King Abdallah Development Fund, Hashemite University - صندوق الملك عبدالله للتنمية / الجامعة الهاشمية

National Network

الزرقاء - الجامعة الهاشمية
Al Zarqa

05390333 فرعي 4777
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information

فريق عمل الصندوق يتكون من : 1- مدير الصندوق + السكرتاريا 2- مساعد المدير 3- قسم متابعة الطلبة الخريجين 4- مسم التأهيل الوظيفي 5- قسم البرامج والمشاريع وخدمة المجتمع المدني حيث يبلغ عدد الموظفين الرسميين بالصندوق 6 موظفين اضافة الى عدد كبير من الطلبة المتطوعين ، حيث يوجد للصندوق شراكات كثيرة مع المنظمات الدولية والاقليمية والمحلية إنجازات وخدمات المكتب: - تقديم النصح والمشورة الفنية للطلبة لتعزيز قدراتهم في الحصول على فرص العمل المتاحة. - توفير متطلبات ووسائل انتقال الطلبة من البيئة الجامعية الأكاديمية إلى البيئة المهنية والعملية لسوق العمل. - مساعدة الطلبة في تأمين فرص عمل دائمة أو مؤقتة ومساعدة الراغبين منهم بالالتحاق ببرنامج العمل التطوعي ونشاطات الخدمة العامة. - مساعدة الطلبة والخريجين لتحديد أهدافهم واتجاهاتهم المهنية وذلك من خلال تحديد المهارات الفردية المطلوبة في مجالات المهن المختلفة. - تأمين طلبة الجامعة بفرص تدريبية في الشركات والبنوك والمستشفيات والمؤسسات الوطنية الرائدة. - استقبال منح صندوق الملك عبدالله الثاني للتنمية، صندوق الأميرة منى لدعم التمريض، شركة زين وشركة السجائر الأردنية بداية كل عام جامعي وإعداد الكشوف النهائية للمتقدمين للمنح المذكورة وبشكل محوسب. - تنظيم مجموعة من الدورات التدريبية وورش العمل بهدف: • صقل شخصية الطالب المتدرب مثل: مهارات النجاح، كيف أكون قيادياً، مشروع العمر، اعداد مدربين في التوعية بأضرار المخدرات، تنمية الشخصية المشرقة وأيقض قوالك وحقق أحلامك. • تزويد الطلبة المتدربين بخبرات متخصصة مثل: فن البورصة العالمية، دراسات الجدوى الاقتصادية، تصميم الصفحات الالكترونية، صيانة الحاسوب، إدارة المشاريع، التصميم باستخدام الفلاش، والفوتوشوب، إضافة إلى دورات في اللغات المختلفة. • إعداد الطلبة المتدربين لسوق العمل مثل: كيفية كتابة السيرة الذاتية ورسالة التغطية، إجراء المقابلة الشخصية، مهارات الاستكشاف المهني وأخلاقيات سوق العمل. • ترشيح الطلبة المتدربين لتمثيل الجامعة من خلال المشاركة في الملتقيات الإبداعية، الدورات التدريبية، وورش العمل، اللقاءات، المخيمات الشبابية والمؤتمرات وعلى النطاق المحلي والعربي والدولي كما يعتمد تمويل الصندوق على ميزانية الجامعة الهاشمية ودعم القطاع الخاص ودعم المنظمات المانحة الدولية

Mission and Objectives

رسالتنا: إعداد جيل من الشباب الواعي بمصلحته ومصلحة الوطن من خلال تزويدهم بكل ما من شأنه تأهيلهم لسوق العمل بكل ثقة واقتدار وتنمية روح المواطنة . اهدافنا - إقامة المشاريع لزيادة الوعي في مجال حقوق المرأة والطفل والشباب - توفير قاعدة بيانات عن احتياجات سوق العمل من الموارد البشرية. - الموائمة بين مهارات الاتصال التي يتم تدريب الطلاب عليها مع الاحتياجات الحقيقية لسوق العمل محلياً وإقليمياً وعالمياً. - ترسيخ قيم العمل وسلوكياته والانتماء الوظيفي. - مساعدة الطلبة في تأمين فرص عمل دائمة بعد التخرج أو مؤقتة خلال مرحلة تعليمهم الجامعي. - فتح قنوات الاتصال بين المجتمع الطلابي في الجامعات وفعاليات القطاع الخاص وهيئات المجتمع المدني.

Main Projects / Activities

- تقديم النصح والمشورة الفنية للطلبة لتعزيز قدراتهم في الحصول على فرص العمل المتاحة. - توفير متطلبات ووسائل انتقال الطلبة من البيئة الجامعية الأكاديمية إلى البيئة المهنية والعملية لسوق العمل. - مساعدة الطلبة في تأمين فرص عمل دائمة أو مؤقتة ومساعدة الراغبين منهم بالالتحاق ببرنامج العمل التطوعي ونشاطات الخدمة العامة. - مساعدة الطلبة والخريجين لتحديد أهدافهم واتجاهاتهم المهنية وذلك من خلال تحديد المهارات الفردية المطلوبة في مجالات المهن المختلفة. - تأمين طلبة الجامعة بفرص تدريبية في الشركات والبنوك والمستشفيات والمؤسسات الوطنية الرائدة. - استقبال منح صندوق الملك عبدالله الثاني للتنمية، صندوق الأميرة منى لدعم التمريض، شركة زين وشركة السجائر الأردنية بداية كل عام جامعي وإعداد الكشوف النهائية للمتقدمين للمنح المذكورة وبشكل محوسب. - تنظيم مجموعة من الدورات التدريبية وورش العمل بهدف: • صقل شخصية الطالب المتدرب مثل: مهارات النجاح، كيف أكون قيادياً، مشروع العمر، اعداد مدربين في التوعية بأضرار المخدرات، تنمية الشخصية المشرقة وأيقض قوالك وحقق أحلامك. • تزويد الطلبة المتدربين بخبرات متخصصة مثل: فن البورصة العالمية، دراسات الجدوى الاقتصادية، تصميم الصفحات الالكترونية، صيانة الحاسوب، إدارة المشاريع، التصميم باستخدام الفلاش، والفوتوشوب، إضافة إلى دورات في اللغات المختلفة. • إعداد الطلبة المتدربين لسوق العمل مثل: كيفية كتابة السيرة الذاتية ورسالة التغطية، إجراء المقابلة الشخصية، مهارات الاستكشاف المهني وأخلاقيات سوق العمل.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

التشبيك مع المؤسسات والمنظمات على الصعيد المحلي والدولي تبادل الخبرات

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Al Khawaldeh
Head of the organisation
Hamdy Shdaifat
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdul Kareem Khazaleh

Dar Aleghwan For Studies and Research

National Network

Jordan-Irbid- Aydoun - P.O.Box 29

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
General Information
DARALEGHWAN DARALEGHWAN for Studies and Research, registered at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Jordan, and is licensed by the Department of Press and Publications since 2009 under the number (211448). Our goals: 1. Help spreading science and knowledge through scientific research. 2. Achieve the goals of education, knowledge-sharing and cultures between different individuals and bodies. 3. Contribute to the development of scientific research based on sound planning and success in various ways of life. 4. Contribute to achieving the goals and objectives of scientific research, in collaboration with universities and research institutions and centers of Arab and foreign. 5. Provide national service to conduct studies and research related to various community issues, to contribute to the solution of problems, and proper planning for a promising future for generations. 6. Contribute to the development of scientific research, and to upgrade and standardize concepts, and cooperation with universities and research centers in the arbitration of research, and the development of a unified framework for indexed and published in order to preserve the intellectual property rights. Vision: Science; basis of life, and is available success, and has measured the success of nations, and it depends proper planning, it is right, and its level of creation teams; preferred to the world on others; and its Tool is reading; The reform; starts from the self, and stems from religion and values and ethics stones, and research sober and scientific way to achieve this. DAR ALEGHWAN For Studies& Research establishments at 2009, from 5 Good Experiences Researchers we look to approved the Research work, and to: 1. Assist the deployment of science and knowledge through scientific research. 2. Achieve the goals of education, knowledge sharing between individuals, cultures and different bodies. 3. Contribute to the development of scientific research based on sound planning and success in various ways of life. 4. Contribute to achieving the goals and objectives of scientific research, in collaboration with universities and research institutions and centers of Arab and foreign countries. 5. Provide the service of national studies and research related to different social issues, to contribute to solving problems, and proper planning for a promising future for generations. 6. Contribute to the development of scientific research, promotion and standardization of concepts, and collaboration with universities and research centers in arbitration research, and to develop a unified framework for indexing and dissemination in order to preserve intellectual property rights.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
Who reads the neighborhood and who does not read the dead and that cropped up in the veins of life; Let us hasten to publish a proper reading to explore the facts, and to be a balance of cognitive help us in the conduct of scientific research effectively, harness the capabilities and capacities to gain access to the grounds, and propose possible solutions to solve our issues different, and have our planning properly for the future promising.

Main Projects / Activities

The nature of the work of the Foundation are the studies and research, and the most important achievements:
1. A study applied field orientations of citizens toward parliamentary elections in 2009 covering 10 provinces Balmemklh.
2. Work with the National Center for Human Rights on a program of political reform and democracy in Jordan, and see us for the National Alliance for political reform, which represented 45 institutions from various provinces in addition to associations and organizations and individuals, and lasted for two years, resulted in the National Congress for the reform of the electoral process, was taking the recommendations of the committee that has the constitutional amendments and the establishment of the Independent Commission for Elections .. etc.
3. Supervising the electoral process and evaluation in cooperation with the National Center for Human Rights for the parliamentary elections in 2010. Where he was to report violations and detailed observations were addressing many of the issues through the report.
Supervise the municipal elections were stopped after follow-up the registration process due to the government's decision to stopping them, which resulted in her arrest because the law of our recommendations which are gaps, and registration is not satisfactory Vtm stopped him the first month of registration and preparation.
4. A descriptive study about the reality of the elderly in Jordan and that was the call through the results of a survey of the reality of the elderly.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Jordan resides in more than one hundred different research institution, which alone is weak, and strong partnership with each other, one of our goals and strengthen the relationship with Acharakae.
Just as our main objectives summarize the development and the development of means of scientific research.
The state does not depend very much scientific research to plan a way you will not be planning a success.
And Jordan, a country with scarce resources is located in the heart of the various crises, and influenced by a need for more empirical studies to guide planners in order to improve the life chances of the human person, and access to real development that lead to human well-being and the realization of individual rights.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope to be collaborating with all partners, research institutions, and organizations that support democratic and constructive dialogue between the sons of Adam, peace be upon him.
And look forward to develop ourselves and develop our expertise with the participation of major institutions with expertise and capabilities, to learn from it and benefit from their experience and benefit from the exchange of experiences in the world

Contact (1) Full Name
Naelah Mihdawi
Head of the organisation
Hussein MahmoudAlshgairat
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatimah Alghafly

Al-Hayat Center for Civil Society Development مركز الحياة لتنمية المجتمع المدني

National Network

Wasfi al-tall str. Khalda, Bldg. # 210, office # 306, Amman P.O.Box: 4168 Irbid (Amman) 21110, Al-Jame'a Str. Irbid– Jordan
Amman 21110

Telephone (other)
0776 119 619
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
0796781242 (Mai); 0795911121
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Al Hayat Center for Civil Society Development is a non-governmental civil society organization established in 2006. Al Hayat aims to promote accountability, governance, public participation and tolerance in Jordan and the region within the framework of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, taking into consideration gender mainstreaming in public policy and action. Al Hayat works through two main programs: Accountability, Local Governance and Participation (RASED; The Observer) program and Countering Radicalization program. Al Hayat Center has more than 10 years of experience in the field of training and legal research and analysis, housing a special unit through which training and research services are provided.   The organizational structure is composed of 3 bodies, the advisory board(7 members), the executive board (4 members), and the staff (7 members). Financial resources are mainly composed of funds by donor organizations, such as USAID and European Commission, in addition to fees of services provided by the Center to the local community; for the second half of 2006 the Center managed a total budget of JoD 26,448. Main activities of the Center are capacity building and awareness projects, Euro-Med Youth Program activities, youth exchanges, and research. We are in affiliation with USAID, EC, Cities and Villages Development Bank, Al-Thoraya Center for Studies, Consultancies, and Training, Conference Dialogue Center, National Forum for Youth and Culture: Jordan Youth, and Konrad Adenauer Foundation. E-mail:;;;;

Mission and Objectives

Al-Hayat Center for Civil Society Development is a research based independent non-profit entity that aims at achieving sustainable development in Jordan, through building the capacity of local and regional communities to meet current and future development challenges. This is to be achieved through empowering positive attitudes and ethics that encourage creative thinking, scientific problem solving and decision making, appropriate local and regional planning, and proper public participation, and promote equality, equity, justice, and community service, on individual and organizational levels.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Current Projects / Activities :  Accountability, Governance and Participation المسائلة و الحكم المحلي والمشاركة 1. Monitoring Parliamentary and Municipal Elections 2. Parliament and Open Government Monitoring 3. MPs scorecards 4. Decentralization 5. Citizens’ Engagement 6. Women’s Public Participation 7. Civic Education for Youth 8. Policy and Law Analysis • مراقبة الانتخابات البرلمانية والبلدية • مراقبة البرلمان واصدار بطاقات تقييم الأداء للنواب • مراقبة الشفافية الحكومية • اللامركزية • دمج المواطنين في عملية صنع القرار (المرأة والشباب) • تحليل القوانين والسياسات Countering Radicalization مكافحة التطرف • Countering narratives • Capacity building for religious and community leaders • Using social media • Fostering collaboration between CSOs and government • Studies and Analyses • Religious and cultural exchanges • الرسائل البديلة ومكافحة التطرف • بناء القدرات للقادة الدينيين وقادة المجتمع • استخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي • دعم الشراكة بين الحكومة والمجتمع المدني • دراسات وتقارير • التبادلات الثقافية وحوار الاديان     In the past: "Enhancing the Awareness of and Respect for the Rule of Law among Young Jordanians" Project, funded by USAID. American-Jordanian InterAction Youth Exchange Program, funded by Interfaith Youth Core – Chicago, USA. Jordanian-Danish Youth Workshop "Intercultural Dialogue – the Pitfalls of Misunderstanding and Misperceptions", funded by the Danish Association for International Development and the Danish Youth Council. Sending organization in various youth exchange and EVS programs under the Euro-Med Youth Action Program. Monitoring elections and the performance of elected councils.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Eng. Dr Amer Bani Amer

Eesti Pagulasabi MTÜ - Estonian Refugee Council

National Network

Lai 30
50050 Tartu

+372 517 4334
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

We are normally around 3-4 paid staff and volunteers.

Mission and Objectives

In April 2011 new statues were developed, new board was elected and membership was changed. ERC changed its direction of activities from giving legal advice to refugees and asylum seekers to providing assistance and information on integration to Estonian society to refugees. ERC has stated four priorities for its activities: Assistance to cultural, social and labour market integration of refugees; Raising public awareness on refugee issues in Estonia; Advocacy work and representation of refugee interest; Securing public as well as private funding for its activities.

Main Projects / Activities

You can see our activities on

Contact (1) Full Name
Eero Janson
Head of the organisation

Jordan Center for Social Research Association

National Network

Amman-JordanMustafa Majed Eledwan StreetSamour Building No.19

962 6 5666 122
962 6 5666 123
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
General Information
The Staff :-(Full and Part time) 5 Technical member staff that include the following specialties: Ph.D. of Sociology (16 years of job experience) Master of Demographic Studies (21 years job experience) Master of Political Science (11 years of job experience) Master of Sociology (20 years of job experience) Ph.D. of Geographic Sciences (recently joined job) 1 Administrative staff member of Community college certificate •Source of funding Project-based work based on fund raising methods, proposals networking and partnership with national, regional and international partners JCSR works with: United Nations, international and regional organizations like UNDP, UNIFEM, ESCWA IRI (IN THE USA) Frederick Ebert and Konrad Adenauer foundations. National like Jordanian Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC) and Ministry of Social Development (MOSD) and other national organization.
Mission and Objectives

The Mission : The Center works to cooperate with national and international organizations and institutions in jordan to achieve the promoting of research knowledge and to raise the awarness of the importance of theses researchs in desicion making • To foster and provide scientific knowledge on various aspects that of social, political and economic situation in Jordan and th idle East. • To provide consultations in a variety of issues in relation with political/economic/political aspects • To promote the development process for civil society • To strengthen training techniques and capacity building for civil society • To foster the linkage between social research and social Policy.. • To establish national, regional, and international networks and communications.

Main Projects / Activities

Assessment of the quality of education in jordan 2010 National strategy to combat violence against women in iraq in 2010 Violence against women in jordan,Baseline study in 2007 The Economic Marginalization for Jordanian Women-UNFEM, 2008. Jordanian Youth: Values, Attitudes, and Perceptions, Ministry of Social Development, 2008. The Early Warning in the Social Sectors in HKJ-Ministry oh Planning and International Cooperation and UNDP, 2008. Participation of Civilians and Civil Society in the Reform of Public Sector in Jordan: A National Evaluation, 2006 Promoting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to Achieve Sustainable Human Development in Zarqa Governorate, 2005 public Opinion polls,two were on the national level about Democratization process in jordan and one Municipal poll about local governance and satisfaction with services

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through research and studies that contribute to the identification of needs and priorities of many of the programs and plans, as the center to prepare strategic plans and personnel training on research skills in addition to awareness and education programs on many topics such as human rights and all issues related to the development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

proximity of goals between the ALF Network and the center,Lead to exchange experiences and knowledge between all partners in addition to developing the skills of team work in the Center through participation in the activities of the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Dima Karadsheh
Head of the organisation
Dr. Musa Shtwei

National Youth Forum

National Network

Al- Bayader 140693, Ghalda, Amman 11814
Amman 11814

00962 2 72 77 612
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The NFYC is a member based organization, we have elected executive board of 9 members, we have projects based employees (2 – 4) and we have part-time volunteers (8-10), we partnership with many Jordanian NGOs since we work nationally and our members coming from different NGOs (Youth Network). We have many long term partners within the Euro-Med Youth Programme, our main budget are based on projects and membership fees paid by members, our annual budget varies from 50 thousand Euro up to 100 thousand, our main partners who support our projects financially are Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Freedom House. Our main projects are Youth Forums and Youth Campaigns, the forums are 3-days event with 120 participants (4 times a year) and the campaigns aims for youth mobility and advocacy for youth issues, we also organize trainings and support youth initiatives. Our projects internationally; working camps, exchanges, seminars and trainings.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Increasing Jordanian youth participation in civil socity, governmental and non-governmental organizations through a network of active youth (18-32 years old) working for a better future for youth in Jordan The Forum aims at • Empowering youth and creating a sense of belonging and citizenship through encouraging active participation in social and political life • Increasing youth awareness regarding their rights and basic duties • Encouraging and developing voluntary work among youth • Building a coalition of organizations and individuals from civil society, governmental and private sectors to support, develop and employ youth • Taking care of youth needs and highlighting their positive role in social, political and economic development in Jordan • Increasing the public awareness of youth issues • Increasing youth capacity and organizational skills by establishing more youth-led youth organizations • Promoting youth abilities and youth organizations on the local, regional and international level.

Main Projects / Activities

+ Jordan Youth Forums (3-days Open Space for 100-140 youth): - Annual Jordan Youth Forum - Local and Regional Forums + Capacity Building for Youth (Trainings on Advocacy, Creativity …etc.) + Youth Campaigns (Creative campaigns which are lead by Youth aims to raise awareness between Youth on national or youth issues in creative ways; the NFYC organized several national campaigns on changing some laws regarding violence against women, empowering youth in the Parliament and Municipal elections, Water saving and many other issues where youth can make a change and should be involved. + PR and Media activities through partnering with Media such as newspapers and radio stations and TVs, we are supporting a national wide youth supplement in a daily and popular local newspaper and also a live popular radio show between youth. + An interactive website and e-group. + International Youth exchanges and Projects, bilateral and international.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ali Ababneh
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ali Ababneh

JORDAN Youth Innovation Forum (JYIF) الملتقى الأردني للإبداع الشبابي

National Network

office 306, ayman al malkh bldg. Ibn Al Fata St. Al Rawnaq, 7th circle, P.O. Box 4626 Amman 11953 Jordan
Amman 11953

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+962 79 5033541 ali
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information

JORDAN Youth Innovation Forum (JYIF) is national youth culture organization registered by the Ministry of Culture as national forum under the number (275 F) by the law of Social Organizations and Forums number 33 for year 1966 Established on 23.08.2007. Mission Statement: Increase the youth active participation in the development process, through ensuring the chances of participation in the local and international meetings, and emphasize the youth initiative to develop the society and integrate in it. On the other hand spread the cooperation and peace spirit between the Jordanian youths and the rest of the world youths for a better future. History: The group was founded in 2004, and that does not mean that our activity started then, we participated in many of youth meeting locally or internationally through our active members. The group started with few participants but since the beginning the participation was from all over the Kingdome governorates to achieve the cultural diversity and the desire to reach all the governorates, with priority for the female participation to support and empower the woman participation in all fields. All the organization activities leads us to the democratic concepts through training and active participation, and ensure, organization that holds the youth projects which provided with the technical and financial support, were the youth them self's run it. The organization obtains it values from the Jordanian deep-rooted traditions and norms, with faith in creativity and sustainable development by using the newest technology and communication methods. Our work is the citizen ship in all it great meanings, by involving all the society levels in this process.

Mission and Objectives

Who we work for? We are the youth's share the youths between (13-30) years old, males or females, from all the Jordanian slices without exceptions, from those whom got mental, movements, materiality, or cultural challenges. In fact they got the priority to participate even they are motivated to participate, focusing on the interest not on the fitness, to strengthening the concept of the civil participation and voluntary work in the society. Why we work? • Reinforce the voluntary work concept • Reinforce the youth leadership concept in our local society • Reinforce the civilized connection with the world youths • Increase the youths participation in the civic society organization • Empower the youths with skills, personal and organizational abilities in the youth field How we work? Our organization works today with a modern vision toward developing the local societies, through understanding the, information technology, communication, and interacts with the developing process by adapting methodologies had been certified internationally and praised by a specialized organizations, Through the knowledge and expertise exchanges. The organization has a special Network & programs for the volunteering youths, they provided with the chance to volunteer in the civil society organizations and programs, with cooperation with trainers and leaders in the youth and voluntary field, which gives the youth the ability to improve their citizenship, through a national organizations their activities extended all over the Kingdome governorates, to create a special network communicate through liaison people all over the governorates and universities. The organization works to improve the youth leadership skills so they can stand up with their pioneer rule, and the initiative to develop the society through a training programs and knowledge exchange meetings, between the organization and its partners in the international networks and the regional meetings, the organization is a active member, founder, and board member in four networks spreads all over world. Youth are our biggest strength!!!

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects / Activities: • Youth in Action – EC program • Partnership for peace – EC program • Jordan Youth festival – USAID • Oh Ya Panino – Environmental Education • Volunteers for JORDAN

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ali Haddad
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ali Haddad
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Mohammad Al Omari
Job Title (2)
Projects manager

Mouvement Ni Putes Ni Soumises

National Network

70 rue des Rigoles

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
- Association loi 1901 à but non lucratif, Conseil d'Administration, Bureau, Présidence, équipe de 7 salariés, 20 bénévoles réguliers, adhérents. - Budget annuel 2012: 480 000 euro - financement pour 70% subventions publiques (Ministères français) 30% partenaires privés. (voir site internet) - Valeurs: égalité femmes/hommes, laïcité, mixité - activités permanentes: plateforme d'accueil des femmes victimes de violence, Interventions en milieu scolaire, universités populaires annuelles. - activités ponctuelles: campagnes contre les violences faites aux femmes, événements de sensibilisation, colloques, séminaires - Institut Randstad pour la réinsertion des femmes faisant appel au Mouvement, BETC pour la conception des campagnes de communication.
Mission and Objectives

Le Mouvement Ni Putes Ni Soumises créé en avril 2003 par Fadela Amara, en réaction à la situation très défavorisée des femmes de quartiers a pour mission de promouvoir un féminisme populaire: égalité femmes/hommes, lutte contre les intégrismes en particulier pour les femmes issues de l'immigration, prévention chez les jeunes des attitudes sexistes ou dévalorisantes pour les femmes, aide aux femmes pour sortir de la victimisation, "empowerment" par la réinsertion professionnelle.

Main Projects / Activities

- Plateforme d'accueil des femmes victimes de violence: une équipe composée d'une juriste et d'un assistant social salariés à plein temps ainsi que d'un psychologue bénévole accueille quotidiennement des femmes victimes de violence pour les écouter, les conseiller, les diriger vers les institutions compétentes, les suivre et les accompagner dans leurs démarches le cas échéant dans les problèmes juridiques, sociaux ou psychologiques que ces femmes rencontrent.
- Les interventions en milieu scolaire et l'éducation au respect : des équipes interviennent dans les lycées et collèges de l'île de France pour le siège du mouvement et dans les villes de province pour les comités pour rencontrer les jeunes des milieux populaires ou défavorisées et débattre avec eux des sujets liés au respect: égalité filles/garçons, lutte contre les stéréotypes, contre le racisme et l'homophobie, etc. Ces rencontres sont souvent demandées par les chefs d'établissement et professeurs à l'occasion de problèmes particuliers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

A discuter avec le réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le Mouvement NPNS s'est construit en grande partie avec des femmes issues de l'immigration et en particulier des pays du Maghreb. Beaucoup de femmes faisant appel au Mouvement sont également issues de l'immigration. La lutte contre les intégrismes est vite apparue comme essentielle dans le combat pour accéder à plus d'égalité femmes/hommes et les liens entre le Mouvement et les pays du Maghreb sont constants. Il est donc intéressant constructif et "naturel" pour le Mouvement de rejoindre le réseau du Fal.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claire Cabanel
Head of the organisation
Asma Guénifi
Contact (2) Full Name
Laurina Moty

Association environnementale TEZDEG

National Network

Village Azrou, Commune Illilten, CP 15261
Tizi ouzou

213 780181030
213 026294201
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
213 780181030
Mobile Phone (other)
213 667 33 6918
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Bureau exécutif est composé de 7 personnes dont 4 garçons et 3 filles Bénévoles de l’association, 15 garçons 5 filles Partenaire associatif : Association culturelle AMUSNAW de Tiziouzou Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles : 1000000 Da Sources de financement : -Assemblée Populaire de la Wilaya de Tizi ouzou -Direction de la Jeunesse et des sports de Tizi ouzou -Assemblée populaire Communale d’Illilten Modalité d’action : projets concrets Partenaires principaux : Solidaridad internacional, association Tourisme solidaire et échanges interculturel Euro- méditerrané
Mission and Objectives

- protection et préservation de l’environnement et de la biodiversité locale ;
- vulgarisation et valorisation du patrimoine naturel et culturel de Kabylie ;
- montage de projets associatifs générateur de revenus ;
- introduction de l’éducation environnementale dans les établissements scolaires et promotion de l’écocitoyenneté ;

Main Projects / Activities

- Projet écocitoyenneté en vue d’un développement durable à la commune d’Illilten ;
- Festival de la montagne et du tourisme à la commune d’Illilten ;
les projets en cours
- Projet pilote de gestion durable des déchets ménagers en zone rurale par le biais de la valorisation ;
- Projet de mise en place d'un réseau de protection de la nature ;
- Projet jeunesse éco-actions ;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

nous comptons contribuer au réseau de notre pays par la valorisation de notre partenariat avec les autres membres du réseau et aussi de faire un travail de capitalisation de nos expériences de transfert de savoir faire.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

premièrement les objectifs,les valeurs et les visions dans notre organisation rentrent dans le cadre du réseau FAL, et que nous sommes aussi à la recherche de nouveaux partenaires nationaux ou internationaux qui activent dans le domaine de notre spécialisation et éventuellement des fonds pour nos projets, alors la FAL constitue un bon partenaire pour répondre à nos besoins.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ait Amrane Massinissa
Head of the organisation
Ait Amrane Massinissa
Contact (2) Full Name
Ait Amrane Laziz

The Youth Spirit Center

National Network

PO Box 140693, Amman
Almadenah almunawarah st.
Amman 11814

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Youth Spirit Center is a group of Jordanian youth who believe in interfaith dialogue and social work and whose mission is to promote their concepts and importance through the community.YSC believes the culture of Peace and non-violence as language for dialogue and understanding.YSC helps in building bridges of understanding between youth from different cultures and religious background, to break stereotypes and to promote the Jordanian example on coexistence and diversity. YSC hosted many Euro-Med Projects, starting with a Contact Making Seminar on Art & Religion, and how to use Art as a tool for Interfaith Dialogue, 21 Organization coming from 15 different countries toke part in that CMS, to come out with three main projects under Action 1. Youth & Art, a Youth exchange with participants coming from Denmark, France,Palestine, and Jordan, 48 of youth gathered for more than a week to work on Music,Theater, and Drawing.
Mission and Objectives

Increase the youth active participation in the development process, through ensuring the chances of participation in the local and international meetings, and emphasize the youth initiative to develop the society and integrate in it. On the other hand spread the cooperation and peace spirit between the Jordanian youths and the rest of the world youths for a better future.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization obtains it values from the Jordanian deep-rooted traditions and norms, with faith in creativity and sustainable development by using the newest technology and communication methods. Our work is the citizen ship in all it great meanings, by involving all the society levels in this process. • 900 volunteers, throw Volunteers network all over JORDAN. • Youth Leaders for Youth all over the world. • 6 Board members from Jordanian young people. • Diverse background of the target group •More than 900 volunteer for change and sustainable development; •More than 300 youth participated in programs abroad; • 60 Euro Med project; • 100% Youth for Youth; • 70 – 80 % of participation is females; • 75% of the participants are from the governorates; • 20% of participation is from the special need individuals, mentally, physically, sensory; • Third place in the youth leaders competition about Jordan youth serving the community.
facebook: Youth Spirit Center

Contact (1) Full Name
Nidal Alabbadi
Job Title
Executive Manager
Head of the organisation
Nidal Alabbadi
Contact (2) Full Name
Anas Alabbadi
Job Title (2)
Founder, MA International Peace and Conflict Resolution