Teatro Potlach

National Network

Via S. Maria in Castello n.10
Fara in Sabina ( Rieti)

+39 0765277080
Mobile Phone
+39 3296319231
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Teatro Potlach operates as an international school of theatrical arts and crafts since 1976 in Fara Sabina (Lazio, Italy). It produced several street performances both for children and grown-ups and many successful performances, as the recent “Twenty thousand leagues under the seas”, winner of the Best Actress award at the International Festival of Teheran. It already took part to 4 interreg programmes. Since its birth, Teatro Potlach hosted actors and companies from all over the world, and regularly participates to international festivals in Europe, India, Middle East and South America. It has connection with 12 Italian and 6 foreign theatre companies, and with 4 European universities. Teatro Potlach is a member of the International association of theatre companies with premises in monumental European centres. The company counts 10 permanent actors and 2 executives with administrative jobs. Teatro Potlach is receive a grant from the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage.
Mission and Objectives

Teatro Potlach was founded in 1976 by Pino Di Buduo and Daniela Regnoli and takes its name from the anthropological studies of the founders. In the language of the indigenous peoples of North-Western America it refers to the free gift which gives honour and prestige to those who give it and those who receive it as well, in this way going beyond the laws of the market and of profit.
The history of Teatro Potlach begins in the years of the Roman theatre avantgarde, with a choice of rejection of mainstream theatre and the search for a new creative and geographical dimension. This eventually led its founding members to single out Fara Sabina, a small village within the Rieti province, as the base of the theatre. This choice has meant for Potlach a way of making theatre outside both traditional and avantgarde circuits, thereby inventing a dimension of coexistence and communal life as a premise and condition for the theatrical work proper.
In order to work on the technical essence of the theatre, and on the search for the total actor and of a kind of dramatic composition based on physical movement, it is meaningful for the actor to commit him- or herself to ongoing self-training. This takes the performer beyond the institutional idea of the theatre and into a constant exchange with the circus and with dance and musical performance through the constant experience of travelling and the ensuing contact on the field with performing cultures from Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Main Projects / Activities

Teatro Potlach has been expressing its artistic identity through the production of indoor as well as outdoor performances, and through pedagogical activities involving a range of expressive and performing techniques, with an ongoing exchange of ideas and techniques with national and international groups as part of the search for a professional approach capable of addressing every audience.
To this day the activity of theatre pedagogy is central in the work of the director and of the actors. Over the years the original core has acquired numerous regular or occasional collaborators met during the many tours and whilst travelling to explore other realities of the theatre.
A development of the ongoing research into the pedagogy, the composition and the space of action has been the production, over the past seventeen years (1991-2011), of many and varied performances of the Città invisibili project. For this Teatro Potlach was able to involve artists and communities from urban centres in Europe and in America. This project continues to reflect and regenerate the foundations of theatrical work outside theatres by transforming the spaces of everyday life through the discovery of the cultural identity of each place and the use of the creative energy of its inhabitants.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Teatro Potlach may share his baggage of experience and contacts accumulated in more of 37 years of activities in all over the world

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Teatro Potlach is a center of artistic and cultural research, multiculturale.Jjoin the ALF Network could be a good opportunity to get in touch with other realities to share experiences and knowledge.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pino Di Buduo

Center for Cultural and Natural Heritage

National Network

مركز توثيق التراث الحضاري والطبيعي - مكتبة الإسكندرية القرية الذكية الكيلو 28 طريق مصر الإسكندرية الصحراوي، الجيزة، مصر

00 (202)3534 3041
Telephone (other)
00 (202)3534 3042
00 (202)3539 2929 & 00 (202)3534 3055
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002 012-064 04999
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
CULTNAT was established in 2000. It is affiliated with Bibliotheca Alexandrina (B.A.)in Alexanderia and supported by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT). The center consists of 235 employees as of 1st of December, 2011. Due to our affiliations, our budgetary resources come from either the B.A. budget, or from external resources specifically allocated to our contribution in international projects. Therefore our budgetary resources fluctuates every year and there is no specific number to be submitted. CULTNAT participates in the field of cultural and natural heritage documentation through a variety of activities such as conferences, workshops, both short term and long term projects, events, and seminars. CULTNAT has also won a number of prestigous awards and worked with UNESCO, as well as both international counterparts under EU projects and national organizations in Egypt. Further details about CULTNAT's work can be found at www.cultnat.org
Mission and Objectives

CULTNAT has been most efficient in establishing itself as a legitimate documenter of cultural and natural heritage in Egypt and the Mediterranean region. Through this process, CULTNAT has integrated in the fields of ICT, cultural anthropology, linguistics, the arts, social and economic development, history, architecture, ancient Egyptian studies and biology. The Center's mandate is to document the various aspects of Egypt's tangible and intangible cultural heritage as well as its natural heritage. This involves the implementation of the national plan of action towards the documentation program, making use of the most up-to-date information technology in collaboration with the national and international specialized organizations. The Center also aims at increasing public awareness of Egypt's cultural and natural heritage using all available media as well as building capacities of professionals in the fields of conservation and documentation of cultural and natural heritage. CULTNAT has promoted capacity building and cooperation initiatives with both domestic and international collaborations with other institutions, as well as promoted the involvement and participation of the communities at the local level to enhance authenticity and development.

Main Projects / Activities

The Center's implementation of the national plan of action towards the documentation program, makes use of the most up-to-date information technology (such as Geographic Information System (GIS), Multimedia Database, 3D Laser scanning, and Content Management System, and CULTRAMA) in collaboration with national and international specialized organizations. Our database of digitized architectural, archeological, photographic, folkloric, artistic, or natural heritage, as well as historical documentation preservation, promotes capacity building, which shares Egypt’s intricate heritage with other institutions, academics, researchers, and the public. CULTNAT also works on various international projects under FP7, EUROMED, Enpi CBCMED, UNESCO, etc. Currently, ongoing international projects include projects such as Climate for Culture, INDICATE, 3DCoForm, and Siwa Tangiers. In an effort to optimize maximum output and productivity, we contribute to these projects through various activities such as workshops, training courses, conferences, promotional events, and the production of relevant deliverables.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sama Mostafa
Head of the organisation
Eng. Mohamed Farouk

World Without Borders Foundation

National Network

13 Al-Petrol Buildings, the 10th District - Nasr City - Cairo, Egypt

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Number of Staff: 5 Partners: 2
Mission and Objectives

empowered citizens enjoying better living condition by participating public policy making

Main Projects / Activities

Not Yet

Contact (1) Full Name
Moheb Yanni
Head of the organisation
Moheb Yanni

Association de Réflexion, d'Echanges et d'Actions pour l'Environnement et le Développement - AREA-ED - Cherchell-Tipasa

National Network

route de Cherchell,42240, Tipasa
42000 Nador

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Assemblée générales : 40 membres Bureau directeur : 10 membres élus cellule de gestion : 02 permanentsL’AREA-ED, est une association nationale créée en 1993. Elle est enregistrée en janvier 1994 auprès du Ministère de l’intérieur et des collectivités locales algérien. Elle compte une quarantaine de membres dont des universitaires spécialisés en écologie, en biodiversité, en agronomie et foresterie, en hydrologie, en sciences de la mer et du littoral et en sciences de la terre. Elle inscrit son action dans le cadre des grandes conventions et protocoles internationaux (CDB, UNCCD, RAMSAR, Protocole GIZC pour la Méditerranée, protocole de Montréal sur la biosécurité, Agenda 21, etc.). L’AREA-ED est membre du comité mondial du RIOD (Réseau international des ONG sur la lutte contre la désertification) dont elle a assuré la coordination du point focal Afrique du Nord du RIOD. Elle a contribué à la mise en place et à la coordination du CNOA-RIOD (comité national des ONG algériennes pour la lutte contre la désertification, puis du ROM-LCD (réseau des ONG du Maghreb pour la lutte contre la désertification). Elle est accréditée à l’UNCCD. Budget annuel: 4 millions de Dinars algérien financement : cotisation des membres, dons et contributions volontaires, subvention de projet par les partenaires aux développements (UE)
Mission and Objectives

L’AREA-ED a pour mission de promouvoir le développement durable, la protection de l’environnement et l’utilisation raisonnée des ressources naturelles. Son action a pour objectifs : d’initier, promouvoir et participer à des réflexions sur les modèles de développement et leurs impacts sur l’environnement ; de soutenir des actions de réhabilitation et de valorisation des modes d’exploitations traditionnels ; d’entreprendre des activités éducatives et de formation relatives à l’environnement et au développement durable ; de créer et d’animer un réseau d’information et d’échange sur l’environnement et le développement durable.

Main Projects / Activities

L’AREA-ED a mené au cours des 10 derniers années, soit comme chef de file soit comme partenaire, plus d’une dizaine d’actions dont les plus pertinentes sont : • Participation de la société civile au protocole de biosécurité (2003-2006) financé par GTZ. Principales activités : formation et information pour les acteurs de la société civile et les acteurs étatiques, etc. • Enfance et Nature, éducation à l’environnement sur le thème de la lutte contre la désertification, (2003-2005), financé par la délégation européenne d’Alger. Principales activités : création d’un réseau d’associations, formation en éducation à l’environnement, programme d’éducation pour près de 1000 élèves, etc. • Participation de la société civile à la lutte contre la désertification au Maghreb (2005-2006) financement FIDA, BM, collectivités locales. Principales activités : Ateliers de concertation, actions concrètes de lutte contre la désertification, etc. • Appui aux communautés de bases pour le développement durable en zone de montagne (2006-2010) financement UE. Principales activités : formations, plantations arboricoles, reboisement et lutte contre l’érosion, tourisme rural et écologique, publications, atelier de concertation, diagnostic participatif, plan de développement local, AGR, etc. • Réhabilitation de la palmeraie de Tiout (2006-2007) financement Bhp Billiton. Principales activités : atelier de concertation, plan de développement local, réalisation d’un ouvrage hydraulique, plantation, etc. • Atelier d’échanges d’expériences et d’informations sur le développement durable dans les zones de montagne littorale, Jijel, mai 2008. • Redécouvrons ensemble le patrimoine de l’eau en Méditerranée (2009-2011), financement programme EH4 de l’Union européenne. Principales activités : chantier et campus de jeune, publication, programme d’éducation (100 élèves), etc. • Participation de la société civile dans la définition et la mise en œuvre des programmes de lutte contre la désertification et de développement rural durable en zone de montagne. (2012-2015) financement délégation de l’Union européenne d’Alger, Mécanisme Mondial, Principales activités : mise en place d’un réseau associatif, renforcement des capacités des associations, échanges d’expériences, dialogue et partenariat avec les acteurs étatiques, etc. • PEGASO, People for Ecosystem-based Governance in Assessing Sustainable development of Ocean and coast (2009- 2014), financement programme FP7 de l’union européenne, Principales activités : contribution à l’élaboration des indicateurs de la GIZC en méditerranée, atelier de concertation, rapport sur les APM en Algérie, atelier régional, atelier de formation sur la GIZC et les indicateurs pour les organisations de la société civile, publications sur les APM et sur la GIZC.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Instrumentvägen 20, 2 tr.
12653 Hägersten

+46(0)8-681 05 84
Telephone (other)
+46(0)70-317 55 19
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+46(0)70-758 48 86 (Yousef)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Association Framtidståget currently has about 150 members and around 10-12 employees. Our main headquarter dealing with professional and humanitarian work is located in Stockholm, but we also have a branch organization in Larache, Morocco, dealing only with humanitarian work. Our total annual income is around 600 000 EUR. The main resource of it (ca 550000 EUR) is the professional services sold to the Social Service Instituions. We are a non-profit organization, so the rest of the money goes to our humanitarian work. Moreover, we apply for various fundings for our humanitarian work (annually around 50000 EUR). We have 2 branches of activities.

We deal with professional cognitive treatment work, providing psychological help (youth and family treatment) to people with social problems – alcohol and drug addiction, violence in family, discrimination in society etc.

Recently we have also started KBT and 12-step treatment. In the framework of ideal work we organize various social, humanitarian, integration projects (local and international) and provide lectures about democratic principles, recommendations on how to start own organization or association. In Sweden we work closely to Social Service Institution and cooperate with several NGOs, schools, youth recreation centres and mosques. We have a broad network of cooperation partners abroad (mainly in the EU and Morocco).  

Mission and Objectives

Framtidståget is a non-profit organization, aiming to give people the second or even the third chance. Our philosophy is accepting all people without conditions and prejudgments about their socio-economic, ethnic, cultural and religious background, as well as emphasizing the idea of democratic, tolerant and integrated society. We mostly support youngsters with fewer opportunities (especially those with psycho-social problems) and their families.

Main Projects / Activities

In our professional branch we work as therapists meeting youngsters and their families in their everyday life, helping them to develop, to make the relationship in the family better and to adapt to the society around. In our humanitarian work we organize various leisure activities for our clients and members. For example, we invited people for Eid celebration, for a conversation about parents' behaviour in families in Sweden, for a free 3 months education course for Qualified Contact persons, financed some educational courses or helped to find internship for some of our youngsters. We are also very active in the international level.

We work mostly with Youth in Action Programme, sending youngsters and young leaders to ca 10 various project trips a year (e.g. we have stable partners in Baltic countries, Poland, Spain, France, etc.).

We organized one youth exchange about football in Stockholm, are going to have a training course about youth unemployment and a partnership building activity about different religions this year. We started to work actively with EVS projects, both as sending and hosting organization. One of our main EVS partners (already received 9 volunteers and going to receive much more during coming 2 years) is Morocco.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yousef Yebari
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Magdalena Rawicka (Verksamhetschef)
Contact (2) Full Name
Sebastian Sjöström
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Egyptian National Commission of UNESCO

National Network

7 Ibrahim Abol Naga St. Abbas Akkad, Nasr City

+202 22748859
+202 22750614
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+20 (0)12 440 5695
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

One of the core functions of National Commissions, as stated in their 1978 Charter, is to act as a catalyst for the mobilization of civil society in support of UNESCO's objectives. In this context, National Commissions are regarded as effective agents which promote programmes and mobilize support from other main collaborators.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Safwat Salem (Secretary General)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Zainab Elwakeel, Senior Specialist (Cultural Dept.)

Maailmantanssi ry

National Network

Oraskuja 1 B 9
33820 Tampere

+358 503103350
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Maailmantanssi ry is a local Tampere non-governmental organization, represented by its members and the board of the directors. The control organ of the organization is the board of the directors, which consists of organization’s chairman and six more members. The board takes care of all issues concerning the activity of the association and its members are elected at the annual autumn assembly. The board is elected for one calendar year. Association’s annual budget ranges from 500 to 1000 euros in one calendar year depending on its activity. Main sources of funding are membership fees, annual operating grant from the city of Tampere, financial aid from other non-governmental organizations, honorarium for performances, flea markets, EU-funding for particular projects. Main partners involved in our activities and projects are the Cultural office of the city of Tampere, educational center ViSiO, Järjestämöhautomo Tampere and many other local associations and non-governmental organizations from Tampere.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote and maintain new dance cultures’ visibility and new dances as a hobby, as well as to bring together participants from the same area into mutual projects and activities. We try to develop a new dance culture by combining different cultural traditions with art dance forms. In order to achieve its mission our association: - organizes dance, cultural and educational events; - does different initiatives with the local authorities; - cooperates with other partners from the same area of activity; - practices research, information and publication activities. In order to support its activities, our organization: - applies for operating grants, collects small participation fees (2euros for members, 5 euros for non-members) from some of its events, accepts donations; - arranges flea markets, lotteries, fundraising and recreational events; - provides the needed fixed and movable property required in order to perform its activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Maailmantanssi ry organizes weekly dance courses for different dances. So far, we’ve had arranged dance lessons in variety of European dances (Hungarian, Bulgarian, Italian, Romanian, English, Finnish, French), also in Indian traditional dances, Turkish, Russian, Afghani dances, Brazilian Forro dance, Israeli dances and others. We perform at the annual dance show in April in honor of the International Day of the Dance and also during the Floral week in August, organized both in Tampere. During the summer months (June, July and August) all our events are free of charge for everybody. We arrange open dance lessons and perform at park concerts organized by the cultural office of the city of Tampere. In the autumn on 2011 Maailmantanssi ry has won a grant of 1000 euros from the European Union for organizing 2 major cultural projects in Tampere.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization can contribute to the cultural exchange and its improvement not only on a local level within Tampere, but also whole Finland. We want to work for a better understanding, accepting and respecting of the differentness between nations and their dance traditions. And we think that the best ways to do so is by dancing together and having fun. We are looking forward finding new partner organizations that are sharing our goals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking for different possibilities for cooperation with other organization from the same area of activities within and outside Finland. We are also interested in various possibilities for financing our projects, since our own financial possibilities are quite limited due to the small size of our organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lyubomira Vasileva
Head of the organisation
Lyubomira Vasileva, chairman

Trag crveno-slobodni pokret / Trail of red -free movement

National Network

Domjanićeva 22

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 385-092-2927506
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Trag crveno-slobodni pokret/Trail of red -free movement is a non-profit NGO for multimedia and art productions,artistic cultural development and promotion of citizens in a society without racial,age,gender and social discrimination.NGO managed the Director.The main decision making the Assembly.The Director nominates deputy. Financial operations of the NGO works under the National Financial Law for NGO sector.Person-artists work on projects through signed contracts.Budgetary resources per year is 35.000 euro.Sources of funding are budget of the Republic-Croatian Ministry of Culture,Municipal City of Zagreb,private donations,membership fees,sponsors.NGO primarily have artistic activity,performances and art exhibitions,publishing and multimedia promotions. During last years organized forty theater performances of various productions in Croatia and neighboring countries as Bosnia and Serbia.Cooperate with professional theaters,participate in theater festivals and cabaret festivals. Helps young unestablished students acting schools and academies to gain practical knowledge and encouragement for the lifestyle in the cultural sphere.
Mission and Objectives

Trag crveno-slobodni pokret / Trail of red -free movement is a voluntary, independent, non-profit and non-partisan of citizens who, on the principles of learning multimedia (theater, film, music and art) and art productions wants to contribute artistic cultural development and promotion of citizens in a society without racial, age, gender and social discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

Shows,entertainment and programs:Distinguished guests,comedy;Kosta cabaret,cabaret;A story about friendship,children's educational performance;
Books, E-edition:Basically already seen,Igor Rogina,writer;Survival is the Igor Rogina, writer;Maja&Wool,Tihomir Dunđerović writer;Ulaner,Viktor Pucko;Journalism on the environment,Ljiljanka Mitos Svoboda,journalist,publicist;Memories of theater and film life of an actress, Igor Rogina, writer

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by sharing informations of ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joint to ALF Network is very important for future activities of our NGO, because we need more exchange information, practice, personal experiences, new ideas, cooperation with Mediterranean countries in Europa and North Africa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Igor Rogina
Head of the organisation
Igor Rogina
Contact (2) Full Name
Ljiljanka Mitoš Svoboda

Youth Without Borders

National Network

Piece 6075 Academy St., Off St.9, Mokattam

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Youth without Borders is a newly founded Egyptian CSO dedicated to promoting the active participation of youth in public-life. Despite its recent establishment, the association has been active in its effort to develop the capacity of Egyptian youth and to foster a new generation of young leaderships. Chairing its Board of Directors is Mr. Mohammed Ahmed Abd el-Hafiz who previously operated as Project Manager for the General Association for Youth Development’s “Support for Youth Participation in Public Life”, a 24-month long project funded by USAID/Egypt. His past experiences in managing and contributing to donor-funded projects span over 8 years and including prominent Egyptian and international NGOs such as CEOSS, Save the Children, and the Aghakhan Cultural Foundation. Partner organization Key of Life is registered Egyptian NGO committed to building better communities through legal awareness education and highlighting successful models and values in collaboration with other civil society actors. The organization’s goals can be summarized as follows: (i) developing the capacities of youth to express themselves creatively and innovatively; (ii) improving the educational process for the benefit of all segments of community; (iii) empowering women and aiming for gender equality by giving them a greater voice in their future. Over 2,000 individuals benefit annually from the organization’s services in the Governorate of Qena.
Mission and Objectives

Youth without Borders is a newly founded Egyptian CSO dedicated to promoting the active participation of youth in public-life. Despite its recent establishment, the association has been active in its effort to develop the capacity of Egyptian youth and to foster a new generation of young leaderships.

Main Projects / Activities

Supporting Youth Participation in Public Life - USAID Combating Poverty in Egypt - CEOSS Democracy through Arts - MEPI

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Abdel Hafiz
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Abdel Hafiz

General Secretariat of the Egyptian European Association Agreement

National Network

9 Abdel Kader Hamza St, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt.
Office 401


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information
The European Union-funded Support to the Association Agreement Programme (SAAP), affiliated to the Ministry of International Cooperation, was established to support the Egyptian administration implement the Association Agreement (AA) and the Egyptian-European Action Plan. The financing agreement was signed in December 2005 by the European Union (EU), represented by the European Commission (EC) Delegation, and the Egyptian government, represented by the Ministry of International Cooperation. It stipulates that the SAAP aims to upgrade the overall capacity of the Egyptian administration, focusing on three core areas: Trade and economic liberalization; Improvement and subsequent enforcement of the legislative and regulatory framework; Institutional strengthening and reform. To achieve these goals, the programme has made an operational fund available to the government of Egypt to help government and public bodies concerned with the implementation of the AA prepare and implement legislative, administrative and institutional changes to get the full benefit of the Agreement. The support takes several forms, including: Implementation of an institutional twinning programme, which is seen as a vital part of the SAAP and is an efficient and appropriate vehicle for achieving institutional reform and capacity Implementation of traditional Technical Assistance. Provision of equipment and supplies. Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX). Support to the Implementation of Governance and Management (SIGMA).
Mission and Objectives

The overall development objective to which the programme intends to contribute is to strengthen the EU and Egypt cooperation as well as contribute to Egypt's reform process in the context of the ENP Action Plan and Association Agreement; this overall objective certainly depends on the assumption that the Egyptian government commitment towards bracing the cooperation is sustained in addition to maintaining the political stability and economic progress in Egypt.
Improve the capacity of the governmental administrations and entities involved in the implementation of the ENP AP and the AA. Support the Egyptian public administrations in upgrading their legislative and institutional frameworks through approximation to the EU legislations and best practices (acquis communautaire), taking into consideration national reform priorities and implementation needs of the AP and the AA.

Main Projects / Activities

For a complete list of projects and activities, check the website, yet the following is only a brief of implementation.
The activities that will be carried out to achieve each of the expected results listed in the previous section are as follows:
1. Institutional Twinning
The first and second results related to regulatory improvement and institutional capacity development will be achieved through utilizing the institutional twinning instrument;
Classical Institutional Twinning
The following are the projects envisaged to be launched during the current programme estimate utilizing the classical institutional twinning instrument:
1.1 Improving the capacity of the Consumer Protection Agency (CPA) - Ministry of Trade and Industry
1.2 Improving the capacity of the Real Estate Taxation Authority (ERETA) - Ministry of Finance
2. Technical Assistance
The second result will be complemented by utilizing the technical assistance instrument in some fields;
3. Provision and Procurement of equipment for focal points
4.Capacity Building and training for focal points (in framework of twinning/TAs preparation, implementation or ENP awareness activities
5.Awareness raising and visibility activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Nada El-Akkad
Head of the organisation
Amb. Gamal Bayoumi
Contact (2) Full Name
Amira Mekheimar