Cités Unies Liban / Bureau Technique des Villes Libanaises (BTVL)

National Network

Toufic Salem street, Sakr Bldg., 3rd floor, Ras El Nabeh, Damascus street

+961-1-649900 ext.111
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
In 2004, the unification of the World Federation of the Plain Cities (FMCU), International Union of Local Authorities (IULA) and Metropolis, international association of large metropolises leads to the creation of the world organization of Cités cities and Plain Local Governments (CGLU). The Lebanese Committee of Mayors has the task to dialogue with the government and the international authorities. The Town hall of Beirut chairs the current Committee, which is composed by the mayors of the following cities: Tripoli, Vice-president; Ghbayré; Saida; Zahlé; Baalbeck; Byblos; Sin El Fil; Urban community of Chouf Soueijani; Urban community of High Jord Bhamdoune. The Technical Office of the Lebanese Cities (BTVL) is placed under the direction of the CGLU and ensures a technical aid to the municipalities. The team of the Office of CGLU/BTVL counts 4 permanent people and is also pressed on local and international experts like on trainees Lebanese and Europeans. Cités Unies Liban représente l’organisation mondiale Cités et Gouvernements Locaux Unis (CGLU) au Liban, en charge de promouvoir les principes de démocratie locale, de partenariat et de solidarité entre les villes, notamment en soutenant des programmes de coopération décentralisée et en mobilisant des financements en faveur des actions internationales et des projets de ses membres. Depuis le 1er janvier 2015, Cités Unies Liban / BTVL a repris toutes les activités du Bureau de Cités et Gouvernements Locaux Unis / Bureau Technique des Villes Libanaises (Bureau CGLU/BTVL). Cette association de droit libanais anime le Comité des Maires Libanais, créé en 1995 et élu par les villes libanaises membres de CGLU et assiste les municipalités sur le plan technique et institutionnel pour l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre de leurs projets de développement ainsi que pour développer leurs relations internationales. Cités Unies Liban / BTVL en quelques chiffres :                                     - 86 Municipalités et Fédérations de Municipalités Libanaises membres de CGLU (65 municipalités et 21 Fédérations de Municipalités) - 80 % de la population totale du pays représentée - Un Comité des Maires Libanais de 14 membres représentant le réseau des villes libanaises membres de CGLU - Un Programme National d’Appui aux Municipalités Libanaises (PNAML) décliné en 5 thématiques : a) Thématique de l’assainissement avec le Projet d’Appui au renforcement des capacités des municipalités libanaises et du dialogue avec les autorités nationales dans le domaine de l’assainissement.b) Thématique des déchets avec le Projet d’Appui au renforcement des capacités des municipalités libanaises et du dialogue avec les autorités nationales dans le domaine de la gestion des déchets municipaux.c) Thématique de la valorisation du patrimoine avec le Projet Patrimoine culturel, patrimoine naturel et développement local au Liban.d) Thématique de la formation des acteurs publics locaux avec le Projet d’Appui aux municipalités libanaises dans le domaine de la formation des acteurs publics locaux.e) Thématique du processus de métropolisation qui s’articule autour du Projet d’Appui au processus de constitution d’un Regroupement des Municipalités du Grand Beyrouth. De nombreux partenaires : - Les Collectivités européennes, et plus particulièrement françaises, qui soutiennent nombre de ses activités - Les Organisations internationales - Les Ambassades européennes et leurs organes de coopération - Les Ministères et les agences gouvernementales libanaises - Le Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères (MAE) et l’Institut Français au Liban   تمثّل جمعية المدن المتحدة في لبنان منظمةً عالمية هي منظمة المدن والحكومات المحلية المتحدة. وتكمن رسالة المنظمة في الإرتقاء بمبادئ الديمقراطية المحلية والشراكة والتضامن ما بين المدن، ولاسيّما عبر دعم برامج التعاون اللامركزي وحشد التمويل للأنشطة الدولية ولمشاريع أعضائها. ومنذ الأول من كانون الثاني 2015، تواصل جمعية المدن المتحدة في لبنان/ المكتب التقني للبلديات اللبنانية كافة أنشطة مكتب منظمة المدن والحكومات المحلية المتحدة في لبنان/ المكتب التقني للبلديات اللبنانية. وتتولّى الجمعية المؤسّسة بموجب علم وخبر رقم 1594/2014 تسيير أعمال لجنة رؤساء البلديات اللبنانية التي تأسّست عام 1995 والمُنتخبة من قبل البلديات والإتحادات البلدية اللبنانية المنتسبة إلى منظمة المدن والحكومات المحلية المتحدة. كما أنها تدعم البلديات من الناحيتين التقنية والمؤسسية في إعداد مشاريعها التنموية وتنفيذها وكذلك في تطوير علاقاتها الدولية. جمعية المدن المتحدة في لبنان/ المكتب التقني للبلديات اللبنانية بالأرقام: - أعضاء في منظمة المدن والحكومات المحلية المتحدة يبلغ عددهم 86 بلدية وإتحاد بلدي (65 بلدية و21 إتحاد بلديات) - شبكة تمثّل نحو 80 في المئة من إجمالي السكّان - لجنة لرؤساء البلديات اللبنانية تضم 14 عضواً يمثّلون شبكة المدن الأعضاء في منظمة المدن والحكومات المحلية المتحدة - برنامج وطني لدعم البلديات اللبنانية يتناول 5 مواضيع: أ) الصرف الصحي عبر مشروع دعم قدرات البلديات اللبنانية ودعم الحوار مع السلطات المركزية في إطار معالجة مياه الصرف الصحّي؛ب) النفايات عبر مشروع دعم قدرات البلديات اللبنانية ودعم الحوار مع السلطات المركزية في مجال إدارة النفايات البلدية؛ج) تعزيز التراث عبر مشروع دعم قدرات البلديات اللبنانية في مجال التراث الثقافي والتراث الطبيعي والتنمية المحلية في لبنان؛د) تدريب الجهات الفاعلة المحلية عبر مشروع دعم البلديات اللبنانية في مجال التدريب البلدي؛ه) عملية التحوّل إلى مدينة كبرى من خلال مشروع دعم عملية تأسيس تجمّع بلديات بيروت الكبرى. وللمكتب شركاءٌ كثر: - السلطات المحلية الأوروبية وبخاصة الفرنسية التي تدعم عدداً من أنشطة المكتب؛ - المنظمات الدولية؛ - السفارات ومكاتب التعاون التابعة لها؛ - الوزارات والمؤسّسات الحكومية اللبنانية؛ - وزارة الخارجية الفرنسية والمعهد الفرنسي في لبنان
Mission and Objectives

*To sensitize and inform the cities of the area on the co-operation between cities and the action of CGLU; *To ensure coordination between the Lebanese, Syrian and Jordanian cities members of CGLU; *To diversify and reinforce the relations between the Lebanese, Syrian and Jordanian cities on a side, and the organizations of European and international cities, other; *To sensitize the European cities, backers and international organizations to the needs for the cities of the area; *To help the cities to work out projects of development; *To organize meetings between the cities and the national, regional and international backers; *To ensure and organize training courses for the mayors, the members of the town councils, and the municipal personnel. These sessions relate to all the topics which interest the cities and of which the councils are occupied. These sessions take place in Lebanon or elsewhere, in co-operation with European cities or specialized agencies.

Main Projects / Activities

* Working group Euromed of Eurocités in partnership with Turin (Italy) * Urbain network - Carried out in partnership with the World Bank, the town of Marseilles (France) and the PICDUM. * Project of the Municipal Offices of Local Development in partnership with Eybens (France) and the MAE French. * Project of the Network of the Historical and Archaeological Cities in partnership with Aix en Provence (France), Baalbek (Lebanon), the French MAE, program CHUD of the World Bank * Library project in Jdeidé (Lebanon) in partnership with Barcelona (Spain) * Technical trainings and visits for elected officials and technicians in Lebanon and in Europe in partnership with large European cities (Barcelona, Turin, the General Council of Belfort, Bordeaux...) * Animation of the network of the members cities, organization and participation in the meetings, congresses which relate to the cities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Houda Odeimi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Béchir Odeimi

Development for People and Nature Association (DPNA)

National Network

Hassib Abdel Jawad street, Azzam Bldg., 1st floor, Corniche El Baher

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
DPNA has 35 staff members. Our annual budget is about 900,000$. Sources of funding vary from local, regional, and international organizations.
Mission and Objectives

DPNA Vision:
A non-violent democratic society where individuals enjoy all their rights and freedoms without discrimination.
DPNA Mission:
To empower, mobilize, and enable citizens to change and meet the needs of the communities, as individuals and/or groups, specifically the marginalized communities in rural, bordered, and poverty areas, through human rights based approach.
مجتمع ديموقراطي لاعنفي يتمتع فيه الأفراد بكافة الحقوق والحريات دون تمييز.
تمكين وتحفيز مشاركة المواطنين وتعزيز قدرتهم على التغيير والإستجابة كأفراد و/أو كمجموعات لحاجات المجتمع، وخاصة الفئات المهمشة في المناطق الريفية والحدودية ومربعات الفقر، وفق نهج حقوق الإنسان.

Une société démocratique non-violente où les individus jouissent de tous leurs droits et libertés sans descrimination.
De responsabiliser, mobiliser et permettre aux citoyens de changer et de répondre aux besoins des communautés, comme individus et/ou groupes en particulier les communautés marginalisées dans les régions rurales, bordée et les zones de pauvreté, grâce à une approche basée sur les droits de l’homme.

Main Projects / Activities

DPNA is currently implementing the following projects: - Citizen Lebanon - Lebanese Citizen Consensus - Youth and Municipalities - Youth and Private Sector - Youth and Citizenship - Peace Parks - Young Talents - National Peace Ambassador For more info, please visit our website or contact us.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Rami Shamma
Job Title
Program Manager
Head of the organisation
Mr. Fadlallah Hassouna

Développement Sans Frontières (DSF)

National Network

Majida Tower, 6th floor, Boulevard street
Tripoli 1300

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
DSF is a new organization founded by a group of committed young people. It relies on members' contributions and potential funding.
Mission and Objectives

1- Supporting local/ national development initiatives with a special environmental concern. 2- Promoting youth participation in such initiatives and showcasing their contributions.

Main Projects / Activities

DSF has conducted series of activities such as: • Training local Agricultural cooperatives on communication and management skills, proper planning and sustaining their finances. • Training local farmers in North Lebanon on the agricultural problems, constraints and means to overcome them.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Kassem El-Saddik
Job Title
Vice President
Head of the organisation
Mr. Samir Kurdi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Rabih Omar

Dialogue for Life and Reconciliation (DLR)

National Network

Mardelli Bldg., El Saydeh street, Achrafieh
Beirut 1100

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
A board of 10 persons is in charge of the strategic plan of the DLR. The DLR launch a yearly Interreligious Academy with the idea of building strong bridges among all the particpants in the Interreligious Academdy in addition to the members of the DLR. The funding for the projects is offered through competitions and sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

Believing and promoting the dignity of being different and making the Interreligious Dialogue a youth issue.

Main Projects / Activities

Interreligious Academy 2010 and 2011 and 2012. Launching the project : Empowering youth and women in the Lebanese Society as a model for the Arab Spring.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by launching common activities and projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Ziad Fahed
Job Title
President & Founder
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ziad Fahed
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Ramzi Merhej
Job Title (2)
Vice President

Forum for Development, Culture and Dialogue (FDCD)

National Network

Furn El Chebbak, facing Lebanese University (Faculty of Arts), Azarieh Bldg., 4th floor
Beirut 1106

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
1. NGO, Headed by Board & Executive Committee, run by Executive Director, 4 employees and 2 fulltime volunteers. 2. Approximately USD 350.000 3. UN, NGOs, International NGOs, Ecumenical Organizations, faith-based organizations. 4. Youth, training workshops, documentary films, coordination of networks. 5. The Arab Group for Christian Muslim Dialogue (Lebanon), Dan mission (Denmark), Permanent Peace Movement (Lebanon), The Arab Partnership for Conflict Prevention and Human Security.
Mission and Objectives

FDCD represents an interfaith-based, integrated initiative rising from the community and aiming to restore dignity to marginalized, oppressed, and dehumanized individuals and communities. We strive to work w/ communities of faith, both Muslim and Christian, to work alongside civil society organizations to address the challenges that face their communities, individually and collectively. This is done through a process of dialogue, inter-faith solidarity and cooperation among communities in the Middle East. Through this sense of solidarity, and through intervention in specific locales, we work to: • activate the role that religious communities, Muslim and Christian, can play as they strive for cultural, social, and economic empowerment of marginalized communities and the promotion of sustainable development • advocate for and encourage the peaceful transformation of conflict at multiple levels in society as a means of building peace through justice and reconciliation

Main Projects / Activities

Empowerment and Solidarity. Helping poor and marginal communities in the urban and rural slums in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Palestine and Iraq. Justice w/ Peace. Creation of a regional network of Arab NGO’s working on conflict resolution in connection w/ the Arab Partnership of Conflict Prevention and Human Security and the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict. Work w/ media and conflict issues, media covering situations of conflict, “the voice of refugees in the media”, “youth communicating peace through alternative channels” (forthcoming). Intercultural and Interfaith dialogue. International work and study camp, July 2005 and 2006. Danish-Arab dialogue workshop and documentary entitled “I See Myself Through You – filming the process of cross-cultural understanding and communication”, May 2006.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Mireille El Hamouche
Head of the organisation
Rev. Dr. Riad Jarjour


National Network

rue Bustan, Imm. Eddé, Beit Mery
Beit Mery

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Generis est une ONG de 5 membres : Mme Liony Chammas, M. Pierre Eddé, M. Gabriel Mekary, Mme Elsie Eddé. Elle se finance en fonction des projets annuels prévus, par des sponsors (institutions ou individuels), donations ... Generis a fondé et gère l’Espace Culturel de Beit Mery qui a comme activités : une bibliothèque publique, un centre Informatique, un club théâtre, un club ballet, des colonies de vacances, un club pour le troisième âge, des conférences, des sessions de formation, des festivals culturels, un projet de correspondance entre des écoles de Paris et du Liban, échange de vacances entre le Liban et d’autres pays… Les partenaires des projets exécutés sont : les ministères de l'Education et de la Culture au Liban, la Mairie de Paris, le service Culturel de l'Ambassade de France, USAID, le secrétariat général des écoles catholiques au Liban, Microsoft, SRI, PCA, Beyrouth Capitale Mondiale du Livre …   We are a non-governmental organization that started its journey through the establishment of the cultural center, “Espace Culturel de Beit Mery” in 1999. Lebanon, a country rising from its war-torn state back then, was very much in need of healthy forms of dialogue and exchanges to instill values like acceptance and respect of the other to enable peaceful means of expression and conflict resolution. Through the center, we established a public library where we work on exposing young people to a world of ideas through books and strove to foster a love of reading. We focus on enabling healthy forms of dialogue, communication, and expression by creating awareness on diverse topics through workshops, lessons, and cultural festivals. Some of the topics we have covered are theater, drawing, cinematography, and classical dance. The natural progression for our activities blossomed into exchanges for youth. Locally our activities continue to bring together Lebanese youth from different sociocultural milieus and religions to erode the barriers within and develop healthier connections between them, and internationally we organize trips abroad to different countries exposing youth to new worlds in order to shatter prejudices and highlight similarities that connect all humans.   (جمعية لا تبغي الربح) بدأت عملها مع إنشاء مركز ثقافي عام 1999. تقدم هذه المساحة مروحة من النشاطات الثقافية والفنية والإجتماعية  (مكتبة عامة، ورش عمل ودروس في فنّ المسرح، الرسم، السينما، الرقص الكلاسيكي، توعية وإرشاد، مهرجانات ثقافية الخ)... بنيّة خلق دينامية تفاعل تثاقفية على مختلف الأراضي اللبنانية تشجع على الحوار وعلى إحترام الغير بالرغم من فوارق الجنس، الدين أو المذهب، الإنتماء الجغرافي، القومي، السياسي، الوضع الإجتماعي وغيره من نقاط الإختلاف.  
Mission and Objectives

Missions et objectifs:

Promouvoir la Lecture et la recherche de l’information.

Développer la créativité, la confiance, la responsabilité et l’autonomie.

Expérimenter la vie de groupe à travers des valeurs humaines (tolérance, solidarité, partage).

Repérer et révéler les talents des jeunes et des moins jeunes.

Eveiller le sens civique par une éducation à la citoyenneté dans l’esprit de la convention internationale des droits de l’homme .

Faire connaître l’Interculturalité en tant que processus d’influence qui induit la compréhension mutuelle entre les peuples, et qui renforce l’échange, la paix et le développement durables.

Créer et/ou développer une éthique de dialogue et de solidarité dans toutes les organisations nationales et internationales sensibles aux idéaux cités là-dessus.

Mettre en place des conditions nécessaires au développement universel de l'Interculturalité qui caractérise l'héritage et la mission de la culture libanaise.
Our Vision:
Generis, through active partnerships, seeks to reach the most youth to instill a global culture of peace through cultural, social and artistic exchanges. 
We initiate activities that enable social, cultural, and artistic exchanges to improve communities. We train youth on peaceful conflict resolution and educate them about the power of non-violent activism. We work on breaking down existing barriers in communities and we highlight commonalities between them.  We enable businesses and community leaders to make the impact required within their communities. We offer our volunteers and employees the chance to make a difference. We empower them to create connections, inside and outside their communities, for a better peaceful future.

Instill a culture of peace in the minds of the youth and ward off violent teachings.

Foster a culture of acceptance, respecting individuality, and enabling communal thinking.

Encourage upright citizenship, and eliminate prejudices to enhance dialogues across and between cultures.

Enable linkages between people across nations to build lasting bridges between them.

Openness: We foster openness in communities. 

Dialogue: We enable dialogue through different forms of expression locally and internationally.

Acceptance: We enable and promote acceptance of the other.

Transparency:  We are transparent, and promote transparency. We believe in transparency within our organization and with our staff and partners. We foster cultures of transparency, as they are mediums to acceptance and understanding.

Respect: We encourage respect of the other. 

Peace: We are aggressive promoters of non-violence and a culture of peace. We are relentless in creating and fostering peace in our communities, locally and globally.
تسعى الى تحفيز ثقافة السلام في العقول والخطاب، الى ترسيخ ثقافة نبذ العنف والإرهاب كما الى زرع رغبة العيش والبناء سوياً مع الجميع بوئام مع حفظٍ لكرامة الفرد والجماعة... بما في ذلك من مواطنيّة صالحة، ورفضٍ، وتخلٍ وطلاق مع ردّات الفعل إزاء الآخر والتي تقوم عادة على الأحكام المسبقة، على الكليشيهات وعلى الصور النمطيّة.

Main Projects / Activities

Generis a fondé l’Espace Culturel de Beit Mery en 1999, l’a inauguré en 2003, et depuis elle le gère dans la diversification des ses activités culturelles artistiques et sociales : • La bibliothèque publique. • Le centre informatique. • La formation théâtrale. • Cours de ballet. • Colonies de vacances. • Conférences et débats. • Sessions de formation : informatique, anglais, et documentation. • Sessions d’orientation pour les jeunes. • Accueil d’auteurs francophones et arabophones, et débats … • Initiation dans les écoles à l’interaction entre les bibliothèques scolaires et bibliothèques publiques. • Club de Scrabble : organisation des ateliers de jeu, et participation à des tournois au niveau national. • Club pour le troisième âge : animation d’ateliers de bricolage, découverte du patrimoine à travers des visites de musées, de couvents et de sites historiques, excursions et tourisme local et régional … • Des projets sociaux avec les jeunes et d’autres avec des adultes de différentes catégories professionnelles et sociales dans le but de discuter et élaborer de nouveaux projets sociaux pour l’amélioration de la société civile. En 2004 a eu lieu le festival culturel " l’Enfant et le jeu ". Six écoles y ont participé. Le but était de développer créativité, confiance, responsabilité et autonomie, d’expérimenter la vie de groupe à travers des valeurs humaines (tolérance, solidarité, partage), d’éveiller le sens civique par une éducation à la citoyenneté dans l’esprit de la convention internationale des droits de l’enfant. En 2007 Generis a pu conclure un partenariat entre la Mairie de Paris et l’Espace Culturel de Beit Mery, qu’elle a concrétisé par un projet de correspondance " Paris-Liban, Liban-Paris " , entre des enfants de 6 à 12 ans des écoles de Paris (qui dépendent de la Mairie de Paris), et des écoles du Liban. Les enfants des écoles participantes devaient publier et débattre à travers un site internet les trois thèmes suivants : 1. Des visages qui ont fait le Liban, donc l’histoire vue par les enfants. 2. Voyage dans le pays de l’autre sans être accompagné par un adulte. 3. Les plantes qui parlent dans les salons parisiens et libanais. " Paris-Liban, Liban-Paris " avait comme but d’éveiller la curiosité des enfants libanais et parisiens à la culture de l’autre et au pays de l’autre.
Generis has established a cultural center, and conducted several cultural, artistic, and social programs locally and internationally.  More details on our events are found on our Facebook page and our website.
أسست الجمعية الواحة الثقافية - بيت مري وهي تتضمن  مكتبة عامة، مركز للكمبيوتر، دروس باللغات، المسرح، الرقص الكلاسيكي والمعاصر ...
تسعى لتأمين أرضية وفرصة تلاقي بين الشباب اللبناني من مختلف المذاهب والثقافات.. تجربة تسمح لهم بتعميق فهمهم لثقافتهم ؛ كما الى تحسين علاقاتهم مع "الآخر"، عبر مروحة نشاطات تهدف الى تعليم العيش معا. وبالتالي الى توطيد هذه العلاقات بما يحرص على المساواة، الاحترام المتبادل، التسامح وقبول حق الإختلاف، فالبناء معا من أجل مواطنية صالحة.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Elsie Chammas Eddé
Job Title
President & Founder
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Elsie Chammas Eddé

Groupement Libanais d'Amitié et de Dialogue Islamo-Chrétien (GLADIC)

National Network

USJ, CSH, Bât. A. 9ème étage, rue de Damas
Beirut 1100

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
GLADICis structure includes the seven founders who dedicate their available time and efforts on a voluntary basis,in addition to 40 volonteer Ambassadors across the country, who are committed to its objectives. GLADIC employs on a project basis professionals when required but do not maintain at the moment employed staff on a full time basis. The 2013 budget is $28'000.- secured by the founders and donators who support GLADIC's mission. Due to increasing demand for GLADIC's work in the field, the 2014 budget is approved at $ 55'000.-. GLADIC's activities include workshops at the highschools level to develop the interreligious dialogue between the youth(16-19 years)and the culture of citizenship for a better living together in Lebanon.These workshops are completed by a group work within the high schools, over a period of 4-5 months, which is submitted for a national contest. In 2012 the theme was:"LEBANON, FROM AN ARENA TO A COUNTRY", in 2013 the theme was "THE PIONEERS OF DIALOGUE". The number of high shools involved in 2013 was 34, more than double the number of 2012. GLADIC announced the 2014 theme "THE PIONEERS OF THE LEBANESE NATIONA PACT (agreement)" and the registration exceeded already the 2013 number. GLADIC contribute to two international seminars each year at the USJ, that relates to its mission. GLADIC published the first of its publications: "LA CULTURE CITOYENNE DANS UNE SOCIETE MULTICOMMUNAUTAIRE LE LIBAN EN PERSPECTIVE COMPAREE" by Prof. ANTOINE NASRI MESSARRA. GLADIC contributed to the book "FIGURES DU DIALOGUE" published by the IEIC from the USJ. Two new books, on the 2012 and 2013 youth contests are now under preparation in addition to a collection of twelve publications on the themes of interreligious dialogue, the living together and citizenship, destined to the youth. GLADIC's activities are generally well covered by the written, audio and TV media. (references available if needed).
Mission and Objectives

GLADIC's mission is based mainly, on the following principles: Consolidate the "living together" between the Lebanese, through the culture of plurality, openness, the knowledge and the acceptance of the other. Open venues for friendships between Lebanese youth, Muslims and Christians and train the new generation for a constructive dialogue and for a peaceful life. Spread and consolidate the democratic management of pluralism, by transmitting our Lebanese heritage in this field, to the young generation through different socialisation processes. Contribute to the constitution of a national forum for the Christian Islamic dialogue. In order to achieve its mission, GLADIC works to: Present national "pioneers of dialogue" who, through their actions in different fields, contributed to bring together the Lebanese people. Create a strong link between theoreical research on dialogue and the public life,through activities that put forward the rich Lebanese heritage in this field and make it evolve from an elitist speech into a pratice of life.

Main Projects / Activities

- Workshops in Highschools public and private across all Lebanon. - Yearly National Contest - Yearly full day GET TOGETHER of all schools participating to the program. The greatest multiconfessional gathering of youth in Lebanon to discuss Dialogue and Living together in Lebanon. - Yearly Concert by Lebanese famous artists volonteering to sing for the Interreligious dialogue the citizenship and the living together in Lebanon. - Publication of significant material related to GLADIC's mission and objectives

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GLADIC came to light from the conviction of its founders, that Christian Islamic dialogue in Lebanon is capable of implementing a culture of unity in diversity, necessary for knowing the other, developping friendships and protecting the "living together". Being a national, religious and moral duty, dialogue requires the involvement of all. GLADIC created a strong link between therotical research on dialogue and the public life, through its involvement with more than 40 high schools and in excess of 3'700 of 16 to 19 years old students. GLADIC's involvement is on the increase for 2014 and is happy to share its experience and cooperate with the ALF Network on common projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since we share the ALF philosophy for the democratic management of diversity, we beleive that we can profit from the ALF Network's experience in Lebanon and abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maître Ziad Chalhoub
Head of the organisation
Rev. Fr. Salim Daccache
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Rita Ayoub

Global Forum for Religions and Humanity (GFRH)

National Network

Ali Bou Diab building, Hay kalaat zwein, Jahlieh Shouf
Jahliyeh 1500

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Global Forum for Religions and Humanity is a youth-led organization based in Lebanon, with global perspective, dedicated to promoting culture of pluralism and diversity. It acts as platform for dialogue and permanent exchange, and believes in empowered communities.   Le Forum Global pour les Religions et l'Humanité est une organisation non-gouvernementale, basée au Liban, à portée globale, et dirigée par les jeunes. Elle vise la promotion de la culture du pluralisme et de la diversité, et constitue une plateforme pour le dialogue et l'échange permanent et oeuvre pour l'émancipation des différentes communautés.   المنتدى العالمي للأديان والإنسانية مؤسسة لبنانية ذات بعد دولي، تهدف إلى تعميم ثقافة التنوّع والحوار بين الثقافات، من خلال تنمية القدرات والمناصرة، ونشر القيم الإنسانية والوطنية. تساهم برامج المنتدى ونشاطاته في خلق دينامية جديدة للإرتقاء بملامح العيش المشترك والتسامح في مجتمع متنوّع وبين مختلف الحضارات. يسعى المنتدى إلى دعم قدرات المجموعات المختلفة.

Mission and Objectives

Contributing to interreligious dialogue, reconciliation and social cohesion Disseminating of values of tolerance, equality, and peace Developing capacities of communities while promoting citizenship and volunteerism Supporting youth and women empowerment   Contribuer au dialogue interreligieux, à la réconciliation et à la cohésion sociale Diffuser les valeurs de tolérance, égalité et la paix entre les diverses groupes socioculturels Développer les compétences et promouvoir les principes de la citoyenneté et du volontariat Soutenir le développement des capacités des jeunes et des femmes et leur rôle au sein de la société   المساهمة في تعزيز الحوار بين الأديان، المصالحة والتلاحم الإجتماعي نشر قيم التسامح، والعدالة والسلام بناء قدرات المجموعات وتطوير مفاهيم المواطنية والتطوّع دهم جهود تمكين المرأة والشباب

Main Projects / Activities

Building capacities on interreligious dialogue, peace-building with awareness on citizenship to better promote diversity in the school environment: Flagship program is "Teachers for a Change" Developing capacities and skills for women: Flagship program is " Teach Women English" Engaging youth in positive change: A tailor-made action engaging children and youth in cultural activities (arts, theater, music and photo exhibitions, etc.) to promote social values and contribute to positive change Advocacy: Series of actions advocating for responsible citizenship and equal opportunities for youth and women in decision-making, in collaboration with civil society organizations. Media advocacy is a key tool.   Développer les compétences au sujet du dialogue interreligieux, la construction de la paix, et sensibiliser les professeurs et éducateurs des écoles à propos de la promotion et la gestion de la diversité au sein de l'environnement scolaire: Programme-clé "Teachers for a Change" Développer les compétences des femmes à travers l'anglais comme langue de dialogue et d'ouverture aux diverses cultures: Programme-clé "Teach Women English" Engager les jeunes dans les initiatives pour le changement social: Activités culturelles destinées aux jeunes et enfants (art, théâtre, musique et expositions de photos, etc.) pour promouvoir les valeurs sociales communes et contribuer au changement social positif Plaider et supporter les causes nationales pour une citoyenneté responsable et la participation juste des jeunes et femmes à la vie citoyenne, en coopération avec des organisations de la société civile. Les moyens médiatiques sont largement employés.   تعزيز القدرات حول الحوار بين الأديان والثقافات، بناء سلام، وزيادة الوعي حول دور المواطنية في نشر التعددية على مستوى المدارس: برنامج "أساتذة من أجل التغيير" تطوير قدرات ومهارات من خلال برنامج اللغة الإنكليزية إشراك الشباب في التغيير الإجتماعي: من خلال النشاطات الثقافية الهادفة (منها الفنون، والمسرح، والموسيقى، ومعارض الصور، إلخ) نشاطات المناصرة المتنوعة لدعم المواطنية المسؤولة، والمساواة في المشاركة في صنع القرار للنساء والشباب، بالتعاون مع منظمات المجتمع المدني، وبالإعتماد على المناصرة الإعلامية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In Lebanon, the network is formed by 109 members that constitute a large spectrum of NGOs, academic institutions, research centers, and cultural organizations that are all active at the national level for the enhancement of human dignity through education, research, culture, awareness, arts, media, social activities, among others. Becoming a member of the network will offer an opportunity for strategic cooperation and creation of synergies between national ideas and projects aiming at improving the human conditions and contributing to the building of responsible society members, with equal access to information, facilities, opportunities and chances to create the needed positive change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By joining the ALF Network, the GFRH would build on its current human capacities to further partner with other organizations and entities working to achieve similar and complementary objectives for the well-being of the humanity in general and the Lebanese citizens in particular. Being a Lebanese non-governmental organization, the GFRH stresses the importance of networking and exchange with the wide ALF network of NGOs involved in the promotion of intercultural dialogue across Europe and the Mediterranean region, through continuous dialogue while promoting the values of peace, freedom, openness and diversity. Being a member of the ALF, the GFRH would actively contribute to activities and partner with cross-cultural entities to serve the MED-MENA communities and people for a sound mutual understanding and acceptance of social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ghassan Bou Diab
Head of the organisation
Patricia Samaha

Initiatives of Change - International (IofC)

National Network

Beirut 1102

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
International College educates young men and women to be compassionate and self-reliant, capable of initiative and critical thinking, and who will serve as role models in society. The curriculum aims for excellence at all levels and embraces the education of the whole person. Graduates of I.C. will have developed self-discipline, problem solving abilities, responsibility, self confidence, an awareness of the interdependence of nations in all their diversity, and a set of values leading to respect for others.
Mission and Objectives

To promote the development of the whole person: Academically, through a balanced, relevant and rigorous program, in three languages, that aims for excellence in the Lebanese Baccalaureate, the French Baccalaureate, the College Preparatory Program and the International Baccalaureate, while developing individual potential and an attitude of life-long learning; Ethically, through the promotion of the values of integrity, tolerance, service and respect for individual differences; Socially: through intra- and extra-curricular activities and sports, community service, and other opportunities to develop civic and global awareness and responsibility, leadership, team spirit, and respect for the value of the environment and for social justice; Aesthetically: through a diverse fine and performing arts program; Physically, through a comprehensive physical education and athletics program that promotes healthy living. All programs aim to develop personal qualities and skills leading to intellectual curiosity, effective communication, creative expression, community building, good citizenship, international mindedness, and an appreciation for cultural diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

Community Service/ more than 100 clubs (arts, sciences, service, sports)/ athletics/ MUN...

Contact (1) Full Name
Maitre Ramez Salameh
Head of the organisation
Dr. Omnia Marzouk
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Wadiaa El-Khoury

Institut Libanais pour le Développement Economique et Social (ILDES)

National Network

Tours Harboyan, Bloc A & Bloc C, rue BC
Jal el Dib (Metn) 1241 2020

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
General Information
A General Assembly : 16 members - An Executive Committee : 5 members - Permanents employees : 14 persons - Budgetary Resources: 500.000 $ - Sources of funding: public and private Lebanese,European and American NGOs, European Union. - Modalities of action: concrete projects, seminars, formation - Partners: DVV, GEDR, FSPC, MISEREOR, MOIL, HELPED, MSP, FARMHOUSE, SWISS CO-OPERATION, PSF
Mission and Objectives

Supporting the return of Lebanese displaced during the wars in Lebanon (1975-1990), on the basis of intercommunity conviviality and economic and social development. - Social and educational assistance to the non returned displaced. - Promotion of job opportunities. - Falicitating interculturel conviviality trough intercultural dialogue in Lebanon, in the Middle East and in the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Curative and preventive health , social assistance , professional training, employment promotion ,provinding funding for the economic activity and for housing, undertaking region and sectorielsocio-economial surveys, providing its beneficiaries with marketing support of their products, organising seminars on intercultural dialogue and development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Boutros Labaki
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Boutros Labaki