UNIVERSI Skupaj z mladimi za mlade, Koper

National Network

Sergeja Mašere 5

00386 40 811 848
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
UNIVERSI is non-governmental, non-profit voluntary organization that was established in Slovenia in 2010 with the purpose to bring together young people that believe in cross-European co-operation and intercultural experience, and that are wishing to get more experience in this field through developing projects in the frames of various European Programmes working on raising youth awareness, citizenship, international mobility and participation of young people at international level.
Mission and Objectives

In UNIVERSI we follow the philosophy that can be expressed in: “non-formal education”, “life-long learning”, “mobility”, “volunteering” and “cooperation”. We strongly believe in the role of non-formal education within life-long learning and that the active participation of young people can empower them their friends and the society around them.
Our main aim is to give youth possibilities for creative development, spreading of European culture in the field of international Youth Exchanges, European Volunteer Service, promotion of realisation of cultural, art and sport projects, spreading information about and for youth. We like to exchange different tools and methodologies that we can put into practice in our activities related to education and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

The regular activities of UNIVERSI aim at supporting our philosophy and promoting European values. The activities include various meetings at local and international level, exchanges, trainings, seminars, debates, exhibitions, concerts, fair stands, sport activities and so on. Many of these activities have the financial support from the European Commission’s programs. During our activities we are dealing with topics, e.g. European citizenship, civic participation, eco-citizenship, art, urban culture, media etc. and the projects that we are working on aim at promoting participation and empowering young-adult people with fewer opportunities aged between 18 and 30 years who do not have any special educational background, who have difficult social, economical or family situation, who have never had the opportunity to be abroad and benefit from intercultural experience.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are going to contribute in shaping the work of the ALF National Network in a competent and knowledgeable way. At the same time w will share our know-how and experiences, mainly our project leading and management skills to other organizations in the national network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be part of ALF Network as we share the same values: acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, acknowledgment of rule of law and fundamental freedoms. Being part of the Network at the same time also means a way to network between organizations, to strengthening the cooperation between organisations of the Euro-Mediterranean region. We would also like to take advantage of being an ALF member - apply for a grant or other ALF activities. It will be also an opportunity for us, to share ideas and interact with members of our network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Urska Vezovnik
Head of the organisation
Urska Vezovnik

Get to Know the World Assoc.

National Network

P.O. Box 814
00101 Helsinki

358 - 9 - 713 190
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
050 4368060
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
one operative person, three part time employees , two volunteery persons, budget 10 - 15.000 €, funding institutions and sponsors, Action 2012 - 13 EU theme Europe for citizen project. main partner Citizen's Forum.
Mission and Objectives

Creating mutual understanding between the Baltic Sea States and Mediteranean region in the field of youth, education and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Mare Balticum - Mare Nostrum project comparing the attitudes and values in the region by conducting a survey and arranging seminars for the participants and inviting quests from the two regions.
Producing documentaries comparing the lifestyle, culture and environmental problems between the two regions
Mare Balticum - Mare Nostrum program conducting comparative survey's about attitudes and values and arranging seminars to present the results of the research to the invited partenrs. Producing documentaries about the lifestyle, culture and environmental problems.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participating and introducing the activities of the assocition in different events.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To establish connections in the mediterranean region and to promote the action plan oft the assocoation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paul Lwoff
Head of the organisation
Paul Lwoff
Contact (2) Full Name
Giuseppe Lugano

Europe on the Move

National Network

Charlz Darvin 8
Sofia 1113

+359 887 290 538
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The association “Europe on the move” is a Bulgarian non-government organization situated in Sofia. The members of our organization are 10 young people. The Association is structured as follows General Assembly which consists of all active members of the association; Board which consists of three persons - chairman, vice-chairman and secretary, and Chairman. The budgetary resources available in the last year were around 20 000 euro. Our main partners involved in the organization's projects are organization such as Association Attadamoun pour le Développement & le Partenariat (AADP) – Morocco, Step up Youth Initiative – Egypt, Salfeet Information and Communication Center “SIRAJ” – Palestine, Association For Non Formal Education – Poland and Mladinski Center Dravinsjke Doline – Slovenia. The sources of funding for the realization of the activities of the association are donations and sponsorship, incomes from programs and projects funded by domestic and international organizations, revenues from additional economic activity, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Our association is trying to create a productive environment of collaboration within organizations at a local, national and European level. We hope to attract more attention to issues such as active citizenship, promotion of European values and sustainable development by making and participating in European projects. We seek more accessible and understandable information about different European donor programs and funds. We hope this is the way to support local and regional authorities in the improvement of their absorption capacities. Unfortunately when seeking financing from European funds, non-government organizations and business often aren’t prepared enough to elaborate projects of good quality. One of our basic objectives is to overcome these difficulties when developing social-aware project ideas. Seminars, conferences, round tables and training courses are some of the informal methods we will use to achieve our goals.

Main Projects / Activities

A basic part of our principles are collaboration, mutual trust, freedom of expression and opinions, enterprising, creativity and innovations. We had the opportunity to put them into practice through the elaboration of our first project – “Volunteering can be fun. The project was a response to the need for more active actions in the field of volunteerism, given that the latter is declared priority of the European Commission for 2011. Moreover, it was in line with the priorities of the “Youth in Action” programme for cultural diversity and for promoting youth participation in public life and democratic process. The project created a favorable environment for international exchange of volunteer skills and practices among young people, keen to promote European values. The participants had the opportunity through non-formal educational methods to develop their own skills for preparing European projects, which they applied later on local level through their organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgi Filipov
Head of the organisation
Georgy Filipov

Al-Tufula (NNI)

National Network

Al-Roum 6063
P.O.B 2404

Nazareth 16000

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The organization has 9 board members who accompany the implementation of the programs, including decision making, monitoring and evaluation, approving of projects and budgets, local fundraising and many other tasks. The organization employs 19 staff members, each integrated in a different position according to her expertise, and 15 caregivers integrated in the two nurseries run by Al-Tufula. Budgetary resources available in a year: 1,060,958 USD. Sources of funding: Donations, income from selling books, income from providing services, income from the early childhood coalition funded by the Bernard Van Leer foundation, income from the nursery's participation fees. Modalities: concrete projects Since its establishment, the organization has developed partnerships with different organizations working in the fields of women empowerment and early childhood care and development. Among these organizations/institutions are: Women against Violence, Women Studies' center, Kav-Mashveh, JDC-Israel, Isha l'Isha (woman to woman), Ajeec, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Haifa.
Mission and Objectives

Al-Tufula center (NNI) is a pedagogical multi-purpose women's center which aims at empowering women and developing the field of early childhood by adopting a feminist, holistic, integrative and liberating approach, and by utilizing the following strategies: capacities building, development of resources and infrastructures, national and international lobby and advocacy, local international resource development and networking.
In view of that, our main objectives are:
1. Empowering Arab women citizens of Israel to become active in all life spheres guarantee all their rights and enjoy a society that provides equal opportunities to all its members: increase the integration of Arab women in the labor force and developing women leadership.
2. Enhancing social solidarity through networking and coalitions.
3. Developing and disseminating a holistic integrative approach to early childhood in the Palestinian society in Israel.

Main Projects / Activities

• Empowering Young Palestinian Women to reach higher education and become agents of social change.
• Atida- the initiative for increasing the participation of Arab women in the labor force.
• Increasing the accessibility to information about services and assistive devices to persons with disabilities in the Arab society in Israel.
• "Together towards Happier Childhood" aiming at developing the material and educational infrastructure of kindergartens in the Arab society in Israel.
• The Children's Festival is held annually to celebrate the Child's International Day.
• The Early Childhood Newsletter which addresses a wide variety of topics related to early childhood and targets adults working and living with children.
• Disseminating the holistic, integrative approach into the curriculum of early childhood care and development colleges.
• Supporting Arab local authorities in implementing the free compulsory education law in kindergartens.
• Monitoring on the violation of the Arab children's rights.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As already indicated, Al-Tufula has been working in the field of youth since 2007. It has also played a major role in establishing "Herakuna Forum" which comprises 5 organizations aiming at enhancing social solidarity and voluntarism among young people in the Arab society in Israel. Through integration in ALF network, Al-Tufula can share its experience in the field of youth with the network members by delivering relevant trainings to young people and to professionals working with young people (including gender, human rights, drama, developing personal skills, identity development, development of future vision, development of skills in different domains), initiating community activities targeting young people in addition to youth leadership development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Al-Tufula is interested in joining the ALF network since the network addresses youth issues and young women are one of the groups targeted by our organization.
Since 2007, we have been empowering young Palestinian women citizens of Israel to reach higher education and become agents of change in the Palestinian society in Israel. So far, we have established six groups, many of which continued with their social activism after they had graduated from the project and are still involved in community projects implemented by Al-Tufula.
We have learnt that the ALF network addresses the youth field through projects and forums which bring together organizations and activists from Europe and the Middle East to further youth issues; therefore we believe that our integration in such a framework will enrich our work with young women.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ruba Simaan
Head of the organisation
Nabila Espanioly
Contact (2) Full Name
Manar Awawdi

Palestinian Struggle Youth Union

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Board of Directors 13 represent 9 districts in West Bank , and 4 in Gaza strip , we have 3 officers and the rest are volunteers , we self budget, depends on subscriptions and activities , we have hold many workshops and conferences , we have participated in several. we are members in General union for Palestinian youth , we have billateral relationships with many youth unions around the world , we DUF Danish Youth Council , Sewedish youth council

Mission and Objectives

PSYU seeks to contribute to the development of youth through designing, supporting, and implementing youth initiatives, programmes and projects in Palestine. The organization strives to get the voice of youth heard, and acts as a platform for advocacy on social, economic, cultural and political youth issues. Objectives: ■ Develop the political, economic, social, and cultural capacities of the Palestinian youth so that they can tackle youth issues in the most effective manner. ■Enhance the exchange of knowledge and experience between Palestinian youth and leaders ■Raise awareness locally and internationally on the specific needs and issues affecting youth in Palestine

Main Projects / Activities

we have many projects under processing and finished , we have green projects that save environment and projects to enhance Voluntery work , we have finished educational projects , we are organising recently and in the past many trainings and workshops , we are implementing project with Alxandaria Bibliothica with coordination of TAKING IT GLOBAL in Canda , and implementing several workshops with NDI National Democratic Intstitute in Canada , and we have Scout activities , and traditional Dance teams , and sport teams . and also we are establishing Theatre team , we have hold many summer camps , local and international

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will be ambassadors of democracy,human rights issues , we will be an active part of the international network and we will help in introducing ideas that serve the issues that concern to young people and help to bring the views, we will give our experiences to all partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We as a Palestinian youth Organization aspire to be part of a global network of institutions interested in youth issues, human rights and believe in democracy, that give us the opportunity to be a part and partner with institutions under the umbrella of institutions.We believe that dialogue is always the answer, and that we might play an important role in the service of common issues we all partners in the life.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ehsan Naser
Head of the organisation
Ehsan Naser
Contact (2) Full Name
Rezeq Namoura

Amigos del Sáhara Marroquí en España

National Network

Paseo de Ronda 26
25003 Lleida

0034 616271783
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Les amis du Sahara marocain en Espagne. Est une association socio-culturelle de volontaire de la libre iniciative fondée par un groupe de marocains, espagnoles et catalanes et d'autres pour faire connaître la culture du Sahara marocain, tout en soutenant l'initiative d'autonomie pour le Sahara, ce qui porte l'opinion publique espagnole et surtout catalane de la vérité du Sahara et renforcer les liens avec nos frères Sahraouis de l'autre côté. Soyons clair que le but de cette association est de trouver une solution véritable et fiable pour les Sahraouis doivent être compris et réciproque et ont droit au bien-être et la sécurité.
Mission and Objectives

Autonomia para el Sahara Marroqui ,Explicar a la opinion publica española la verdad del Sahara Marroqui.

Main Projects / Activities

El activismo pro saharaui que en realidad es racismo disfrazado, si los saharauis creen que a los españoles que los defienden les importan mucho, están muy equivocados, pero la “causa saharaui” les da alas para sacar su veneno contra el pueblo marroquíes, es así la realidad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rachid Faris Smahi
Head of the organisation
Rachid Faris Smahi
Contact (2) Full Name
Rida Kdah.

association culturelle ARTIS

National Network

bp 194 amizour bejaia algerie

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
nous sommes une association à caractére culturelle composée d'un bureau éxécutif de sept membres qui oeuvre a la promotion de la culture dans le but de lutter contre l'inertie actuelle.notre source de financement actuel est l'assemblée populaire de la wilaya et aussi la collecte chez les commerçants de la région. - Sources de financement : Subvention d'état - Modalités d'action: projets concrets, échanges, séminaires, bourses.
Mission and Objectives

notre mission est d'oeuvrer a pomouvoir la culture, en axant notre travail sur la pratique théatrale et cinématographique par la production de piéces de théatre et la projection de films et documentaires qui refléte la situation actuelle, des projections qui sucsitent le débat au sein de notre société. nous nous consacrant aussi a célébrer nos fétes ancestrales bérbéres pour lutter contre l'oublis et cet ostracisme dont notre culture est victime. à long terme, nous avons l'ambition d'ancrer la culture théatrale dans notre région à travers la production de piéces et la formation dans le cadre d'ateliers pour péreniser cette pratique qui est un moyen de reflexion et qui fait avancer les peuples.

Main Projects / Activities

nos activités principales sont les projectios de films et documentaires non diffusés, censurés pour luter contre cet embrigadement. nous organisons des soirées théatrales et musicales et nous célebrons nos fétes traditionnelles (yennayer, adheriyis...). nous avons a notre actif une production théatrale de notre troupe " inemlayen" qui s'intitule " qulec d ulec" .

Contact (1) Full Name
khirdine braham
Head of the organisation
khirdine braham
Contact (2) Full Name
birem lamine

Association Culturelle pour l'Epanouissement de la Jeunesse Algérienne - ACDEJA - Ain El Hammam - TIZI OUZOU

National Network

B.P 395

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Notre association qui est à vocation culturelle, œuvre essentiellement, pour le renforcement de l’amitié à travers le monde par des échanges culturelles et un code moral basé sur une approche humaniste et pacifiste. Cependant, ses adhérents sont animés de bonne volonté et qui de par leurs approche non sectarisme, affichent de grandes prédispositions à œuvrer pour l’amitié des peuples.
Mission and Objectives

Les objectifs tracés pour l’élaboration du programme sont scindés en trois volets -Premier volet : Echange entre les jeunes à travers le monde. -Dixième volet : Développement et épanouissement du jeune du monde en général et du jeune Algérien en particulier. -Troisième volet : Assurer au jeune, un encadrement et une formation pour une prise en charge de son destin pour un avenir meilleur.

Main Projects / Activities

Notre association a été souvent au devant de la scène, on organisant un « microcosme » d’activités culturelles, que ce soit au niveau national ou international. Les jeunes adhérents de l’A.C.D.E.J.A ?ont montré une réelle disponibilité à ce prendre en charge, et à prendre en charge toute cette jouvence du monde entier, meme si de par situation actuelle, la peur et les atrocités quotidiennes, ne laissent guère le choix pour multiplier, les activités culturelles car dans notre pays la résistance à l’inculture est une preuve supplémentaire

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

association des activites de jeunes tifthlt Iadnanene

National Network

BP 29 BIS feraoun 06033 Bejaia Algerie

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
une equipe de 11 membre dans le bureau , travail en partenairia avec plesieur associations, le financement des activites se base sur les subvention et cotisation des mombre,pocede une salle de formation en informatique et une bebliotheque,active dans le plesieur voles , culturelle sportif et sante et enviremnt.
Mission and Objectives

L’association a une mission d'animer les jeunes et sensibilisation de la société pour protéger l'individu et l’environnement. Pour une société civilisé et moderne, création d’un espace d’échanges jeunes et former les enfants et les jeune dans le cadre citoyenneté et civisme on organisons les conférences débat et les table ronde.

Main Projects / Activities

seminaires et conferance debat, formation et orientation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

je peut contribuer par le travail et meme des aports perssenal

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

le reseau FAL est Reseau denmique et chaque association doit rejoindre ce reseau pour avoir desinformation des idees, meme de cree une partenaria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kasmi Djamaa
Head of the organisation
Kasmi Djamaa

reseaux citoyens du monde algerie

National Network

BP 58a,tazmalt Bejaia.06006.Algerie

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
reseaux des citoyensdu monde pour l'algerie. equipe de 5 membres actifs,ressources budgetaires :dons de benevoles et sympathisants,echanges sur reseaux(facebook),rencontres entre membres,echanges.partenaires :associations algeriennes,reseaux d'entraide sur facebook.
Mission and Objectives

education civique populaire
promotion de la democratie et deds droits de l'homme
promotion de la condition feminine
devellopement humain .
promouvoir le concept de la citoyennete mondiale

Main Projects / Activities

organisation d'ateliers de formation dans les quatre coins de l'algerie pour la promotion de travail associatif , sensibilisation a la citoyennete mondialeparl'education (droits del'homme,participation citoyenne, ecole et famille)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. ABDELLI mohamed amokrane
Head of the organisation
Mr. ABDELLI mohamed amokrane
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Mokdad assila