SVERIGES LÄRARE FÖR FRED (Teachers for peace)

National Network

1. Davids väg 16, SE 263 92 Jonstorp, Sweden.
2. Gråfias väg 10, SE 441 60 Alingsås, Sweden

Gothenburg (the boad)

+46 42 34 82 62
Telephone (other)
+46 32 251 116
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 760 30 86 00
Mobile Phone (other)
+46 730 53 63 37
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. A board, individual members, no staff employed. 2. Budget: 6 000 SEK. 3. Membership. For projects funds searched each time. 4. Seminars, lectures, activities like lessons in schools, exhibitions, selling and displaying books and booklets, networking, information via our webbsite. 5. Professionals against nuclear weapons and for peace as well as other peace organizations. Much work is done with International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (The Swedish part, SLMK).
Mission and Objectives

The organization works for peace, international understanding, human rights, conflict resolution, and disarmament with a focus on teaching and education.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization has worked to influence teacher education via different means. During som years it has given courses and conferences in cooperation with other peace organizations, One such cooperation was Peace in Our Hands. Educational materials were produced. Members of the board have produced books on conflict resolution for teacher education. The organization has collected signatures to influence the government to work for an international convention against nuclear weapons.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are active on our website giving information, we inform our members. With more knowledge and inspiration from other activities that we come to know we may improve our work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To keep in touch with work on peace, disarmament and human rights. To learn more and to be able to spread more information and inspiration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karin Utas Carlsson
Head of the organisation
Ilse Hakvoort, chairperson
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilse Hakvoort

Vox Pacis - The Voice of Peace

National Network

c/o Nordlund. St. Eriksgatan 99
113 31 Stockholm

Telephone (other)
+46-8-34 77 78
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 (0)70 – 348 77 80
Mobile Phone (other)
+46 (0) 73 – 710 04 22
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Religion
General Information

Vox Pacis, and NGO was formed in Stockholm 2006. The aim is to musically, artistically, theatrically, inter-culturally, and through interfaith dialogue work towards peace and reconciliation in the world.

Vox Pacis is a non-religious, non-political organization.

Our main partners: Swedish Church, international, College of Music in Piteå & Uppsala. 

Mission and Objectives

Vox Pacis goals are peace work, conflict solving, musical and artistic inspiration. By listening to and participating in different traditions of music-cultural expression, participants and audiences have the possibility to discover for themselves that there is so much more uniting us than differs us apart. For example, there is a great similarity between the Sami jojk and Tibetan throst singing, just like there are lots of resemblances between the early Vedic and Greogorian songs and between the Arabic desert songs and some Jewish religious music.

The most holy aspects with each culture have undoubtedly a sphere of connecting with other cultures and religions. By sharing this musical experience all at the same time, in the same place, we belive that fruitful conditions are created for a bigger understandning and better relationship between different cultures and religions.

We belive that through singing, music and theatre it is possible to find new ways toward peace and harmony.

Main Projects / Activities

Vox Pacis works with:

- Peace and multicultural concerts - Youth Musical - Drama - Concert shows - Workshops - Exhibitions - Guest shows - Networking - Research.

Vox Pacis has so far created hundreds of theatrical concerts with artists from fifteen different cultures, representing all world religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism – with elements of Same jojk, Tibetan throat song, Sufi desert blues, Roma freedom singing and Chines opera singing and folksongs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gunilla Nordlund
Job Title
ordförande/konstnärlig ledare
Head of the organisation
Gunilla Nordlund
Contact (2) Full Name
Aron Schoug
Job Title (2)
vice ordförande

KEKS - Kvalitet och kompetens i samverkan

National Network

Linnégatan 21, 3 tr.
413 04 Göteborg

+46 (0) 739 667879
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

KEKS is a network for municipalities and others who run open youth work and our overall aim is to increase the quality in youth work.

We are steadily growing and currently consist of 61 Swedish, 7 Slovenian and 3 Finnish local departments for youth work.

The network is based on cooperation around common aims, documentation, follow up and competence development.

We support our members in KEKS when it comes to documentation, follow up and quality development of youth work. We do this mainly by providing a system for documentation and follow-up and organizing different activities for competence development.  Our starting point is as follows: youth centres, clubs, youth projects, etc., should work as tools in a positive, social development aimed at all youth.

Our overall idea is to promote the personal and social growth of youth. We want to act as an arena for learning where the experiences and interests of young people are nurtured in such a way that they experience engagement, meaningfulness and a sense of hope for the future.


Mission and Objectives

We see young people as the main resource in their own lives, and all activities should therefore be built on their active participation and sense of responsibility.

We want to be an arena for learning where the experiences and interests of young people are nurtured in such a way that they experience engagement, meaningfulness and a sense of hope for the future. We see young people as the main resource in their own lives, and all activities should therefore be built on their active participation and sense of responsibility.

Based on these principal ideas we have created a set of common and clear goals that are measurable and easy to follow up on.

In order to see how well we meet our goals we carry out an annual survey where we among other things ask our visitors if they feel that they are being treated as resources and are being supported to participate and take responsibility. (We received more than 8500 responses from a total of 200 different youth centres in 2019). In 2010 we also implemented a web based group survey for on-going monitoring on how young people experience their participation in groups and different youth projects.

Every year we also accumulate costs and visitor statistics in the form of quantitative indicator charts. Staff and young people at every youth centre are presented the results pertaining to their centre, in order to discuss the findings together and develop suggestions on how to improve their activities.

Main Projects / Activities

KEKS is also engaged in research on youth work issues such as participation and non-formal learning and has continuous contacts with researchers, universities and educators of youth workers.

KEKS has also published a number of booklets on youth work and youth work methods.

KEKS is experienced in both organizing international projects as well as in organizing courses, workshops and seminars related to the topic of the proposed project and has. KEKS is organizing between 4-8 big seminars a year that approaches different topics related to youth work (e.g. inclusion, participation, marginalized youngsters, documentation of youth work etc.).

KEKS also organize regular courses and workshops on the methods that KEKS uses (e.g. The Logbook – web based system for documentation and follow-up of youth work; ELD - discussion and reflection method for documenting non-formal education competences).

KEKS is supporting and educating their members in the method ELD (Experience Learning Description) that aims to validate and to make visible the non-formal learning achieved in youth work. 

Jonas Agdur, founder of KEKS and chairman InterCity Youth (ICY), has also been chairman of the European expert group on youth work quality systems. InterCity youth is a European network for local departments of youth work consisting of over 400 European cities with the aim to enhance the quality of youth work in the EU membership states. 


Contact (1) Full Name
Jenny Haglund
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Jenny Haglund, Secretary General

Center for International and European Studies (CIES)

National Network

Kadir Has University, Kadir Has Caddesi 34083 Cibali/ Istanbul

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+90-0530- 8797702
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Center for Applied Research on European Union Studies and Turkey- EU relations, Foreign policy of Turkey founded by the Kadir Has University Institute for Social science studies has a staff of 4 currently with student researchers and associates.
Mission and Objectives

To conduct research on foreign policy making of Turkey towards Turkey's EU accession as well as in its neighbourhood and its Trans-Atlantic partners. To formulate and lead national networks of policy makers, think tanks, civil society institutions and academia in projects towards impacting Turkish policy making in regional and cross border economic, political, cultural relations and civil society dialogue between Turkey and its neighbors.

Main Projects / Activities

Partnerships with EU think tanks in bringing policy experts to Turkey.
Preparing Turkey monitors on Euro-Med relations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Deniz B. McDonald
Head of the organisation
Dimitrios Triantaphyllou (Director)

Euro-Atlantic Center

National Network
Slovak Republic
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Euro-Atlantic Center is an independent, non-governmental organization, founded in 1999 with the working members about 20 young students (divided in function of President, Vice- president and Program coordinators). To our main partners belong Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Ministry of Defense, International Visegrad Fund, NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Slovak Atlantic Commission, Center for European and North Atlantic Affairs, University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Political sciences and International relations in Banská Bystrica, Jagello 2000, Corvinius Society.
Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to raise public awareness in the field of international relations and security issues. Working members of the EAC, young students, contributes to the reaching of skills in social communication and non-formal education. We promote a sense of active European citizenship, solidarity and tolerance among young Europeans. Our mission is to encourage the other young people to think about European issues, to be involved in the formation of European citizenship and active role in shaping debates and creating European society, by organizing lectures, seminars, conferences, competitions, forums, discussions and roundtables involving young people in discussions on the future of the European Union and NATO.

Main Projects / Activities

Our concrete projects are: Youth Advisory Council - series of discussions with U.S ambassador to Slovakia,Visegrad Youth Forum 2011 on Common Foreign and Security Policy - international youth conference in Banská Bystrica, Speaking Tours - educational activities at Slovak universities Discussion clubs at the University of Economics in Bratislava,Current Questions of Theory and Praxis of Politics and International Relations at the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations - lectures of invited experts on current topics, Hodnotíme obranu (Strategic defense review conference,)Aliante - international competition for high school students,publishing of American Letters.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are dedicated to particular topics that encourage active participation of young people and encourage them to play an active role in communities and helping realize important role of young people in shaping the present and the future of Europe. Euro- Atlantic Center supports active participation of young people and allows them to explore different social and cultural elements.
This organisation also tries to strengthen the process of mutual learning and strengthens the sense of European citizenship and tolerance through good communication with our partners and we also keep in touch with them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Members of EAC are interested in travelling and meeting peers from different countries who have different social and cultural background and we are keen of learning about foreign traditions. It´s the main reason why we support active participation and we try to make young leaders more European citizens and more tolerant to people from different cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lenka Koczová
Head of the organisation
Martin Nastišin
Contact (2) Full Name
Tomáš Sokol

Central European Strategy Council

National Network
Slovak Republic

Klariská 14
811 03 Bratislava

+421 2 5441 0609
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Central European Strategy Council, as an independent non-governmental organisation based in Bratislava, Slovakia, associates three organisations – the Slovak Atlantic Commission (SAC), the Central European Policy Institute (CEPI) and the Centre for European Affairs (CEA). The three well-established organisations created a new umbrella entity in 2013, comprising more than 30 staff members who run 60 projects in 18 countries. The SAC, CEA and CEPI have been working to increase the influence of Central Europe and move the region from the European political periphery to the very core of the wider transatlantic debate. Structure: President, Executive Vice President, Chairman, Chief Finance Officer, Programme Directors, Project team members Sources of funding: Slovak and regional public institutions, international organisations, EU institutions Modalities of action: the backbone of the Central European Strategy Council consists of the activities of its 3 organisations:  the Slovak Atlantic Commission (SAC), the Central European Policy Institute (CEPI) and the Centre for European Affairs (CEA) (see below) Main partners: Regional Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Ministries of Defence, NATO, WMCES, Embassies based in Central European region, EU institutions, International Visegrad Fund and institutions supporting development projects in V4 region
Mission and Objectives

The Council’s mission is to promote cooperation among Central European countries to increase their competitiveness in the international environment through seeking practical solutions and answers to current international policy, security, economic, energy, social and other geopolitical challenges through a regional Central European approach
It is a regional multiplier of its core mission, which is to strengthen the voice of Slovakia and Central Europe in European and global affairs and define and support the strategic role of Central Europe in international politics. The organisation connects key Central European personalities and experts in foreign and security policy.

Main Projects / Activities

1: SLOVAK ATLANTIC COMMISSION: The mission of the SAC is to support transatlantic cooperation and actively shape the security and international policy debate in Europe and beyond. It does so by the cultivation of a dialogue among policy makers, experts and analysts, governments and NGO representatives. The Commission has built three distinct pillars representing its core activities. The Strategic Forums programme is in charge of the world-class GLOBSEC foreign policy and security conference, the TRANSFER OF KNOW HOW programme reaches out the transitional nations, handing over Central Europe’s experience. It focuses on promotion of democratization processes in Moldova, Serbia, Montenegro and Tunisia and assists in their ambitions to integrate into euro-Atlantic structures. Thirdly, the YOUNG LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME underlines the SAC’s long/term commitment to young professionals by helping them to acquire knowledge, leadership skills and a network of contacts and at the same time aims at integrating them into public, private and non-governmental institutions in Central and Eastern European region later in their careers.
2. CENTER FOR EUROPEAN AFFAIRES: The Centre for European Affairs (CEA) is an independent civic association, carrying out its activities in the spirit of European cooperation, democratic principles and values. The CEA represents an opportunity to formalise and strengthen the tradition of constructive European debate from the Slovak perspective. The CEA creates a much-needed space for cultivating a critical European community that is willing to develop and shape the public, expert and political debate about the future of Europe and the position of Slovakia within this area.
3. CENTRAL EUROPEAN POLICY INSTITUTE: The Central European Policy Institute (CEPI) is a regional think-tank and a member of the Central European Strategy Council, based in Bratislava, Slovakia. Its mission is to help decision-makers and opinion-makers in Central Europe to craft common responses to current challenges, and to improve the quality of their contributions to the EU and NATO debates. It does so by engaging the region’s top experts and institutions, promoting innovative solutions, and working closely with governments to turn recommendations into policy.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Central European Strategy Council can contribute by sharing its long term expertise in events organization and platforms creation. Network members can also become partners of our projects, as well as we will be glad to cooperate with the organisations sharing the same values and activities. The Council can share its analytical outputs and invite other Network members to events organized by Council’s associated organisations. Last but not least, the Council can offer its broad network of contacts in civil service, NGO or business circles to support the case of ALF in Central European region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The main reason for joining the ALF network is the compatibility of its objectives with those of the Central European Strategy Council. For example the activities of SAC programme TRANSFER OF KNOW-HOW contribute to closer dialogue between Central and Eastern Europe and Arab Mediterranean region, by focusing, amongst other, on young professionals in Tunisia. At the same time, the goal of the YOUTH LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME is to give emerging leaders and future decision-makers the opportunity to contribute new ideas to the debate on international security, foreign policy and economy and to assist them in becoming active citizens with an opportunity to actively and creatively participate in EU-wide democratic processes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martina Balejová
Job Title
Funding and Finance Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Ambassador Rastislav Káčer, President & Róbert Vass, Executive Vice-President and CEO

Nasser Diarbakrl i . Phd

National Network
Slovak Republic
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
biznis man promoted arabic culture and food and human rights in slovak republic open for cooperation between other cultures around the world. Buddget is created only from private business activities at the moment and trey are limited because no donnors about fundraising for bigger and quality better activities and projects at the moment, i´m open for cooperation for better understanding of arabic culture in this part pof Europe and for intercultural projects between other culutre centres, non profit organisations or countires activizm. I cooperate with cultural mediator and promotor of culture Roman Kozák - Civil association KELTIEG, International Migrants Centre and many small comunities of arabians in Slovakia
Mission and Objectives

Be helfull fgoír better understanding differencies and evaluation of arabic culture here in Slovakia and be helpfulôl for international respect between nations and their culutures

Main Projects / Activities

The exchanging of student for special parts of studying for example - Syria, Libanon, Palestine
The multicultural and sport´s centre in Bratislava´s part Petržalka
The religion undeestanding conferencies with respected partner in middle east
exchanging of restaurant and hotel´s chefs between middle part of Europe and Arabic countries
the senior centre with daily program of helping for old people in Bratislava
other cooperated projects and programs of other members from Anna Lindh foundation network

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

succesfully promote acitivitiesa of Foudation supported our projects , succesfull realisation of these projects and proméotion araud Slovakia from good experience with Foudation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

for realisation of these projects and for cooperation with other members of foundation network

Contact (1) Full Name
Nasser Diarbakrl I . Phd
Head of the organisation
Nasser Diarbakrl i . Phd
Contact (2) Full Name
Tony Suliman

KELTIEG, o.z. Civil associoation

National Network
Slovak Republic

Štefanikova 13
07101 Michalovce

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

structure: 1 person director, and aprox. 40 volunteers budgetary per year: from projects it depends 6000 - 30000 EUR surce and funding: 2% from Taxes, members fee, grants and sponsorship Modalites: events, festivals, briefings, concerts, debates, courses and lessons, Partners: The British council, irish embassy, Spanish Embassy, french embassy, Centre for Migration IOM Slovakia, and many others private or state or non profit organisations

Mission and Objectives

keeping and development of cultural herritage around the world, cultural exchanges... (education project for children about jazz music 2010, 2011) international celtic culture festival 2001- 2005, celtic year events multicultural Gastrofestival of migrants (food non profit festival for public from migrants in slovakia) and many others.. support about sound system for others, support for publicity of books ... audio media

Main Projects / Activities (education project for children about jazz music 2010, 2011) international celtic culture festival 2001- 2005, celtic year events multicultural Gastrofestival of migrants (food non profit festival for public from migrants in slovakia) and many others.. support about sound system for others, support for publicity of books ... audio media festival of historical gardens in Slovakia cooperated with National Trust

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- with own projects inovative, multimedia, creative solutions for supporting of solutions for problems between cultures - like a partner for international projects with capacity for organizing coordination and realisation slovak part of projects...producing of events...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- I´m the member of international network for managers and promoters for world and rootś music from the world ( Showcase scotland project) - we want be a partner near deleting of borders between cultures around the world

Contact (1) Full Name
Mgr. Roman Kozák
Head of the organisation
Mgr. Roman Kozák

Maison des Associations (MA)

National Network

46, rue de Mühlenbach Luxembourg-Mühlenbach

00352 26 68 31 09
00352 26 68 39 09
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The major goal of MA is to strengthen the associative movement as engine and voice of civil society. On one hand it emphasize the importance of valuing the efforts of citizens who actively participate in the shaping of society, on the other hand we consider it essential to raise awareness within associations regarding their role in societal dynamics. Thanks to the work of 2 permanent and 3 temporary employees MA promote social cohesion based on associations that support this idea through their respective federations. Some of main partners are Office Luxembourgeois de l’Accueil et de l’Intégration, Maison de l’Europe, Amitié Portugal-Luxembourg, Confédération de la Communauté Portugaise au Luxembourg, Fédération des Associations Africaines au Luxembourg, Fédération des Associations Cap-Verdiennes au Luxembourg, Fédération des Associations d’Espagnols au Luxembourg and others. Among our projects are local activities which have intercultural dimension, radio program, organization of seminars and trainings. Part of our funding is coming from OLAI, MFI, SNJ, European Commission and others.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of MA is to strengthen the associative movement as engine and voice of civil society, to emphasize the importance of valuing the efforts of citizens who actively participate in the shaping of society and to raise awareness within associations regarding their role in societal dynamics. The objectives are: - To be a resource center within civil society through supporting the local associations in the implementation of their projects and developing new forms of associative engagement such as volunteering - To play active role in solving problems existing in civil society by initiating projects which support coexistence and by being active in migration policy - To promote and enhance the initiatives carried out by civil society through creating a space for reflection and dialogue between associations

Main Projects / Activities

Among our permanent projects is Cuisines du Monde which allows to people from migrant background and from hosting society to know about each other’s history and culture through spending time in informal atmosphere and by cooking food from different countries. One of the other monthly projects is Millefeuilles which as a literature evening which gives a chance to people from different social and cultural background to express themselves through different art means (poems, songs, dances). One of the other monthly projects is radio program Kuddel Muddel the main idea of which is to give space to the citizens to express ideas about topics which relate to their everyday life. Our seminars and trainings relates to volunteerism and migration (to get familiar with forms of volunteering in the countries of origin of migrant communities and in Luxembourg and to value the work done by volunteers in the life of local community), human rights and media (to find out about human rights and how much it is presented in daily media), citizenship and nationality and so on.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MA has strong partnership both with number of local and international organizations and structures. Thanks to this fact MA will be happy to support to the ALF Network of Luxembourg by its contacts, previous experience in realization of local and international the projects. Thanks to our publications and radio programs we will be able to secure visibility of ALF in general and ALF Network of Luxembourg in particular.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The interest of MA to become member of the ALF Network of Luxembourg is based on our respect and interest of the contribution of ALF in the overcoming the misunderstandings and stereotypes which affect relations between and within the societies of the Mediteranin Region. The objectives and the values of our organization are in line with the aim of ALF to improve mutual respect between cultures. Our membership in the Network should positively impact on the lives of our beneficiaries: cultural and ethnic minority communities, migrants in Luxembourg.

Contact (1) Full Name
Guy Reger
Head of the organisation
Guy Reger
Contact (2) Full Name
Manuela Lorenzo

Movida Association

National Network

12, rue Joseph Dijon, 75018 Paris

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Il est fondé entre les adhérents aux présents statuts une association régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901 et le décret du 16 août 1901, ayant pour titre : MOVIDA Les ressources de l'association comprennent : - Le montant des cotisations; - Les subventions de l'Etat, des collectivités territoriales et des établissements publics; - Les dons manuels des personnes physiques et morales; - Le produit des activités commerciales et manifestations liées à l'objet; - Toute autre ressources autorisé par la loi. - Initier et soutenir des manifestations et des événements artistiques et culturels et organiser des programmes de formations, des conférences et des échanges autour de la création et des résidences artistiques.
Mission and Objectives

Objet : défendre la liberté de l’expression et de la création artistique et s’engager à accompagner et à promouvoir les artistes dans leurs créations de la production à la diffusion tout en aidant à augmenter la visibilité des réalisations ; faciliter et soutenir la mobilité et les échanges artistiques ainsi que la circulation des œuvres entre la Tunisie, l’espace euro-méditerranéen et le reste du monde ; initier et soutenir des manifestations et des événements artistiques et culturels et organiser des programmes de formations, des conférences et des échanges autour de la création et des résidences ; agir pour soutenir et promouvoir les femmes artistes et s’inscrire dans une démarche de mise en réseau et de mutualisation de ressources et d’idées ; être un laboratoire artistique, technologique et théorique transdisciplinaire qui développe des projets alliant recherche et expérimentation tout en explorant de nouveaux modes de production et de diffusion artistiques et créatifs.

Main Projects / Activities

Objet : défendre la liberté de l’expression et de la création artistique et s’engager à accompagner et à promouvoir les artistes dans leurs créations de la production à la diffusion tout en aidant à augmenter la visibilité des réalisations ; faciliter et soutenir la mobilité et les échanges artistiques ainsi que la circulation des œuvres entre la Tunisie, l’espace euro-méditerranéen et le reste du monde ; initier et soutenir des manifestations et des événements artistiques et culturels et organiser des programmes de formations, des conférences et des échanges autour de la création et des résidences ; agir pour soutenir et promouvoir les femmes artistes et s’inscrire dans une démarche de mise en réseau et de mutualisation de ressources et d’idées ; être un laboratoire artistique, technologique et théorique transdisciplinaire qui développe des projets alliant recherche et expérimentation tout en explorant de nouveaux modes de production et de diffusion artistiques et créatifs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moufida Fedhila