National Network

PL 35
Vanha Talvitie 1, 00580 Helsinki, Finland
00531 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Shiffa Association is a multicultural women´s organization founded in 2005 by skilled immigrant women in Finland. Shiffa has organized art and media training for women in Africa since 2007, and managed cultural projects in Finland, among others a collaborative exhibition and workshop project as part of the Turku2011 European Capital of Culture official program. At the moment Shiffa employs 4 people. Many more work for Shiffa as a volunteer. Association's main donor is Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Financing for projects in a year is approximately 100 000€. Our partners in Finland: Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Education and Culture Turku 2011 Foundation Women Journalists in Finland Women´s Culture Association African Care In Somalia and Somaliland: HARDO Halgan Rehabilitation and Development Action SOCSA Somaliland Culture and Sports Association SWIMA Somaliland Women in Media Association
Mission and Objectives

Shiffa's main objectives are to promote immigrant women's position and employment-, self-expression- and participation opportunities in Finland and internationally. Shiffa strives to support immigrant women to do development projects in their former home countries, especially projects with women, partnerships with non-govermental organizations and other local authorities. Shiffa's mission is also to develop and promote art- and media training in co-operation with authorities, colleges and NGO´s in Finland and internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project in Somalia and Somaliland is NASIB – Women´s Media Training 2007-2014. NASIB focuses on health information and is implemented in collaboration with local partner organizations HARDO and SOCSA. The project goal is women´s self-employment and professionalism in media (tv, radio, print). HADYA – Women´s Community Theatre project is another ongoing project in Somalia and Somaliland. In Finland, our main project in 2010-2011 was a participatory art installation and workshop project Pots, Sandals and a Tent as a part of the official Turku 2011 European Capital of Culture program. Since then, the exhibition and tent has been on tour in Finland in various events and venues. Apart from our own projects, we have designed and completed an amount of workshops and media productions commissioned by other organizations. As examples of our service, we conducted a grass roots comics drawing workshop in Burco, Somaliland commissioned by ISF Finland, and completed a 5-language DVD-production about health services for refugees in Finland, commissioned by IOM and funded by ERF. We continue to provide media and training services, the profit from which we invest back to our projects as self-financing.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would liken to projects/seminars with other Finland network associations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to do projects with different associations across Euro-Mediterranean area and with Anna Lindh Foundation Finland network associations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shukri Omar Ahmed
Head of the organisation
Zahra Dahir Ahmed

Somali Forum for Progress Finland

National Network

POB 31, 00101 Helsinki
00000 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The Somali Forum for Progress Finland is a NGO, based on volunteerism, established in January 2010 to support and sustain the activities of an interactive platform. The virtual platform has a website still under development, but we have organized several seminars, in Helsinki and in Nairobi. We also contribute to an open monthly discussion forum in Helsinki with the Finland-Somalia Association and plan to initiate a new programme called Youth Forum next year.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote peace, democracy, human rights and development with a special focus on Somalia and the Somali diaspora in the Nordic countries. Our objective is to achieve sustainable community development through capacity building and information dissemination.

Main Projects / Activities

Wednesday Club, a discussion forum in Helsinki. Seminars. Dialogue and debate in the virtual internet environment. Youth Forum, a capacity building program for immigrant youth. Publications and open archives. Active participation to events and seminars organized by partners and like-minded.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maija Kajava
Head of the organisation
Abdirizak H. Mohamed
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdihakim Yusuf Ali 'Aynte'

Community Media Network (CMN) - راديو البلد

National Network

PO Box 20513 Amman, 142 Arrar Street, Wadi Saqra,

+ 962 6 4645487
Telephone (other)
+962 6 4645487
+962 6 4630238
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

In November 2000 the idea of an independent radio station in Jordan, whether on the internet or on the FM waves, was nothing more than a dream. When Amman mayor Nedal Hadid and UNESCO director Martin Hadlow clicked the mouse to announce the launch of the Arab world’s first internet radio station,, we had no idea where we would be years later. Our pioneering efforts online has produced results in Jordan that are unmatched in nearby Arab countries. Tens of news websites have sprouted up offering Jordanian, Arab and international surfers up-to-date and courageous news and commentaries from Jordan. Our use of the Net to broadcast radio programming was given a boost when a Palestinian radio station agreed to rebroadcast some of our programs that they downloaded from the internet. With no physical boundaries between Palestine and Jordan, these broadcasts were heard in Amman thus allowing our internet broadcasting to de facto break up the Jordan government’s monopoly over the airwaves. Within a couple of years of our going on line, His Majesty the King issued a temporary law allowing the creation of an audio visual commission, which in turn made it possible for terrestrial broadcasting. We applied for and received a ten year FM license in 2005 and have been broadcasting news, alternative music and specialized programming since then. Our challenges with our internet and radio broadcasts are huge. We often find ourselves alone in covering certain sensitive news. More often we see that our efforts are setting the agenda for all other news organizations. We have focused a lot of our work on empowering different segments of society, from high school students to college age youths, from farming women to labor activists and the handicapped. We have encouraged volunteers to use our media operations as a platform to reflect on their own issues and as a way to have a voice in a crowded media field. On the news level we have and continue to work hard on providing high quality news around the clock. We dug deep into certain issues using investigative journalism tools as well as focus on human rights violations. Al-Balad radio staff gained experience and training and have attempted to adhere to our professional code of ethics. Al-Balad radio, our community radio station in Amman, has become a model community radio providing training services and networking opportunities for local, regional and international groups. Internationally, we were the local sponsors of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters AMARC, which held its global meeting AMARC9 in Amman. Locally we have been a driving force behind the establishment of a Jordanian Federation of Community radio stations that include Voice of Karak, New Maan radio, Yarmouk FM and Farah Al-Nas radio. Our training efforts have and continue to help journalists and community radio activists from most surrounding Arab countries. From Tunis to Iraqi Kurdistan and from Syria to Saudi Arabia we have hosted workshops in areas such as crime of war coverage, humanizing the news and community radio training. We held regional workshops looking for ways to advance the presence of female experts in media coverage. While we enjoy a successful FM radio presence, we have not forgotten that our beginnings were online. We introduced video blogging to our site with impressive results. We organized training and gave video cameras to tens of Jordanians who were asked to record, edit and upload the results of their filming. Our original website AmmanNet has given birth to four additional sites,, and We have also expanded our work in the Arab region. We helped set up the Aswatona ( network which supports community media throughout the Arab region. With help from our donors we have directly helped support seven community radio stations and conducted three regional conferences on community media in the Arab region.;;  

Mission and Objectives

Mission: The challenges with our internet and radio broadcasts are huge. We often find ourselves alone in covering certain sensitive news. More often we see that our efforts are setting the agenda for all other news organizations.   Vision: Al-Balad radio, our community radio station in Amman, has become a model community radio providing training services and networking opportunities for local, regional and international groups. Internationally .

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Daoud Kuttab (Head of Organisation)
Head of the organisation
Daoud Kuttab

Amman Center for Human Rights Studies

National Network

Abdali, Al Sharaf building 4th floorP.O.Box 212524 Amman 11121 Jordan
Amman 11121

E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

ACHRS has only one office; based in Amman, Jordan. ACHRS has two governing structures; the Board of Trustees and the Scientific Council. The director of the centre is responsible for the day-to-day running of the centre and is assisted by a team of eight permanent members of staff and several interns

Mission and Objectives

ACHRS is an independent, regional, scientific, advocacy center for studies, research and training on issues of human rights and democracy. In pursuit of contributing to the dissemination of a culture of human rights, our work and activities aim at strengthening civil society in Jordan and in the Arab World, and at inducing change to the general level of awareness and sensibility towards issues of human rights and democracy

Main Projects / Activities

Currently ACHRS is developing several projects related to women leadership, rights of migrant workers in Jordan, monitoring of elections in different countries within the Arab World . Moreover ACHRS is permanently conducting research studies about the death penalty in the Arab World and Academic Freedom in Jordanian universities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ACHRS is a human rights organization which has been carrying out activites in Jordan and the Arab World since 1999. This expertise can be an asset to spread the missions and objectives of the Network within Jordan and abroad.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ACHRS is willing to cooperate with ALF network in order to spread its objectives and activities along the Mediterranean countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hala Murad
Head of the organisation
Dr. Nizam Assaf
Contact (2) Full Name
Alejandro Tagarro

The Christine and Göran Schildt Foundation

National Network

Villa Schildt, Östra strandgatan 7 - FIN-10600, Ekenäs - Finland
10600 Ekenäs

+358 400 212825
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Jennifer Dahlbäck
Head of the organisation
Jennifer Dahlbäck

Wider Security Network WISE

National Network

Siltasaarenkatu 4, 7.krs
00530 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Wider Security Network (WISE) is a civil society network established in October 2015 that brings together Finnish NGOs and parliamentary groups, to work together to promote peacebuilding, crisis management and conflict prevention both nationally and internationally. WISE highlights the importance of human security, according to which security discussion should include broader perspectives than just the traditional aspects of security. Wider human security includes e.g. human rights and participation, democracy and good governance, environmental and economical questions as well as sustainable development. WISE on lokakuussa 2015 Kansalaisjärjestöjen konfliktinehkäisyverkosto KATUn ja ETY-yhdistys STETEn tuki ry:n yhdistymisen pohjalta perustettu laajan turvallisuuden verkosto, joka yhdistää kansalaisjärjestöjä ja eduskuntapuolueiden edustajia.
Mission and Objectives

WISE's most important strategic goal is to encourage public analytical discussion regarding the practical meanings of human and broad security as well as to support actions to advance them. WISE brings together security sector actors throughout the field of study.
WISE offers a wide and versatile platform to Members of Parliament, NGOs and other civil society actors, civil servants, researchers, journalists, private persons and companies to advance dialogue and communication and to carry out common projects. The board of WISE consists of 8 NGO-members and 9 Members of Parliament. The chairperson of WISE is Ms. Tarja Kantola and the Vice Chairperson is Ms. Eva Biaudet.
WISE lähtee toiminnassaan liikkeelle laajasta, inhimillisen turvallisuuden periaatteisiin pohjautuvasta turvallisuuskäsityksestä, jonka mukaan perinteisen, myös kovaksi turvallisuudeksi kutsutun turvallisuusajattelun, lisäksi keskusteluun ja päätöksentekoon tuodaan mukaan laajemmasta perspektiivistä katsottuna nykyajan turvallisuuteen liittyviä ja vaikuttavia asioita, kuten inhimilliset turvallisuusnäkökohdat; ihmisoikeudet ja osallistuminen, demokratia ja hyvä hallinto, ympäristö- ja talouskysymykset sekä kestävä kehitys. WISEn tärkein strateginen tavoite on tukea yhteiskunnallista keskustelua inhimillisen ja laajan turvallisuuden käytännön merkityksistä sekä toimintaa niiden edistämiseksi. WISE tuo erityistä lisäarvoa toimintakentälle tuomalla yhteen näiden kysymysten kanssa työskenteleviä kansanedustajia ja kansalaisjärjestöjen edustajia, tarjoamalla yhteisen vuoropuhelu- ja yhteistyöfoorumin edistämään yhteisiä tavoitteita laajalla rintamalla.

Main Projects / Activities

WISE organises regularly security-related training, seminars and events and publishes handbooks, reports and other publications.
WISE edistää turvallisuuspoliittista keskustelua myös järjestämällä seminaareja, koulutusta ja tapahtumia, sekä julkaisemalla käsikirjoja, raportteja ja muita julkaisuja.

Contact (1) Full Name
Director Anne Palm
Head of the organisation
Chairperson Tarja Kantola

Think tank e2 (Ajatuspaja e2)

National Network

Eerikinkatu 28, 5th floor
00100 Helsinki

+358 40 8344829
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Research
General Information

E2 Research is a multidisciplinary non-profit research organization that provides research-based information to municipalities, ministries, companies, organizations, foundations, policymakers and the media.

Mission and Objectives

Generate research-based knowledge for the needs of municipalities, ministries, companies, organizations, foundations, policy makers and the media.

Initiate discussion and participate in societal dialogue on current issues.

Develop international cooperation with organizations abroad.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Anni Savikurki
Head of the organisation
Karina Jutila

UN Alliance of Civizations, Focal Point, MFA, Finland

National Network

P.O. Box 419, Laivastokatu 22 C, FI 00023 Helsinki

+358 40 709 4245
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
I am currently the Finnish Focal Point of the UN Alliance of Civilizations in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs an continue with pleasure the membership of the ALF. I am also the Chairman of FOKUS organisation which also belongs to the ALF fellowship!
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ambassador Ilari Rantakari

UN Association of Finland

National Network

Siltasaarenkatu 4
00530 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information
The UN Association of Finland has over 60 member organisations and some individual members. The office is situated in Helsinki with four permanent employees and some interns, project workers and usually a person in civil alternative service as well. The everyday activities of the association are guided by an executive committee with representatives from member organisations. UNA annual budget is 750 000 euro/year including core and project funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We work in close cooperation with many NGO's including UNICEF and UN Women national organisation.
Mission and Objectives

The UN Association of Finland: * educates about global responsibility and possibilities of influence * provides information about the UN and its actions * influences Finnish UN policies Purpose of the association is as a national organisation to promote the principles and goals of the United Nations and support its actions, hence promoting international understanding and peaceful cooperation between nations.

Main Projects / Activities

The UN Association of Finland organises meetings, seminars, courses and presentations, provides information and publications and supports the founding of local UN associations and activity groups that share its ideals and purposes".

Contact (1) Full Name
Helena Laukko
Head of the organisation
Helena Laukko

University of Helsinki, Department of Cultures

National Network

Unioninkatu 38 A
PO Box 59
00100 Helsinki

+358 92412244
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Hannu Juusola
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lars-Folke Landgren