National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Née le 2 juin 2010 ENEGANE –N-DADES est une association a but non lucratif, indépendante exerçant ses activités en tout liberté selon le statut qui a la vocation de développement de la région. Parmi les vocations de l’association la création des espaces pour la distraction et la créativité dans différents domaines notamment le domaine : sportive, éducatif, social, environnemental, sanitaire, formation ………. L association ENEGANE –N-DADES pour le développement durable vise à contribuer au développement de la population démunie et particulièrement la population en milieu rural, dans le but de participer a lutte contre la pauvreté.

Mission and Objectives

L’association a eu les objectifs de différents créneaux : L’environnement et agriculture L’enfance et droits de la femme La santé La formation L’alphabétisation La culture et sport Education et jeunesse L’information et communication Immigration et droits des émigrants L’association ENEGANE –N-DADES accorde une importance particulièrement du consolider les liens de la coopération avec des associations nationales ou internationales qui partage avec nous l’idées du développement de région khemis dades . Pour meilleur épanouissement avec tous, l’association ENEGANE –N-DADES est ouverte a toute collaboration avec tous les acteurs qui travaillent au domaine du développement durable.

Main Projects / Activities

notre travail vise de contribuer aux plusieurs domaine tel que : sensibilisation a l environnement encouragement le présent des femmes au politique de la gestion locale éducation et organisation et animation de groupe organisation des tournois sportives encouragement de voyage solidaire

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

en va participer selon notre efforts d intervenir au plus moins moyen a animer et intervenir aux grand colloques et faire donner les conception de travail de gestion de plaidoyer un grand espoir d être membre au passereau e st un défi dynamique et nécessaire a le voir .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

le réseau a l Echelle national nous permet d avoir d autres partenaires dont nous souhaitons avoir d autre expérience et élargir la distance de travail et peux aussi joue un rôle très important de dialoguer d autre nationalité

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Association Aspirations des Jeunes du Maroc (AJM)

National Network

169, Lotissement Yasmina

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
- Association basée à Mohammedia avec un domaine d'action étendu à tout le Maroc. un bureau exécutif composé de 3 personnes et ayant plus de 30 membres actifs. Notre budget annuel dépend des cotisations des membres ainsi que des financements de projets avec des partenaires locaux et internationaux. Nos partenaires sont des ONGs et institutions publiques et privées.
Mission and Objectives

AJM est une association à but non lucratif créée par des jeunes citoyens actifs et engagés qui ont pour but de créer le changement positif au sein de leur communauté.
Elle réunit des jeunes personnes ayant à leurs actifs des années d’expérience dans le domaine associatif et de gestion des projets communautaires
Nous recherchons des solutions adaptées aux problèmes particuliers de nos communautés afin de bâtir un monde meilleur, créant un impact positif.
Nos objectifs sont :
- promouvoir et éduquer les jeunes aux valeurs de citoyenneté, démocratie, droits humains et tolérance.
- Implanter et gérer des projets et actions sociales qui visent à améliorer la situation précaire des communautés démunies
-redynamiser la jeunesse Marocaine, en permettant aux jeunes de se rencontrer, de partager leurs savoirs et savoir faire et de concrétiser leurs projets et leurs envies et aspirations.
- favoriser l’insertion et l’épanouissement des jeunes du Maroc à travers la formation, l’encadrement et la mise à niveau.
- accompagner, appuyer et soutenir les jeunes dans toutes leurs initiatives et idées à caractère culturel, social, économique, artistique et sportif.
- Participer activement à la planification et à l’exécution des programmes favorisant le développement de l’individu et de la communauté

Main Projects / Activities

- action " un cartable, une année scolaire agréable": distribution de 260 cartables à des enfants issus d'un milieu rural pauvre ( en partenariat avec l'Amicale des Étudiants Marocains des Arts et Métiers)
- Echange Professionnel à Chicago dans le cadre du Legislative Fellowship Exchange, organisé par US Department of States en 2012
- Formation sur la modalité d'analyse des politiques publiques (en partenariat avec le British Council)
- Actions de solidarité avec la maison de retraite Mohammedia (Achoura,Aid Mawlid, etc)
- Panier Ramadan: Distribution de 180 Paniers au profits de familles démunies (avec entre autres comme partenaires: Fondation Chaabi, La Samir...)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

A travers des projets communs avec des membres du réseau , ainsi que participer aux projets et actions initiées par le réseau en particulier et ALF en général.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Afin de participer à coté de tous ses membres au développement de la communauté et au partage des valeurs de la fondation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yassir Mezouari
Head of the organisation
Yassir Mezouari

Sahwa Association to support the opportunities and rights of self equal to persons with disabilities

National Network

Sohag next to the University Hospital in front of Al Jihad Mosque

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
0103196976 / 0173933467
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
No publicity official 1025 Year Established 29/03/2010 Number of members of the governing body of the Assembly : 5 members; persons with disabilities : 4 members Non-disabled persons : one member Chairman : Dr / Ahmed Gad Omar Bath Tel: 0100875187 Region : Sohag Governorate Projects that have been implemented so far: - The implementation of the training initiative, the 44 blind students at the University of Sohag, the use of computers as a means through which to study and exams. - Awareness of persons with disabilities Paljhat introduction of services and facilitate access to those services. - To facilitate the extraction of qualification certificates for the disabled in collaboration with the Social Solidarity and management of rehabilitation. - Provide Railway Station Sohag for persons with disabilities through the work included the main entrance of the station. - Activating the decision of the Minister of Transport to reduce 75% of the value of tickets for the disabled through the issuance of Kranip disabled in cooperation with the railway in Sohag - Participation with the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood in meetings and meetings of the drafting of the law of persons with disabilities new. - The implementation of the training initiative, 75 of persons with visual disabilities to use the white cane for people with disabilities in Sohag. - The implementation of the training initiative, 50 of persons with visual disabilities appointed how Braille literacy. - The implementation of the initiative training 50 for activating the role of disabled women in political participation  Funding sources and donors that the organization already working with them: Financed: draft support equal rights and opportunities for persons with disabilities - funded by the Handicap International and the American aid 0 Name of Project: is an initiative for the education of how to use computers for people with disabilities Financed: draft support equal rights and opportunities for persons with disabilities - funded by the Handicap International and the American aid 0 Name of Project: is an initiative of the white cane for people with disabilities Financed: draft support equal rights and opportunities for persons with disabilities - funded by the Handicap International and the American aid 0 Name of Project: is an initiative of Braille literacy for persons with disabilities Financed: The Arab Organization for the Disabled Project Name: The implementation of the initiative for activating the role of disabled women in political participation Project Coordinator to support equal rights and opportunities for persons with disabilities in Sohag Governorate  Name: Prof. / Mohamed Mostafa Abdel Latif Farag  e-mail:  Telephone: (Please add the international code): 0020102128631  Job / Experience: official programs Terdizum the Swiss.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: We are an NGO working in the Arab Republic of Egypt, particularly Upper Egypt, to enable persons with disabilities particularly the poorest of the poor through educational programs and development, working in solidarity with its partners in the community dialogue and action based on respect and love in solidarity with them in the initiative to bring about change in society without discrimination. The overall objective of the Assembly: Enable persons with disabilities in Egypt particularly in Upper Egypt, especially the poor through education and overall development to build their capacity and potential to contribute effectively to the development of their community. Specific objectives of the Association: 1. Comprehensive education of children with disabilities and equip them with skills of self-learning and continuous development of their creative abilities. 2. Provide opportunities for the integration of non-official characterized by quality. 3. Community development and maximize their potential through partnership with local institutions and the preparation and qualification of local leaders working in the spirit of volunteerism. 4. Improve the health status of persons with disabilities in the communities in which we work through raising community awareness and support for health services. 5. Discovery and development of talents and abilities of youth with disabilities from culturally, socially, economically, and acquire some professional skills to get jobs to join the labor market. 6. Move the community and decision makers for the prevention and early intervention to reduce disability and the integration of children and youth with disabilities in community activities.

Main Projects / Activities

- The implementation of the training initiative, the 44 blind students at the University of Sohag, the use of computers as a means through which to study and exams. - Awareness of persons with disabilities Paljhat introduction of services and facilitate access to those services. - To facilitate the extraction of qualification certificates for the disabled in collaboration with the Social Solidarity and the Department of Rehabilitation. - Provide Railway Station Sohag for persons with disabilities through the work included the main entrance of the station - Activating the decision of the Minister of Transport to reduce 75% of the value of tickets for the disabled through the issuance of Kranip disabled in cooperation with the railway in Sohag. - Participation with the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood in meetings and meetings of the drafting of the law of persons with disabilities new. - The implementation of the training initiative, the blind to use the white cane for people with disabilities in Sohag. - The implementation of the training initiative for persons with visual disabilities appointed how Braille literacy. - The implementation of the initiative for activating the role of disabled women in political participation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Omar Hamam Gad
Job Title
Chaiman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Omar Hamam Gad
Contact (2) Full Name
Hala Elsayed Mahdi
Job Title (2)
Board Member


National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Structure of org.: -Childhood Care Program. -Women's Empowerment. -Youth Program. -Community Development . -Emergency and Relief . -Seasonal Projects. No. of Stuff: 6 ___________________________ partners: -Right to Play Organization. -The Palestinian Telecommunication- PALTEL Group. -International Foundation of Families Relief. -Palestinian Red Crescent Society. -Woman Affairs center- Gaza. -Fares Al-Arab Foundation for developing and charity works. -The Palestinian Center of Democracy and Conflict Resolution. -Al-Ahly Arab Hospital-Gaza. -The Jordanian Hospital. -Gaza Municipality - Health and Environment Department. ______________________________ other information}} Attached..
Mission and Objectives

In consistent with the values and vision that have been adopted by Beloved Palestine, so it seeks to empower and support the Palestinian society segments -without discrimination- through a qualitative programs and projects which focuses on the sustainable development of society in various sectors, and helping the poor and marginalized groups to meet their basic needs and motivate the permanent livelihood for them.
The Objectives:
-Contribute to the overall development process and support all segments of society.
-Contribute to the development of the Palestinian society and elevate it economically and socially.
-Contribute to the process of training and development and the continued development of human potential for the betterment of the Palestinian homeland and the citizen.
-Work on developing the capacity of Palestinian women economically and increase their awareness in order to serve the Palestinian community.
-Contribute to the improvement of the social situation of the Palestinian society.
-The development of the Palestinian mind and promote creative talent he has.
-Contribute to the development of Palestinian youth and strengthen its position in the community.
-work on opening extensive relationships with counterpart institutions at the local, Arab and international in serving the Palestinian community and strengthen solidarity and joint net working.

Main Projects / Activities

-Projects of seasonal clothing in feasts.
-Entertainment and aimful programs in part of psychological and social support.
-Initiatives of health care concerns to provide the services of diagnostic tests, medications, and nutrition for poor children, also, taking into considerations the people with disabilities.
-Organize the anniversary festival occasion of Arab Orphan Day.
-The legal support program for women, which aims to inform and educate women the laws which support their rights. In cooperation with the center of women's affairs.
-The training program for developing the technical and vocational capabilities for female graduates such as management, computing and business fields.
more information:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will ensure the active participation with the national network in Palestine, where we will arrange the initiative to put forward ideas and projects which contribute to the development of the network performance and partner institutions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our belief in active partnership with networks and international and regional institutions, strongly keen to join the Anna Lindh Network International, where we seek to play an active and important role in the implementation of the programs and activities of the network and the joint use of expertise and experience in the work of the Foundation.
As we aspire to build a distinctive international partnerships with members of the national networks in the various countries in order to achieve common goals, by offering innovative ideas contribute to the achievement of vision "Anna Lindh," and its mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hasan A. Shaban
Head of the organisation
Maha A. Muhanna
Contact (2) Full Name
Rwand H. Khraim

University of Palestine

National Network
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
The University consists of Board of Trustees, Board, the President, Vice Presidents, and Deans. No. of Employees: 208 Budgetary resources: $3,500,000 Sources of funding: Tuition fees, Charitable Support, fund from INGOs Action: - Legal Aid Clinic - Mock Court Project - Job Opportunities for Unemployed Youth Programs Main partners: UNDP/PAPP Legal Aid Prog., Amideast, Open Society Institute
Mission and Objectives

The University of Palestine is a metropolitan dynamic academic institution that serves its students and enriches the Palestinian society though rigorous academic programs, strategic partnerships, and active civic engagement.

Main Projects / Activities

- The University provides higher education programs
- The University focuses on community involvement and contribution to the civil society
(see attached brochure)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

UP's vision is to initiate projects, partnerships, and events that connect Palestinian youth with their peers from other Mediterranean countries. The University of Palestine has the capacities to contribute on the academic, extra-curricular, and civic levels. The University of Palestine encourages all kinds of cooperation and partnership and seeks connecting students with their peers in the region and granting non-Palestinians the opportunity to be engaged in activities promote culture of understanding, dialogue, and cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The University of Palestine (UP) seeks playing a significant role in the Palestinian community and on regional and international levels. Through joining ALF Network, UP will build bridges of cooperation and partnerships with organizations throughout the Mediterranean. Also, UP seeks connecting its students and academics with their peers in the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Musa Abusalim
Head of the organisation
Dr. Salem Sabbah

Society "Plastilins"

National Network

Melnsila 21/11

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Plastilīns has 5 board members, several volunteers working via government program but no paid staff. Main funding comes from annual member fees and different projects. Plastilins has been involved in several youth exchange projects, local youth initiatives and its main partners are other local organisations (Youth Centre JACis, Jaunatne Darbībā and others).
Mission and Objectives

Plastilīns is a youth NGO established with a vision to provide platform for youngsters to cooperate in building the environment around them, participate in projects and organize different events themselves.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in Youth Exchange „MATEYKO” Zakopane, Poland
Participation in Eiropan Citizenship Training Course in Berlin, Germany
Participation in CINEMONDO ACTION - An international youth exchange about environment, creativity and cinema
Informative events about European volunteer work
Game evening for international students and volunteers in the town.

Contact (1) Full Name
Liga Vanaga
Head of the organisation
Linda Vanaga

Nexes interculturals de Joves per Europa

National Network

C/ Josep Anselm Clavé, 6 - 1º 1ª 08002 Barcelona Catalunya, Spain

+34 93 44 27 167
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Nexes is a non-profit organisation founded in 1999 and based in Barcelona. Its multicultural team is composed by approx. 8 youth workers, trainers and experts on European programs that came together because of their common ideals and interest in the dialogue between cultures. Nexes has a budget of ca. 250.000 Euros and is funded by programmes as Youth in Action, Lifelong Learning, the Municipality of Barcelona and the local Government of Catalunya, the Generalitat. We cooperate with a wide range of public institutions, NGOs and enterprises and we are active in several networks both at local and international level.
Mission and Objectives

Our main objectives are to raise awareness/educate young people in the:
o meeting among cultures, focusing on intercultural learning and intercultural dialogue;
o inclusion and equality of opportunities;
o education to human rights (the three generations);
o political awareness (in the sense of πόλις)
o participative citizenship;
o glo-cal action for social transformation;
o personal and group growth, through the development of professional and social competences.

Main Projects / Activities

Working in non-formal education and experiential learning environments we organise training courses, workshops, youth exchanges, European Voluntary Service (sending, hosting and coordinating), Leonardo da Vinci vocational projects, and other youth activities for and by young people.
In the frame of the Youth and Leonardo da Vinci programme realised various activities in Europe, Mediterranean countries and South America developing important knowledge and experiences in non formal education, vocational training, project management and Youth mobility. All the work at international level is linked to the empowerment and active participation of young people at local level, such as in projects like “Crossroad” (feasibility visit towards a large scale Action 5) or “Globa-l-inks” network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Davide Tonon
Contact (2) Full Name
Biel Mártinez

Doub Art

National Network

10 Kafr Saqr St, Camp Cesar

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Droub has a board of 3 members, (chairman, treasurer and a secretary of the board). Currently there is no permanent staff employed, however we have the assistance of an accountant and an auditor on consultative/need basis. Budgetary resources are mainly from the founders and projects’ partners Droub has organized and conducted several projects so far, including workshops (national and international), seminars and discussions on Art History and contemporary Art Some of Droub’s recent projects: • Discussion with artist Aly Ashour, on Modern Arts in Alexandria • Exhibition at the Russian Cultural Centre • Seminar and Discussion on contemporary arts in Spain, the role of Hangar Organization and its structure (, with its technical director Pedro Soler, with participation from artist Tania Candiani, from Mexico • AMALA 2007, Alexandria Media And Light Arts, an international, 3-week, workshop and Exhibition • Partners in Activities include, L’Atelier of Alexandria, Goethe Institute, Spanish, and Mexican Cultural offices
Mission and Objectives

• Advance the role and importance of the Arts and Artists in Society • Promote the values of cultural diversity through interaction and collaboration between artists from different backgrounds/cultures • Engage the local community through the use of more accessible means of expression/creativity, with emphasis on new media • Support of intercultural dialogue • Highlight and endorse the social role of the arts and artists • Embrace and publicize the role of the Arts for social transformation • Advance the skills needed to realize art projects, especially for young artists • Set-up a Media Lab, accessible to Artists and Art practitioners • Organize seminars and workshops • Issue of a non-periodical on Contemporary Arts and Culture • Establish partnership with other organizations to maximize the benefit of the local community • Provide Technical and logistical services to assist Artists and other organizations to help realizing their goals

Main Projects / Activities

• Organize Alexandria Media And Light Arts (AMALA) Workshop and Exhibition, annually, with the long term objective of organizing it every other year in a different country • Set-up educational workshops in Schools during School breaks • Organize periodical workshops and exhibitions for the benefit of local artists and promote their works, with the long term objective of opening up opportunities for achieving financial independence as full time artists • Issue a non-periodical on contemporary art and culture • Publish A book about media artists

Contact (1) Full Name
Marwa Negm
Job Title
Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Head of the organisation
Marwa Negm
Contact (2) Full Name
Dina Fayed
Job Title (2)
Executive Secretary

AIESEC Alexandria

National Network

Motaheda Mall, 1 Kafr Abdo Street, 1st floor, Alexandria, Egypt

03 5227493
Telephone (other)
+2 0122 132 5 460
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
- a President, 7 Vice Presidents, members (total number is 60) - magazine, community development projects - exchange and conferences
Mission and Objectives

engaging every young person in the world
Peace and Fulfillment of all humankind potential

Main Projects / Activities

Community Development Projects based on Exchange:
Young EntrepreneurS (YES): targeting young people to raise the entrepreneurial awareness through sessions and workshops and to encourage them to implement their projects and ideas,
Financial Forum: every year targeting a financial issue that is happening in the country,
Whats Next: targeting young school students to show them how to decide their life path through college and after that,
Thing Green: environmental awareness about saving energy and recycling, etc.
Global Internship Programs.
Outgoing Exchange Programs for students and fresh graduates.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through offering community projects that tackle the different areas of development, along with bringing cultures together to bridge the gap between the western and eastern culture

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

for he relevance between our vision and mission with ALF's vision and mission regarding the cultural awareness, through our exchange programs and projects based bringing volunteers from abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fady Atef
Head of the organisation
Fady Atef

Hellenic Foundation for Culture - Annex of Alexandria

National Network



00203 4861598
00203 4840765
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Stuff Employed: Administrative stuff :5 Teachers:3 Assistants:7 Sources of Funding: Govermental contribution through the Greek MInistry of Culture Scholarships to greek Language students through greek Universities Projects main partners : Biblioteca Alexandrina, Cairo Opera House, Egyptian Ministry of Culture, greek and egyptian Universities,Local cultural and youth NGOs
Mission and Objectives

Established in 1994, the branch is housed in the neoclassical building of the former Averof School for Girls. It has a lending library which is open to the public, as well as areas for exhibitions, lectures and Greek language lessons.

Main Projects / Activities

The idea is being considered of creating a 'Constantine Cavafy Hall', whose aim would be the study and documentation of the great poet's work. A Cinema Club operates on a permanent basis, where Greek films are screened with Arabic subtitles. The branch organises lectures, exhibitions, concerts and has developed fruitful co-operation with the University of Alexandria, the Greek community and diplomatic authorities, the cultural foundations of other countries and various institutions with similar goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name