Roles For Social Change Association (ADWAR )

National Network

Palestine /Hebron/Ein Sarah St. /Beside University Graduates Union and AlAmanah supermarket.
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
we have structure organized by general director and Administrative and financial Manager, Financial officer, Admin Assistant, Human resource Manager.
Mission and Objectives

Roles for Social Change Association " ADWAR" was established at the beginning of 2010 by a group of female and male students studying at Hebron University. Those volunteers worked really hard since they strongly believe in the social justice.
To improve Capacity building of Palestinian women and girls along with empowering them socially, to reduce violence against women so they will be capable of active, civic participation and living in a society characterized by social justice.
Contributing in empowering the Palestinian women and girls economically, to reduce unemployment as well as providing   job opportunities and eliminating all the types of discrimination and gabs based on gender, within (6 years).
Contributing in raising the political awareness of the Palestinian women and girls, in addition to encourage them to participate in civil democratic life and to involve in advocacy and lobby decision makers, to ensure fair laws for women.
To improve the Palestinian society Awareness and capacity building for governmental and nongovernmental organizations about gender’s policies and procedures as well as the importance of gender’s contribution towards Palestinian society welfare.

Main Projects / Activities

Gender and Development Program The program seeks for: 1) Empowering and supporting women by allowing them to participate as equal as men in all aspects of life. through process contain in all individual, groups community and societal levels and in all social, economic and political fields and decision making by doing so, they will undoubtedly be effective not just receivers, and benefit from development plans and programs. In order to be also the development's method and aim. 2) Making the Palestinian society more aware about the concept of "Gender" generally in all social, economic, political fields. 3) Affecting the policies and procedures in the different governmental and non- governmental institutions. It will be done through adopting policies and programs concern the gender issues and social justice. 4) Working with media in order to show women's needs as well as their ambitions and desires in order to change the society stereotype about the women roles. 5) Alliance with the local, regional and international, through campaigns Pressure and advocacy at the local level to increase the awareness about the social justice democracy and civic participation and creating an effective of a social and political . mobility to amend certain laws and legislation. Our program seeks for achieving it goals through the following activities: 1) Trainings in the fields of gender and empowerment. 2) Capacity building. 3) Workshops. 4) Lectures and seminars. 5) Regular meetings. 6) Media programs. 7) Local, regional and international coalitions 8( Advocacy campaigns. 9) Studies and researches. 10) Social counseling.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Joining ADWAR Association to the network . it will help us to view issues and concerns of women in Palestine from the perspective of gender . and highlight the needs of Palestinian women and their rights as well as the importance of raising the voice of all Palestinian women in the world .also to recruit the humans support for Palestinian women's rights .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we want to strengthen our relations at an international level and we want to show our programs and projects of the world and share our experiences with different institutions and increase of our knowledge. Also to increase the cooperation in order to implement projects in our country according to what our target group need .

Contact (1) Full Name
Sahar AL-Kawasmeh
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Sahar Yousef AL-kwasmeh

Foundation "Kino Bize"

National Network

Elizabetes 37
Riga, LV-1010

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

“Kino Bize” is a small indie movie theater located in the center of Riga, Latvia. The theater’ s programming embraces challenging, vibrant and independently produced films and videos as well as thematically programmed retrospection and special events. “Kino Bize” is run as a non-profit organization with 35 seats and three to four screenings every day. The budgetary includes both income from film screenings and special grants. The staff includes director, project manager and three administrators. “Kino Bize” is based and related with "Kanepes Culture Center" that is a new performing arts venue, café and music/ social place in Riga. It is occupied by a new “fiery” concert hall, cozy kitchen, summer terrace and the movie theater.

Mission and Objectives

1) encourage and support the work of art audiovisual distribution, development and becoming; 2) promote the audiovisual cultural education in Latvia; 3) establish and maintain a public available inventory of audiovisual materials

Main Projects / Activities

International film screenings; Film festivals and special events; Interdisciplinary project development; Educational work in audiovisual area - seminars, training, student work screenings; Social activity program - public discussions to promote the civic participation; Equipment and services for rent.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

"Kino Bize" as a movie theater offers the direct services for screenings of movies and videos, as well as works as an intermediary between other members of the network and film distributors to complete their activities with related audiovisual material.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To develop a world-wide contact network and to take part in joint projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Lizuma
Head of the organisation
Maris Prombergs
Contact (2) Full Name
Maris Prombergs

Associazione Il Porcospino

National Network

Via Zandrina 8

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Ten volunteers supporting the activities of the association. There is no fixed budget for the year, because it's based on volunteer work and very limited current expenses. The projects are covered by various funding: banking foundations and public agencies. We work always with other associations.
Mission and Objectives

Association deals with information and disclosure. It pubblishes a digital newletter that informs about events held in the province, following in particular activities of social and environmental movements, grassroots committees and associations and local volunteers.
Promotes activities that relate to social commitment, cultural activities and quality entertainment.
The association believes in nonprofit sector as a thrust engine and change society. It works for create synergies and collaborations between different realities of our territory. The commitment is completely voluntary and free.
Recently the association has improves its activities by organizing training proposals related to group work,network and conflict management.

Main Projects / Activities

2003: since January 2003 it began publication of the electronic newsletter that reports events, initiatives, activities that take place in the province of Alessandria.
2004 "Informing", project concerning non profit communication.
2007: "Community networks". Training course for creating a collaborative and participatory network between associations of the province of Alessandria.
2007: project "Corner voices" theatrical animation activities in prison.
2009: "Working together as a team". Training course in management of volunteer groups.
2009: "Wiev without sky". Performance based on some palestinian poems.
2010: "Take care of ourselves". Cycle of meetings based on classic morenian psychodrama.
2012: "Closed Sea" documentary screening.
2012: "Parents school", four seminars about parenting.
2013: "The beauty of margins", movies and documentaries review on social issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participate in tenders and national forum.
Find other associations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

A great opportunity to meet other italian and foreign associations.
Exchange experiences and projects with other association.
Experience to create and manage a project involving the mediterranean partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Foco

Arabic Culture Events

National Network

43 Gledswood Park
Dublin 14


01 2157884
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
087 9030816
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
I'm the organiser of the Arabic Culture Meetup in Dublin and have one assistant. In the past I had been involved in many charities in Yemen and intercultural events for example: "Home Away From Home", an informative organisation for foreign women/men married to Yemenis and living in Yemen through social activities. In Ireland I volunteered in several festivals and fundraising my own projects and also got donations, the rest is my own funds and efforts. Two recent projects are "Art from the Land of Queen Sheba" for which I set up a group called "The Yemen Connection", friends of my parents who worked for Concern in Yemen. Another event was "Arabesque Night", Presenting 2 Arabic bands, belly dancers and world music DJ. Both were a great success last September 2012 at the Ranelagh Arts Festival.
Mission and Objectives

A self sustaining organisation for Arab, non-Arab, Irish and international people of all ages to promote Arabic culture and diversity in Irish society.
My objective is to create a hub that offers a place for intercultural exchange between the Irish, Arab and the international community as a whole.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities are in the arts and culture, to give information and reinforce good relations through social events. For example: art exhibitions, dinners, talks and tours at The Chester Beatty Library, lectures in Trinity College, Arabic music events, social Arabic language meetups for those who are learning or need to practice. I show Middle-eastern, Arabic and Asian films.
Through the Arabic Culture Meetup 52 events have been scheduled so far since September 2012 when I became the organiser. Today there are 108 members of mixed nationality including Egyptian, Iraqi, Syrian, Moroccan, Jordanian, Palestinian, Yemeni, Iranian, Turkish, French, British, Spanish, Hungarian and of course a lot are Irish. I have made sure to have at least one meetup a week, and sometimes there could be 3 hence I invited 2 members to assist. I hope to eventually have an Arabic cultural hub in Dublin, a place where people can meet or get information.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I have many dependable contacts in Yemen, and some in Egypt whom I would be able to ask for help and whom are in positions to open more networks and get information from. Last September, the Froebel College of Education opened opportunity for the artists from Yemen to an exchange of dialogue with the students on diversity and the woman's place in Yemeni society. There were a couple of art workshops and a food forum introducing some Yemeni dishes and discussion about traditions. The outcome was incredible, the students, teachers and college were very impressed and praised the artists and The Yemen Connection. I endevour to continue with such projects which will enlighten everyone on each others' cultures and bring about good relations between the East and West.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am excited to have learned about the ALF projects and initiatives encouraging dialogue and integration in Europe and the Mediterranean and believe it is the network I've been looking for to help me develop my ideas into reality by way of contacts and some funding when necessary.
All my projects focused on show casing Arabian arts and culture to the Irish and international audiences living in Ireland in the hope that people will change their perception of the Arabs.
Although I have had some assistance, it has been difficult trying to create and organise such events by my self and I hope by joining the ALF I'll be able to continue achieving goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rafika Rajab
Head of the organisation
Rafika Rajab

City Council of Carpineto Romano - (Department for Culture, Tourism and Sustainable Development)

National Network

Piazzale della Vittoria n° 1, 00032
Carpineto Romano

+39 3204390014
Telephone (other)
+39 0697180028, +39 0697180044
+39 0697180035
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 3204390014
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Carpineto Romano is located in the province of Rome. It seats on a hill (700 mt. above sea level) in the heart of the Lepini mountains, surrounded by a beautiful green landscape. The population amounts to about 5.000 people. The administration of the City Council relies on about 40 employees (public officers, employees, technicians, workers etc.). Budgetary resources: about 3 million euros per year, mainly funded from the State, the Region, the Province and the EU.
Mission and Objectives

Support to the development of the community.
Promotion of the territory and relevant artistic, historical and cultural resources.
Hosting events and welcoming visitors, especially young people, in the view of a renewed dialogue with other people and cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

The Department for Culture, Tourism and Sustainable Development is especially committed to rediscovering the historical-cultural roots of this community by means of a number of cultural initiatives, reconstruction of the historical centre, establishment of the City Council Museum “La Reggia dei Volsci” etc.
Carpineto Romano also boasts a twinship with the town of Wadowice (Poland). Such positive relation started about 15 years ago, and every year delegations of students from both towns meet for intercultural programs.
Among the most important yearly cultural events, is the “Pallio della Carriera”, an historical costume reconstruction traced back to 7th century , with about 300 costume figurants and an exciting horse race with rivalling neighbourhoods.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matteo Battisti
Head of the organisation
Quirino Briganti
Contact (2) Full Name
Massimo Santucci


National Network

via Roma, 26
36016 Thiene (VI)


0445 804749
0445 804702
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
(H)ELP is an association of 12 municipalities. The leader is Thiene municipality (where is the head office).It count on the co-operation between members, that menas it does not have a permanent staff. Moreover, it often work in partnership with no profit organisations or local authorities involved in promoting peace and human rights. The financial resources come from annual memberships' fees (established according to the number of inhabitants of each municipality). The modalities of action are various: exhibitions, seminars with relevant international personalities,partecipation as partner in European development projects( e. Europeaid).
Mission and Objectives

(H)ELP operates according to the principles of subsidiarity, complementarity and effectiveness of the actions as provided for by the European Union laws and the Treaty on European Union. It works both locally and internationally for the promotion of human rights and peace values and, thanks to a net of partnerships, it concretely takes part in programmes of international cooperation and developement support in other countries.

Main Projects / Activities

At the moment (H)ELP is working on a European co-operation programme aimed to help South American countries in economical and social development in the area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Adelina Tadiello
Head of the organisation
Municipality of Thiene

Comune di Macerata

National Network



0039 733 256452
0039 733 256475
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Population: 42361 ab. Youth people from 15 (th) to 30 (th) 7.329 (17,3% of population). Macerata has a consolidated horizontal experience and expertise in the organisation of major events. Macerata is hosting a great number of main international cultural events (among others, the well-known Sferisterio Opera Festival). The Municipal Administration, as well as the local economic and social actors, are all well equipped to support the development of valuable contents and effective logistics for complex events, while keeping the benefits of a cozy and familiar atmosphere for the guests.
Mission and Objectives

The applicant organization is a Municipality: it is responsible for administration of the population and the territory, for cultural and social services and for economic growth.

Main Projects / Activities

The town of Macerata is twinned to Issy les Moulineaux ( F) and Weiden (G) and in August will be twinned to Floriana (Malta). So most of the projects Macerata has been carrying out since 1982 involving both partners at once. They belong to 4 principal areas of activities: Education, Cultural exchange, social services, Sports and leisure.
Cooperation projects have also been recently held by Macerata Local Council towards towns and communities of Romania, Camerun and Saharawi.
Within the management of European Projects: since 2004 Macerata town council is part of Equal Project “Equality, quality and social responsibility”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mayor Romano Carancini


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Province of Ancona is a Local Authority which operates at an intermediate level between the regional administration and local municipalities, representing the interest of the local community and promoting its development. The Italian constitution provides in Article 118 the provinces, and emphasizes their financial autonomy (art.119). Its role and responsibilities are established by the national law, or by specific provisions of the Region which delegate part of its attributions to the Province.
Mission and Objectives

The Province operates in the following sectors:
- environment and civil protection, land use;
- water and energy management;
- cultural and natural heritage
- transports and accessibility;
- hunting and fishing (rivers and lakes);
- waste and waste water management;
- air pollution;
- health and social assistance;
- education and vocational training;
- assistance to municipalities and other local authorities.

Main Projects / Activities

PROVINCE OF ANCONA is a LA engaged from several years in the field of decentralized cooperation developing projects in Africa and Mediterranean countries. It also coordinates activities to promote a culture of peace and solidarity with local authorities and associations, projects of education for peace and sustainable development. From several years the Province of Ancona hostes the secretary of “National Coordination of Local Authorities for and with Africa” and it has also the vice presidency of the "National Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights".

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo Manarini
Head of the organisation
Patrizia Casagrande Esposto

Comune di Genova (Municipality of Genoa)

National Network

Palazzo Tursi, Via Garibaldi 9 / Palazzo Ducale, Piazza Matteotti 9, 16136.

+39 010 5572166
Telephone (other)
+39 010 5574052
+39 010 5574815
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 335 8312597
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 335 5699409
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Comune di Genova , municipality employing 7 000 persons.
Mission and Objectives

Projects in favour of the dialogue and the exchanges between the countries of the Mediterranean circumference.
- Eclats de Méditerranée (Culture 2000 - 2003)
- objectives:
To promote the diffusion of the values which gathers the European and the Mediterranean people .
-Reinterpretation in the modern terms of cultural and artistic traditions through the creation of various workshops (of dance and theatre) also through the events organization deepen these themes.
Medì. Diffusion of the European and Mediterranean Culture (Interreg III B Medocc – 2004).
- Objectives:
Diffusion and valorisation of the cultural heritage of the circumference Mediterranean countries and the implementation of 4 centres (Italy and Spain) programming arts and performing art
Anser. Old Mediterranean Sea routes (Interreg III B Medocc - 2004)

Main Projects / Activities

- Eclats de Méditerranée (Culture 2000 - 2003)

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Doria
Head of the organisation
Marco Doria

Provincia di Macerata

National Network

via Armaroli, 44, 62100 Macerata

+39 (0) 733 248840
+39 (0) 733 248335
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Public body with n. 485 public servants; sources of funding: national, regional, ESF, ERF, EU found; action: concrete project, exchanges, seminars; Main partner: public organization, University, schools, NGOs, private companies.
Mission and Objectives

promote and develop intercultural dialogue; put down barriers and prejudices related to differences; develop a sense of cohesion at Mediterranean level.

Main Projects / Activities

mobility for student of high schools; LLP Programme (IVT and PLM); development project with third countries: social, sanitary, agriculture; local integration project;

Contact (1) Full Name
Graziella Gattafoni
Head of the organisation
Antonio Pettinari