Peace Initiatives

National Network

L'Usine Alita
Byblos 1401

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Peace Initiatives is headed by an an administrative council composed of 9 members elected for 3 years. Our last elections took place in February 2011. Our organization is entirely volunteer based and we have no paid staff. From 2006 to 2008, we relied on private funding (philanthropists). Since 2008, our activities were co-financed by our partners (peace education). Since the beginning of 2011, two of our activities were financed through grants, and we have applied for two new grants for our next projects. Peace Initiatives is developing an innovative program in "Peace and diversity" education that it delivers to youth through specific trainings and workshops. These workshops also include the production of a culture artifact, such as cartoon-making (in 2006 and 2007), acting/theater (2006-2009), documentary (2008, 20101). Our partners have included international NGOs (nhaual , local NGOS, Municipalities (Haret Hreik Deir el Qamar), informal organizations (Mafpa, Private commodies 2009
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote and expand a culture of peace and diversity throughout Lebanon, through recreational, cultural, educational and artistic activities. We believe that Lebanon has hardly tapped into its cultural and religious diversity because of its fragmentation. People boast about the country's diversity but do not know much about it. Through our activities, we encourage people to discover and explore cultural and religious differences, by becoming more mobile, curious and engaging. We aim at developing projects that expand and develop cross-communal, interfaith and intercultural dialogue and reconciliation. Peace Initiatives engages in activities that diffuse a peace culture and uphold and advance cultural and religious diversity. Our actions are mostly youth oriented. We believe that youth play a special role in the struggle against mistrust, prejudice, resentment and ignorance. We find it crucial to enable them to become irreplaceable actors in the maintenance and advancement of peace.

Main Projects / Activities

Education workshops and training for peace - Sawa 1, "Together for Peace in Time of War" (summer 2006). - Sawa 2, "Introduction to Peace and Diversity" (summer 2007). - Liqa'at lil-Tawasol (summer 2008), follow up activity to Sawa 2. - Peace Workouts (September 2010) - Training for Peace in collaboration with Aie Serve (winter 2010). - Lobbying for environmental projects, improvisational theatre, promoting self-confidence. - Theatre of the Oppressed by Augusto Boal. - Conflict resolution. Cultural events - Introduction to theatrical improvisation on the theme of otherness. - Cineclub on the theme of “encounters”. - Exhibition on the theme "flowers and peace" Psychological support: - Support for a group of young volunteers engaged in relief operations (compassion / fatigue management). Advocacy: - Celebration of World Peace Day, film screening followed by an Iftar (September 21, 2007). - Commemoration of the outbreak of the Civil War: organizing the "Carrefour des associations - 33 years of commitment to peace" (April 13, 2008). - Participation in the International Fair for Peace Initiatives, Paris (spring 2008). Partnerships, collaboration, civic engagement: - With the library association Assabil for running a film club and a theatre workshop. - With the House of Franco-Palestinian Friendship (MAFPA) and the Jinishian Memorial Program for Sawa 2. - With Sustainable Democracy Center (SDC) as part of its project "Bridging National Solidarity". - Active participation in the campaign “Ou3a"(2007). - Participation in the march "Our unity is our salvation" organized by 50 Lebanese NGOs (April 13, 2008). - Active participation in the movement Khalass! (2007-2008) - Participated in the founding of the Arab Network for Non-Violence in Amman. - Organization of the World Social Forum with Lebanon’s Permanent Peace Movement and the support of Nova (Spain). - Partnership with the Permanent Peace Movement on their proposed Youth Council.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Jihad Nammour
Head of the organisation
Dr. Jihad Nammour

Rene Moawad Foundation (RMF)

National Network

844, rue Alfred Naccache, Achrafieh
Beirut 1100

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information

1.Mrs.Nayla Moawad is the Founder and the President of the Foundation which includes 8 Board members. Besides the administrative work, there are 4 head of Departments who are responsible of their own staff and the headquarters, located in Beirut, support and monitor them. The Foundation counts 60 employee and 80 members. 2-The budget is 4 million USD. 3-Activities income, fundraising, Board of Trustees, partners, associations, donors (USAID, Italian Cooperative). 4-Organization of seminars, workshops…. 5-ARCI - CHF

Mission and Objectives

Promote sustainable human, economic and rural Development Bring health services to remote areas Provide literacy and vocational training for rural women and working children Enhance farmer’s capacities Promote the development of Civil Society, Democracy and Human rights

Main Projects / Activities

ACCESS-MENA :Alternatives to Combat Exploitive Child Labour Through Education and Sustainable Services in the Middle East and North Africa focus on the prevention and elimination of exploitive child labour . CUDMOS :Children and youth Development and Mobilization of opportunities is a multi-dimensional and multi-actor model project, targeting Youth at national level. CEADARS plus: Clustering for Economic Development and Revitalization of Industry Sectors is a project aiming at promoting the agribusiness industry in rural areas of Lebanon. Arci : Creation of a Centre for Working Children in Bab el Tebbaneh, Tripoli (computer room, classrooms, administrative offices, doctor’s office, room for recreational activities. NED :The objective of the project is to increase the capacity of youth for a more active and informed democratic political participation in North Lebanon.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Hasna' Moawad Tanios
Head of the organisation
Mr. Nabil Mowad

Rotaract Club of Beirut

National Network

Beirut 1100

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Around 25 members, 5 of which are board members. All on a voluntary basis. Resources: depending on fundraising campaigns and Rotaray sponsorship, up to $5000 per year. Modalities of actions: The organization is divided into comitees, each of which has its own action plan. Activities include: seminars, workshops, site visits, lectures, on-ground community projects, youth exchanges. Main partners involved: The Rotary Club and other Rotaract clubs in the country and around the world, in addition to ministries and municipalities.
Mission and Objectives

The Rotaract Club of Beirut aims to the professional and leadership skills for young men and women aged 18-30. This is done through the work of committees that conduct activities in the fields of community service, fundraising, professional development in addition to a number of conferences and workshops both locally and internationally that aim to promote high ethics at the service of the community. A great number of the community projects aim to reach out to marginalized sections of the community.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are divided into 5 committees: 1) Community service; committed to addressing the physical and social needs of the local community with different target groups: ranging from children (ages 5 and above, mentally and physically challeneged) to the elderly (with difficult living conditions). 2) Fundraising: Raising funds to support the community activities through organizing fundraising dinners, events, selling merchandise. 3) Professional development: Providing training, awareness sessions, conferences related to personal and individual development. 4) international service activities that aim to reach out to fellow Rotaract clubs around the world in cultural-exchange activities and joint community service projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Khaled Karouni
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Khaled Karouni

Safadi Foundation

National Network

Ramzi El Safadi street, Maarad 847, Safadi Cultural Center
Tripoli 1300

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Safadi Foundation is headed by the president, HEM Mohammed Safadi and is directly operated by a General Manager. The management team consists of 10 specialized staff and the field teams constitute over 120 members through 13 branches across the country. The yearly budget is approximately $2.1 million from private donations and international funding agencies. Safadi Foundation has four sectors of intervention through which it implements projects funded by donors and grass roots activities funded by the foundation, that respond to the region’s needs, these sectors are: Rural Development and sustainable Agriculture Sector, Social Development Sector, Education Sector and Culture Sector. Safadi Foundation works mainly with the municipalities, community-based organization, Embassies and Universities.
Mission and Objectives

A cohesive society enriched with opportunities
Support sustainable development in Lebanon through: building individual and collective capacities, and disseminating innovative techniques for the efficient use of resources.

We believe in freedom of expression and choice

We aspire to achieve social justice for all

We base our credibility on transparency and quality performance

To lead impactful initiatives that improve the quality of life of all individuals

To strengthen the role of various groups and ensuring their participation in consolidating  development

To tackle public issues that directly affect the well-being of society and to mobilize the necessary  resources to confront them

Main Projects / Activities

Social Development Sector: Focus on local socio-economic development, citizenship engagement and peace-building interventions.
Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development: Focus on enhancing the capacities of farmers to promote socio-economic development and maintain healthy environments in rural regions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As part of this network, Safadi Foundation can offer its experience, facilities and we also provide key outreach to North Lebanon.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF network, since we were already members of the network. Furthermore, among our main objectives is cultural dialogue and we believe that ALF will allow access to international organizations that we can work with.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Vanessa Campos-Yakan
Job Title
Senior Project Development Officer
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohammad Safadi


National Network

6A, 1649 Naccache

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

NGO completely benevolent. Resources during 2010 and totally spent on concrete events around 50000USD, funding brought by members and event participants. Main action was organizing multiple Planting Trees events in a cultural exchange environment.

Mission and Objectives

Preserving Nature and Promoting Social Values through Environmental Activism. Spreading Environmental Culture, Through Planting Trees and Promoting Eco-Friendly Behavior.

Main Projects / Activities

Spreading Environmental Culture and Culture, Through Planting Trees and Promoting Eco-Friendly Behavior Lobbying to introduce planting trees, for individual classes, in the schooling curriculum.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are open for any collaboration suggestions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Spreading our message, finding partners, securing funding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Pierre El-Haddad
Head of the organisation
Dr. Pierre El-Haddad

Sustainable Democracy Center (SDC)

National Network

Lebanese German University, 3rd floor, Sahel Alma highway
Jounieh 1200

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Sustainable Democracy Center (SDC) is a Lebanese, non-partisan, independent organization established in September 2002 to spur human development towards a more harmonious and peaceful coexistence through raising awareness on democracy, citizenship, and human rights, Dealing with the Past and Educating and empowering citizens, regardless of their religious, political and geographical affiliation.   Le Centre pour la Démocratie Durable (Sustainable Democracy Center- SDC) est une organisation Libanaise indépendante et non partisane fondée en septembre 2002 à Beyrouth, Liban. Son but est de promouvoir et soutenir le développement de l’individu en sensibilisant la population sur les notions de démocratie, de citoyenneté, de droits de l’homme et le traitement du Passé loin de toute considération confessionnelle, politique, sociale ou régionale.   مركز الديمقراطية المستدامة هو منظمة مستقلة غير حكومية تأسست في أيلول 2002 وتهدف الى رفع مستوى الوعي حول مفاهيم الديمقراطية، المواطنة وحقوق الإنسان والتعاطي مع الماضي لتحفيز التنمية البشرية. يضم مجموعة من الشباب اللبناني الناشط والمؤمن بوطنه، والساعي الى نشر ثقافة احترام التنوع الذي يتحلى به المجتمع اللبناني بجميع مكوناته، وذلك عبر  تثقيف وتمكين المواطنين لاحقاق التعايش المنسجم و السلمي، بغض النظر عن انتمائاتهم الدينية والسياسية والجغرافية.
Mission and Objectives

Our goals

Advocating child and youth participation in public decision making

Identifying and empowering young agents of change

Promoting intergenerational dialogue in order to promote and establish the culture of peace

Developing respect for diversity in a pluralistic society

Increasing political awareness among youth on the rule of law, human rights, pluralism and good governance

Exploring intergenerational dialogue for a better and genuine dealing with the past
Le centre a pour objectifs de :

Identification et la formation de jeunes Agents de Changements

Plaidoyer sur la Participation des enfants et des jeunes dans la prise de décision

Promouvoir le dialogue intergénérationnel en vue de la construction de la culture de paix

Encourager le respect de la diversité dans une société pluraliste à travers l’échange et le dialogue.

Sensibiliser les jeunes à l’état de droit, aux droits de l’homme, au pluralisme et à la bonne gouvernance.

Explorer le dialogue intergénérationnel vers un traitement authentique du passé
من أهداف المركز

المناصرة لتعزيز مشاركة الأطفال و الشباب في كافة الميادين ولا سيما لجهة الضغط لتخفيض سن الانتساب الى الجمعيات وحرية انشاء الجمعيات بما يتوافق مع اتفاقية حقوق الطفل؛

تمكين الشباب ليصبحوا فاعلي تغيير من خلال توفير فسحة للتواصل وتبادل الأفكار

تشجيع الحوار بين الأجيال بهدف تعزيز وإرساء ثقافة السلام

تنمية احترام التنوع والاختلاف في مجتمع تعددي

تعزيز الوعي والثقافة السياسية لدى الشباب حول دولة القانون وحقوق الانسان والديمقراطية والحريات؛

استكشاف الحوار بين الأجيال  بغية التعاطي الفعلي والحقيقي مع الماضي

Main Projects / Activities

•2006-2007 (on Going) Badna Wattan Helo (We want a Beautiful Country): This program was developed in order to bring together children from all across Lebanon and teach them about unity, their country, and gives them a voice to share their opinions and feelings about what goes on around them. •2006-2007 Bridging National Solidarity (BNS): The purpose of the program was to connect children who were unaffected by the war with others who directly lived it. The camps were conducted in two cities in the South of Lebanon and involved up to 300 children each. Camp activities included song writing, role playing, health and environmental care, information sharing, expression through art, kite making and ended with a sleep over. •2005-2006 (ongoing) A 3-day conference on “Post Conflict Reconciliation in Lebanon” with experts from Liberia, South Africa, East Timor, Argentina, Morocco, and Lebanon discussing lessons learnt and their applicability to the Lebanese context. This project aims at developing a culture of reconciliation among the Lebanese youth and empowering those NGOs already involved in this process. The conference will result in a publication and a website on the “Living Memory” of the various Lebanese conflicts in general and the 15 year civil war. •2005-2006 (ongoing) Through the means of Bistrocracy (The Bistro of the People, SDC is launching an initiative that will foster dialogue between all the citizens of Lebanon on the issues of confessionalism and its repercussions on the citizen from a personal, socioeconomic, and sociopolitical level. •2005–2006 (Ongoing) National Initiative to Abolish Confessionalism by reviewing and amending the Lebanese Laws. The program consist of four seminars on the following subjects: 1- Political Confessionalism 2- Economic Development, Civil Society and Confessionalism 3- Public and Private Schools and confessionalism in the curriculum 4- Private Liberties and Personal Status Law (Capital Punishment, Euthanasia, Homosexuality, Abortion) The initiative will culminate in a national conference during which the proceedings will be circulated. •2005–2006 Environmental and citizenship education among high school students, school dropouts, and Palestinian youth refugees: It consists of a one-year program encompassing training of facilitators (mainly high-school students) and five outreach one-day training sessions with high school students all over Lebanon.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Nayla Abi Nasr
Job Title
Program Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Selim Mawad

Union of Municipalities of Iqleem el Tufah

National Network

Jbaa, Public arena (center of the union)
Jbaa 1620

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
*Iqleem El Tufah Union of Municipalities is composed of 9 municipalities in 10 villages in south Lebanon (Jbaa-AinBosoir, Roumin, Houmin Tahta, Houmin Fawka, Kfarfila, Ain Kana, Sarba, Arbsalim, Jarjou). *The annually budget of the union is change from to to another because it is include the share of the Union from the Independent Municipal Fund and the variety expected proceeds which come from the contribution of municipalities and donations expected and received from different actors. *Our sources of funding are : Mainly from the Lebanese government (the Finance Ministry), and our projects are funding by the Lebanese government and from grants & donations. *Actions: 1- Development of our villages in all sectors(agriculture, educational, economic, commercial, services and tourism..). 2- Development of human resources (through seminars and workshops in various fields of knowledge). 3- Exchange experiences with other countries and different active actors.
Mission and Objectives

Because we are union of municipalities we have main mission which is the development of our villages that compose the union and also the human resources. our objectives are *encourage people to benefit from technology and openness to others ans share knowledge and experiences. in addition develop our region through rehabilitation, construction, training, saving the environment, saving the monuments, water and energy investment, youth development, education development...

Main Projects / Activities

*Union activities: *Building centers needed in the region (shelter for the elderly, civil defense center, administrative/health and education centers, building and equipped Playgrounds/Kids gardens/ public parks, forestation...) *paving roads and building a walls support to reduce collapses. *Rehabilitation of human resources ( educational courses on the use of technology and public laws,workshops on ways to reap and use the aromatic herbs...) *Projects for conservation and water investment. *construction and management of tourist centers. *Rehabilitation of the existing monuments in the region. *projects implemented in cooperation with EU: -Rehabilitation of two Old archaeological tourist places. -Construction of new union center. -Rehabilitation of 5 water sources. -Construction of a small touristic village in Arabsalim village. *projects implemented in cooperation with UNDP: -Making a very interesting touristic guide in two languages (Arabic and English)to define the tourists and visitors to our villages, people, nature and monuments -Securing equipment (mechanisms,...) -Organization of many seminars and workshops.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We care about youth, education, and fixing people in their land by creating favorable conditions and opportunities for this purpose, also we care about the culture, art and development.In addition, since the fields of our work are in common with the priority action fields in the ALF network and because our goals intersect significantly with the objectives of your institution therefor we consider ourselves a partner with your institution , even if we were not formal partners in it (certainly we hope to be a formal partners).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

*for exchanges of experiences. *to benefit from the experiences of others. *Complementarity with partner organizations. *To obtain grants to fund development projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mohamad Dehaini
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mohamad Dehaini
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Malak Karaki

University of Balamand (UoB)

National Network

University of Balamand

+961-6-930250 ext. 1460
+ 961-6-930278
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The University of Balamand (UOB) is a private, non-profit, independent institution of higher learning founded in 1988 by His Beatitude Patriarch Ignatius IV, Patriarch of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church. The University consists of nine Faculties and six research centers. Current student enrollment is 3097. A Board of Trustees governs the University. The Board of Trustees elects the president of the University and, upon the recommendation of the president, appoints vice-presidents, deans, directors, and faculty members in the ranks of associate and full professors. The president, the vice presidents, and the deans, working as a University Council, manage the University by consensus. Similarly, each Faculty has its own council, thus involving faculty members in decision making. The resources of the budget are mainly the students’ fees and the endowment fund managed by the Board of Trustees. The budget is run through a process described by specific rules and regulations; the University finances are regularly audited by an external firm. The University cooperates extensively with leading universities in Lebanon and the world. UOB’s international relations are many, encompassing the university traditions of the Arab countries, Europe , the Americas , and Australia . UOB has also conducted cooperation agreements with several international institutions for higher education mainly in Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The University of Balamand is a private, non-profit, independent Lebanese institution of higher learning. It performs its mission through teaching, research, and service to the community. The University of Balamand grew out of its Eastern Orthodox tradition, a tradition open to the other, accepting the other, and working with the other in the promotion of the national and regional interests. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality, or physical disability. The University of Balamand believes in responsible freedom, in the role of reason in discovering truth, in the promotion of higher standards of living, and in the deepening of human existence under God. The University is also committed to promoting Christian-Muslim understanding and to enhancing national and political unity in a society proud of its diversity and plurality.

Main Projects / Activities

Research is among the most important activities at UOB. It has 4 main targets: Encouraging and supporting both theoretical and applied research at UOB; Encouraging the focus of research activities towards areas that are of high interest for Lebanese society; Connecting UOB research activities with national and international research centers, and with major publishing houses; Evaluating and continuously improving the quality of research at UOB. In its academic planning, the Research Center has defined several research directions as of high priority for the University. Moreover, UOB has tailored four Special Programs designed to develop skills and competencies to meet the diverse needs of a variety of student groups, namely: The Freshman Program; The Special Orientation Program (SOP); The Continuing Education Program (CEP); The Service Experience Education through Doing (SEED) Program. Student life is organized around two streams: committees for participation in University life; and clubs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nadine Panayot Haroun
Job Title
Director of Archaeology and Museology Department
Head of the organisation
Dr. Elie Salem (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Georges Nahas
Job Title (2)

Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (USEK) - Faculté de Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines (FPSH)

National Network

Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Bldg. B

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
L'organisation est une univesristé et l'organisme qui convoite l'adhésion est la faculté de Phl et sciences humaines,plus de 20 membres locaux et partenaires,travaillant au sein de l'équipe de manière permanente,les ressources budgétaires se font aupr-s de certaines sociétés comme Murex,AUF, ou autres,modalités d'action: Projets de recherche, le prochain colloque sur l'Espace méditerranéen, les laboratoires de recherche partenaires: CISA, Toulouse, Heidelberg, Allemagne,GREME-Laval,Fac de PHl UCLy-France, Fac de PHL-Poitiers, fac de lettres-Lille,France Université d'Alexandrie-Egypte, Université El Manar-et Uiversité de Jandouba-Tunis,
Mission and Objectives

L'objectif principal de notre adhésion au réseau c'est d'entrer en partenaire efficace dans la question de l'éducation qui est à notre avis le trésor caché du XXIe siècle. Les séminaires et les recherches portent sur une thématique à dimensions nationale, régionale et internationale, dans le but de donner à la société civile la possibilité de se lire dans un avenir véhiculant un nouveau vocabulaire dont les composantes sont le respect de l'autre, la justice, l'amour et l'éthique.

Main Projects / Activities

La Faculté propose un séminaire sur "l'espace méditerranéen; Profils et Défis" prévu pour les 23 et 24 mars 2011-Sont partenaires dans ce projet, les laboratoires de recherche aux fac de Phl à Lille, Poitiers, UCLy, Toulouse, El Manar, Jendouba, Laval,et l'université saint-Joseph, l'université Libanaise, NDU, l'UPA, au Liban.Activités princiapales : Enquêts et Articles multidisciplinaires qui touchent à tous les domaines: philosophie,littérature, histoire, religion, sociologie, anthropologie, pédagogie, le but étant de parvenir à une nouvelle échelle de valeurs dans le monde méditerranéen,susceptible de faire penser les jeunes avec des schèmes nouveaux.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Mirna Abboud Mzawak
Job Title
Head of the Department of Social Sciences
Head of the organisation
Prof. Hoda Matar-Nehme (Dean)

Will Association (WA)

National Network

Deyrkobel, ACS School Bldg., 1st floor

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

WILL Association consists of a founding body, an international consultative body, and a members/volunteers body. The majority of budgetary resources are secured through national funding from governmental bodies that WILL Association works with, international donors, and private funding from the founding body. Our modalities of action include concrete projects in the field and exchange seminars and capacity building workshops. WILL Association members are regionally recognized as expert humanitarian and development leaders in the MENA region. Our main partners include Lebanese Ministries of Education and Social Affairs, local and regional partner NGOs, international networks and community based groups and gatherings.

Mission and Objectives

Mission statement: "Working for Inclusion & Life-long Learning" Within its mandate of establishment, "Will Association" has the following objectives: 1- Conducting educational, social and cultural lectures for local communities. 2- Offering educational support to IDPs, refugees and people with special needs of all ages and backgrounds in collaboration with private and public sectors. 3- Offering health and food services to IDPs, refugees and people with special needs of all ages and backgrounds in collaboration with private and public sectors. 4- Capacity building local civil, cultural, and social institutions and associations through training workshops in different areas of intervention. 5- Coordinating with National Governmental Institutions and International Agencies in planning, implementing and following up on projects during emergency situations. 6- Activating the local community role in planning, implementing and following up on development projects. Will Association believes in the inclusion of every individual in every life-saving and life-sustaining process and in the existence of positive-transformation opportunities in every crisis and the ability to use life's multiple encounters and situations as learning opportunities for all.

Main Projects / Activities

- Marhabtain Project: Arab Cultural Exchange project to be launched early 2013. - Education support projects: for refugee populations in Lebanon - Emergency medical support projects: targeting 52 villages all over Lebanon. - Capacity building and livelihood trainings for single mothers and out of school female youth - livelihood trainings for handicapped and people with disabilities - Collaborative mentoring techniques; teachers support project.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

WILL Association will participate in the Network's events in the country and will support the implementation of relevant projects and will act as an implementing partner wherever possible. WILL Association will also participate in international seminars and workshops and will support the ALF calendar in the region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As the President of have previously participated in an ALF seminar in Tunisia in 2011, and in November 2012 in an event in Slovenia. I have also been following up on the Euro-Med cultural exchange programs and I believe that WILL Association can be a strong Lebanese partner organization, due to its large network and expertise.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Rami Shamseddine
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Rami Shamseddine