Association "Growth Research Unit"

National Network

Złocistych Łanów 8
05-540 Zalesie Górne

+48 668 474 282
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Association Growth Research Unit consists of The Main Gathering of Members (16 members), the Board with representative and executive functions and the Supervisory Committee with control function. All members cooperate on voluntarily basis. As for fields of interest, we operate in the area combining entrepreneurship, sustainable development and entrepreneurship. We are also an active member of “Porozumienie Karpackie” – a network of organizations in Poland working together to support implementation of sustainable development regulations in the Polish Carpathian Mountains. GRU is located in Kraków, however our aim is to bring projects and develop initiatives in small localities where knowledge transfer, sharing experiences and skills with other organizations worldwide is most needed.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to support and develop activities and research in the field of local sustainable entrepreneurship, enhancing entrepreneurial culture and enriching people's experiences by building cross-cultural networks and building inter-cultural dialogue. We aim at reaching out to small communities and minorities.

Main Projects / Activities

“From Fringes to the Centre of Society – Entrepreneurial Women for Sustainable Economic Security. Feasibility Visit”
We have organized a networking meeting between representatives of 4 cultures: Polish – Silesian, Polish-Roma, Israeli-Jewish and Israeli-Palestinian (Bedouin). The participants met in Gmina Bojszowy (Poland) with local youth and representatives of local institutions to get to know each other and to discuss the situation of women and youth in their cultures in the context of entrepreneurship. The project was funded by the Youth in Action Programme.
Workshops in intercultural communications and against “hate speech” for school youth.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We bring expertise in the fields of minority entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship development, sustainable development and culture. We would be happy to share and develop our skills through common projects with partners from the Mediterranean area.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to Join the ALF Network to be able to participate more actively in creating the dialogue and sharing knowledge, ideas and skills with partners from the Middle East countries as well as organizations in the national network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandra Biernacka
Head of the organisation
Aleksandra Biernacka
Contact (2) Full Name
Dominika Lemler

Association of Rural Population Varini Society

National Network

Oktobra 3a, Varini, Smiltenes novads, Latvija, LV-4726
Varinu parish, county Smiltene,

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Today it units 26 rural women. 2012 Society of 8542 budget amounted to LVL. The main sources of funding are implemented projects. Project funders Social Integration Fund, the EAFRD, donations and membership fees. Various projects to strengthen the capacity of societies and student extracurricular events, useful leisure time. Working with schools minority students Rēzekne 2 High School.
Mission and Objectives

Society is to promote rural development and creative full harmonious environment.
To encourage people who are not active to involve in activities developing civil society and democracy.
To promote charity, volunteer work, donation movement fot the individuals and companies.

Main Projects / Activities

To popularize successful experience in developing a civil society and cooperation with all sectors and mass media.
To enlarge international cooperation with other NGO's from different countries.
To provide a stable and long-term action for association.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

With training, seminars, conferences, and various other members of the fund and its events.
Opportunity to collaborate with other organizations in the network and find partners for various projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilze Jaunpetroviča
Head of the organisation
Ilze jaunpetroviča


National Network

45 Bairaktari street,
11526 Athens

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure includes 8 collaborators, several external partners and 50 regional partners.  Primary project is the European Music Day (EMD) events, consisting of engaging partners, organizers, promoters and musicians at national and European level. Activities include live events and VET activities related to the support of Music Makers.  We coordinate and promote hundreds of concerts annually including soloist artists, bands or orchestras simultaneously and we organize national (and European) artistic exchanges, co-productions, seminars, Creativity scholarships etc. Partners and supporters range from governmental bodies and individuals to multinational corporations. During events, we involve up to 2000 volunteers. Budgetary resources varies from 50 to 250 thousand euro per event per year while the financial resources are the result of a balanced budget between state and private donations, sponsoring and funding programs.  In parallel with EMD, we are engaged in several EU projects and are the co-organisers of the Athens Music Week.
Mission and Objectives

Using culture as a tool for local development and specific artistic events as a mean for transnational networking, MESO events aims at combining cultural & entertainment events with Vocational Educational & Training (VET) activities. 
The events are created in such way that they reach very large audiences and the basic objective is to provide equal cultural opportunities and/or incentives to as many as possible citizens from all Europe. 
Though the umbrella of events is promoted as a mainstream and pop event, the overall program always includes most of all young and rising artists (70% young and rising at least) while the music genres includes equally Jazz, trad, classical and hip-hop or electro music (amongst others). 
Vast majority of events, concerts, workshops and seminars that we produce are entrance free. The NPO's Team philosophy is included in its artistic approach, which is to say, to promote unity through diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

We are involved in the coordination of the European Music Day Association (AISBL Fete Europeene de la Musique), we coordinate the Hellenic network (55 cities in 2019) and participate in European consortiums for projects such as the JUMP European Music Market Accelerator or HEMI, the HUB for the Exchange of Music Innovation. We are partners in the European Live Music Association and in the European Research and Innovation Agency for Creative  Clusters.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Including the ALF purposes and aims in all our projects, events and promotional tools. Developing special projects and creating events that will be able to support the general aims and goals of the ALF, and/or direct or indirect events for special ALF project needs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For already 2 decades, we are participating in the development of innovative / sustainable projects that unites creative people from various countries and continents. Besides, being bi-nationals most of us and dreaming about a wider transnational cooperation that could gather and connect people from different countries in order to cooperate as an international community of practice, we wish to be part of the ALF partners

Contact (1) Full Name
Georges Perot
Head of the organisation
Georges Perot
Contact (2) Full Name
Anta Paparapti


National Network

Maria Prästgårdsgata 12
118 52 Stockholm

0046-70-305 87 07
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0046-70-305 87 07
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

ArtAgent is an art organisation in Stockholm, Sweden. It was founded in September 2012 by. The structure of the organization: Lott Alfreds, president, Charlotte Åberg, secretary, Fredrik Nielsen, accounter, Lott Alfreds and Charlotte Åberg responsible attesters and caucus.

ArtAgent is an art organisation in Stockholm, Sweden. It was founded in September 2012 is run by Lott Alfreds and Charlotte Åberg. Through participatory and situation-specific art in the public realm, ArtAgent works to develop an increased awareness of the potential and capacity of art to impact society. ArtAgent runs projects at various locations: in neighborhoods, schools, social institutions, workplaces, public squares and art institutions, both in Sweden and internationally.

The members of ArtAgent have a long experience in the field both in Sweden and internationally. The artists in ArtAgent share their knowledge through art practice, meetings and art workshops.

Facebook #artagent_stockholm

Instagram@ artagent–stockholm

Mission and Objectives

ArtAgents mission is to initiate and organize art projects together with excluded and vulnerable groups in Balkan and Sweden. ArtAgent focuses on participatory art projects at schools, orphan-houses prisons, elder cares, hospitals and at residential areas in segregated municipalities. Art can be extended to the invisible materials used by everyone, the invisible materials of speech, thought and discussion in order to shape our society.

From the ArtAgent members long experience in the field they have identified positive outcomes from participation in the arts in Sweden and Europe. ArtAgent promotes the value of arts activity as being both intrinsic and instrumental, with the intrinsic being personal and individual, and the instrumental delivering a broad realm of benefits to society and civil life.

Main Projects / Activities

Documentary video and photos from participatory working process in communities made by artists and staff active in prisons, orphan houses, elder cares and other social institutions. Evaluation reports made by each partners about participatory art projects in Sweden, Albania, FYRO Macedonia, Kosovo and Croatia. Facebook and Instagram sites with blogs, photo documentary and texts about the on-going working process.

Art books with pictures from the participatory art projects; from the working process with people in communities and pictures by the work made by people in communities, prisoners, orphans, elder people and people from other institutions, texts by researchers about participatory art projects. An overview text by about the whole project.
Video films; art-video and documentary, performances, music and sculptures at participatory workshops in Sweden, Balkan and Egypt.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lott Alfreds
Job Title
Founder and co-director
Head of the organisation
Lott Alfreds
Contact (2) Full Name
Charlotte Åberg
Job Title (2)
Founder and co-director

Bilda Sydväst - Göteborg Office

National Network

Parkgatan 4
411 38 Gothenburg

0046(0)31-730 35 10
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Bilda has 52 member organisations, mostly churches and Christian organisations. Is a one of ten Swedish study association, organising study circles, seminars, cultural programs and education. Number of staff: 200. Budget per year: 300 million SEK, mostly funded by government grants The organisation has eight regional branches and has activities in almost the whole country.

Mission and Objectives

The key to understanding is people coming together learning from each other. What matters is the desire to learn rather than demands set by others.Be it music, reading, cooking, talking –it could be almost anything! Interpretation of life in broad sense is the overall profile of Bilda. We want to create free zones where different perspectives will meet. We offer activities for culture and liberal adult education.

Main Projects / Activities

Organising study circles, seminars, cultural programs and education. With our study centre in Jerusalem as a resource we also conduct study tours to Israel and the Palestinian territories.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a national program and regional branches and are eager to cooperate with other organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like join the network to be in touch with other organisations working with education, culture and exchange of ideas, in Sweden but also on an international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Noomi Gustafsson
Job Title
Verksamhetsutvecklare Samhälle
Head of the organisation
Ivar Hedén Judt (Region Chief)
Contact (2) Full Name
Annelie Anderberg
Job Title (2)
Verksamhetsutvecklare hållbarhet


National Network

Järntorget 3
413 04 Göteborg

031-775 09 44
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Civis Association is a non-governmental organisation with no political or religious affiliations, founded in 2003, as a continuation of the Civis Foundation and as a result of the formalisation of the support group that had been created around the Foundation. The Civis Foundation was founded in 1996 and a field office in Colombia was opened in 2000. Since 2009, the Civis Association is responsible for all activities and all funding obtained from different donors and the Civis Foundation is now closed. Civis association has a traditional NGO-structure and are membership based. The members elect annually a board of directors, responsible for the management of the organisation. Civis is currently having 12 employees, five at the head office in Gothenburg and seven in our Colombia office. The annual turnover is app 4.7 million SEK, with Sida as the main donor.
Mission and Objectives

The overall goal of the Civis Association is to contribute to a peace culture by promoting marginalised young people’s social and political participation, gender equality and non-violence, mainly in Colombia.
Civis supports and strengthens peace initiatives in conflict zones to defend human rights and to build democracy. It also supports financially initiatives aimed at building bridges between theory and practice in the peace and conflict resolution area.
The main target group is marginalised young people and focus is currently on working directly with youth organisations.

Main Projects / Activities

Civis is currently implementing the third and final year of its Colombia programme funded by Sida, and its current project funded by Forum Syd is part of this programme. Through the programme, Civis is supporting eight three-year field projects and several six month projects implemented by youth organisations in different parts of Colombia.
While the projects are all different, there is a mainstreamed focus on resisting involvement in the armed conflict through non-violence and peaceful participation. Since this programme is coming to an end in December this year, Civis is currently elaborating a new Colombia Programme. While there will be some changes, the main focus on young people, youth organisations and non-involvement in the armed conflict will be maintained.
Apart from the Colombia Programme, Civis is also implementing a three year programme funded by the European Commission (2010-2012) focused on the right to conscientious objection to compulsory military service.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anders Pettersson

Christian Council of Sweden (CCS)

National Network

Ekumeniska centret
16714 Bromma
14038 Stockholm

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The christian council of Sweden is an umbrella for the 4 christian church families in Sweden and hosts 25 member churches and engages 25 staff. Average budget over a year sums up to approximately 15 million SEK,out of which half is made up by member fees and half from external donors through different projects, mainly from Sida. Among the projects are the ecumenical accompaniment program to Palestine and Israel.
Mission and Objectives

To coordinate theological reflection between churches and parishes and strive for the unification of all the churches in Sweden, as well as fostering a dialogue between people of different faiths on an international level.

Main Projects / Activities

Ecumenical theology, ecumenical testimony, ecumenical diacony/church & society, peace culture, fairtrade, ecumenical accompaniment.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a faith-based organization, working with an ecumenical approach both on a national and an international level, we could contribute with a unique profile/experience to the network, as one of few faith-based member organisations within the Swedish network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karin Wiborn
Head of the organisation
Karin Wiborn
Contact (2) Full Name
Peter Karlsson
Job Title (2)
Handläggare migration och integration

Culture Clinic

National Network

SE-413 04 Gothenburg
SE-413 04 Gothenburg

+46 31 155650
Telephone (other)
+46 707 725650
Mobile Phone
+46 707 725650
Mobile Phone (other)
+46 709 845538
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Culture Clinic is a NGO based in Sweden that works within the fields of democracy and human rights on a local, regional and international level. We work in a network of cultural institutions and independent culture organisations, educational institutions, areas of business and politics. We work without political or religious associations and is open for everybody. Primarily we work in Sweden, Greece, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia and Azerbaijan – although now we are looking towards the Euro-Med area. We receive funding from the Western Region of Sweden, Swedish Institute, Forum Syd, Swedish National board for Youth Affairs and European Youth Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

Culture Clinic creates and runs projects and meeting places.
Culture Clinic works to influence and change existing structures that prevent and obstruct for the different partners to co-operate.
Culture Clinic builds networks to increase possibilities for cross-bordering understanding and co-operations.
Our mission is to create cultural projects in association with the needs and demands of society and individuals. Throughout, our work is based on a well functioning communication structure and a genuine interest in getting people to meet and co-operate.

Main Projects / Activities

We work with regional development programme where we use a system of indicators to evaluate and analyse an areas (town, city, region) cultural potential as a tool for growth and development. The system is based on participation from business, politics and the third sector of the focus area. The objective is to set common goal for development. We use various methods of arts and culture in our workshops, seminars, exchanges and study circles to achieve progress and development within the specific area.
We also conduct
- Seminars, workshops and trainings
- Youth exchanges
- Administrative, financial and marketing consulting

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Svensson
Head of the organisation
Maria Svensson
Contact (2) Full Name
Erika Harlitz

European - kurdstan Green Organization

National Network

Hishiar Abdulkarim
Storgatan 36
57131 Nassjo


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Director General of the Organization( Handren Ashraf Naoman ) Deputy Director-General ( Dindar Mado ) Director of Administration and Accounts ( Mounir Osman Said ) Director of the organization in Norway ( hemen Noaman ) Director of the organization in Sweden ( Hishiar Abdulkarim ) Director of the organization in Germany ( Mohammad Brefky ) The Organization's Budget: The organization's financial source is . Registration fees and membership fees . Benefits from public and private agencies . Donations and gifts from members and others. Donations and benefits from regional and international organizations approved by the board. The organization is independent in regards to finance and administration. The organization's funds shall be put into bank accounts chosen by the board with approval from the chairman. The board keeps accounts according to the Finance Act. To preserve all of nature's component like, humans, animals, plants and inanimate objects in Kurdistan and across the globe. To work towards reinforcing democracy and development. To avoid social violence and hold onto human values by respecting human rights and social justice on account of the impossibility to care for the environment where humans are not valued. Hence the reason these principles constitute the views and philosophy of the organization. Director of the Organization in Iraq
Mission and Objectives

The organization’s main objective: The Green organization is a non-profitable, non-political NGO created to promote environmental awareness and provide solutions to the environmental challenges we face today .
to protect the environment and nature, working to develop forests and planting of trees. Combating the destruction of nature and the felling of trees, protecting and developing water sources.
Disseminate information about environmental culture to protect nature and its resources, and to lead campaigns about hygiene and environmental protection through various media channels.
Co-operation with various NGO environmental organizations to develop a program to protect the environment from destruction.
Work towards improving the environment for future generations' lives and towards creating an environmentally friendly economy.

Main Projects / Activities

Awareness and education and counseling and seminars. And some landscaping projects and campaigns

Contact (1) Full Name
Hishiar Abdulkarim
Head of the organisation
Handren Ashraf Naoman
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammad Brefky

Kulturföreningen Lätting

National Network

Hamiltongatan 1 80266

+46 26 18 93 83
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 76 225 44 73
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Main tasks are cultural activities, our focus is on innovation and we also includes fields of culture, social inclusion, transnationality using number of national and international networks. We are also working with labor market issues, and the objectives are to develop new methods and tools to contribute to the work against unemployment and to support active citizenship. In total the staff includes 20 employed persons and 130 full time participants through different programs.
Mission and Objectives

Culture House Lätting in foundation is a party-political and religious free non-profitable association with a purpose to broaden the cultural range in Gävle. In present, the association works as an umbrella organization, existing of a number of project within different activity areas. Both local, regional, national and international co-operations characterizes the organization

Main Projects / Activities

Our enterprise, which is an international one, consists of culture activities for children and adults. Completion of national and international projects, competence development and different applicable and non applicable cooperations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ninni Berggren Magnusson
Head of the organisation
Ninni Berggren Magnusson
Contact (2) Full Name
Susanne Ruthström