Unis-Vers pour le développement

National Network

Maison de jeunes Ould Aissa belkaceme, pépinière.

+ 213 5 59 92 69 60
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Unis-Vers pour le développement est un regroupement de jeunes de la ville de Mostaganem oeuvrant sur le développement durable social et écologique. La citoyenneté, l’engagement de la jeunesse notamment à travers l’art, les droits des femmes, l’écocitoyenneté et le tourisme responsable sont autant de domaines ou il oeuvre actuellement ou aspire à le faire dans le futur. Le groupe a été créé en 2008 à l’occasion de l’Université Populaire de la Citoyenneté ( 2008 , 2009) et a suivi tout un cursus de formations techniques ( gestion associative , communication , gestion de conflits … etc ) en 2010 pour renforcer ses capacités . Stable aujourd’hui, Unis-Vers entreprend actuellement les démarches pour obtenir son agrémentation.
Mission and Objectives

Promouvoir les valeurs citoyennes, égalitaires et de non violence
Améliorer l’engagement actif des jeunes au sein de la société civile et promouvoir l’engagement à travers l’art
Sensibiliser et informer sur l’écocitoyenneté et à la préservation de l’environnement.
Promouvoir le tourisme responsable.

Main Projects / Activities

Notre premier projet " genre et leadership féminin" a été en 2O12 en collaboration avec la fondation Friedrish Ebert et consistait en gros en une caravance féministe de jeunes femmes pour l'apprentissage des droits et l'inculcation d'une culture d'Egalité et de Citoyenneté. Nous menons actuellement deux projets : Le premier " renforcement des capacités des associations avec une approche Genre" financé par l'Union Européenne , ainsi que le programme du PCPA pour le renforcement de la société civile.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous n'avons actuellement pas une idée complètement précise de la façon dont se déroule le travail au sein du réseau mais nous pensons qu'une fois familiarisés , nous pourrions effectuer diverses tâches. Nous y contribuerons aussi en proposant de nouvelles activités .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Unis-Vers réunit dans sa nomenclature déjà le sens de l'union dans une seule direction , chose que nous avons retrouvé dans le réseau de la FAL en Algérie lors de la derniere rencontre à Alger . Nous y avions rencontré des associations de divers domaines mais se réunissant quand même autour des mêmes valeurs de dialogue et d'échange , deux valeurs qui ont construit au départ. Nous avons , en tant que jeunes , beaucoup d'idées et d'ambitions quant à l'avenir de notre association et nous pensons sincèrement qu'un réseau comme celui de la FAL nous ouvrirait beaucoup de portes à l'avenir pour accomplir ce que nous désirons. Nous avons décidé de nous inscrire aussi car nous estimons que ce réseau devrait s'élargir sur l'ouest algérien aussi

Contact (1) Full Name
Belhacene Atiqa
Head of the organisation
Belhacene Atiqa
Contact (2) Full Name
Razali Hayet

Association de promotion de l'image sous-marine

National Network

Centre Culturel de Bologhine, 113 avenue Emir Khaled,

00 213 550 45 29 80
00 213 21 47 08 00
Mobile Phone
00 213 550 45 29 80
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
L’association de Promotion de l’Image Sous-Marine (PRISME) a été créée à l’initiative de photographes sous-marins, tous d’anciens moniteurs et plongeurs ainsi que des professionnels des arts graphiques. PRISME est une association qui se consacre: • au développement de l’image marine et sous-marine notamment la photographie, la vidéo, les arts graphiques etc. • à la valorisation du littoral et des sites sous-marins algériens • et à l’organisation de séminaires, expositions et concours de l’image marine et sous-marine Organisation: - Assemblée Générale composée de 17 personnes - Bureau exécutif de 6 personnes Financement: sponsoring et subvention de l'Etat Ressources budgétaires annuelles (2012 est la 1ère année d'activité): 370 000 DA Activité en 2012: - organisation du 1er Salon International de l'Image Sous-marine d'Algérie - stage photo niveau 1 au profit des adhérents Partenaires: - Union Nationale des Arts Culturels - Agence de Communiation Aquarev
Mission and Objectives

- Promouvoir et stimuler la production graphique, photographique et cinématographie dans le domaine du monde sous-marin
- Contribuer à l’identification et à la protection du patrimoine culturel, archéologique et biologique algérien.
- Détection des meilleurs photographes vidéastes sous-marins algériens
- Initier l’esprit de compétition et donc d’encourager les photographes et vidéastes sous-marins algériens à s’améliorer.
- De préparer une participation algérienne aux concours internationaux, notamment au Festival Mondial de l’Image Sous-marine.
- De faire la promotion du tourisme subaquatique
- De faire connaître les richesses sous-marines algériennes

Main Projects / Activities

Programme 2013:
- Stage biologie marine pour les photographes sous-marins
- Participation au 3ème salon de la plongée d'Alger
- Tournée nationale du Salon de l'image sous-marine
- Compétition de photo s/m
- Concours de photos s/m
- Concours de vidéos s/m
- Concours de dessins d'enfant
- Stage de photographie sous-marine
- 2ème Salon de l'image sous-marine

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En participants aux différentes rencontres du réseau, en initiant des projets communs, en impliquant les membres du réseau local dans toutes les actions de notre association

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1. Pour trouver des partenaires compétents afin de monter des projets communs
2. Echanger les expériences, les informations, tisser de nouvelles relations avec d'autres membres du réseau.
3. Postuler aux appels à projets

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Boukheddar
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Boukheddar

Cross Culture International Foundation CCIF

National Network

24 Triq Bormla
Paola PLA 1900

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

We have just been official registered in Malta a process that takes a long time. We have a board made up of 5 people proffesionals in various fields. We have one director and used voluntires. We are looking forward to run our first Human trafficking small project involving the youths. Our main source of funding will be through fund raising initiatives, donations.We also looking to make applications for EU funding. I am sure you will appreciate the amount of work we need to cover after having been registerd 2nd half of 2012. We are formulating a human trafficking project,Work with the marginalised and the immigrants who form 2% of the maltese propulation,Training, etc We are looking to team up with one partner to hold cultural arts festivals annually that will help bring back interest and capture the participation of the communities in Arts and culture

Mission and Objectives

CCIF is dedicated to enhancing cross-cultural communication within each community, and across communities and nations. Tolerance and mutual understanding are central themes. While not a partisan or political institution, the foundation is to support the basic values and goals of the European Union that endeavour to offer equal opportunities to all people irrespective of colour, creed, social orientation and religious or cultural background. The foundation intends to build cultural harmony, understanding and well-being through cultural and artistic expressions as a means of promoting solidarity and social cohesion. • Humanitarian aid; • Spearheading interventions tailored to enhance cross cultural communication and exchange programs in all sectors of the communities we live in; • Providing training on cultural issues, that is developing intercultural awareness, improving intercultural interactions and fostering cultural partnerships with other Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in the same field; • Encouraging self-sustainability and self-reliability amongst people of diverse cultures living in Malta and other selected countries through empowerment programs and utilizing the services and expertise of third country nationals who are resident in Malta and blending them with Maltese nationals for the purpose of integration and information and knowledge interchange;

Main Projects / Activities

• Humanitarian aid; • Spearheading interventions tailored to enhance cross cultural communication and exchange programs in all sectors of the communities we live in; • Providing training on cultural issues, that is developing intercultural awareness, improving intercultural interactions and fostering cultural partnerships with other Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in the same field; • Encouraging self-sustainability and self-reliability amongst people of diverse cultures living in Malta and other selected countries through empowerment programs and utilizing the services and expertise of third country nationals who are resident in Malta and blending them with Maltese nationals for the purpose of integration and information and knowledge interchange;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Malta we believe is strategically located and has experiences with problems that come with its close proximity to Africa. Secondly we have a team of professionals who have exposure in the field. We have a strong young Music dance, media artist who can capture the appeal of the youths in Europe.We are diverse in our Make up have Zimbabwean - Britsh, Uk citizens,Irish,Maltese,German, Swedish involved in the running of CCIF. We are visionaries and are passionate in what we do and want to achieve. We strongly believe in sharing experiences and participating in like events. We have indepth experience in Event managemnt and planning. We have variied experience working for organisations like World bank,World vision international, ESF projects, NGOs, Civil service. We are dynamic and have a herat to impact the destiny of our youths. We are willing to learn form others too.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Exchange information, Collaboration Learning form other oraganisations' experience. We believe in using available networks rather forming new groupings. We believe if we are to be more effective we have to be part of a growing team of responsive Organisation whose sole agenda is to make this earth a better place and make a difference in the lifes of the needy and make the our environments safe and preserve the natural resources.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alec Douglas Bvumburah
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alec Douglas Bvumburah
Contact (2) Full Name
Hedwig Bvumburah
Job Title (2)

EUNIC Global

National Network

Rue de Belvédère 271050 Bruxelles
1000 Brussels

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

EUNIC is the network of the international cultural relations institutes from the member states of the European Union. Formed in 2006, it has 27 members from 23 countries. EUNIC’s members work in over 150 countries with over 2,000 branches. They work in the arts, languages, youth, education, science, intercultural dialogue and development sectors. The members’ employ over 25,000 staff.

Mission and Objectives

EUNIC seeks to facilitate cultural co-operation; to create lasting partnerships between professionals, to encourage greater understanding and awareness of the diverse European cultures and to encourage greater language learning (over 2 million people learn European languages with EUNIC members).

Main Projects / Activities

An active network: encouraging members to implement shared projects A learning network: sharing ideas and practices between members A partnering network: working with partners including the European Commission, the Council of Europe and partners around the world, An advocacy network: raising the awareness and effectiveness of building cultural relationships between people worldwide

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EUNIC specific aims for the MENA region are: - Set foundations of a national and Euro-Mediterranean sustainable cultural policy - Support and develop the potential of the creative sector; to respond to the expectations of wider audiences and stakeholders - Foster cultural exchange on all levels (cultural players, institutions, intellectuals, artists) within the MENA region and the Euro Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EUNIC has the extended operations in the MENA region concentrating on projects within areas of cultural policy debates and cultural development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Helena Kovarikova
Head of the organisation
Delphine Borione
Contact (2) Full Name
Kamila Gawronska


National Network



0039 0863451895
0039 0863451895
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3388843406
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3475917263
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
SPOT1.tv is a film production house where talents from Europe and the Middle East get together to create documentaries, Fiction films, TV features and programmes. This mixture of cultures and experiences makes our productions one of a kind through innovative ideas and the originality of its telling style. Since its establishment in 2005, SPOT1.tv aimed to produce films that reflect its multicultural aspect and accentuate human values. Documentaries that we produced, like “The New Italians”, “Orient Passion”, “The Traces of the Sicilian Muslims”, “Clandestini: illegal Immigrants in Italy” and "The Italians of Egypt" confirm that we are preserving our intentions. We are also very proud of the didactic films and children’s programmes that we produced. Understanding children and creating a production for them have been a challenge that offered us great fun and added value to our experience.
Mission and Objectives

Democracy and community development
Human rights
International/Cultural relations
Youth and education

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing ideas and executing projects with other partners using our experience and professional capability.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we believe in the goals of ALF NETWORK and we hope that our work can help making them realized.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Operatori di Pace - Campania ONLUS

National Network

Via Villanova 31, 31 Villanova Str.

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Peace Workers Campania (“Operatori di Pace – Campania”) is the not-to profit organization of the professional civilian peace-keepers working in the field of peace work and human rights, with the specific aim at promoting nonviolence and positive transformation of local and international conflicts. It’s structured into a directors’ board of five members and a general assembly issuing the strategic association’s trends. The Association is open to partnership with local and international public authorities and with other peace-based and nonviolence-oriented NGOs, especially through actions like social promotion and education (in the areas of peace, nonviolence and human rights) into schools, universities and not-to-profit sector, social events in order to sensitize public opinion in acting for peace and nonviolent conflict resolution and projects in conflict areas based on the methodology of action-research and in the direction of Civilian Peace Corps and Peace Services/Interventions.
Mission and Objectives

Peace Workers Campania (“Operatori di Pace – Campania”) is devoted to the mission of promoting peace, human rights and nonviolence at any level of social life, either as a general environment for peace and justice and as a methodological acquaintance in order to work for positive peace, as in Johan Galtung’s theoretical and practical approach, and for nonviolent trend to solve conflict (conflict transformation as constructive transformation). Its general objective is to promote an environment, with special regard to young generations, of positive peace and human rights, and the specific objective is to run the idea and the practice of a real Civilian Peace Corp according with the European Union frame for ECPC (European Civilian Peace Corps) and to the original inspiration by European Parliamentarians Alexander Langer and Ernest Gulcher, in all their tasks (interposition, mediation, escorting, communication, education) either on local and international situations

Main Projects / Activities

01) Educational Programs in the field of “Open Schools” and inside regional and national programs with schools of any level based on the core-projects: “Violated Freedoms and Rights in Emergency and Conflict Situations”, “Peace Calendar”, “Atlas of Conflicts and Forgotten Wars”
02) International Solidarity and Social-Cultural Promotion Project “S.A.R.A” (“Social and Anthropological Roma-focused Action-research”) related to inter-cultural educational project for Socio-cultural and Anthropological Action, and Vocational Project for Not-to-Profit Operators “A.C.H.I.E.V.E” (“Alternative Conflict Handling to Inhibit Emergencies and Volunteering Empower”)
03) Action Researches for Peace Interventions in Conflict and Post-Conflict Areas like: “Peace Caravans in the Balkans” (Carovana di Pace nei Balcani) in Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia (2009), “Roma Kings” (I Re dei Rom) through Belgrade, K. Mitrovica (Serbia), Bucarest, Sibiu (Romania), Chisinau, Talmaza, Soroca (Moldova) (2010) and “Bosnia-Hercegovina: Faces and Stories” (Bosnia-Erzegovina: i Volti, le Storie) in Sarajevo, Mostar, Prijedor (2011) plus “Civilian Peace Corps Project in Kosovo” (2011-2012)

Contact (1) Full Name
Gianmarco Pisa
Head of the organisation
Gianmarco Pisa

University of Palermo - School of Italian as a Foreign Language

National Network

Piazza Sant'Antonino 1

0039 091 23869601
0030 091 23860663
Mobile Phone
0039 3405239154
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The School of Italian as a Foreign Language is an institution belonging to the Department of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Palermo. The main sources of funding are the registration fees for the Italian language courses and European and national funding schemes. The school is currently part of regional and European projects aiming at the social inclusion of adult migrants through linguistic education. Therefore the school is active in the field of language learning and social inclusion through the offer of Italian language courses, the organisation of seminars and conferences, the exchange of good practices with international partners working in the same field and the collaboration with local institutions and authorities. PARTNERSHIPS WITH OTHER UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH CENTRES: - University of Hanoi (Vietnam) - Sichuan International Studies University (Chonqing, China) - University of Saint Petersburg (CIEP) (Russia) - University of Rosario (Argentina) - The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia) - New Bulgarian University (Sofia, Bulgaria) - Universad Autónoma de Entre Rios (Argentina) - The National School of Culture with the Italian Lyceum (Bulgaria) - University of Malaya (Malaysia) – being initialized - Misr University of Science and Technology (MUST) (Cairo, Egypt). PARTNERSHIPS WITH LOCAL INSTITUTIONS AND AUTHORITIES: - Regional Government Office for Education (Ufficio Scolastico Regionale) - Local Government Office for Education (Assessorato all'Istruzione del Comune di Palermo) - Immigration Office of the Local Government (Ufficio Nomadi e Immigrati del Comune di Palermo) - Local Organisations and NGOs working in the field of immigration and social inclusion. Located in the heart of Palermo, the School is based in the building of Palermo University Language Centre: the historical convent of Sant’Antonino that was built in 1600 and acquired by the University in 2004. The building has now been entirely refurbished and it offers a modern and well-equipped learning environment. The School of Italian has its own rooms that are specifically equipped to provide the students with a friendly and efficient learning environment. The School has its own specialised library to provide a variety of resources: textbooks, grammar books, exercise books, CDs and DVDs for the Italian language courses on the one side, and specialised magazines and books on the research fields of second language acquisition and Italian linguistics and sociolinguistics on the other side. The School has access to the modern multimedia learning laboratories of the University Language Centre, housing sophisticated hardware and software. The laboratories deliver rich multimedia files in audio, video, text and the Internet to students in the dedicated PC suites. The laboratories enable teachers and their students to experience a rich, multimedia language-learning environment where video, sound, text and Internet sources can be integrated and manipulated on screen. Our staff is at the forefront in exploiting the potential afforded by this technology to create their own packages of materials.
Mission and Objectives

The School of Italian as a Foreign Language is an institution belonging to the Department of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Palermo.
The Department, since 1998, and the School, since 2006, promote language learning, teacher training and research in the field of Second Language Acquisition and Italian as a Second/ Foreign Language.
The School welcomes every year students and researchers from all over the world learning Italian within the special and standard courses and participating to the several research seminars hosted by the School.
The School is also very focused on social and linguistic inclusion, welcoming immigrants and offering them free language courses thanks to different founding schemes.
The School is an examination centre for CILS exams, the official certification of Italian as a Second/Foreign Language released by the University of Siena.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2005, the School offers training and education programmes both to undergraduate students who, within their university studies, work as trainees in local schools with a high number of foreign children and to Italian teachers working in the same schools.
Since 2009 the School, together with the Department, offers postgraduates courses in Italian Language Acquisition every academic year. The structure of the postgraduate courses includes frontal lectures combined with online units, using e-learning and Moodle.
From the theoretical point of view, the students enrolled into the postgraduate courses benefit from lectures on pragmatics, second language acquisition theories, sociolinguistics and linguistics, lesson and curricula planning, assessment and so forth. From the practical perspective, postgraduate students start their teaching career within the language courses of the School where they are guided and supervised by expert lecturers and where closely work with already qualified teachers.
Since 2010, the School organises and hosts international seminars for teachers of Italian working abroad. The seminars focus on specific teaching techniques developed by the teachers of the School and on theoretical aspects of contemporary Italian.
The School is also very focused on the continuous training of its own teachers and it periodically offers them seminars and activities on the most up-to-date methodologies in language teaching. The School has recently started a theoretical and practical education path on the links between theatre and language teaching with the aim of critically understanding which strategies and instruments from the theatre can be applied to language teaching. Every year the School offers education and training programmes to approximately 600 teachers, trainees and postgraduate students.
Every academic year the School offers Italian Language Courses for every level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. All the courses are held with the most up-to-date methodology, based on the communicative approach. There are different typologies of courses:
- Semi-intensive standard courses of Italian Language and Culture for exchange students (Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, Leonardo Da Vinci) and visiting scholars of the University.
- Winter and Summer intensive courses that combine traditional language courses with a full immersion in Palermo everyday life and the offer of additional workshops focusing on cultural related topics, such as theatre, cooking, cinema, music, creative writing, Sicilian art and culture. Students coming from abroad enjoy trips and guided tours to discover the history, the art and the traditions of Palermo and its surroundings.
- Special courses of Italian and history of art that have a theoretical structure combined with an extensive application consisting of several educational trips to discover the masterpieces of Palermo and Sicily. Such courses aim at introducing the students to Italian art and to the specialised language, texts and lectures of History of Art.
- Advanced courses of Italian language and culture that combine classes of Italian Literature, History of Art and Italian Linguistics, all taught by university lecturers and researchers.
- Learning for Living: The School of Italian, together with the Department of Philology and Linguistics, and in partnership with the Southern Regional College (Northern Ireland), the Helsinki Deaconess Institute (Finland) and the Cumbernauld College (Scotland) benefits for the years 2011-2013 from the funds of the LLP Programme-Grundtvig, developing the project “Learning for Living”. The project aims at exchanging best practices and know-how in the thematic area of linguistic and cultural education of adult migrants. Students and teachers of the four partners are regularly meeting and organising seminars in order to share and enrich the approaches and the methodologies in language learning/teaching used within the territory of each partner, with special attention to the context migrant communities.
- Italian for Foreign Citizens living in Italy: Since 2011, thanks to Regional funds, the School offers free courses of Italian language and culture to adult foreign citizens legally living in Italy. The students enrolled into the courses have access to the CILS exams, the official certification of Italian as a Second/Foreign Language (foreign citizens living in Italy are now required to certify an A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to submit the application for the EU long-term residence permit). The courses focus on Italian culture and language and on important aspects of Italian community and public life.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Mari D'Agostino
Head of the organisation
Prof. Mari D'Agostino
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Monica Rizzo

Zelený Kruh (Green Circle)

National Network
Czech Republic

Lublanska 18
12000 Prague

+420 222 517 143
(+420) 222 518 319
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+420 776 55 20 22
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Others
General Information

1. Green Circle is an association of 26 czech environmental NGOs. They built the general meeting which elects the Council of GC that has at present 5 members. The General Meeting also elects the Director of the Office of GC. Office of GC settles in Prague and has 5 employees – coordinator of information centre, coordinator of legislation centre, coordinator of the branch platform, leader of the office and director. 2. Budget: 2,7 mio. CZK 3. Sources: foundations, state resources (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Information) 4. Legislation centre, information centre, publications, Aarhus convention, the branch platform, seminars. 5. Czech NGOs.


Mission and Objectives

The main goals of the Green Circle are: * the development of the civic sector in the field of environment * the strengthening of cooperation and communication of environmental organizations * public participation at the environmental policy making and at the implementation of environmental policy * growing of public awareness about the activities of environmental NGOs and current problems of environment


Main Projects / Activities

We change a clime in terms of legislation for our cities and villages: Towns/villages are facing effects of the climate crisis. The goal is to change selected  rules to make adaptation to climate change effective and fair. The project helps to regulate Building Law and related regulations, so that the protection of nature, water management and landscape planning were in conformity with the needs and goals of the adaptation. The target groups are law-makers, ministries, municipalities and NGOs.


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are ready to share our huge know-how in terms of advocacy activities for better environment.


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To achieve better environment is not possible without colaboration with groups and coalitions such as  ALF Network.


Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Kolínská
Job Title
CEO of Green Circle
Head of the organisation
Daniel Vondrouš
Contact (2) Full Name
Michal Novotný
Job Title (2)
project Manager


National Network

Kralja Zvonimira 24
21 ooo Split

+385 99 675 6869
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The CENTER FOR MOVEMENT is an organisation which focuses on cooperation between areas of the Mediterranean, supports a vision of European integration, and engages the best creative and business minds to identify, develop and produce contemporary art and theatre. Our intention is to make our projects sustainable. The Center aims to build a bridge between Mediterranean countries in the field of innovative and experimental art and theatre, and seeks to encourage practical experience and artistic and cultural exchange through international cooperation. Through art education it supports independent theatre dancers and actors of independent production and culture, as well as critical and theoretical discourses. The CENTER FOR MOVEMENT’s annual programmes in the field of contemporary and independent theatre include dance projects and performances, workshops, round tables, lectures, film and video projects, as well as the gathering and improving queer culture (LGBT population and culture) in Split at the Youth Centre – centre for independent art culture - where it is situated. In partnership with the organizations Domino and Queer Zagreb, we are also conducting events and art initiatives on various issues of interest to the LGBTIQ community – project Queer Split /Cross gender Queer Split.
Mission and Objectives

- Completing theatrical and performing activities, organizing musical performances, exhibitions, dance performances and similar.
- Conducting dance workshops and research projects, as well as preparing and performing programmes in the field of contemporary dance and new theatre.
- Gathering artists of audio-visual and other new media who want to explore the relationship between the media and the art of movement and dance.
- Organizing educational lectures, workshops and courses on the new theatrical expression and dance art.
- Intercultural cooperation on projects with other similar associations and organizations in Croatia and abroad, as well as cooperation with all organizations that support the activities of the Association.
- Publishing monographs and periodicals as well as advertising material in accordance with the law.
- Completing other activities contributing to the achievement of the goals of the Association defined by this Statute.
- Exploring existing forms of expression through movement and dance, as well as discovering new methods and approaches to working with the human body.
- Interconnecting and gathering artists, and presenting them to a wider audience.

Main Projects / Activities

Over the years, the Center for Movement has collaborated with various organizations, both in Croatia and internationally. Some of those are: Domino (Queer Zagreb) , Croatian Institute for Dance and Movement (Dance Week Festival), Multimedia Cultural Center Split, INTEATRO Teatro Stabile d’innovazione Ancona (Italia), Cinedance (Festival of dance, film and video), OOUR (Zagreb), Nomad Dance Academy.
Main activities:
The Center for Movement’s annual programmes comprise a programme of contemporary and independent theatre, dance projects and performances , film and video programmes; workshops, panel discussions, round tables, lectures, committed programmes, film and video projects, creating new gay culture, education and art-related contents.
XONTAKT project for sustainable independent theatre
XONTAKT DFV dance film and video
SHOLA IN MOTUS dance project in collaboration with high schools in Split
CROSS GENDER Platform for gender bender art and theatre (QUEER SPLIT) in collaboration with QueerZagreb (Zagreb)
NOMAD DANCE ACADEMY NDA is a platform for collaboration in contemporary dance, systematic process designed to establish a strong, recognizable, unique Balkan contemporary dance scene, which is professional, socially relevant and influential, open and connected, in collaboration with TALA (Zagreb)
Sources of funding: local public bodies - City of Split ; Split Dalmatia County, national public bodies - Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, other: Italian Institute for Culture, Austrian Cultural Forum, Croatian Audiovisual Center, French Embassy, Italian Embassy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nela Sisarić
Head of the organisation
Nela Sisarić
Contact (2) Full Name
Sanela Marković

Z Fund

National Network

Veca Bikernieku street 9 - 16
Riga, LV-1079

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Z Fund works on project basis. Employees vary depending on the project. We work with EU projects as well as engage in local arts projects.

Mission and Objectives

The main objective of the organization is to organize and facilitate different projects in arts and media, and through these fields to promote discussion amongst young people about relevant issues such as human rights, gender equality, tolerance and environment. Z Fund aims to become an international platform for arts and media projects and a promoter of informal education amongst young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Website www.balmii.com about film, photography, art etc. Youth in Action and other EU projects Local and international arts and media projects For more information visit our website

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We allready did involve Latvian youngsters in Euromed project and plan to do it again. Latvian network organizes Baltic-Medatirenean festival in spring 2013, we woul like to help there as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Z Fund also stands for bringing together Europe with Mediterranean countries. The experience with this one project was so amazing, that we would like to continue. we also would like to share with our Local ALF network our experience and we would like to get involved more.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ildze Pravorne
Head of the organisation
Ildze Pravorne
Contact (2) Full Name
Liva Paudere