Kulturno društvo Dositej

National Network

rašiška ulica 013

031 598 474
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
General Assembly represents the supreme body, the most responsible person is the president of Society who is followed by the Vice President. A secretary and cashier are also part of the organization. Sources of funding include public funds, donors, sponsors,..
Mission and Objectives

-implementation of cultural activity at home and abroad; creative fields that the Organization includes are : singing, musical, theatrical and literary activities
-resolving technical issues in the field of culture
-implementation of cultural education
-creation of conditions for the widest possible access to cultural goods

Main Projects / Activities

-implementation of cultural and educational programs for all ages
-organizing hikes and travel
-participation in campaigns for environmental protection
-promotion of cultural cooperation at the cultural level
-promotion of cultural cooperation at the international level
-cooperation and exchange of experience with similar associations

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can contribute through my projects. Since we are a young organization we gained experience through participation in other societies that promote intercultural cooperation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

objectives of the ALF Foundation (programmes that are focused on activities in fields which are essential for human and social dialogue: Education and Youth; Culture and Arts; Peace and Co-existence )are compatible with my goals and see it as an opportunity to realize my goals through my programs. In short, I see it as an opportunity to promote intercultural dialogue and cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina Risimović Radomi
Head of the organisation
Paulina Risimović Radomi


National Network


+386 40 365 756
Telephone (other)
+386 31 44 00 30
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+386 40 365 756
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Rozana Association is Slovenian nonprofit organization open to all public. Rozana has the structure and characteristics of the cultural organization to present the different aspects of Arab culture in Slovenia. The Association seeks to advance the knowledge of wide aspects of Arab culture in Slovenia by organizing cultural events (the biggest is Arab cultural festival SHAMS) and by editing bilingual (Slovene-Arabic) literal magazine (journal called Revija Rozana). The Rozana Association is a self-governing democratic body. At the moment headed by Hisham Hamad, who was elected by the managing committee. The election are every two year. The Association has about 40 members who are paying the annual membership fee.
Mission and Objectives

ROZANA Association is Slovenian non-profit organization, established in 2009. Our mission is to promote cross-cultural awareness and fellowship between people in the Arab and Slovene culture through the cultures, arts and education.
As bilingual and bicultural educators, performers and musicians, we believe the best way to break down invisible cultural barriers is to bring people face-to-face with the most intimate and expressive components of each other’s cultures. Through the arts we are able to foster genuine understanding, respect, and appreciation between the diverse cultures of the world.
The Rozana Association benefits from a number of voluntary Arabs and Slovene advisers on dealings with Arabs and Slovenian institutions and audiences. These are friends of Arabs and Slovenia, private or public persons from various institutions who have supported the Centre in its endeavours by encouraging us to bring new ideas to life.
Rozana Center, besides the cultural activities implied by the name, also plays an active part in the social life of the Arabian community in Slovenia.
Generally, we organise informal meetings, where guests can come and have a good time in the company of their fellow Arabs. The events are open to all, regardless of nationality. Sometimes, the audience have to pay for the admission at the events but The Centre strives to keep the costs low, despite, at times, not breaking even.

Main Projects / Activities

In the year 2010 we are running the project of Arab Cultural Festival - Shams 2010 which is the festival of Arab films, music and dance, literature and art exhibition. We are cooperation with other projects: the rehabilitation of children of Gaza (organizing music and dance events, monthly activities for the members and public; Project of ESF (European Social Fund)- Training of the Arab community members for the Arab cultural festival.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Beletrina Academic Press (Študentska založba)

National Network

Borštnikov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
General Information
1. Študentska založba is an institute established by Student Organization of the University of Ljubljana (?tudentska organizacija Univerze v Ljubljani). The status of the Student Organization in Slovenia is regulated by a special Student Associations Act. The status of Študentska založba is regulated by Institutes Act. Institutes are non-profit institutions established with the purpose of performing cultural, charity and other non-profit activities. 10 persons employed. 2. Budget per year cca. 1.000.000,00 Euro 3.?tudentska zalo?ba Academic Press is founded by Student organisation. Other sources of funding: Ministry of culture, EU and some sponsors. 4. Publishing (cca. 50 books per year, fiction, humanities, social sciences, text books for University). International festivals “Days of Poetry and Wine” Medana and international Festival of stories “Fabula”. 5. Študentska založba is involved in many international activities and have partners in many European countries.
Mission and Objectives

Publishing contemporary theory, sociology and new anthropology, textbooks, philosophy and contemporary literature; organising cultural events.

Main Projects / Activities

Študentska založba / Academic Press includes five imprints: Koda (contemporary theory), the Journal for the Criticism of Science (sociology and new anthropology), Scripta (textbooks), Claritas (philosophy) and Beletrina (one of the most highly esteemed literary imprints in Slovenia). Since its beginnings, Študentska založba Academic Press has been more than merely a publisher. By organizing two important literary festivals (festival of stories Fabula and festival Days of poetry and wine Medana), readings, cultural events, by attracting critics, musicians and painters it has become a cultural movement, with the goal of bringing the arts, fiction and poetry closer to the public.

Contact (1) Full Name
Igor Brlek
Head of the organisation
Tomaž Gerdina


National Network

72 RUE PAUL COXE 13014

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association Loi 1901//4 salariés -35 bénévoles//Financements publics(Ville-Région-CG-Etat)- Financements privés(Fondation)-Ressources propres = 300 000 euros annuels // Ateliers, création, débat, installations, rencontres professionnels//Ministère de la Culture- Emmaüs France - Secours populaire - Ville de Marseille -Fondation Orange- Région PACA - radio France - radio Galère
Mission and Objectives

Objectifs : mise en place de lieux culturels (lieu de vie) dans des territoires oubliés ou difficiles (depuis 2008 quartiers nord de Marseille)// Former des jeunes à partir de la rigueur et de la diversité des savoirs faire des métiers de la culture // Montrer ou produire des projets qui participent au "sens commun" - récits communs pour faciliter le mieux vivre ensemble à l'échelle de la planète.

Main Projects / Activities

Ateliers : mêlant outils numériques et médias et spectacle vivant (abcdere,voix sensible...) // Création et production : musique répertoire mêlant musique actuelle et traditionnelle (Musicales actuelles)- Théâtre récits et auteurs contemporains (Ma marseillaise)// Expositions et installations = récits contemporains et visions du monde (Femmes de Marseille-Racontez-moi votre Histoire - Digitale Afrique)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En faisant connaître notre action // Mettant en relation avec nos réseaux professionnels et sociaux //

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Réseau dans lequel nous retrouvons nos valeurs // Echanger sur des préoccupations à l'échelle de la planète // Aider au développement et à la structuration de notre action

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Theatre Day productions (TDP), a.k.a. Ayam Al Masrah

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
-Legal: Non Profit Company 'Ayam Al Masrah', English equivalent 'Theatre Day Productions', registered in East-Jerusalem in Nov 1995, changed to registration under Palestinian Authority Gaza in December 2000. Assembly of 10 shareholders, Board of 6 members, Daily management by Executive Committee of 3. Partner organizations: Tamasi network, based in Cairo & PAN (Palestinian Performing Arts Network) based in Ramallah (PA). Main Office in East Jerusalem with 4 staff, Gaza Branch with 16 permanent staff and 20 time specific project staff. -Sources of funding: TDP's Donor Consortium with European Developments agencies (NGOs and Governments); UNRWA. Annual budget around 1 million US Dollars. -Modalities of action: 1) 3-Year curriculum training for acting and drama-teaching; 2) 3-year curriculum training for video-animators; 3) youth theatre productions and (local) touring; 4) Drama and video-animation workshops for children and youth; 5) Annual drama festival in Gaza; 6) Awareness campaigns for promotion of drama in education and cultural community action in general, including drama-conferences; 7) International Exchange with partners in MENA region, The Netherlands, Sweden; recently also in USA. Main partners: -Locally: UNRWA; PAN network (Ramallah based), PA Ministries of Education and Culture -In MENA region: Tamasi network for performing arts in Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon (Cairo based) -In Europe: DICE network of theatre and drama companies in 11 European countries for drama research and promotion (www.dramanetwork.eu)
Mission and Objectives

TDP wants drama, theatre, and creative activities to be a regular part of the lives of young people in Palestine, so that they can find their individual voice, their sense of self, and discover their creative life; in stimulating these activities TDP aims to provide the foundation for a peaceful development of Palestine, one with respect for human (children’s) rights and civil society. TDP tries to realize this by working with the formal education systems and local organizations working with and for children and young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Acting and drama training for young Gaza adults (m/f), 3-year curricula.
Outreach to 35,000 under-privilidged children in marginalized areas
Productions of theatre plays, drama projects, video animation projects, all for children and youth.
Community awareness projects with teachers and parents.
International exchange with Arab and European partners.
Academic research for measuring the effect and impact of drama in Palestine (with European DICE network)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

TDP is the organization at the base of all drama and theatre development in Gaza. TDP contributes a vast outreach program (reaching 35,000 Gaza children and youngsters annually) as well as a community theatre and drama training center to the arts in Palestine. TDP creates youth theatre satellites all over Palestine. Its youngest satellites, created after years of intensive training and drama practice are: Yes Theatre, Hebron, and Pocket Theatre, East Jerusalem, Beit Qandil, Tulkarem. TDP can offer lectures and consultancies for cultural exchange, network building, drama education, community theatre, and theatre (incl artistic) management.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our artistic director, Mr Jan Willems, is the exaequo-winner of the ALF Euromedalex annual award in 2007. We thought we were member since the year 2005 but we cannot find our membership in the partners list.
Theatre Day Productions (TDP) is looking for partnerships with other mediterranean partners in art for joint artistic intervention and exchange. TDP can offer lectures and consultancies for cultural exchange, network building, drama education, community theatre, and theatre (incl artistic) management

Contact (1) Full Name
Jan Willems
Head of the organisation
Jan Willems
Contact (2) Full Name
Jackie Lubeck

Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms

National Network
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
MADA’s main activities • Monitoring violations of media freedom in the Occupied Palestinian Territories • Publishing alerts to highlight violations against journalists and media outlets • Publishing monthly reports on the violations • Publishing printed annual, half, and special reports analysing in detail media freedoms in the OPT. The annual report contains information on the location and type of violation and who committed the violation. • Releasing studies on media issues in Palestine • Assisting with the legal defence of journalists in Palestinian courts • Providing legal advice to journalists in cases related to the freedom of expression • Meeting with stakeholders, media outlets, and human rights organizations to promote media freedoms and raise awareness of the importance of freedom of speech • Conducting workshops with journalists to discuss the obstacles they face and help them understand their rights • Launching campaigns to defend journalists and media outlets, and to enhance freedom of expression in the OPT • Publishing awareness posters • Announcing the MADA Award for Freedom of Expression in the OPT MADA’s international partners • The International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) • The Open Society Foundations (OSF) • World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers(WAN-IFRA) • UNESCO office in Ramallah • Foundation For the Future (FFF) • The Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) • The Arabic Network for Freedom of Information (AFOINET)
Mission and Objectives

Mission: A free and professional media in Palestine
Mission Statement
MADA is an independent Palestinian non-governmental and non-profit organization, founded in 2006, registered under the number (IRA-250-I), with its headquarters in Ramallah. The center operates throughout the Palestinian territories.
MADA is an independent, nongovernmental, and non-profit organization that aims to defend and develop media freedoms by promoting a culture of freedom of opinion and expression, and working towards the amendment of legislation governing the media in line with international standards of freedom of expression. MADA collaborates with Arab and International institutions in the efforts of promoting freedom of opinion and expression.
Strategic Issues:
1. The continued violations against journalists and media providers
2. Palestinian media faces numerous obstacles in practicing professionalism, independence, objectivity, impartiality and competence
3. Freedom of expression is not institutionalized as a community respected and protected necessity.
4. The absence of an Access to Information Law, and laws that are in line with international standards of freedom of expression
5. The absence of regulatory laws for the media
The center seeks to achieve its vision through its work to achieve five goals in developmental and one internal operational goal, and these goals are:
1. Reducing violations of media freedoms
2. Promote a culture of freedom of opinion and expression, and media freedoms
3. Ensuring that legislation relating to Media, freedom of expression, and the right to Access information in the Palestinian territories are in line with international conventions of human rights and freedom of expression.
4. Promoting and developing the role of media in society, and transform the media from governmental to public.
5. Dedication to the enactment of the Access to Information Law
6. Developing and capacity building of MADA’s team talents to be able to achieve the mission and objectives.

Main Projects / Activities

Current Projects:
1) Information is Power campaign supporting the enactment of the Access to Information Law.
2) MADA El-E’lam Magazine a monthly-specialized magazine on Media related topics.
3) 3rd May World Press Freedom Day 2013 celebrating the principles of press freedom in Occupied Palestine while promoting the Information is Power campaign.
4) Moving Walls photo exhibition a documentary photography exhibition on Media violations in 2012-2013 to be launched on May 3rd World Press Freedom Day.
5) MADA’s 2013 contest Best poster for 2013 World Press Freedom Day promoting Information is Power campaign, and best article on the importance of the Access to information law to the development of the Palestinian society as a whole.
6) Three studies on:
- Media coverage of human rights, especially freedom of opinion and expression
- The editorial policy of the newspapers and their impact on the freedom of opinion and expression
- The Government media and its impact on freedom of opinion and expression
7) Two Awareness campaigns:
- Freedom of opinion and expression
- Encourage journalists to end self-censorship

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we wish to expand our network, and we are in need to fund some projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samantha Abufarha
Head of the organisation
Mousa Rimawi


National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information

AL Thori Silwan Women Center is an association established in 2007, within very critical social circumstances which the holy town face for the occupation and siege imposed on Jerusalem. Through programs, activities and services presenting to surrounding community. AWC aiming to encourage and develop female activities to protect the traditions and to develop their future. Giving women the chance to acknowledge and develop understanding with reference to needs and proprieties of Palestinian Jerusalemite women , the center also focus on organizing variety of cultural and social activities in its different spheres. The vision is to enhance and develop the women skills and creative skills- competences- (that qualify them to perform an positive role in Jerusalemite community) on one hand – and exploring international horizons for cooperation for them to serve this objective and enhance their leadership role in the field of participation in the development activities and programs in this era.

Mission and Objectives

Abu Tur Women Center is social empowerment and resource that advances gender equity and social justice through education, training, advocacy, and leadership for the women community in Silwan and Al Thori neighborhoods.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Preparing a survey for organizations working in the same field locally and internationally 2- Implementing the different projects for the different targeted groups ( elderly, youth, women, disabled, and handicapped) 3- Networking and coordination between the association and the international youth organizations 4- Implementing various training activities and workshops in cooperation with other professional organizations: I. Workshop on women right II. Workshop on legal issues of women programs III. Training program on development contribution for women programs in Jerusalem IV. Series of activities on the social value of women role in the community Currently running programs: V. Project funded by Theodore Springman Foundation-Germany, currently running in the center, the project targeted various sectors in the surrounding community. VI. Family rehabilitation program VII. Needy family program and activities, this aim to provide assistance to needy families with basic food needs on daily basis, this implemented in cooperation with Bait Al Mal Foundation in Morocco VIII. Students academic program for various school curriculums with focus on Math , Arabic and English IX. Other activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AWC will be able to contribute positively with reference to ALF work on the national level, and some elaborations: o AWC has an extensive skills and knowledge with reference to working with women in Jerusalem o AWC will contribute develop some training curriculums that tackle women issues o AWC has good and efficient collaboration plan with Palestinian Jerusalemite NGOs o AWC will work closely with Jerusalemite community and women organization for the betterment of women role in Jerusalemite society

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We as the women center would like to join the ALF because of various reasons: o The importance of the Ana lindh foundation on the national, regional and international levels o The willingness of the AWC to develop the networking and communication skills o The willingness to meet with European and meda partners o The importance of sharing knowledge and best practices with members of ALF o Developing mutual activities and programs between the ALF partners

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Arab World Democracy and electoral Monitor (Al Marsad)

National Network
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Al Marsad have 30 members act as general Assembly, and 7 staff members, Al marsad worked with more than 300 grass roots organizations and 20 regional partners, the annual budget around 200000 US dollars, we have several funders such as NED, UNDP, GIZ, MEPI, Italian cooperation, Al Marsad worked on main three programs, Election Development, Local government development and rule of law. Al Marsad worked with youth as main partners.
Mission and Objectives

Al Marsad’s mission: Al Marsad seeks to promote good governance and democratic reforms in public institutions, civil society organizations, local councils, and encourage political participation, through the monitoring of democratic development, raising citizens’ awareness and election monitoring.

Main Projects / Activities

Rule of law program, the program implemented through developing teachers guide, training for teachers and youth, holding seminars, and conferences as well as using media.
election program, which implemented through election reform, seminars and conferences, positioned paper, election montring,training , enhance citizen participation, training political parties and journalist.
local government program, through developing and enhancing citizen participation and developing the legal frame work, and influencing polices, training local council members.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can contribute by providing the members with our knowledge and skills and participate in the network advocacy campaign, attending the network events and expand the network out reach

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to share experience with other civil society organizations, and expand our local, regional and international contacts, find partners and participate in the network activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Aref jaffal
Head of the organisation
Dr. Taleb Awad
Contact (2) Full Name
Taleb Awad

Inmaa Palestinian Charitable Association

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
-Board of Directors, 7 members, public body 23 - in the first year our budget was based on members volunteering - activites are mentiond below in activities section
Mission and Objectives

1. Contribute to the dissemination of legal awareness and the respecting of human rights.
2. Promote a culture of patriotism in all available means.
3. Develop the capacity of young people to participate in decision-making and community service in all fields.
4. Promote a culture of dialogue and peace and mutual cooperation between the spectra of the local community and other communities.
5. Development of the concept of citizenship and belonging and promote the concept of Arabism by building bridges of cooperation and dialogue with the surrounding Arab communities.
Vision: a society of justice, democracy and law, participation of young people and women and playing an active role in policy-making, dominated by the values of belonging and citizenship, that is respectful of human rights and fundamental freedoms dominated by a culture of dialogue and non-violence.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Seminar at the Arab American University / Jenin in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross on (the role of the Red Cross in the Palestinian territories).
2. Seminar at the Arab American University on (environmental legislation in Palestine).
3. Workshop at the headquarters of the General Union of Palestinian Women in collaboration with the Palestinian Center for Democracy and Peace entitled (the role of women in the elections).
beside of the association's participation in several sessions to develop the staff.
the association has a future plan for a number of activities we want to do in the context of achieving our objectives and these activities are aiming community, youth and women, social justice, criminal justice and legal awareness in various forms, including promoting the concept of respect for the rights of children and women in particular, rights and public freedoms in general; development of the concept of dialogue and non-violence in resolving conflicts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we in Inmaa are doing our best to achieve our goals to develop our Palestinian society, and being a member at your network will keep us on track by providing us with wisdom and experience in this field, which will make us able to provide all kind of services that your network would like to see and apply in the area, and that will be fine by us since we feel and see that we in Inmaa and ALF share the same vision and objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

as a new association we were watching ALF through its achievments, and it has been an important thing to join such a world wide network, independent , outstanding, and most important because we see in your network a non political network which stands on an equal distance from all. and let us not forget all kinds of services that the network was and still providing in many places , to many people , in many aspects.. which makes the networks in our eyes very simmilar to what we aim to do and to be .. thats why we want to join your network!

Contact (1) Full Name
Zainab Sabaneh
Head of the organisation
Zainab Sabaneh
Contact (2) Full Name
Shady Abu-Arrah

Solidarity Overseas Service Malta (SOS Malta)

National Network

10 Triq il Ward
Santa Venera

00356 21244123
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
SOS Malta is governed by a Statute and has a Board of Directors. The organisation has eight employees led by a CEO and a Financial Manager. SOS Malta presently requires an operating budget of approx 200,000 Euros. Our main sources of funding are the EU, National Funds and Fund Raising.
Mission and Objectives

SOS Malta is a Maltese-registered Voluntary Organisation set up in 1991, which aims to aid people experiencing times of crisis and to empower them by providing support services and opportunities to implement development and change in their country. SOS Malta works with local and international organisations to assist socially disadvantaged groups in improving their quality of life. It encourages advocacy on behalf of social causes as well as promotes models of good care and practice. SOS Malta initially started working in overseas development, emergency relief and livelihood programmes. While maintaining these overseas areas of activity, the organisation over time developed other areas of activities, having more of a local dimension.

Main Projects / Activities

SOS Malta operates on four pillars:
Overseas Development
Social Solidarity
Research and Training
Project Managers head each pillar and work towards the implementation of projects within their areas of competence. SOS Malta has vast experience in the implementation of EU projects and has been successful with EuropeAid, European Refugee Fund, European Integration Fund, Community Action Programmes and National Government Funding contracts. SOS Malta has now been appointed the Fund Operator for the EEA Grants and will manage the NGO Malta Programme.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SOS Malta feels that they can contribute towards the development of the National Network because of its expertise in various areas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network will enhance our networking and will also give added value to the work we carry out.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Taylor-East
Head of the organisation
Claudia Taylor-East
Contact (2) Full Name
Graziella Schiavone