Individual member: Nora Repo

National Network


09 23 40 25 25
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Religion
General Information
Individual person
Mission and Objectives

My mission comprises of promotion of interfaith dialogue and peace education, thus, finding ways to communicate and build bridges between different religious communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Professionally I am interested in working with themes that involve Euro-Mediterranean dimension. My main fields of expertise comprise Islam in the Balkans, Islam and women, the Balkans as a cultural area, religion and gender and victimology of Balkan Muslim populations. I plan projects, lecture, teach and publish.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nora Repo
Head of the organisation
Nora Repo

Individual member: Riitta Savikko

National Network

Mikkeli, Finland
00000 Mikkeli

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Riitta Savikko
Head of the organisation

Institute of languages studies and translation in Tampere University

National Network

FI-33014 University of Tampere
33014 Université de Tampere

+358-3-3551 6140
+358-3-3551 7146
Mobile Phone
+358-400-665 692
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
1- University institute with about 2.200 students and 90 teachers /researchers . 2- About 4,9 millions euros . 3- The Finnish ministry of the Education and for the research projects , other institutional resources . 4- Basic education , research projects , exchange with about 40 European universities , congress , meetings of specialists , seminars . 5- Finnish academy and other national organizations ( the other universities of the country ..) the foreign universities partners .
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the department is to propose a complete academic training in languages, linguistics, literature and cultural studies ,
The institute includes the following languages ( main academic discipline): German, English, Finnish, French, Russian and Swedish. Moreover, there is a training in Estonian, Spanish, Polish and Czech .
The aim of the training is to provide students with deep knowledge of these languages and cultures.
The scientific objective is to promote the research in languages and literatures.

Main Projects / Activities

- Training course .
- Researchers’ training.
- To promote the research on " the language and the society " , this concept includes all fields where language can be considered as an instrument of political , cultural and social authority ( medias language , sociolinguistics , bilinguism , linguistic policy , linguistic questions, adaptation of the immigrants , linguistic of contact , linguistic of corpus etc..)

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Mr. Jukka Havu
Head of the organisation
Prof. Mr. Jukka Havu

Institutum Judaicum Aboense

National Network

Institutum Judaicum Aboense, Biskopsgatan 16
00000 Åbo

+358 2 215 4565
Mobile Phone
+358 50 337 2939
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Institutum Judaicum Aboense functions as a part of the Faculty of Theology at Åbo Akademi University, Finland, and the department of Exegetics and Judaic studies. The institution has no independent economy (being a part of the state funded faculty) but can independently apply for project funding when needed. IJA is led by a steering board consisting of members of the scholarly staff of the faculty and external members, including a representative of the Turku University and the Jewish community. The chairman is Dr. Pekka Lindqvist who works also a university techer at Åbo Akademi. IJA has, especially through personal contacts, contacts to other Institutum Judaicums in Europe and an official treaty of co-operation with Centro de Estudios Judaicos, Universidad de Chile. IJA has also been an active actor in the Scandinavian Society for Jewish Studies (Sällskapet för judaistisk forskning) and the redaction of the journal was during several years in Åbo. The library of IJA is the largest library in the field of Jewish Studies in Finland.

Mission and Objectives

To promote Judaic studies in Finland by maintaining a library and promoting scholarly activities. 1) upprätthålla ett bibliotek över judaistikens huvudområden (judarnas historia, religion, kultur och samhällsförhållanden); 2) samordna och utveckla forskning och undervisning inom judaistiken vid Åbo Akademi; 3) samarbeta med vetenskapliga institutioner inom landet och utomlands; 4) anordna seminarier och symposier; 5) befrämja publiceringen av vetenskapliga undersökningar samt undervisnings- och informations-material inom judaistiken; samt 6) att handha övriga ärenden som tillhör institutets verksamhetsområde.

Main Projects / Activities

Scholars connected with IJA have personal research projects or act as members of larger bodies and networks. The most important is the international scholars' network on the Reception History of the Bible, which publishes the series "Studies in the Reception History of the Bible (SRB)". IJA organises also public lectures in the fields of Judaic studies and interreligious encounters and confrontation between the three monotheistic faiths.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Pekka Lindqvist
Head of the organisation
Dr. Pekka Lindqvist

Individual Member - Kirsi Valkama

National Network

Department of Biblical Studies, P.O. Box 4,
University of Helsinki

+358 02 941 22045
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Postdoctoral researcher
Mission and Objectives

Postdoctoral researcher

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: Galilee in the Iron Age: Archaeology, Texts and History
Society and Religion in the Ancient Near East / Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions

Contact (1) Full Name
Kirsi Valkama
Job Title
Postdoctoral researcher
Head of the organisation
Kirsi Valkama

Finnish Christian Peace Association (Suomen kristillinen rauhanliike)

National Network

Kiesitie 4 e 5
07930 Pernaja

Mobile Phone (other)
+358 40 709 4245
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Loviisa Peace Forum is run by voluntary workforce. The General Secretary takes care of the big picture. The fiscal responsibility lies on Finnish Christian Peace Group. There is also a negotiation group consisting approximately 30 persons, who decide for example about the theme of each year. Our yearly budget is around 10 000 euros. The funding comes mainly from the ministry of education, but also from Loviisa municipality and the evangeligal-lutheran church of Loviisa. We cooperate with numerous organizations, including Peace Union of Finland, Lapinjärvi Educational Center and The Committee of 100 in Finland.
Mission and Objectives

Loviisa Peace Forum is a four-day summer event organized annually to bring together diverse opinions and perspectives within an environment of celebration. The highlight of the Forum is a Hiroshima Day gathering in the port for a speech, a concert, singing together, and a candlelight peace procession to the beach where candlelit boats will be put into the sea. Every year the Peace The Peace Forum’s seminar gathers together inspiring thinkers from science, art, and politics to speak about current questions of peace and security. During recent years our themes have been new security threats, peaceful co-existence of religions, and the future of Europe. Through art and seminar discussions, we explore the great future challenges of humankind.

Main Projects / Activities

The weekend includes seminars, concerts, theatre, art exhibitions, and a peace mass in the Loviisa Cathedral.

Contact (1) Full Name
Leena Viikari
Head of the organisation
Jussi Ojala
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilari Rantakari

Monika – Multicultural Women’s Association

National Network

Hermannin Rantatie 12 A
00580 Helsinki

+358 9 7279 9999
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

MONIKA – Multicultural Women’s Association, Finland is an NGO operating in the field of social affairs. It develops and provides specialized services for immigrant women and their children who have been subjected to violence, and acts as an expert and advocates in issues related to ethnic non-discrimination and violence, as well as promoting integration by supporting civil society activities for immigrants.

Mission and Objectives

MONIKA acts as an expert, provides statements, and collaborates with a multi-professional network at both the national and international level. MONIKA’s biggest financiers are City of Helsinki, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health with proceeds from Veikkaus (STEA), the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health / the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), the Ministry of Education and Culture, Stiftelsen Den Sjunde Mars Fonden and the City of Vantaa

Main Projects / Activities

MONIKA – Multicultural Women’s Association, Finland is a nationwide, multicultural organization functioning on social field. It promotes the equality and inclusion of women with an immigrant background in Finland and prevents violence against women. The Association acts as an expert and does advocacy to improve the status of women, as well as supports immigrant women’s activities through its member organisations. 

Crisis Center Monika (Kriisikeskus Monika) provides help for women with an immigrant background who have experienced violence or a threat of it. Crisis Center provides low-threshold services, including crisis help, psycho-social support, peer support groups, counselling and service advising, and supportive housing services after a period in a shelter. 

Shelter Mona (Turvakoti Mona) provides safe housing and crisis assistance for women and their children who have experienced intimate partner violence.

Shelter Mona is located in a secret address and meant for short-term housing. The women can come to the shelter from anywhere in Finland.

Integration Center Monika (Kotoutumiskeskus Monika) provides individual guidance, group activities, and mentoring for all women with an immigrant background who need support in their integration process and in finding a job. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Jenni Tuominen
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Managing Director (Deputy) Ms Jenni Tuominen

Naisten Kulttuuriyhdistys ry

National Network

Fredrikinkatu 39 C 22, 00120 Helsinki, Finland
00120 Helsinki

+358 50 3507616
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
The Women´s Cultural Association employees one part time secretary during the year and one person who takes care of the Women´s craft fair and during the fair we employ around 20-25 persons for one week. Our association is 30 years old. Our funding is mainly from the craft fair. We also get funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to our project in Morocco. Our total budget is around 200.000 €.
Mission and Objectives

Our association´s main goal is to promote both new and traditional women´s culture by following the feminist principals. The Women´s Cultural Association strives to direct Finland´s ideological climate to a more equal and tolerantly direction.

Main Projects / Activities

To arrange yearly a Women´s craft fair in December, to arrange/participate at a seminar in Morocco with local women´s organizations, to publish books for women who have suffered from violence etc...

Contact (1) Full Name
Leena Ruusuvuori
Head of the organisation
Jatta Bucht
Contact (2) Full Name
Jatta Bucht

SaferGlobe Finland

National Network

Globaalikeskus, Siltasaarenkatu 4, 7 krs.
00530 Helsinki

+358 40 778 8523
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
SaferGlobe is an independent peace and security think tank, which studies and develops tools for the promotion of lasting peace and security.
Mission and Objectives

We want to make the world more peaceful through fostering innovation and developing new understandings.

Main Projects / Activities

Peace and security research, innovation and training.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Mekri
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Jarmo Pykälä

Lebanese Association for Civil Rights (LACR)

National Network

‎55 Youssef Al-Hani street, Rizk Bldg., 1st floor, Gemmayze

‎+961-1-445333 ‎
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Structure of Organization: The organization is composed of 3 founders, 1 executive director, 1 youth executive coordinator, 1 executive coordinator for Arab-nonviolence, 1 executive assistant for funding projects, 1 administrative assistant and number of volunteers. Budgetary resources: around 100,000 USD per year. Sources of funding: • AECI – Spain • PSO – Netherlands • Oxfam – Quebec • IKV Pax Christi • Heinrich Bôll Foundation • Dutch Embassy • German Embassy • Norwegian Embassy • WACC • Local sources:  Benevolent work  Individual grants  Contributions in Kind, etc. Modalities of actions: concrete projects, trainings, lobbying, campaigning, etc. Main Partners: LACR partnership with local partners is achieved through two segments: Train and support others, and organize campaigns with others. Regional and International: we have created a partnership with many Arab and international Organizations working on human rights, non-violence, education, etc. Many international organizations have been in solidarity with our programs and support them financially, such as IKV/PAX Christi Netherlands, the European Union, the Heinrich Boll Foundation, OXFAM Quebec, AECI – Spain, INTERSOS Italy…
Mission and Objectives

The Lebanese Association for Civil Rights (LACR) is an active association involved in disseminating non-violence, non-sectarianism, human rights and democracy values and constructive alternatives, through education, awareness, training as well as defending social, economic, political and ecological causes non-violently. LACR was founded back in August 2003 by Dr Walid Slaybi and Dr Ogarit Younan who are pioneers and initiators in tackling human and civil rights in Lebanon. With the establishment of LACR, they have institutionalized the 20-year experience and projects; they turned the projects into institutions which achieved the continuity and the stability of the work. We look at LACR as being a civil movement with national and regional projects and impact. LACR is known for their innovative grassroots action aiming to change mentalities, attitudes, laws and … from bottom up. Across Lebanon, since 1983 to date, thousands of youth, women, children, students, teachers, NGOs, workers, political activists, journalists, etc. have been trained through LACR co-founders work.

Main Projects / Activities

Three complementary Initiatives LACR is currently working on institutionalizing 3 fundamental projects in Lebanon and for the region with hundreds of activities inside each: “AUNV” “BILAD” “CHAML” “AUNV” The Arab University for Non-Violence (AUNV), which is the first of its kind in the region, is a universal college of a one year academic professional program that secures professionals and specialists in non-violence and human rights culture and non-religious discrimination. The university will be a professional institution linked to the social causes with the objective of achieving change on the social and political level. It will work on the empowerment of the societies through empowerment of the individuals who will work in schools, universities, associations, political campaigns, etc. At the same time, the university will be linked to the work market. The university will secure an intensive program of educational credits with a diploma of Masters Degree. It will graduate about 100 students yearly from Lebanon and the Arab countries, with university diploma accredited locally and internationally. “BILAD” Creation of 100 “Pedagogic Houses”: First of its kind in Lebanon and in the Region, it aims at the institutionalization of the education on non-violence, non-sectarianism and democracy through establishing a kind of “informal schools” in 100 villages and cities overall Lebanon. BILAD is a summary of the Arabic phrase "بيوت اللاعنف اللاطائفية الديمقراطية" that means “Non-violent Non-sectarian Democratic Houses.” The word also means “country” "بلاد" and that is why we choose it to indicate building the country from the bottom up. We have already established 8 initiatives for “houses” in 8 different regions: 3 in the South, 2 in the North, 2 in Mount-Lebanon and 1 in the Bekaa. Three of them, which are the most successful and effective, will be turned into “model” – permanent institutions. “CHAML” Foundation of a National YOUTH Gathering based on non-violent, non-sectarian and justice values under the name of CHAML, hundreds & thousands of youth, men and women from different regions. CHAML is the English spelling for the Arabic term “شَمْل” meaning “gathering” in the Arabic culture and familial tradition. Its Arabic initials were also developed to mean “"شباب مواطنون لبنانيون لاطائفيون لاعنفيون which means “Non-violent Non-sectarian Young Lebanese Citizens”. CHAML was registered in 2007 as an independent association, its first members are young Lebanese citizens, men and women, who have been deeply trained during 2 years with LACR on non-sectarianism and non-violence and on the democratic participation in society, and who are aware of their rights, want to defend them, and have viable alternatives to apply. Arab CHAML The Lebanese CHAML will be the base of Arab and Regional CHAML that was launched in 2008 through LACR support to tens of individuals and civil organizations trained deeply with us on Non-violence since 2004.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Tania Awad Ghorra
Head of the organisation
Mr. Sleiman Younan