Mladinski center Zagorje ob Savi (MC ZOS)

National Network

Cesta 9. avgusta 48
1410 Zagorje ob Savi

00386 597 32 032
00386 597 32 033
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00386 40 699 097
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
1. MC ZOS is a public institution, established in the year of 2006. MC ZOS has a director, 3 employed youth workers, 2 apprentices and at least 20 active volunteers, who contribute to the development of our youth center. As we are a cover youth organisation in our municipality, we work with many NGO's, individuals and institutions from Zagorje, from Zasavje region, on national level and abroad. 2. Yearly budget is approximately 94.000€ 3. 66% of the budget is funded by municipality, 25% of the budget is presented by EU grants, calls for proposals and national programmes funding, 9% of the budget comes from our own resources (space rentals, entry fees). 4. Our concrete projects are educational and leisure time activities and events for all generations, space and equipment support for individuals and local organisations, international projects (youth exchanges, trainings, EVS), ecology oriented projects, tutoring for scholars, also included into several national programmes and partnerships. 5. Local level: NGO's, schools, intergenerational center, PUM (project learning for youth), RCR (regional development center); National level: Youth in action national agency, Youth network MaMa, Zavod Voluntariat and others; International level: NGO's and youth organisations from Europe (Portugal, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, France, Finland...) and Asia (India, Phillipines, Cambodia, Vietnam)
Mission and Objectives

Youth center Zagorje ob Savi is a public institution, established to perform extracurricural activities for youth. The center allows organisational, spatial, technical and counceling support to the young people of Zagorje, in means of executing their projects and helping them include into local and international projects. Our prime activities expand from art, enviromental issues, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, sports, enchancing youth employability all the way to help youngsters with establishing their own companies. Our staff is well equiped with knowledge and experience in these fields. Above all, it is an openminded and a tollerant facility, availiable to all, who wish to spend their leisure time actively, in a good company and wish to recieve new knowledges, experience and skills in a fun way.

Main Projects / Activities

Non formal education & youth mobility: educational events, international seminars, exchanges and trainings, European voluntary service (sending and hosting)
Regular programme activities: leisure time activities, workshops on different topics, concerts, festivals, youth centers gardening/permaculture project, intergenerational center
Regional projects: inter-regional art and music festivals, sports events, NGO support

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With being a part of the Network, we would be able to connect with other organisations abroad and in our country, which are already active in ALF. This way, we would be able to execute bigger projects with more learning impact. We would also ensure support for all who are included into the projects and would present an active member in Slovenia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In the past years, we have established a firm partnership with many organisations in Europe and Asia (ex. Culture center In Action - Lithuania), which are well equiped with knowledge about ALF network and execute good quality projects, funded by the programme. We wish to become a part of the network, so we can strengthen the cooperation and bring more intercultural diversity and learning into our local community and to others included aswell.

Contact (1) Full Name
Denis Osmanović
Head of the organisation
Marko Pavlovič

color of life

National Network

Sohag Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The most important principles governing the work of the Assembly: A - the principle of comprehensive development: We believe that comprehensive development is the correct and effective way for true development in Egypt, we mean the development of comprehensive development, which can hold all segments of society with a focus on people with disabilities and that do not get on the right of the minimum level of services or the national income. B - the principle of participation: We believe that every individual in society has the inherent right to participate in what he had, from the ideas and opinion or resources - were few or many - in the development process, including what is happening in society changes as a result of the development process is for all members of society. The development process will pay off not all individuals with faith community to changes as a result of development. C - the principle of collective performance: We believe that the road to raise the efficiency of development work in the community will not only occur through the coordination of All community organizations - whether governmental or non-governmental - and by mobilizing and activating the resources that Owned by those organizations. Non-discrimination: Oastavad any discrimination or restriction on the basis of disability and may lead to weakening of the enjoyment of all human rights. Incorporates this principle to all forms of discrimination, including denial of reasonable accommodation. This includes the principle of double discrimination (based on gender, ethnicity, etc. ...). Integration: Give consideration to the issue of persons with disabilities in all development work and in all stages (from planning to implementation and monitoring and evaluation .... etc.) Inclusion of services and rights Must be available to the community in general and rural areas, particularly services and appropriate resources in the fields of education, health, rehabilitation, etc. ... Respect for the inherent dignity of the people and the autonomy including the freedom to make their own choices, and independence. Everyone is invaluable and everyone and would be considered. Ensured the participation and involvement of people with disabilities to fully and effectively in the community Inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of public life and to consider them as equal citizens with others. Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and human nature. Increase awareness in the society as a whole in order to combat stereotypes and prejudices as well as to promote the acceptance of people with disabilities and promoting positive perceptions of them. Equal opportunities. Enable persons with disabilities access to services, activities and access to information and on an equal basis with others Access. We must strive to overcome the barriers that prevent the participation of persons with disabilities in: The physical environment and access to information and communication Equality between men and women. Assembly should work to combat all forms of discrimination against women and girls and by taking appropriate measures. Assembly should take the issue of equality between men and women into account in the process of implementing all human rights. Respect the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for their right to preserve their identities. Provide the possibility to enjoy autonomy and freedom of choices associated with the report of their own lives and the public alike to persons with disabilities.
Mission and Objectives

Vision and Mission Statement:
Enable persons with disabilities in the Arab Republic of Egypt in general and especially disabled women in Upper Egypt, especially the poor through Education and overall development
Mission Statement
We are an NGO working in the Arab Republic of Egypt, particularly Upper Egypt, to enable persons with disabilities, particularly the poorest of the poor through educational programs and developmental
Objectives of the group
raise the abilities of persons with disabilities and enable them to achieve self-sufficiency as it seeks to support disabled people integration within the categories of Egyptian society.
The Society aims to direct people with disabilities the services available to them and support them and their duties as Association aims to educate people with disabilities and their rehabilitation or community awareness for the reception of persons with disabilities through equal opportunities by raising the abilities of persons with disabilities and allow the community to receive them.
Comprehensive education of children with disabilities acquire the skills and self-learning and continuous development of their creativity.
Provide opportunities for the integration of formal and informal characterized by quality.
Composition of youth cadres of people with disabilities have the ability and expertise to volunteer work and community organizations interested persons with disabilities.
Improve the health status of persons with disabilities in the communities in which we operate by raising community awareness and support for health services.

Main Projects / Activities

Fields of the work group:
Community development.
Services and assistance to economic and social.
Care of the family, childhood and motherhood.
Cultural services.
Almaaqaan care categories.
Care and orphans.
Consumer protection.
Group activities that seek to provide.
The group trained persons with visual disabilities, and through speaking programs for the screen reader to communicate to the community, and that the group is in the process of implementation of community outreach initiative for the rights of persons with disabilities, especially their right to political participation.
The group also implement session Tdab persons with disabilities to write, and the formulation of small projects to coordinate with other parties, as Group seeks to raise awareness of the concepts of disability in training for decision makers to maintain, and that the group is the census data list for people with disabilities.
And the establishment of an office services to them and sought the Assembly in coordination with some electronic companies to train people with disabilities on this area as the group that trains people with visual disabilities to use the white cane vinegar and a special training for persons with visual disabilities to use the white cane
We also strive to achieve the following if you provide us with funding:
The group seeks to achieve the project of prosthetic devices and artificial limbs and handicrafts, in order to qualify for the character of persons with disabilities who do not hold the qualifications and the owners of intermediate education, and the group aims to prepare an advanced center for computer for people with disabilities and has the group has trained 53 of the persons with visual disabilities to use computers and set them to work 3 individuals and the group has trained 75 people with visual disabilities to use the white cane, and also trained 50 people with hearing impairments and mobility to write small projects.
And the Group seeks to provide a better life for people with disabilities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marwa Mohamed Isaa

NGO Mondo

National Network

Telliskivi 60 a/5
10412 Tallinn Estonia

+372 6775445
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

NGO Mondo is an Estonian civil society organization established in 2007. Our organization works in three different fields: development cooperation, humanitarian aid and global citizenship education, with the main activities focused on improving health, education, and livelihood for the most vulnerable communities in the world. 

In development cooperation we focus on education and the economic empowerment of women and disabled people. In humanitarian aid we help in reconstruction work in crisis zones, support displaced communities, and take initiative in disaster risk reduction. In Estonia, we educate the public, school teachers and pupils about global issues by providing materials, arranging school visits, and holding public campaigns.

In addition to that, we deploy expert volunteers in development projects and promote social entrepreneurship and responsible consumption in order to support our main goals.  Mondo is a project-based organization with about 20 employees in Estonia and at least one local partner in each of our target countries.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to support vulnerable persons and communities for self-subsistance and to raise the awareness of Estonian public about global problems and their possible solutions. Our vision is stable and caring world, where every person has the opportunity for dignified life.

Main Projects / Activities

Our work consists of: 1. organizing and delivering humanitarian aid (including rescue missions, post-disaster reconstruction activities and transition to development cooperation): latest humanitarian aid project in Jordania for Syrian refugees 2. managing and intermediating development cooperation: projects in Afghanistan, Ghana, Kenya and Uganda 3. public education and development education: Global Education Centre with materials and trainings for schools and youth organisations, school linking partnerships, youth film clubs etc. 4. educating its members and the general public on the issues of humanitarian aid and development cooperation: training centre

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our expertise and knowledge in development cooperation, global education and humanitarian aid to other members of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Network provides information about Mediterranean region and opportunities for joint projects. One of our activities has been workshops on Islam and Arab world in Estonian schools which could benefit from the network. We have also organised friendship schools for Estonian schools in Africa and Afghanistan and would like to do that also in Egypt and Palestine.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kristi Ockba
Head of the organisation
Kristi Ockba


National Network

Pôle technologique de Sousse, Route de Ceinture Sahloul، 4054

53297205 Noudhar Ouaness
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

générales ** Le bureau executif de l'association : Président Trésorier Secrétaire générale Manager Externe Manager Interne Responsable Activités Culturelles et Artistiques Responsable des Activités Scientifiques et Technologiques ** Les comités d'Eurêka : - comité humanitaire - comité festivité - comité web/info - comité sports et loisirs - comité rédaction - comité de développement professionnel - comité de développement technologique - comité culture - comité écologie

Mission and Objectives

Les objectifs d'Eurêka : - Assurer un complément de formation pour l'étudiant en lui favorisant une vie estudiantine riche , cultivante et active tout en le préparant à la vie professionnelle. - Animer la vie de l'étudiant en lui organisant des sorties , des évènements basés sur le divertissement et le loisir. - Organiser des conferences et des workshops dans différents domaines(culture générale, études , vie quotidienne, sujets d'actualités ..) - Améliorer et prendre en charge le bien clubs adhérant à l'association. - Organiser des activités humanitaires pour intervenir aux besoins des gens qui ont des conditions défavorables. - Servir de liaison entre les étudiants des différentes universités en les faisant participer aux différents évenements (ou activités ) - Être toujours présent, à chaque occasion par une idée qui nous est propre et qui presentera notre image et la fera circuler dans différents domaines. - participer à l'innovation dans le domaine scientifique, plus particulièrement technologique .

Main Projects / Activities

Les activités d'Eurêka se distribuent sur : - activités humanitaire - activités dans le domaine des festivités et du divertissements (concerts, soirées...] - activités de sports et de loisirs - activités littéraires et culturelles (comité de rédaction journalière, ...) - activités de culture pour le développement professionnel - activités pour le développement technologique - activités culturelles - activités écologiques

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
youssef joudi
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
secretaire generale

Vision Communication

National Network

C/ Alcolea 115 baixo
08014 Barcelona

+34 934902237
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Vision Films is a global communication consultancy that manages international raising awareness campaigns. Vision Films creates innovative content to be disseminated globally, in partnership with International Organisations, Institutions, Think Tanks, NGO's and private sector, addressing specific needs resourcefully.  
Mission and Objectives

Vision Films is strongly convinced that documentaries, interactive knowledge products and social media are tools for social transformation. Behind every project we endorse we believe there is a challenge, an opportunity, an idea that can improve lives. Vision Films works across the globe dealing with complex and evolving scenarios in the field. We cover changes in Arab states, Central American Indigenous communities dialogue, post-conflict realities in Africa and environmental challenges in Asia. Vision Films conveys powerful messages and raises global awareness on crucial issues. We successfully deal with women empowerment, development, gender violence, capacity building, south-south cooperation, human rights, migrations, peace building.

Main Projects / Activities

We are an experienced multidisciplinary team, organized as a network of professionals that combines skills, energies and visions to create top quality products for your needs. Our human resources include: communication specialists, journalists, International Organisations experts,photography and art directors, 3D and video editors, software engineers, knowledge management specialists, elearning experts, graphic designers, specialists in aerial and under water filming, speakers, 2D animation, social media and public campaigns experts, trainers and... more

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By offering our communication expertise to raise awareness and to disseminate the activities that the Network is doing in my country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we are working on the same field. We are developing global awareness communication campaigns at Euro-Mediterranean area, in partnership with the same organizations that ALF deals with. And because we want to support the activities of ALF with our expertise.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ramon Vila
Head of the organisation
Ramon Vila

Association of Upper Egypt for education and development (AUEED)

National Network

65, Obeissi Street, Daher, 11271 Cairo

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+20 12 3401636
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1. Structure of the organisation The Association is a non-profit non-governmental organization enjoying "public status" registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs in Egypt under 1010 / 1967. Its schools are monitored by Ministry of Education Total Number of staff employed and/or partners: 1300 persons 2. Sources of funding Many international and local donors (refer to Annual Report) 3. Modalities of action - Formal and Non-Formal Education - Socio-economic Development 4. Main partners Group of Austrian, Dutch, French and German Donors, Fastenopfer and Caritas Switzerland, ERP-USAID, Coptic Orphans, Social Fund for Development and European Union, Save the Children (UK), CCFD and Les Amis de la Haute Egypte (France), CIDA and PACHE (Canada) , Ford Foundation, Unicef, UNDP and NCCM
Mission and Objectives

1. Mission
We are a community based non profit organization working in Upper Egypt to empower local communities targeting the poorest of the poor through education and development programs focusing on children, women and youth. We work through dialogue, respect and love and in solidarity with our partners in the community
2. Main objectives of the organization:
1. To empower the poor in Upper Egypt
2. To mobilize the various groups that we work with to fully participate in building their community
3. To network with the society at large
4. To develop local communities and enhance their capacities through education and development

Main Projects / Activities

a. Strategy for Continuous Development and Education:
First: Formal Education for Children
Second: Non-formal Education through
Third: Socio-economic Development
b. Strategy for Empowering Local Institutions to Lead Self-development Efforts:
First: Institutional Capacity Building of local organizations
- Building the institutional capacity of local community organizations to be able to lead community development efforts.
Second: Networking
- Networking with governmental and non-governmental organizations, both inside and outside the community.
c. Strategy for Continuous Quality Improvement:
First: AUEED Program Development
- Setting standards and quality indicators for measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of development interventions.
Second: Institutional Capacity Building for AUEED
- Setting systems, policies and plans and developing staff skills and performance to ensure quality of interventions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dina Raouf khalil
Head of the organisation
Maged Mousa Yanni (Executive Director)

Hôtel du Nord

National Network

11 Boulevard Jean Labro
13016 Marseille


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Société coopérative, 41 sociétaires dont 13 personnes morales. 100.000 euros de budget annuel. 2 salariés. Co production Marseille-Provence 2013. Partenaires : Union européenne, Conseil de l'Europe, Collectivités locales et Fondations.
Mission and Objectives

Coopératives d'habitants pour la valorisation économique des patrimoines dans l'intérêt de ceux et celles qui vivent, travaillent et séjournent dans les quartiers nord de Marseille.

Main Projects / Activities

Promotion, formation (école des hôtes), ventes de séjour.
50 hôtes qualifiés, 50 chambres d'hôtes, 50 itinéraires culturels et 50 produits et ouvrages patrimoniaux.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Échange d’expériences, de savoir-faire et mise en réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Hôtel du Nord collabore avec le Conseil de l'Europe et des acteurs de la société civile sur le pourtour méditerranéen (Algérie, Italie, Maroc, Tunisie).

Contact (1) Full Name
Prosper WANNER
Head of the organisation
Prosper WANNER

Afikim BaNegev

National Network

P.O.B. 339

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. - The Managing Board- 4 members - organization CEO - Office staff- 4 people - 47 employees. 2. Budgetary Resources: Ministry of Welfare, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Housing-Neighborhood Rehabilitation, Ministry of Absorption, Local Municipality, Government Legacy Fund 3. Sources of Funding- Foundations and Private donors: Keren Rut Bat Sarah, Glencore Foundation, Keren Oran, Jewish Child's Day, Shaalei Torah. 5. Meir Panim Organization.
Mission and Objectives

The goal of Afikim BaNegev is to promote advances in education, Judaism and social welfare in the Negev development city of Sderot, one of Israel's poorest cities. Our group lives in the town and therefore can have a better overall impact on its citizens. We strive to make the city of Sderot a better place to live in by providing educational and social activities for the benefit of the city's children, youth and adults. We also help parents and children deal with the constant threat of Kassam missiles being fired at the town.

Main Projects / Activities

1. After-school clubhouses for veteran and olim children and youth at risk: Activities are held 4 afternoons a week and include: (A) Tutoring help, homework assistance; (B) Enrichment and trauma treatment workshops; (D) Mental empowerment and values-enrichment programs in-group work format; (E) Ongoing activity equipment available for use at the Clubhouse such as table tennis, computer, games, library; (F) Hot lunch program provides each teen with nourishing, hot meal daily.
2. Study and Enrichment Center- including a library, computer lab, lecture hall and spacious room for all the children in Sderot
3. Charitable Center: Aid for the needy – clothing, food, etc.
4. Educational Institutions – formal and informal education

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Odelia Ben Porat
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Shlomit Ekshtein, CEO
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Eliraz Hajaj

Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development

National Network

P.O.Box 28156
Jerusalem 91281

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD), based in Jerusalem, promotes and manifests an inter-religious vision for environmental sustainability by encouraging the cooperation and training of religious leaders, teachers, and others on ecological issues. A team of three staff members and four volunteers implement ICSD’s vision, led by founder and Executive Director Rabbi Yonatan Neril.
Mission and Objectives

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD), founded 2010 and based in Jerusalem, promotes and manifests an inter-religious vision for peace and environmental sustainability by encouraging the cooperation and training of religious Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders, teachers, and communities on ecological issues. Interfaith environmental education and action therefore contains tremendous potential as a starting point to spur goodwill and peace-building in this conflict-prone region as residents of Israel and Palestinian territories live on the same land, breath the same air, and to a great part drink the same water. Environmental challenges transcend borders and therefore exist as an arena of joint concern among Israelis and Palestinians upon which to build mutual understanding and cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2011, ICSD undertook the following projects: • The Holy Land Climate Change Declaration, April 2011. ICSD secured the endorsement of a joint Declaration on Climate Change of the Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land, representing leading religious institutions articulating a religious call for action to address climate change. • The Interfaith Eco Forum: ICSD spearheaded the Interfaith Eco Forum in Jerusalem, July, 2011 reaching tens of millions around the world through coverage in 15 media outlets in five languages, conveying a message of coexistence and sustainability from the Holy Land. • Social Media Campaign: leveraging outreach and amplifying impact of activities, ICSD implemented a social-media campaign utilizing new-media tools (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube). • Interfaith Events at UN COP17: ICSD collaborated with the Faith Secretariat of Southern Africa in organizing interfaith participation at interfaith events planned for the UN Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa in November, 2011.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development welcomes the ALF Network members in collaborating in project dealing with intercultural dialogue, including initiatives that involve sustainable development and environmental issues. For more information please visit us at:

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development is interstred in exploring more cooperative projects and opportunities to promote its vision in the Euro-Med arena, and have targeted the ALF Network as one which is leading in this field.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rabbi Yonatan Neril
Head of the organisation
Rabbi Yonatan Neril

Zellige Paris-Jerusalem

National Network

2 rehov Hahavatselet, 94224

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
L’équipe de Beit Esther comprend huit salariés et douze professionnels bénévoles. Les ressources budgétaires disponibles sont d'environ 180 000€ pour l’année 2008. Elles proviennent essentiellement de subventions accordées par le ministère israélien de la santé, la municipalité de Jérusalem, la Fondation du Judaïsme Français, la Fondation suisse Janusz Korzack, et autres donateurs privés. L'association a développé depuis sa création différents projets comprenant des ateliers, des groupes de discussion, des structures d'accueil et d'assistance sociale pour des populations en difficulté, ainsi que des séminaires, conférences et programmes d'échange dans les trois domaines suivants: la médiation psycho-sociale, la médiation intergénérationnelle, et la médiation interculturelle. Ses principaux partenaires sont la Mairie de Jérusalem, les associations Meir Panim, Pharmatov, Latet pour le volet psycho-social, l'université israélienne Ben Gurion de BeerSheva, l'université palestinienne Al-Quds, les universités françaises Paris V Descartes, Paris VII Diderot, Paris XIII Nord, l'association Carrefour des mondes, le consulat et l'ambassade de France en Israël pour les activités inter-culturelles, ainsi que le ministère israélien de l’intégration, les mairies de Sdérot et d'Ashdod pour les projets de médiation intergénérationnelle.
Mission and Objectives

Beit Esther a pour but de développer des projets de médiation dans le domaine social auprès des populations en grande détresse, au niveau familial par le soutien dans les relations parents-enfants, et sur un plan culturel dans le traitement des conflits.
Se basant sur les méthodes de la psychothérapie institutionnelle, l'association travaille dans ces trois domaines sur des thèmes comme le rapport à l'autre culturel, le traitement du traumatisme, et la relation individu-institution afin de favoriser l'intégration sociale des populations en difficultés et la création d'un véritable vivre ensemble.

Main Projects / Activities

Les principaux projets et activités de Beit Esther sont :
Pour la médiation psychosociale,
- le Club Beit Esther, lieu d’accueil et espace de rencontre comprenant des activités sociales et éducatives
- le centre médical et psycho-social qui met en place un service de soin gratuit et d’accompagnement à long terme pour les population en rupture de lien social.
Concernant la médiation intergénérationnelle,
- les projets en cours de maisons de la parentalité à Ashdod, Sderot et Jérusalem : lieux d’accueil ayant pour but de renforcer le lien parents-enfants, auprès de populations nouvellement immigrées et des familles monoparentales.
Dans le cadre de la médiation interculturelle,
- le collège doctoral : structure académique d’échanges entre doctorants français, israéliens et palestiniens,
- des conférences et séminaires annuels entre professionnels palestiniens et israéliens sur la pratique sociale et humanitaire des deux régions,
- le projet de création d’une maison euro-israélo-palestinienne de médiation interculturelle et artistique.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elodie Abergel, responsable du projet de maison euro-israélo-palestinienne de médiation interculturelle et artistique
Head of the organisation
Claude Laloum
Contact (2) Full Name
Henry Cohen Solal, président d'honneur