Kristna Fredsrörelsen (Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation)

National Network

Box 140 38
167 14 Bromma

+46 08-453 68 47
Telephone (other)
+46 08-453 68 41
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation (SweFOR) is a nonviolence movement that works for peace and justice. Our aim is a world free from violence, be it in the form of war, oppression or injustice. We are a part of IFOR - the International Fellowship of Reconciliation. We have a national board, a number of local groups, 14 staff in Sweden and 18 in Latin America, mostly on voluntary basis. Main partners are Swedish Muslims for Peace and Justice, Justapaz (Colombia), Clave (Colombia) and Sonad (Southern Sudan).

Mission and Objectives

In a world where people often react to conflict either by being passive or resorting to violence, we believe that there is a third way, the way of nonviolence. The Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation has a long history of working for peace and reconciliation through active nonviolence. We are a Christian, ecumenical member-based organisation, that often work together with people of different faith. We bring people together in the hope of a new society – a world of peace and justice, where military might is disarmed and where conflicts are prevented by peaceful means. One of our contributions is being a presence in areas of conflict. We support local peace actors in various parts of the world in their work to strengthen human rights and build peace, through non-violent methods.

Main Projects / Activities

We give courses in nonviolence, conflict resolution and peaceful conflict management. We send volunteers to Guatemala, Mexico and Colombia, where they support local peace-building efforts and protect human rights defenders. We work for disarmament and improved control over the arms trade through codes of conduct, laws and regulations. We promote peace and reconciliation in the Middle East through advocacy work. SweFOR also analyses security and defence policy in Sweden and is pushing for world leaders to sign up to forceful disarmament agreements and to prevent violent conflict.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kari Berg
Job Title
Coordinator Sweden
Head of the organisation
Lotta Sjöström Becker (Secretary General)
Contact (2) Full Name
Lotta Becker
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

The Guide and Scouts of Sweden

National Network

Box 12 280
102 27 Stockholm

+46-8-555 065 00
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Swedish Guide and Scout Council is the federation for the five scoutassociations in Sweden. Currently the Council has 25 employees and 100 000 members in Sweden. Throughout the world 38 millions are members of the scout movement. In Sweden, the council is partly financed by memberfees of the 5 scoutassociations, we are mainly financed through projectfinancing from different foundations, such as Allmänna Arvsfonden, Ungdomsstyrelsen, Folke Bernadotte Academy. 
Mission and Objectives

Our projects aims at creating a better world by strengthening young people by using our unique method, the scoutmethod.

Main Projects / Activities

We do international youth exchanges, volunteerwork as well as participating in international seminars together with our partners all over the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hannah Stanton
Head of the organisation
Anna Nilsson


National Network

c/o Stanisic, Sandfjärdsgatan 101
120 56 Årsta

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Terraforming is a CSO network based in Stockholm (Sweden), Novi Sad (Serbia) and Amsterdam (Netherlands), with partners, contributors, associates and project activities all around Europe.
Mission and Objectives

Most activities are related to different aspects of teaching and learning about the Holocaust, promoting human rights, diversity and tolerance, and combating discrimination, intolerance, antisemitism, antiziganism and all forms of xenophobia, while debunking bias, myths, prejudice and stereotyping.
Through education and public outreach programs Terraforming empowers multipliers such as teachers, librarians, archivists, and other NGO activists, by developing and providing teaching materials and methodologies, facilitating training programs and international exchange of experiences and best practices.

Main Projects / Activities

Terraforming have longstanding expertise in developing and writing grant proposals with proven track record of successful applications to major international funding institutions. With its large network among cultural and educational institutions, scholars, experts, NGOs and other stakeholders around Europe, Terraforming sets up cross-sectoral international project cooperations and exchange.
More info:
Awarded Yehuda Bauer Grant for best project in 2016 by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance IHRA;

Contact (1) Full Name
Milenko Stanisic
Head of the organisation
Milenko Stanisic


National Network

Mellanvågsgatan 5
421 43 Västra Frölunda

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Samarbetsbolaget offer services within the following areas:

* Intercultural co-operation
* Conflict transformation
* Diversity
* Leadership
* Organizational development

We also plan, arrange and moderate conferences around various topics.

Mission and Objectives

We are a group of individuals working to:
* promote cross-border understanding and mutual learning
* assist people and organizations in resolving conflicts
* promoting diversity and the opportunities it brings for development in society, among individuals and within organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

We offer tailor-made lectures and workshops as well as plan and moderate conferences.

We have long experience of workshop design and concept creation.

We offer lectures and training on Intercultural co-operation, Conflict transformation, Diversity, Leadership and Organizational development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By inter-cultural competences and tools for intercultural learning.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To exchange tools with other actors doing simular work and to expand our international network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Patrick Gruczkun
Job Title
Consultant / Moderator
Head of the organisation
Patrick Gruczkun

Al Thowar for Science, Technology, Human Rights

National Network

سيجر --- امام بوابة المعهد الدينى --- المساكن

5712872 / 040
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
جمعية الثوار للعلوم والتكنلوجيا وحقوق الانسان : المشهره برقم 1527لسنة 2011 ومقرها طنطا غربيه . مجلس ادارة الجمعيه يتكون من سبعة اشخاص ( رئيس ونائب للرئيس وامين صندوق وامين و3 اعضاء )والهيكل الادارى يتكون من (مدير تنفيذى وسكرتيره ومحاسب ):- وكانت ميزانية الجمعيه للعام المالى 2011 (112000) مائه واثنى عشرة الف جنيه لا غير . ولقد اعتمدت الجمعيه فى تمويلها على عدة مصادر منها تنفيذ مشروع جمع وتدوير المخلفات الصلبه ومشروع النظافه وتبرعات بعض رجال الاعمال اضافه الى مساهمات اعضاء الجمعيه ولقد تشاركت الجمعيه معى جمعية فرسيس الخيريه فى مشروع النظافه ومشروع فرز وتدوير المخلفات الصلبه .
Mission and Objectives

رسالة الجمعيه ( نحو تنميه بيئيه مستدامه -- شعب ناضج سياسيا )
1 - ان اهم اهداف الجمعيه هى انت تصل لتنميه بيئيه مستدامه وفيها نحيا فى بيئه صحيه ونظيفه ولا نستهلكها كى نتركها لابنائنا نظيفه كما استلمناها نظيفه لذلك كان اهتمامنا بمشاريع بيئيه حفاظا على البيئه .
2 - لما كان الوعى السياسى احد اهداف الجمعيه ولما كان الشباب هم اهم الفئات المستهدفه قامت الجمعيه بالتشبيك مع عدة جمعيات اخرى وانشأت ( مدرسة الكادر السياسى )والتى ساهمت فى حملات التوعيه السياسيه فى محافظى الغربيه والتحق بها فى الفصل الدراسى الاول 100 طالب من مختلف قرى ومراكز المحافظه

Main Projects / Activities

1 - مشروع ( مدرسة الكادر السياسى ) ولقد انتهينا الان من الفصل التمهيدى الاول للمدرسه فى 6 اشهر وسنبدأ الفصل التمهيدى الثانى 7 اكتوبر 2012 .
2 - مشوع النظافه + فرز وتدوير المخلفات الصلبه ونسعى الان ان نتمكن مالقيام باعمال الفرز من المنبع .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ان مؤسسة انا ليندا وما لها من باع طويل فى شتى المجالات قادره على المساعده فى المشروعات التى نقوم بها .
1 - فمشروع جمع القمامه وتدوير المخلفات الصلبه وما يحققه من حفاظ على البيئه يعد تجربه جيده تساهم فى ان يبقى العالم كله نظيفا وان مشاركتنا فى انا ليندا يعنى ان انا ليندا هى الاسم الاهم فى هذا المشروع بما يستفيد منه المشروع من تكنلوجيا الحفاظ على البيئه حتى تصبح تنميه بيئيه مستدامه حقيقيه .
2 - ان مشروع (مدرسة الكادر السياسى ) هو تجربه فريده من نوعها فى مصر والعالم العربى وقد تتخطاها الى ابعد من ذلك .فان قيام 3 جمعيات اهليه بإنشاء مدرسه لتدريس السياسه ان تكون الدراسه فيها مجانيه ومنتظمه لشىء رائع ومتميز . واننا نسعى من خلال عضويتنا فى انا ليندا ان نتمكن من الاستمرار فى هذا لمشروع المتميز .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ان محاولتنا الانضمام الى مؤسسة انا ليندا مهة جدا بالنسبة لنا لاسباب عديده :-
1 - مؤسسة انا ليندا تتمتع بسمعه طيبه بين المؤسسات الدوليه العامله فى مصر .
2 - مؤسسة انا ليندا تعمل فى مصر بشكل قانونى ومصر عضو فيها .
3 - الاستفاده من خبراتكم الواسعه والتدريب على كل ماهو جديد فى كل المجالات التى تنفزها المؤسسه .
4 - اقامة شبكة علاقات واسعه مع المنظمات العضوه فى انا ليندا .
5 -

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Ahmad Mashali
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Ahmad Mashali
Contact (2) Full Name
Shaimaa Mohmad Nomany

Association National pour le Developpement Local Participatif ANADELP

National Network

Nouakchott Ilot L 110 tel 002225254174/ BP 1556

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
L’Association Nationale pour le Développement Local Participatif (ANADELP), est une organisation non gouvernementale, créée par un groupe de cadres mauritaniens multidisciplinaires, travaillant dans le domaine du développement à la base surtout dans le cadre du renforcement des capacités et la micro-finance. L’ANADELP, est indépendante de tout groupe ou organisme. L’ANADELP, est agréée au Ministère de L’intérieur des Postes et Télécommunications sous le numéro : 0617 en date du 26 juin 1999. L’ANADELP, est membre de plusieurs réseaux dont l’Union nationale des ONG de Mauritanie
Mission and Objectives

Animation rurale et organisation d’institutions paysannes de base ;
Formation des organes de gestion et développement de l’approche participative ;
-Identification et mise en œuvre des programmes prioritaires de développement au niveau local ;
Alphabétisation fonctionnelle ;
Formation des gestionnaires et élaboration de guides méthodologiques de gestion et de procédures ;
Animation rurale et approche participative.
Renforcement des capacités institutionnelles des organisations de base.
Micro finance : organisation d’IMF, suivi, contrôle, procédures de gestion, formation.
Enquêtes socio-économiques et gestion de bases des données.
Organisation et animation des groupements féminins

Main Projects / Activities

Animation rurale et approche participative.
Renforcement des capacités institutionnelles des organisations de base.
Micro finance : organisation d’IMF, suivi, contrôle, procédures de gestion, formation.
Enquêtes socio-économiques et gestion de bases des données.
Organisation et animation des groupements féminins

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Jiddou Zein
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Jiddou Zein
Contact (2) Full Name
Med Naji Bellal


National Network

Association for the Support of People with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD CYPRUS
PO Box 12187,
2341 Nicosia, Cyprus


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
ADD-ADHD Cyprus is a voluntary organization that began in Cyprus in 2000. It became a registered charity in 2004 with a nine member Board of Directors. Our members include more than 1000 full or associate members consisting of parents, teachers, doctors and specialists that have an interest in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD). We offer lectures, seminars, support groups, guidance/coaching, special education lessons, occupational therapy, speech & language therapy, assessments and advocacy. Having earned the respect of the Ministries of Health and Education, as well as from our donors, network partners, international AD/HD Community, civil society and the media, we are now supported by and are able to work directly with these organizations in order to better achieve our goals. What is AD/HD?  Individuals with AD/HD experience chronic problems with inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity to a greater degree than the average person.  Without early identification and appropriate treatment, AD/HD can have serious consequences that include school failure and drop out, depression, conduct disorder, failed relationships, underachievement in the workplace, and substance abuse.  When appropriately treated, people with AD/HD lead productive and satisfying lives.  AD/HD sufferers need ongoing support, encouragement and patience. AD/HD Facts  AD/HD is a neurobiological disorder that affects roughly 5% of school-age children.  Most AD/HD sufferers are of average or above average intelligence.
Mission and Objectives

Our Vision, Mission & Goals
Is To improve the lives of all those affected by AD/HD in Cyprus by offering support,
information, education and advocacy, so that we can fulfil our vision of an empowered and
integrated AD/HD community.
 To raise awareness in Cyprus so that AD/HD sufferers are understood, accepted and
empowered to become active, contributing members of society.
 To ensure that AD/HD children receive timely diagnosis and educational assistance
through the Ministry of Education.
 To ensure that AD/HD sufferers have access to a reasonable range of effective
medications through the Ministry of Health and that AD/HD is recognized as a
chronic condition.

Main Projects / Activities

ADD-ADHD CYPRUS Achievements
 Support
o 2009 Expanded Walk-In Centre in Nicosia, offering support, information and training
o 2009 Multidisciplinary Team of Specialists for primary and secondary support
o 2000 Emotional support group monthly meetings began.
o 2004 Monthly support meetings were launched with parent/teacher leaders island-wide
 Information
o 2005 Produced information leaflets, booklets, DVD’s in Greek, Turkish and English and
reprinted in 2010 (EEA NGO Fund Grant)
o 2005 informative website and redesigned as information portal 2012
o 2005 to date - newsletter
 Education/Training
o Annual Open Training in AD/HD for parents, teachers and therapists in memory of Goula
Stylianidou, child neurologist who tragically died in 2008.
o Regular Parent/Teacher seminars offered since 2009.
o 2008 & 2009 workshops for Pediatricians (trained more than 150 doctors island wide in
AD/HD and commorbidities by Child & Adolescent Psychiatrists Dr. Nikos Myttas and
Dr. Julietta Kali-Laouri)
o Trained 300 parents in parenting skills by qualified trainers 2006-2010
o Trained 60 ‘Train the Trainers’ for Teachers and Advocates in schools and community –
2 yr programme 2006-2008
o Awareness Media Presentation to Private & Public schools, through the Ministry of
Education and Parents Associations 2008 - 2010
o Annual European AD/HD Awareness Week events and activities island-wide since 2008.
 Advocacy
o Education
 Annual circulation of AD/HD leaflet to all 1st grade families distributed through
Ministry of Education.
 Training programmes at primary and secondary levels to all teachers.
o Health
 Made available medications through Ministry of Health ‘one pill a day’ which
removed the stigma from children needing a medication ‘top up’ at school.
 2011 All AD/HD medications made available for FREE to all ‘pink card’ holders
o Education/Health Collaboration
 Lobbied and liaised with the Ministries of Education and Health to train 600+
primary and secondary school teachers and develop special education in Cyprus
with Dr. Loretta Giorcelli OAM, and 300 Doctors by Dr. Paul Hutchins,
Pediatric Consultant, both from Australia.
 2010 Submitted suggestions for needs to Commissioner of Children’s Rights
 Members of following Networks in Cyprus:
o Founding Partner of Learning Difficulties Network of Cyprus (Bicommunal)
o Cyprus Network for Youth Development (Bicommunal)
o Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC) (Consortium of bicommunal orgs)
o Scientific Committee member of annual parent congress “Οι Γονείς Εκπαιδεύονται”
o Member of Pancyprian Volunteers Coordinative Council
o Member of ADHD-EUROPE since 2010
o ADHD Norge & ADHD samtökin joined ADHD Cyprus Advisory Board and ADHD
experts from Norway and Iceland joined ADHD Cyprus Professional Board.

Contact (1) Full Name
Susan J. Chrysostomou (President and Founder)
Head of the organisation
Susan J. Chrysostomou (President and Founder)


National Network

Toloska suma, Zgrada 2, UP83, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro

+ 382 67 611 666
Telephone (other)
+ 382 68 181 931
Mobile Phone
+ 382 67 611 666
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 382 68 181 931
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
NGO ATAK is association of the freelance artists and students. We are using language of art in alternative ways, with a strong emphasis in active, professional production and presentation of art. NGO ATAK consists of seven people that are: writers, designers, actors, and translators. Right now, we are planning to do playwright Blind and to adapt it for a stage and other projects.
Mission and Objectives

We would like to connect and cooperate with other similar organizations in order to create and include more social – engaged art in many fields such as: publishing, theatre, music, film, fine art, design, comic, video, and graffiti.

Main Projects / Activities

- Translation, printing and promotion of playwright "Blind" by Belgian Nobel Prize winner Maurice Maeterlinck, published by NGO ATAK and Open Cultural Forum
- Active presentation of segment from playwright "Blind" on the military airport Golubovci with the participation of ATAK's members, Association of youth with disabilities
- Participation in the program during the exhibition "Salvador Dali" in the Public Museums and Galleries Podgorica (poetic, acting, video and newspapers)
- active literary evening with the participation of the young Montenegrin poets; topic "Mysticism of Dead Poets" in Apartment 201, Podgorica
- Program "NGO gathering in total darkness" within Erste Foundation Award, Podgorica

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NGO ATAK could contribute with opening of new artistic spaces in Montenegro and to improve communication in artistic field. Within this we can activate other artists to contribute with their creation to Network as well as to Motenegrin cultural scene.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because, we considered that joining AFL Network is important to us, as young organisation, and that we can connect with other similar organisations in order to improve our actions and to share and gain experience from others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dragana Tripkovic
Head of the organisation
Dragana Tripkovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefan Boskovic

Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)

National Network

Rozmanova ulica 30, 8000 Novo mesto
Novo mesto

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
- president, secretary general, project coordinators, social workers - No budget, projects for cca 800.00 EUR per year. - 22 employees. 20-40 projects per year (education for Roma and migrants (all ages, genders. We are applying to local, national and EU calls and funds (ESF, EACEA, EIDHR, EYF, CEI, IPA, BIFC ...). Members of ALDA
Mission and Objectives

Non-profit and humanitarian organization acting in accordance with the public interest in the field of social protection for 20 years. Our mission is to contribute to more inclusive and open society for all. Our two leading programs therefore deal with inclusion of socially excluded groups and with the stimulation of the NGO development and civil dialogue.
Our activities within the programs are performed by expert and voluntary work. We promote the values of solidarity, tolerance, voluntarism, active living, clean environment, citizenship awareness, social entrepreneurship and inter-cultural dialogue, ...

Main Projects / Activities

Promotion and development of voluntary work is the method running underneath all of our programs and activities. We promote voluntary work in the areas of social work, education, culture, art, sport, intergenerational cooperation, human rights, migrations, migrants, advocacy, active citizenship, international NGO cooperation, health, environmental issues, social entrepreneurship, NGO consulting, development and support, ...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are eligibile and agile partner on any project idea.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We respect your work and woulda like tobe a part of your story. We are always eager to network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mitja Bukovec

Islamic Religious Authority of Austria / Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich (IGGiÖ)

National Network

Presidential Offices: Bernardgasse 5, 1070 Vienna/AUSTRIA;
Departments: Neustiftgasse 117, 1070 Vienna/AUSTRIA


+43 523 3645-28
Telephone (other)
+43 523 3645-23
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The IGGiÖ is a corporation under public law and the official representation of Austrian Muslims. It serves as an umbrella organisation of more than 250 Muslim associations in whole Austria. There are IGGiÖ-branches in 8 of the 9 Austrian provinces. The main responsibility of the IGGiÖ is the state-funded supply of Islamic religious education at Austrian public and private schools. About 60.000 pupils of Islamic confession attend Islamic religious education lessons. Beside the IGGiÖ is providing all services related to Islamic care-taking, f.e. in hospital, military services, marriages, burrials etc. The organisation is running different institutions to train Islamic religious teachers. Also they offer kindergartens and private Islamic schools. The main partner in the organisation's responsibilities is the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture. The President of the organization and its officials are working on a honorary basis. The President is elected according to its Constitution every four years. Since 2011 Dr. Fuat Sanac, he is of Turkish origin, is the acting president. The Muslim communities in Austria are mainly with a Turkish background, followed by Bosnian and Arab associations. The estimated percentage of Muslims living in Austria is 6,2% (EU-Standard is about 3,5%; as of 2013).
Mission and Objectives

According to the Constitution the tasks of the IGGiÖ concern primarily “the keeping and care of religion among the followers of Islam”. Furthermore the IGGiÖ is linking-up between governmental and civil institutions. The dialogue with the Austrian non-Muslim society is a major objective to combat prejudices and stereotypes by offering information on Islam and Austrian Muslims and promote a more active participation of Muslims in Austrian society.

Main Projects / Activities

Beside the official responibilites of the Islamic Religious Authority in Austria, the organisation is very committed in dialogue activities. The IGGiÖ organized with the support of the Austrian Foreign Ministry and other governmental authorities 4 "Imam-Conferences", in 2003, 2006 and 2010 on European level (incl. Shia representation) and in 2005 an Austrian Imam-Conference. Dialogue affirming declarations have been issued on these conferences with special consideration of supporting women in inter-religous dialogue. On national level the IGGiÖ is implementing various initiatives, f.e. training programmes for female spiritual advisers in Muslim communities and so-called dialogue officers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Offer an outreach to the Muslim communitites in Austria for initiatives related to inter-religious dialogue,further education programmes etc. Encourage the participation of Muslim youth and Muslim people living in Austria in the issues of the ALF activities and the foundation's mission. Promote exchange and networking with other NGOs withing the Austrian and the Mediterranean societies relatied to dialogue of cultures.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To add the voice of a religous minority in the network's actions, also with the aim to encourage Austrian Muslims to participate in projects, network-activities and offer the possibility of exchange within the Austrian NGO-society and the international one.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Agnes Tuna - Associated Adviser
Head of the organisation
Dr. Fuat Sanac - President
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Zekirija Sejdini - Head of Shura Council, Press Officer