Mediterranean Media House

National Network

1 Mohamed Baghdadly St., at the end of el tiaran st., 7th District, Nasr City, Cairo

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Al Ettihad Newspaper is an independent weekly newspaper released from Cairo to the Mediterranean states. we have 3 editions from the paper, Arabic, English and the third edition in Braille for blind people.. we cover all the European Arab relations, especially the Mediterranean area and for that the slogan of the newspaper is: Al Ettihad - Together For The Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

- Al Ettihad Newspaper is a base for a Mediterranean media, which focuses on opportunities of cooperation, mutual and common development between countries of the Mediterranean.
- Present the investment opportunities of the Mediterranean countries, and advantages offered by each State to other members of the UFM.
- Highlighting efforts of the governmental and NGO’s in such fields as human rights, democracy, education, SME and environment.
- Emphasis that the Mediterranean region is a civilizations area and people of the region deserve (according to their long history) well-being and a better life.
- Encouraging governments, organizations, companies and even individuals to give the priority of tourism, education and investment to the Mediterranean & Euro-Med countries.
- Creating a new media which can helps to build the confidence between countries of Northern and Southern of the Mediterranean to cooperate for peace and development.

Main Projects / Activities

Al Ettihad (Together for the Mediterranean)is an Online newspaper.
3 printed editions, one in Arabic, another one in English and a special edition in Braille for blinds.
We are planning to support and to be the media sponsor to any project, conference or authority working in the development field especially in the Mediterranean area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ashraf Gaber

El Mastaba Center for Egyptian Folk Music

National Network

4 Sweqat El Sabaeen St. - from Magles El Aoma - Sayyida Zainab

+202 23926768
Telephone (other)
+20123226345; +20103171762
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
It is well known that in as much as people strove throughout history to ensure their basic needs – food, clothing, shelter – they also strove, in the same degree to meet their spiritual needs, in which art played an unquestionable and integral part. Thus humanity found its way to music, as a spiritual medium, discovering and inventing musical instruments, using strings, rhythm and percussion instruments, around which different ritualistic artistic celebrations emerged throughout the ages. From the religious and spiritual rituals, love songs and popular epic songs and from the performances of popular actors who joined with the musicians and singers, was created what is called the popular ‘Samar’ or entertainment night. Popular artists gather in a street, lane or any available space and the local inhabitants gather around them. From this a space for a popular theater emerges. Without any previously prepared text, the show begins. The audience here is unlike the audience in the modern-day theater, since they are part of the show from the beginning. They sing along with the singers, demand certain songs or ask for specific singers, interject with comments on the performance, suddenly jumping in to join and participate in the dancing. From all of the above, a ‘state of being’ is reached, which is composed of all the elements inherited deep within us, in addition to our vision and need for the intimacy of communication. Seeping deeply into our spirits and passed on through generations, new tributaries are added to this river, into which each generation pours its own experience and elements of its time. This river continues to provide us with the source from which our spiritual thirst is quenched throughout the ages. This spiritual state to is weaved in with humanity’s strive to provide to meet its basic material needs, to complete and improve the conditions for a humane life, in what is termed ‘development’, in it’s holistic and comprehensive meaning. In Egypt, especially in recent decades, due to numerous reasons, popular music has been subjected to the worst kind of marginalization, to the point of near extinction. Factors contributing to the current state of affairs include; the negative impact of globalization, which leads to weakening local cultures and its spiritual heritage, especially music; the spread of religious fundamentalism, which prohibits music and all forms of art and; bureaucratic government structures through the Egyptian Ministry of Culture, which has created, a tamed breed of musical groups. All of these factors have emptied arts from their spontaneous and popular content, mutating them to instead reflect a sanitised, state-approved output, divorced from their original environment of the streets, and their capacity to express the hopes and needs of the collective. For this reason, the popular musician, whom has a spiritual affinity to his music, suffers from any forces of oppression, which empty this music form its true spirit and content. It was therefore necessary for someone to attempt to fill this gap through working towards reviving, documenting and disseminating traditional forms of music. Zakaria Ibrahim began this journey in Port Said in 1989 with the search for the old artists, who carry this popular musical heritage but were forced, as a result of the aforementioned conditions, to withdraw to their homes. Zakaria Ibrahim was successful in convincing these artists to return to their music, in its original context, and not through the governmental or commercial performances, while adding a number of young people, in order to ensure that this musical heritage be carried down to the next generation. From the memory of these veteran performers, old songs and old tunes were gathered, totaling nearly twenty hours of material, and taught to the young. Initially, funding to undertake these activities came solely by from himself, however in 1994 financial assistance was secured from the Ford Foundation it was possible to extend the research endeavors to include to documentation through video, sound recordings and photography and further dissemination through hundreds of live shows in their original environment of Port Said, wider venues in Egypt and performances in Arab, African and European countries. These revivalist activities undertaken in Port Said were repeated in Ismailia and Suez with the support from SIDA (The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) and now the original folk music of each of the three cities can be heard at weekly performances that enjoy a strong local support. Additionally, with further support from Ford Foundation, Zakaria rediscovered an instrument called "Rango" (Marimba) after its extinction, an instrument that had its origins with the people who come from south of Sudan to work in the Egyptian army and Cotton agriculture after the Egyptian conquest of Sudan in 1820. As with Port Said, Ismalia and Suez a Rango group was established to perform this long-forgotten dance music in places such as "Araisheat El Abed" in Ismailia city, Cairo and Alexandriaand internationally in UK, Abu Dhabi and Sweden.
Mission and Objectives

In July 2000, El Mastaba Center for Egyptian Folk Music was established, with the aim of achieving the following: 1.Gathering popular musicians and forming music groups in environments in which popular music is subject to extinction. 2.Collecting and documenting associated popular art and music, such as singing and dancing, through video, recordings and photography. 3.Organizing shows and festivals to disseminate their artistic work and strengthen the links among them, and between them and the widest possible audience. 4.Issuing of publications dealing with this type of music and enriching the dialogue informing it. 5.Producing documentary films, which inform others of this type of music. 6.Organizing workshops for teaching this music in its environment, to prevent it from becoming extinct.

Main Projects / Activities

Within the seeking of the center to achieve its goals in reviving, documenting and marketing the Egyptian folk music: •Reviving: Mastaba Centre developed both the level of musicianship within the groups which the Center Founded in marginalized areas and the local audience for their traditional music through weekly performance in the local environment for each group and they have had some success in transforming the weekly performance into social events for the community rather than the detached musical performances and this has had the effect of attracting and maintaining the interest of both the artists and audience in the local community, and beside those three groups El Mastaba founded the Bedouin Jerrycan band in Sinai which keep the traditional way of playing the percussion with what they found from the left behind of wars, ammunition boxes and Jerry-cans. We also work with immigrant Sudanese musicians, encouraging them to keep their culture through the Rango group with the last player alive of Rango instrument. They also participated in many social events in local environment like weddings. El Mastaba center founded two children schools for teaching the folk music in Port-said and in Suez under the name of "Young Tanbura" and "young Hinna" from the age 6-16 years old for teaching the next generation how to maintain their cultural legacy. We plan to continue our effort in reviving through accumulate other forms of traditional folk groups in hall Egypt and to found a traditional instrumental school in Cairo. •Documenting: The center documented more than 400 hours of video material (DV and HDV) for Egyptian folk music which helped us in making documentary films about marginalized forms of traditional music, instrument and songs to present them to the researchers or the ones interested in folk music in general, and more than 300 hours of audio records from interviews with the old folk musicians (some of them passed away) and from the concerts themselves to prevent this folk from being extinct. We plan to continue our archive and document the other forms. •Organizing shows and festivals: El Mastaba center had success in organizing El Mesilla festival in Port-said city in 2004 and in 2005. in 2004 the festival represented 7 different folk groups and in 2005 represented 6 different folk groups, also El Mastaba organized in the same city Port-said in 2006 a festival for "50th celebration of nationalizing the canal" with participation of 6 folk groups. Also the center managed to organize "music festival for independent folk groups" in Rawabeet Theater in down town in 2007 for 7 days, each day a new folk group. And two important festivals that we do every year in Port-said city one in "Sham El Neseem" fest and one in "Victory fest". El Mastaba had a lot of shows inside and outside Egypt to represent our folk groups to global audience, in Egypt in Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Jesuit El Menia and Alexandria and Cairo, foreigner's cultural centers and many other places. And outside Egypt in Union chapel-UK, Manchester fest festival-UK, south bank-UK, Barbican’s Ramadan Nights Festival and others, and also the three biggest festivals for the world music: Womex in Spain, Womad in UK and Glastonbury in UK and many other countries around the globe. The next year plane is to open a space in Cairo to represent the Egyptian folk groups, which will help in making regular performances in Cairo to translate this success in generating an income to continue our work in developing and marketing the Egyptian folk music locally. •Increasing the interest of media: El Mastaba succeeded in making promo videos to promote the groups, especially El Tanbura, Bedouin Jerry-can Band, Rango, along with photo sessions, sample audio for each group and constructing two websites ( , ) activities which helped the Bedouin Jerry-can Band’s tour in UK and to facilitate the next tours for Rango group and El Tanbura group. Also the center achieved some kind of propaganda through many interviews with TV channels and Radio stations inside and outside Egypt (OTV channel, Dream channel, ONTV channel, Nile cultural channel, TV link, ARTE, 3rd Germany's local channel, BBC Radio Arabic and English, BBC Radio Bristol, BBC Radio Liverpool, BBC 3 and others) and also through different newspapers and Magazines( El Wafd newspaper, El Messa newspaper, El Gomhoriya newspaper, El Ahram weekly newspaper, El Badel newspaper, El Akhbar newspaper, The Guardian newspaper, Songlines Magazine, fRoots magazine, Mondo Mix Magazine, The daily Telegraph, The Times, Evening standard and The Independent newspaper). We plan to construct a new website for Rango group to facilitate the communication with the audience and the interested journalist. •Producing Audio and Video: El Mastaba center produced the documentary film "The Siren" directed by Zakaria Ibrahim. The film was speaking about the legend of Simsimiya instrument which instrument is like the siren and the players have to die holding their instrument until the end; also co-produced the documentary film "El Tanbura – capturing the vanishing spirit" directed by Philippe L. Dib about our main group El Tanbura and with a research on the Rango instrument by Zakaria Ibrahim - president of El Mastaba center – who wrote a script for the documentary film "Rango" directed by Arab Lofty and produced by Nile sector for specialized channels – Egyptian television – and the newest, El Mastaba center coordinated with the Egyptian Television through El Mastaba’s researches, archive and in writing the script for a short documentary film with title “El Mandouh” (the one whom the siren called upon him) about the legend of Simsimiya “Mohamed El Waziry”. From our main goal of trying to breakthrough the Egyptian market to introduce the folk music and create a market for it, El Mastaba center produced a number of cassette and CDs for some of our folk groups (El Tanbura group: Noh El Hamam cassette – Ahwa Qamar CD & cassette, El Wazery group: Walla Zaman CD, Hinna group: Ya Rayes El Bahariya CD, Arwah CD and children schools: Ya Aroust El Bahr (Mermaid) cassette) and also to invade the international market by a co-production with 30IPS LTD (English company based in London) to produce 3 CDs in the international market ( El Tanbura: Between the desert and the sea CD, Friends Of Bamboute CD and Bedouin Jerrycan Band: Coffee Time CD). We plan to produce a CD every year for one of our groups. •Organizing workshops for teaching folk music: Besides the role of the adult in the revival of our music, the center had already built two children schools for teaching the next generation how to maintain their cultural legacy (one in Port Said 2003 and the other in Suez 2004) with the support of DI/Sida (Dramatiska institutet / Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) under a TAMASI network. The children involved in the process are between 6 to 16 years old. They are being taught to play the popular instruments and rhythms, and also to learn, keep and perform the popular songs and dances. From another perspective, the center looks after their educational state through making sure that they focus in school as a tool for developing themselves. This led to their balanced growth by combining art and knowledge. We plan to continue our efforts with the two children folk music schools and to found another school in Sinai to keep there traditional legacy alive.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zakaria Ibrahim
Head of the organisation
Zakaria Ibrahim

Scandinavian Culture Center (Swedish culture center)

National Network

13 Markaz el Maalomat, Morabaa el Wozra, 1157, Sheraton Heliopolis

+202 22671161
+202 22678592
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
01223568281 (ishaq)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Scandinavian Culture Center (Swedish culture center): The center is a meeting place for Egyptians, who wants to know more about Scandinavia, and where Scandinavians working in Egypt, can meet and develop contacts in Cairo. We want to increase the knowledge about the Nordic countries for Egyptians, and for Scandinavians to know more about Egypt. The Center offers seminars, conferences, art exhibitions and film-documentaries about the different Scandinavian forms of government, culture and arts. The Center has a library, a gallery and is the only institution in Africa and Middle East which offers teaching in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages. The Center also has teaching in Arabic for Scandinavians and special courses for Master students in cooperation with Lund University. In the Center there are student lodgings. Swedish House Swedish House is a five storey building, situated in Shubra al-Kheima, a poor and polluted area in a suburb to Cairo. Here we initiate - living for two Swedish guest students - daycare for children when their mothers work or study - a center where women can be taught to read and write and also give them a possibility to learn an activity where they can earn money. The goal is to give these women social protection and a higher status in the society. - library and place for studying.
Mission and Objectives

The Swedish-Egyptian Institute is a Swedish non-profit organization and its purpose is to collect funds for promoting intellectual, scientific, cultural and inter-religious exchanges for social development and a more humane and democratic society in Egypt.
The purpose of the organization is to support and give allowance to;
Swedish and Egyptian students and researchers for travelling to and studying in Egypt, respectively Sweden
prize for best translated book from Swedish to Arabic and from Arabic to Swedish
conference activities for Egyptian and Swedish university graduates
support translation of Scandinavian literature and dubbing of Swedish and Egyptian films
financial support to Scandinavian Culture Center and Swedish House in Cairo.
Scandinavian Culture Center and Swedish House are run by the Egyptian non-profit association al-Moasasa al-Masreya al-Swedeya (Svensk-Egyptiska institutet). We are looking for cooperation with students, voluntary workers and researchers. We are also looking for cooperation with institutes, organizations, companies, etc for our projects in Egypt.

Main Projects / Activities

Scandinavian Culture Center:
The center is a meeting place for Egyptians, who wants to know more about Scandinavia, and where Scandinavians working in Egypt, can meet and develop contacts in Cairo.
We want to increase the knowledge about the Nordic countries for Egyptians, and for Scandinavians to know more about Egypt. The Center offers seminars, conferences, art exhibitions and film-documentaries about the different Scandinavian forms of government, culture and arts.
The Center has a library, a gallery and is the only institution in Africa and Middle East which offers teaching in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages. The Center also has teaching in Arabic for Scandinavians and special courses for Master students in cooperation with Lund University. In the Center there are student lodgings.
Swedish House
Swedish House is a five storey building, situated in Shubra al-Kheima, a poor and polluted area in a suburb to Cairo. Here we initiate
living for two Swedish guest students
daycare for children when their mothers work or study
a center where women can be taught to read and write and also give them a possibility to learn an activity where they can earn money. The goal is to give these women social protection and a higher status in the society.
library and place for studying.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To make connections with other organisations and to seen and heard

Contact (1) Full Name
Sameh Egyptson
Head of the organisation
The Swedish-Egyptian Institute

abna El-Mahrousa Center for Socioeconomic Development

National Network

4 Seket Elish., in front of Hamammat el-Qoba metro station.

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
002- 1283081119
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Structure: 5 full-time employees. Sources of funding: grants Main partner: Resources for Development Center (RDC), Egypt
Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement: MCSD is a developmental organization founded by a closely-knit group of Egyptian youth who enjoy broad expertise in community development through both individual as well as collective initiatives. The Center aims to enhance respect for socioeconomic rights through training programs, human rights education, civic education, developmental interventions, and service delivery. The Center employs both conventional tools, such as direct trainings, along with the newly available technological innovations, i.e., e-learning and new social media, to support its programming. Overall guidance for the Center’s activities comes from its members strong conviction that human rights and practical, hands-on, actions are the prime tools to achieve socioeconomic rights and equality for all members of the Egyptian citizenry. Goals: 1. Disseminating education and raising awareness of socioeconomic rights and how to, advocate, attain, and protect them. 2. Empowering labor unions and professional syndicates to carry out their message to the highest standard of achievement possible in order to better serve their members and to contribute efficaciously to Egypt’s economic transition to a developed market economy. 3. Supporting women and children as per national and international human rights instruments. 4. Advancing the role of youth in civic life and their economic contributions to their communities by developing their skills and employability in accordance with market needs. 5. Contributing to strengthening democratic practices and fundamental freedoms while safeguarding the rights of individual citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

- Economic development campaigns and programmes - Disadvantaged women empowerment activities - Youth employment and training workshops - Advocating for decentralization.

Contact (1) Full Name
hany Ibrhim
Job Title
Exactive Director
Head of the organisation
hany Ibrhim
Contact (2) Full Name
Rowida Omar
Job Title (2)
International relationship coordinator


National Network

56,Road 105, Maadi, P.O. Box 72, Maadi

0020 2 25 25 36 97
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
General Information
Egypt office is part of the Middle East region, with one country representative and 8 active partners. Budgetary resources available in Egypt in a year: 500000 USD, would probably be multiplied starting July 2011 Sources of Funding; Sida, CivSam Program Modalities of action: Civil society strengthening projects around a rights' issue, using rights based approach. Partners in Egypt: EACPE, CEOSS, BLACD, CEWLA, Hope Village, Pop. Coincil, MediaHouse
Mission and Objectives

Diakonia’s vision is for each and every human being to live a dignified existence in a just and sustainable world, free from poverty.
Diakonia’s mission is to change unfair political, economic and social structures that generate poverty, oppression and violence.
Objectives: to support civil-society organizations to increase their role in policy making and policy implementation towards more respect for democracy and human rights, socioeconomic justice, gender equality and non-violent conflict resolution, as well as to eradicate the multidimensional aspects of poverty.

Main Projects / Activities

Civil society strengthening, networking and empowerment of rights holders groups around the following issues:
Democracy and elections monitoring, socioeconomic justice networking and campaign strategizing, combating violence against women, child protection for street children and girls at risk of FGM, Media production on child protection.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nermeen Nayer
Head of the organisation
Bo Fosberg

Power Planning System AB

National Network

Vanadisvägen 9B
000 00 Stockholm

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Headquartered in Stockholm, PPS is one of the largest operators of private schools in Sweden, with more than 3,600 students enrolled. Founded in 2000, PPS operates nine schools, primarily located in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö - Sweden’s three largest cities. The company’s core business is upper secondary schools, but PPS also operates schools for children with special needs, as well as compulsory schools.

Mission and Objectives

PPS goal is to develop basic and preparatory skills for further training, career and life. As an operator in education PPS strives to stimulate students thirst for essential, deeper and broader knowledge and provide them with high quality education.

Main Projects / Activities

An international perspective is important to view own reality in a global context and to create international solidarity and prepare for a society with frequent connections across cultural and national boundaries. The international perspective also means developing an understanding of the cultural diversity of the country. One of the PPS schools is the member of ALF Swedish Network and participated in 1001 Actions, Peace Day, Forums in Barcelona and Marseille.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

One of the schools is already a member of ALF Network and this spring invited one of the colleague schools in Malmö to contribute to Peace Day, which this year will be in Malmö. Intercultural dialogue and interaction across borders and apart from nationality is a living theme in the educational field.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

PPS schools promote international cooperation. Some of the schools have achieved very good results and inspire others to take action and contribute to an active intercultural dialogue on national and international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Biljana Bibbi Corlija
Head of the organisation
Marlene Terkowsky

Ro’ya for Development and Media Studies - VISION

National Network

Abdel Moneim Riad Square - Mohammed Haggag Street - Ma'rouf Buildings - Tower B

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
General Information
Ro’ya Center for Development and Media Studies is a non profitable civil company working on supporting freedom of expression, enhancing the freedom of press and circulation of information, establishing the citizenship and tolerance principles, participating in establishing democratic and liberal values and strengthening the concepts of the civil state. Our statement Media plays the most important role in spreading information, circulation of knowledge and building the communication bridges among communities, freedom of media is the essence of freedom of expression. Thus, Ro’ya center endeavors to develop the current media policies and practices that participate in developing a media society working to elevate the freedom and democracy, to strengthen the concept of civil state and citizenship and to support the culture of tolerance and accepting of the other through applying programs and mechanisms that establish the freedom of expression and media, face the violations against the journalists, develop their professional skills and develop the legislations that support the freedom of media through the participation of all the concerned parties in the process to making the change.
Mission and Objectives

Towards a responsible media society capable of establishing freedom - Participating in creating the new generation of liberal journalists and media workers who adapt the issues and values of democracy 2- Supporting freedom of expression in Egypt and the Arab World 3- Supporting the legal awareness of the lawyers specialized in the media cases, freedom of expression and belief. 4- Elevating the values of media ethics, neutrality and transparency. 5- Securing a liberal democratic tribune for the journalists and media workers in Egypt and Arab world 6- Encouraging the best media practices as an effective method to explain and analyze the political, social, cultural and economic progresses in Egypt and the Arab World. 7-Utilizing the different media tribunes to enhance and support the citizenship and tolerance principles, to oppose violence, and to spread the values of democracy and political reform. 8- Raising the issues of marginalized groups like youth, women and children and to assure their role in the community.

Main Projects / Activities

Our mechanisms: 1- Holding training courses and conferences 2- Holding seminars and workshops 3-Preparing the researches and studies 4- Providing media consultancy 5- Providing the legal support 6- Issuing books and periodicals 7- Holding Awareness seminars and group discussions

Contact (1) Full Name
Remon Edward
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Remon Edward

El Hayat Association For Development

National Network

Domiat; Domiat El-Gedida

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Life Association does not aim to profit. Our goal to create a social movement, the Egyptian Nile Delta and activate its role and promote a culture of philanthropy in order to achieve and will support community-based
Mission and Objectives

1 - merge solidarity organizations and networking with civil society to achieve the desired social production;
2 - work to create a strong social entity, the Egyptian Delta;
3 - Work to ensure sustainable environmental development.

Main Projects / Activities

1 - Create a network of NGOs, the Egyptian Delta
2 - an initiative to protect working children with support from the Ministry of Family and Population
3 - Recycling of rice straw to keep the air quality
4 - provide scholarships for women in the Egyptian Delta,at American University in Cairo
5 - Establishment of compost production line for farmers in the initiative to defend the rights of peasants with the support of the Egyptian government
6 - Training of more than 30 girls on social participation

Contact (1) Full Name
Eslam El Sabbahi
Contact (2) Full Name
Atiat Othman

El-Fayrouz Society For Environmental, Social & Economical Servicies

National Network

North Saina - El-Arish - 2 Elmahd Eldieny St. Beside Cairo Bank

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Society Council composed of more than 30 members representing women by nearly a quarter and Board consists of 9 members and Executive Board consists of the association of 16 people 9 females and 7 males. The Assembly partnerships with several institutions in different sectors of society to help it achieve its objectives and appropriate funding and grants different: 1) the public sector: Ministry of Communications and Information Technology - the Ministry of Culture - North Sinai Governorate - Ministry of Youth - The Ministry of Planning 2) civil society: the Integrated Care Society - Sawiris Foundation for Social Development – Ouon Misr Association - the Future Foundation for Sustainable Development - The Association for charity 3) the private sector: My Way Corp - Microsoft Corp.
Mission and Objectives

advancement of Sinai society in all aspects of life through active participation in various development fields.
Elfayrouz Society for environmental services and social and economic endeavor to provide services for the development of society, especially young people of both sexes and women, and other marginalized groups through awareness programs, training and capacity development and cooperation with all parties in the implementation of activities that serve the community.
• provide job opportunities for young people
• work activities relating to the development of cultural, scientific, religious and educational.
• raise awareness among young people of the importance of their role in the development of the local community
• contribute to the solution of the problem of illiteracy
• increase the income of women by providing job opportunities and give them a small loan.
• provide social assistance in the form of aid through the Orphan Project
• Rehabilitation of Special Needs and reintegrated into society

Main Projects / Activities

First: (Gift Academy), which includes a range of serious youth initiatives, including:
A - program to ensure the child an orphan
B - seasonal subsidy program
C - economic advancement family program
D - relief subsidies, especially for the people of central Sinai and the victims of the floods
And - processing brides orphans
Second: Women's Rehabilitation Project family of the labor market in collaboration with the Ministry of Planning and GTZ;
Third: Sinai Outreach Project in collaboration with Microsoft Corp;
Fourth: voice our future project in collaboration with the Foundation for Creative Egypt;
Fifth: House IT project in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology;
Sixth: the rehabilitation and training of project and enable owners of small and medium with information technology tools needed to develop their business in cooperation with the Egyptian Fund for ICT

Contact (1) Full Name
Eng. Amany Fahmy Gharib
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Ragab M. Hefny
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Marwan M. Hassan

Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University

National Network

Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Communication studies in English at the faculty of mass communication includes 500 students who are bilingual and as such constitute a cornerstone for international and inter-cultural understanding. The department employs more than 40 faculty members, 12 teaching assistants, in addition to technical and management staff. In addition to budget allocation from the university general budget, this department has additional resources from increased tuition.
Mission and Objectives

Communication studies in English at Cairo university aims to contribute to international understanding and intercultural dialogue by graduating students who are bilingual (Arabic-English) who are more capable to communicate with the world we live in.

Main Projects / Activities

500 students are involved in the BA program and starting October 2011 about 50 students will start their masters program in communication.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Farag Elkamel
Head of the organisation
Prof. Hassan Emad Mekawi (Dean)