Youth Work Ireland Cork

National Network

11 Gurranabraher Road, Gurranabraher, Cork

00353 21 4399862
Telephone (other)
00353 85 8130558
00353 21 4399204
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Overview of Operational Structure Youth Work Ireland Cork shall operate from the following clearly defined operational procedure; Young People’s needs are addressed by Youth Workers Youth Worker’s needs are addressed by the Management and Administration Personal. Organisational needs are addressed by the Board of Management.

Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement To provide a community based response to young people’s needs by offering them the opportunity to contribute to and participate in social education, artistic and recreational activities. Aim The aim of Youth Work Ireland Cork is to provide a social justice based Community Youth Service to Young People within the geographic area of Cork City and County commensurate with the provision of services by other organisations affiliated to and members of Youth Work Ireland.

Main Projects / Activities

Who is it for & with: target group; partnerships; linkages; exchanges • The project targets young people who are not involved in any youth services and may be experiencing social exclusion. Young people aged between 7 and 23 years who are ‘at risk ‘ of alcohol/drug abuse and are at a disadvantage from fully engaging with life chances and life opportunities. All young people are welcome, there are over 250 young people currently attending the youth project. Referrals come from schools, parents, Gardai, word of mouth and from being part of inter agency groups. If groups have reached their full capacity and there isn’t an available place, then the young persons name is put on a waiting list. In order to provide a quality and an effective youth service building good relationships it is vital to work collaboratively with other agencies in areas such health, education justice and community. • • How you do it: modes of provision; methodologies The Youth Development project’s methods of work are undertaken through group work and individual, work with consultation is a large part of the process. Community Youth work is the key methodology that underpins the youth service, following models are the foundation for all programmes; • Personal Development • Social Education • Empowerment • Team building • Confidence building • Harm Reduction • Creative Development • Community Arts

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleanor O'Sullivan
Job Title
Director of Services
Head of the organisation
Eleanor O'Sullivan (Director)

Cork Diocesan Youth Council

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Diocesan Youth Council was established by the Diocesan Synod in 2002 to “oversee and coordinate Diocesan Youth Ministry”, under the recommendation of the Youth Review Group in its Final Report in 2002. This report, including the then suggested constitution, is found in Appendix A of the report of the Diocesan Council of 2002. In the autumn of 2003, the new Youth Council was assembled, according to the guidelines stated in the Constitution of 2002, as follows: - The President (ex officio), the Bishop. - The Chairperson (ex officio) - 2 members, appointed by the President, to serve for three years - 2 clerical Members, elected by Diocesan Synod triennially - 2 lay members, elected by Diocesan Synod triennially - 2 lay members who shall be elected by West Cork Youth to serve for three years - 3 members to be appointed by the Boards of Management of Ashton School, Bandon Grammar School and Midleton College respectively, should they so wish - up to 4 co-opted members who shall be representative of youth activity and members of youth organisations in the Dioceses e.g. GFS, Scouting ... .2008 INCOME 77,879 EXPENDITURE 61,458 MAIN DONORS; CHURCH OF IRELAND,VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITEE CORK,SCHOOLS,PRIORITIES FUND. MODALITIES OF ACTION;PLEASE REFER TO WWW.CDYC.IE ALL REPORTS OF PROJECTS AND PUBLICATIONS. MAIN PARTNERS; SCHOOLS,LOCAL COMMUNITIES AND OTHER N.G.O.'S

Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement The Youth Council exists to encourage, facilitate and support the growth of youth ministry within the Church of Ireland Dioceses of Cork, Cloyne and Ross. The Youth Council aims over the triennial period June 2008 to June 2011 to fulfill the following goals. (The term “young people” refers to those aged 12-30). • To create opportunities for young people to grow in the knowledge of God and to experience God. • To equip young people to participate and partake in the life of the Church. • To encourage young people to be involved in youth activity, including service opportunities, locally, nationally and internationally. • To encourage the development of parish-based youth ministry by working alongside clergy and youth workers. • To develop a Schools’ Programme, working alongside principals, teachers and parents which will encourage personal and spiritual development. • To organize regular Diocesan Events. • To develop a Youth Leader Training Programme, including the organization of regular training events to enable young people to develop their leadership skills. • To advocate for young people and to encourage young people to advocate for themselves.

Main Projects / Activities

Strategy (Action Plan or roadmap of how we intend to implement our goals and so realize our Vision.) 1. Training. a. Provide bursaries for Parish Youth Workers who wish to enroll in the U.C.C. Youth Work and Community Work Diploma. Aim to have at least one person each year attending this course. b. Facilitate at least 4 proficiency training courses each year in specific areas- peer issues, embracing cultural diversity, first aid, Fresh Expressions model of Church. c. Develop a leadership training programme accommodating levels 16-18, and 18 and over to be run biennially. d. Run a full weekend annually for Youth Leadership training. e. Run Quarterly day/evening training events to tackle topical issues and to provide fellowship 2. Schoolwork Bring at least one team per year to run day retreats for Transition Year Students. Offer this day to as many schools as possible. 3. Worship Encourage the development of youth centered worship services in the Dioceses 4. Youth Work a. Encourage and support parish youth groups. b. Run a full programme of diocesan youth events annually 5. Strategic Partnerships. f. Develop relationship with the Mothers` Union to further parenting programme and other key players in the area of Youth Service provision. 6. International and Cross Cultural Youth Work. a. Organise at least 2 international trips per year b. Continue to develop international. relationships with European youth groups.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hilda Connolly
Job Title
Development Officer
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Judy Peters


National Network


00 213 25 43 40 59
00 213 25 43 40 59
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 213 666 610 723
Mobile Phone (other)
00 213 550 592 568
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Membres du bureau exécutif de l’association KHEDDAR CHERIFA:présidente de l’association OTHMANI ANITA:1ere V/Présidente BESBASSI SORILLA:3eme V/Présidente HAMADOU NACERA:4eme V/Présidente EL FERTAS AHMED:4eme V/Présidente TERKI FATIHA née REZIG:Secrétaire générale KHEDDAR F.ZOHRA:Secrétaire générale adjointe BENTERKIA SALIM:Trésorier BOUSEBHA F.ZOHRA:Trésorière adjointe HAMDANI AMINA:Membre nombre de l'équipe : 15 ressources budgétaire: ONG- UE- ONGII- modalité de l'action : projets concrets partenaires principaux : FDHM - freedom house- Droit et Démocratie-Associations.
Mission and Objectives

- defendre les interets matériels et moraux des victimes du terrorisme
- défendre les droits des femmes et enfants victimes de violence
- revendication des devoirs de : la vérité, la justice, et la mémoire des victimes des violences terroristes
Missions :
- Soutien moral et assistance matérielle
- prise en charge psychologique
- Assistance et suivi juridiques

Main Projects / Activities

Activités Principales :
*L’accueil et l’orientation
* L’écoute, et l’accompagnement
* La sensibilisation :
- Sensibilisation de l’opinion publique nationale et internationale sur le drame des familles victimes
- Travailler en partenariat avec les ONG nationales, étrangères et internationales
- Organisation d’ateliers sur plusieurs thèmes
- organisation des sorties d'information et de sensibilisation sur :
les droits et les violences
*une enquête a été effectuée
l'égalité des chances
* L’assistance Psychologique
* L’assistance juridique
* Culture de la mémoire
- Organisation des journées de commémoration
- Recueil de témoignages
- La collecte et le traitement d’informations et données publiées par la presse
- mise en place d’une base de données sur les victimes
* mise en place d’une bibliothèque
* Les formations
Projets :
-Projet de Prise en charge psychologique et juridique
-Projet de parrainage des enfants victimes de terrorisme
-Projet centre de documentation DHAKIRA
-Projet mise en place d'un logiciel "MEMOIRE DE VICTIME"
-Projet « ensemble contre les violences faites aux femmes et aux enfants »
-Projet « apprendre et agir »
-Projet "DAR HOURIA (maison de liberté)"

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

AL-Tamayouz Cooperative Society

National Network

Ma'an-Jordan-Teacher Str.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
General Goals:- - Establishment of income-generating projects to improve the economic status of members of the Society. - The establishment of cultural and educational projects to improve the social status - Gain more experience from the working committees. - Refine and training and development of talent. - Indicate awareness of the health of the community.
Mission and Objectives

The Society Mission:-
The Society recognizes the importance of having a vision and mission for her designated years will usher and they respond to their needs, and perceived basis point from which the objectives and activities and all of its society mission that is the development of the spirit of active participation of members of the Society and the local community, So we are all partners to sustainable development through the establishment of projects that benefit the members of The Society and the community as a whole.

Main Projects / Activities

The Society seeks to build bridges of cooperation with local and international organizations institutions working in the areas of various fields of development in order to provide quality services to the Jordanian community and support the vision and mission of our AL-Tamayouz Cooperative Society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samer Jibreel
Head of the organisation
Dr. Odeh Abu Darwish

Al Badeel for Studies & Research

National Network

Amman- Tlaa Al ali- Gaqzi Arabyat ST Building 27
Amman 11953

+962 6 5674804
Telephone (other)
+962 6 5673840
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+962 79 6092125
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 962 79 5553887
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
General Information

Al Badeel Center for Studies and Research is an independent institution established in Amman in 2006, through an initiative by a group of individuals interested in public affairs. The center is concerned with research, democratic development and training, as well as social and economic development issues and political modernization. The center publishes books, studies and training manuals, in addition to organizing conferences, symposiums and workshops in the fields related to its work. Albadeel Center also aims at strengthening democratic awareness by spreading the culture of human rights and enhancing the participation of women and youth and in the process. It targets the development of democracy and the legislation that regulates public affairs, in addition to enhancing the role of civil society organizations. Moreover, the center concept of dialogue between civilizations and religions and ostracizing radicalism and extremism and confronting terrorism in all of its kinds, together with the differentiation between terrorism and the right of resisting occupation. It seeks to accomplish its role in the fields of economic and social development through raising the visions and suggesting solutions for the of development and the role of individuals and institutions. A specialized and dedicated team runs the center, which consists of several researchers, administrative staff and technicians. It cooperates with several academic researchers and experts in political, social, economic, cultural and environmental issues. The center finances its activities by selling its publications – the product of conducting research and the deliberations of forums, seminars and workshops, and manuals, in addition to the support of various national and international donor organizations which harmonize with the center's agenda and message. Interests of Center: Democracy: "Parliament, elections and the electoral systems, constitutional systems, democratic and political development, public freedoms and human rights, and decision making". − Civil society: "The role of the civil society in all of its different classes and its developments, the public opinion." − Economic Issues: "The general budget of the country, investment, foreign trade and employment" − International Issues: "The foreign policy, the Arab relations, the regional conflicts, the Arab – Israeli conflict and the settlement efforts." − Environment: "Environment protection, environmental awareness, the abilities of the environmental institutions and the environmental legislations, water." Mechanisms of Accomplishment: 1. Encouragement of publication of research and studies. 2. Building an advanced information database. 3. Organizing conferences, seminars and workshops, and extracting suggestions which help decision-makers and civil society leaders, and also serve the researchers and workers in the media; in addition to contributing to the development process. 4. Preparing training programs related to developing skills and building the capacities of individuals and civil society institutions. Achievements: 1. Regional conference “ Expenditure Control Election Campaigns in Arab World “ 20 2. The partnership between NGOs, Parties Media and Independent Commission Election 3. Publish the book of “The Future of Parliamentary Work in Jordan 4. Decentralization & Enhancing the Local Governance 5. Local Governance Proposed Law “Municipalities Local Councils “. 6. Capacity building to the political parties 7. Suggested Draft of new “Public Meeting Law and the Political Parties Law. 8. Suggested Draft “Election Law for Jordanian Parliament. 9. Toward the law of the Jordanian Independent Electoral. 10. Parliamentary Reform in Jordan. 11. Conference of the Jordanian Independent Commission for Elections 12. Monitoring the Jordanian media performance their covering the elections about women and youth. 13. Evaluation the Parliamentary Performance. 14. Revision of the Laws and Regulations Governing the Work of Professional Associations. 15. Political women participation Our Partner: ( FES ) , ( NED) , ( CIDA) , ( IREX ) , (KVINFO ) , (AMS ),( Labor party ) . (Future for Foundation FFF) and many local organizations

Mission and Objectives

Encouragement of publication of research and studies. Building an advanced information database. Organizing conferences, seminars and workshops, and extracting suggestions which help decision-makers and civil society leaders, and also serve the researchers and workers in the media; in addition to contributing to the development process. Preparing training programs related to developing skills and building the capacities of individuals and civil society institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Political women participation 2. Suggested Draft “Election Law for Jordanian Parliament. 3. Toward the law of the Jordanian Independent Electoral. 4. Capacity building to the political parties 5. Monitoring the Jordanian media performance their covering the elections about women and youth. 6. Evaluation the Parliamentary Performance. 7. Revision of the Laws and Regulations Governing the Work of Professional Associations. 8. Suggested Draft of new “Public Meeting Law and the Political Parties Law. 9. Decentralization Project in the Provinces. 10. Parliamentary Reform in Jordan.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to raise our capacity , to learn from others , promote cooperation among peoples and civilizations and for build a great lobby against the dings makers

Contact (1) Full Name
Jamal Alkhtib
Head of the organisation
Jamal Alkhtib
Contact (2) Full Name
Wahid Qarmash

Bait Al-anbat

National Network

Petra- Wadi Musa
Petra 71882

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information
Bait alanbat is a non-profit organization located in the south of Jordan “Petra”. Our office in Petra is including only one employee who is taking care of secretary tasks because we have many volunteers who are well involving in our project . Our annual budget is about 2000-5000 JD, depending on the contributions of the member registered in the organization and the modest financial support taken from the ministry of culture. We successfully organized three conferences that have discussed the history of nabatean and their antiquities aiming to deliver their cultural traces abroad. For the same purpose, our forum had participated in many cultural youth exchange projects in Algeria, Malta,Italy and other countries organized by Euro-Med programme. Bait Alanabt has a good relationships with many Jordanian institutions and organizations that support our projects like University of Alhussein Bin Talal, Alrai Newspaper, National Bank and Authority of Petra Region.
Mission and Objectives

1.The concern of Jordanian culture movement by bringing out its local particularity and linking it with the Arabic identity. 2.Contribution to the publishing of awareness value of historical, civilization and humanitarian shaping of Arab culture. 3.Adaptation of Al Anbat history as a model while defending Jordan and Arab cultural heritage. 4.The participation in propagating awareness of the values of archeological towns in Jordan. 5.The contribution to the discussion of the archeological and environmental issues in Jordan. 6.Bringing out the Jordanian's civilization values of geography and the rule it plays in shaping Arab history. 7.Bringing out the values of the cultural dimension while promoting tourism by preparing programs necessary to. 8.Supporting activities and cultural programs that match the goals of the Forum. 9.Encouraging Nabatean studies and researches translations processes into Arabic. 10.Organizing a high-level prize that might be awarded or granted to those who show distinguished efforts while discovering Al Anbat heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Specification of duties and rights within clear and identified featured frame. Well-organized and constructive clear programs that include the activities of the Forum. These programs should be identified by goals, justifications and results. Anyhow the Forum –as much as it could – avoid routine while carrying out duties. Maintaining quality and quantity accumulations of duties and activities performed by the Forum, also furnishing suitable conditions for these activities in order to Achieve demanded goals. Concentrating basically on awareness and knowledge, By listing them within all the forum's programs and projects. Now , we are preparing for holding the fourth conference that will take place in petra next year and it is expected to discuss another aspect of nabatean life. According to the publishing project , we have issued five books and we are going to issue the sixth one during the current year.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mohammed Nasarat
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mohammed Nasarat
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Jebrel Hlalat

Hashemite University

National Network

P.O. Box 150459
Zarqa 13115 13115

+962053903333 ext. (4949, 4488)
+962¬5-382-6613; 05-3826612 direct
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

The Hashemite University (HU) is the fifth state university in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It is located on the outskirts of the city of Zarqa to the east of the capital Amman. Al-Zarqa Governorate is the second most populated Governorate in the country. The university was established to meet the particular needs and tackle the main concerns of this geographic area which are pollution, poverty, health-related issues of the Bedouin population, arid land and desertification. Another important factor in the establishment of HU is the fact that approximately seven thousand students from this area travel daily, by public transportation, to Amman to attend classes at the University of Jordan. These considerations together called for the establishment of HU. The university has several MOUs with universities from around the world and foundations to do joint projects, conferences and student /professor exchange and scholarships.

Mission and Objectives

The Hashemite University is a four-year coeducational institution committed to excellence in teaching and research. Its grand mission is to offer service and consultation to the local community in addition to the larger society. The Hashemite University's educational mission is based on the following pillars: - Giving the opportunity of studying and specializing in different fields and majors to both students and the community. - Increasing general knowledge with concentration on the levels and quality of teaching. - Conducting and encouraging scientific research, intellectual independence, taking personal Initiatives and team-work spirit. - Cultivating the Arabic Culture and the Islamic Faith by spreading their heritage, promoting their values and morals and fostering a sense of belonging and the spirit of responsibility towards one's homeland. - Ensuring a qualified staff of professors, technicians and administrative personnel, preparing plans for the processes, Studying and evaluation in accordance with the traditions of higher education in Jordan.

Main Projects / Activities

The Royal Decree ordaining the establishment of the Hashemite University was issued in June 1996. A Royal Committee was formed to manage and supervise this task headed by His Excellency the senate, Mudhar Badran, and included seven other members of specialists and experts in different fields of higher education. Similarly, The Board of Trustees was formed and included eleven members of specialists and experts of different education-related fields and headed by his Excellency the senate, Mudhar Babdran. The total area of the university's campus is 8519 acres 15% of which was used for buildings, 25 % for planting and agriculture. There are several activities in HU as cultural days conferences and making agreements with several universities worldwide in order to make HU function as a strategic partner in the middle east for universities abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Marwan Obeidat
Head of the organisation
Prof.Dr. Marwan Obeidat
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammad Mustafa Al-Dalala'h

Individual member: Amani Mohammed Khalil AL Bohisi

National Network

P.O.Box 541367 Amman 11937 Jordan

+962 79 523 7454
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Youth Activist. Human Rights Advocate. Young Debater. Research- Assistant. Former Vice President in NGO
Mission and Objectives

To be effective Role- Model in my society.

Main Projects / Activities

Debate Trainer.
Human Rights training - The National Center for Human Rights, The Network University.
Young Debater in the Launching ceremony of the second phase of the Young Arab Voice Program.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Networking with other Activists to implement different projects for different parts in the Jordanian Society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

because it is a key player in empowering youth in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amani Mohammed AL Bohisi

Individual member: JUST, Ibrahim Ghalayini

National Network

P.O.Box 940165, Amman- 11194

00 962 6 5687422
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Research
General Information
Associate Professor of Urology
Mission and Objectives

to participate in voluntary works and foundations available.

Main Projects / Activities

to participate in voluntary works and foundations available.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Fathi Ghalayini, M.D, FRCS (Associate Professor of Urology)
Head of the organisation

National Music Conservatory

National Network

Ras Al-Ein, Ali Bin Abi Taleb Street, in front of Al Hussein Cultural Center
Amman 11110

+962 6 4767221
Telephone (other)
+962 6 4767222
+962 6 4737147
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The National Music Conservatory (NMC) is a not-for-profit, educational, and artistic institution and was established under the umbrella of King Hussein Foundation. Teachers: 28, Administration staff: 10 2. Budgetary resources: Income from tuition fees and activities JD 304,916 4. Modalities of action • Orchestra of the National Music Conservatory • Organization of concerts and other musical functions, featuring prominent local and international musicians • musical education from preparatory to college levels • Bachelor Degree programs in Performance, Composition and Conducting, Arab Music, Music Education and Music Therapy • Participation of advanced NMC students, graduates and faculty members in international competitions, seminars, workshops, festivals and master classes • Project "Youth String Ensemble for Palestinian Children in Refugee Camps of Amman" • Running the project "Middle East Institute for Music Therapy" 5. Main partners Music in ME (The Netherlands), French Conservatoire National de Region Boulogne Billiancourt (CNRBB), British Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM), Rotary International, Conservatory of Enschede (The Netherlands), European Association of Conservatories, Music Academies and Music Colleges

Mission and Objectives

Mission: The NMC is dedicated to the development and continued growth of professional and internationally competent musicians. It also seeks to promote music appreciation, awareness and education throughout Jordan. Objectives: • Provide opportunities to students, from preschool through college, to develop their musical skills • Develop curricula that prepare and accredit students in the following specializations: Performance, Composition and Conducting, Arab Music, Music Education, Music Therapy • encourage, recruit and develop musicians with exceptional talents • develop a broad base of general public concerts, seminars, academic forums, conferences, lectures, meetings, camps and fairs • Establish a variety of music ensembles and create means for their sustainability and development • Develop music in Jordan to the standard recognized in the most prominent cultural capitals around the world • Encourage and develop research of Arab music and Arab music education • Continually improve and expand a music information center housed at the NMC

Main Projects / Activities

The NMC organizes and co-organizes numerous concerts, recitals, master classes, workshops and lectures, e.g. annually a concert in Jerash Festival; recently Mozart's Requiem in collaboration with the Choir of the Faculty of Music of the Holy Spirit University – Kaslik (Lebanon) and the Ballet d'Europe (France) and a lecture entitled "Music Therapy in Prisons" by Brigadier General Dr. Elias Francis, Chief of Music Bands of the Interior Security Forces, Lebanon. The NMC is also running the project "Youth String Ensemble for Palestinian Children in Refugee Camps of Amman", in cooperation with Music in ME and Rotary International. The main project of the NMC at the moment is starting the new Bachelor Degree Program of Music Therapy. Like the program, the institute will start in September 2006 and will function as a training center for music therapists and, in future, as a rehabilitation center.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mohammed Uthman Sidiq
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohammed Uthman Sidiq
Contact (2) Full Name
Rana Rizkallah
Job Title (2)
admin manager