Women's NGOs Cooperation Network

National Network

Dzirnavu street 3A -22
Riga, LV-1010

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Women's NGOs Cooperaiton Network is an umbrealla organistation. It is a national coordination of European Women's Lobby and member of Women against Violence Europe. Since 2017 the network is coordination ALF Latvia.

Work of NGO is volunteer based. Funds: EEA and Norway grants, ERASMUS+, Nordplus, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Welfare, in-kind contributions by private sector and members of the network.

Mission and Objectives

According to the Statutes the aim of NGO is to unite women’s organisations of Latvia in a common cooperation network to promote women’s rights and equality between men and women and ensure full access for all women to their human rights. Continue operation, activities of the informal original association of organisations of Women’s NGOs Cooperation Network of Latvia (National Coordination of European Women’s Lobby) that was established on 24 September, 2003 under the terms of a Protocol of Co-operation, and its tasks are Promote solidarity and confidence of the women of Latvia; Represent interests of the women in dialogue with national, European and international institutions; Perform effective lobbying for the promotion of the equality of gender, integration of its principles in all the spheres of the action policy, on the level of the adoption of the decision in Parliament (Saeima), government and local governments, quickly respond to the events in Latvia and issues and laws to be reviewed in the Cabinet of Ministers, Parliament (Saeima) and European Union; Develop capacity of NGO and promote institutional and capacity development of its member organisations etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Informal network exists from 2003 Gender equality award since 2006 Women’s NGOs forum organized annually Full member of European Women’s Lobby and only full member from Latvia from 2009 Member of Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation and Civic Alliance Mentoring project for young women in partnership with EU Representation in Latvia (European Successful women academy) Position papers and opinions from gender perspective and lobbying for gender equality at Parliament (Saeima) and municipality level in all sphere – health, economics, environment etc. Members of National Gender Equality Committee, Latvian Representatives at European Gender Equality Institute Expert Forum, EC Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities between Men and Women, Gender Training Task Force at European Gender Equality Institute etc

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By networking, sharing information in our network, contributing to monitoring of legal acts. Network is long term partner to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have participated in the work of United Nations session on women's human rights (CEDAW, Women's Status Commitee) etc

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking, information exchange, access to grants and partnerships.

Contact (1) Full Name
Edite Kalnina
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Inete Ielite, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Inete Ielite
Job Title (2)


National Network

Appartement E5-4, 1er étage du bloc HSC5
 Résidence Citronnelle

Telephone (other)
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Pop In est une Association en développement qui compte pour l'instant 2 membres et une trentaine de partenaires institutionnels, associatifs, privés et médias. Ses sources de financements sont issues d'une synergie de partenaires publics et privés sur les projets. Les modalités d'action de POP IN sont la conception ou co-conception de projets tels que festival, forum, etc. Les partenaires principaux sont ONTT, Ville de Paris, Union pour la Méditerranée, Unesco, Institut Français, Ambassades, Fondation Mimeta, Fondation Orange, Al Mawred Al Thaqafi, Arterial Network, Association Citoyenneté et libertés, Organisation Volonté et Citoyenneté, ATTPR, ASSIDJE, We Love, Thomas Cook, Le Taxi Prod, Ivox, Mediacom, etc
Mission and Objectives

L'association Pop In a pour but de promouvoir le dialogue interculturel entre la Tunisie et le reste du monde, la citoyenneté et de développement d'une l'économie créative.

Main Projects / Activities

L'association POP IN est la fondatrice du festival Pop In Djerba qui réuni chaque année depuis 2012 une vingtaine d'artistes de musiques actuelles de la zone Euro-MENA. Elle met aussi en œuvre un Village associatif lieu de rencontre et de parole pour les sociétés civiles citoyennes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons participer activement aux projets des autres membres du réseau, construire des partenariats, participer à la vie démocratique du réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons intégrer le réseau tunisien afin de participer activement au networking avec les autres membres, partager nos expériences, participer aux rencontres et autres projets de la FAL. Nous pensons que les jeunes sociétés civiles tunisiennes doivent se structurer, se connaitre et travailler ensemble pour construire la nouvelle Tunisie.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kamel Salih
Head of the organisation
Salih Jamila
Contact (2) Full Name
Emmanuelle Boireau

Mezinárodní vzdělávací centrum GEMS/International educational Center GEMS

National Network
Czech Republic

Hasova 3093/1
14300 Prague

+420 721119209
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+420 721119209
Mobile Phone (other)
+420 728124020
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The organization was established as an enlargement of existing network of the orgaisation Eurogems from Italy. The organization starts to implement its first projects. One of them is the youth exchange organised by turkish coordinator and soon we are hosting the turkish group of coordinators in frame of Grundtvig project. Main partners from Meda countries are in Jordan- Leaders of tommorow, Israel - Minorities of israel, Palestine - Old City Association and Lebanon - Jeunesse les frontiers

Mission and Objectives

The association is voluntary non-profit organization, operating within the territory of the Czech Republic and in other countries with a legal entity under the Czech law. The organization is open to all individuals and institutions, regardless of political, social, religious or other orientation.

International Educational Center GEMS was established in 2011 with focus to provide international experience to young people. 

IEC GEMS is open to all young people and also to youth workers and teachers, without  any discrimination with special support to young people coming from socially disadvantaged background, also those from institutional care.

IEC GEMS is member of Anna Lindh Foundation and member of Youth4media network. 

The organization is based in Prague, but cooperates nationally a regionally with bodies in rural areas. In addition, IEC GEMS is working on the youth field from 2011 with focus on involving socially excluded young people, also for those who became from the socially disadvantaged background. Some projects were organized in cooperation with correctional residential homes and participants from institutional care are given chance to participate in international projects.

Basic aims:

  • create EU opportunities for our target groups to better improve their awareness of the European dimension and European citizenship
  •  support international cooperation and  intercultural understanding
  • promote lifelong learning opportunities and to help the development of individual interests and positive life attitudes
  • support prevention of risky behavior mainly for children and youth
  • strengthen an international cooperation in order to share knowledge, ideas and experience to better develop activities 
  • create equal opportunities, employment and fight social exclusion

support rural development and healthy lifestyle


Main Projects / Activities

International Educational Center GEMS has been a partner in a series of non-formal learning projects under ERASMUS+ Programme. As a leader has organized 11 KA1 (YE, Trainings, short and long term EVS) and 3 KA 2 projects, for example YE Sport window, Training “SEE – Sample EU Entrepreneurs, KA2 project   USTEP – Using Sport to Empower People (www.ustep.org), FOLLOW YOUR WAY (www.followyourway.org), COOLIVING (www.cooliving.info)

Currently the organization is closing one KA2 project: COOLIVING (with the aim to share experience and to promote healthy habits, explain the importance of daily physical activity, healthy eating, the importance of nutrition, food consumption and production) and supports young people to submit their Solidarity corps project on local level.

We can share our experience from coordination of already finished project “USTEP – Using Sport to Empower people”, https://www.ustep.org/media/videos/ (testing new approaches and implementation of good practice in the Youth field, Education and Employability),or from project FOLLOW YOUR WAY, www.followyourway.org, the project was focused on career guidance and youth work with the aim of Best practice Exchange in the field of Career guidance.

The organization was partner for many international projects not only under ERASMUS +, but also  ERASMUS+ Sport (SPORT  for LIFE), Europe for citizens, DAPHNE (more info on www.ies-gems.org.)


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

International cooperation based on long lasting experience, as well as with Meda countries (Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon,…)


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are already members


Contact (1) Full Name
Alena Jeslinkova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alena Jeslinkova
Contact (2) Full Name
Ladislava Heiesová
Job Title (2)

Fundacja "Potrafie- Pomagam!"

National Network

ul. Dąbrówki 48/3
65-069 Zielona Góra

Zielona Góra

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
"Potrafię - Pomagam" [“I can – I help”] foundation was established in 2010 on the initiative of people who are willing to work for the local community, ecology and human rights. The foundation serves as a platform for all those who have an idea and want to pursue it. Foundation is led by three-person management team which work is overseen by the three members of the Foundation Board. The Volunteers Club operates under the foundation and currently brings together about 20 members. The Foundation is financed through donations, grants and a paid service work. Estimated budget for the year 2013 is 20.000 zlotys [~5.000 Euro]. The Foundation runs educational and informational campaigns focusing on ecology and human rights. Our activities include organization of workshops, happenings, festivals and events. Our main partners are local and national NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

• Initiating and supporting solutions in various areas of social life, especially in protection of the human rights and freedoms, protection of family life and social prevention.
• Developing and supporting attitudes aimed at active cooperation in the development of civil society.
• Developing rules of cooperation with government agencies, local governments, non-governmental organizations and other legal entities in the field of social prevention.
• Humanitarian aid and social assistance, including help to families and individuals in difficult situation, and equal opportunities for those families and individuals.
• Preventing social exclusion and providing support for organizations and institutions dealing with social exclusion.
• Promoting the idea of volunteering.
• Helping the families to overcome the situations that can lead to their breakdown.
• Integrating families and promoting the idea of multigenerational family.
• Promoting tolerance, solidarity, pro-ecological attitudes and animal rights.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2011, the foundation implemented the "European Year of Volunteering in Lubuskie province" by organizing open workshops and outdoor events focused on the promotion of volunteering.
The Foundation is the regional operator of the Zakretki.info campaign – we coordinate the collection of plastic bottle caps in Lubuskie province. Income from the sale is used to purchase rehabilitation equipment for children. We organize ecological workshops, and once a year a joint caps segregation as a part of the campaign.
In 2012, the Foundation carried out the “„Zielona” Góra“ project, as a part of which during three days we organized a multiple events and ecological workshops.
The Foundation also coordinates used batteries collection program as part of the "Eco Valentine's Day."
Our volunteers designed and built cat pens in Zielona Góra Animal Shelter.
In 2012, we organized an educational campaign for dog owners where we emphasized their duty to clean up after their pets. The campaign was organized for Nowita Housing Association.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We guarantee a full technical assistance on ALF campaigns organized in Lubuskie province. Our Volunteers (people between the ages of 14 and 70) are willing to engage in various activities focused on human rights protection. In 2013, we will once again organize an educational campaign called “Zielona Góra Days”. It’s main goal is to provide our residents with knowledge and skills to effectively protect human rights and environment. The campaign can be organized as a part of ALF Network activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network will create a chance for the foundation and its volunteers to fully develop, to gain the knowledge, skills and know-how necessary to work towards the human rights protection and promotion of multiculturalism

Contact (1) Full Name
Karolina Skoczylas

Association TRANSVERSCITE (anciennement Médiakitab)

National Network

Association MEDIAKITAB Mediakitab , c/O transverscité La friche la Belle de Mai 41 rue Jobin 13003 Marseille

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
L’association MEDIAKITAB est régie par la loi 1901, elle a pour but de favoriser la diversité culturelle et le dialogue interculturel, ainsi que le renforcement des capacités des acteurs culturels et éducatifs, par l’organisation d’échanges utilisant tous les médias et outils innovants de communication. Les membres de cette plate-forme sont répartis dans les régions suivantes: PACA-France, Territoires Palestiniens, Liban, Egypte (Alexandrie et le Caire), Algérie, Italie(Milan), peut s’étendre à d’autres pays en 2013-2015
Mission and Objectives

MEDIAKITAB a pour but de favoriser la diversité culturelle et le dialogue interculturel, ainsi que le renforcement des capacités des acteurs culturels et éducatifs, par l’organisation d’échanges utilisant tous les médias et outils innovants de communication. Ses publics cibles sont les professionnels de l’action culturelle liée à la lecture et à l’accès à la connaissance utilisant les différents supports de l’écrit : imprimés, numériques, multimédia et les jeunes auxquels ces actions sont destinées.

Main Projects / Activities

Diffusion d’information et partage de ressources, séminaires professionnels, actions de formation, soutien à des projets interculturels impliquant les jeunes, ou qui leurs sont destinés, promotion des initiatives et communication via un Blog dédié. http://zinclafriche.org/mediakitab/

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous y sommes déjà impliqués de longue date, à travers certains de nos membres, dont Claudine Dussollier, auparavant à l'association ZINC, et l'association COBIAC.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Plusieurs membres de l'association MEDIKITAB font membres des réseaux de la Fondation Anna Lindh. la plate-forme travaille exactement dans les mêmes objectifs que la FAL

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Françoise DANSET

compagnie Caillou Ailé

National Network

24360 St Barthélémy de Bussière

05 47 90 01 02
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
06 66 25 98 26
Mobile Phone (other)
06 64 50 64 43
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
association loi 1901, nous sommes six comédiens, danseurs, musiciens, metteurs en scène. Notre chiffre d'affaire 2012, est de 16652€. Nous sommes subventionnés par le conseil général de la Dordogne et l'agence culturelle départementale. Nos activités principales sont la création de spectacles et les interventions théâtrales dans des structures socio-éducatives (foyers d'accueil, centres sociaux, prison...).
Mission and Objectives

Forts de l’envie : de créer communément, d’aller frotter nos pratiques
et nos sensibilités, d’expérimenter ensemble et avec d’autres.
Pour le plaisir de partager, d’embarquer, de former.
La compagnie développe une démarche artistique en milieu rural, pour tout public, avec des propositions de création et d’action culturelle :
les spectacles, les formes légères, l’initiation et la sensibilisation au conte,
à l’expression dramatique, à la musique.
Nos pratiques artistiques et le plaisir que nous y prenons sont autant de supports et de prétextes à créer du lien, tirer des ponts entre des univers peu enclins à la rencontre.
Nous aimons prolonger l’échange avant ou après la représentation, avec la possibilité d’un bord plateau, l’occasion de découvrir de plus près les instruments, de partager sur ce qui a touché ou questionné chacun.

Main Projects / Activities

En 2012, l'activité principale de la Cie s'est axée principalement autour de la création du spectacle "A tire d'elles", avec deux voyages en Algérie, avec collecte de paroles auprès de femmes,un séjour chez Maïssa Bey et des interventions théâtrales et écriture à la fac de Sidi Bel Abbes.
En parallèle,nous avons quelque peu tourné les spectacles de la compagnie et continué à mener nos interventions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ayant déjà créé des contacts en Algérie, à la fois avec des auteurs, des metteurs en scène, des étudiantes, nous souhaitons poursuivre ces échanges à travers la diffusion de notre spectacle, des temps de partage et de rencontre pour prolonger les thèmes que nous abordons au cours de ce spectacle.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La finalisation du spectacle A tire d'elles, spectacle traitant de l'histoire de la colonisation française en Algérie et de la place de la femme dans ces deux pays, nous a permis de découvrir la fondation Anna Lindh et de réaliser que nos activités passées, présentes et à venir s'inscrivent totalement dans la philosophie que vous défendez.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maloue Eon
Head of the organisation
Mathilde Lerede
Contact (2) Full Name
Loubna Berenger

South East European Research Centre (SEERC)

National Network

17, Mitropoleos street

+30 2310 253477
Telephone (other)
+30 2310 253478
+30 2310 234205
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The SEERC was founded jointly by the University of Sheffield (UK) and CITY Liberal Studies (Greece), as a way of establishing a truly international research centre addressing the broad range of economic, political, social and cultural challenges facing an enlarged and enlarging Europe. Research at SEERC addresses four broad areas of societal concern: 1. Enterprise, Innovation and Development 2. Information and Communication Technologies 3. Governance, politics and society 4. Risk and well-being Within each of these areas, SEERC has developed multiple research groups, each focusing its expertise on a specific set of issues and questions. In line with the international vision established for the Centre, each research group is composed at its base of researchers from the University of Sheffield and from CITY Liberal Studies, and is open to additional members coming from universities, research centres, and think tanks throughout Europe.
Mission and Objectives

SEERC’s mission is to:
- Conduct applied and policy-relevant research that is useful to citizens, business people, researchers, and policy makers across Europe.
- Carry out research that brings a variety of Approaches and perspectives to its subjects.
key objectives:
- To develop and support international, multidisciplinary research groups that actively address issues of importance to the SEE region and Europe as a whole.
- To promote cutting-edge methodology both within existing disciplines and in the development of inter- and multidisciplinary perspectives through workshops and seminars.
-To promote active and targeted dissemination of findings to members of the scientific community, NGO and INGO leaders, policy-makers, and the general public through conferences, workshops, advising, publishing, web-based dissemination, and, where appropriate, through media-based sources.
- To increase the number of highly trained researchers in the region through the University of Sheffield – SEERC Doctoral programme.

Main Projects / Activities

- SEERC Research Projects
- J-WEB: in Western Balkans (funded by FP6-IST).
- Multi-level Governance in South East Europe(funded by the British Economics and Social Research Council - ESRC).
- QF Embodiment(funded by the Leonardo Da Vinci programme, DG Education and Training).
- FUSION: Business Process FUSION(funded by FP6-IST).
- MIRIAD: Managing and Infusing Research Investment and Development (funded by FP6-Regions of Knowledge programme).
- Infusing Knowledge into South East European SMEs(funded by the British Foreign Commonwealth Office – FCO).
- EPOS: e-Procurement Optimised System for the Healthcare Marketplace (funded by the eTen programme, DG Information Society and Media).
- Embedding ICT/Multimedia Standardisation Initiatives into European Vocational Training Development Strategies (funded by the Leonardo Da Vinci Programme, DG Education and Training).
- Ambient Learning: Ambient, multimodal and context-sensitive lifelong learning (funded by the eTen programme, DG Information Society and Media).
- SEERC/SHEFFIELD Doctoral Programme
- Networking and Publications

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Athanasia HALATZOUKA
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

ANAPLOUS – Cultural & Educational Projects

National Network

29, Karpathou str., 145 62
Kifissia, Attica

+30 210 275 0755
+30 210 275 0755
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6932 384 496
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
ANAPLOUS is a private owned company dealing in structuring studies; designing and creating projects in culture areas; in life long learning assignments; and in strategic communication. The company was established in 2005 by Vassileia Katsani following the ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games where she managed on behalf of “Jack Morton Public Events” the music production coordination for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Games. She has over 23 years of experience in cultural event organization, planning, promotion and execution.
Mission and Objectives

ANAPLOUS’ main concern and orientation is creating efficient operating practices for Cultural business’ so as to improve their financial results; and bettering the welfare living standards in national and transnational environments and communities.
ANAPLOUS' guideline is that the cultural outcome both as a creation and its harvest must be a spotless and “contributing” element to the economy. To this end, ANAPLOUS generates and initiates original ideas; organizes and accomplishes innovative projects in synergy with an extended network of strategic co-operations; blueprints novel practices for the implementation of the corporate social role; and actively participates in expanding the corporate advancement.

Main Projects / Activities
Contact (1) Full Name
Vassileia Katsani, Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Vassileia Katsani, Founder
Contact (2) Full Name
Dimitri C. Tsitos


National Network

Mamai 3A, Str.

+30 210 8228795
Telephone (other)
(+30) 210 8228795
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
National-level non-profitable, registered NGO, comprised/ administered by its Members' General Assembly and a 7-members' Administrative Board. At present, MedSOS employs 7 permanent collaborators/ staff while a network of Supporting Members and external partners is involved in projects in part-time or voluntary basis. Sources of funding include members’ subscription fees, private donations and public (national and international) project grants Modalities of action include information campaigns, production of print, audiovisual and multimedia material, organization of cultural events, environmental education & training (seminars, conferences) activities, youth volunteer work and exchanges, networking with NGOs and public agencies at local, national, regional level, media work
Mission and Objectives

MEDITERRANEAN SOS is a Greek environmental and social NGO, active since 1990, for the protection of the natural and cultural heritage and the promotion of sustainable development of the Mediterranean Sea area, for the dialogue between the peoples of the region. Aims:
Raising public awareness and encouraging changes in citizens' -especially youth- everyday behavior that impact on the environment
Advocating, lobbying and promoting cooperation among social partners, stakeholders amp policy-makers
Promoting active public participation in sustainable development strategies and demonstrating alternative solutions in local communities
Promoting intercultural exchanges and balanced international cooperation among European - Mediterranean partners

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects are activities focus around issues of:
• Marine environment & coastal zones
• Water Resources
• Natural protected areas, local communities, urban environment
• Energy and Climate Change
• Euro Med cooperation
• Civil Society and Intercultural Dialogue
• International NGO Networking
For complete details of recent projects and activities, please visit:http://www.medsos.gr/content/view/188/90

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Myrsini Koukiasa, Actions & Events Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Mr Evangelos Koukiasas, President of the Administrative Board

ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence

National Network

Ptolemaion 29A, PC.54630

+30 2310 285 688
Telephone (other)
+30 2310 328 791
+30 2310 222 503
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
“ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence” is a non-governmental and non-profit organization established in 1993 with 11 employees and associates working on a daily basis in Thessaloniki and Athens. During 2001-2007 ANTIGONE was the official partner for creating the RAXEN National Focal Point of Greece for the EUMC (European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia) and since 2007 is the official Greek partner of the EUMC’s subsequent organization FRA (European Agency for Fundamental Rights). ANTIGONE launches a variety of awareness-raising activities, training seminars and anti-discrimination events, works on a large number of research projects with both national and European partners and disseminates relevant publications and issues press releases. In the context of its function, ANTIGONE has undertaken more than 40 studies on racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism in the sectors of employment, education, legislation, racial violence and housing in Greece. ANTIGONE receives funding from national and European projects as well as from donations.
Mission and Objectives

“ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence” has as most important aim the improvement of living in various sectors of society.
The target groups are mainly the so called discriminated groups of society as refugees, migrants, minorities, prisoners, the elderly and the disabled.
Its philosophy is always to follow the needs of the people; to maintain a strong bond to the movements and groups in order to know their realities, and not to oppose projects and aims but to develop them in cooperation with the targeted groups.
Furthermore, taking into consideration the social framework of the target groups, ANTIGONE, through its activities, tries to inform and to create awareness to the society about the situation and the issues concerning racism, ecology, peace and non violence.

Main Projects / Activities

ANTIGONE launches a variety of awareness-raising activities, training seminars and anti-discrimination events. Works on a large number of research projects with both national and European partners, disseminates relevant publications and issues press releases.
In the context of its function, ANTIGONE has undertaken more than 40 studies on racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism in the sectors of employment, education, legislation, racial violence and housing in Greece.
Participates in press conferences concerning issues of discrimination and in various Antiracist Festivals in Athens, Thessaloniki and other cities. Since 2002, it organizes an annual National Round Table. Government representatives, public officials, academics, NGOs and migrant and minority organizations participate in the event.
Some of the activities that ANTIGONE implements concern lessons of the Greek language to migrant people and refugees, consulting and support regarding employment issues towards Roma people as well as women, trainings for migrant women, creative workshops for prisoners, peace dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Pavlina Lazaridou
Head of the organisation
Prof. Alexander Georgopoulos
Contact (2) Full Name
Patrizia Deiala