Kecioren Municipality

National Network

Guclukaya Mahallesi, Fatih Caddesi, Cagla Sokak, No:2 Kecioren

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Kecioren Municipality The Directorate of Social Welfare Affairs is an important place within the scope of serving for all disadvanged groups such as elderly, retired, women, young people, children, disabled, migrants from rural in society. It is working with a great service team to offer those services. It provides cash assitance to those who need, share their common problems and take preventive measures, produse projects on the fields of social services and also direct administer grants on the one hand which based on civil society and volunteerism for all society in Keçiören district. Some of the offered services are • Social Aid In 2011, 29 families benefited from hot meal services, 106 families from clothing aid, 102 person from personal care, 4109 family from food aid, 98 households from furniture aid. Also, 320 packages rags, 587 packages meat aid, 67 baby biscuits were delivered to the individuals in need. • Elderly Home The elderly on 60 years of age residens at this institution. Our institution is one of three institutions dependent to the local governments. Our’ s main difference from others, is Keçiören Nursing House is free of charge. There are about 90 elderly in the nursing house of Keçiören Directorate of Social Welfare Affairs. The staff of nursing house works in 3 shifts. Doctor, nurse, social worker, laboratory, food engineers, sociologist, nurse ... totaly 51 staff are serving. • Disability Services Psycho- social support, legal consultancy, vehicle for transportation are provided with the aim of disabled people to facilitate their socio- cultural activities. Approximately 1000 disabled and their families are registered in to Disabled Counseling Center. • Women’ s Counseling Center and Women’ s Shelter On December 2010, Women’s Conselling Center started to operate under Keçiören Municipality. Psychologist, social worker and child development specialists are working in this center. 100 women were interviewed individually and approximately 300 people applied by phonesince the center started to operate. The center provides consultancy services for women and children who exposed to violence. Onthe other hand, Women’s Shelter is established very recently and went to serve on October 2011. It offers a safety shelter to women and children who are under violence. The average length of stay is three months. After three months, this period may be extended depending on the women situation. The capacity of shelter is for 20 women and 20 children.
Mission and Objectives

To provide our residents with comfortable, peaceful, safe and healthy environment, as well as up to date and innovative municipal services with experienced, enthusiastic and qualified staff, using the latest technology available.
To become a leading municipality in terms of direct engagement with our society, innovation, high-quality life, and services that adhere to world standards.
Our Values:
Transparency: All municipal work and procedures will be transparent.
Accessibility: We will take necessary measures to ensure the accessibility of information, services and the management to all our residents and employees.
Productivity: We will keep productivity in the forefront of all our activities and services.
Participation: We will create a mechanism to ensure the participation of our residents in decision processes.
Ecological Awareness: We will conduct all our activities and services with keeping the safety and health of our environment in mind.
Honesty: We will serve all our residents honestly and equally.
Innovative Approach: We will strive to bring innovative services to our residents.

Main Projects / Activities

Other projects implemented by the Directorate:
• Academy Volunteer
Volunteer activities had been started on April 2011 and esatblished at 1 November 2011. Academy Volunteer has around 100 members who trained on the issue of volunteer. Elderly, children, people with disabilities are ensured to participate in social activities.
• Disabled Employment Support Unit Project
Employers and the disabled are brought together in this project. We provide a guiding for disabled in the process of adaptation to work.
Although our Disabled Employment Support Unit is very new, the operators in the office follow 4 mentaly disabled person employed during the whole adaptation process and gives guidance.
• The First Day on Abroad is Difficult, Let’s Make It Easy for You Keçiören Municipality provided transportation and guide for students whose have right to attend to university from putside of Ankara. Also disabled and people in need were provided accommodation and food
services. In this project 1580 students were benefited from guidance services, 2370 people from transportation services and 630 people benefited from accomodation with their families.
• European Voluntary Services
On 25 th of October 2011, Keçiören Municipality the Directorate of Social Welfare Affairs is accredited in European Vountary Services on themes of disabled and gender equality.
• Certainly Mom
International Knowledge Bridges were assembled within the framework of the Grundtvig Projects. Relavent institutions and association in Spain, Italy, Greece, Poland, Austria and Belgium were mutually visited, the violence against women and their problems were discussed in an international level and our services were told.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Directorate of SocialWelfare Affairs


National Network


0090 216 639 03 16
009021663903 18
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0090 505 398 39 97
Mobile Phone (other)
0090 506 807 05 52
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
It is a local governmental organisation/directorship for all educational purposes.There are 84 schools in total with 1200 teachers and 40000 students in our town and it is the directory of all educational institutions.Ministry of Education supports the organisation and it produces projects related to Internatiional/National cultural relations.In the organidsation there are 27 full time, 9 part time and 7 disabled staff working together.
Mission and Objectives

To provide, promote and co-ordinate lifelong education, training and research for Turkey's sustainable development.The overall sector objectives are to ensure equitable access, attendance, retention, attainment and achievement in education, science, research and technology, culture by ensuring affordability of services.

Main Projects / Activities

We ogranised weeks to share the best practises of the projects done in schools.We motivate all teachers with seminars to have projects and how to find partners.We had a project of establishing classes in some schools for disabled people for 400 students. we worked with Cekmekoy municipality and Regional governership in this project with the fund of Istanbul Kalkınma Ajansı(Istanbul Development Agency).Another one is for the creating protective environment for marginalised children.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can announce all the ALF members's announcements to our schools when they are in need of the partners.We can create new projects and exchange ideas, organise seminars related to education and culture.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to have new partners, projects and we are a leading organisation for National/International projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Sümer Mah. 69126 Sok. No: 8 DOTAŞ Apt.

+90 322 224 51 48
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
So as to enhance and facilitate civil society activities as well as raise the awareness in cooperation and solidarity among the community, CALİSDER carries out a plethora of projects and events in its community centres. Besides, our organization is always open to cooperation both with public and third sector organizations that share the same aims and objectives. The research interests of CALİSDER is as follows: organising educational activities, discussion forums, cultural activities for its members, developing international cooperations with the organizations outside the Turkey via joint projects and thematic events, establishing fund schemes to be able to serve to the immediate needs of its members , founding youth and child clubs with the aim of raising the awareness in social solidarity among them.
Mission and Objectives

ÇUKUROVA ÇALIŞANLARI KÜLTÜR YARDIMLAŞMA VE DAYANIŞMA DERNEĞİ (ÇALIŞDER)was established in 2003 in Adana by its seven dedicated to volunteers. Currently, it has more than 100 members who take part in organisation and management of it.
Our member profile consists of employees working either in public or private sector, and is supervised by Board of Directors comprising of five members. CALİSDER organises events and develops projects in the areas of social cohesion, cultural awareness, assistance to the needy and community solidarity.
So as to enhance and facilitate civil society activities as well as raise the awareness in cooperation and solidarity among the community, CALİSDER carries out a plethora of projects and events in its community centres. Besides, our organization is always open to cooperation both with public and third sector organizations that share the same aims and objectives.
The research interests of CALİSDER is as follows: organising educational activities, discussion forums, cultural activities for its members, developing international cooperations with the organizations outside the Turkey via joint projects and thematic events, establishing fund schemes to be able to serve to the immediate needs of its members , founding youth and child clubs with the aim of raising the awareness in social solidarity among them.

Main Projects / Activities

CALISDER will participate in the overall design of the project and the analysis and publication of the results as well as their general dissemination. It will also have the additional responsibilities for the coordination of the work packages in the project, monitoring the dissemination of the project’s results, exchanging the information among participants via mail (comments, feedback and shared ideas), being in coordination with associated partners related to the content of the Project, dissemination of Project results via brochures, local conferences, CDs and on our web-site visited by all stakeholders in Turkey, creating, monitoring and sustaining the electronic support network for local authorities taking place in the partnership, providing periodical material exchange among all partners to facilitate the permanent evaluation of the project, finalizing of all project outcomes, Preparation and publication of the information materials for all stakeholders.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to participate several projects with other countries along commonships and change the people' idea each other.

Contact (1) Full Name
Enver Ulusoy
Head of the organisation
Ali İhsan Çopur

YEDİ RENK EĞİTİM KÜLTÜR VE ÇEVRE DERNEĞİ (Education Culture and Environment Assocation)

National Network

Güzelyalı Mah. Turgut Özal Bulv. 81123 sok no:7

90 322235 20 65
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
505 9133874
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
- seven staff employees and two hundred partners, - Courses' income and voluntary services, mobbing project e.t.c, - Çukurova University, çukurova Technical Members Assocation, Adana Education voluntaries Assocation
Mission and Objectives

Protecting the rigts of women working, increasing the integration of women to social life, organizing education programme.

Main Projects / Activities

Leonarda da Vinci(LDV ) project- Mobbing
Ministry of youth and sports - Photography

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

making dissemination of the Network in our country, carrying out benificial projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

working in international areas and doing projects which help to society

Contact (1) Full Name
Aybegüm DAĞLI
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Peace Child Estonia

National Network

Võru 16-46

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Peace Child Estonia is a youth- led non-governmental organisation. Peace Child Estonia is an official representative of UK organisation Peacechild International and operates on the international level as well as on the local level. PCE works in cooperation with governmental institutions, other private or public institutions, takes part in joint projects and programs with them and organises seminars, training-courses and informative events on topics varying from intercultural dialogue, non-formal education, and project management to gender empowerment.Peace Child Estonia staff inludes 3 employed persons and 10 volunteers who helps run Peae Child Estonia activities. Peace Child Estonia is a growing organisation with a developing program and many supportive members. The organisation’s leaders are motivated and active in regional development, state-led initiatives as well as working in conjunction with other organisations in developing projects on the international level. They can add a strong youth work element to the project, in spite of being a young organisation and they have been working well knonwn Estonian NGOs like Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare, Tallinn City Sport and Youth Department and Estonian Union for Child Welfare since their inception. Peace Child Estonia sources of funding are State foundations, European Commission and various of companies donations. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) - concrete projects. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities - Peace Child International (UK), SIllamäe Society for Child Welfare (Estonia), Tallinn Sport and Youth Department (Estonia) and of course various of local NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the Organisation is to include and empower the children and young people, developing child welfare and youth initiatives, taking part in designing and implementing youth policy and standing for the joint rights of the Organisation’s members.

Main Projects / Activities

Intercultural Dialogue, Youth work and youth issues related projects on various topics like for example gender empowerment, advocacy, active citizenship or sustainable development. Our day to day activities are divided on 2 levels: local and international.
Our main activities are project based, but additionally we provide different services depending of needs (consultation, webadministration, project management etc).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

At the moment the situation with Estonian ALF Network requires approvement. As we already have contacts with other members of the Network and are aware of the situation and willing to contribute we can be an active force in revitalising the Network. We are ready to contribute and especially in promotion of intercultural (citizenship education) dialogue, human rights and mutual understanding of both regions Europe and Mediteraneann. We`re ready to conduct a seminars, trainings, to do a cultural and educational cooperation events in Estonia with other members of ALF Estonia like Sillamae Society for Child Welfare, Ethicalinks, Trajectoria etc and take an active role in Euro Arab cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be more integrated in ALF network and possibilities that ALF provides to its members. We are presently already planning a joint project between Baltic and Medditerranean countries who are also ALF member states and the project itself is line with Anna Lindh Foundation’s ‘4D’ Strategy. Our team is very interested in building on that experience and becoming more involved in ALF missiion and acitivities. We work with different NGO across the world, but being a member of ALF and ALF's Estonian network will be a big incentive going forward as well as the benefits provided for members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Anton Reingoldt
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Angelina Pinnonen

MTÜ U-Pööre (U-Turn NGO)

National Network

Kase 4-3, Otepää 67405
67405 Otepää

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
5 Members, 2 Board Members. No salaried staff. Annual Budget (2012): 4000 EUR. Funding: Membership fees, grants (for implementing projects).
Mission and Objectives

U-Turn NGO aims to realize humanistic ideals through concrete projects and actions. Currently, U-Turn is focused in two areas: 1) participation in the international Finno-Ugric movement, 2) Moderation of Estonia-Palestine Support Group on Facebook.

Main Projects / Activities

U-Turn NGO represents Estonia in MAFUN (Youth Association of Finno-Ugric peoples). In MAFUN, U-Turn has initiated several new international projects such as Finno-Ugric Branding Conference and Finno-Ugric Capitals of Culture and is spearheading reforms in the Finno-Ugric movement. U-Turn is also involved in advocacy for the pursuit of independence of the Palestinian people in Estonia. As part of this, U-Turn moderates an Estonia-Palestine Support Group on Facebook.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Whenever U-Turn joins a network, it is always an active participant. We would like to raise awareness of the Arab world and the Middle East in Estonia, including by showing the similarities and commonalities that our peoples possess. We are ready to (co-)organize conferences, seminars, exchange programs, work with the media and schools/universities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

U-Turn appreciates and supports the overall objectives of ALF in conducting a dialogue between Europe and the Middle East / Arab World. This kind of dialogue is crucial for ensuring a more tolerant and peaceful society in our lifetime.

Contact (1) Full Name
Oliver Loode
Head of the organisation
Urmas Jaagusoo
Contact (2) Full Name
Urmas Jaagusoo

kinisi ethelonton service civil international-hellas

National Network

166 Grigoriou Afxentiou Avenue, 15772

+30 2103823635
Telephone (other)
+30 2103823636
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6977367412
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Kinisi Ethelonton Service Civil International-Hellas (SCI-Hellas) is a non governmental non for profit organisation based in Athens. It is the Greek branch of the international organisation Service Civil International. The annual budget is approximately 100.000 Euro. The main financial resources are different European grants and the membership. The main activity of SCI-Hellas is workcamps and international exchange of volunteers of all ages and backgrounds. The organisation implements seminars and trainings, youth exchanges, long term volunteering projects in cooperation with partners mainly from Europe, Middle East and north Africa. All our activities includes local partners too. The working team of the organisation includes 2 staff members, 2 long term international volunteers and 5-10 volunteers. The team meets every week together with the 5 members of the Board.
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is a world of peace; social justice and sustainable development, where all people live together with mutual respect and without recourse to any form of violence to solve conflict. Our mission is to promote a culture of peace.
Our values:
•Volunteering: in the sense of acting out of self-initiative, only for the benefit of civil society, for social change, whilst never competing with paid labour nor seeking to contribute to strike-breaking
•Non-Violence: as a principle and a method
•Human Rights: respect for individuals as stated in the Universal Declaration of H.R.
•Solidarity: for a more just world and between human beings
•Respect for the Environment: and the ecosystem of which we are a part and on which we are dependent
•Inclusion: to be open and inclusive to all individuals who share our aims and objectives

Main Projects / Activities voluntary short and long term in Greece
2.send Greek volunteers to workcamps in other countries, sending and coordinating organisation in the frame of EVS
4.raise awareness activities for the promotion of volunteering in Greece
5.close cooperation with youth and volunteering organisations from all over the world in organising youth exchanges, trainings and seminars.
6.activities in secondary schools and universities on Human Rights (creation of a table game, seminars on Human Rights, open air activities during the antiracism week every March, seminars on conflict resolution)
SCI-Hellas is member of the international working groups of SCI (W.G. on developing cooperation with NGOs in Mediterranean countries, W.G. on Youth and Unemployment)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As member of an international network we have the opportunity to participate in many different thematic international trainings, seminars and meetings. We would like to share all this knowledge and experience with the rest of the members. On national level SCI-Hellas can share ideas and opinions on operational issues of the national network and contribute to all the discussions concerning its development. Additionally SCI-Hellas can spread the information about ALF to more associations in all the countries through its partnerships.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As member of an international movement for peace and mutual understanding we already implement activities in cooperation with Mediterranean countries which we want to develop by finding new partners and improve the quality of our projects by sharing experience and knowledge with the members of the ALF which are also very much experience in the field of intercultural learning and mutual understanding

Contact (1) Full Name
Panagiota Arvaniti (Ms)
Head of the organisation
Antonios Sifakis (Mr)
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonios Sifakis (Mr)


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Municipality of Lokrous is located in Central Greece-Region of Sterea Ellada, and it has been consituted in 2011, under the greek administrative reform of local and regional administration, with the merging of four former municipalities: Municipality of Atalanti, Dafnousion, Opountion and Malesina. As local authority, its main aim is the local development thought a range of activities foresseen by the legislation. In particular, it has, by law, the competency of developing local policies in terms of culture, sports, protection of social solidarity and welfare, protection of the environment etc towards the wider population, as well as disadvantaged groups of people, such as immigrants, people with disablities, unemployed etc. Τhe finances of the municipality is autonomous central resources of the country and his own financial services revenue, We participate in European programs and the other developmental (NSRF) Our partners, in the organization's projects/activities, are other European countries.
Mission and Objectives

The competency of developing local policies in terms of culture, sports, protection of social solidarity and welfare, protection of the environment etc towards the wider population, as well as disadvantaged groups of people, such as immigrants, people with disablities, unemployed.
Οur goal is the broader cooperation with the Euro-Mediterranean family.

Main Projects / Activities

Europe for Cittizens ( 4forEU-Town Twinning
Building solidarity in Communities ( meeting of Citizens)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

First of all, the local culture will give information for the function of the local society and about the possibilities of a positive development.The National Networks reflect the diversity of their own civil society and work across fields including intercultural relations, heritage, religion, research, human rights, democracy and community development, arts, youth and education, gender, environment and sustainable development, and media.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ιt is important for us to exchange views and to implement the best practices that will become a product of dialogue and cooperation because this will help to develop the relationship between citizens and the social benefit will be promoted.

Contact (1) Full Name
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network



0030 213 0178021
Telephone (other)
0030 213 0178000
0030 213 0178262
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
- number of staff: 126 - budgetary resources available in a year: 2,500,000 Euros - sources of funding: Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, Ticket sales, space rental, sponsorships
Mission and Objectives

The Onassis Cultural Centre is Athens' new cultural space, open and accessible to everyone, hosting theatre, dance, music, visual arts events and letters. Its mission is to promote contemporary culture, to support young Greek artists, to cultivate international collaborations, to educate children and people of all ages through life-long learning. The Onassis Cultural Centre – Athens is a division of the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, operated by a wholly owned subsidiary of the Foundation, Ariona S.A. This new cultural space was officially inaugurated in December 2010.

Main Projects / Activities

The emphasis is on modern and contemporary art and thought in all its dimensions and media. Though particularly concerned with the need to promote and support young Greek artists, the OCC has an international program and aims to create synergies with other institutions in order to facilitate the circulation of creative work within and outside Greece.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We aim to contribute through collaboration with other organizations and with the extensive field of action of the Onassis Cultural Centre.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in working with other organizations in the Mediterranean region and developing cultural interests.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Society for the Development and Creative Occupation of Children (EADAP)

National Network

13 Diogenous Laertiou Str.


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
EADAP is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation certified by the Ministry of Health (Register No. 0994) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NGO Special Register No. 384, Hellenic Aid). It was founded by a group of academic specialists. It currently (2013) employs two staff members and cooperates with a great number of external collaborators including certified trainers, educators, teachers in primary and secondary education, academics, researchers, school counsellors, social workers, psychologists, students from pedagogical departments, elected officials and administrative staff from educational institutions, parents, etc. For most of its history, EADAP has mainly been funded by Bernard van Leer Foundation. Other funding sources include the European Commission through projects, educational institutions' and individuals' donations, etc. Since its establishment, EADAP has been participating in European and international networks, engaging in academic research, implementing training programmes, specialising in continuous in-service training, organising innovative educational activities for young children, encouraging cooperation between parents, teachers and educational bodies, getting involved in programmes promoting respect for diversity, producing printed and audiovisual educational material, organising workshops, conferences, festivals and study trips and developing educational networks. The scope of EADAP's activities, requires close collaboration with the aforementioned individuals, preschool, primary, secondary and higher educational institutions, parents' associations, NGO's, Local Governmental Authorities, public and private organisations, associations, etc.
Mission and Objectives

EADAP's primary objective is the study, promotion and dissemination of educational innovations to develop the potential of all children from preschool age to their first years at school.
Our vision is to substantially and effectively contribute to the development and creative occupation of children, thus promoting their rights and contributing to the recognition and respect of their diversity, while also developing educational innovations and conducting academic research on those matters.
EADAP aims to design and implement training programmes, promote continuous in-service training, develop collaboration among parents, educators and educational bodies and involve them in reforming the educational institutions, advance and connect action research, training and innovations in preschool and school institutions, research and train in the field of intercultural education and create educational networks.

Main Projects / Activities

During EADAP's first years of operation (1992-1994), its academic members have researched the field of preschool education, collected scientific data and developed an in-service training methodology, which they called Synergy. Over the next three years (1995-1998), EADAP used this methodology to implement and evaluate pilot in-service training programmes at 12 day care centres.
Since 1966 EADAP has been involved in numerous European projects with partners from al around Europe.
Since 1999, we have been expanding and disseminating the Synergy methodology through implementing programmes at many day care centres in municipalities both in Attica Prefecture (Greece) and elsewhere. Furthermore, we have been involving executives from relevant bodies in the programmes, engaging certified educators-mediators to staff the programmes, publishing material (articles, booklets, etc.), presenting papers at conferences and workshops, conducting research in Greece and participating in research programmes abroad.
Moreover, since 1999 EADAP has been running educational programmes focusing on specific targets -as has been done with the Aesop intercultural education programme-,
specific themes -such as health education, environmental education, evaluation, etc.-, the educational needs not only of Athens but also of the rest of Greece, by providing distance learning courses and the needs of education executives (school counsellors, education officers, headmistresses and day care centres' managers).
Lastly, since 2005, EADAP has worked on seminars covering various topics and of varying durations, based on the Synergy methodology. Those seminars reflect the needs and interests of educators, parents, students, education executives and social partners of the day care centres.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EADAP would like to be an active member of the Greek Network. Our aim is to participate in joint actions and projects and help towards promoting and achieving common objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network will first and foremost give EADAP the opportunity to contact civil society actors sharing common interests, established in countries from both parts of the Mediterranean basin. Such a membership will promote and facilitate dialogue and exchange of opinions and practices. Finally, cooperation with peers will lead to furthering EADAP's goals and interests, as well as to enriching our areas of expertise.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Arvanitopoulou
Head of the organisation
Dr Anastasia Papaprokopiou