Initiative for Heritage Conservancy

National Network

Markora 20, GR11141

0030 210 5565605
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0030 6939367526
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Structure: Director, and Academic Committee, Managers of different programmes. 4 full time employees Sources of funding: donations and grants. Under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Culture, Annual audit by PWC
Mission and Objectives

The Initiative for Heritage Conservancy aims to promote best practices in heritage management through education and research.

Main Projects / Activities

Training and raising awareness through 5 lectures/workshops/seminars series
Training through summer sessions in digitization (with US, GR and UK unis and foundations), climate change and the monuments (forthcoming)
Visiting research scholar programme
Ethnography work for monument significance

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Evangelos Kyriakidis
Head of the organisation
Dr. Evangelos Kyriakidis
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Nota Pantzou

Athens Network Of Collaborating Experts

National Network

15a Miaouli str., 105 54

+30 210 8215343
Telephone (other)
+30 210 8215044
+30-210-8215343, +30-210-8215044
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
ANCE (Athens Network of Collaborating Experts) is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organisation based in Athens, Greece. It was established in 1996 by a group of Greek experts in international cooperation and today has succeeded to create an extensive network of collaborators and volunteers for the promotion and the implementation of humanitarian aid and sustainable development programmes. ANCE is collaborating with other non-governmental organisations, local development agencies, local authorities, Universities and research centres in Greece and abroad (Turkey, Serbia, Ukraine, Egypt, Thailand, Sri Lanka, ecc.). ANCE' s donors include the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, the HELLENIC MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, the MINISTRY OF EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL PROTECTION, the EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND, OTHER NGOS and PRIVATE SPONSORS.
Mission and Objectives

ANCE's main objective is to support developing countries and vulnerable social groups.
More concretely ANCE:
• supports populations affected by natural disasters and wars
• supports entrepreneurship and sustainable economic development in areas of Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America
• implements income generating projects for the weakest and most disadvantaged groups of society
• promotes environmental protection and preservation of cultural heritage
• promotes democracy and the protection of human rights
• is against all kinds of racism, xenophobia, marginalisation and social exclusion

Main Projects / Activities

ANCE' s activities focus primarily on the following areas:
• Integration of socially vulnerable groups into the labour market
• Mobility of the elderly in Europe
• Active citizenship
• Women employment and entrepreneurship
• Youth cultural exchanges
• Access to education for all the children
• Public awareness on the interdependence between North and South of the world
• Training of unskilled workers and inexperienced graduates
• Development of small and medium enterprises and regional entrepreneurship
• Support to the economic development and social coherence of the developing countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Kelly Bimpiri (General Manager)
Head of the organisation
Prof. George Pavlidis, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Xenia Koutentaki

System and G

National Network

Nikolaou Kaklamanaki 32
Olympic Village, Athens, Acharnai

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the board: we have elections every 2 years for a president, general secretary, cashier and two board members. Currently the president is Argyris Choulias, general secretary - Diana Batraka, 1 cashier and 2 other board members. Partners: we have hosted in our 11 organized projects 42 different partner organizations from 19 different countries and as a sending organization participated in 25 projects in 15 different countries. Budget resources: as we are non profit organization, the only funds are coming from Youth in Action programs. Average per year its around 90 000 EUR. Till now we have approved and implemented 5 youth exchanges, 3 youth initiatives, 2 EVS, 1 Democracy Project. Main partners are NGOs from Spain, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Malta, Croatia, Turkey, Belarus, Ukraine, Jordan, Israel, Kosovo, FYROM, Moldova, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Slovenia, Iceland, Portugal, Hungary, Czech republic, Armenia, Azerbaijan.
Mission and Objectives

System and G all activities are mainly based on non-formal education methods. Creativity, culture, art, nature and environmental awareness, intercultural dialogue, joy, European awareness, research, democracy, active participation, tolerance, inclusion, information, informal education and voluntary - these are key words in System and G all activities. System and G belief is - the international experience, cultural interaction and exchange of experiences is one of the most important and most effective drivers for personal development, it significantly broadens the horizons of young people and opens up a wider view of their own, the state and the future.
System and G aims to activate its volunteers in the fields of active citizenship and environmental awareness by encourage youth participation in related processes, as well as equip them with information about various opportunities to participate in national and multicultural projects around Greece, Europe and the world.
To achieve its objectives, System and G is organizing and participating in various national and international events - seminars, camps, youth exchanges, in the presence of well motivated young people, thus contributing to the Greek mobility of young people to other cultures and getting to know a European consciousness.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth exchange 1.1. ”Educated Minds – Brighter Future” organized March 30 – April 7, 2011.
Youth exchange 1.1.”PHOTO TALK:One Icon – 1000 words” organized Juny 19 – Juny 29, 2011.
Youth exchange 1.1.”3D(imensions)” organized May 24 – May 31, 2011.
National Youth initiative 1.2.”Youth on the Move” organized Sepember – December, 2011.
Trans-National Youth initiative 1.2. „Green Village” organized September 2011 – February 2012.
EVS „Moving (in) Neighbourhoods” 2 months HO for 2 Turkish volunteers hosted December 1, 2011
– January 31, 2012 and EVS ”EVS brings Peace” 1 month HO for 2 Turkish Volunteers hosted February1 – March 1, 2012.
Youth Exchange 3.1. „Live YOUR City”, organized March 22 – March 29, 2012 with 12 partner organizations and 60 participants. Topic: Time Banking.
National Youth initiative 1.2.”Youth on the Move2” organized May – September, 2012.
Youth exchange 1.1.” Go Green For YOUR Planet” organized May 30 – June 6, 2012

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Definitely we are ready to be actively involved in all the activities, support the network and create a strong collaboration among other organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a Greek NGO located in Olympic Village, Athens, the place what was created for Olympic Games 2004.
Currently here lives 10000 people and community comes from different backgrounds. Already 2 years we have a youth centre here and we are focusing on youngsters with fewer opportunities trying to educate them through non formal activities and involving them in international projects.
We would like to broaden our horizons, bringing them in a wider world, to open new things as well as outside of Europe in order to understand other cultures, develop tolerance and respect.
On the other hand we would like to develop new collaboration and partnership as an organization across the Mediterranean countries since working with Youth in Action projects the countries where actions take a place are mostly Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Batraka
Head of the organisation
Argyris Choulias


National Network

4, rue Kalimnou, 551 33 Kalamaria

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
697 5858139
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The NGO I established has all the above fields as activities, I have only one person as assistant at the moment, our budget is 10.000 E, the sources of funding come from the donations
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to help the people they need it and they suffer and especially the children, also I have as an aim to help the people in the Middle East Area because I know very well the people as a Journalist for tha area and ex-public relations Manager of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Main Projects / Activities

My main projests consist in collaborating with famous N.G.O., participating in programs such as
the Interreg, the Euromed and others and also, I organize Bazaars and other activities for obtaining money

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Karadimitris-Stephanides
Head of the organisation
Maria Karadimitris-Stephanides

4th Lyceum of Kalamaria

National Network

Great Alejander & An. Thrakis 1

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
4th Lyceum of Kalamaria –Thessaloniki is a public secondary general and athletic school education founded in 1976. It has 320 students ages of 16-18 years and 80 professors. Is constituted by two departments the general and athletic department in which the students are prepared in order to become professional athletes. The school constitutes centre of Information Technology for the city after it allocates five laboratories of Information Technology which are supported by the Pan-Hellenic School Network. The school and the department of information technology is concretely supported by the following institutions:Aristotle University Thessalonica (Department of Chemistry, Department of Information technology, Department of French History. Technical University Thessalonica University , Centers of Environmental Education, and by the Aristotle University.
Mission and Objectives

In our school beyond the basic knowledge and the supplies for our students we try to teach them to be open in other cultures , to use foreigner languages, to learn about their country cultural traditions also as well and populations from other countries. They also learn how to use the new technologies to communicate.

Main Projects / Activities

The school has been distinguished in competitions of Mathematics, Information Technology, and in Athletic Events. In 2003 our students were first in the Pan-Hellenic Competition of Information Technology and Mathematics, took part in the Balkan Olympic Games of Information Technology, and came out first in the European Championship of Rhythmical Gymnastics. Also the school participates in a lot of activities as competitions of Painting, Tele-education, Communication , Exchange of Educational Material via Internet , Network Organization of online courses, collaboration with Universities for the safety of tour in Internet, network events of European Union (Spring Day of Europe), Electronic Twinning with schools of abroad , programs of Environmental Education and Education of Health. We are also participate as partners in a Comenius-3 Network for Alimentary Culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tzafou Emily
Head of the organisation
Maniatis Athanasios
Contact (2) Full Name
Lironi Androniki


National Network

c/o School of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University Campus 54124

+30 2310 995017
Telephone (other)
+30 6970676377
+30 2310 995017
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6970676377
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6937362608
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
'Polydromo' is a non-profit organisation, consisting of academics, parents and children who have a special interest in bilingualism and multiculturalism in education and society. It produces a multilingual periodical twice a year (so far three issues are out) and organises verious activities for the promotion of linguistic and cultural diversity. It has two official representatives, and a total of 10 members-founders. It has a scientific committee for the periodical, a syntactic committee (5 members from 4 different Universities) and a work group of volunteers, who organise our various activities and our website ( All funding comes from our subscribers (we have 100 members and subscribers so far)and funds from the founders. So far we have organised seminars and exhibitions that inform about and propote bilingualism and multiculturalism (in cooperation with organisations such as the French Institute, the Municipality of Kalamaria, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Antiracist Festival of Thessaloniki).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to:
-connect academic knowledge with the broader society,
-involve parents, educators and children in the promotion of multiculturalism and multi/bilingualism
-inform and sensitize citizens on issues of racism in and out of the school context,
-provide voluntary classes for migrant students of primary and secondary education, who need support,
-produce multilingual material (periodical, other publications in print or digital form)
-oprganise actions that support migrant languages and cultures (seminars, social events etc)
-provide an informative and interactive wesite on multilingual and multicultural issues (

Main Projects / Activities

During the two years (since February 2009) of our existence we have:
-produced periodicals and other publications
-organised presentations, seminars, conferences and open discussions on issues of bilingualism and multiculturalism (at an academic and a social level)
-we have organised support classes for migrant students
-we have set up a site that is constantly revised, so that it can provide information to parents and educators in many languages.
-our new project is the production of informative material on educational issues in many languages that will be distributed to schools for free (via the Aristotle University)
-managed to make connections amongst educators, academics, parents and children with the aim of encouraging a dynamic and creative educational environment

Contact (1) Full Name
Roula Tsokalidou
Head of the organisation
Roula Tsokalidou
Contact (2) Full Name
Evi Markou

European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation “AMPHICTYONY”

National Network

29 Vironos Str., 10558

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
“E.G.T.C AMPHICTYONY.” consists of Twinned Self-government Organizations of the 1st and 2nd degree, Associations of a Self Government nature as well as Regions of the countries in the Mediterranean and is organized as a civil company of a non profit nature governed by the provisions of the Articles 741-784 of the Civil Code of the Regulation (EK) 1082/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council of July 5th 2006 (hereinafter “Regulation”) and of this present Charter. EGTC Amphictyony employs two permanent employees and several external employees functions with an annual budget of 136.000 Euros. Main Funding sources come from the municipality members. Modalities of action: 'Social responsibility' within the context of the program 'Year against poverty'. Leonardo Da Vinci program. Supportive Structure of the Covenant of Mayors. Organization of conference 'Cultural policy and local government'. Seminar on 'Management of Maritime Resources'. Action for the Olympic Truce. Main partners: Hellenic company local development and local government (EETAA), Municipality of Saint Barbara, Municipality members.
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of E.G.T.C AMPHICTYONY is for the people of the Mediterranean to live in a continuously peaceful environment and one of constant development, financially effective, socially just andenvironmentally viable with cohesion and security in their areas.
4.2 The duties and operational objectives of E.G.T.C AMPHICTYONY that contribute to the achievement of its goal are the following:
§ The joint action and co-operation amongst its members
§ The respect in all levels of the principles of freedom, democracy, justice, security and protection of the environment.
§ The facilitation and promotion of cross border, interstate and/or interregional co-operation, with a view to reinforcing social and financial cohesion among its members.
§ The realization of programs that are co-funded by the European Union (E.U.) through the European Fund of Regional Development, the European Social Fund and/or the Cohesion Fund
§ The realization of actions of territorial co-operation amongst its members with or without the E.U.’s financial contribution
§ The collaboration with scientific centers and institutions, established in the countries of the Mediterranean, with E.U. institutions and International organizations, Self-government or not.
Exchange of information, experiences, promotion and application of successful practices among its members
Access to information and knowledge by means of utilizing data banks, new technologies and the development of the information society
§ The research, pursuit, preservation, promotion and utilization of the cultural identity of the Peoples of the Mediterranean towards the safeguarding of intercultural dialogue, the development of bonds of friendship, co-operation, respect and acceptance of diversity.
Strengthening the participation of the Citizen and the agencies of the Local Societies within the frame of territorial, financial and social collaboration among its members.

Main Projects / Activities

'Social responsibility' within the context of the program 'Year against poverty'. Leonardo Da Vinci program. Supportive Structure of the Covenant of Mayors. Organization of conference 'Cultural policy and local government'. Seminar on 'Management of Maritime Resources'. Action for the Olympic Truce.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Because of the wide context of our members who focus on local communities, we would be able to promote in a realized way our common goals to a wider social basis.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of our belief that our aims and goals lie on a common basis with your foundation towards a Mediterranean of peace putting in the center the human.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Vasilis Xenos-Gavrielis
Head of the organisation
Mr. Dimitris Argianas
Contact (2) Full Name
Stavroula Koutsaki


National Network

19, Mithimnis Str, 112 57 Athens

0030 210 8616449
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6973430545
Mobile Phone (other)
0030 6972972700
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners Board of Directors (4 members), Executive Director, International Advisory Board (12 members), Head of Studies and Head of Tutors with annual contracts, 10 trainers payed per project and 2 staff employed. Budgetary resources available in a year 110.000 euros Resources of Funding Media Program, ERT, Ministry of Culture & Tourism, Athens Municipality, Goethe Institute Athens & Ramallah. Modalities of action: Workshops, Seminars and exchanges in the field of International co-productions documentaries. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: European Documentary Network, Dok-Festival Leipzig, SEMAT Productions, Egypt, Pen Media, Palestine, Box-Dox Festival Syria, Media to Community Network - Jordan, Hellenic Culture Foundation, ERT, Greek Ministry of Culture & Tourism, Athens Municipality, Goethe Institute (Athens, Ramallah and Tel Aviv ), Institute Francais (Athens and Ramallah), British Council. StoryDoc is a non profit international educational institute for documentaries based in Athens, Greece. StoryDoc specializes in providing professional development training to filmmakers from South and North of Mediterranean, to encourage the multilateral cooperation and to provide opportunities for culture and professional networking with key Industry players in Central and North Europe. StoryDoc training sessions focus on concept/idea development, film structure, script development, and production of professional trailer, preparation for participation in pitching forums, know-how and negotiating for international co-productions, introduction and promotion to the international market. To date StoryDoc has organized 20 international workshops In Europe and the Middle East and has a significant success record in producing results-documentaries–films
Mission and Objectives

StoryDoc has organized successfully four annually series of workshops for development and pitching forums with sessions in Ramallah Palestine, Athens and Corfu in Greece and Leipzig, Copenhagen and Sheffield. Storydoc has organized delegations of Mediterranean filmmakers to the Sheffield Doc Festival and to the Leipzig International Festival and exchanges delegation of producers between Israel and Greece. Furthermore Storydoc has established bilateral agreements with the international Festivals in Hanover, in Duisburg and Thessaloniki with the aim to host Special Promotion activities with the work of StoryDoc alumni. In 2011-2012 Storydoc was the educational partner in the film production project UNKNOWN LIFE where 12 youths from Germany and Greece explored, discovered unknown aspects of the social life in both countries and produced 6 documentaries with the aim to facilitate a deeper understanding between the nation in the time of financial crisis in Greece and Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Storydoc intends to join the ALF Network with the aim to expand our network of associates in the Mediterranean area and in Europe, to exchange experience and work with in new projects similar to the mission of our Institute.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• The development of skills of the Greek filmmakers in order for their films to be accepted by international festivals and international TV stations.
• The organization of meetings of creators/producers with international distributors, film fund representatives and commissioning editors with the aim of achieving international co-productions.
• The organization of group missions to acclaimed international festivals for the promotion of the Greek documentary.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We can contribute the ALF Network in Greece by co organize symposiums and conferences in Greece, by adding our local network of professionals and artists and through distribution of the ALF activities, press releases and calls among the potential interested organizations and individuals in Greece

Contact (1) Full Name
Konstantinos Spyropoulos
Head of the organisation
Konstantinos Spyropoulos
Contact (2) Full Name
Chara Lampidou

UNESCO Centre for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries

National Network

30, Ploutonos – G. Papandreou Street

## 30 2310 422270
Telephone (other)
## 30 2310 423152
## 30 2310 422271
Mobile Phone
6944 296815 (Ms. Papachristopoulou – Tzitzikosta)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
UNESCO Centre for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries is an international non-governmental non-profit organization, whose opening (in 1994) was approved through the resolution of the 27th General Conference of UNESCO. The main sources of funding are the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Hellenic Aid), UNESCO (Participation Programme), European programs, private sponsors, foundations & other NGOs. The Centre, in collaboration with intergovernmental organizations in the United Nations and European systems, with other NGOs, governmental bodies and academic institutions, conducts international congresses & meetings, development projects, training programmes, projects focusing on gender mainstreaming, intercultural dialogue and preservation of cultural diversity.
Mission and Objectives

The mission :
UNESCO Centre works for the building of the culture of peace and for women’s advancement.
The main objectives of the organization are :
- Establishing links of friendship and good understanding among women in the countries of the region through cooperation in common programs and activities;
- Promoting the respect of human rights and the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, encouraging women's advancement in all sectors (social, political, economic and cultural) and helping their empowerment;
- Supporting the implementation of UNESCO strategies aimed at preserving cultural diversity and at building the Culture of peace.

Main Projects / Activities

(a) International Congresses and conferences on themes pertaining to the mission of the Centre (1994 in Belgrade; 1995 in Sofia; 1997, 1998, 2003 & 2006 in Thessaloniki; 1998 in Nikosia; 1999 in Visby; 2004 in Athens)
(b) annual international training projects (1997-2003 on social development; 1998-2003 on civil and volunteer action; 2002-2005 youth programme on cultural diversity & intercultural dialogue)
(c) International Festivals “Woman creators of the two seas, the Mediterranean & the Black Sea” (in 1997, 2000 & 2006)
(d) participation in more than 120 international events,
(e) publications (21 titles in Greek, English & French)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

European Cultural Organization -Social Education (ECOSE)

National Network

105 57 ATHINA

(+30) 2103239666
(+30) 2103236637
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
ECOSE is a legal non-profit making entity. It works at European and international level. It is founded in 1994 and has many networking bonds and close collaboration with other associations, information centers, foundations, agencies, institutions, schools and public/local authorities throughout Europe, North Africa and Latin America. ECOSE promotes issues concerning the intercultural non-discriminative learning, art, culture, informal, non-formal and out-of-school education. It involves and motivates youths, social workers, disadvantaged social groups, (deaf and blind) unemployed persons, to participate in the civic society and to enhance their education.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

It plans, coordinates and realizes exchange projects, training courses, cultural and artistic meetings, seminars for elderly people, libraries for blind people, social programs for street kids, school courses on cross-cultural learning, information campaigns. It develops various educational publications in printing and electronic format as well.
ECOSE participates actively in Community programs (Socrates, Joint Actions, Youth, European Year of Languages 2001, Prince, Culture 2000) by project designing, co-ordination, dissemination, evaluation.
ECOSE has experience in elaborating of teaching models (informal, non-formal; Development of multidisciplinary methodologies and trans-thematic approaches; Development of teaching materials enhancing integrated and cross-cultural learning. Realization of awareness raising activities and dissemination operations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation