Life-Link Friendship-Schools Association

National Network

Manfred Björkquists allé 8
193 31 Sigtuna

+46 18504344
Telephone (other)
+46-70-730 63 23
+46 (0)18 508503
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information


Life-Link’s philosophy is based on the 3Cs: Care for Yourself, Care for Others and Care for Nature, using insights from natural and social sciences.

Life-Link is neither politically nor religiously aligned and was established in 1987. It has international contacts in more than 60 countries.

Life-Link is organised at three levels:

  1. Classes, committees or clubs at schools supported by teachers, parents and other committed people.

  2. National and Regional coordinators and advisers

  3. Head office and Board at Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket (SSHL ), Sigtuna, Sweden.

The homepage address is:

Mission and Objectives

The Life-Link program supports students undertaking actions for peace and sustainability for their school and/or for their community, while sharing their actions with schools all over the world. 

A Life-Link action, in the future called Action, is a minor project, meant to:

  • Help the school or the community to become more sustainable and to promote peace

  • Give students a sense of higher purpose and direction in life

  • Help foster intercultural and international relations

This independent education program was initiated in 1987 by Hans Levander, a medical doctor in Uppsala, Sweden.  He was at the forefront of a world-wide movement for peace and the elimination of nuclear weapons.

Since then, the program has been extended also to include Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

Currently, 106 schools in 36 countries are participating.

The rich experience of students and schools over the past years shows that this program has brought hope, inspiration and optimism for the future into the school’s curriculum.

An Action means carrying out a practical project under one of the following headings called the 3Cs:

  • Care for Yourself

  • Care for Others

  • Care for Nature

Main Projects / Activities

Peace actions performed by youth-teachers-parents-community experts. Life-Link serves with 50 proposed actions, each with a short guideline in the Life-Link Manual. Main language is English, and translations have been done into Arabic, Russian and Spanish.

The peace action reports, some with photos, introduced on the are a source for inspiration to other schools world-wide, sometimes leading to contacts/exchanges between schools.

Read more at this link:

Contact (1) Full Name
Marie Save
Job Title
Office Secretary
Head of the organisation
Lars Jonsson

Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities

National Network

Fredsgatan 2
10321 Stockholm

+4610-456 12 00
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquitites Museum is one of four national museums of world culture in Sweden. It is a state museum with support from the Ministry of Culture.

The Museum houses Sweden's most important archaeological collections of ancient and historical relics from the Mediterranean countries. We put on display objects from the nearly 500,000 collection. 

The museums' mission is to use the international cultural heritage to provide a perspective that helps people orient themselves in this transition.

The Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities was founded in 1954 through a merge of the Cyprus collections and the Egyptian Museum. Collections are mostly archeological materials from Swedish excavations in the Mediterranean area, mostly the Swedish Cyprus expedition in 1927-1931. There are also objects collected by Swedish royalty, diplomates and travelers. 

Mission and Objectives

The overall objective of the activities of the World Museums is that cultural heritage should be used as an active force in promoting sustainable global development.

Our ambition is to provide perspectives that help people to deepen and renew their worldviews in an increasingly internationalized world. Based on what's happening in the community to work through a combination of skill, artistry and involvement give our visitors experiences that entertain, challenge and inspire to action.

Main Projects / Activities

The Medelhavsmuseet houses Sweden's most important archaeological collections of ancient and historical relics from the Mediterranean countries.

Our current exhibitions include: ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt , Cyprus collections. 

We have school visits, family programme for children. 

Permanent exhibitions: 1710 sqm about Cyprus, Ancient Greece and Rome, The Near East, Islamic Art, the Gold room, the Expedition, and the study gallery.  

Number of permanent objects on display: 4400 

Contact (1) Full Name
Sofia Häggman
Job Title
Museum Curator
Head of the organisation
Ann Follin
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Lundström
Job Title (2)
Head of Content and Learning

RELEARN Suderbyn

National Network

Västerhejde Toftavägen 211
62199 Visby

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

RELEARN Suderbyn is a non-profit NGO working locally and internationally with the promotion of and engagement in a more sustainable lifestyle. Our strong focuses are environmental resilience, social justice, education and international cooperation for sustainable development. We have experience in working with and leading various transnational projects: locally, within the Baltic region and internationally.

The NGO was founded in Suderbyn Permaculture Ecovillage on Gotland in 2007. Over the years the NGO shifted its focus from local promotion of ecological lifestyle to regional and international work with the focus on education and holistic models of social and environmental sustainability. ​If you want to visit us please check Information for visitors and fill in the Application Form. Thank you!  

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to work for a sustainable society where innovative solutions are integrated with forgotten knowledge. Through experiential methods we work with holistic learning considering the society, nature, economy, culture and individuals as integrated parts of one complex system.

In order to help to bring a social change in the system we work with individuals, groups and international projects in various aspects of global, local and inner sustainability.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities areas are:

1. Non-formal education for youth and adults;

2. Action Research and outreach;

3. Cross-border cooperation: across national borders and across different sectors.


- Working actively with Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) — the cooperation between eco-villages around the world with connections in the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Asia. ​

- Hosting 8 international workcamps and a number of working weekends through the organisation Service Civil International (SCI)

In Europe:

- Leading Erasmus+ educational project for youth workers with 6 other partners from the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, Macedonia and Slovenia.

- Participation in EU's Youth In Action Programme with various Green Skills projects for European Voluntary Service (EVS) - Close collaboration with the Global Ecovillage Network for Europe (GEN-Europe)

- Cooperation with ECOLISE — Metanetwork of grass-root initiatives for Climate Change and Sustainability

In the Baltic Sea Region:

- Leading the projects Transnational Ecovillages for Societal Transition to Sustainability (TESTS and TESTS II) in cooperation with other BSR countries

- Leading the seed-project for strengthening cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region

- Initiating and hosting the headquarters of the Baltic Ecovillage Network (BEN)

- Partnership in the Baltic flagship project Ecovillages For Sustainable Rural Development Around Sweden:

- Collaboration with and hosting the national headquarters for International Arbetslag (IAL) which is the national branch of Civil Service International

- Active participation in the development of the Ekobyarnas Riksorganisation (ERO) — the Swedish Ecovillage Network

- Collaboration with Sweden's National Bicycle Association

On Gotland:

- Participation in educational through collaboration with the University of Gotland and  local schools

- Promotion of cycling on Gotland through collaboration with Cykelfrämjandet Gotland

- Working with unemployment schemes, Miljöverkstan and the local handicraft organisation Hemslöjden

- Participation in Transition Gotland activities and work towards wider societal changes for a more sustainable lifestyle In Suderbyn Permaculture Ecovillage

- Promoting sustainable lifestyle and regeneration of local ecosystems

- Organizing projects, courses, internships, volunteer placements and training at Suderbyn - Engaging in outreach activities to assist the ecovillage movement

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Hall
Head of the organisation
Robert Hall
Contact (2) Full Name
Alisa Derevo

Riksföreningen Folkets Bio

National Network

Linnégatan 21
413 04 Göteborg

+46 31 12 10 90
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 707365651
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Folkets Bio is a non profit NGO with members and activities all over Sweden. Thirteen persons work in our different departments. Our anual turnover is close to 20 million SEK. The main part of the turn over is from our distribution and screening of films but also from our media education department, Filmpedagogerna. We work with media education on all levels, children, teachers and universities. We also produce educational materials, mainly for Swedish National Agencies. Through the use of free and easily accessible media we give lectures and workshops on how to work with issues such as media, democracy, human rights and gender. For two years we have worked with UNESCO on how to promote MILID- Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue in the world with focus on Africa. We have partners in Northern Africa who wich to start projects with us. They also want to include Tunisia and Libya in this project. UNESCO has just made us Partner organization.
Mission and Objectives

The mission and objective for our media education department is to educate the public, in all countries, on how to "read the media" in what ever form it comes. To build democratically and socially sustainable societies all citizens need to learn where to find information, how to read and interpret it and how to express yourself in what ever media form they may choose.

Main Projects / Activities

We work with cities and regions all over Sweden to promote Media and Information Literacy, giving lectures and work shops. For two years we have played an important role in promoting MIL, Media and Information Literacy on all levels in Sweden. This work has been done in cooperation with and on behal of the Swedish National Council for UNESCO, Göteborg Univresity, The Swedish National Agencie for Education, The Swedish Filminstitute and The Swedish media council.
For two years we have, in cooperation with and on behalf of UNESCO worked on building an interactive multi media tool for teachers on how to work with UNESCOs new Curriculum on MIL. UNAOC has also been included in this work.
Folkets Bio had a project on Media and Informatinn Literacy at Cairo University for about three years, supported by SI, The Swedish Institute. During that project we had more contact with other members. We also planned a project with the Universities in Cairo and Barcelona and other Swedish members, in cooperation with the Anna Lindh Foundation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have twenty years experience of working with youth and teacher education, especially through the use of moving images. We already have a quite extensive network in Sweden, The Nordic countries, Europe and in quite a few other countries and we are more than happy to share our experiences and contacts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have partners in Universities in Northern Africa, espesially in Cairo, who work with Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue, MILID. They are very interested to start projects with us. The University of Cairo is on of the UNESCOs MILID partner Universities and they will host the international MILID week next year. They also want to include their colleagues at universities in Tunisia and Libya in projects with us. We believe that ALF is a great Network for us to work through and hopefully find more partners that are interested in these issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Johan Holmberg
Head of the organisation
Agneta Mogren

Scandinavian Committée Bibliotheca Alexandrina

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
ScanCom BibAlex started summer 2000 as an Scandinavian umbrella organization for Norwegian and Swedish friends to the library in Alexandria. We are working as NGO ´s with no persons on full time or paid work. The Executive committée has 5 members, three from Sweden and two from Norway appointed by Mme.Mubarak. ScanCom BibAlex donated the Nobel Section to Bibliotheca Alexandrina in October 2002, a fully recognized by the Nobel Institutions in both Norway and Sweden, and the only one in the world outside Scandinavia. The Nobel Section was funded by private sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

Organizing scientific meetings and scientific education to the user of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. To promote the Nobel Section and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina as one of the most important institutions in the Middle East for HR and democracy. To inform the governments in our two countries to support the work and mission of the BA.

Main Projects / Activities

We have supported and financed the inauguration programme in 2002, various cultural activities as music and science exhibition, translations of Lennart Nilssons TV-programmes and The Nobel Section.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hans Kristian Simensen
Head of the organisation
President Annica Dahlström
Contact (2) Full Name
Annica Dahlström


National Network

Medborgarplatsen 4
11826 Stockholm

+46 8 7271832
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 730 688840
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Religion
  3. Youth and education
General Information

We have 33 nationwide organisations and even more local ones. Our 450 employees collaborate with some 12,000 community leaders. As Sweden's fourth largest adult education association, we have a total of 370,000 participants enrolled in our study circles and courses. Our organisation is broken down into eight regions, which offer activities in every Swedish municipality. We also have a national office to deal with matters that concern the entire country.

Mission and Objectives

The Sensus vision All people see themselves as creative, developing beings who have the responsibility and power to affect their lives and surroundings. Because everyone has the chance to contribute their own special abilities and talents, both the local and global community are filled with a spirit of trust. Businesses and other organisations grow and develop based on the knowledge and commitment of their members.   The Sensus principles Proceeding from the free flow of ideas, Sensus focuses on democracy, education and culture. We sponsor activities throughout Sweden in close collaboration with our member organisations. Everyone who wants to participate must have the opportunity to do so. Sensus believes that: - all human beings are unique and equally valuable - everyone has the ability to grow and develop - dialogue, reflection and the opportunity to create are vital to preserving democracy and making it a more meaningful part of lifeز  

Main Projects / Activities

We provide meeting places. We offer you the chance to participate in study circles, courses, certification programmes, corporate training and lectures. We also run more than 30,000 cultural events every year. Sensus activities, which are available in every Swedish municipality, range from management training, vocational training, therapy groups and diversity projects to rock music, church music and theatre. You are welcome to get in touch with us if you would like to be involved in a cooperative effort with others or if you represent an organisation that might be interested in starting a project in collaboration with us.

Adult education in Sweden: Both folk high schools and special associations provide adult education inSweden. The Swedish concept of adult education emerged more than a century ago. Adult education was a way for various popular movements to promote social change and provide their members with the skills to build a modern society. That need has not gone away. Adult education is a complex and elusive phenomenon just as it has always been. Fundamental to the concept is that both the topics that are covered and the ways that they are presented must change over time as people and society face new challenges. The focus in the early days was on building local libraries and arranging lectures.

Study circles have become increasingly important, while cultural programmes and a wide range of courses are now integral to the effort. Ambitious social goals have always been a pillar of adult education. The basic idea is that participants actively seek and acquire knowledge while growing and developing as they interact with each other. Government at both the local and national level has provided extensive support to adult education efforts ever since the mid-1900s. It seems like everyone is involved in one way or another – Sweden has sometimes been called a "study circle democracy." The first study circle took place in 1902, and the first adult education association was formed in 1912.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yasin Ahmed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ann-Katrin Persson
Contact (2) Full Name
Ingrid Burström
Job Title (2)


National Network

c/o Apelsinlunden, Allhelgonag. 5
118 58 Stockholm

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The board consists of three persons. The organisation has around 50 members and around 600 supporters receiving info about activities. Most members have once participated in some kind of project. No one is permanently employed. We work primarily with shorter projects, so far mainly within the cultural area. Right now around 15 persons are involved in different stage projects through Stagebeat. Sources of founding have been funding from different partners, as well as our completely own resources. Some projects have just been carried through without money and the entrance fees have payed the participants. We have carried through several international projects, mainly involving participants from Sweden, Senegal and Guinea Conakry.
Mission and Objectives

We want to increase ability to work across different types of borders and limiting thought structures. We want to increase awareness about notions of identity, gender, ethnicity, nationalities, heritage and equality, and debate these notions while working together. Our profound belief - that we also wish our participants to come to embrace, or already believe in - is the absolute equality of all human beings and that all deserve equal rights and equal opportunities, no matter where they come from, what color their skin is, or which gender they belong to. When we work together we try to challenge ourselves and invite all participants to take part in developing the projects on equal terms. This is extremely important when working in settings where participants come from different continents and have very different educational and social backgrounds.

Main Projects / Activities

We work primarily with cooperation projects involving independent arts performers and producers from different countries and genres. We work with the aim to show the results to an audience. In the process we also aim to develop the participant's professional skills as independent artists and producers, as well as their knowledge about - and ability to participate in - cooperation across borders.

Contact (1) Full Name
Merete Grut, creative director
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Lisa Ladberg, artistic director


National Network

Mårtendalsgatan 2-8
Box 920 22
12006 Stockholm

+46 (0)8 691 72 21
Telephone (other)
+46 (0)8 691 7406
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

• Structure, staff Fryshuset is a foundation headed by the YMCA of Stockholm. Fryshuset is based in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. We have around 500 employees and receive around 40,000 visitors every month. • Sources for funding Public funding from state and municipalities, grants, endowments and fees for services such as educational and social programs. • Modalities of action The activities at Fryshuset are divided into three main areas; social projects, education and passionate interests • Main partners Fryshset has strategic partnership’s in many areas, examples are: international partners, British Council; strategic sponsors, COOP; municipalities, Stockholm stad; non-profit organizations, Rotary; academic institutions, Stockholm University; sport clubs, Human Rights

Mission and Objectives

Our vision We enable youth to change the world through their passions Our value statement We listen to what is going on in society and act immediately. We never fear what is new or unknown. We see opportunities and mobilize where other see problems. We experiment, learn and constantly improve our methods. Our point of departure is the needs of the individual. Our doors are always open for whoever wants to engage and develop whatever the background. We believe in respectful meetings between people where the passion to do something and common interests bridges differences in opinions and leads to common understanding. Our mission We listen to and build relations with youth. Their passions are our point of departure and create communities where youth are heard, listened to and develop. We strengthen their self esteem. We strive to make youths opinions ideas heard and respected in society. We work with all youth and focus especially on those who live in or are at risk of living in exclusion or destructive lifestyles. We believe that everyone can succeed and deserves another chance. We provide youth with tools to empower themselves and take power of their future through their inner strengths and motivation. We listen to what is happening and act fast. We see opportunities where others see obstacles. We are brave enough to create change, time after another.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities at Fryshuset are divided into three main areas; social projects, education and passionate interests Social projects • CIDES – Centre for information about destructive sub-cultures • Exit • The Easy Street Project • Passus • Mission Possible • Single mothers & Children of single mothers • The Bridge Builders • United Sisters • Elektra & Sharaf heroes & Sharaf heroines • Fryshuset Web Coaches • Job coach • Young-in Education • The Entrepreneurial project • Forum for the Caring • The Fryshus spirit • Fryshuset’s elementary school • Fryshuset high school • Fryshuset’s Knowledge Centre Passionate interests • RML - the Rock Music education • Basketball - 08 Stockholm Human Rights • Southern Basket • F.U.S.E • The Gym • Lovely Days • The Music Department • Evening Courses • Stockholm Skate Park • Theatre Fryshuset • The Wave

Contact (1) Full Name
Ulrica Wallen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ulrica Wallen
Contact (2) Full Name
Jane Braden
Job Title (2)
PDI - Stockholm

Stockholms dramatiska högskola (StDH) - Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts (SADA)

National Network

P.O Box 27095
10251 Stockholm

+46 8 49 400 000
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Youth and education
General Information

1. Dramatiska Institutet is a University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre. 3 persons are working with Sida projects. 2. On behalf of Sida (Swedish international development agency) Dramatiska Institutet is supporting performing art in Middle East/North Africa. 3. Sources of funding: Sida. 4. Modalities of Action: support for productions, workshops, spaces, technical support, cultural exchanges. 5. Main partners Performing art (organisations and individuals) in Middle East/North Africa and Palestine. 

Mission and Objectives

The Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts provides development and training in narrative and portrayal for stage, screen and media. Its activities include all key components of the artistic process, maintaining a cutting-edge position to provide inspiration and motivation for professional, artistic and educational development. The Academy’s assignment is to contribute to quality and renewal in stage, screen and media arts. With the development goal to strengthen a democratic development in society based on freedom of expression and human rights, the aim of DI’s program for the Middle East North Africa is to contribute to a qualitative and quantitative development of performing art and their audiences. Prioritized target groups are theatre practitioners, women, youth and children.

Main Projects / Activities

The Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts (SADA) offers degree programs and courses in the fields of film, radio, theatre, television, acting and mime. SADA is divided into three departments: The Department of Performing Arts The Film and Media Department The Department for Acting

Contact (1) Full Name
Ulf Söderström
Job Title
International Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Pia Munchin, Vice-Chancellor

The Freedom Theatre Foundation

National Network

Stiftelsen The Freedom Theatre c/o Jonatan Stanczak
Agostigen 5163 44 SPANGASWED
516 34 Stockholm

+46 707908296
Telephone (other)
+970 4 250 33 45
+970 4 250 33 45, ext 106
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+970 599 017 654
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 54 637 90 82
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Stiftelsen The Freedom Theatre Foundation was established in 2006. The Theatre programme contains activities that introduce particularly the young generation to theatre and drama, providing them with important tools for dealing with the hardships of daily life under Occupation.

There is a Board (working on a voluntary basis) and one employee. The foundation is a partner of The Freedom Theatre association in Palestine with 20 employees.

Sources of funding: SIDA, UNFPA, Skoll Foundation, Annenberg Foundation, ArtVenture and friendship association around the world.

Main partners: Academy of mime and acting in Stockholm, University of Stage and Music in Gothenburg, Friends of TFT in Sweden.

Main activities: Theatre performances, cinema screenings, theatre and drama therapy, multimedia (IT, photography, journalism, film making), and a professional acting school. All activities aimed at children and youth.

Mission and Objectives

The objectives of Stiftelsen The Freedom Theatre Foundation is to build and run a theatre/cultural centre in Jenin refugee camp that will be open to a range of cultural, artistic and social activities for the benefit of children’s psychosocial development. The Freedom Theatre aims to demonstrate a model of artistic excellence in theatre in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and, using the creative process as a model for social change, provide opportunities for the children and youth of Jenin Refugee Camp to develop the skills, self-knowledge and confidence which would empower them to challenge present realities and to take control of their future.

Main Projects / Activities

The Freedom Theatre offers a range of cultural activities, including drama workshops, theatre performances, a three-year professional Theatre School and training in stage management, photography, filmmaking and creative writing.

Our professional training programmes aim to build long-term capacity in the field of theatre and drama, and produce in-house theatre plays that tour locally and internationally. We also run theatre workshops for children and youth that introduce the young generation to theatre and provide them with powerful tools for dealing with the hardships of daily life under occupation. 

In 2008, The Freedom Theatre launched the first, professional educational programme in acting in the northern part of the West Bank. Today, two classes of acting students have graduated and a third has just begun. Many of the former graduates are involved in The Freedom Theatre or other cultural venues as actors, teachers and project leaders.

The Freedom Bus project is an initiative of The Freedom Theatre that uses interactive theatre and cultural activism to bear witness, raise awareness and build alliances throughout occupied Palestine and beyond. Initiated in 2011, the Freedom Bus has carried out five annual Freedom Rides to some of the key sites of oppression and resistance in the West Bank, gathering internationals and Palestinians who come to learn from and engage in solidarity actions with community members.

Within the Multimedia programme, we aim to encourage young women and men in Jenin to explore new forms of creative self-expression through film, photography and creative writing. More intensive training is also offered to trainees who develop skills in teaching others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonatan Stanczak
Head of the organisation
Mustafa Shehata
Contact (2) Full Name
Johanna Wallin