National Network

Rua Camilo Castelo Branco, 33, 1º1150-083 Lisboa Portugal
1100-575 Lisboa

21 353 09 31
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Private organization with a annual budget of around 60.000-100.000 per year. Supported by the Portuguese Government - General Directorate for the Arts (DGARTES) Development of projects related with contemporary dance and performance (art works, events and international cooperation projects)

Mission and Objectives

EIRA is a creation, production and distribution company based in Lisbon / Portugal supporting a group of associate artists but also a workspace and international platform to support various artists and projects. After twenty years of existence, EIRA is today a reference in Portuguese contemporary dance and performance. Since its foundation (1993) EIRA has been producing and promoting the work of its artistic director, the Portuguese choreographer Francisco Camacho. From 1996 onwards it has started to produce and promote other Portuguese choreographers, being today the daily workspace, production and distribution company of the choreographers Francisco Camacho, Rafael Alvarez, Mariana Tengner Barros and Tiago Cadete. Our productions have been presented extensively in Portugal, Europe (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Croatia, Spain, Slovenia, Finland, France, Italy, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Switzerland, among other countries), South America (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay) and the United States of America, Africa (Cape Vert and Mozambique), Middle East (United Arab Emirates) and Asia (China). Some of our projects have also received the following awards: ACARTE - Maria Madalena de Azeredo Perdigão Award (1995/1997 and a special mention of the same award on 1992/93) - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; "Prix du meilleur spectacle étranger" by the "Syndicat professionnel de la Critique de Théâtre, Musique et Danse" (France, 2008) and Bessie Award 2012 - Outstanding Visual Design (New York City, 2012). EIRA also fosters the development of contemporary dance in Portugal and internationally by supporting and co-producing new works by other artists as well as through the organization in its Lisbon studio of artists residencies and rehearsals by other choreographers, and companies from Portugal and from abroad.
 From 2014 onwards EIRA will organize biannually Cumplicidades, the new international contemporary dance festival of Lisbon. The first edition will be held between 15th and 30th of March 2014 at Centro Cultural de Belém, Teatro Camões and other venues in Lisbon. Since 1998, EIRA is supported by the Government of Portugal - State Secretary for Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts.

Main Projects / Activities

- Creation, Production and promotion of contemporary dance and performance art works - Organization of the new Lisbon International Contemporary Dance Festival - Festival Cumplicidades - Support to other artists by providing these artists with workspaces in Lisbon (Dance, Theatre, Performance, Visual Arts) - Organization of international artistic and intercultural cooperation projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Brito
Head of the organisation
Francisco Camacho
Contact (2) Full Name
Tiago Sgarbi

Teatro do Montemuro (Montemuro ´s Theatre)

National Network

TR. Principal, 1
Campo Benfeito
3600-371 gosende, Castro Daire, Viseu

Castro Daire

+351 254 689 352
Mobile Phone
+351 91 951 83 93
Mobile Phone (other)
+251 91 360 39 60
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Teatro do Montemuro is a professional theatre company. We have only six people permanently, but every new artistic projet as around 12 people, we always invite writters, set designer, musical diretors, news energies for the projets searching for new methods and new languages. We are funded by the gourvernement and by selling our shows. We present around the counrty and outside near 100 shows a year. Besides touring we have a Festival that gathers theatre, music, plastic arts, dance and others experiences. The Festival has been happening since 1998 and groups from Portugal and abroad had present their shows here. We also have a projet with schools.It is necessary to demystify the arts, stimulate the taste for the theater and critical sense of youth. It's been ten years since Theatre Montemuro began to invite schools to visit Espaço Montemuro. The project has grown and the number of schools that integrate this activity grows from year to year to live this experience. The company makes this kind of theatrical experience so than young do not just watch a show on stage but make them to think, form opinions about the show and express them in words, actions , images or sounds. This initiative aims to show the reality of the theater to new audiences, young people, showing and explaining the creative process, since the creation of the text, props, till the moment it’s presented to the public, all in a very intense day hat begins with the presentation of the piece. The discussion about the project between actors, director, students and teachers is followed by a visit to the various departments: backstage, offices, storage, technical parts. After a lunch break, the afternoon work begins with several games, exploring the dramatic expression. The workshop ends with a presentation of games, exercises and improvisations made ​​by the students. For many young people who come to our village this is the first contact they have with the theater, for others, it’s now an usual visit.The connection between Teatro do Montemuro and the community of the small village of Campo Benfeito has always been and will continue to be very close. The lifestyle of the local population has contributed to enrich the company's performances. People that are present in the ante-premieres and at the festival, people who follows the work of the group ever since the beginning. The work of the company requires that the group passes most of the time on tour, so these gatherings keeps us together and we do not want to miss these important moments. The gatherings aim to combat isolation and loneliness and to promote unity among the villagers, friends and employees of Teatro do Montemuro. For TRSM is a return to the origins. These meetings are always around the holidays, according to the availability of the company and with the will of the people of the village.
Mission and Objectives

20 years have passed since a group of young people took its first steps into theatre. It’s in the small village of Campo Benfeito, lost in labyrinthine paths and hills of Serra do Montemuro that the group still works. Nowadays the team has seven members, but each new project brings to Campo Benfeito professionals from all around the country and abroad. Actors and actresses, designers, playwrights and directors flock to the village with the enthusiasm to create something different, something unique.
As a company in a rural area, Teatro do Montemuro is by obligation, but also by vocation a touring company, the "jugglers" of the 21st century, with a big bet on sets, detailed costumes and props, masks, live music.
Over 16 years of creations as a professional theater company, the group distinguishes itself by the authenticity and originality of its writings, sets, music and also by the actors work based on truth, emotion, joy and physicality brought to exhaustion.
Teatro do Montemuro is a solid structure that invests its resources creating new artistic projects, training, and planning its national and international tour, in the Altitude’s Festival and in other dynamics, that allow a gradual growth of the company, always based on a notion of sustainability.
Its performance has corrected culture asymmetries, presenting to public performances executed with rigor, seriousness, professionalism, but accessible to everyone, from a lawyer to a farmer.

Main Projects / Activities

Right now we have three new theatre produtions, a projet of programing called "Serões na Serra" ("Nights in the village") and the Altitudes Festival, we have ans educative projet about the importance of water and natural resources for schools and a projet with regional groups( associations about traditions of the diferent places.We also are presenting an adaptation of "King Lear" from Shakespeare.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote the network, we can receive groups to be with us and promote their projets with our schoools and other audiences, we can plan to produce new artistic projewts in collaboration (co -production) and we are completly interest in new forms of working toghether.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Teatro do Montemuro had the possibility to present its projets abroad, however there were very few oportunities. We would like to have the possibility to increase touring abroad, we would like to exchange experiences and methods with others, we would like to have here other persons from other countries to work with us, to share their projets with our audiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eduardo Correia
Head of the organisation
Eduardo Correia e Paula Teixeira
Contact (2) Full Name
Paula Teixeira

Aventura Marão Clube

National Network

Casa da Juventude de Amarante
Av.ª General Silveira, 193, Cepelos
4600-017 Amarante


00351 255 420 234
Telephone (other)
00351 255 420 223
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00351 913051999
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Aventura Marão Clube (AMC) is a non-profit organisation created in 1993 by a group of young people from Amarante. Currently we have more than 350 local members. Our board has 7 directors and is organised in 3 sections: mountain biking, canoeing and fair trade. We have 9 paid staff and also volunteers(local and international. For 2013 we run a budget of 250.000 euros. Our sources of funding for this budget are: - european fundings (YiA, LLLP) - own resources (quotations, incomes from youth center facilities and bar/restaurant) - sponsors (publicity for our main events) - local/national fundings (public administration and local authorities) We run a youth center where we devepo concrete projects at local level and also under YIA and LLLP. Our main partners are NGOs from Mediterranean Partner Countries and from Europe (mainly, NGOs and public sector running similar youth centers or developing similar projects).
Mission and Objectives

The mission of AMC is to promote healthy lifestyles among young people from the region of Amarante and also approach them, especially those with fewer opportunities, to youth policies, encouraging their active participation. Besides, we intend to instill the values of European citizenship, democracy and sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

Since November 2008, AMC manages and coordinates the Youth Centre of Amarante. AMC promotes activities in the field of Non-Formal Education (NFE) and Human Rights Education (HRE) in order to develop personal and social skills of young people and stimulate national and international mobility. Examples of projects we have done/participated with EUROMED countries:
- YE "Food and Biological Consumption" (2009);
- YE "From local legends to global challenges" (2010);
- YE "Euromed Challenge 1: be a volunteer!" (2011);
- YE "Euromed Challenge 2: be an entrepreneur!" (2012);
- TC "PEACE BAG Training of Multipliers" (2012)
Besides this we are running since 2008 several youth activities (youth exchanges, youth and democracy, EVS, training courses, partnership building activities, study visits, job shadowing, Grundtvig workshop, etc.), some of them also involving partners from mediterranean partner countries

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to this Network by:
- sharing our experience in non-formal education and intercultural learning methods;
- using our contacts and knowledge about Euromed area;
- providing good quality facilities for international meetings/activities;
- assuring our commitment as reliable and enthusiastic partners for future cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The main reasons to join ALF Network are:
- mediterranean cooperation is a priority for our organisation;
- we have been working since 2006 within the frame of Euromed projects that allowed us to accummulate experience;
- we want to establish a reliable network of partners within Euromed area;
- we believe ALF Network can offer new opportunities of cooperation with other Euromed partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miguel Pinto
Head of the organisation
Alfredo Manuel Branco de Carvalho
Contact (2) Full Name
Catarina Duarte


National Network

2640.534 MAFRA


Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
A Amalgama,Associação Cultural é uma associação sem fins lucrativos com a divisa de promover a arte e a cultura como veículos essenciais á formação e evolução do Ser, através da criação de um centro de produção de artes do espectáculo e acções sócio culturais, formativo-pedagógicas ligadas ás Artes e Saberes holísticos, aproximando culturas e pessoas, de interesse pluricultural e transdisciplinar, numa Matriz alicerçada na Dança foi criada para o efeito a Amalgama Companhia de Dança, a vertente profissional que dá forma artística aos propósitos da Associação. Sendo uma Associação Cultural, está alicerçada em 3 órgãos sociais: a Assembleia-Geral, a Direcção e o Conselho Fiscal. Não beneficiando de qualquer apoio estatal, as suas iniciativas são executadas com as suas próprias fontes de rendimento e estratégias organizacionais, pelo que conta com a colaboração de prestadores de serviços e de voluntários, não possuindo na sua estruturas trabalhadores por sua conta. Tem também ao seu lado alguns parceiros que lhe prestam apoio logístico como a “7Somas – Contabilidade e Fiscalidade, Lda.”, a Escola Superior de Medicina Chinesa, a Freela – Gráfica e a Lapa Estação Cultural. Os seus recursos médios orçamentais anuais oscilam entre os 15.000,00 e os 18.000, e que servem para fazer face aos encargos com as equipas artísticas, técnicas, de produção e despesas logísticas e administrativas, têm fonte as receitas de bilheteira dos seus espectáculos e oficinas de formação e apoios pontuais para um determinado projecto. A Amalgama tem duas escolas onde promove a dança e a arte em geral, uma sita em Mafra e outra em Lisboa, cujas receitas revertem essencialmente para a gestão internas das próprias escolas. Sendo uma Associação, que através de uma companhia de dança, pretende difundir a arte e a dança, os seus campos de actuação incidem na promoção e execução dos seus próprios espectáculos, criar intercâmbios culturais, dar formação na área da dança e promover, através das escolas, várias disciplinas e iniciativas ligadas à arte e saberes holsticos pela criação de uma rede de bolsas de estudo, apesar de não serem escolas oficiais. Principais parceiros: ESMTC, GEIC, LIGA Multisecular de Amizade Portugal China , Fundação Casa de Macau, SphaeraMundi, TDSM e Stella & Artists, a Casa de Portugal e Macau, Es Associação.
Mission and Objectives

Com a divisa de difundir a Arte numa visão holística e universalizante e sensibilizar o público para uma realidade mais onírica e humana, a Amalgama tem vindo a propor uma forma alternativa de viver a Dança.
Os espectáculos são concebidos tanto para palco como para espaços exteriores ou itinerantes. Única em criações multidisciplinares, pluriculturais, em lugares imbuídos de marcos arquitectónicos histórico-culturais e arquétipos das forças da natureza viva.
Desenvolveu uma metodologia específica dirigida a todos, independentemente da idade, capacidades físicas, mentais ou condição social e cultural - Dança Movimento Amalgama – Avaliada em Mestrado em 2009.
A Companhia nasce em 2000 com o objectivo de desenvolver, promover e descentralizar a Dança, como estrutura de criação artística e expansão pedagógica e sociocultural. De carácter profissional e iniciativa não-governamental, foi subsidiada pelo Ministério da Cultura/Instituto Português das Artes do Espectáculo e pela Câmara Municipal de Mafra.
Alicerçada na AMALGAMA ASSOCIAÇÃO CULTURAL desenvolveu protocolos artísticos e pedagógicos com várias instituições: Câmara de Mafra (projecto de desenvolvimento da Escola de Dança de Mafra, 16 anos de existência); Escola Superior de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (parcerias artísticas e pedagógicas- Núcleo de Artes); Fundação Henrique Leote-Convento de São Paulo, Redondo (programação anual- Espaço Arcana); OCRE Associação para o Desenvolvimento Cultural do Alentejo; Vo’arte Dança em espaços urbanos; Orquestra do Norte (criações para Orquestra e Operas); Museu do Mundo e Casa Aiga (formação).
Tem desenvolvido trabalho itinerante e estabelecido projectos de continuidade com câmaras e locais de notáveis características histórico/culturais. Destacamos: Quinta da Regaleira, Monasterio de La Cartuja de Cazalla (Sevilha), Palácio Nacional de Mafra, Convento de São Paulo (Redondo), Palácio Nacional da Pena (Sintra), Convento de Cristo (Tomar), Convento de São Francisco (Estremoz), Convento de Stº António (Loulé), Monserrate (Sintra).
Em 2011 estreia-se em Macau com A MAR num elenco misto Sino/Luso, na Parade Trough Macao, Latin City, Direção Artística de Alexandra Battaglia. O seu percurso é essencialmente nacional tendo trazido a Portugal vários artistas estrangeiros, sendo que Luxemburgo, Itália, Inglaterra, Espanha já foram lugares de apresentação dos seus espectáculos, mas a partir de 2011 é no oriente que encontra familiaridade e o seu canal de expansão.
Em 12 anos de existência estreou cerca de 22 criações, mais de 50 reposições e cerca de 60 Workshops. Passou por: Mafra, Lisboa, Tomar, Guimarães, Portalegre, Stª Maria da Feira, Oeiras, Algés, Sesimbra, Entroncamento, Leiria, Coimbra, Cascais, Sintra, Vila Real de Santo António, Portimão, Évora, Caldas da Rainha, Ericeira, Redondo, Arraiolos, Vila Viçosa, Monsaraz, Estremoz, Figueira da Foz, Alcobaça, Aveiro, Cazalla de la Sierra (Sevilha), Loulé e Macau.
Acreditamos que a Dança a todos deva chegar fazendo-se experimentar com uma nova consciência sobre o papel das Artes nas nossas vidas.

Main Projects / Activities

Desenvolvimento das Escolas em Lisboa e Mafra, aplicando as actividades existentes e solidificando em qualidade as disciplinas regulares já em funcionamento.
Desenvolver um programa mensal de workshops e formação em em áreas da Artes e Saberes holisticos através do apoio logístico das Escolas, para todas as idades.
No mesmo enquadramento desenvolver uma programação de Cafés Concertos, promovendo sinergias entre a artistas e áreas e também artistas em emergentes.
Promover Encontros de Jovens – Festival de Dança Jovem - com o propósito de activar o interesse dos jovens pela Dança, incentivar talentos e desmitificar tabus, contribuindo assim também para a formação de público local e descentralizando a Cultura. Gostaríamos de poder contar com participantes estrangeiros.
Promoção das criações da Amalgama Companhia de Dança, nomeadamente TABLAO DO FADO e DIÁSPORA, dentro e fora do País, procuramos parceiros e programadores, estando já alguns contactos feitos em, Lisboa com o Teatro ibérico, em Mafra no palácio Nacional de Mafra, em Macau, e aguardamos confirmações.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Com a ligação da Amalgama à rede, é sempre possível estabelecer trocas, ampliar conhecimentos, criar pontes internas, dentro do nosso próprio país ou países de contacto, dos projectos dos parceiros ligados à Fundação, usando os nossos recursos (as escolas, por exemplo) e os nossos conhecimentos para promover, divulgar, apoiar e sensibilizar para tais projectos, enriquecendo todos os que se pretendam envolver.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Neste momento, um dos grandes objectivos desta Associação é criar pontes entre o oriente e ocidente, uma troca de saberes e de cultura, acreditando que tudo o que fazemos no presente faz mais sentido num propósito conectado com semelhantes, assim estar ligada a redes onde se sente a partilha das mesmas directrizes, preocupações e princípios, é de importante vital.
Estando a Amalgama inserida em redes que espelham as suas intenções, facilita o encontro dos parceiros certos para expandir e difundir os seus objectivos na sua zona de actuação e poder estender os seus serviços até onde for útil, contribuindo para uma rede mais universal de propósitos e conhecimentos comuns, para o bem e evolução da humanidade.
Por outro lado, a Amalgama acredita que a vossa estrutura está também sensível e próxima para compreender as nossas metodologias holísticas que gostaríamos de dar a conhecer e partilhar como ferramentas de contribuição na construção de um novo tempo e, sem dúvida, receber da parte da Fundação aprendizagem e conhecimento. Podermos também servir de canal para a expansão dos vossos serviços e propósitos, defendemos que a troca e a interajuda é preciosa no presente.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Tür an Tür Integrationsprojekte gGmbH

National Network

Wertachstraße 29
86153 Augsburg

+49 821 90799-0
Telephone (other)
+49 821 90799-19
+49 821 90799-11
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 1792028951
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Others
  3. Research
General Information

Structure of the organisation  “Tür an Tür” is a registered society and has considerable experience of European Union Programmes including transnational projects to improve the integration of migrants into society and into the labour market, with a focus on the recognition of foreign qualifications. Furthermore the focus is on measures for networking, intercultural learning, life-long learning, international understanding and on volunteer working. Experience in the following programmes:  EQUAL, INTI, XENOS, Leonardo, Grundtvig Number of staff employed: 35

Mission and Objectives

To enhance the integration of people with a migration background into society and into the labour market.

Main Projects / Activities

Co-ordination of the project “MigraNet”  www.migranet.org. This is a network for the structural reorganization for migrant vocational integration. MigraNet cooperated also in the network MEET (Migrants Employment Empowerment Training). The main objective of MEET was to improve labour market access for migrants. Responsible for the transnational partnership MEET. Coordination of the transnational working group “Awareness raising, promotion of positive images of migrants”- Tür an Tür” was co-ordinating the transnational working group on the theme “Awareness raising- promotion of positive images of migrants” with the main focus on developing strategies for a change in public opinion regarding migrants from deficit-orientated to resource-orientated. Together with 5 EU partners development of the media campaign “Recognition now!” A campaign to change the public view on migrants from deficit to positive / resource orientated (Films, Cinema-Spots, posters, booklet)  www.recognition-now.de INTI: Co-ordination of the project IMPACT: Integrating migrants through the provision of adaptability and competence training. The project aimed to address high rates of unemployment among particular groups of third-country nationals legally residing in the EU. The partners have been from Austria, Italy, the Netherlands and UK. XENOS: Co-ordination of the BAFV I and BAFV II project (right to stay programme - Labour market integration for Asylum seekers and refugees) SaviAV: Transnational network (Social inclusion and vocational integration of Asylum Seekers and Victims of human trafficking)

EU project Matilde - Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Regions. Research project (2020 - 2023) funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme that examines the impact of migration on the development of rural and mountain regions in 10 countries. The project develops and tests a transdisciplinary conceptual and methodological framework for a multidimensional assessment of the economic and social impact of third-country nationals. www.matilde-migration.eu


Contact (1) Full Name
Anne Güller-Frey
Head of the organisation
Stephan Schiele, Reiner Erben
Contact (2) Full Name
Stephan Schiele

artscenico e.V.

National Network

Oesterholzstr. 122
44145 Dortmund

0049 (0) 231-8634113
+49 231 8634201
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 1786626552
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
artscenico e.V. is a non-profit foundation in the field of arts. The staff varies. There are two to four persons working permanently for the foundation (10- 40h /week) and a varying number of artistsand managers who work in the projects. The budget of artscenico also depends on the projects that are realized. The foundation till today has been funded by various organizations such as: the city of Dortmund, the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kunststiftung NRW, Fonds Darstellende Künste, European Cultural Foundation, Europäische Union, and others Every year we realize several projects (performances, exhibitions, the festival/symposium "off-limits"). Some of the projects are international projects or educational projects.
Mission and Objectives

artscenico e.V. is creating diverse cultural productions such as performances, exhibitions and multimedia and intercultural site-specific projects.
We aim to create artistic research that looks at the fringes of our society.
Whenever possible we are looking for international contacts and encounters.

Main Projects / Activities

As a company "without a real home" the artistic work focuses on special spaces and places. Site-specific productions have become the main field of interest for artscenico`s artistic realizations over the last years.
Abandoned industrial wasteland, former factory halls, public parks and other non-theatre places lay the foundations for new and unusual pieces of art derived from the different perspectives of many artists and realms of arts including the artistic work of dancers, actors, authors and singers as well as photographers, film-makers, authors, musicians and even scientists or athletes.
The last projects were “Sanctuary”, “Rituals”, “Heimat surreal/embedded in nature” with partners from Lithuania, Poland, Turkey, Malta.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rolf Dennemann
Head of the organisation
Rolf Dennemann
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Monika Priklbauer

ASSOCIATION MAROCAINE-ALLEMANDE DE LA CULTURE ET DE L'ÉDUCATION (Deutsch-Marokkanische Gesellschaft für Kultur und Bildung e.V.)

National Network

Postfach 73 02 52
60504 Frankfurt/Main

+49 (0) 69 - 67 700-829
+49 (0) 69 - 59771-911
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 (0) 157- 8037 3174
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
11 membres élus pour l‘administration exécutive 312 membres en générale 13 Partenariat avec des universités et avec des organisations politiques et sociales financement par projets et des dons Projets actuelles: 1. L'école marocco-allemande. 2. Centre d’études et de recherche 3. Bureau de consultation académique pour les étudiants marocains et arabe. 4. Services de Conseil Financier 5. Services de conseil social 6. Services de conseil juridique 7. Centre de services pour la Jeunesse Partenaires: www.fh-frankfurt.de • www.univ-oujda.ac.ma • www.hausamdom.de • www.vlh.de • www.dpwv.org • www.habous.gov.ma • www.tanmia.ma • www.bildungswerk.org • www.alwatan.ma • www.nadorcity.com • www.bgw-online.com • www.fh-mainz.de • www.werkhof-darmstadt.de
Mission and Objectives

Die Deutsch-Marokkanische Gesellschaft für Bildung und Kultur e.V. (DMGKB) wurde am 9. Dezember 2006 als gemeinnütziger Verein in Frankfurt/Main gegründet. Anerkennung der Gemeinnützigkeit und Eintragung in das Vereinsregister erfolgten am 3. April 2007. Der Verein möchte zur Verbesserung der deutsch-marokkanischen Beziehungen beitragen. Er fördert u.a. den interkulturellen Dialog in der marokkanischen bzw. arabischen, sowie in der westlichen Welt. Hosseine Taytay Vorsitzender der "Deutsch-Marokkanische Gesellschaft für Kultur und Bildung e.V."

Main Projects / Activities

Die DMGKB beabsichtigt u.a. die Bildung von Forschungs- und Studienkreisen; die Kontaktpflege zwischen Personen, Institutionen, Hochschulen und Organisationen in Marokko und in Deutschland sowie die Förderung der Integration und Verbesserung der sozialen, kulturellen sowie wirtschaftlichen Situation und Stellung der in Deutschland lebenden Marokkaner; insbesondere die Situation für Kinder, Jugendliche und Frauen bei der Bildung und Berufsausbildung. Der Verein verfolgt vorrangig Zwecke im Bereich des kulturellen, akademischen und sozialen Dialogs (= Wohlfahrtspflege) zwischen Deutschland und Marokko. Die DMGKB ist derzeit insbesondere im Land Hessen und speziell in der Rhein-Main-Region aktiv; der Region, in welcher die meisten Mitbürger Marokkanischer Abstammung leben. Die Ausweitung unserer Aktivitäten auf das gesamte Bundesgebiet ist beabsichtigt. Der Verein freut sich über Ihre Bereitschaft zur Mitgliedschaft oder tatkräftigen Unterstützung.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. El Hosseine Taytay
Head of the organisation
Dr. El Hosseine Taytay

BAPOB - Berliner Arbeitskreis für politische Bildung e.V.

National Network

Greifswalder Str. 4, Briefkasten 50,
10405 Berlin

+49 30 392 92 62
+49 30 398 492 11
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Nous sommes depuis 1980 une association d'éducation à la citoyenneté ("politische Bildung"), reconnue d'utilité publique, indépendante et autogérée. Avec nos partenaires locaux et internationaux, nous élaborons et organisons des projets internationaux et locaux de jeunes ainsi que des formations pour multiplicateurs. Ces projets sont notamment soutenus par l'Office Franco-Allemand pour la Jeunesse (OFAJ), l'Office Germano-Polonais pour la Jeunesse (DPJW) et le programme européen Jeunesse en Action.
Mission and Objectives

Nous voulons (dé)montrer le lien entre structures sociales et réalités de vie personelles, rendre visible et mettre en question la propre position, favoriser le dialogue ainsi que encourager et promouvoir la participation à la vie sociale et politique. Des thèmes actuels de ces rencontres sont entre autres: droits de l´Homme, migration, apprentissage interculturel, participation, discrimination et genre. Un pilier de nos action est le travail avec les jeunes dits "défavoriséEs".

Main Projects / Activities

Nous organisons des rencontres de jeunes et des formations pour les personnes travaillant dans le domaine socio-éducatif, avec des pays européens et extra-européens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirco Heller
Head of the organisation

Förderverein Begegnungen 2005 e.V.

National Network

Frankenstraße 54
50858 Köln

+49 (0)221 5060492
+49 (0)221 5060493
Mobile Phone
+49 (0)176 84148894
Mobile Phone (other)
+49 (0)177 5438706
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information

We are a non-profit organization with the domicile in Ilfeld/Thuringia and four members of staff in our office in Cologne. The budgetary resources are approx. 200.000 € p.a. We receive governmental promotion by ConAct, the Goethe Institute, the Department of migration and refugees, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, public funds of the federal states (e.g. North Rhine-Westphalia, Thuringia) and other sponsors: InterCity Hotel, Van-Meeteren-Stiftung, Freundeskreis Heinrich Heine, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Bob-Stiftung Berlin, ZEIT-Stiftung. Our projects are international youth exchanges with Israel, European countries, Taiwan and henceforth with the USA. The main integration projects are "PACT Parents and Children together - Jugend filmt", and the international project of education „Encounter – Remember – Shape the Future“, "Have a Dream" Main Partners: Freundeskreis Heinrich Heine Erinnern für die Zukunft e.V. Haifa-Foundation.

Mission and Objectives

Our main intention is to create international encounters in youth exchange projects, prior ranking with Israel. Further activities in the Mediterranean are planned. We bring together young people engaged in all kinds of art (Music, Theatre, and Dance), culture and religion. Promotion of the European thought, Europe and the Mediterranean, interreligious dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main working topics:

- Remembering the Holocaust - Peaceful and democratic future and human dignity

- Interreligious dialogue and sympathy

- Cultures in Europe, Israel and the Mediterranean areas

- Promotion of the European idea

- Integration work

The continuous project „To find a way” successfully brings together youths from Germany and Israel, from Israel Muslims, Christians and Jews. They discuss in the project topics like diversity, history (especially the time of Nazism in Germany), Jewish life in Germany, Religion and Peace. Mutual respect and appreciation are key to the project and is focused on in every meeting. In "Remember The Past – Shape The Future" (2022/23) Begegnungen 2005 e.V. partners with Yad Vashem, the Jewish synagogue congregation of Cologne, two schools in Israel and Germany; under the sponsorship of the Cologne Mayor. Students interpret poems created from victims of the Holocaust, composing music remembering the terrible crimes of that time. They meet both in Germany and Israel and play together on one stage. In Germany they investigate the history of the Jewish students of the school taking part in the exchange. In the project “Instruments of Peace” Youths from the Galilee West-East-Multicultura” orchester have visited Saarlouis/Germany, following up on another visit. The guests live in families of German students, really getting to know each other. Together with youths from Ukraine they played music on behalf of peace and freedom. Begegnungen 2005 e.V. organizes each year between 10 and 15 of such projects, ramping up the activity after Corona again.


Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Krebs (Project Manager)
Head of the organisation
Dr. Karl Adenauer
Contact (2) Full Name
Christina Schuster

Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung (BKJ) e. V.

National Network

Küppelstein 34
42857 Remscheid

+492191 9348258
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Fifty-six regional and national organisations and institutions active in cultural education for children and youth in Germany have joined forces under the umbrella of the Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung (BKJ), the German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning. BKJ is mostly financed by resources of the German Youth Ministry. The regular annual budget is at a level of appr. 800.000 Euros a year. In three offices at Remscheid and Berlin, 35 staff members are working in different areas: advocacy for cultural youth education, quality development, volunteer involvement in cultural institutions, cooperation between schools and the non-formal cultural education sector, international exchange.

Mission and Objectives

BKJ and its members work towards a common goal: the promotion and advancement of in-school and out-of-school arts education and cultural learning for children and youth. Their specialised knowledge and experience in the cultural education sector enable them to make an important contribution to successful representation of youth, education and culture policy interests and to a diversification of cultural education for children and young people on both national and international levels. Each year more than ten million young people participate in the seminars, projects, competitions and events organised by the BKJ member organisations. These activities cover all areas of culture such as visual art, music, drama, theatre, circus, dance, literature, photography, film, video and multimedia.

Main Projects / Activities

The main tasks of the German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning are: · representation of youth, education and culture policy interests on national, European and international level; · participation in international networks and extending European and international exchanges; · exchange of information and ideas relating to all issues relating to arts and cultural education; · organisation of conferences; · publication of educational materials, case studies, concepts and best practice; · development of pilot projects; · mobility programs for experts in the field of cultural learning and international cultural youth exchange programs with European and other partner countries all over the world; · conceptual development of arts education and cultural learning to promote the aims of cultural diversity and sustainable development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rolf Witte
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Susanne Keuchel