Compagnie Gertrude II

National Network

Maison Ahmadou Kourouma
36 cours Général Giraud
BP 1182
69202 Lyon Cedex 01


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association loi 1901 - 3 salariées permanents, une douzaine d'artistes et intermittents du spectacle. Partenaires : une quinzaine en France et trois en Algérie depuis 10 ans. Budget annuel : 145 000 €. Financeurs : DRAC Rhône-Alpes, Région Rhône-Alpes, Ville de Lyon - Grand Lyon, Ville de Vénissieux, Conseil Général du Rhône, etc. Projets en 2013 : 1. Créations et développement international : - programme de développement artistique partagé entre la France et l'Algérie : noir sur blanc (2003-2013) - réseau de créateurs et penseurs euro-méditerranéens (France, Italie, Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc et Espagne) : 6P+XM=MCC (2013-2017) 2. Créations spectacle vivant et art contemporain : - Performances slam UnDeuxGround - Création théâtre Peuple 3, surgi des Enfers et des Paradis - Création arts plastiques Sous les drapeaux 3. Actions culturelles : - Esprit critique - Gaada poétique - Archives et poésie Partenaires principaux : Chrysalide (Alger), Perséphone (Sétif), Théâtre Municipal Sétif
Mission and Objectives

Création, promotion et diffusion artistique (théâtre, cinéma, événements, arts plastiques) dans le cadre du développement d’une libre circulation créative et contemporaine des artistes et de leurs œuvres. Echanges et partenariats durables entre des leaders de la société civile, et les acteurs institutionnels et culturels, des pays du petit bassin Méditerranéen, avec pour méthode le co-développement artistique.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Créations, développement international :
- programme de développement artistique partagé – France/Algérie : « noir sur blanc » (2003-2013), avec deux partenaires (Chrysalide-Alger et Perséphone-Sétif)
- réseau de créateurs et penseurs euro-méditerranéens (France, Italie, Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc et Espagne) : « 6P+XM=MCC »
6 Pays + X Mouvements = Migrations Créatives Contemporaines (préfaisabilité en 2013, mise en œuvre de 2014 à 2016 et capitalisation en 2017)
2. Créations spectacle vivant et art contemporain :
- Performances slam « UnDeuxGround », forme inédite pour mettre en perspective les différentes thématiques de sociétés lors de colloques, de table ronde, de séminaires, etc.
- Création théâtre franco-algérienne « Peuple 3, surgi des Enfers et des Paradis », adaptation et mise en scène du recueil « Rêve et vol d’oiseau » (Hajar Bali, Editions Barzakh, Alger).
- Création arts plastiques « Sous les drapeaux », dispositif scénique et photographique.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- en partageant nos 10 années d’expertise d’un programme de co-développement entre des équipes indépendantes d’artistes en France et en Algérie
- en étant un acteur majeur du réseau Anna Lindh en Rhône-Alpes
- en développant un réseau innovant de créateurs et penseurs euro-méditerranéens en lien avec le réseau Anna Lindh
- en défendant, au travers de nos projets, des valeurs communes
- en mutualisant notre réseau de partenaires avec le réseau Anna Lindh
- en dynamisant la construction d’échanges favorisant de manière concrète le développement à long terme.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- pour défendre et développer à l’international des méthodes, des objectifs, des enjeux, qui nous sont communs
- pour intégrer notre réseau de créateurs et penseurs euro-méditerranéens « 6P+XM=MCC » au réseau Anna Lindh
- et permettre le rayonnement du réseau « 6P+XM=MCC »
- pour permettre à nos partenaires français et internationaux de connaître et participer au réseau Anna Lindh.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandrine Picherit
Head of the organisation
Guillemette Grobon

Goethe-Institut Alexandria

National Network

10 Sharia El-Batalsa, Azarita, Alexandria

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Goethe-Institute e.V. is the official cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany, but an independent body. It is a registered association (in US-terms: membership corporation) and a non-profit-organisation (§ 2 of the statute of the Goethe-Institut e.V.) headquartered in Munich/Germany and with branches in 130 countries. The “Articles of Association” can be found here: The Goethe-Institut has 128 branch offices in 79 countries and 16 branch offices in Germany. Our branch office in Cairo/Alexandria (with a dialogue point in Assyut) is based on the cultural agreement between Egypt and Germany. 2. project-related budget, varies from year to year 3. public funding, third-party funds, sponsoring, own resources 4. projects in all fields of culture representing the contemporary cultural production in Germany, co-operations with local artists in all fields; teaching of German language and improvement of German language teaching; media and information department. 5. Egyptian and foreign cultural institutions and associations
Mission and Objectives

The objective of the Association is to promote knowledge of the German language outside Germany, to maintain international cultural cooperation and to propagate a comprehensive picture of Germany by means of information on cultural, social and political life.
The Association pursues exclusively and directly non-profit making objectives. It promotes science and research, education and schooling,
art and culture as well as understanding between peoples.
The Association acts on a selfless basis.
In Egypt our main objectives are projects with the target group youth/young adults, enhancing the knowledge society, cooperation in education and German language teaching and the European-Islamic cultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

We organize projects in the fields of Arts & Architecture, Music, Culture, Literature and Society, Theatre & Dance, Cinema, Cooperation in Education, German Language and Information.
Among our many projects some examples: Dar al-Hiwar (German-Egyptian Arts Project), Midad (German-Arab Literature Project:, German-Arab Youth Website Li-Lak (, Understanding of “progress” in different cultures (, exchange programme for journalists: Living Globality

Contact (1) Full Name
Gihan Zaki
Contact (2) Full Name
Mariam Shalan


National Network

27 rue du Panier 13002

06 63 06 55 15
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association loi 1901, membre de l'équipe: 6 source de financement : état, institutions locales et fonds propres. Modalités d'action : Projets concrets, échanges. Partenaires principaux : associations locales de part et d'autre de la Méditerranée.
Mission and Objectives

Association à caractère socioculturel ayant pour but de favoriser la transmission des valeurs communes aux différentes cultures de la Méditerranée, ainsi que la reconnaissance de leurs spécificités culturelles à travers des créations individuelles ou collectives dans le champ des arts visuels contemporains. La démarche de l’association se fonde sur une conception de la culture comme facteur fondamental d’intégration sociale, de connaissance et d’ouverture aux autres favorisant l’échange et la communication au sein de la population.

Main Projects / Activities

Activités principales art visuel : développement de projets culturels d' échanges avec de jeunes créateurs du bassin méditerranéen, enseignement artistique.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En apportant notre connaissance et notre expérience au réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour donner plus de forces à nos projets, nos objectifs étant communs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Akila Mouhoubi
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

The East Jerusalem YMCA Rehabilitation Program

National Network
00972 2 2772185
Telephone (other)
00972 2 2772713
00972 2 2772203
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Number of Staff: 54 Budgetary Resources available in a year: US $ 1151422.68 Sources of funding and main partners: EED, DCA, ICCO, Horyzon, Y CARE International, MCC, Embrace the Middle East
Mission and Objectives

The YMCA Rehabilitation Program shall strive to enhance the living conditions of the traumatized, tortured, injured and people with physical disability to facilitate their integration/reintegration into society and empower them to play their natural role in the community development process. The Program shall work with them so as to enhance their psychosocial and physical abilities and independence-related skills.
It shall work on building the capacity of the local organizations concerned, in the area of trauma counseling and on supporting the bodies representing them in their endeavor for restoring their human rights. The Program shall also work on the areas of community awareness, lobbying and advocacy for their sake and focus on community mobilization and building of accesses to the public facilities. It shall build networks of concerned organizations to unify the national efforts and policies with respect to the rehabilitation and the development of those marginalized people and to develop the relevant service delivery system. 
 To increase the beneficiaries’ access to psychosocial support and counselling services.
 To enhance the beneficiaries’ physical economic independency.
 To promote the supportive role of the families and communities towards their affected members.
 To upgrade the skills of the Palestinian social workers and counsellors.
 To promote the coordination and cooperation among disability and rehab organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

The East Jerusalem YMCA Rehabilitation Program was initiated in the year 1989 to extend quality rehabilitative services to the youth who were injured as well as those who have become disabled and traumatized as a result of political violence during the First Palestinian Intifada.
Since its establishment, the Program has been working in the area of mental health and rehabilitation. It has served and is still serving persons with physical disability and traumatized survivors of the conflict such as tortured, displaced and ex-detainees children and youth, their families and communities as well as local and international organizations. Over more than 23 years of extensive experience and development, the Program has gained credibility as being one of the most reliable non-governmental organizations in the sphere of mental health and rehabilitation. It is as well represented in numerous national structures and networks and plays a significant role in relevant national planning, developing strategies and in advocacy.
The beneficiaries which the Program serves diversify and encompass persons with physical disability and traumatized survivors of the conflict such as tortured, displaced, and ex-detainees who are affected by political violence and with whom our intervention has always left a very significant impact in terms of leading them again through a path that eventually leads to living a better future and a more decent life.
The Program's services are provided either by the field workers, who cover the whole areas of West Bank, at the surroundings of the beneficiaries, or at the Program's Referral Center in Beit-Sahour where the beneficiaries are referred to receive the service of vocational assessment.
The holistic approach in rehabilitation provides the beneficiaries with the rehabilitative services needed to help them reach the maximum degree of independence, to accept their disability and become active members in their communities. This includes psychosocial counseling, vocational assessment, training, job placement, self-employment opportunities and adaptations of houses, schools and public facilities.
The Program also works with the families of the traumatized and disabled beneficiaries as well as with the local community to ensure the maximum possible support for these affected people. Furthermore, the Program advocates the rights and cause of people with disability as well as issues related to human rights.
Additionally, through the Training Unit, the Program meets the needs of local governmental and non-governmental organizations to strengthen the social services delivery system for the disadvantaged in Palestine.
Within its endeavor to advocate for the rights of persons with disability, the Program works on reducing poverty and social exclusion of young persons with physical disability within the Palestinian society through enabling young persons with disability, their family members, representatives from CSOs and government service providers to tackle stigma and discrimination and address disability rights of young persons with disability in the West Bank. The Program engages with a wide range of stakeholders towards tackling disability issues at multiple levels across society, and places young people with disability at the forefront of the advocacy campaign.
Furthermore, the Program responds to the arising psychosocial needs of children during and after the second Intifada. In fact, it coordinates the response of psychosocial support across the West Bank and East Jerusalem through 11 psychosocial support teams covering 11 districts of the West Bank.
The Program also helps ex-detainees children and youth who have gone through the process of arrest and imprisonment to overcome the psychosocial impact of this harsh experience as well as to reintegrate into their societies. Through a holistic approach of intervention with these children and youth, they not only receive individual and group counseling sessions, but also they obtain vocational and academic guiding sessions and are engaged in structured ventilation activities through which they are given the opportunity to interact with each other and release some of the stress and anxiety caused by their detention experience in a stimulating and safe environment.
In its endeavor to empower the community, the YMCA - based on its national and social vision- finds itself obliged to perceive people's concerns and needs and thus, to work seriously and responsibly alongside all social sectors, focusing particularly on the marginalized and youth
Main projects:
1. Post-trauma Rehabilitation of the Palestinian Ex-detainee Children in the West Bank Project.
2.Psychosocial Support Teams in West Bank Project.
3.Empowering Disabled Young People to Access their Rights in the West Bank project.
4.Social and Economic Inclusion of Persons with Disability in the Middle East project.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing experiences and knowledge and attending meetings.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to develop our partnership with like-minded organizations and to benefit of the grants provided for the sake of serving our targeted groups.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nader Abu Amsha
Head of the organisation
Nader Abu Amsha
Contact (2) Full Name
Mona Zaghrout

Rooftop Theatre

National Network

8 Georgiou Christoforou Street, Flat 31
2012 Nicosia

+357 22875099
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information

The Organization has a very basic structure: the work stems from the two Artistic Coordinators and an Administrative Director. The Artistic Coordinators define the artistic principles and the methodology used in the work, whereas the Administrative Director deals with the Management aspect of the projects. The members of the Group can be anyone who wishes to join, commitment and respect being the only entry fees. Artistically the Group aims at being self-sufficient; therefore theatre productions and other activities are performed by the Group. Partnerships are formed with various artistic, academic and research institutions in order to apply for and pursue more complex and multi-faceted projects. The actions we undertake are concrete projects, seminars / workshops and participation is Festivals.

Mission and Objectives

The Rooftop Theatre Group is a non-political organization with members from the Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot communities in Cyprus. The mission of the Group is to promote theatre creation through experimentation in writing and presenting theatrical text, through collaborative and collective artistic creation. The main objectives of the Group are in line with Augusto Boal’s principles for the Theatre of the Oppressed: the creation, through the use of the living art of theatre, of a new type of civilian, an agent of action and social change: no longer a spectator but a spect-actor. The Group also promotes the use of multimedia, music and the fine arts in productions, as an effort to create multiple levels of signification within productions.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities of the Rooftop Theatre Group have been an important stop in the development of bi-communal activities and experimental theatre on the island. Since 2004, the Group has: produced five theatre production, contributed to the world reading of antiwar plays for three consecutive years, has contributed towards academic research (presentation in conferences, publications, organization of seminars/ lectures, contribution to MA/PhD researcher), published the play texts of three of the plays, participated in International Theatre Festivals in Europe, and collaborated with international and local organizations (United Nations Development Program, ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation, Youth Board of Cyprus, Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, etc).

Contact (1) Full Name
Ellada Evangelou
Head of the organisation
Ellada Evangelou

Photo Romania Association

National Network

Alverna 77, ap. 23,

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Photo Romania promotes photography and photographers through a wide variety of projects. We bring together young photographers and photography lovers and create the proper context for them to develop their skills and interact with artists from other countries and cultures. Photo Romania Festival is our main event. Organized once a year it aims to promote photography and photographers, to encounter positive awareness of other cultures and to stimulate intercultural dialogue through art. Beside this we organize photo exhibition, photography workshops and other artistic projects. Our annual budget is around 75.000 euros, and our main sources of funding are: sponsorship, grants and participants fees. In our projects we partner with companies, art groups and cultural institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Photo Romania aim is to promote photography and photographers. Out goals are to:
- support young people and students initiatives in cultural field;
- develop youth programs promoting intercultural education and understanding between different ethnic groups;
- support young artists and photographers;
- distribute and promote European photography;
- organizing seminars and conferences on creation and production problems;
- training and educating of a new generation of photography and art lovers;
- support and develop cultural and artistic activities;
- organizes photography festivals;
- organizes introductory courses in photography;
- creating photo albums.

Main Projects / Activities

Photo Romania Festival is our main project. Every spring it gathers hundreds of photographers from more than 20 countries and thousands of photography and art lovers in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. During the festival there are organized around 30 photo exhibitions, 15 photo contest, 15 outdoor events and a 5-10 photo contests.
Every autumn we organize small version of the festival (1-2 days) in different cities around the country with the aim to promote and sustain the main festival.
Beside this we organize different cultural project that aims to support the development of young photographers and to promote their work, both at national an international level.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network with our experience and local cultural network. In our project we can involve a wide range of cultural organisation and facilitate the promotion of different artistic works of their members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network in order to interact with other organisations involved in the cultural field and especially in intercultural dialogue. We are a new organisation (2 years old) and our goal is to extend our activities to international level and to bring a more international perspective in our current projects. We believe that joining the ALF network can facilitate the interaction with other organisation, partnership making and can offer access to funding and development sources.

Contact (1) Full Name
Meda Corovei
Head of the organisation
Sebastian Vaida
Contact (2) Full Name
Mihai Cotos

Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art

National Network

Alberta Street 13, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia

+371 67039285
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+371 22147593
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art is an internationally active non-government cultural organization that offers an independent perspective on current topics and recent historical events through the looking glass of art. Organisation employs 8 people, the team consists of the director, project managers, accountant. Organisation actively collaborates with different professionals of the art and culture fields and related fields of activity. We have a good network of local and international supporters and funders that include Riga City Council, Latvian Ministry of Culture, State Culture Capital Foundation, EU program Culture, European Culture Foundation, Kulturkontakt Nord, foreing embassies and many more. We do regular exhibitions and education program, contemporary art festival SURVIVAL KIT, and research the recent past.
Mission and Objectives

Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art (LCCA) is a dynamic unit seeking connections between art and the current processes in the society, claiming the city and the surrounding reality as a field of creative possibilities, reacting to changes in the global art space by cooperation with artists and other art organizations, production work, information distribution, education, analysis, research, provocation, questioning, naming and frequently also trespassing the usual borderlines, as well as encouraging people to participate and be socially active.
The centre holds exhibitions, organizes the contemporary art festival SURVIVAL KIT, carries out research, collects and distributes information on contemporary art, arranges lectures, discussions, conferences, cultivates interdisciplinary and innovative culture initiatives, participates in creating culture policies.

Main Projects / Activities

LCCA initiates and leads local and international art projects and invites artists to actualize their creative ideas. The range of the projects implemented varies from ambitious and voluminous international exhibitions to the exhibitions created as a result of the carried out research projects and by less known or undeservedly forgotten authors.
LCCA also implements projects related to updating of the visual art data base and contextual documents, ensuring their preservation and public accessibility, including also publishing, creative enterprising and education programmes within the framework of different projects.
Main projects are regular Office Gallery exhibition and education programme, contemporary art festival SURVIVAL KIT, Digitising Contemporary Art (DCA) and research projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our experience and expertise in the event and exhibition making - by organizing collaborations and events that promote other cultures and culture diversity in general. We are willing to start series of new cooperations within this region and share our experience with the network partners and other culture and art organizations in Riga, Latvia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network, because recently we have started several cooperations with the Middle East region (in the framework of the SURVIVAL KIT 5 that will include in its reflections the Arab Spring and some Middle East artists and TANDEM SHAML cooperation program with "Rezodanse-Egypte" from Alexandria, Egypt) and thus we are also seeking a network, other organisations with whom to realize further cooperations and share the common interests and challenges. We also think that through this network we can be more active in promoting the culture of Middle East and Mediterranean countries in Riga, Latvia where it is still not very well known.

Contact (1) Full Name
Inga Lace
Head of the organisation
Solvita Krese
Contact (2) Full Name
Zane Datava

Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation

National Network

Laan van meerdervoort 70
2517 AN

The Hague

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The IHJR is governed by an Executive Committee (EC), which consists of at least three and at most seven natural persons. Currently, it is comprised of a Chairman, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The IHJR is advised by an eleven member International Advisory Board that includes eminent jurists, scholars, human rights experts, and intellectuals. The Advisory Board provides guidance on project development and implementation. The IHJR is an organization that has two FTE's and one 0,8 FTE, pro-bono regional advisors, consultants that are hired on a project basis and 2-3 interns for a period of three months each. Budgetary resources available in a year: between 380,000 and 500,000 approximately Sources of funding are: governmental and private funding Projects include: Israel Palestine, Turkey-Armenia, former Yugoslavia, and Kenya Main partners are: Kayit 6 Production, Versus Studio, Brandeis University, Heinrich Böll, Bernhem Foundation, IPSO, Euroclio
Mission and Objectives

The IHJR seeks to promote reconciliation, tolerance and understanding in divided societies by dispelling public myths surrounding disputed historical myths. To this end, the IHJR engages respected scholars and public opinion leaders from opposing sides of conflict to work together to create and disseminate shared narratives that provide reliable facts and commentary as a basis for public debate and discussion. Through these collaborative efforts, the IHJR also seeks to develop networks of engaged citizens from academia, civil society and the media that work together to confront and prevent the misuse of disputed historical legacies.

Main Projects / Activities

The IHJR brings together CSOs, artists, media to create shared narratives. These shared narratives can take the form of publications, exhibitions and publications. The outcome of the project is disseminated and presented through public debates, roundtable discussions, media coverage and educational materials.
In the Middle-East:
4 publications on historical legacies in Israel & Palestine: 'Zoom In, Palestinian Refugees of 1948, Remembrances', 'Two Sides of the Coin: Independence and Nakba 1948', 'Haifa Before & After 1948: Narratives of a Mixed City' and 'Sacred Sites in the Holy Land: Historical and Religious Perspectives'
In Former Yugoslavia:
1 publication on political myths in the former Yugoslavia
'A Myth factory: Political Myths in Former Yugoslavia and Successor States'
In Armenia & Turkey:
'Ani, Kars and Gyumri: Journey Towards Understanding'
A project with 3 subprojects, consisting of an exhibition, publication and a documentary

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The IHJR is uniquely positioned at the crossroads of academia and advocacy and committed to promoting reconciliation, tolerance and understanding in historically divided societies. The IHJR can contribute to the Network with its expertise in helping communities deal with their past, with its innovative methodology of shared narratives to engage key stakeholders and with its experience and networks of civil society organizations, scholars, universities in its areas of operation. The IHJR is always open to explore synergies with civil society organizations working on similar subjects. In that way, the IHJR can contribute to the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The mandate of the Anna Lindh Foundation to bring together civil society organizations to overcome misunderstandings and stereotypes in order to restore trust in dialogue and bridge gaps in mutual perceptions is closely related to the mission of the IHJR. The IHJR seeks to bridge different perceptions, promote dialogue and debate about shared historical legacies, to lay the groundwork for reconciliation and sustainable peace.

Contact (1) Full Name
Catherine Cissé-van den Muijssenbergh
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Kiebert

Department of Regional Studies of the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy of Vytautas Magnus University

National Network

Department of Regional Studies
Vytautas Magnus University
Gedimino str. 44-105


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
stablished in 1922 (re-established in 1989) and ranked as the TOP 700 university in the world (QS World University Rankings), Vytautas Magnus Universityis one of the most liberal and modern academic institutions in Lithuania, boasting an exciting history, nurturing and continuing deep-rooted traditions, playing a leading role in not just Lithuanian, but also the entire Baltic and European intellectual and cultural sphere. University structure: 3 academic divisions: 10 faculties, Institute of Foreign Languages and Innovative Studies Institute. The major research areas of the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy are developed according to the interests of our academic staff, such as: the impact of ethno-political conflicts on international relations, national and international security, human rights, national minorities, local government, theories in social and political critical studies, contemporary theories of social and political philosophy, propaganda and political aesthetics, memorial narratives and ecological consciousness, regional research, Diaspora studies, multilingualism, media transformations, democracy studies, journalism cultures, comparative media systems.
Mission and Objectives

The primary mission of VMU is to uphold humanist culture, avoiding limitations of narrow, highly specialized studies, and remain the hotbed for intellectual sophistication and civil consciousness.
VMU is a community-oriented institution of science and studies which provides liberal conditions of education, develops partnerships, actively participates in the city life and contributes to the development of culture and science worldwide.
Re-established in 1989, Vytautas Magnus University has shown that it always aims to serve the nation and be open to the world. Thus, following these principles of freedom, independence and openness, the university is a place where students become independent creative thinkers.

Main Projects / Activities

We contribute to the global development of science and culture by:
1. participating in the creation of the project for the future Europe
2. developing and cultivating the idiosyncrasy of Lithuanian culture
3. enshrining the national identity and maintaining intercultural dialogue
4. acquiring, building and spreading scientific knowledge

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Facilitate the exchange of ideas and people in the research area of the Middle East.

Contact (1) Full Name
Egdunas Racius
Head of the organisation
Rector Zigmas Lydeka
Contact (2) Full Name
Sarunas Liekis

Polish Sufi Foundation

National Network

ul. Pogodna 3
05-502 Wólka Kozodawska

+48 512 460 440
Telephone (other)
+48 22 7363762
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
Foundation with 5 board members. Sources of founding: grants and other sources as defined in the statute. Partner: Jan Karski Society of Poland, John Paul II Centre in Warsaw.
Mission and Objectives

The statutory goals of the Foundation are as follows:
1. Developing the knowledge of the Polish public about the spiritual, intellectual and cultural heritage of the World of Islam, especially Sufism.
2. Popularizing world masterpieces, especially the works of Jelaluddin Rumi.
3. Promoting the Sufi tradition and practices in the sphere of development of human spiritual potential, personality and character which serve a better functioning in the society and family.
4. Overcoming stereotypes through propagating a real image of Islam as a religion of peace, tolerance and social justice.
5. Working on behalf of migrants and Muslim converts in Polish society, and helping them to create their own cultural identity.
6. Charitable help to people in difficult life situation.
7. Carrying out the idea of culture beyond differences, which should enrich cultural, philosophical and artistic activities in other countries, and which is based on the Sufi tradition and thought, as well as on the historical themes of Polish encounters with the Orient.
8. Working on behalf a dialogue, communication, harmony and mutual learning about other cultures and religions, especially Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
9. Developing and strengthening the understanding, respect and the attitude of equality in relation to cultural and religious differences, especially among children and teenagers.
10. Undertaking and initiating activities that aim at developing the health and environment awareness, and the attitudes of engagement in the subject of health care and protection of natural environment, and propagating the idea of deep ecology.
11. Supporting the women’s role in developing of the authentic partnership of woman and man and in building happy family and society.
12. Building and developing the multicultural, multi-religious and civil society in Poland.
13. Stimulating and developing public-spirited attitudes though culture, art and education.
14. Propagating the freedom of religion, social equality, social dialogue, and creating human bonds and reconciliation.
15. Overcoming all stereotypes, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, ethnocentrism, social exclusion, prejudices, nihilism and demoralization.
16. Promoting and protecting the principle of pluralism in the religious, cultural and ideological sphere.
17. Promoting and creating a positive image of Poland abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Poland for All; World Interfaith Harmony Week; Sufi Festival.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participate in building peace culture and interfaith dialogue

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Many objectives of ALF Netword match the activities of the Polsi Sufi Foundaion, for instance Euro-Mediterranean Abrahamic Forum.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrzej Saramowicz
Head of the organisation
Andrzej Saramowicz