegro that supports classical music in coalition with international contemporary artistic expression.
In this sense, the artworks are being dislocated from conventional space and become a kind of cultural pilgrimage points - all in order to promote art mobility. Our mission is help this Festival to grow into one of the most popular in this part of Europe, through establishing of partnership, exchange and dialogue among cultural actors from participating countries and to stimulate creation of art. We are an open festival for both professionals and amateurs but expect high standards of performance and presentation. We believe that competitive music festivals have an important role to play in education. For anyone to perform their piece of music in front of an audience and an expert adjudicator is a valuable experience, whether they became professional or not. Festival focuses on exchanges of experience through the mobility of professionals, promoting the circulation of cultural works and promoting intercultural dialogue.
The festival, already five times in a row, operates year-round to produce concerts, lectures, workshops and seminars intended for professionals, master classes and specialised training programmes, an annual competition, as well as a publishing of professional literature in a memory of professor Bruna Spiler. This year Festival is going to be organized in four stages and the implementation of activities will take place in Montenegro, Germany and Serbia.
The purpose of is to provide conditions to connect international art community, promote the Art Mobility, Exchange & Development of cultural works between different countries in the place.
Our goal is to provide strong support to solo and opera singing, both classical and contemporary; discover original scripts; bring artists together; exchange perspectives; assemble performers, cultural workers and relevant institutions, as well as other activities related to solo performance.
We believe the single person on stage gives us the opportunity to connect and focus on the uniqueness of human being.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The culture of Montenegro is as pluralistic and diverse as its history and geographical position would suggest. The cultural background of Montenegro has been formed under the influences of both eastern and western civilizations, from prehistoric times to present days. On this relatively small area (with only 620,000 inhabitants), one can trace influences of the Mediterranean, middle European, East European and Oriental civilizations and cultures. Such a historical process has affected the formation of cultural image of Montenegro, which is primarily characterized by multiculturalism in the broadest sense. Montenegrin society today is diverse: multi-ethnic, multi-national, and multi-confessional. Full integration of all social groups, along with the preservation and development of their national and cultural identities, forms the core of Montenegro’s policy in the fields of multi-culturalism and minority rights. Being a strong supporter of exchange and mobility among artists, our organization already have an international reputation in organizing events to establish the foundations of acceptance of cultural diversity and promotion of cultural values in Montenegro. We can greatly contribute to ALF Network providing support to its members, exchanging experience and having joint projects in the future.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our activities are realized in continuity of FIVE years already and for a goal have affirmation and mobility on the international level, preservation of cultural heritage and values. All our project activities lead to:
1. encouraging exchanges of experience through the mobility of international professionals in the cultural field
2. promoting the circulation of cultural works by giving access to cultural works to the largest possible audience
3. promoting intercultural dialogue
Even with proceses of globalization, there is a lack of mutual cooperation and insufficient involving of institutions/organizations in the Region for establishing cooperation in joint projects and integration into a complete artistic scene with respect to the similarities/differences, insufficient associated applying/utilization of grants for art projects and scholarships for artistic education and training. The Anna Lindh Foundation runs the largest Network of civil society organisations involved in the promotion of intercultural dialogue across Europe and the Mediterranean. Since the members of the ALF Network are of very diverse nature, we find that being a part of the such a broad and wide-ranging network would be of great benefit to our organization in finding partners within the civil society and establishing collaboration at the national and regional level, connected with a common goal of pluralism acceptance and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirela Scasni
Head of the organisation
Mirela Scasni


National Network

90 avenue Simon Bolivar
75019 Paris

0033 (0)1 42 02 64 20
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure Association sans but lucratif, reconnue d’intérêt général. Affiliée à la Fédération des œuvres laïques et agrée par les Associations de Jeunesse et d’Education Populaire. Budget prévisionnel pour 2013 de 360 000 € Sources de financement : Le Ministère de la Justice La Direction interrégionale des services pénitentiaire Le Fonds interministériel de prévention de la délinquance L’Agence nationale pour la cohésion sociale et l’égalité des chances La Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d’Ile de France, Ministère de la culture et de la communication La Mairie de Paris, Mission Cinéma La Région Île-de-France, unité sociale des quartiers Arcadi, Passeurs d’Images en Île-de-France Fondation M6 Délégation de l'Union Européenne en Tunisie Modalités d’action : Production, Création, Diffusion sonore et visuelle Ateliers de création pour tous publics Ateliers de réflexion et de pratique audiovisuelle pour tous publics (scolaires, étudiants, centres sociaux, prisons, quartiers…) Projet de création d’ateliers dans deux prisons tunisiennes Partenaires principaux associés aux activités : Le Service Pénitentiaire d’Insertion et de Probation (Paris et Régions) Le Centre National du Cinéma Association Cultures, Publics et Territoires (France) Cinéma MK2 (Paris) Association du Cinéma indépendant pour sa Diffusion (France) Association culturelle Afrique Méditerranée (Tunisie)
Mission and Objectives

L'association a pour objet de favoriser la diffusion, la promotion et la production d'œuvres sonores et visuelles ; de fédérer les lieux et institutions qui poursuivent le même objet et de créer des réseaux d’échanges des différentes pratiques artistiques.
Au fil de longues années d’atelier de pratiques cinématographiques, l’association expérimente au quotidien le cinéma comme vecteur de lien social, politique et poétique du fait de sa capacité à travailler la complexité du monde, à déplacer les regards et à ouvrir vers d’autres possibles.
En favorisant le lien entre des publics exclus et l’ensemble de la société, elle facilite la construction des modes de reconnaissance et de compréhension de l’autre et donc le rapprochement entre des publics à priori éloignés.

Main Projects / Activities

Le collectif Les Yeux de l’Ouïe a toujours été animé par le désir de penser, de fabriquer et de partager l’art au plus près de la vie de chacun.
Les activités de l’association se déclinent autour de trois axes :
- programmation et diffusion de films et d’œuvres visuelles,
- organisation d’ateliers de création partagée pour tous publics,
- production de films documentaires, de création vidéo et d’installations visuelles et sonores.
L’association mène depuis des années des actions au sein de certains établissements pénitentiaires français : formation en réalisation documentaire à la prison d’Ensisheim, ateliers vidéo et mise en place d’un canal interne à la prison de Metz.
Elle est notamment en charge, depuis 1998, à la maison de d’arrêt de Paris-La-Santé, d’un atelier audiovisuel et elle y assure également le fonctionnement et la programmation d’un canal interne de télévision à destination des personnes détenues.
Actuellement l'Association met en place des ateliers de réflexion et de création audiovisuelle pour des jeunes habitants de La Courneuve en banlieue parisienne.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'association a initié plusieurs actions interrogeant nos enfermements et s'articulant autour d'une circulation entre le dedans et le dehors de tout cadre de vie (prison, centre d'hébergement, banlieue, fondation sciences politiques …), et cherche à explorer par-delà tel ou tel territoire la question de l'ici et du là-bas.
Elle met actuellement en place deux actions en conversation : l'une soutenue par l'IEDDH qui vise à insérer la question de la prison dans la Cité et dans le « souci démocratique » que connaît la Tunisie depuis le 14 janvier, et l'autre, à La Courneuve avec des jeunes habitants de banlieue sur la transmutation de l'habitat et sur la manière sensible d'y résider et d'y être.
En intégrant le réseau, l'association offre la possibilité d'un partenariat national et international autour des actions en cours.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Afin de favoriser l'échange et renforcer des partenariats autour d'actions et projets audiovisuels interrogeant la complexité du monde.
L’association est, entre autres, porteuse d’un projet soutenu par la Délégation de l’Union Européenne en Tunisie dans le cadre du programme «Renforcer le Rôle de la Société Civile dans la Promotion des Droits de l'Homme et des Réformes Démocratiques».

Contact (1) Full Name
Marianne La Cognata
Head of the organisation
Pierre Villemin

cercle des marocains de france

National Network

4, avenue georges

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
nous sommes une association sous régime francais de loi 1901 composée d'une équipe de 5 personnes avec plusieurs partenaires associatifs basés en france et au maroc. en phase de démarrage, nos demandes de subventions et de sponsoring sont en cours de traitement nous avons des contacts privilégiés avec des associations d'etudiants marocains en france (AMGE, AIMAF, AEMF...) et avec des evenements organisés annuellement tel que carrers in morocco. plusieurs projets sont en phase d'étude ou de démarrage.
Mission and Objectives

• nouer de nouveaux liens avec les marocains d’ici et d’ailleurs,
• organiser des conférences et colloques en présence d’acteurs marocains ou autres sur l’état présent et/ou perspectives d’avenir du Maroc,
• soutenir la population marocaine en tissant des partenariats durables avec le monde associatif marocain
• acceuillir les jeunes marocains arrivant en France
• les guider dans leurs demarches quotidiennes
• procurer aux etudians en passage à paris un pied à terre
• orienter les etudiants dans leur choix de formation
• assister à la recherche de logement
• assister les jeunes diplomés dans la recherche d’un premier CDI
• cooptation et placement des actifs marocains en France, au Maroc et à l’international

Main Projects / Activities

Networking, Rencontres entre marocains de france et d'ailleurs...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

en contribuant intellectuellement lors des évènements organisés par celui-là, en communicant sur la Fondation ANNAH LINDH...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Afin de beneficier du réseau FAL, de ses partenaires privilégiés et à la participation des différents évènements concernant la jeunesse et la culture

Contact (1) Full Name
Badr Benchekroun
Head of the organisation
Badr Benchekroun


National Network

3 passage Hennel

33 1 40 24 00 55
33 1 40 24 00 59
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
La Maison d’Europe et d’Orient est une association à but non lucratif, fondée en 1985. La MEO a pour principal objectif la création artistique et l’activité culturelle en relation avec l’idée européenne, en particulier dans une relation Est-Ouest. Elle s’intéresse également à l’Asie centrale et au monde méditerranéen. La structure regroupe une librairie-galerie, un centre de ressources, un réseau européen de traduction théâtrale, une maison d’édition, une compagnie et une salle à usages multiples. Le projet est conduit par 4 permanents et un certain nombre d’intervenants sont employés selon les activités. Une vingtaine de partenaires financiers soutiennent les activités de l’association régulièrement depuis plusieurs années. Principaux financeurs : ministère de la Culture, Région Ile-de-France, Ville de Paris et Acsé. Ressources propres : vente d’ouvrages et de spectacles, billetterie… L’association dispose d’un réseau étendu de partenaires associatifs et institutionnels. Budget annuel : environ 270 000 €
Mission and Objectives

Les objectifs sont multiples :
Favoriser le dialogue interculturel et la reconnaissance réciproque entre les pays du nord-ouest de l’Europe et ceux du sud-est.
Développer l’intérêt du public pour la découverte des cultures, des mouvements artistiques actuels et novateurs, de la création littéraire, des courants de pensée, de la géopolitique de ces régions ;
Combler les lacunes en matière d’accès aux cultures des pays et communautés qui ne bénéficient que de faibles canaux de diffusion ;
Développer, encourager les croisements artistiques internationaux en multipliant les expériences novatrices ;
Contribuer à la conservation, à la diffusion du patrimoine littéraire de ces régions, en particulier des écritures théâtrales ;
Promouvoir la diversité linguistique et culturelle de l’Europe;
Contribuer à une construction harmonieuse de l’Europe par tous et pour tous, attendu que le partage de la culture est un vecteur essentiel à l’émergence d’une identité européenne.

Main Projects / Activities

Dédiée aux cultures Européennes et Méditerranéennes la MEO est multipolaire, regroupant différentes activités : mise à disposition de ressources culturelles, organisation d'événements artistiques, littéraires et culturels tout au long de l’année avec des temps forts tels que les manifestations « l’Europe des théâtres » et « Tirez la langue »; l’action théâtrale menée tant par Le Théâtre national de Syldavie qui en plus de créations, organise de nombreuses lectures et mises en espace, que par l’accueil en résidence et l’accompagnement artistique et administratif de plusieurs compagnies et artistes émergents ; la collecte, la conversation et la diffusion des dramaturgies à travers Eurodram réseau européen de traduction, les éditions l’Espace d’un instant. La MEO propose un programme très diversifié de manifestations culturelles dans son espace et hors les murs, un programme éditorial d’œuvres traduites, un programme d’actions culturelles.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons apporter au réseau une expérience et une expertise dans le domaine de la coopération européenne et internationale et plus particulièrement pour les projets liés au spectacle vivant et à la traduction théâtrale.
Nous pouvons mettre à disposition du réseau les ressources documentaires et littéraires du réseau de traduction.
Nous pouvons également relayer les informations du réseau via nos espaces de communication (site internet, newsletter, programmes…).
Nous pouvons être force de propositions sur différents sujets et participer aux activités communes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Cela fait plusieurs années que nous connaissons les activités de la fondation Anna Lindh et ouvrant de plus en plus nos champs d’action au monde méditerranéen, nous souhaitons aujourd’hui nous rapprocher de cet important réseau d’organisations liées comme nous à la promotion du dialogue interculturel et partageant les mêmes valeurs de promotion de la diversité et de tolérance.
Rejoindre le réseau nous permettrait sans aucun doute de mieux connaître les programmes, les organisations et les projets liés au dialogue interculturel et ainsi d’élargir notre réseau de partenaires pour nos différents projets, trouver des relais d’informations pour notre réseau de traduction.
En devenant membre nous souhaitons également nous impliquer dans les activités du réseau FAL, et pouvoir également postuler aux programmes de subventions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Céline Barcq, directrice générale
Head of the organisation
Guillaume Morel, président
Contact (2) Full Name
Dominique Dolmieu, directeur artistique

Euro Mediterranean Education and Culture Association

National Network

13, Passage de la Tour de Vanves

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Emeca was founded under the french association law 1901, the staff employed is composed by the CEO administration officer, a administration assistant and account manager. Since its launch, EMECA is funded essentially by the money provided by its staff members, we estimate the amount for it's one year of existence at 2000 Euros. Emeca has established a strong and efficient network partner through it's relationships with private sector and a public institutions involved in the field of education and literacy. Our main program is which EMECA is committed, is building a library in a small village at the high mountains of Kabylia in Algeria.
Mission and Objectives

EMECA was founded in 2012 to organise and promote cultural and educational exchanges between people living in the Mediterranean region. Through its educational activities, EMECA works to foster and promote not only intercultural tolerance and understanding, but to celebrate, inspire and stimulate curiosity, desire and appreciation for the wealth of cultural diversity in the region. 
 The Mediterranean region has been particularly affected by recent problems related to political, social and economic changes and conflicts that have taken a strain on populations in the region. As a result, issues related to culture and education may be given less priority by local, national and international authorities. EMECA believes that encouraging educational and cultural activities is more important than ever given the current climate which tends to result in cultural isolationism and assertion of individual identities that serves to prolong tension. EMECA is convinced that resolution of problems facing humanity stemming from greed driven exploitation and globalisation, can best be addressed through non-invasive methods such as the promotion and development of intercultural exchange

Main Projects / Activities

Promoting education and fight again illiteracy, create and develop a sustainable network of culture exchanges between a euro mediterranean stakeholders involved in a several cultural and arts activities and initiatives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mainly by according more importance to the actions and initiatives took any others local partners and join if it's necessary.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF Network, means for us reinforce our ability to meet and enrich our network data of partners acting in the same area than us. Our initiative to join aims also to gain a new experiences of partnerships and advocacy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Imadalou Noredine
Head of the organisation
Mr Imadalou Noredine
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Imadalou Madjid

HEDOPA (Hrvatska udruga za etiku, društveno odgovorno ponašanje i razvoj antikorupcijske svijesti)

National Network

Mate Lovraka 34
Velika Gorica

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
- president, vicepresident, secretary, members / no partners so far - budget depends on sources / GO, NGO, foundation, membership - educational programs, support to action plans, exchange experience on global level, fostering community for active citizenship, research, .. - SMEs, NGOs,
Mission and Objectives

protect human rights and freedom / contribute to creating an enabling environment for the development of ethics, socially responsible behavior and anti-corruption work / strengthen the capacity of civil society and cooperation with the public sector in the context of their involvement in the fight against corruption and transparency in the implementation of business ethics and socially responsible behavior / increase understanding of the importance of ethics, socially responsible behavior and anti-corruption in the context of the accession process and the increasing competitiveness of the Croatian society and the economy / provide support to initiatives aimed at promoting and improving the ethical, socially responsible behavior and anti-corruption /to promote the exchange of good ethical practices, socially responsible behavior and anti-corruption, and thus affect the quality of social, cultural and business life in Croatia

Main Projects / Activities

national ethics index / anticorruption campaign / business ethics conferences / CSR activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

connect with them on various proggrames and projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to support us start some activities which will help us gathering members and experts, build up image programmes, ...

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Ravenšćak
Head of the organisation
Robert Ravenšćak
Contact (2) Full Name
Robert Ravenšćak

The Palestinian Circus School

National Network
00 970 2 2812000
00 970 2 281 2000
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure of the organizations: Staff: currently 13 paid staff members among teachers, artists, techician and administartion. Students: we have 160 students all over Palestine that train circus on a weekly basis. Bugetary resources: We are a new organization in full development, so we have not yet a fully fixed similar yearly budget. Currently our year budget is around $400.000 Sources of funding: Intrenational NGO's, local and international foundations, own income generating activities (shows, fundraising events local and international) Modalities of action: 1. Educational strategy with different structural activities: weekly circus clubs (currently 9 groups all over the West Bank), yearly open days per circus club, yearly summerschools. 2. Artistic strategy which includes on one hand the production of student and of professional circus creations and on the other hand the performances 3. Social activities where tecahing circus has only a social aim. Soicla department is still under full development. 4. Capacity Building of the staff on the artistic, technical, pedagogic and institutional level 5. Institutional development: the permanent improvement of all our management, communication, cooperation work. Throughout all our actions mentioned above, international cooperation plays a very important role. We work with local partners (local civil society organisations) for the organization of our weekly circus clubs in the different locations. We are member of the establishing committee of a new Performing Arts Network in Palestine together with 12 of the leading performing arts institutions with whom we cooperate and exchange on a regular basis.
Mission and Objectives

The Palestinian Circus School wants to contribute to strengthening a constructive and dynamic Palestinian identity and culture and a fair society. The Palestinian Circus School is convinced of the powerful impact the arts have in these areas. It therefore participates in and encourages the development of the circus arts in Palestine.
The Palestinian Circus School will also explore and create new artistic interactions with other performing arts in Palestine and in the international scene.
By developing circus arts in Palestine, the Palestinian Circus School opens new windows to the world for Palestinians and opens a door for the world to Palestine.
The mission of the Palestinian Circus School has three axes:
To train young people to become professional circus artists or trainers
To spread circus arts all over Palestine
To use the circus arts as a social tool to develop the creative potential of Palestinians, seeking to engage and empower them to become constructive actors in their society.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Educational
1.1. Circus Clubs
PCS organizes groups of students who meet weekly to learn and practice circus arts. The purpose of these groups is to empower youth physically, emotionally, cognitively and artistically by introducing them to trust games and training them in circus arts such as juggling, acrobatics, stilts, aerials, dance, and theater.
1.2. Summer School
Each year during the summer break PCS conducts an optional intensive three-week course to further enhance the skills of trainers and advanced students from the weekly circus clubs. Participants are highly-motivated individuals between the ages of 10 and 25. This training program is developed by PCS in cooperation with international circus groups and schools. At the end of the Summer School, students and instructors develop a complete show which they perform at several locations throughout the West Bank.
2. Artistic
2.1. Productions and Performances
Since its founding, PCS students and trainers have produced and performed lively and rich circus shows throughout Palestine. Performances include:
• Mobile Circus
• La Wein
• Circus Behind the Wall
• Dreams for Sale
* Kol Saber!
3. Social
Jenin Girls
Through weekly workshops 35 girls (age 16-20) are introduced to trust games and basic circus skills. More importantly, circus is used as a social tool to build self-esteem and foster healthy, respectful relationships among the girls. After training, the girls in the club have opportunities to demonstrate their skills in shows for family and friends.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are very actively engaged in different fields through arts education and creation: community development, youth work locally and internationally, working for social change. We have a huge experience and network and are happy to share our experience with all other local members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since the founding of the School in 2006, we have been enagegd in all the fields of work in which the Anna Lindh Foundation works and we strongly believe in its goals. We also have been working all those years in establishing a very broad international newtork and have embarked on many small and larger international cooperations. We now want to develop even stronger structural partnerships with people and organisationas regionally and internationally. We believe the Anna Lindh Foundation is the perfect platform to allow these actions to develop and we believe we can learn a lot from previous experiences and even contribute to the networks with our experience. We also want to apply for support for some of our international activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jessika Devlieghere
Head of the organisation
Shadi Zmorrod
Contact (2) Full Name
Mays Hajjaj

Woman Struggle Blok

National Network
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Member of General Union of Palestinian Women Women Technical Number of women members 1000 fund from individual fees and the party
Mission and Objectives

Struggle for women equity.welfare - rights (political social an d economical)

Main Projects / Activities

WE are woman organisation of a political party Palestinian Popular Struggle FrontW

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I think we need to make bridges between women in my country and other countries through
electronic social communication and having the vision of the net work in all fields mainly gender and the issues related mainly social dialogue and environment education

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because i believe net working gives better results and we need to work hand by hand for global peace

Contact (1) Full Name
Muna Namura
Head of the organisation
Muna Namura
Contact (2) Full Name
Ola Sheil