Hanna Ryden (Journalist)

National Network

Norra Skolgatan 19211 52

+46-703 78 05 44 (Sweden)
Telephone (other)
+91 99 53 301 068 (India)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Hanna M Rydén has been working as a journalist in Sweden for more than ten years for different media outlets, like Sydsvenskan, Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå (TT) and Sveriges Televison (SVT). She has also been freelancing from Middle East from time to time. She is also a passionate yogi and teaching yoga. Recently she moved to New Delhi, India where she works as a freelance journalist and yoga teacher. Skype: hanna.ryden
Mission and Objectives

To offer a non-stereotype journalism about the Middle East in Western media. And a journalism that facilitates intercultural understanding and dialogues. Concerning the yoga, the mission is to help people to raise their awareness of themselves and others.

Main Projects / Activities

Freelance works for different Swedish media outlets. A documentary movie for the Swedish Television. Yoga lessons in Arabic for different institutions and organizations, like shelters, youth prison and human rights organizations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I'm able to join meetings, as an audience or a moderator. I've a lot of ideas about how the network can reach out to new groups. As a journalist I can help with contacts and give advices on how the network can reach out with its message more easily. And as I've been living in the Middle East a lot, I can be a link between the network in my country and for example people in Syria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hanna Rydén
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hanna Ryden

Euro-Arab Youth Music Center

National Network

99 Gladstonos and Antoni Loukaidi, Oasis Court D1, 3032
3020 Limassol

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Based on the belief that access to music is a fundamental human right and a factor contributing to the sustainable development of young people and our communities, Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI), the Cultural Movement EPILOGI of Limassol and the Arab Academy of Music (League of Arab States) have undertaken a joint venture to establish an institutionalized body for further collaboration among their members and other youth&music organizations of the region – the Euro-Arab Youth Music Centre, in Limassol, Cyprus. Launched on 30th September 2012 in presence of high representatives of the most prominent European and Arab music organizations, the Centre aims to improve cooperation among key stakeholder in the fields of youth and music across Mediterranean and therefore enable an increased number of young people from European and Arab countries to participate in and create educational and social music programs that make a difference.
Mission and Objectives

Mission statement: Euro-Arab Youth Music Centre (EAYMC) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that provides European and Arab youth with equal opportunities to develop, create awareness and exchange knowledge, facilitating cooperation, mutual understanding and respect, through music. Vision: Euro-Arab Youth Music Centre (EAYMC), founded by AAM, JMI and Epilogi is an active, visible and recognized network, with strong organizational capacity that provides quality hallmark, diverse and demand-driven music programs for European and Arab youth. Core values: According to agreement among partners, the Centre shall develop only the projects that have built-in the three basic components: A. Youth – To be created for/by young people: to develop active citizenship and social integration; personal development and empowerment of young people. B. Music - To be related to music: Access to music and to promote Diversity of musical genres. C. Inter-culturalism – To improve Intercultural dialogue and international cooperation, peace, mutual respect and tolerance. Additionally, every project the Centre undertakes shall be rooted in building Euro-Arab cooperation, solidarity, respect and understanding among youth, and aims to contribute to the active citizenship and social integration of youth.

Main Projects / Activities

The EAYMC is a continuation of fruitful cooperation between the above mentioned partners, supported by numerous authorities and funding bodies that started in 2005 with Ethno Cyprus a youth music camp bringing together young traditional/folk musicians from the two regions. The project continued with Ethno Cyprus in 2006 and 2008 (funded by Youth Euro-Med and Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture); Cyprus in Action in 2010 that brought together not only young musicians but also young cultural operators (funded by European Cultural Foundation), and the Euro-Arab Youth Music Forum held in April 2011 in Amman. There were also organized two Capacity Building Training Courses, in Amman and in Barcelona. In September 2011 in Limassol was held the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Choral Fair “Choral Crossroads 2011”, bringing 10 European and Arab choirs with over 400 participants. The great success that this cultural manifestations had, encouraged the organization of Euro-Arab Youth Music Lab “Ethno Jordan”, in September 2012 in Amman, bring together 40 talented musicians from 8 different countries. The common activities were culminated with “Euro-Mediterranean Youth Music Expo” held in September 2012. All the above activities were funded by EU “Culture 2007-2013" Programme, Anna Lindh Foundation, Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture and many others.
In 2013 “Choral Crossroads - Singing the bridges II” was the second meeting of youth choirs from Hungary, Estonia, Egypt, Lebanon and Cyprus, where for three days over 200 participants through conferences, workshops and concerts explored choral music as a peace building tool and stimulated the collaboration within the Euro-Mediterranean region. Also in 2013 “Ethno Cyprus” brought together 40 young musicians from European and Arab countries. In 2015 EAYMC organized the “2nd Euro-Arab Youth Music Forum”, which brought together leading experts and cultural music organizations from both shores of the Mediterranean to discuss “Music as a medium for cultural expression and dialogue”. In July 2016 “Ethno Cyprus 2016” welcomed 35 virtuosos of traditional instrument from European and Arab Countries who met in Limassol to explore their common cultural identity. “Cyprus in Action 2017” was a three day training course on management of music/cultural NGOs for youth that took place in Limassol in November 2017 and brought together 30 young cultural operators from European and Arab countries.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

project development and implementation, awareness raising about Euro-Mediterranean and Euro-Arab collaboration, visibility of ALF

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking, detection of cultural trends, visibility, partnership and project development

Contact (1) Full Name
Melina Dimitriou
Head of the organisation
Dr. Kifah Fakhouri


National Network

Leontiou Machaira 9A, 1020

+357 99790848
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
TheatrEtc. is a NGO which has been officially established in 2011 and consists of 5 voluntary board members (president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, creative director) and 25 voluntary members active in a variety of projects. The NGO is non-profit and has 2 large projects running year long while is also active in smaller collaborations and initiatives. The funding available to the organisation comes through its needs for its projects - ex. the project "Remove the Power" is funded by the Commissioner for the Protection of Children's Rights in Cyprus. Former projects have been supported and funded by the US Embassy given their intercultural character and the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture in Cyprus. TheatrEtc. has two main projects, "Crossroads Youth Camps" and "Remove the Power - primary school workshops for raising awareness against Bullying" . It also organises regular teacher training workshops on the use of theatre as a educative tool in primary and secondary education. TheatrEtc also takes part in initiatives that promote cross-cultural awareness in Cyprus such as the "One Street Festival" and the "Voice it" Festival.
Mission and Objectives

TheatrEtc. mission is to encourage and develop the use of theatre and other expressive art forms as educational tools and as vehicles for social change.
It aims towards the bridging of the collaborations between educator, activists and artists and their involvement in developing and implementing projects that address issues that concern people in the Cypriot society and in the global community as well.
It aspires to become an advocate for the use of the arts and especially theatre by young people as a means for communicating a message and making a public statement. For this reason, the main client group of TheatrEtc. are young people and children.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Crossroads Youth Camp
Crossroads camp takes place every summer and next summer will be its 4th consecutive year. The project brings together 20 young people aged 15-18 years old from the two divided communities of the island of CYprus, Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots for a 10-day process. The participants all live together in a spirit of collaboration for an intensive 10-day workshops experience on theatre. The camp aims at teaching young people about theatre and other performative arts (music, dance, puppetry etc) but also have dialogue sessions with them in order for them to express their opinions about the current state of the Cypriot problem, the division of their communities and the fact that they do not interact.
2. "Remove the Power" It is a project which has been running in primary schools across the country for the last 1,5 years. It proposes the use of applied theatre techniques in 6-day long workshops in primary school classrooms in order to teach 9-12 year old pupils about bullying, its definition, its characteristics and what we can do to stop it. The project has, until now, been implemented by educators-practitioners across the island in 45 primary schools outreaching to 1200 primary school pupils.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By becoming members of the ALF Network, TheatrEtc immediately comes closer to other organisations which are under the same network in Cyprus. This helps us be more familiar with their work, become more aware of their actions and be more comfortable in contacting them for future collaborations where we can contribute our expertise in the use of the arts as tools for social change as well as gain a lot from their long-term experiences. Furthermore, through its different projects with young people, TheatrEtc. team has a wide network of young people on its contact list who can be urged to become more active by inviting them in to take part in initiatives that occur during collaborations within the Network in Cyprus.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope to be able to add TheatrEtc. in the ALF Network, because we believe its activities and initiatives are innovative and sustainable as they are in tuned with the needs of people in the current Cypriot society. We aspire to be able to contribute our methodologies and ideas to a wider global network of organisations in order to perhaps enrich the pool of initiatives and also benefit from it by changing our approaches making them better according to how other initiatives are conducted. TheatrEtc a new organisation and its members are an enthusiastic and very capable group of people. For this reason, being in a wider, global Network allows us to widen our perspectives, increase our opportunities to contribute in a bigger collaboration and learn from others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natalia Kouhartsiouk
Head of the organisation
Christos Charitou

ADHD Cyprus

National Network

P.O. Box 12187, 2341 Nicosia, Cyprus

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
-The organization is structured by the board of directors, one executive director and one administrator. It is mainly based on volunteer contribution. We also have an advisory and a professional board. - The main budgetary resources are the membership fees and donations from our members. We have 350 members. - Source s of funding can be European, local authority (ministries), sponsorships. - Modalities of action: annual open training in ADHD for parents, teachers and therapists(dedicated to the memory of dr. Stylianidou). Annual Awareness Week events and activities island-wide. Parent/teacher seminars. Presentations about ADHD in schools. Emotional and educational support of individuals and families. Multi-meetings in all towns in Cyprus. - Main partners:Learning Difficulties Network, pediatros.com, ADHD Europe.
Mission and Objectives

Is To improve the lives of all those affected by AD/HD in Cyprus by offering support, information, education and advocacy, so that we can fulfil our vision of an empowered and integrated AD/HD community.
• To raise awareness in Cyprus so that AD/HD sufferers are understood, accepted and empowered to become active, contributing members of society.
• To ensure that AD/HD children receive timely diagnosis and educational assistance through the Ministry of Education.
• To ensure that AD/HD sufferers have access to a reasonable range of effective medications through the Ministry of Health and that AD/HD is recognized as a chronic condition.

Main Projects / Activities

Support Groups

Contact (1) Full Name
Susan Chrysostomou
Head of the organisation
Susan Chrysostomou
Contact (2) Full Name
Tonia Loizidou

St. Sultans Trail - A European Cultural Route

National Network

Hagestraat 10
2011 CV Haarlem

+31 23 7070047
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+31 650 890696
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
Sultans Trail is a foundation according the Dutch law. We have no paid personnel yet. All work is done by volonteers. Funding: Donations mainly by volonteers. Project: Creatíng a hiking trail in 9 countries connecting countries, people, cultural heritage. Projects: Marking of the trail, marketing of the trail, cultural exchange, annual academic meeting Partners: Tourism offices of the related countries, local entrepreneurs, local hiking societies, universities
Mission and Objectives

Sultan’s Trail is a route of walking, biking and cultural tourism which follows the footsteps of Sultan Süleyman, the magnificent through the Eastern Europe and Balkan to Turkey. The story of Sultan Süleyman’s journey, which has been kept alive for some five hundred years in the landscape and memory of this region, records the origin of a tradition shared by millions of people in the world today. In total 2200 kilometers Sultan's Trail passes 9 countries; Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. By retracing this journey, provides a place of meeting and connection for people of all faiths and cultures, inviting us to remember our common origins, to respect our cultural differences, and to recognize our shared heritage. The Sultan’s Trail also serves as a catalyst for sustainable tourism and economic development; a platform for the energy and idealism of young people; and a focus for positive media highlighting the rich culture and hospitable people of the Eastern Europe and Balkan.

Main Projects / Activities

The Sultan’s Trail Initiative is a global nongovernmental organization, with offices in Haarlem, Berlin, and Istanbul, whose mission is to facilitate travel along Sultan’s Trail. Founded by Sedat Çakır , the Sultan’s Trail Initiative is endorsed and assisted by the local tourism offices and the local people. The Sultan’s Trail Initiative is a non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian organization honoring all cultures and faiths. Source of Funds Policy The Sultan’s Trail Initiative is a global non-profit organization that has no political or religious agendas, while honoring all people, cultures, and faiths. As such, the Initiative does not accept funds from sources seeking to advance political or religious agendas via their gifts. Moreover, the Sultan’s Trail Initiative does not accept money from governments that are intended to advance political purposes. Governments in countries along the Trail are strongly encouraged to support the development of the Trail in their nation, and advance local community ownership of their specific segments of the route. Any funds donated by host-country governments stay in their country and accrue directly to local projects. A conscious choice has been made to reflect the qualities of inclusiveness and equality associated with Sultan’s Traıl when dealing with such sensitive issues as financial support. Under the rubric of inclusion and equality, the Initiative strives for diversity in its income sources and does not accept monies that would divide this unity. As testament to the diversity of sources, the Initiative has sought and garnered support from a wide array of foundations, organizations, and individuals from 7 countries around wor

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We like to widen our network and create a added value to the Sultans Trail society and have an added value to the ALF Network in the Netherlands and in the 9 countries we develop the trail.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We like to widen our network and create a added value to the Sultans Trail society and have an added value to the ALF Network in the Netherlands and in the 9 countries we develop the trail.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sedat Cakir
Head of the organisation
Sedat Cakir

"Professor John Atanasov" Foundation

National Network

Sofia 1000, 11 Dondukov Blvd., fl. 2

+359 (2) 987 33 05
+359 (2) 987 33 05
Mobile Phone
+359 885716168
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The managing bodies of the foundation are the Board of Trustees and the manager. The Board of Trustees with 3 / three / years’ term mandate, consisting of: PETYA ANGELOVA GEORGIEVA – DONOVA, KIRIL NIKOLOV ZHELYAZKOV, PETAR ALEKSANDROV STOYANOV. The chairman of the Board of Trustees: KIRIL NIKOLOV ZHELYAZKOV. The manager of the foundation: PETAR ALEKSANDROV STOYANOV. The Foundation is represented by the Manager and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees jointly and separately. The sources of funding are mostly based on the trainings that the foundation organises and funding from international progammes. The modalities of action are the following: Conducting working meeting, seminars and conferences; Organizing various forms of training; finding and disseminating of information related to the realization of Bulgarian and international programmes in the field of Information Technology; Providing organizational, financial and Legal advice; Creating role models that provide conditions for the realization of the individual; Creation and distribution of printed and electronic publications; Publishing reports and other papers, related to the activities of the foundation; Elaborating of expert opinions and analyzes, organizing debates and proposals for legislative changes; Organizing research and implementation of research projects; Rendering methodological and technical support. Main partners involved in the implementation of activities are Institute for programmes and projects management, Foundation for transparent regulations, People's roots foundation, The faculty of Physics, Nish University, Serbia.
Mission and Objectives

The foundation is founded in 1995 in Sofia, Bulgaria to work for achieving the following goals:
• strengthening the reputation and position of Bulgarian IT experts as well as the professional realization of people in a new and dynamic work environment
• stimulating civil society activities in the context of Bulgaria’s membership in the European Union through economic and behavioral models
• promoting dialogue and cooperation of civil society with state and local authorities as well as economic entities in solving issues of public importance such as education, local governance and democracy.
The Foundation was established with the aim of providing opportunities for cooperation on a vast territory throughout Bulgaria and abroad. In response to the increasing penetration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in our everyday life and the pursuit of the ambitious goals set by the Bulgarian government in the area of information society, the Foundation established a reliable platform for territorial cooperation not only within the Republic of Bulgaria but also abroad. This conception is bolstered by the very nature of ICTs – they transcend national borders and contribute to globalization. The projects carried out by the Foundation in Bulgaria and Ireland are good examples of territorial cooperation in the area of information and communication technologies and emphasize their increasing importance.
Areas of expertise: information and communication technologies; overall project coordination, management and administration; conducting trainings and seminars, information and publicity activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Project experience:
Programme: Administrative Capacity Operational Programme, co-financed by the EU through the ESF
Project title: Strengthening the Capacity of the Prof. John Atanasov Foundation, 2008-2009
Short description: This project aimed at contributing to developing the capacity of civil society organizations and improvement of information exchange, best practices and cooperation between civil society and local governance. It consisted of elaboration of training programmes for civil society structures, organization of three local forums for exchange of information, publication of reference book on development, application and management of EU-funded projects, organization of summer project management academy.
Programme: Leonardo da Vinci Programme
Project title: Professional Practice Mobility for ICT Recruits, 2004-2005
Short description: The project was developed for persons passing primary vocational training at leading vocational secondary schools for information and communication technologies (ICT), with proven interest in creation and introduction of hardware and customized software solutions in industry. It provided the students passing primary vocational training of programming, hardware development and creation of networks with the opportunity for practical training in countries such as Great Britain and Germany.
Programme: CBC Bulgaria - Serbia IPA
Project title: Energy efficiency in households – a long road or just a step away, 2011-2012
Short description: Overall project objective:encouraging sustainable development and improving local well-being by creating pre-requisites for enhancing household energy efficiency.Specific objectives:To explain the meaning and the core concepts of energy efficiency;To raise awareness on energy efficiency and clarify the relations with energy consumption, protection of the environment and sustainable development; To clarify the outstanding obligations by law for ensuring energy efficiency that affect households; To educate household energy consumers with energy saving tips;To clarify the measures for improving energy efficiency in buildings;
To enable an affordable, intelligible and user-friendly tool for calculation of energy efficiency for households;Project Activities: Survey of the existing energy efficiency situation in both countries; Software development for household energy efficiency calculator;
Testing of the model calculator in Bulgaria and Serbia Development, activation and administration of common web site for energy efficiency in the households; Elaboration of bilingual brochure on energy efficiency in households and handbook with good practices;
Seminars on energy efficiency in the households. Project Results: Energy efficiency calculator;
Handbook with best practices; Educative bilingual brochure.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

JAF can contribute to the following fields of action of the programme: Education and Youth; Values.
JAF members will share personal and organization experience and information. They will provide personal expertise for the benefit of the network activities, when it is needed. The foundation will pay respect and tolerance towards the other and strive to accomplish conscientiously the undertaken commitments and obligations. The foundation will be active and responsible in the processes of decision making and problem solving. In all activities JAF will respect the methods for achievement of significant goals. JAF will support and recognise Anna Lingh Foundation’s values through promoting and implementing its objectives and activities. It will strive to build sustainable partnerships in Bulgaria and in the Euro-Mediterranean region. JAF will propose interpellations and suggestions for the activity of the Network and its management structure and participate in the common initiatives of the Network. Furthermore, JAF will colaborate in order to help achievement of the missions and objectives of the National Network; actively disseminate information for the activity of the Network and to involve potential members in its activities and maintain the trust and tolerance between the Network Members. All engagements will be implemented conscientiously. Through implementaion of projects JAF will strive to contribute to the AFL network and National network objectives by realising specific aims at the fields of training, education,partnership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

"Professor John Atanasov" Foundation (JAF) totally accepts, supports and encourage the values of ALF: acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, acknowledgment of rule of law and fundamental freedoms. They are basic for the development of human society. Becoming a member of ALF Network will give a chance for JAF to contibute to sustainable development of Euro-Mediterranean Region through mutual respect of the abovementioned values. JAF has interest in being a part of an organisation that affects the capacity for individuals and groups to share values and live together in the region. JAF also wants to contribute for further maintaining the dialogue between cultures, which is the roadmap of the Anna Lindh Foundation in a long-term strategy to address the true causes - political, ideological and social - that have deepened and radicalised the human gap between the two shores of the Mediterranean. Moreover, JAF wants to be a member of ALF Network, because the Anna Lindh Foundation is addressing the ‘clash of ignorance’ between people living across the Mediterranean. ALF's causes are shared and supported by the 43 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the Foundation can bring together the civil society of the region for intercultural dialogue and to work for a common future and that is the main reason for JAF to become a part of this organisation. The resourses of JAF can be of use for the following fields of action of the programme: Education and Youth; Values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Petar Aleksandrov Stoyanov
Head of the organisation
Petar Aleksandrov Stoyanov

Università degli Studi di Genova

National Network

Via Balbi, 5 - 16126 Genova (Italia)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
1)Organisation: Recteur,Vice-Recteur,Directeur Général ,Sénat Académique, Conseil d'Administration, 22 Départements, 5 Écoles, 10 Centres Interuniversitaires de Recherche et Service, 2 Centres d'Excellence de Recherche. Nombre employés(au 31.12.2012): 2750 2)Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles (au 31/12/2011): € 34.950.621,43 3)Sources de Financement: Etat, UE,Istitutions/Organisations/Sujets Publiques et privés, Entreprises,Etudiants. 4)Modalités d'action: Projets de recherche, enseignements, échanges, séminaires, bourses.. 5)Partenaires Principaux: Istitutions/Organisations/Sujets publiques et privés. Mission and Objectives: Recherche, enseignement, formation, stages,I nternationalisation Main Projects / Activities: Activités institutionnelles: Projets UE, nationnaux et internationnaux pour activités de recherche, didactiques, de formation et de Transfert technologique; Activités Commerciales: avec sujets et organismes publiques et privés
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Activités institutionnelles: Projets UE, nationnaux et internationnaux pour activités de recherche,didactiques,de formation et de Transfert technologique;
Activités Commerciales: avec sujets et organismes publiques et privés

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Fabio Lavagetto (Vice-Recteur pour la Recherche et le Transfert Technologique)
Head of the organisation
Prof. Giacomo Deferrari (Recteur)
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Michele Marsonet (Vice-Recteur pour l'Internationalisation)

Baabelin ystävät ry

National Network

Anne Hyvönen, Heikinlaaksontie 13

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
We are volunteers, but hope to find some financing this years through member fees and donations. Baabelin ystävät ry is a steering committee for webmagazine www.baabeli.fi. As partners we have Helsinki City Library, International Culture Center Kanssandra and Finnish Union of Journalists.
Mission and Objectives

Baabeli.fi wants to build active citizenship and promote dialogue between different cultures and religions.
Webmagazine takes new inhabitants and citizens in Finland seriously and wants to give them a voice. As to tell their own stories.

Main Projects / Activities

Baabeli offers possibilities for immigrant background people in Helsinki region to get media training and a chance to make journalism. We try to act in a multilingual way. The languages we use besides finnish and english are dari, albanian, somali, russian and turkey.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will contribute to Network by working closely together with two organization that are allready members in ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF Network and be part of a bigger network fighting for peace and sustainable development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anne Hyvönen chief editor, trainer
Head of the organisation
Anne Hyvönen, chairwoman

Matafir, društvo za medkulturne povezave

National Network

Zavetiska 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Matafir is a non-profit and non-governmental organization. Most of its members are volunteers and/or work on contract basis. It was founded in 2005 by students, young researchers and assistants at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana). Our annual turnover varies annually and depends on funding by national and/or international agencies (e.g. Youth in Action, Slovene Ministry of Foreign Affairs, American Embassy in Slovenia). First our aim was to continue with the research and projects done with migrants and other marginalised groups in Slovenia. Later on we started to work in the fields of intercultural dialogue, global education, development cooperation, human rights, gender equality etc. We cooperate with other NGOs from Slovenia and abroad (Europe, Africa).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to empower marginalized groups in Slovenia and elsewhere, and to promote intercultural dialogue and global solidarity.
Our main goals are: promotion of intercultural dialogue and cooperation, empowerment of marginalized groups in Slovenia and elsewhere (especially women, migrants and youth), fight against all kinds of discrimination on local and global level, and raising awareness on global interdependency.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects/activities aimed at raising awareness on intercultural dialogue, human rights, gender equality, social justice and other relevant global issues among different target groups by using creative tools (photography, video, “theatre of the oppressed”);
Development projects aimed at empowerment of marginalized groups (women, minorities, indigenous groups, youth), implemented together with local partners (Uganda, Sierra Leone)-practical and creative workshops, trainings, advocacy, raising awareness activities;
Projects/activities aimed at promotion of global education among youth, educational workers and general public (workshops, trainings, seminars);
Projects aimed at empowerment and better integration of migrants (research, workshops, round tables, public awareness activities).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the national ALF network with sharing experiences and examples of good practices, and information about relevant activities, contacts and information about capacity-building and funding possibilities for NGOs and individuals working in relevant fields.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to re-confirm our membership because of opportunities which ALF offers to its members, especially networking and partnership-making with other NGOs, funding opportunities, capacity-building trainings and other relevant activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alma Rogina
Head of the organisation
Alma Rogina
Contact (2) Full Name
Urska Furlan

Vita non profit Magazine

National Network

Via Marco D'Agrate 43
20139- Milano


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Vita non profit Magazine is a weekly publication  that  belongs to Vita Group, a private  media company specialized  in non for profit issues. Besides the publication of Vita Magazine, Vita Group runs a website featuring csr, volunteering, social, interfaith  dialogue and international cooperation-development issues. Vita Group organizes conferences, seminars and does consulting work for public and  private entities interested to communicating  their messages, projects and services.  It is founded from annual the contribution of its partners ( 63 Italian NGOs)  subscribers and advertising.  Number of employees :52.  Modality of action: news publishing –internet and conferences. Main partners: save the children; Wwf Italia, action aid. Budgetary recourses a year:1 million and a half euro a year.
Mission and Objectives

Vita  Magazine is the Italian media  leader  featuring non for profit issues like csr, interfaith dialogue, human rights,  cooperation-development, volunteering, environment, social media.  Vita Magazine aims at   exposing, promoting the  various faces, the various realties, the best practices, the new  protagonists of the third sector in Italy and the innovative  ideas that can shape the world for the better. Vita Magazine tries to supply the political discourse with the problems, the issues, the talents, the needs, the hopes and the expectations of those individuals and organizations that value  LIFE, HUMAN DIGNITY, HUMAN RIGHTS, as primary sources of inspirations in their lives.  The main Objectives is to become a bigger, more credible and more incisive social network  for the reasons, the expectations, the passions  where minorities can be represented, unjustness  can be exposed and solutions for a better word can meet the right talents to make a fair world a reality.

Main Projects / Activities

Yalla Italia: Vita Magazine monthly supplement written by Italians Muslims of second generation, whose parents migrated in Italy from the Arab countries. Yalla Italia is window on their identity process.
Ecomondo:a weekly supplement featuring clean energy, environment and natural resources in Italy and in the world.
Etica & Finanza. A monthly supplement dedicated to ethical economy and corporate social responsability.
Monthly seminars and conferences promoting  the best practices  of the non for profit world.
Peace tables: Interfaith meetings with Christians, Muslims, and Jews men and women taking about coexistence and religious tollarance.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martino Pillitteri (Extarnal Relations Manager)
Head of the organisation
Riccardo Bonacina
Contact (2) Full Name
Giuseppe Frangi (General Director)