Deutsch-Maghrebinische Gesellschaft e. V.(German-Maghrebine association)

National Network

Kennedyallee 16b
53175 Bonn

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The organisation is a "Eingetragener Verein" - e. V. The seven members of the directority work voluntary(umpai. Resorces: Member contributions about 2000 €, donations 1000 €. Subsidies from Foreign Ministry. Funds from cooperation partners. Projects: Conferences, seminars, discussions, readings, art exhibitions, concerts, Film events. Many partners, depends on event.

Mission and Objectives

To give informations of the political, commercial and social relationships with the Maghreb countries. To give insights in the history and the manifold cultural heritage of the region. To present literature,fine arts, music and films.

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural exchange. 2009: participation of literature events, e. g. International Festival of Literature Berlin, Heidelberger Literaturtage, Bonner Buchnesse Migration, Readings of the new novel of algerian writer Boualem Sansal.Participation of film projects, e. g. "Der lachende Orient" (Laughing Orient) in Cologne. Exhibition of cartoons from the arab world. 2010: Concert of moroccan singer Sapho.

Contact (1) Full Name
Liesel Schulze-Meyer, Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Wolfgang Engel

Diakonisches Werk Bremen e.V.

National Network

Contrescarpe 101
28195 Bremen

+49(0) 421 163840
+49(0)421 1638420
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Diakonie Bremen e. V. is recognized head welfare association in the German federal state of Bremen. It organizes and represents the interests of its more than 40 member organisations, which include the Protestant Church of Bremen. The fields of work of Diakonia with separate facilities, initiatives and associations cover the entire spectrum of social work in Bremen. Diakonisches Werk Bremen as a framework association employs at the moemnt 13 people, whereas a total of 3,300 full-time employees and 800 volunteers are working in Bremen Diakonia, mainly on the fields of service for persons with disability, in hospital, rehabilitation units and institutional or home care for elderly people and families with education problems. Other professionals and volunteers work in community or human rights projects, including international solidarity and One World development. Their work is characterized by a high degree of professionalism on the one hand, as through human contact and warmth on the other. There are many different professions and varied ways in which people can participate and contribute. The tasks of the framework organisation are mostly political and social representation of Bremen diaconia, media and public relations, project management and pedagogical work with young volunteers working in the multiple institutions of our members. The annual budget of Diakonischen Werk Bremen is about 900.000 €, sources being membership fees, ontributions especially from the Bremen Protestant Church and the Federal Government Youth Plan (promotion of Young Volunteers Services) and the European community for partnerships within the Life Long Learning program and a project Fighting Human trafficking for Labor exploitation. Donations of diaconia Bremen are directly used in projects of our members or in development work and assinstance against catastrophes ("Brot für die Welt") worldwide.
Mission and Objectives

"Diakonia" refers to the social work of the Protestant churches, thus fulfilling an important mission. The church as a whole is called to witness the Good News of Jesus Christ in the world and this is realized in their diaconal action as charity and service to others. Services of high quality who are adresse any person in need regardless their faith or convictions and esse ntial parts of our mission. Democracy and peace could only prosper in an athmosphere of soical engagement and security.

Main Projects / Activities

Social Work for and with disabled and marginalized persons / groups.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As far as possible given our structures as a smal regional association, we like to participate in the sharing of information and development of ideas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During our international work we got more and more involvend in questions and projects with connection to the development of democracy and peace on both sides of the Medeterreanean, we were eben asked to participate in projects which insvolves the inclusion of desfavored and disabled groups in these processes. We see Anna Lindh foundation networks as a helpful tool for information and network contacts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Jürgen Stein
Head of the organisation
Dr. Jürgen Stein

EIRENE e.V. International Christian Service for Peace

National Network

Postfach 1322

+49 (0)2631-83 79-38
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
EIRENE is the greek word for “peace“ and for EIRENE International Christian Peace Service it is more than just a name. Peace, just like war, is not an abstract state of nature, it is made by human beings. In other words, peace is something to work for and peace building is at the centre of our efforts. In line with our founders, namely the historic peace churches (MCC, Brethren and Quakers), we strive for a peace which means much more than the absence of violent conflict. For a sustainable contribution to a peaceful future, peace building has to take into account livelihoods, human rights (including social, economical and cultural rights) and the empowerment of people to build their own lives in dignity and in harmony with their neighbors and their environment. Hence, our activities as a Peace Service range from initiatives to help settling conflicts about natural resources (which may include land for agricultural use as well as water or subsoil resources) to the support of grassroots organisations and local development projects in marginalised areas or youth work, inter-religious dialogue and volunteer programs in Germany and Europe as well as in our partner countries. In all these efforts, we work in close cooperation with our local partners. Structure: EIRENE is registered as a non-governmental non-profit organisation in accordance with German law and has its central offices in Neuwied, Germany. The work of our staff is supervised by an executive committee which in turn answers to a general assembly of members. Currently, EIRENE is employing 29 paid staff at the central offices in Neuwied in addition to 28 peace building and local development experts and about 100 volunteers in our partner countries. EIRENE also has an independent branch in the Netherlands.
Mission and Objectives

Promote peace and better understanding among peoples by combating poverty, falsely-directed development, social injustice, political tensions and cultural oppression, in a non-violent and ecumenical spirit based on love of one's neighbour and in willingness to face the consequences of acting non-violently; encourage the building of democratic civilian societies in which non-violent means of dealing with conflict replace violent confrontation.

Main Projects / Activities

Our current projects involve cooperation with partners in Europe (Netherlands, Belgium, France, Ireland, Bosnia, Romania, Bulgaria), North America (USA, Canada), Latin America (Nicaragua, Bolivia) and Africa (Morocco, Niger, Chad, DR Congo, Burundi, Mali, Burkina Faso).

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonas Rüger
Head of the organisation
Dr. Anthea Bethge

eurient e.V. Verein für transmediterranen Kulturdialog

National Network


+49 (0)341-4626534
+49 (0)341-4626535
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
eurient e.V. is an association for Trans-Mediterranean cultural dialog. 1. 4 fulltime workers; 20 volunteers– most of them young academics and university graduates; a network of people and other NGOs working in all the MENA region; internships 2. 143.000, € 3. Federal Employment Agency, German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD; Bildungswerk Weiterdenken in der Heinrich Böllstiftung; Stiftung Nord Süd Brücken; 4. projects, seminars, conferences, exchanges, concerts, exhibitions 5. OIL (Department for Oriental Studies of University of Leipzig); City Council Representatives and the Commissary for Foreigners; VHS Volkshochschule (“people’s college”); SALF (Saxony´s Academy for Teachers´ Training ); Consulate of the United States; FES (Friedrich Ebert Foundation)
Mission and Objectives

eurient e.V - promotes the intercultural dialogue between Europe and its Mediterranean neighbours - works independently from any political parties, religious congregations - beyond stereotypes and all forms of populism and stigmatisations - to constitute an intercultural network of contact, dialogue and mutual understanding - focuses on the younger generation of artists, intellectuals, and interested members of civil society and those who have not yet benefited from the cultural industries of their countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth and adult education in the field of Islam and international politics with regard to the MENA region
Intercultural dialogue between the EU and its Mediterranean neighbours of the MENA region – like hiwar fanni - which means artistic dialogue in Arabic – a cooperation project on university level, set up for three years und supported by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service). Eurient e. V. is responsible for coordinating the project
Campaigns to raise public awareness towards the problems of migrants coming from the MENA region and socio-political issues of their home-countries – like “The Past is our Future”: Academic cooperation, professional and cultural exchange between Morocco and Germany
Empowerment of young artist, scientists and active citizens from the MENA region

Contact (1) Full Name
Mona Feise, Brigitte Schröder, Nina Senchan
Head of the organisation
Mona Feise, Brigitte Schröder, Nina Senchan

Euro-Mediterranean Association for Cooperation and Development e.V. (EMA)

National Network

Deichstraße 19
20459 Hamburg

+49 (0) 40 - 609 455 4-30
+49 (0) 40 - 609 455 4-39
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Euro-Mediterranean Association for Cooperation and Development (EMA) e. V. is committed to a far-reaching cooperation between Germany and the MENA region. The organization initiates and mediates mutual exchange throughout the region. The EMA connects politicians, business men and scholars in order to learn from each other and grasp contemporary economic, social and political developments in the region. Besides, the EMA provides their clients with business development services and crucial contacts. Members of the EMA benefit from a vast network of high class consults and business experts.
Mission and Objectives

We focus on communication and mutual understanding, giving strong support to partners in the Euro-Mediterranean region and the other Arabic countries. We are ideologically and denominationally independent, considering ourselves to be a mediator between the cultures. Therefore, we discourage the view of a clash of cultures by promoting instead the collaboration of Arab and European cultural areas and supporting a mutual enrichment of cultural variety. We recognize finding the right balance as our particular challenge. Our vision is to develop and support the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

Main Projects / Activities

Hamburg Business Days Water Forum for the EMA-Region Delegation's Journeys Roundtable Tenders Events in the EMA-Region Magazine Mediterranes

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Abdelmajid Layadi
Head of the organisation
Christian Wulff

European Centre for Minority Issues

National Network

Schiffbrücke 12
24939 Flensburg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

The ECMI was founded in 1996 by the governments of Denmark, Germany and Schleswig-Holstein. It is an independent and inter-disciplinary institution which draws upon an international core staff, supplemented by a number of non-resident Senior Research Associates from all over Europe and beyond. The Centre also maintains active relations with other academic institutions and NGOs involved in conflict resolution and inter-ethnic relations and engages in collaborative projects in these fields. While its core funding (892.000 € p.a.)is provided by its founding governments, the Centre actively pursues project-based funding to support its activities. The ECMI is governed by an Executive Board of nine members from Denmark, Germany, the OSCE, the Council of Europe and the European Union, and it is supported in its mission by an Advisory Council of eminent experts in the field of minority issues. The working language of ECMI is English. Approximately 10 people are employed in Flensburg, and another 10-15 colleagues work in the offices in Pristina and Tblisi.

Mission and Objectives

ECMI sees human diversity as a European heritage and cultural pluralism as a great asset. Aiming to facilitate respect for diversity in all aspects of society, ECMI is committed to work for the improvement of the situation of Europe’s minorities through heightened awareness of minority rights and minority issues among all relevant actors. Realizing the immense scope of societal and global challenges of the 21st Century, ECMI’s specific purpose is to provide actors with new knowledge and tool-kits that empower and equip them to mitigate differences and exchange views through constructive dialogue about how to build a peaceful and diverse Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) conducts practice and policy-oriented research, provides information and documentation, and offers advisory services concerning minority-majority relations in Europe. It serves European governments and regional intergovernmental organizations as well as non-dominant groups throughout. The Centre co-operates with the academic community, the media and the general public through the timely provision of information and analysis. The Centre organizes its activities around five thematic clusters. A Justice and Governance cluster is concerned with the evaluation and further development of legal standards that may assist in consolidating democratic governance on the basis of ethnic diversity and human rights. Other thematic clusters include Politics and Civil Society focusing on minority politics, especially the ability of minorities to participate both through public office and civil society functions. A Conflict and Security cluster focuses on constructive conflict-management and addresses conflicts with an ethno-political dimension in the wider Europe. A Culture and Diversity cluster addresses the cultural issues of minority existence, in particular language and education but is also concerned with the access of minorities to the media. A Citizenship and Ethics cluster focuses on both legal and socio-politico aspects of membership in mainstream society, including ethical issues of toleration, respect and contribution. The Centre also maintains links to several regions of tension in Europe through its Regional Associates in Georgia and Kosovo and provides multi-level trainings in institution and capacity building. This focus is organized through a Technical Assistance and Training Unit in the head office and in corporation with numerous NGOs throughout Europe. In that regard, the Centre draws upon the successful history of managing minority issues in the German-Danish border area where it is based. Please go to to read about our concrete projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ECMI has built up a vast network of cooperation with research institutions, experts and NGOs as well as public bodies such as the CoE based on its applied research and activities in the field. ECMI would bring this network and its own expertise to the ALF, to foster dialogue and cooperation together with other members of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ECMI sees the enhancement of democracy and human/minority rights as a global challenge and would like to broaden its network with institutions that work along these lines as well. ECMI is seeking other institutions to cooperate with to collaborate on projects that enhance its mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Vello Pettai
Contact (2) Full Name
Astrid Voss

Evangelische Akademie der Pfalz

National Network

Luitpoldstrasse 10
76829 Landau

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Ev. Academie der Pfalz is part of the Ev. Church of Palatinate. 6 employed and 2 associated staff members are working in different fields. Its budget contains funds from the church as well as from the government and from private foundations. It offers conferences, exhibitions, training-courses, and lectures. One main focus concentrates on intercultural and interreligious encounters and relations, especially with Islam. The Academy is part of different national and international networks and cooperates with governmental, religious, and cultural partners as well as with different universities and institutes.
Mission and Objectives

The Ev. Academy deals with public, economical, religious, philosophical, and culutral issues. It invites people from different areas to meet, to discus, and to consider new ideas relating to future solutions of emerging questions. It moderates societal and political discussions and it does own research.

Main Projects / Activities

At this time the main projects are: young academy; migration, society and change; Islamic care taking in hospitals; Christian-Muslim encounters; economics and responsibility.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sr. Georg Wenz
Head of the organisation
Dr. Christoph Picker
Contact (2) Full Name
Katrin Jaeger

Arrawi for Culture and Development

National Network

‎51, Abdel Hadi street, Fern el Hayek, Achrafieh
Beirut 1100

‎+961-3-717534 ‎
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

there are only 3 persons in the center. AS it has recently started its activity, its budget is mainly based upon voluntary action and donors. Thus its budget has not been finalized yet. in 2009, it had a very modest budget for activity projects of around 8000$. The people working in the center are part timers and are volunteers. The concrete projects are mainly in the peripheric areas in order to promote culture in areas where the residents do not have an access to the main stream culture in the capital Beirut. In July 2009, Arrawi participated with the public library in Aley in a photography workshop under the theme: cultural, ecological, and architectural patrimony in Aley cluster. The workshop will be followed by a exposition of photos taken by the young students themselves.The exposition is going to take place with the collaboration of Aley club and Municipality of Aley. The second activity is a book festival with the collaboration of La maison de livre along with Women Youth Assembly in Aley, Aley Club and the cultural center in Hermel. This project is funded by ARCI, the Italian association. The third activity, is a long workshop on creative writing with the collaboration of the public library in Aley and Women Youth. Assembly of Aley. Arrawi got a funding from the Lebanese ministry of culture to do a part of this workshop. Arrawi is still trying to find a funding to cover the whole activities that start October 2009 and end March 2010 in Aley.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Arrawi is to decentralize culture and to establish cultural dialogue locally and internationally. The marginal areas in Lebanon suffer from total absence of cultural activities. Arrawi aims at supporting cultural and artistic activities in peripheric areas such as Aley and Hermel. It also aims at presenting the Lebanese, Arab and Mediterranean writers to the world. It works for establishing a permanent center for creative writing aimed at the youth, mainly young women in Lebanon and the Arab world.

Main Projects / Activities

All the activities of Arrawi are under the title General Information. Please read above.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Iman Humaydan
Head of the organisation
Ms. Iman Humaydan

‎Union of Jezzine Municipalities

National Network

Jezzine Serail, Jezzine, South Lebanon

‎+961-7-781333 ‎
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
the Union includes 28 municipalities, President, vice president, 26 other members (HEAD OF MUNICIPALITIES), Mayor and Attorney Fouad El Haj political Referent to an ENPI CBC MED program called T-NET, PARTNERS: TOSCUNY REGION- ITALY, PACA REGION - FRANCE, UNDP, OTHER NGO AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES, Staff: 13 persons plus outsourcing,budgetary resources about 1500000$, Governmental subventions, local taxes,public services, donations, Modalities of action is to develope the various sectors in Jezzine region while preserving the natural and cultural heritage by adhering to high environmental quality standards to organize urban expansion and to protect green spaces, to provide conditions that allow economic growth, invite visitors, attract investors and contribute to the creation of job opportunities for the locals, execute concrete project defined in the Unions Strategic Plan, • Develop common vision and mission statements for Jezzine region, to set general objectives for the strategy plan and specific objectives for each sector to Identify and elaborate strategic intervention (potential projects) for each sector. All within an institutional framework operating with passion and credibility and by which the Union is the leading reference in this united process of integrated sustainable development.
Mission and Objectives

To work on the development of the various sectors in Jezzine Region while preserving the natural and cultural heritage by adherence to high quality environmental norms; organization of urban expansion and the protection of green spaces; and provision of conditions that support economic growth and result in the initiation of projects that attract visitors and investors alike and contribute to the creation of job opportunities for the locals; all within a systematic institutional framework that is based on working with passion and credibility and that constitutes a leading reference in the integrated sustainable development of the region.

Main Projects / Activities

Solid Waste Management, Waste-water Management,Potable water sources,Road Networks,Basic Services, renewable energy,Public and private schools support,Vocational and Training Institutions, Inter-connectivity between villages, eco-tourism activities, Equipping a Pine nuts Processing Center (crushing, packaging and marketing), Revival of Apple Production and Introduction of New Added Value Varieties, Establishment of an Extension Center for Support and Guidance to Farmers (introduction of new crops, use of fertilizers, promotion of organic farming and products, Construction of Eco-lodges , Initiation of a "Natural Reserve Zone " pilot project within the Jezzine area, Establishment of a Booth for Selling Local Agricultural Products with Specific Branding for Jezzine Region, Construction of Agricultural Roads to provide access to arable land,Construction and operation of a solid waste Sorting and Composting Facility, Implementation of the Waste-water Management Plan, Construction of a Power Station, Electricity Generation through Wind and Solar Energy, industry and education sector support...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by exchanging support, knowledge and values,by helping in establishing a solid framework for cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to access and exchange ideas and skills and enhance cooperation among local and international network partners through cross border collaboration, to acquire help and support for implementing cultural and humanistic values, to improve the way of living of the community by building infrastructure and social development...

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Khalil Harfouche
Head of the organisation
Mr. Khalil Harfouche
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Fouad El Haj

Instytut dla Zjednoczonej Europy (Institute for United Europe)

National Network

ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 62/1

+48 22 627 21 31
Mobile Phone
+48 790 748 776
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Staff: 2 full-time and 2 part-time collaborators Yearly budget: ca. 40.000 EUR Sources of funding: donations from individuals, grants from donors Modality of action: projects with international partners. Within the projects exchanges and seminars are organised Main partners: NGO and SME from Poland, NGO and SME from other EU countries
Mission and Objectives

The Institute for United Europe (Instytut dla Zjednoczonej Europy) is a non-profit organization whose main objects are both national and European. At national level it aims at initiating and organizing actions for equal opportunities for development especially
between regions, social groups, rural and urban youth, and equalizing opportunities for the development of disabled people. On the other hand it supports activities aimed at developing cooperation between groups, organizations and local communities from different European Union countries in order to facilitate the integration and cohesion process.

Main Projects / Activities

Project "CUBE" - funded by Grundtvig programme (
Project "HEART" - funded by Grundtvig programme (
Project "Design your future" - funded by Leonardo da Vinci Programme
Project "Let's" - funded by Leonardo da Vinci programme (
Project "Visegrad Wine Route" - funded by the Internationa Visegrad Fund (

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would bring experience in management of internation projects and determination in promoting knowledge, mutual respect and exchange between the peoples.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

So far we have carried out projects mainly with partners from the European Union. We believe joining the ALF Network would allow us to broaden our horizon of action finding partners in the Southern Mediterranean countries to work with.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Arlotti
Head of the organisation
Marek Kośnik
Contact (2) Full Name
Agnieszka Pawłowska