Vasemmistonuoret - Left Youth of Finland

National Network

Hämeentie 29, 6th floor
00500 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Left Youth of Finland (Vasemmistonuoret) is independent nation-wide political youth organisation. Left Youth consists of nine district organisations, which have some 40 local branches. As a whole, The Left Youth of Finland has almost 5000 members. The organisation is lead by a chairperson who is elected for a two-year term in Left Youth's national assembly. Left Youth has six permanent employees working for the national organisation. The district organisations have about one employee each. There are also temporary employees in our campaigns, but most of the organisations work rest on the voluntary work by hundreds of activists. Left Youth has a yearly budget of about 600 000 EUR. Roughly half of the income is government funding for national youth organisations, the other half consists of private grant.
Mission and Objectives

The Left Youth of Finland is a political youth organization and a civic organization. Its central values are socialism, democracy, feminism, red-green environmentalism and internationalism. These goals are not considered to be separate, but rather form a comprehensive view of a freer, more humane and more equal world. We in The Left Youth consider an ideal society - an ideal world - to be a place, in which every individual can live without fear and in which every individual is granted the right, as well as the possibility, to study and work. In addition, healthy and clean environment should be considered a right everyone is entitled to in a society.

Main Projects / Activities

To achieve its objectives The Left Youth promotes various forms of political activity: demonstrations are regarded as equally worthwhile as operating within the limits of party politics. The Left Youth organises national campaigns concerning issues important for us. The Left Youth also holds seminars and courses on politics and organisations work. The Left Youths campaigns have recently been about feminism, worker's rights, against racism and for immigrant rights and against NATO.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antti Kettunen
Job Title
General Secretary
Head of the organisation
Hanna-Marilla Zidan, Chairperson

Youth Centre Villa Elba

National Network

Sannanrannantie 60
67100 Kokkola

+358 (0) 6 8313400
+358 (0) 6 8313448
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+358 (0)500 902330
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Villa Elba is a non profit company owned by the town of Kokkola. It is one of the 10 Finnish National Youth Centres supported and observed by the Ministry of Education. We are specialized in youth work and our function is to develop the methods used in the field of youth work, to act as a centre for developing the skills of the youth, and enable young people’s mobility: domestically and abroad. The centres are run under the Finnish Youth Act. Youth CentreVilla Elba has 20 full-time employees and about 10 young volunteers, trainees and other staff annually. In the centre we have 20.000 young visitors annually. Finland's nationwide network of Youth Centres is entrusted with the non-profit civic responsibility of promoting a good life for children and young people. Finnish Youth Centres specialize in providing a safe and nurturing operating environment for young people to experience, learn, and have adventures that encourage personal growth. Our knowledge of young people and developmental expertise supports youth participation and aids in their growth and development towards active citizenship. This knowledge is not only founded on years of experience working with young people, but also successful cooperation with municipalities, school and various organizations, in addition to our special status as a partner to the Ministry of Education in the administration of government youth policy. Youth Centre Villa Elba is Member of several national and international networks; Anna Lindh Foundation Finland, Platform Network of Youth mobility, Ryckenwind Network, Platform of European Quality labelled Youth Centres, European Network of Youth Centres, Reves Network. Youth Centre Villa Elba has got Council of Europe`s Quality Label for European Youth Centres for 2014-2018. The standard that the Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres represents is informed by a quality concept that has been established over many years through the practice of the European Youth Centres in Strasbourg and Budapest. This quality concept covers all aspects of the policy, programme, infrastructure, management and administration of the centre. It can be best expressed and understood through the five specific areas of what the European Youth Centres of the Council of Europe do and of how they do it

Mission and Objectives

Youth Centre Villa Elba represents Finnish National Youth Centres which are entrusted with the non-profit civic responsibility of promoting a good life for children and young people. Finnish Youth Centres specialize in providing a safe and nurturing operating environment for young people to experience, learn, and have adventures that encourage personal growth. Our knowledge of young people and developmental expertise supports youth participation and aids in their growth and development towards active citizenship. This knowledge is not only founded on years of experience working with young people, but also successful cooperation with municipalities, schools and various organizations, in addition to our special status as a partner to the Ministry of Education in the administration of government youth policy. We have strong experience in volunteering in a civic society. Coordinator of international affairs Ms Ritva Saarikettu is full time worker in international work and she also coordinate also International work of Finnish Youth Centre association (10 youth Centres in Finland).

Main Projects / Activities

The international work among young people is one of the priorities of Youth Centre Villa Elba. Our goal is to offer youngsters possibilities of learning in multicultural environment and finding their own strengths and abilities through international activities. Our work consists of international camps and programs, education, practical training and voluntary work for young people, information and guidance about international programmes, projects and EVS co-ordination for hosting organisations. Our Strategy emphasizes the prevention of disadvantagedness of young people, international activities and development of the youth work methods. Youth Centre of Villa Elba answers these challanges by arranging camp schools, international and adventure activities, activities on the sea as well as hobbies and cultural activities for the children and the youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Catarina Silvander
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Ms Catarina Silvander
Contact (2) Full Name
Ritva Saarikettu
Job Title (2)
Coordinator of international affairs


National Network

907 31 Umeå

+46 76-8119134
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
multiculturac sportclub with 150 members and 4 employees. A budget around 1000 000bn skr /year Funders are local and national fundings and private sponsoring and projectmoney from differentfunds. We are working with children and youngster in multicultural evironments. we art working for integration and use sports and culture tho help people to be involved in society in positive ways. We have a lot of partners but our lasting cooperation with libraries makes us special. We hav been running a koncept: Boxing, books and values for years. In our club we have members from many ethnic backgrounds and we use to say that we not work with integration - we ARE integration.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to work against racism and segregation and help young people to find was to play an active and påositive role in the society. We also wat to show all the good posibilities with a multicultural society and with globalisation

Main Projects / Activities

Different sports specially boxing in our own club but also soccer and basket in schools. We have been running several reedeing and writing project together with ibraries and for now we have a big writing project connected to Umeå as capital of culture 2014. For that project we are building international partnershisps - specially in Alexandria.
Are starting up at the moment a bigger project aiming at de-radicalisation of youth in collaboration with sveral others actors in and around Umeå.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Because we are a organisation in real terms multicultural we can contribute in many ways. Intercultural dialog is what we are working with on a daily basis and we have a lot of experience. We ar not connected to any nationalorganisation but we think ALF i s a perfect network for us. And of course we will spread and make young people involved in ALF activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to participate in international projects and exchanges specially with the arabworld because we have so many youngsters with arabic background in our club. We want to help them to enter arenas where their special cultural competence can be visible and valuable for ther swedish friends.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tayeb Hargani
Head of the organisation
Tayeb Hargani
Contact (2) Full Name
Tayeb Hargani

VisMedNet Association

National Network

Apt 4, Bay Square Court,
Saint Paul’s Bay

+356 2730 0458
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
VisMedNet Association is a non-profit organisation of professionals in the field of project management, training and research in education, youth, employment and culture. The members come from various professional backgrounds and they cover most of the 27 Eu members states. VisMedNet has 8 founder members and a pool of 30 members from EU countries and the numbers are growing at a steady pace. Presently in its first year of activity VisMedNet Association has a budgetary resource of 50.000, euro per year that comes from various funded projects and a number of small private financial supporters that are helping the association start up its activities with sound financial backing. The main activities of the Association at the moment are the setting up an innovative EU joint publishing platform for educators and youth leaders, involvement in EU and cross border cooperation activities in the field of youth and intercultural initiatives.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of the Association is to bring together professionals from various disciplines directly or indirectly related to the fields of education, culture and media production in order that they explore ideas and pool resources, experience and energies turning concepts into fruition. The subsidiary objectives of the Association are : a) to offer project management, research, publishing and design work to organisations that are involved in education, culture and media projects, b) to offer support to other entities in the preparation of project proposals through any step from concept to final proposal be it for financial support or for the purpose of carrying out feasibility studies or dry runs on projects, c) to carry out negotiations and summons activities in the process of the formation of consortia of organisations that participate in proposals for multi partner and / or cross border cooperation activities, d) to generate a network of cooperative partners that will in the medium term become permanent partners of the Association, e) to set up a permanent infrastructure geared to become a permanent base of professionals that will form a team apt to take the Association into its own position in consortia and become a primary actor in international cooperation activities. f) to carry out all services and activities that are directly part of or ancillary to any of the above actions.

Main Projects / Activities

VisMedNet is the result of consolidation from two Comenius Networks and is therefore exploiting the outputs and results of four years of activities that the members have worked on together in the two networks. It is active in the field of use of audiovisual production in education, internationalisation of schools, intercultural education and youth leadership. It has its own training programme that covers topics like the getting youths to speak about human rights, the internationalisation of education through mobility and the use of innovative teaching practices with the scope of broadening the vision of students in secondary schools. VisMedNet is working with the RICK'S cafe network to introduce new management models for schools that help students, teachers, school management and communities have a global view of social and educational developments happening around them.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We wish to bring into our local network our major resource which is a long life of experience and a wide ranging spectrum of views of our members and of the networks we already form part of. We would like to have the opportunity to learn from the experience of other members of the network in their experience with Mediterranean exchange and dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

VisMedNet shares the philosophy of Anna Lindh Foundation in the use of dialogue and exchange between teachers and students, between youth leaders and youths. We believe we have an EU wide contribution of experience to dialogue in the Mediterranean and we possess the necessary in-house know how in project management and concepts development in the area. We wish to increase our network with present members of Anna Lindh Foundation because we can see that this will give us the opportunity to speak with the right interlocutors about issues like immigration, changes in social texture and democracy that are very much an issue at the moment all around the Mediterranean basin.

Contact (1) Full Name
Joseph Tanti
Head of the organisation
Joseph Tanti
Contact (2) Full Name
Angela Tabone

Society of Contemporary Arts

National Network

135, Old Bakery Street Valleta

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
SOCA was set up in December of 2011 and currently operates through volunteers that help and support the organisation. SOCA's sources of funding are mainly through sponsorships as well as EU Funds and National grants which the organisation taps into so as to enable to carry out its planned projects.
Mission and Objectives

SOCA emphasizes on promoting contemporary artistic development for which its aims are:
a) To promote participation in all forms and discipline of the arts and culture sector in Malta especially with respect to the experimental arts
b) To establish artistic networks locally as well as overseas
c) To organise educational platforms in the artistic and cultural sectors both locally and overseas
d) To enable a cultural educational path among locals and promote social inclusion through artistic mediums
e) To collaborate with European and international artists thus enabling and fostering intercultural and transnational cooperation
f) To Identify areas within aspects of the arts that have the potential to be incorporated into a cultural tourism product that can be actively promoted by the tourist industry
g) To promote best practice and transfer of knowledge in the artistic and cultural sector
h) To undertake any activity or research which could promote the broader development of the above-mentioned objectives and to promote the realisation of pilot research programmes favouring the development of the cultural and artistic profession;

Main Projects / Activities

SOCA is an NGO that focuses on engaging youths within the artistic contemporary field. Our target audience are youths and under represented minorities and our objectives are to initiate and implement, independently or in partnership with other NGO’s, activities targeted to enhance the opportunities of young people to fully explore and utilize their creative powers in various cultural artistic fields as well as raise awareness among audiences for the fundamental role that culture plays in.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution would primarily entail the exchange and mobility of cultural individuals to partake in artistic projects thus enhancing the cultural and creative experience that would be shared amongst such participants with the ultimate result of exhibiting/showcasing cultural/artistic expressions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SOCA would like to enhance its networks so as to implement projects that involve a trans-national approach thus involving artists, musicians, dancers as well as individuals in the cultural field the opportunity to participate in collaborative projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simon Sultana Harkins
Head of the organisation
Simon Sultana Harkins

National Council of Women

National Network

Pope Pius XII Flats
Mountbatten Street
Blata l-Bajda HMR 1579

Blata L– Bajda, HMR 02

00 356 21 248881 or 00 356 21 443476
Telephone (other)
00 356 21 246982 or 00 356 21 488391
00 356 21 246982
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 356 79061880
Mobile Phone (other)
00 356 99225445
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
The National Council of Women is composed of members and affiliated organisations. NCW is a member of the International Council of Women(ICW) and holds a Vice-President ship in the European Committee of the International Council of Women.(ECICW) Grace Attard is a Member of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels representing Maltese Civil Society and Doris Bingley is a member of the Commonwealth Civil Society Advisory Committee. NCW has Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. NCW’s structure consists of an elected Executive Committee, a Central Committee which includes a representative from each Affiliated Organisation. It has Standing & Sectional Committees. NCW employs one part-timer and a person from ETC’s Youth Scheme. The Budgetary resources available in a year fluctuate according to members & affiliated organisation fees, fund raising activities and sponsorships.
Mission and Objectives

The National Council of Women is an independent, non-sectarian, voluntary organisation based on adult, individual membership and the affiliation of non-government organisations.
Its aim is to improve the quality of life for all. In particular it works to promote equality of opportunity for women, and provides a forum for women of different backgrounds to exchange information and ideas, formulate policies, educate and promote legal, economic, social and human rights. It lobbies, advocates and disseminates information through its publications, website and public media.

Main Projects / Activities

NCW is just finishing a Grundtvig Project as partners in a six nation group led by a German group, for Social Inclusion
We have been awarded a UNESCO research project and we are development partners in an EQUAL project with a Government Entity.
NCW is in the forefront of Life Long Learning activities with IT training, Empowerment Courses and basic literacy programmes
It holds Seminars, Talks, Workshops and organises visits of cultural & environmental importance as well as taking part in National debates

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Doris Bingley
Head of the organisation
Ms. Mary Gaerty
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Grace Attard

Pembroke Local Council

National Network

Triq Alamein

+356 2137 2111
Telephone (other)
+356 2137 2468
+356 2137 2555
Mobile Phone
+356 7937 2155
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Local Government with 5 staff members. The total budget for the year amounts to 330,000 EUR which is totally transferred to us by the Central Government. The Government departments, public companies and parastatal organizations are sometimes involved with us.
Mission and Objectives

To cater for the benefit of the community to manage and carry out any devolution of powers from the Central Government to us.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Kevin Borg
Head of the organisation
Dr. Dean Hili

Isla (Senglea) Local Council

National Network

2, Triq San Guzepp

+356 21 66 24 24
Telephone (other)
+356 2701 3004
+356 2166 2566
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The organisational structure of the Isla (Senglea) Local Council is made up of a Mayor (part time), Vice Mayor (voluntary), 3 Councillors (voluntary), Executive Secretary (full time) and 2 clerks (1 part time & 1 full time). The annual government budgetary allocation for the Isla Local Council is approximately 193,338 EURO.
Mission and Objectives

The Mission Statement and objectives are embedded in the Local Council Act - According to the Laws of Malta Chapter 363, a local council shall be a statutory local government authority having a distinct legal personality and capable of entering into contracts to the exercise and performance of its functions. Such functions include the upkeep and maintenance of any street, maintenance for cleanliness, maintenance of all public conveniences, maintenance of proper road signs in conformity with national and international standards, and opening of establishments for cultural and leisure centres. An important task is that all mentioned factors can be accessed by all members of society, including disabled and the elderly.

Main Projects / Activities

Apart from carrying out its mandatory duties, the council has also strived to increase local awareness regarding the wealth of historic and cultural assets that lie within its walls and surrounding cities. The Council has previously participated in the EU-funded DELTA project, which focused on the regeneration of historic urban cores, as well a in Youth exchanges and Town Twinning. More recently the local council has teamed up with partners in Greece Cyprus and Italy and has submitted a Cultural Itineraries proposal for the INTERREG IIIB Programme, as it believes that such activities will further help it place Malta and the locality on the international cultural map.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Arthur Perici (Executive Secretary)
Head of the organisation
Mr Justin John Camilleri (Mayor)


National Network

Students’ House, University of Malta, Tal-Qroqq

(+356) 79702452
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
AEGEE-Valletta is an antenna of AEGEE-Europe; one of the biggest interdisciplinary student associations in Europe; it is represented by 15000 students, active in 241 cities in 40 countries around Europe, presenting an amazing culture variety. AEGEE is a secular, non-profit, non-political organization. All projects and activities are based on the voluntarily action of its members, numbering around 200, 40 being active. AEGEE works towards a European ideal by organizing and participating in Seminars, Action Weeks and Leisure Events, Summer Universities and youth exchanges. Funding is through European programmes, sponsorships, government grants and membership fees, the budget varying annually according to the amount/type of projects held.
Mission and Objectives

The general aims of AEGEE are: to promote a unified Europe without prejudices, to strive for creating an open and tolerant society of today and tomorrow, to foster democracy, human rights, tolerance, cross-boarder co-operation, mobility and European dimension in education.
The main fields of action are Cultural Exchange, Active Citizenship, Higher Education and Peace & Stability.

Main Projects / Activities

Action Days - a day of focusing on a particular topic in all AEGEE locals providing a great and composition of results, e.g. European Day of Languages
Case Study Trips -research trips aiming to increase the knowledge on a specific topic in a particular country.
Summer Universities Every year, in around 100 cities, multicultural groups of 20-50 young people, enjoy together the wonders of cultural variety.
Trainings – AEGEE offers a professional Internal Education System with about 8 international trainings and many Local Training Courses per year. Trainings - a combination between theory and practice - are a tool of knowledge transfer within the organization, help members to develop their personal skills and complement education with lifetime experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bernice Saliba (SecGen)
Head of the organisation
Chris Frendo (President AEGEE-Valletta)

IRD Global Institute

National Network

Komenskega 12

00386 1 434 60 65
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Organization has 3 employees. In year 2011 organization had a turnover of 290.000 euros. Sources of funding are funds of Slovene government and EU. In 2011 we had a project of building a school at Haiti, psycho-social assistance in Iraq and project of educating teachers in Moldova (still operating). In all these projects local partners were involved.
Mission and Objectives

Organization International Relief and Development (IRD) works in the field of development and relief projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Since we are relatively young organization we do not have a long list of projects. We had a project at Haiti, in Iraq and Moldova.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eva Marn
Head of the organisation
Eva Marn