National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Since 1963 till today, opens the curtains for 50 years AST (AST; Ankara Art Theatre) – was founded at 6 December 1963 by Asaf Çiğiltepe and his friends as a revolutionary-progressive theater, is Turkey’s eldest and entrenched private theatre. AST had protected its percipience of art as an avant-garde theatre which based on team-play. Güner Sümer had taken Asaf Çiğiltepe’s role of General Director of Art after his passing away at a car accident at 1967 while a tour was happening. After Güner Sümer, Rutkay Aziz had taken the place of General Director of Art. For many years Aziz had conducted that position, had his sign at stage as an actor and the director.
Mission and Objectives

Since the 60’s Turkey till todays’; AST is a school that educated hundreds of actors, writers, directors, stage designers, stage musicians and technicians; placed in history as a ‘touchstone’. AST had been a pioneer of youth and experimental theatre against commercial and subsidized ones in its turn of period. As a theatre based on repertory and team play, AST mostly had included contemporary world classics (Samuel Beckett, Brendan Behan, Armand Salacrou, Max Frisch, August Strindberg) had especially gain an identity of being a ‘Brecht-Gorky Theatre’ ; In the meanwhile, it had given an importance to national contemporary Turkish theatre , (Nazım Hikmet, Orhan Kemal, Cahit Atay, Turgut Özakman) also had provided a contribution for educating a generation of new Turkish playwrights.

Main Projects / Activities

AST produced 160 plays in total since the year 1963 and for 50 years it has been protecting its place at Turkey and also the rest of the world as a revolutionary and an avant-garde. To serve for ‘the mother’ of all arts; ‘the art of living’ became the basic artistic idea of AST since its founding.. AST, is opening its curtains with its socialist line of view, and human-centered foundation principles against the difficulties of acting a political theatre, the apolitical climate which had created by the new world order, the culture market which reduces the art to an empty entertainment.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AST has 50-year experience in fine arts. Its experience will be useful for interculturel dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AST would like to open to the world by international networks and ALF is one of the best network to realize this aim.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation


National Network

Istasyon Mah. Ismail Aytemir Cad. Gencehan apt. kat 5
Daire 22. Kars Merkez. 36100. Turkey


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The organization Board consists of 7 members. Core team is 3 persons. Organization has 16 members. The annual budget of the organization is accummulated from the grants. So far, it is unpredictable in a way. For instance, in 2012 the organization had a budget of 52000 USD. The main source of income is international grantmaking foundations and foreign missions. The modalities of actions include: youth exchanges, particular projects in the format of workshops, conferences, international meetings, artistic residencies, etc. The main partners are: HasNa Inc, a nonproffit in D.C., 5th Floor Cultural Group in Gyumri, Armenia, City Research Center in Gyumri, Armenia, AyeAye VO in Nancy France, Kultur Aktiv in Dresden, Germany, KozaVisual in Istanbul, Turkey, MERIDAUNIA S.C.A.R.L. in Bovina, Italy.
Mission and Objectives

KasKa's mission is to promote Kars as a socially, economically and culturally vibrant region, where diversity and multiculturalism are appreciated, human rights and civic participation are put in practice, gender equality is ensured, multi-dimensional cooperation with the neighboring Caucasus is established.
Objectives are:
• Raise awareness on the issues of human rights, civic involvement and participation, urban rights, diversity and equality through workshops, campaigns, trainings etc.
• Supporting women on gaining different competencies and skills, which would lead to the emancipation of the whole society
• Consultancy and support to women activist in their initiatives in nonprofit, business sectors
• Educate the local youth on the issues of human rights, participation, peaceful coexistence and diversity
• Support the mobility of youth, its participation in exchange projects
• Foster multi-dimensional cooperation on nonprofit, businesses sectors between the Kars province and bordering Caucasus
• Support the reconciliation and peacemaking with the neighboring Armenia through building civil dialogue, cultural exchange and business cooperation
• Organize awareness raising activities among the community to inform them about the values and potential of the historic buildings, the possibilities for financial support for renovation and restoration of the historic buildings,
• Enhancing community art as a tool for encouraging the local population to take a role in urban solutions
• Educate the local community and stimulate the demand on arts through organizing exhibitions, performances, concerts, workshops and other artistic events.

Main Projects / Activities

Crafting Peace ( aims at enhancing the economic development, the regional cooperation and reconciliation between the divided communities of Gyumri, Armenia and Kars, Turkey by involving the stone masons – one of the most high reputated artisan groups within their respected communities, into the revitalization and reconciliation process.
Youth Exchange projects:
Borderland 54000 is a youth exchange project which that took place from 1 to 10 september 2012
in Nancy during 18th Aye Aye Film Festival. The festival's area will become a meeting point for young people coming from 5 countries' border areas : Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Germany and
France. 25 people will take part in the project. They could be beginner or experienced journalists working on new media. They will meet to share their experience and build mutual and common projects.
Borderland 02763 will take place in Zittau, Germany on 3-14 July 2013 to give young people from EU and its border regions the possibility to explore the german-polish-czech border area with all its aspects: bridges and missing links, urban and rural development, young and old people, social and cultural projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ihsan Karayazi
Head of the organisation
Canan Kocak

Kolektif Yaşam için Sanat Derneği / ART FOR COLLECTIVE LIFE ASSOCIATION

National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Art for Collective Life Association (ACLA)was established on 11th of February in 2013 in Ankara, Turkey.
Mission and Objectives

ACLA aims to increase active participants of young people and children to fine art activities. ACLA believes that reaching fine arts activities are rights for everybody. ACLA's mission is to give an opportunity of being a part of fine arts to everybody.

Main Projects / Activities

The main co-partners of ACLA is Ankara Art Theatre. Ankara Art Theatre is an 50-year theatre in Turkey. ACLA enrolls in all stage projects of Ankara Art Theatre.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ACLA works on arts and art is one of the best ways to develop intercultural dialogue. ACLA shares experiences with ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of ACLA's mission, ACLA aims to reach everyone and ALF network is so wellknown and big network in Turkey.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Environment And Cultur Association

National Network

Mimar Sinam Mah Alparslan Türkeş Bul Ezgi Ap k:1 no:2

+90 344 2211136
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+90 505 6747993
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
This is the non profit organization which gives people conferances, culturel activity, courses etc. it founded ione of a big city of Turkey. In special occasions, engages in a wide variety of activities to the masses. Budgetary of it is nearly 30 000 tl per year. We get founding from our members.We do a variety of partnerships with official institutions such as forest department, directorate of national education, safety manager.
Mission and Objectives

To strengthen the dialogue between institutions, to raise the cultural values ​​of the region, to improve democracy and human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Our association gives seminars and lectures to the broad masses in important days and weeks for bring together them.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a big experienced staff who work as voluntary. We prepared and implemented some Projects.We want share our experiences to other partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want join ALF for get to know different cultures, to introduce them to our culture, to build a livable world for eliminate our differences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Fatih Mehmet AKMAZ


National Network

Molla Celebi Cesme 1

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information
Promotion of cultural dialogue.
Mission and Objectives

Special attention is on the overcoming of borders, which still exists in the culture between Turkey and other countries.
Our principal objectives are the promotion of exchange and cooperation in order to carry out an intercultural understanding to strengthen as well as above all the cultural dialogue between Turkey and the other countries. Under these circumstances we are supporting initiatives of our members that express the cultural diversity within societies.
The basic research and work of the association focuses on collaboration in old and new media, technology, and theory with an emphasis on social contexts.
The association emphasis professionals working in different creative disciplines (e.g. media-creatives, satirists, visual artists, writers and film-makers); they are brought together in order to develop and open on an international level sources for the realisation of cultural works, projects and activities.
The association is an international network with a participatory and flexible structure that combines advanced creative production, research, events, and documentation.

Main Projects / Activities

InEnArt and its modul Sense of Time - InEnArt is an interactive platform. Visitors can explore content, leave comments and can apply to get authors themselves. InEnArt is a cooperation of various civil society initiatives, that are active in the cultural field, as well as cultural institutions and universities, who understand the unregulated exchange of information as a global, basic need. Together they are launching a social network with the aim to promote cultural diversity and to contribute to a better understanding between cultures.
The partners of InEnArt understand social networks and social software as a resource for creativity and information exchange in the cultural field.
The participation of individuals together will create new unexpected relationships and will contribute to a better understanding of national, ethnic and religious boundaries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Thomas Büsch
Head of the organisation
Müge Yücel


National Network

Türközü mah. 430/1 Sokak No:26/A Mamak/ANKARA

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Our association is non-governmental organization. The Board of Directors consists of 20 people. Search and Rescue, mainly for the purpose of emergency preparedness training, conferences, congresses, symposiums put on. Book and magazine publishing. Remuneration received from our members doing business. There is one branch of the association's headquarters in ANKARA, and four branch in provinces.
Mission and Objectives

Association, to do disaster recovery services provide emergency medical services and search and rescue activities, perform these activities on a voluntary basis, any type of disaster related to printing, publishing and academic future activities, meetings, panel discussions, congresses, conferences and seminars, training, and research centers establish, for the purposes of consulting and project work has been established.

Main Projects / Activities

People First Aid Training,
Housewives, college students first-aid training,
Disaster monitoring system,
An emergency action plan, and search and rescue project...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The project partnership and to contribute with knowledge sharing.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The project partnership, collaboration, and community awareness.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. İlhan ÖZTÜRK
Head of the organisation
Dr. İlhan ÖZTÜRK
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network


0090 212 705 36 09
0090 212 705 36 36
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0090 553 573 43 44
Mobile Phone (other)
0090 532 275 46 46
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
YASAMAK NGO establishes projects in coordination with various TrainingsAssociationtionz and Governmental Organizations. Since it was established in 2011, NGO has partnered with 7 Universities, 6 Vocational Higher Education Schools, 3 other NGO's and 1 Multinational Corporation. During first two years NGO recruited 100 temporary personnel as per project requirements. There is growing volunteer base of 1,000 people in and around Istanbul.
Mission and Objectives

To create a flow of wealth amongst ultra-privileged and under privileged groups of same community, and build structures on common gorunds for sustaining humane dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

Recreational Edutainment Projects, Programmes for Building Culture of Citizenship Governance, Livin Lab Workshops for building a model for creating green and social businesses.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Yasamak NGO can design and co-lead projects in recreational sports, arts and cultures, can mediate different stakeholders to construct programmes that will benefit underprivileged groups. Yasamak NGO will be happy to submit referrals regarding proficiency in building bridges between groups of "have's" and "have not's"

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To contribute and to grow.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Towarzystwo Aktywnej Komunikacji (Active Communications Society)

National Network

ul. Rymarska 10/3
53-206 Wrocław


+48 783783100
Telephone (other)
+48 609645598
+48 717336246
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
TAK association has been operating in Wroclaw under the name “Active Communications Society” since 2001. It brings together the people interested in the conscious and active participation in the communicational processes of the modern world. As our members are specialists in various fields – new media, philology, advertising, television, literature and computer science (18 persons) – we are able to conduct a number of projects which have educational, cultural, pro-health and sport character. At the moment most of the projects conducted by the society deal with literature, visual arts and electronic media. The association has an impressive base of coworkers from different areas: literary specialists, musicians, visual artists and informaticians. We rent an office for the workers and association members (30 sq. m) equipped with computers, with internet access. Since 2006 the president of TAK society has been Marcin Hamkało, holder of a doctorate in the humanities, art director, editor, lecturer, and poet. We are funding through grants and money passed by the City Council of Wroclaw, local and national cultural institutions. Also we apply for grants to Visegrad Fund, international cultural institutions.
Mission and Objectives

The Assoeiation shall be voluntary, permanent and self-governed. Its aims shall be as
1. To create, protect and popularise culture by supporting and promoting artistic work,
cultural education, as well as cultural activities and inttiatives.
2. To promote independent artistic movement, especially film, music, theatre, literature,
painting, design and digital art.
3. To gather and process data regarding noteworthy cultural undertakings.
4. To promote the idea of an information soeiety and active citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

The most important events that have recently been organized and co-produced by TAK are: International Short Story Festival (since 2007, co-produced with the cultural centre Zamek in Wroclaw), Kultuba (for the Wroclaw-European Capital of Culture 2016 office), Kindness Day (for the Wroclaw Promotion Bureau), TIN Weekly (for the Culture and Art Centre in Wroclaw), (for the city of Wroclaw), Wroclaw Sound Festival (for the IMPART Art Centre), Survival Art Review (for the ART TRANSPARENT Foundation), “What are you reading, Madam?” film cycle (together with Polityka weekly). In 2011 our association acquired financial support from the Visegrad Fund for which we organized V4 project in the Polish-Czech-Hungarian-Slovak partnership: its subject was the development of international communication through literature. In 2012 TAK has also acquired additional grants for the “November with Adaptation” festival which will be organized in Kłodzko – it is co-financed by the Lower Silesian Marshall Office. We have also started another project for the Visegrad Fund which will be international V4 Liternet Television.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote the network in Poland. We can involve in it other organizations and work for its development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in the implementation of international projects. We constantly are looking for partners from different countries with which we can cooperate. We are also interested in applying for funds to your Fund.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paweł Rogowski
Head of the organisation
Marcin Hamkało

Svetlana Sosic

National Network

Farmaci bb

00 382 67 637 262
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
I am individual who work like independent worker for cultural institution and oragnization. I am producer for thethre, film and TV. also i am doing marketing managment and Pr for cultural festival and activities.
Mission and Objectives

To improve position of cultural activities in domestic and regional public, and work on good an usefull projects.

Main Projects / Activities

festivals: Montenegro Film Festival, International Tv festival Bar, literary festival in Bijelo Polje and Podgorica, montenegrian feature films.

Contact (1) Full Name
Svetlana Sosic
Head of the organisation
Svetlana Sosic

Asociatia Libera Initiativa si Antreprenoriat Tismana - ALIAT

National Network

Manastirii str. 290, Postal Code: 217495

+40 253 374 481
+40 253 374 481
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+40 765 386 022
Mobile Phone (other)
+40 766 873 330
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
ALIAT is non-governmental association and it was established in GORJ County, South – West part of Romania. The idea of establishment the organization came from group of youngsters of rural community - TISMANA. Organization structure consists of President, Vice-President, Executive Director, International Projects Coordinator, Local Projects Coordinator, Safety/Security Coordinator and Financial Manager. Besides, ALIAT has External Support Team, which means experienced mentors from hosting community, also experienced counterparts with who we cooperate in our EVS projects permanently, language teachers, psychologist and trainers. Since foundation of ALIAT in 2009, organization began to develop and strengthen its cooperation with local and International partners. Association established strong network of them. Recently, our cooperation with program and neighboring partner countries was strengthened through Youth in Action program – Youth Exchanges and EVS. Financial capacity of organization in a year is maximum 25 000 EUR based on implementing projects (group EVS projects, local and national initiatives). Regular activities of ALIAT are: Different kind of non formal educational activities, such as: outdoor activities, sport activities, group games, workshops, to send youngsters abroad under the “Youth in Action” program in order to participate in youth exchanges, to host group EVS projects, local/national projects/initiatives.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the association is to build bridge of friendship, dialogue and mutual understanding between youth from different communities. ALIAT aims to support youngsters by different educational programs, to promote peace-building, Intercultural relations in youth, tolerance and solidarity.
Our target group is children and youngsters with fewer opportunities. Objectives: To provide educational programs to the young people with fewer opportunities (from a less-privileged cultural, geographical or socio-economic background), to promote understanding of cultural diversity and to support their integration into society.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2009, ALIAT succeeded to implement local project “VOLUNTARIAT PENTRU VOLUNTARI” (financed by County department of Youth and Sport – GORJ).
In 2010, ALIAT succeeded to implement local project “1st edition of SARA DE PITARAI” (financed by Local Council of TISMANA).
In 2011, ALIAT succeeded to implement “1st of June – 2011” and “2nd edition of SARA DE PITARAI” (financed by Local Council of TISMANA).
In 2012, ALIAT succeeded to implement national initiative (in GORJ county) “CARAVANA SEV” (financed by European Commission).
In 2012 - 2013, ALIAT succeeded to implement group EVS project “Volunteers for Youth Perspectives – V.Y.P” (financed by ANPCDEFP).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ALIAT will have important role in the view of contribution to the network in Romania and particularly in GORJ region, because it will be the first member organization from mentioned region/county which imposes us big responsibility.
We will be concentrated to initiate interesting and useful projects and use financial capacity of ALF to implement needful projects oriented on community development. We will be respective members of ALF Network, keep the rules and values of it and will promote network among all our local and international partners, as a rare and great opportunity for all organizations/individuals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our interest to join ALF Network can be explained for several reasons. By joining the network, we will have more possibilities to initiate and implement different kind of projects in order to provide support those who are in need of it – youngsters with fewer opportunities. We would like to bring possibilities for youngsters to discover personal and professional advantages of such projects.
As one of our working directions is rural development, network gives us possibility to implement different type of community oriented projects with the financial support of ALF and mobilize youngsters to increase the level of community development and awareness of young people with fewer opportunities.
Finally, different initiatives and actions implemented with the support of ALF Network will increase the capacity of youngsters, local schools etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Caprita
Head of the organisation
Daniel Nicusor Caprita
Contact (2) Full Name
Natia Agladze