Beyaz Yaka Kültür ve Yardımlaşma Derneği

National Network

Döşeme mah.Yeni Valilik Karşısı Baysan İş merkezi B blok Kat:1 Seyhan ADANA TURKEY

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
In our organization we are accepting members from govenmental officers. Our organization includes 22 official members and 500 volunteer members. Our available budgetary and resources 200.000 Turkish lira for 2012 resources are based on the donations from the members. We have a project from Youth and Sport Ministry of Republic of Turkey name of the project "biz birlikte varız-We can be exist together" We have done seminars like culture days of adana city and about to stop the smoking.
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of our organization:
According to laws of Republic of Turkey Education, Culture, Social activities we are doing with those things our aim is in education, culture, tourism, economy, trade and industry areas to contribute to development and to help the students in or abroad the country. The most important to introduce our country to World.

Main Projects / Activities

We have a project from Youth and Sport Ministry of Republic of Turkey name of the project "biz birlikte varız-We can be exist together".
Cultural days of Adana City
Picnic organizations with members
And to have seminars to members

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To communicate with people by the rules of democracy and connecting people between countries and to do more qualified projects To improove activity fields of network in our country

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to claim the speciality of international organizations and to have good ways of the ALF thats why we want to join to ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Dignità del Lavoro - Cooperativa Sociale

National Network

Via Saverio Albo 21
00000 Cosenza

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Dignità del Lavoro is a social cooperative constituted in 2012 by 10 people, five of which are volunteers. The competences of the staff members are related to communication and international events organization, education and production of educative tools. Furthermore, some of the staff members are expert in vocational training and job creation or in the languages translation. In its first year of activity, the organization has reached a budget of about 20 thousand euros, but the goal for the future is to reach at list 100 thousand euros per year. The main source of revenues of the cooperative is the sale of its publishing products and the grant of its projects.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Dignità del Lavoro is to pursuit the general interest of the community to the social inclusion of disadvantaged people by means of the promotion of productive activities and cultural projects in which those people can be occupied. The main beneficiaries are young people who are at risk of exclusion, due to their lack of training or their social weakness. Productive activities and events projects are aimed to pursuit importat cultural objective: propagation of the culture of legality; promotion of dialogue and cooperation among youth in the Mediterranean; building of peace; cooperation for the social cohesion.

Main Projects / Activities

The most important educational tool produced by Dignità del Lavoro is a table game called "Cittadini. La sfida quotidiana della legalità", a game aimed to educate to the culture of legalità among youth and adults. This game is now selled in several city in Italy. About the events organization, the most important project is the "MeYouMe - Mediterranean Youth Meeting", created by the cooperative "Delfino Lavoro" in 2008 and now under the responsibility of Dignità del Lavoro.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network by sharing our competencies and our network of youth organizations by almost all the Mediterranean countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network because we believe in the development of a Mediterranean of dialogue, cooperation and peace and we want to contribute to this objective. For this reason we want cooperate with all organization who share this vision.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni SERRA
Head of the organisation
Manfredo PIAZZA

PRISM - Promozione Internazionale Sicilia/Mondo

National Network

Via Padre Pio da Pietrelcina 11
00000 Caltanissetta

+39 093 407 01 80
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The not for profit association "PRISM - International Promotion Sicily-World" was born in the heart of the Mediterranean from the initiative of professionals working in the field of cooperation and intercultural dialogue at European and international level. PRISM aims at creating development opportunities for the territories in which it operates, encouraging economic, cultural and social growth through international cooperation. PRISM acts as a qualified development agent, able to intercept and to thrive in the territory the development policies promoted by transnational bodies, in particular by the European Commission (eg through structural funds and programs managed centrally by the different DGs of the EU Commission) but also from national, regional and other international bodies. In this framework PRISM acts both directly and in cooperation with public and private organizations, and it encourages the dissemination of good practices and transfer of know-how. PRISM promotes competencies and skills for entrepreneurship and innovation of young people, providing them with a valuable edge for their expression at European and international level. The structure of PRISM is made up of 3 founders and several members who contribute to the development of the activities of the association. PRISM's main sources of funding derives from the European programmes (mainly Youth in Action), and from membership fees. As new born organisation, PRISM can claim in its first year of activities,the participation in the following projects: - TEAM WORK BEATS UNEMPLOYMENT: Youth in Action – Measure 1.1 - ECO-PEOPLE: Youth in Action – Measure 1.1 - EUROMED CITIZENSHIP AND NEW YOUTH CULTURAL IDENTITIES: Youth in Action – Measure 3.1 - Voyage en Démocraties: Youth in Action – Measure 4.3 - I am an EU citizen: Youth in Action – Measure 1.1 - Empowering Youth Participation in EU - Youth in Action – Measure 1.3 The funding received for the implementation of these activites are around 50.000 euro. The partners involved are not for profit organisations and public bodies of several european and mediterranean countries.
Mission and Objectives

The PRISM mission is about promoting development that is: - local, by promoting territorial identity and potential of endogenous resources; - based on an effective local governance and development of social capital; - sustainable, by meeting the needs of present generations without jeopardizing the ability of futures generations to meet their own needs. Main objectives are: - To support the cooperation of local actors, both public and private, in the internationalization of the region through integrated development strategies. - To encourage cooperation and international mobility in the youth field. - To support initiatives for European cooperation in lifelong learning, education and vocational training - To promote international cooperation activities in developing Countries.

Main Projects / Activities

As new born organisation, PRISM can claim in its first year of activities,the participation in the following projects: - TEAM WORK BEATS UNEMPLOYMENT: Youth in Action – Measure 1.1 - ECO-PEOPLE: Youth in Action – Measure 1.1 - EUROMED CITIZENSHIP AND NEW YOUTH CULTURAL IDENTITIES: Youth in Action – Measure 3.1 - Voyage en Démocraties: Youth in Action – Measure 4.3 - I am an EU citizen: Youth in Action – Measure 1.1 - Empowering Youth Participation in EU - Youth in Action – Measure 1.3

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PRISM will contribute to the network by offering its experience in international projects and offering its network of partners among the euro-mediterranean countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I was involved in the ALF Network activities during my work experience in CESIE (Sicilian Reional coordinator of the network), and I directly participated in several activities of the Italian network. Now I created and manage a not for profit association, located in Caltanissetta, and I would like to continue with PRISM the path I started in theprevious years.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Melillo
Head of the organisation
Alessandro Melillo
Contact (2) Full Name
Fausto Amico

MIND - Med INnovation Dialogue

National Network

Piazza Michelangelo, 4

+39 0882 44 11 19
Telephone (other)
+39 0884 22 61 09
+39 0882 44 11 19
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+339 3391309326
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
MIND is a Non profit association situated in Puglia, Italy. Its mission aims at creating cooperation opportunities and partnerships amongst countries in the EuroMediterranean region. MIND welcomes initiatives related to intercultural dialogues and exchanges and is willing to work in different activities to promote such ideas. MIND’s activities are focused on the promotion of integrated projects of a European dimension that support processes of positive cultural dialogue and common growth within the region of Puglia and any neighboring regions. Subjects already involved in our projects are: Adult Education Centres, CSOs, Public Administrations, Universities. By the profile of MIND budget, available in a year, this aspect is strictly related to the EU projects and initiatives funded that allow to cover the work – developed on a voluntary base – by our team. As active members of MIND we have 3 main roles are: President (Giuseppina Nardo’), Associated (Michele Tedesco) and Administrative (Giuseppina Bramante).
Mission and Objectives

MIND aims at establishing cooperation networks at an international level, acquiring both leading and active roles, mediate in projects between foreign countries, the European Union, the Mediterranean basin, the Italian State, the Regions and other local entities (NGO, cooperatives, SME’s etc), both national and international, so to promote the aims and objectives of the Association.
Improving the dynamics for sharing and dialogue amongst Associations, Institutions, Universities and Local Administration, increasing the quality and efficiency of decentralised cooperation;
Reinforcing local and regional empowerment and territorial attractiveness;
Sustaining the convergence dynamics between the local and community policies in respect to issues related to education, innovation, research, local development, environmental sustainability together with social and cultural dialogue;
Promoting and sustaining new and diverse initiatives for cooperation, in the particular issues related particularly to the prospective of creating international networking which supports the local culture reality.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects activity areas include:
- Protection of civil rights and fundamental freedoms, equal gender opportunities between man and woman;
- Protection, promotion and valorization of artistic, social and cultural heritage, including libraries and other cultural treasures as well as non-material aspects through dissemination events which promote social integration;
- Promotion of intercultural exchanges through activities open to the public, educational activities (both formal and informal) and social events targeting social and cultural integration and involving disadvantaged members of society at international, European, national and regional levels;
- Professional training for educational services management;
- Protection and valorization of the environment through the direct leadership, or partnership, in projects and initiatives targeting the matter;
- Supply to other NGOs, Public administrations, enterprise and Universities support activities and other services related to planning and reporting related to eAudit for european funded projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MIND will contribute to AL Network becoming a promoter of European citizenship and of the social cultural belonging at a Mediterranean level. Specifically, MIND will involve itself at a regional level as it aims to promote, through various initiatives, the role of Puglia which geographically acts as an intermediary hub between the Balkan and Mediterranean areas.
MIND’s activities thus qualify as Euro-Mediterranean characteristics, and will focus on the promotion of integrated projects of a European dimension that support processes of positive cultural dialogue and common growth within the region of Puglia and any neighboring regions.
Through the work of MIND, a network will be formed to incorporate various organizations, involving Universities, Enterprises and public entities, in order to improve their active role in the cooperation of both at a local and community level.
Improving the dynamics for sharing and dialogue amongst Associations, Institutions, Universities and Local Administration, increasing the quality and efficiency of decentralised cooperation;
Reinforcing local and regional empowerment and territorial attractiveness;
Sustaining the convergence dynamics between the local and community policies in respect to issues related to education, innovation, research, local development, environmental sustainability together with social and cultural dialogue;
Promoting and sustaining new and diverse initiatives for cooperation, in the particular issues related particularly to the prospective of creating international networking which supports the local culture reality.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

MIND want to join the ALF Network to improve its role in the EuroMediterranean area in terms of positive actor oriented to provide visibility and diffusion of the initiatives of civil society organizations and local authorities active in the Mediterranean.
Through our participation to the ALF Network, MIND aims at the creation of the necessary conditions for the leaders of these initiatives to meet in order to share know-how and experiences, to avoid scattered and compartmentalized actions, and by doing so, to optimize their impact in the field; encouraging particularly North-South and South-South dialogue and knowledge exchanges.
Being part of ALF Network will allow to MIND to gain recognition of the importance of the civil society role as designers, managers, and leaders of development policies and initiatives that are the closest to the citizens.
We want to put in relation what we are learning in our European project initiatives with the knowledge of other European and Meditterranean networks and actors. We want to produce and space for mix, cooperation and organization that could work at least at a European level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giuseppina Nardo'
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Giuseppina Bramante

Associazione Artistica Culturale A Rocca

National Network

via T.C.P. Arcodaci 48
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto

+39 0902130696
+39 090 2404988
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The ”A Rocca” Artistic and Cultural Organization is an NGO with huge experience in the field of the Youth in Action and Leonardo da Vinci Programs. The projects coordinated so far were mainly set in Italy, more specifically in the northern part of the Sicilian region. The staff of the NGO is composed from the director, Nino Pietrini, which is also the Marketing manager; 1 Japanese secretary, 1 accountant. The International relations of A Rocca are managed from the EU International consultancy office of Eprojectconsult. Main source of funding comes from the Youth in Action and Leonardo da Vinci National Agencies, the Sicilian Region, Private donors. The main actions coordinated are: youth exchanges, training courses, partnership building activities, training placement programs, monitoring and dissemination of project results, flash mob, local awareness campaigns, etc. Main partners are: public bodies, Municipalities, public and private Schools from all over Europe, European Universities, European NGO’s and non-formal groups of people.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission consist on showing to our partners, local society and participants a different view! While it may look very obvious, it is very appropriate mission for A Rocca. Through our cultural and human resources skills we organize, host and participate in international projects that bring together people from around the world. In this way, involved people and society can share their ideas and culture, which is an experience that may leave them with a different opinion than they started out with!
Be recognized as a high quality international partner. The people working and collaborating with A Rocca are constantly improving themselves, their vision is to continue learning without pause. We already have a professional staff which we hope will be expanded in the future, making us one of the best and most reliable partner organization there is to find for any type of cooperation. This being a cooperation, partnership, or just a training period is of no importance, every person or partner is treated by the same high standards.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Exchanges, Partnership Building activities,Training Courses, Training Program through the Leonardo and Erasmusm Placement programs, European Citizenship events, promotion of human rights, Italian Courses, Evaluation and DIssemination activiites, Promotion of the Sicilian and Mediterranean cultures are the most important activities we organise during the year.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The A Rocca Association could give its contribution with promotion of the projects activities and its results, transferring of knowledge and know how, implementation of local projects, dissemination and involvement of policy makers of the province of Messina and Palermo, implementation of a larger number of events in order to increade the impact and the goald of ALF at local level, etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The A Rocca Association is actively dealing from 2009 with the Youth in Action and Leonardo da Vinci European Programs, with the main purpose of bringing people together from across Europe to improve mutual understanding among young generation in order to increase the respect between cultures. The Association members aims to be part of the ALF Network in order to have the opposibility to extend its range of action and multiplying the effect of the activities organized. Moreover, the area where A Rocca operates hosts many young people and older generations from the Mediterranean countries which are still not integrated into the society as they should.

Contact (1) Full Name
Federica Sottile
Head of the organisation
Pietrini Antonino

Giolli cooperativa sociale - centro permanente di ricerca e sperimentazione teatrale dei metodi Boal e Freire

National Network

Via chiesa 12, 43022 Montechiarugolo (PR)

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
--- Structure It has a staff of 5 permanent employees, 6 members and 10 collaborators on project, more a group of actors for the Forum plays. The permanent staff includes 2 supervisors/trainers, 1 responsible for marketing, 1 for administration, 2 coordinators. Giolli has an administrative responsible who will be charged of this project. Moreover we have 2 skilled trainers with long experience that can lead the operational part of this project. The entire staff, well experimented and in tune, can provide support for the implementation of this project and we have already connection with several psychiatric public units because we have been working in this field as before as association (since 15 years) and also with several stakeholders, mainly in Reggio Emilia, Mantova and Parma provinces, due to permanent collaboration in different projects and to the last European project Fratt. Giolli has the capacity to curry on both at the organisational level and the administrative one, this project, thanks to the experience made with Fratt project. --- Budget in a year: around 150.000 euro. --- Sources of funding: mainly public resources (European project, public italian bodies) due to specific projects. Partially individual fees paid for our courses. --- Ways of actions We run several projects and courses all over Italy and also in Europe. Moreover we do eprformance of Forum-Theatre on demand about social and pedagogical issues. --- Partners involved Siamailar european organisations for european funded projects. Italian cooperatives and Public Health units, Municipalities, schools, prison.
Mission and Objectives

Giolli cooperative ( is an italian private non profit organisation based on cooperative values. Its mission is to empower groups of citizens with less power and voice in the society, in order to promote democracy and social justice and fighting against every discrimination.
Giolli is supporting the social integration of disadvantaged groups, trough developing and conducting specifc projects, courses and spectacles with prisoners, psychiatric patientes, youth at risk, drug addicts and people working with such groups like social workers, educators, policemen, psychologists, and so on.
Giolli started some years ago to collaborate with some movements and Municipalities to promote project concerning civil participation, elaborating process ad hoc, to increase the citizens activism and engagement on the community issues.
The cooperative functions also as an adult education provider, in fact we have had several accredited Trainings in Service for teachers and social workers under Grundtvig programme.
The main theoretical references are these four (
1. Theatre of the Oppressed,
2. Freire's approach of conscientization,
3. No-violent approach,
4. Community Development Approach.
Giolli has its own network connecting people and groups trained by it and it is also member of different networks:
1. International Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) movement,
2. ENAR (European Network Against Racism),
3. Legacoop Italy - one of the powerful meta-organisation that gathers many cooperatives,
4. Theatre in prison regional coordination,
5. Theatre in prison national coordination,
6. DES - Solidarity Economy District of Reggio Emilia.
7. Peace school of Reggio Emilia.

Main Projects / Activities

Fratt: anti racist project funded by Fubdamental rights and citizenship EU program
Fotel: project against Early School Leaving, financed by EU program Comenius
Projects in psychiatry and prison since many years in Parma and Reggio Emilia provinces.
Forum theatre plays all over Italy about prevention of drogue, bullying, racism, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our method, a mix of Boal's and Freire's approach (theatre and pedagogy), linked to Community development and No-niolence approaches.
With our expertize in leading projects, different target groups (prisoners, psychiatric patients, youth, migrants, social workers, policemen...), also abroad.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we are starting a cooperation with some arabic countries and would like to have more contacts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Mazzini

Ahlan Italia

National Network

Via Pirandello 7

0039 349 3942504
Telephone (other)
0093 349 4555202
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Ahlan Italia is an organisation open to membership. At the moment we have 3 people in the board and 10 members, we do not receive any funds because we are working in teaching languages. Main partners are Comune di Savona and red cross, plus Peter Pan association and Boselli High school. We work with them organising children activities in English or activity for adults (like exchanging languages, help in stages abroad). Budgetary resources is 15.000 euros per year.
Mission and Objectives

Language is a tool, not a purpose! that is our philosophy and mission.
Language, traditions and cultural aspects are the essential tools that everyone needs to get to know and to experience if he wants to understand another culture, communicate and make business with it.
Comparing and exchanging ideas is fundamental to negotiate successfully and to enlarge our personal horizons.

Main Projects / Activities

One of the affiliate is Ahlan Egypt company, a limited Lialibity company teaching Italian to locals in Alexandria Cairo and Luxor.
The main goal is to help Egyptians coming from low profile classes to travel and open their mind.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Savona and Liguria are facecing Mediterranean, and full of organisation and association needs to know more about Anna Lindh foundation. We can be your face at our place.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

mainly for networking and keep it us update about funds.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Becchi
Head of the organisation
Claudia Becchi president
Contact (2) Full Name
Marco Crea

Fondazione Leone Moressa

National Network

Via Torre Belfredo 81/e
Venezia Mestre

0039 041 610734
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Fondazione Leone Moressa is a research institute born in 2002 with the scope of studying the migrant population living in Italy, focusing on economic issues. Currenty, the structure is composed by two permenante researchers and from 2 up to 6 external experts working with the foundation according to the need. The main source of funding is CGIA of Mestre (artisans and small entrepreneurs association), but also public agencies (INEA), european projects, universities. Its action implies research project, reports, seminars and training activities. Major partners are IOM, Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali, UNIONCAMERE Veneto.
Mission and Objectives

Main scope of Fondazione Leone Moressa is studying the economy of immigration. The foundation aims at the knowlegde diffusion on this topic, at promoting the value od cultural difference and identifying integration pathwyas.

Main Projects / Activities

Fondazione Leone Moressa is engaged in research project concerning migrant entrepreneurship, labour market of migrants, economic integration of migrants. Beyond research activities, the Foundation is also engaged in teh editing of an annual report on the economic of immigration, in organizing seminars, providing targeted training lessons, promoting projects withing partenrships.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Foundation thinks that joining the ALF network would be a special opportunity to enhance its chances of working with other agencies sharing the same interests and to provide the network with its own expertise

Contact (1) Full Name
Valeria Benvenuti
Head of the organisation
Ivano Muffato
Contact (2) Full Name
Marta Cordini

Nuovi Profili

National Network

Via D'Andrade 34/302 zip code 16154

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Nuovi Profili is a non Profit Association established by 7 founding members and 20 associate members. Annual turnover and resources depend on the number of activities funded and implemented; as an average they shift between 2000 euros up to 15.000 euros. Most activities are often in network with other NGOs and public/private organizations. Main source of funding is public (most from local, regional or national public calls and bodies). Main areas of interest and activity include cultural and musical workshops, cross-cultural education, linguistic laboratories, linguistic and cultural mediation, media campaigns, presentation of books, conferences, seminars and exchange program (i.e. Etudiants et Developpement 2011 and Hijos y Hijas de la immigración 2009). Current main partners in the local area of Genoa are CESTO NGO, National Social Service, University of Genoa and Genoa’s Council Migration Laboratory.
Mission and Objectives

Main Association’s objectives and mission statements are: to promote diversity and its plurality in all forms, to defend universal values and human rights, to valorize cultural exchange in national and international contexts to allow mutual understanding and reciprocal respect, to support rise of cultural awareness of each other differences with particular attention to young generations, to fight any form of discrimination and social inequality in the public sphere.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects and activities can be synthesize as follow:
• Cultural, social and sexual information and prevention campaigns : Giovani Eroi for MTV (2010), The Human right Ship (2010), the Mediterranean children week (2011) and the world cultures’ Carnival in Genoa ( 2010).
• Intercultural education support for social workers involved in different educative areas. ( Cross-cultural education training program for teachers of the pre-primary and primary school and for Regional Social services operators (2011-2013).
• Organization and participation to cultural events promoting diversity as a value that enriches all individuals and local community as a whole: Conference on the topic Nord Africa as the centre of the politic life? (2011) ; Seminar series entitled The new racism between politics and power (2011); Seminar series on Tolerance, pluralism and social cohesion (2011); Conference Who is the Italian today? (2011); public debate on “Maghreb’s insurrections : Signals of liberation from North Africa (2011) ; public event entitled “Brothers and half-brothers: When the unity gains color” (2011); Mediterranean Convention: Youths at the mirror: between Genova and Morocco (2011).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nuovi Profili, and its constituency can contribute to the network in many different ways. Mainly we can put in the fore our experience in the Genovese and Italian contexts with a particular attitude toward social and educational projects/activities. Secondly, given that most members were born in different foreign countries (mainly from the Mediterranean area), Nuovi Profili can boost off a “emic” approach to the central questions ALF aims to set out: in other words, Nuovi Profili can bring into the fore a vision from the inside and inner part of the main framework of reference (constituted by addressed beneficiaries) of ALF program. Finally, last but not least Nuovi Profili can bring into the ALF national network other local and national associations with whom selected activities and actions - addressed to most excluded and unpowered social strata - have been implemented.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nuovi Profili emerged from the will of a group of young people born or grown up in Italy, all carrying different cultures but sharing the same social spaces and public arenas . Joining the Alf network will mean for Nuovi Profili to strengthen the original idea of interaction between people coming from different cultures, countries and backgrounds that might lead to new cultural and social profiles whose identity is constituted by a mosaic of different cultural elements and traits. Enlarging our contact network will allow us to improve the quality of our activities and to respond to the new demanding circumstances of our multicultural society. If our ultimate goal has been always to pursue the realization of a better equal civil society, participation to ALF will imply a decise step onward in fostering active citizenship and participation in a wider Euro-Mediterranean perspective.

Contact (1) Full Name
alketa Llani
Head of the organisation
Marco Tosto
Contact (2) Full Name
Simohamed Kaabour

Associazione Nuovi Linguaggi

National Network

Contrada Marignano scn
Potenza Picena

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
•Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners Associazione Nuovi Linguaggi (ANL) is a non profit association with 3 people in the staff and an European network of partners in Germany, Portugal, Romania, France. •Budgetary resources available in a year and Sources of funding All the resources come from the associated people and from the funded project. The main sources of the projects come from EU programmes such as LLP-Grundtvig and ESF. •Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) - VET courses - European Workshops - Exchange of volunteers - Cultural events •Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities ANL has, both, a regional and an European network of partners. At regional level (i.e. Regione Marche, Italy) our partners are mainly Secundary Schhools, Associations, Local authorities… At European Level: Germany: Altötting-Loreto Club ANTHA France Name Diffusion Romania AETA SC Improwise Portugal HERA ACTA – A Companhia Teatral do Algarve
Mission and Objectives

ANL promotes initiatives and activities to pursue and promote the culture of young people and adults, Italian or otherwise, including specifically and in particular social groups considered disadvantaged.
It also has the following purposes:
- Promotion of training for better integration of young people, the unemployed, with particular support to the needs of women;
- Activities of professional training and courses in European funding of any kind;
- Adult education and services for learning in all its forms;
- Organization of education and / or training aimed at acquiring skills required by training programs, provincial, regional, national, European;
- Promotion and organization of cultural and recreational activities with a view to a better use of free time, especially for young people, adults and the elderly.

Main Projects / Activities

VET Courses
Acting classes
Exchange of senior volunteers with Portugal
Presentation of various projects under the Lifelong Learning Programme - Grundtvig

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Simply making available our existing expertise in Vocational Training, Adult Education, Culture (with particular regard to the Theatre) and our regional and European networks.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think ALF could be a great opportunity to develop our competencies and the European dimension of our association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nazzareno Vasapollo
Head of the organisation
Andrea Anconetani
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Anconetani