
National Network

47 rue du Coq 13001
13001 Marseille

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
L'association se compose de 9 salariés, 4 jeunes européens en Service volontaire européen, 3 jeunes en Service civique, une jeune fille en Volontariat Franco Allemand, un stagiaire et 148 adhérents. L’association compte des partenaires dans plus de 40 pays du monde. En 2012 le budget fut de 1 000 000 d'€, provenant de subventions du Conseil Régional PACA, Conseil Général 13, FSE, DRDSJSC, Ville de Marseille, financement européens et privés… Créée en 1993 à Berlin, EUROCIRCLE est depuis 2006 labélisée et soutenue par la Commission européenne en tant qu'organisme actif au niveau européen dans le domaine de la Jeunesse (ONGE). Eurocircle développe et réalise des projets transnationaux, principalement dans le domaine de la mobilité internationale des jeunes. Ces projets ont pour but de favoriser l’émergence d’une citoyenneté européenne et du dialogue interculturel, basée sur les valeurs de la tolérance, de l’égalité, de la paix, de l’écologie, et de la solidarité.
Mission and Objectives

Agréée au titre de l’engagement pour le Service Civique et en tant que structure de jeunesse et d’éducation populaire, Eurocircle coordonne en région le Service Volontaire Européen et s'attache à soutenir les porteurs de projets régionaux dans la mise en œuvre d'une démarche européenne en initiant des partenariats européens pour la mise en œuvre de projets transnationaux et participe comme porteur et partenaire à de nombreux projets européens (LLL, PEJA, FSE, Life, Prince, Daphne, FRAC). Nous avons un réseau de partenaires européens étendus dans toute l’Union Européenne, ses pays voisins et les autres pays. Eurocircle informe sur les programmes européens de financements, publie des bulletins d'information EC - News sur l'actualité européenne gère et anime le site Internet :

Main Projects / Activities

Promotion des projets européens et du volontariat. Information sur les programmes européens de financement, accueil et conseil pour les structures associatives de la Région PACA, mise en réseau de partenaires européens, structure coordinatrice, d’accueil et d’envoi de SVE (Service Volontaire Européen), structure d’accueil de SCV (service civique ). Structure d’accueil et d’envoi dans le cadre du programme Leonardo-mobilité.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Fortement impliquée dans des actions européennes et d’engagement citoyen, Eurocircle développe des projets annuels de grande ampleur comme les projets « Eureka et Active Leonardo mobilité », « Active Progress », apprentissage réciproque pour l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes en décrochage scolaire , « IGIV» action regroupant des partenaires européens autour des questions de prévention de la violence entre pairs, « Active Link » mise en réseau de jeunes et de travailleurs jeunesse aux niveaux local et international, « In other words », projet porté sur la démocratie, la citoyenneté européenne, la lutte contre les discriminations, l’éducation au média. Disposant déjà de nombreux partenaires et notamment sur le pourtour méditerranéen, nous souhaitons développer d’avantage notre réseau et nos projets en partagent notre expérience et savoir faire ainsi que nos bonnes pratiques.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour développer des projets.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stéphanie Fauvarque – Florian Zappa
Head of the organisation
Olivier Boiron
Contact (2) Full Name
Stéphanie Fauvarque – Florian Zappa

Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean

National Network

Palazzo Spinola, St Julians, STJ 3207, Malta
St Julians

+ 356 2248 42 00
Telephone (other)
+ 356 2248 42 27
+ 356 224842 15
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 356 998 66 368
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
International interstate intergovernmental organization of 28 member states from the Euro-Mediterranean region. PAM enjoys the permanent observer status at the General Assembly of the United Nations. Annual budget 2 Million Euro contributed by member states, with 12 permanent staff. Main partners are United Nations System, European Institutions and Arab League. PAM operates though field missions and reports and resolutions.
Mission and Objectives

Key mission is to ensure peace, security and stability in the Euro-Mediterranean region, with key instruments dedicated to support socio-economic development and integration, human rights, dialogue of cultures and religions.

Main Projects / Activities

Assistance to countries in transition after the Arab Spring. Facilitate the Middle East Peace Process. Facilitate constitutional reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Support gender equality and education throughout the region. Facilitate investments, support to SMEs and job creation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PAM will contribute to all ALF networks in its member countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To benefit from the experience acquired by ALF and further promote its achievements in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadine Abu Sway
Head of the organisation
Ambassador Sergio Piazzi

association "la volonté" pour développement de Metline

National Network

maison des associations, Avenue Farhat Hached 7034

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
L'association " LA VOLONTE" pour développement de Metline compte aujourd’hui plus que 20 adhérents, concernant le bureau exécutif on trouve: un Président, Vice président, Secrétaire générale, Trésorier, et 3 autres membres. sources de financement: les subventions, les dons, cartes d'adhésions, sponsor,municipalité...
Mission and Objectives

Mission et objectifs de notre association: - Contribuer au développement de notre ville Metline dans tous les domaines ( Environnemental, économique, social, culturel,sportif, ...). - améliorer les conditions de vie de certaines personnes et les aider à faire face à certaines situations sociales et de vie et d'études. - Contribuer à la création d'emplois -Contribuer à l'intégration des diplômés universitaires dans le cycle économique. - Activer et améliorer le travail associatif à Metline. - renforcer la solidarité sociale - développé la culture et la notion de volontariat et de travail bénévole. - Contribuer à la protection de l’environnement. - organiser et participer à des échanges interculturels - ...

Main Projects / Activities

Mission et objectifs de notre association: - Contribuer au développement de notre ville Metline dans tous les domaines ( Environnemental, économique, social, culturel,sportif, ...). - améliorer les conditions de vie de certaines personnes et les aider à faire face à certaines situations sociales et de vie et d'études. - Contribuer à la création d'emplois -Contribuer à l'intégration des diplômés universitaires dans le cycle économique. - Activer et améliorer le travail associatif à Metline. - renforcer la solidarité sociale - développé la culture et la notion de volontariat et de travail bénévole. - Contribuer à la protection de l’environnement. - organiser et participer à des échanges interculturels

Contact (1) Full Name
Maaoui Abdelkader
Head of the organisation
Maaoui Abdelkader
Contact (2) Full Name
Jaafar Safouene

Društvo za krepitev zavesti in zdravja, Vetrnica

National Network

Mariborska cesta 48

+386 40 12 11 51
Mobile Phone
+386 40 12 11 51
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Association has 20 members who are mentors and educators in the field of youth, health, prevention and intercultural dialog. It is structured as a member association with general assembly, board and a president. We are funded from public and private resources. Main program is Integral ecology which aims raising of individual consciousness. We have a network of individuals in Slovenia and world wide.
Mission and Objectives

Bringing to society understanding that in the process of education we need harmonious development of reason and consciousness. Reason has developed science and technology, consciousness is developing true ecology according to which life is more important than profit.

Main Projects / Activities

Leading seminars of integral ecology and intercultural integration. We organize lectures for youth clubs and other civil organisations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will provide and offer our experiences and expertise including our network cooperation we already have from before. We want to take active part in all activities organized by ALF in Slovenia and internationally.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to expand our scope of working in the geographic area of Mediterranean. ALF can give more opportunities for finding partners and develop new programs and built our competences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Srečko Šorli
Head of the organisation
Srečko Šorli

Hayat Center for Civil Society Development

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

- The Board of Directors,The General Body Members,The Executive Team:(3 employed ),The Youth Body members -Hayat Center has a strategic and close cooperative relationship with Hayat Center in Jordan, and with other organizations and parties abroad . -Twinned HAYAT Center in Jordan,Freinds of Nablus & Surrounding Areas/ UK, Arab Council for Legal & Judicial Studies,American Bar Association, International Transparency- Palestine "AMAN",Moroccan Youth Association for Development and modernity -Budgetary resources available in a year: 500318 USD

Mission and Objectives

Mission : We believe in the civil society values of equality, quantity, and justice. Therefore we aim to establish and organize sustainable projects, to meet current and future development challenges. This is to be achieved through empowering youth to give them the opportunity to create positive changes, and promote the true image of Palestine as a moderate country Objectivies : 1-Promotion of cultural values, social development, culture of dialogue and coexistence, and free-thinking, especially among young people and children 2-Promotion and strengthening the culture and values of democracy and gender equality, principles of good governance and promote respect of law in the society 3-Participation in the development of cultural relations, support initiatives, and networking with communities and institutions at the local, regional, and international levels in the field of cultural and youth work o stimulate and facilitate the empowerment and development of local and regional communities, to support their participation in the centralized decision-making 4- To establish and sustain a developmental network of local, national, and international, governmental, non-governmental, and civil society, organizations and bodies that share the Center’s mission.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Youth against corruption 2- The first international camp 2010 "Youth and sustainable development" The second Arab Palestinian Youth Exchange 2012 "Youth and Change Management" The third Arab Palestinian Youth Exhchange April 2013 in partcipation with 15 arab countries 3- Judicial independence in the Palestinian Judiciary System"Enhance the effectiveness and fairness of appointment, transfer, and promotion procedures of Judges, to promote Judicial Independence in Palestine" 4-Ten Thousands Trees for Nablus

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Show the Palestinian experience of civil society organizations in the democratic transformation of the theoretical framework to practical experience through the difficult political situations in Palestine and how civil society contributed to the consolidation of democratic principles and human rights and the implementation of many programs for raising awareness on the culture of tolerance and voluntary work, relief, political pluralism , the right of the differences and accept each other - Show the experience of the first and second and third Arab Palestinian Youth Exchange"Youth and Change Management " which held in Palestine with Particiaption from (Tunis, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Bahrain) and how it reflect on all the particpants , to give a chance for young Palestinians to integrate with the Palestinian Arab and international surroundings , where all the particpants show the causes of protestations and suggest a constructive way and methods to find appropriate solutions and the what they expect to happen in future .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Understanding and building relationships ALF Network, which caused a change and democratic transition , and the possibility of developing a vision unified strategy to start the work in a institutionalized and structured way . - Represent Palestine and my organization in ALF Network . - Benefit the experience from the other ALF Network organizations. .

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Jarosha
Head of the organisation
Nasser Jumaa
Contact (2) Full Name
Riyad khanfar

ACPAI Association of the Contemporary Performing Arts Initiative

National Network

2. Taşocağı Cad. Damla Sok. No:3/Z Daire: 1, Mecidiyeköy

+90 532 683 23 01
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We have 40 volunteer members. Our members are volunteers workers. membership dues and donations. Cultural dialogue and education projects; Public Art projects; Festivals. Art institutions; Universities; Municipalities.
Mission and Objectives

ACPAI is a civil and non-profit organization that aims at bringing about a transformative movement in the field of contemporary performing arts in Turkey by bringing together independent artists, groups, stages, theoreticians, instructors, cultural managers and academicians working in the field. It is an initiative which organizes projects, activities and conduct lobby activities to strengthen contemporary theatre and dance areas, and to bring prestige and visibility to them. The initiative was established in June 2005 as a platform, and it gained corporate status in August 2007 by establishing its own association.
Organizing regular meetings and activities since 2005, the Association aims in the long-run at: constructing an effective and sustainable space of creation for itself and its audience; creating an appropriate production environment for works that search for new means of expression and get in touch with its audience; developing and maintaining a new and diversified audience; investigating the contemporary dynamics of the time; being visible and transforming visibility into a cultural aspect; taking part in processes of cultural policy formulation and implementation; and in this way contributing to the development of civil society in general.

Main Projects / Activities

• “Independent Movement” One Day Festival at Sureyya Stage- collaborating with the State Opera and Ballet (April 2010)
• Interdisciplinary Debates: “Course of Novelty: Glancing at the New in Performing Arts” –collaboating with Museum of Modern Art/Istanbul (October2008-May 2009)
•“momentaryInflux @ Kanyon Shopping Mall” Parallel event of the 13th Istanbul Biennial(2009)
•“Course of Novelty: Glancing at the New in Performing Arts Talk Series (2008 – 2009)
• “momentaryInflux @ Santralistanbul” – (June 2008)
•“Bağımsız Seyir” – Criticism Portal (May 2008 – Present)
•“Wherefrom Whereabouts: Esteti.ka Histori.ka Politi.ka” Artistic Research Atelier (2008)
•“Independent Bulletin” – Monthly Contemporary Performing Arts Agenda (February – May 2008)
•“Independent Network: Cultural Management and Capacity Building for the Contemporary Performing Arts” (January – May 2008)
• “DirectLink, Intercultural Dialogue Through Art” - EU Project; Partner (2007 – 2008)
• “Cultural Contact with the Municipality of Beyoğlu”
Towards an Independent Arts Council (2007)
•“Drama and Movement Workshops at Beyoğlu Municipality Neighborhood Mansions” (2007)
•“Performing Arts Platform 01: Oyun Atölyesi, Kadıköy” – Festival (May 2007)

Contact (1) Full Name
Şule Ateş
Head of the organisation
Şule Ateş
Contact (2) Full Name
Zeynep Günsür


National Network

Moda Caddesi Moda Apt. No:61 D:2 Kadıköy

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Ahmetler Village Culture and Solidarty Association is established in 2010 in Mediterranean Region of Turkey. The organization is mainly based on Antalya city . It is a small association which is founded to support Ahmetler village citizens. Ahmetler is located on the Taurus Mountains (Turkish: Toros Dağları) in Antalya (Mediterranean Region). It has a population of 320 and people live here are nomads. This association has 7 founders and many members. All members in the organization are volunteers. Village have a lot of cultural and natural wealth and women in the village are active workers on fields and weaves rugs. The organization has a good relation with the local authorities. On the other hands the organization is open for new relations and collaborations with the different level organizations.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the organizaiton is to increase the capacity of the Ahmetler Village citizens to become active citizens in the society.
And the objectives of the organizations are;
- To create relations with the different organizations to become an active organization ,
- To provide solidarity and mutual understanding between the people,
- To protect the becoming extinct nomadic culture and heritage of the village,
- To actiivate local women to participate to the desicion making procees and social economic life

Main Projects / Activities

Currently we are making a project about local medicinal and aromatic herbs. Village women picks and sells medicinal herbs. So we are making a project about searching and analysing these herbs and giving a training to village women. By this project we aim to teach bazaars for these wild harvested herbs to village women who picks them and by analyzing we will increase the value of them so at the end of the project this will aid to improve their economies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can participate to ALF Networks events to contribute to developing new ideas and we can share our own experiences and realities that we are facing in our local. And we can also promote to ALF Network in our region to become more recognized Network in Turkey .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because our organization is willing to share experiences with the other organizations to became more known organizaiton. And also we would like to gain new skills and more experiences.In adition to this we would like to know new cultures to create mutual understanding between the different countries .

Contact (1) Full Name
Aslı İpek Arslan
Head of the organisation
Mustafa Güzel
Contact (2) Full Name
Mehmet Arslan


National Network


0090 212 244 62 30
Telephone (other)
0090 212 244 32 29
0090 212 244 62 33
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0535 811 67 55
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Genctur is a member of CCVIS-UNESCO, Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organizations( ), YAP, SCI ( Service Civil International) networks in the world. Itwas the Vice President of ALLIANCE between the years 1989-1998. Moreover, Genctur is a local contact point for Eurodesk Turkey. Genctur has 12 staff and around a thousand active volunteer all over the Turkey . Every year , we sent around 800 volunteer to abroad and we host around 300 volunteer from other countries . Genctur organize workshop which is about youth education , inter-cultural communication , peace education , non-formal education , entrepreneurship . Genctur budget is around 250 000 € .
Mission and Objectives

Genctur is a social entreprise which is established in 1979. Main field of work is youth and it aimed to develop opportunities for the young to have all kinds of experiences abroad and in Turkey to support their individual and social developments. The activities of Genctur are international voluntary work camps, social projects abroad, Youth in Action Projects and EVS. Besides, it organizes international voluntary work camps in cooperation with several local administrations in Turkey.
It wants to be a medium for the young to contribute to the world peace by seeing and knowing different cultures, to support their involvement in domestic and abroad, and to contribute to their cultural development and know their own and other countries cultures. Since its foundation, approximately 300.000 people involved in Genctur's programmes. Furthermore, 1500 workcamps are organised in all around Turkey.

Main Projects / Activities

GENÇTUR offers international voluntary workcamps as a unique form of voluntary service for all the people aged 18 and over from different countries, cultures and backgrounds to work for the benefit of the local communities or NGO’s. Approximately 750 young people are sent to international work camps in 85 countries every year and around 350 foreign young people are hosted in workcamps organized by GENÇTUR in all over Turkey.
*CSV - Long term volunteering is a good and very popular way for Turkish young people to go abroad. GENÇTUR has the pleasure to offer different possibilities to the Turkish youth on this purpose. Community Service Volunteer (CSV) in England is a long lasting partner of GENÇTUR since 1981. Up today 850 Turkish young people have been benefited this opportunity.
*IJGD - We have opened a new field for Turkish youth on long term volunteering by adding the Freiwilliger Sociales Jahr Program in Germany by IJGD for 10 years.
*EVS – European Voluntary Service is a new and a uniuqe way for young Turkish people to volunteer in NGOs in the EU countries. All expenses are paid by the Youth in Action program gunds. GENÇTUR which was accredired by the Turkish National Agency in 2007 is sending around 176 Turkish volunteers annually for EVS.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Genctur has different partner from diffirent countries so we have very exhaustive network. We would like to produce project and we to be partner other projects. We would like to introduce Turkey to other nationalities.
We organise training work-shop , project with national and inter-national partner .We can share our project with your network .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Genctur is one of the big NGO in Turkey. We would like to contact with other organization all over the word , ALF is very good opportunity for us . We foced specially youth and civil society which are same aim with you .

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Sof Dağı Gençlik ve Spor Kulübü Derneği

National Network

Gazimuhtarpaşa Bul. No:39/B Şehitkamil

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Our organisation is founded in 30/09/2005. Its aim is to encourage youngsters to sport and social activities. Some of our activities are water polo, modern pentathlon, underwater activities. We provide to our volunteers and youngsters to learn how to dive, how to go some of tournaments about swimming. Our association is a member of Turkish underwater sports federation, Turkish swimming federation, Turkish pentathlon federation. We are board member of water polo federation and pentathlon federation. We prepared and performed action 3.1 projects, called “Cycling for a Better Life” and “Union For Young People With Fewer Opportunities” .Some of our volunteers are actively relevant to youth in action projects and youth activities. In local region, we have activities to help youngsters to be aware of problems of youngsters.
Mission and Objectives

Our sub-aims are:
• to raise awareness about social issues
• To promote personal skills of youngsters
• To help local instituons on achievement of development
• To achieve youth cooperation on international level for global peace
• To let youngsters know about other cultures

Main Projects / Activities

Our regular activities are trainings, seminars, camps, sportive tournaments, concerts, youth exchanges, campaigns.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can get visibility and volunteer power from our city to network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we like to be in that kind of network. We like how you work and how you act as a non profit foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mehmet Fatih ERBAĞCI
Contact (2) Full Name

Sazlimalkoc koyu Kultur ve Yardimlasma Dernegi

National Network

Sazlımalkoç köyü Uzunköprü EDİRNE

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Our organization found in 2011 has a management of 7 true members, 3 inspecting members and 2 members of ethics. It has a budget of 10.000 TL per year :membership fares (10 tl per month)and donates. The organization aims to create a healthy environment through seminars, cleaning projects and apart from with its own members' payments , the assistance of other organizations. Among its main projects is making the local women have their real and fair place in society. The organization has 70 members contributing monthly. It is one of the most swiftly expanding organizations in the region.
Mission and Objectives

One of our missions is to create a clean environment, a local place, village with walkable streets, trees and flowers. Second and the most important one, we want to convince the local people that the life is equal to both genders. Through seminars and different projects it can be achieved.

Main Projects / Activities

Making local people especially women more sociable and sufficent for their own.
Creating a true clean environment through small contributions showing that everyone can do something for the earth even without money.
Making cultural tarits of different communities known to lacal( rural)people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope to have some relations as much as we have described our aims in learning different cultures, having assistances for developping the projects especially related to women, children and the the other villagers around. We need help.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bilal Yeniocak
Head of the organisation
Bilal Yeniocak
Contact (2) Full Name
Halil İbrahim Bulak