Goethe-Institut Alexandria

National Network

10 Sharia El-Batalsa, Azarita, Alexandria

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Goethe-Institute e.V. is the official cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany, but an independent body. It is a registered association (in US-terms: membership corporation) and a non-profit-organisation (§ 2 of the statute of the Goethe-Institut e.V.) headquartered in Munich/Germany and with branches in 130 countries. The “Articles of Association” can be found here: http://www.goethe.de/uun/auz/rch/enindex.htm The Goethe-Institut has 128 branch offices in 79 countries and 16 branch offices in Germany. Our branch office in Cairo/Alexandria (with a dialogue point in Assyut) is based on the cultural agreement between Egypt and Germany. 2. project-related budget, varies from year to year 3. public funding, third-party funds, sponsoring, own resources 4. projects in all fields of culture representing the contemporary cultural production in Germany, co-operations with local artists in all fields; teaching of German language and improvement of German language teaching; media and information department. 5. Egyptian and foreign cultural institutions and associations
Mission and Objectives

The objective of the Association is to promote knowledge of the German language outside Germany, to maintain international cultural cooperation and to propagate a comprehensive picture of Germany by means of information on cultural, social and political life.
The Association pursues exclusively and directly non-profit making objectives. It promotes science and research, education and schooling,
art and culture as well as understanding between peoples.
The Association acts on a selfless basis.
In Egypt our main objectives are projects with the target group youth/young adults, enhancing the knowledge society, cooperation in education and German language teaching and the European-Islamic cultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

We organize projects in the fields of Arts & Architecture, Music, Culture, Literature and Society, Theatre & Dance, Cinema, Cooperation in Education, German Language and Information.
Among our many projects some examples: Dar al-Hiwar (German-Egyptian Arts Project), Midad (German-Arab Literature Project: www.goethe.de/midad), German-Arab Youth Website Li-Lak (www.goethe.de/lilak), Understanding of “progress” in different cultures (www.goethe.de/fortschritt), exchange programme for journalists: Living Globality

Contact (1) Full Name
Gihan Zaki
Contact (2) Full Name
Mariam Shalan