Luna Scarlatta

National Network

Via San Domenico 4 - 09127

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The organization it’s composed by the main founders, Emilia Fulli and Mattea Lissia, that create and manage the events having an experience of more than 10 years. We have no employed; we collaborate with professionals for what each project needs (secretary, logistic, press contact, graphic, …). In our association there is also a fellow, Maurizio Murino, that is a childhood’s sociologist working from many years about citizenship and participate democracy’ themes. We are think about a project about this themes. Budget: in 2012, 12.000 euro (we also work for projects with fund recived and managed by other associations). Sources: public fund (Sardinia Region, Municipalities) and private (Banca di Sassari). Modalities: forum, festival, meetings, also in disadvantage territory and looking at the involvements of yousg, scholarship and students. Partner: cultural association (Presìdi del Libro, Zahr records, Associazione Librai Sardi Indipendenti), library (Biblioteca di Oristano, MEM – Mediateda del Mediterraneo), publishers (Il Maestrale, Imago Multimedia), festival (Dromos).
Mission and Objectives

Work at dissemination’s culture (literature, poetry, music, visual arts, cinema …) in our territory like instrument that each person should to have and use, also the disadvantage categories like prisoners, people with psychological problems, and who lives in territory without cultural offers. Working with prisoners means, for example, focused on transcultural theams, because of the presence on many people coming from other Mediterranean county in our prisons.
For us “doing” culture means to “use” culture to reflect about and understand our contemporany years, our society and the main urgent thems. In choosing guest we privilege the young people (writers, artists, musicians) and female productions.

Main Projects / Activities

Il Tramonto dell’Occidente. Leggere la crisi nel confronto tra letterature
9-11 novembre 2012, Cagliari, teatro Piccolo Auditorium
For association Presìdi del Libro della Sardegna, with patronage of Istituto di Cultura Romena di Venezia.
"Hispanidad libre! Libri eletteratura al Dromos Festival 2012"
29 luglio-16 agosto 2012, Oristano e provincia
In collaboration with cultural association Dromos, with patronage of Instituto Cervantes
"Pazza idea. Visioni di normale follia tra arte e letteratura". Second edition.
1-4 dicembre 2011, ex Liceo Artistico Dettori, Cagliari
With cultural association Presìdi del Libro della Sardegna
"In viaggio per Itaca. Percorsi di scrittura migrante per un dialogo tra carcere e letteratura"
With cultural association Presìdi del Libro della Sardegna
"Henri Cartier Bresson, Photographe"
Exibition at MAN_Museo d’Arte Provincia di Nuoro
For Imago Multimedia publisher

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To help in communicate different Mediterranean cultures one each other, expecially with litterature and story telling, for example in the way we have done working about migrant litterature (see the project "In viaggio per Itaca").

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Luna Scarlatta is a young cultural association born in march 2011 in Cagliari, in Sardinia island (Italy), and working with his cultural projects in different part of the Island, thank to partnership and collaboration with other reality of our land.
We want to have cultural relations also with culture out of our island and of our Country, and this is not always easy. To be in a Mediterranean network means for us to have a great possibility: exchange Italian and Sardinian form of culture with other coutries by a common share given by the Mediterranean culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emilia Fulli
Head of the organisation
Emilia Fulli
Contact (2) Full Name
Mattea Lissia


National Network

Via Germanico 107

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+393484426201 (Giulia Tornari)
Mobile Phone (other)
+393381425588 (Valeria De Berardinis)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Zona is a non profit civil society organisation with legal status It is an association created in 2012 by a group of professionals with an extensive experience in the field of photography, video and journalism. Inspired on values based on ethics and knowledge, ZONA is open to traditional photographic and audio-visual material, to resources obtained through the research and study of well known and lesser-known photographic material, as well as to experimental creative languages. The association develops projects to boost social awareness in collaboration with NGOs, international organizations, public and private institutions, universities, and foundations. It supports the creation, development and production of long-term projects dedicated to a deeper understanding of present-day issues. The staff consists of a director and three employees, and the Budgetary resources available in a year are about of 20-30.000 euros
Mission and Objectives

Zona supports the creation, development and production of long-term projects dedicated to a deeper understanding of present-day issues. It helps and supports professionals who interpret the realities that surround us. The project activities will involve different type of target group . It involves the general public in themes relating to current events through exhibitions, publications, conferences, Internet and new media.

Main Projects / Activities

During the first months of his activities Zona has successfully implemented several projects like a documentary about violence against Sahrawi women, a diary of minors living in a foster home, a documentary on the Arab revolution and a project about the mafia phenomena.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giulia Tornari
Head of the organisation
Giulia Tornari
Contact (2) Full Name
Valeria De Berardinis

Intesa Tra Culture

National Network

Via Antonio Merlino 07
95123 Catania


0039 95 2863369
0039 95 2863369
Mobile Phone
0039 3291282135
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3280150157
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
As a member-run organization,Intesa Tra Culture is composed of and powered by ordinary folks. ITC members come from diverse cultural, ethnic, economic, and religious backgrounds. They are immigrants, refugees, Italy.-born citizens, workers, students, asylees, moms, dads, grandparents and, most importantly, allies in the struggle for social justice. Our members share a common belief in a multi-racial, multicultural democracy inclusive of all—and the passion to put their beliefs into action.
Mission and Objectives

The Center for Intercultural Organizing is a diverse, grassroots organization working to build a multi-racial, multicultural movement for immigrant and refugee rights.
We envision a strong multicultural democracy inclusive of all.
We focus on four program areas that together catalyze systemic change – education, civic engagement, community organizing and mobilization, and intergenerational leadership development.

Main Projects / Activities

Community Outreach,Intercultural & Diversity Awareness, Conversation Partner Programs,Orientation Activity,Cultural Exchange Program ,Inter Cultural Festival

Contact (1) Full Name
Monia Natalia Cipro
Head of the organisation
Mannapperuma Mudalige Don Chula Charitha Jayandimal Hasapathiratna
Contact (2) Full Name
Mahesh Randika


National Network

via Vezia 2
47921 RIMINI

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
EducAid fosters social and teaching innovation supporting research and realising educational projects and training activities, study visits, exchange of good practices between educators, teachers, students of different countries which aim to establish equal opportunities for all, highly valuing individual or group diversity as an enrichment for the community. The assembly of members support the mission of the organisation and operates through the Board (7 members) and the staff employed, which includes general director, executive director, 3 responsible for programmes, accountant, secretary, 2 expatriate staff, 4 local staff. Yearly turnover of activities is about 1.200.000,00 euro. Main sources of funding, which is based on projects, are the European Commission, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian Local Authorities, UNICEF, private donations. Partners are NGOs, Ministries of Education, Local Authorities both in Italy and partner countries. EducAid is a member of International Disability and Development Consortium and Rete Italiana Disabilità e Sviluppo.
Mission and Objectives

EducAid is committed to help and cooperate in educational and social fields for:
• preventing and reducing the disadvantages and difficulties of persons with special needs and with social and cultural problems through social and educational intervention
• fostering social and teaching innovation by educational training and by supporting research and experimentation.
• Promoting the idea and the practice of “community education/training” in favour of a system based on widespread cultural awareness and active care and collaboration of different subjects present on a territory.
• Promoting the respect of human rights with particular attention to the rights of children, disabled people and disadvantages minorities. While encouraging the knowledge and the application of international conventions on the matter
• promoting politics which aim at intercultural contacts in favour of cultural and ethnic diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

EducAid works
In Europe: for Global Education through the cooperation of associations, schools, Local Authorities, Resource Centres.
In Occupied Palestinian Territories: for the promotion of “education to resilience”, “active learning”, school inclusion of children with disabilities, protection of the street children and working children through a mobile playbus, social inclusion of persons with disabilities.
In Armenia, Serbia, Azerbaijan: in support of the de-institutionalization process of children with disabilities or without parental care, through training of staff of social services, piloting of Case Management methodology, respite activities, alternative care services.
In Salvador, Bosnia Erzegovina, Kosovo: for the inclusion of children with disabilities, through assistance to the Ministry of Education and piloting of inclusive educational activities
In Senegal: for the prevention of AIDS and the promotion of functional literacy and vocational training for young women
In Tunisia: for the educational and social inclusion of people with disabilities and the development of University training courses for special educators.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EducAid intends to collaborate with schools and associations on the topic of the intercultural education, promoting youth exchanges, teachers study visits, piloting of intercultural educational activities, teacher training. EducAid wants to contribute to the ALF Network through its competences in the field of organisation of such activities, through the mobilisation of expertise on intercultural education and inclusive education, through the exchange of good practices on education and social, sharing of networks and partnerships. EducAid may also contribute to researches, through its consolidated partnership with the Faculty of Education of the University of Bologna.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EducAid shares the idea that, thanks to the promotion of intercultural contacts, it's possible to improve mutual respect between different cultures and tolerance principle. Since its foundation EducAid promotes policies, actions which aim at intercultural contacts in favour of cultural and ethnic diversity; such as study visits for teacher and representatives of different partner countries to exchange good practices and experiences of happening in the field of education, the protection of the minors and social-inclusion.
The Mediterranean is an area of high interest where we developed direct experiences. EducAid is interested in promoting opportunities of intercultural exchange for youth, teachers and educators of the territory of Rimini. Moreover, we are committed to promote global citizenship within schools, with the assumption that a real citizenship should be based on the common belonging to humanity, on the common interest for the planet, on the peaceful coexistence. The ALF Network is an actual mean to promote the participation of civil society to the establishment of an inclusive Euro-Mediterranean area, a Mediterranean for all.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Latini
Head of the organisation
Ivo Giuseppe Pazzagli
Contact (2) Full Name
Alfredo Camerini


National Network

Via D'Annunzio,4

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mine Vaganti NGO is a no-profit association born in Sardinia in 2009. MVNGO has 3 offices in Olbia, Sassari and Tempio Pausania covering all the North of Sardinia with other branches in the rest of Italy. Mission MVNGO promotes intercultural dialogue, social inclusion through Sport and environmental protection using Non Formal Education. MVNGO is part of 3 international networks such as YEE, ISCA and MV International. Services MVNGO is an educational training provider at local and european level. MVNGO has a consultant role for public and private bodies in order to promote and develop european and trans-continental projects. Programmes MVNGO works on Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, Europe for Citizens, Creative Europe, EuropeAid, EaSi, Life+, IEE, the United Nations programmes (UNDEF) and with foundations such as EYF, Anna Lindh and Open Society.
Mission and Objectives

The NGO promotes: - Intercultural Dialogue. - Social inclusion through Sport Values (in particular we are very careful about people with disability). - Environmental protection and Green Skills as new job opportunities for young european citizens. - Youth/Adult mobility in Europe and the rest of the world. - Offer of trainings, seminars about non-formal education and intercultural youth dialogue.
MVNGO has about 200 worldwide partners, mostly in Europe but as well in Asia, South America and Africa.
Every year MVNGO is involved as sending organization in about 50 European projects with 150 mobilities of young/adult people and organises about 7-8 projects as hosting organisation in Sardinia.

Main Projects / Activities

Mine Vaganti NGO promotes the intercultural dialogue and social entrepreneurship. Currently we cooperate with partners in two different actions in Egypt and Marocco for developing projects in the frame of EuroArab Platform, ensuring our commitment on spreading positive values, exchange of best practice and enhance a spirit of solidariety. Mine Vaganti NGO is registered in the Euro-Med Platform in order to rise the opportunity of exchange cultures among youths. In the previous years MVNGO organized several trainings and exchanges which involve MENA countries through the old Youth in Action Programme.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mine Vaganti NGO is active member of ALF Italy and attended the last two operative congress.
Mine Vaganti NGO is self-financed and committed to promote a multicultural and multiracial european society and an active citizenship in social problems like racism, discrimination, unemployment often using art as tools for inclusion. We would like to share our local/international network and our project management's team with ALF in order to help reaching the goals of Anna Lindh Foundation.
This is the link of our best presentation in Prezi: 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We join the ALF Network:

To enlarge our network.

To help the individual development of each member.

To acquire new skills and abilities.

To promote sense of entrepreneurship and solidarity.

To develop youth movement within Europe and Arab countries.

To increase knowledge using non formal education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Solinas
Head of the organisation
Roberto Solinas
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Grazia Pirina

Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII

National Network

Via Mameli, 1

+39 0541909630
Telephone (other)
+39 0541909631
+39 0541909637
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The ‘Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII’ Association is an International Association of the Faithful of Pontifical Right, with Juridical Personality. The directing body of the Association is the Council of Leaders, composed of the President and the Area Leaders. The Association is present in 26 countries, and it has 138 staff employed and 2174 members. The budgetary resources available each year is around 19 milion of euro. Worldwide, the Association has opened 520 different centres, of which 298 are family homes, and runs several projects, which aim to address the different needs of vulnerable people. For more information see the statute and report attached.
Mission and Objectives

The ‘Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII’ Association is committed to promoting the so called ‘Society of Gratuitousness’, based on being, sharing and relating, where the least, the disabled and the marginalised set the pace of humanity’s march. Hence, the Association advocates for the recognition of the right to International Solidarity, which it defines as, ‘The union of interests or purposes among countries, and social cohesion between them, based upon the dependence of States and other international actors on each other, in order to preserve the order and very survival of international society, and in order to achieve collective goals, which require international cooperation and joint action’.

Main Projects / Activities

Areas of Intervention:
social care and Assistance; Rights of the Child; Combating Drug Abuse; Peace and Nonviolence (Nonviolent peace Corp of Association:; Support of Formal and Non-Formal Education; Vocational Education and Training; Food security and Poverty; Rights of Migrants and Combating Human Trafficking. For more information see the report attached.
Currently we are implementing an european funded project in Palestine (EU Partnership for Peace Programme).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will promote the network's initiatives in our website, we will participate to Anna Lindh Forum.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Association is present in different countries of Mediterranean Area: Italy; Spain; Albania; Croatia, Israel/Palestine. In particular, we are present in the West Bank since 2002 to promote peace building among Palestinian and Israeli civil society. Our action aims to transform the violent conflict between ultra-orthodox settlers and local palestinians in the South Hebron Hills area. We want to join the ALF Network to improve public opinion and media awareness of the South Hebron Hills situation, and to spread the nonviolent conflict resolution method. We are interested also in meeting other associations who work to promote intercultural dialogue and peace building activities in Mediterranean Area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sara Zanni
Head of the organisation
Giovanni Ramonda
Contact (2) Full Name
Giorgia Stefani

RICHeS - Rhodes International Culture & Heritage Society - για τη Διεθνή Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά της Ρόδου

National Network

Konstantinoupoleos 43, 85100

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
RICHeS is a non profit NGO based in Rhodes Greece. The organization consists entirely of volunteers and is managed by an Executive Board of four members assisted by the RICHeS Event Committee of five members. A body of around fifty volunteers forms the basis of the organization. For funding RICHeS relies on both private and public sponsorship, legacies, donations and incidental participation fees. Budgetary resources vary per year. RICHeS has initiated and organizes the annual 'Open Doors' / European Heritage Days in Rhodes and holds four other annually recurring events: Heritage Walks, ICOMOS-Day educational events for schools, heritage summer concerts and the Studium Generale series of lectures. These actions are complimented by one-off projects such as exhibitions, heritage trail games, lectures, museum projects and fund raisers. Partners are local and regional authorities, institutions, schools and businesses.
Mission and Objectives

RICHeS focuses on the 'international' element of local culture and heritage and wants to make connections with the overseas world, thereby making a contribution to cultural development and stimulating awareness and knowledge. With 'international' RICHeS means three things: the often overlooked influence of non indigenous civilizations on Rhodes' culture and heritage, the equally often overlooked influence of Rhodes on other cultures and the intention to actively connect Rhodes culturally with Europe and the Mediterranean region. RICHeS sees all historic constituent elements of Rhodes' culture and heritage as equally important, interesting and worth preserving. It is the mixture of classical Greek, Byzantine, medieval hospitaller, Ottoman, Sephardic Jewish, Italian colonial and modern Greek which makes Rhodes unique.
RICHeS wants:
To stimulate awareness, knowledge and study of the cultural heritage of Rhodes in general;
To stimulate awareness, knowledge and study of the international, multicultural and lesser known cultural heritage of Rhodes;
To increase cultural and heritage participation;
To increase public commitment to the preservation and improvement of this heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Through the initiation, organization and development of various events and activities - both short- and long term - we try to achieve our mission.
Our mission and the projects/activities following from it are rooted in our vision of improving the overall cultural infrastructure in Rhodes through:
contributing to the cultural and intellectual climate in Rhodes;
contributing to a better understanding of the unique multicultural heritage of Rhodes and to help preserve this for future generations;
contributing to a better cultural understanding and appreciation between people of different backgrounds;
contributing to the establishment and promotion of Rhodes as a recognized first-class cultural destination;
contributing to the European and international cultural profile of Rhodes.
Main projects:
European Heritage Days
Heritage Walks
Educational activities for schools
Studium Generale

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by initiating projects, stimulating overseas contacts (both nationally and internationally), establishing national and/or international networks and by the exchange of knowledge and experience.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

RICHeS would like to join the ALF Network in order to establish new or better relations with other (similar) organizations outside Rhodes in order to cooperate in potential international culture and heritage events and establish international networks. The 'International' in our name is essential in this respect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ch. Maliarakis
Head of the organisation
Mr. E.J.S. Bruns, MA
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. J. Paliou- van Dijk

Junior Chamber International Adana Organization

National Network

Cemalpaşa Mahallesi, Fuzuli Caddesi, Galleria İş Merkezi, No:80 Seyhan/Adana, TURKEY.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Junior Chamber International (JCI) is a organization of 200,000 young active citizens grew out of the vision of one St. Louisan more than 90 years ago as a constructive approach to civic problems. Founded in 1915 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA by Henry Giessenbier, the movement spread, and Junior Chamber International was founded with eight other countries in 1944. Our organizations age limit is between 18 - 40. JCI Adana was established in 1996, since established organization. JCI Adana is an organization which deals with its budgetary concerns through monthly membership fees (of 50TL's equivalent of 22 Euros), fundraising and working with regional, national or international development programs primarily. JCI Adana mainly deals with its operations internally through members, potential members, honorary members and retired members. Currently our organization has 37 members, 17 potential members. JCI Adana has an annual general assembly. Within this assembly the following year’s presidential board is selected. The presidential board is formed by 7 members. The organizational can be seen as: 1) President 2) Secretary Vice President 3) Treasurer 4) Vice President of International Projects (Deals with established or to be established globel projects). 5) Vice President of Individual Projects (Deals with members and organizations development with training, fundraising and individual based development projects). 6) Vice President of Business World Projects (Deals with organizations link with the business world nationally and organize projects, fundraising and collaboration between two entities). 7) Vice President of Community Projects(Deals with community based projects, based on the required needs of Turkey and Adana; vice president's main duty is to establish and meet the defined needs of the community). Since its establishment every local organization of JCI (including Adana) support and deals with 1) International needs and 2) Local needs. To meet these needs four main areas are defined as focus (Mentioned in the organization structure works with the vice presidents (VP's) "4 through 7". JCI Adana works with a committee structure, main purpose of VP's is to support committees (formed by members) in based on their requirements).
Mission and Objectives

JCI Adana's Mission To provide development opportunities that empowers young people to create positive change. The JCI Values That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise That government should be of laws rather than of men That earth's great treasure lies in human personality And that service to humanity is the best work of life.

Main Projects / Activities

As mentioned JCI Adana focuses on international and local goals, these projects vary. Most of our projects are encouraged to last for one year. But certain priorities receive extended (more than 1 year; most seen for 5-6 years). Internationally supported projects/Activities: Better Partnerships As an international non-governmental organization (NGO) with active participation in the UN system, JCI’s international partners include big names in global development, capacity building and international cooperation. Our partnerships are based in mutual goals and a synergy with the JCI Mission and Values, creating the maximum impact to support the local work our members do every day. Partner: United Nations Focus: UN Millennium Development Goals (UN MDGs) JCI has officially partnered with the UN since 1954. Through the years, these relationships have expanded to include various branches in the UN system as the two organizations collaborate to magnify their collective impact. In 2003, JCI committed to advancing the UN Millennium Development Goals, a set of time-bound targets for poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women. JCI members organize thousands of projects every year committed to advancing the goals and using the UN MDGs as a framework. Partner: United Nations Global Compact Focus: Corporate Sustainability The United Nations Global Compact is a call to companies everywhere to voluntarily align their operations and strategies with ten universally-accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and to take action in support of UN goals. Launched in 2000, it is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, with over 10,000 signatories in 145 countries, and Local Networks in over 100 countries. JCI partners with the UN Global Compact to educate small- and medium-sized enterprises on how to be responsible and profitable in a competitive global market. Partner: International Chamber of Commerce-World Chambers Federation (ICC-WCF) Focus: Global Economic Progress The ICC is the voice of world business championing the global economy as a force for economic growth. Through our partnership with the ICC-WCF, JCI Local Organizations collaborate with local chambers of commerce to collaborate on projects to advance global economic progress and encourage entrepreneurship. Partner: UN Foundation Focus: Combating Malaria with JCI Nothing But Nets Malaria is the leading killer of children in Africa, but this deadly disease can be prevented with the use of insecticide-treated bed nets. Through JCI Nothing But Nets, a campaign in partnership with the UN Foundation’s Nothing But Nets initiative, JCI members raise funds for the purchase and distribution of insecticide-treated nets and educate communities on their proper use. Partner: UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Focus: Youth Capacity Building Since 1996, JCI has contributed to achieving UNESCO's goal of promoting cooperation among its 193 Member States and 6 Associate Members in the fields of education, science, culture and communication. JCI Local and National Organizations collaborate with UNESCO in many ways, including participating in the NGO International Conference and theme-specific collective and regional consultations. Such projects are established and diffused also locally within Turkey and Adana area.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

JCI Adana has partner JCI organizations in 17 cities with large amount of members who partner in joint projects. Apart from that JCI organization has close relation with its local, national authorities and other non-profit organiations. With its focused and highly democratic strucutre members and the organizations managerial board can define and focus its resources for partnerships with cities that does not have a JCI branch. If network member requires more entity our partner members can also join into the project we are doing locally or nationally.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As global citizens, we all have rights and responsibilities, as well as shared goals. Through active citizenship, we enact our sense of social responsibility to work towards these goals and benefit communities worldwide. JCI Adana is established with this purpose. With Anna Lindh Foundation we can focus to a newer geography (Mediterranean) by breaking established borders. JCI Adana has members with great promise and dedication towards active citizenship where ALF has a special focus on "people who cares.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alkan Sönmez (Vice President of International Projects)
Head of the organisation
Sinan Fikret Erk
Contact (2) Full Name
Ceyda S. Kulaç


National Network


+90 0555 320 53 92
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
7 peoples are working. still we dont have permanent budgetary resources we do not have funding sources(but we need it) we do not have any partners yet(but we want)
Mission and Objectives

To enhance awerness of values of the European Union in the Local level. To support the negotiations between EU and Turkey.

Main Projects / Activities

-courses about EU reforms during negotiations period.
-courses about EU policy.
-to prepare a magazine about Turkey-EU relations
-to increase awarness about European Union in different groups.
-to coordinate universites to access to information About European Union

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF Network because we are believing that we can increase our efficiency on our projects with the Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Tuncay Geçim
Head of the organisation
Tuncay Geçim
Contact (2) Full Name
hatay betonyol 279 sk no:35 Daire 5 KONAK/İZMİR

AP2i - Agence de promotion et d'ingénierie interculturelles

National Network

30 rue de la PY
75020 PARIS

06 08 259 123
Telephone (other)
06 77 85 99 67
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 08 259 123
Mobile Phone (other)
06 77 85 99 67
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
AP2i est une association loi 1901 qui regroupe des individus (étudiants, artistes, professionnels, chercheurs, etc.) et qui est accompagnée d’organismes publics et privés. Elle rassemble aujourd’hui 12 bénévoles actifs, et 2 personnes en contrat de Service Civique. Le budget en cours pour l’année 2012-2013 est de 39 803euros. Ces sources de financement sont les Universités parisiennes (Paris III, IV, VII, VIII, Lyon), la Mairie de Paris, les villes partenaires aux projets, les sponsors propres aux projets, les bourses proposées par assurance (AVI, Labalette), Animafac pour les services civiques... Je vous invite à prendre connaissance du budget mis en pièce jointe. AP2i crée des projets concrets portés par des jeunes tous ancrés dans la pratique du dialogue interculturel (cf. ci-dessous). Des rendez-vous réguliers sont organisés afin de fédérer les bénévoles. Depuis cette année, elle organise des tables-rondes (café-labo) ainsi qu’un premier colloque en juin, évènement qui sera réitéré chaque année.
Mission and Objectives

AP2i -Agence de promotion et d’ingénierie interculturelles- a pour objet le développement de projets qui placent au cœur de leur problématique le dialogue interculturel. Par la promotion d’échanges interculturels, AP2i souhaite lutter contre les phénomènes d’exclusion et de rejet de l’autre qui naissent de l’ignorance; lutter contre le racisme et la peur de l’autre en créant des ponts entre les cultures.
Dans un monde de plus en plus globalisé où les différences risquent d’être écrasées par une culture mondiale, lissée selon un modèle prédominant, AP2i croit en la force des particularités comme l’origine d’un terrain d’échanges. Les actions d’AP2i sont surtout tournées vers le bassin méditerranéen, terre d’échanges culturels, économiques et migratoires, qui touche particulièrement les jeunes porteurs de projets de l’association.

Main Projects / Activities

MyMED est un itinéraire citoyen, un voyage d’enquête, de deux mois sera organisé en Méditerranée à la rencontre de jeunes artistes ou porteurs de projets afin d’étudier les interactions entre expression artistique et expression citoyenne. Avant, pendant et après le voyage, une plateforme, MyMED récoltera du contenu lié au travail fait questionnant la jeunesse, le rôle de l'art et de la culture, l'engagement citoyen et politique, et le rôle du web 2.0, en Méditerranée.
Les rencontres “ Regards croisés sur nos Cités” est un autre projet qui aura lieu en 2014 dans quatre villes de la Méditerranée avec 80 jeunes sur le thème “Villes[s] et ses mouvements”, pour lequel la photographie et la captation sonore seront les médias utilisés.
Enfin, le Labo, lieu d’échanges et de réflexions, animé par des chercheurs, des artistes, des professionnels et des porteurs de projets d’AP2i, a pour objet la discussion autour des enjeux interculturels.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AP2i contribuera au réseau français en participant de façon active, avec tous ces jeunes volontaires, aux évènements proposés, où tous seront force de propositions et d’initiatives et pourront partager leurs expériences dans les domaines de l’interculturalité et du montage de projet, en particulier en Méditerranée
AP2i sera un membre actif du réseau et fera la promotion des actions du Réseau et de son appartenance à la FAL auprès de son propre réseau : partenaires, étudiants, chercheurs, artistes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AP2i aimerait rejoindre le réseau FAL pour intégrer un ensemble plus large et actif d’opérateurs des relations interculturelles et euroméditerranéennes où les membres peuvent se rencontrer lors d’évènements organisés par le Réseau et peuvent plus facilement échanger sur leurs activités respectives.
Rejoindre le réseau FAL serait pour AP2i une formidable opportunité de partager avec ces acteurs autour de projets, de bonnes pratiques et de savoir-faire. Nous sommes persuadés que nos actions iront de l’avant grâce aux rencontres faîtes avec des membres ayant les mêmes valeurs et objectifs que l’association.
De plus, devenir adhérent au Réseau, nous permettrait de développer des projets de plus grande envergure encore et de répondre aux appels à projets proposés par la FAL.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tiphaine Guérin, service civique MyMED
Head of the organisation
Stéphane ASSEZAT