Konrad Adenauer Stiftung e.V.

National Network

Klingelhoeferstr. 23
Postfach 10907
10785 Berlin

+49 (0) 3026996 3541
+49 (0) 3026996 53541
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is one of Germany’s biggest political foundations with some 1200 staff in Germany and worldwide. Its headquarters is in Berlin. It also has 18 education centres in Germany and around 100 country offices abroad. Our annual budget amounts to around 170 million Euro. We account publicly for our expenditures. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung works with many local partners in more than 200 international projects.
Mission and Objectives

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is related to the Christian Democratic movement. Having emerged from the 'Society for Christian Democratic Education Work' founded in 1956, it was named after the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic in 1964. We are guided by the same principles that inspired Adenauer's work.

Main Projects / Activities

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung offers political education, conducts scientific fact-finding research for political projects, grants scholarships to gifted individuals, researches the history of Christian Democracy, and supports and encourages European unification, international understanding, and development-policy cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Thomas Birringer
Job Title
Head of Middle East and North Africa Department
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert
Job Title (2)

Kreisau-Initiative e.V.

National Network

c/o Allianz, Merlitzstraße 9
12489 Berlin

004930 5389316363
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Kreisau-Initiative has a board of 3 to 7 persons that take main decisions regarding the organisation. The board works on a voluntary basis. The organisation employs 9 permanent staff and further project-related temporary staff. In cooperation with Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste, we host every year a volunteer The three focal areas of our work are Inclusion, Contemporary History and Human Rights, and Social-Ecological Transformation. The Kreisau Initiative’s main sources of funding are private contributors and foundations, supplemented by European and governmental agencies. We have been organising workshops, trainings courses, and meetings for different target groups, but mainly for youngsters.Our project participants come from all over the world, belong to different generations, and are from different educational and social backgrounds. Our main partner is the Kreisau Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe based in Krzyżowa, Poland, where most of our activities take place.

Mission and Objectives

Through our work we want to promote the following values:  European understanding build through active dealing with the history of resistance and opposition in the 20th century; Individual sense of responsibility as the foundation for a democratic European civil society; Ethical orientation to universal human rights; inclusion and involvement of people from different social, national and ethnic backgrounds, despite age, gender, political and religious beliefs, sexual orientation and constraints; Our educational approach is characterised by orientation to action, learning by experience and debating important political and social issues of our times. Kreisau-Initiative is an important German partner of the Krzyżowa Foundation and a creative mind in the Krzyżowa network. We want to keep on being a vivid nongovernmental organisation, one that people from all over Germany get involved with. Furthermore, we want to deepen and broaden the connections of Krzyżowa with the civil society in Germany and Europe, introduce Kreisau-Initiative to a broader public and win over decision makers to help the realisation of our ideas. We conduct our projects in close cooperation with the Krzyżowa Foundation and develop them continuously in both programme and methodology aspects. We are a reliable partner for donors and cooperating institutions as well as a recognised educational institution for innovative projects in Germany and Europe, especially for inviting to our projects participants that have been underrepresented in international exchange programmes.

Main Projects / Activities

The Kreisau Initiative’s main projects/ activities (among others): Fair Life (teaching fairness to disabled youth through sports activities) MICC (a simulation of trials before the ICC for high-school and university students) Local in Global (a project for youth workers, activists, trainers and multipliers from rural areas in the field of sustainable development) GIRLS! (an international and inclusive exchange programme fostering empowerment of girls) Activists against Xenocide (training course on methods for working on the topic of migration with youngsters)

Contact (1) Full Name
Caroline Wenzel
Head of the organisation
Elzbieta Kosek

Kubus e.V.

National Network

Reinsburgstraße 82
70178 Stuttgart

0049 (0) 711-888 999-16
Telephone (other)
+49 (0) 711-888 999-11
+49 (0) 711-888 999-20
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
staff: 6 employees budget p.a.: 85.000€ sources of funding: Paul Lechler Stiftung, European Social Funds, Aktion Mensch modalities of action: Inclusion-project (seminars and workshops concerning work and education of people with special needs, inclusive theatre-workshops), Musical-theatre-project in youth club fellbach, Mixed Orchards - theatre workshops in schools concerning sustainability, Inclusive band-festival, production of hospice film concerning mortality of children, production and implemantation of the play "The Lout", advanced training for migrants main partners: Turkish Community in Baden-Württemberg e.V., Weißenburg e.V., Theatre Lokstoff! e.V., Youth Club Fellbach, Youth Federation Rems-Murr e.V., Youth Federation Stuttgart e.V.
Mission and Objectives

Kubus is the acronym for "Kultur und Begegnung für Menschen in unterschiedlichen Situtaionen" (=culture and encounter for people in different situations). Kubus e.V. has the task to bring together people with different social and life circumstances and to work in the field of diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to fullfill this task, we develop and implement projects for and with people with special needs, migrants, young people and artists. Lots of our projects are implemented by using theatre-pedagogic approaches.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Kubus e.V. is implementing projects together with a large number of different partners. So we do have good network contacts to other non-governmental institutions, important persons of public life, local politics and economy which could also contribute to the network. Furthermore the results of our work and the gained experiences could be disseminated among the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be part of the network in order to enrich our activities by working with international partners. It would be great to be able to have an exchange with other international network partners that are active in similar fields as we are. Maybe we could generate synergetic effects by working together with new partners. It would also be interesting to hear about other potential fields of activity with which we could complement our own work. The concrete reason for us to apply for a membership was our current work with the Youth Federation Stuttgart in the project "Youth Migration Council" which handles the effects of the Arab Spring on migrational behaviour of young people from Northern Africa and Arabia on the European societies. For this project we are searching (international) partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Frank Baumeister
Head of the organisation
Regine Vetter

Mediterranean Institute Berlin (MIB)

National Network

Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

+49 (0) 30 2093-1562
Telephone (other)
+49 (0) 30 2093 4352
+49 (0) 30 2093-4261
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 (0) 171 2849339
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The Mediterranean Institute Berlin (MIB) is a research unit affiliated to the Institute for Social Sciences (ISS) of Humboldt University Berlin and a member of the Humboldt Center for Social and Political Research (HCSP).
Mission and Objectives

The MIB's objective is to conduct pluri-disciplinary research on the Mediterranean Area in the fields of transformation processes, migration and mobility, energy and environment. The MIB's scientific approach is based on the idea to link Area Studies with the discipline of International Relations, and to link political science with political sociology in order to contribute to the interdisciplinary dynamics in the field of social sciences. Besides fundamental research, the MIB also conducts policy and action oriented research.

Main Projects / Activities

Research projects, publications, scientific and cultural exchange programs, university exchange programs, lecturing, organization of international conferences, seminars, workshops, consulting. Currently the MIB is amongst other activities, for example, an institutional partner in the research program "Entrepreneuriat transméditerranéen" (coordinated by IRMC Tunis/MMSH Aix-en-Provence, Sylvie Daviet), a member of the VW-research project "Hybrid Euro-Muslim Identity Models (HEYMAT)" at the HU Berlin, a participating member in the Jahresring's cultural project "On one side of the same water" (coordinator: Angelika Stepken) about contemporary artistic practice in the Mediterranean Area.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

participation in/and organization of events, conferences, seminars; publications; raising awareness for Euro-Mediterranean relations; contribute to the debate on different Euro-Mediterranean issues (e.g. migration and mobility, culture and politics).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The central area of analysis of the Mediterranean Institute Berlin is the Mediterranean Area, including the analysis of Euro-Mediterranean relations. The MIB believes that Euro-Mediterranean institutions and networks such as the ALF can contribute to a better cultural understanding and an intensified cooperation between European societies and the societies in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean. The ALF network can also contribute to a greater visibility of Euro-Mediterranean politics and cooperation activities. The MIB's director has been a founding member of the German ALF network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Isabel Schäfer
Head of the organisation
Dr. Isabel Schäfer
Contact (2) Full Name
Katja Kerstiens

Pädagogischer Austauschdienst der Kultusministerkonferenz (PAD)

National Network

Graurheindorfer Straße 157

+ 49 – 228 501-0
+49 – 228 501-333
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD) is the sole public organisation in Germany working on behalf of the Federal States to promote international exchange and cooperation in the school sector. The PAD is a department of the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (Kultusministerkonferenz). The Kultusministerkonferenz aims to further strengthen international cooperation in this sector. Thus, it is assuming responsibility for raising standards in the education sector and for safeguarding international mobility. School exchanges have an extremely positive impact on the quality of learning and learning environments. As a result of participating in exchanges and other collaborative schemes, individuals greatly develop their technical, linguistic and intercultural skills, as well as their personal skills. The PAD carries out its role in cooperation with the various states in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Auswärtiges Amt, the EU Commission and other national and international partners.
Mission and Objectives

The role of the PAD is to promote international exchange in the school sector, thus contributing to international understanding through dialogue and contacts and by supporting language learning initiatives and promoting German as a foreign language abroad.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Gottfried Böttger
Head of the organisation
Gottfried Böttger

Matters Human

National Network

22/11 Vincenti Buildings, Strait Street

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
The main structures of MH are the Annual General Meeting, the Executive Board (EB), Regional Coordinators and Project Teams in this order of precedence. Other sub-structures may be created according to the needs of the Executive Board by the Executive Board itself. (1) In accordance with its aims, the association shall organise a number of projects, activities, conferences, seminars, workshops, meetings, publications and debates; develop work plans and run campaigns. It shall also carry other activities conducive to the realisation of the same aims of the organisation. (2) The association shall also publish a periodical magazine, containing articles and contributions from members and partner organizations in the different geographical areas where it has a presence. (3) For such activities, the organisation may receive donations, sponsorships and other sorts of possible income.
Mission and Objectives

(1) The aims of MH shall be to promote capacity-building, and develop methods in which to empower grassroots to acquire and develop basic skills required for working within the community, thus fostering a sense of awareness, education and development in the areas of active citizenship, minority rights and equal rights for every human being, peace and stability, democracy, tolerance and cross-border cooperation
The association strives to achieve its purpose by developing external contacts with governmental and non-governmental as well as international organizations, and cooperating on the local, regional and international levels.
(2) The association seeks to achieve its purposes through the organisation of and participation in international and local events and projects, and in any other way that pursues the aims of the association in accordance with the present statute.
(3) MH shall be a democratic, non-profit making, non-political, non-racist and non-sexist organization.

Main Projects / Activities

Planned projects:
Different aspects of migration in Europe and the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Region – seminars, case study visits, publications, dissemination of results within and among international organisations, diplomats, academic circles, NGO leaders and grassroots bodies and, most importantly, follow-up site projects. Will take place in 3 European and 3 MENA countries.
Project about Youth Involvement in the Labour Market – in cooperation with the Students' Forum Initiative NGO from Bethlehem, Palestine, aims to study trends among young people in different MEDA societies, and follow up with concrete projects aimed at increasing youth involvement in the labour marker, empowering youths while involving all relevant national and regional stakeholders in the process.
Matters Human magazine – with opinions and analyses from different perspectives written by the team members, regional coordinators and external contributors from the the diplomatic and academic fields, as well as from civil society actors, from different parts of the world, to be distributed to as wide an audience as possible using both electronic and print media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna de Gaetano
Head of the organisation
Dr. Alistair de Gaetano

Anthropology and Philosophy of the Mediterranean

National Network

Freie Universität, Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin

+49 (0) 39 83853998
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Euro Mediterranean Research Network (PAER) Philosophies and anthropologies of Euro Mediterranean Region organised by Jacques Poulain (Paris), Fathi Triki (Tunis) and Christoph Wulf (Berlin), Moustapha Larissa, (Marrakech), Reyes Maté (Madrid), Mourad Wahba (Cairo)

Mission and Objectives

The basic principle of this network is that research focused on the acquisition and application of shared European and Mediterranean knowledge is the fundamental driving force of social and economic development in the Euro Mediterranean region, and that the intercultural dialogue issue is the most critical one for the consolidation of this geographical region. On such grounds, this network intends to set out the theoretical and practical bases for constructing an area of mutual recognition of the different European and Mediterranean cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

6 Conferences will be organised about the following topics. Enthusiasm, violence and rationalities around Mediterranean Region Artistic creativity and its insertion in the world Intercultural dialogue in the horizon of the enchantment of religions Exploring a citizenship of culture in the Euro Mediterranean region Gender and social issues in Euro Mediterranean cultural dialogue Ethical, philosophical and anthropological issues of Euromeditterranean transcultural dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Christoph Wulf, Freie Universität Berlin
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Christoph Wulf, Freie Universität Berlin
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Jacques Poulain, University of Paris 8

Radijojo World Children's Media Network

National Network

Träger der freien Jugendhilfe, Haus der Jugend, Storkower Str. 113 (B)
10407 Berlin

+49 (0) 30 239 788 77
+49 30 - 28 04 18 25
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Radijojo World Children's Radio Network (in brief: WCRN) is an initiative empowering children to use radio and internet as tools for global learning and cultural exchange. It cooperates with schools, community radios, education, youth and culture organisations worldwide. Partners are organizations like UNESCO, UNICEF, One Laptop Per Child, Pacifica Radio and the network of young producers within the Public Radio Exchange. Unfortunately, so far only our work in the Northern Hemisphere have found funding. All our activities in the South rely on voluntary work. Examples of programmes/projects: An interview with the UN messenger for Peace Jane Goodall, conducted by Mina (9) und Jonathan (13) with questions collected from kids from the Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, Thailand, Germany and the US. The Radijojo-series 'We are Discovering the World' explores how kids in Asia, Africa, South America actually live and establishes active partnerships between participating schools.
Mission and Objectives

WCRN transfers media based education to marginalized children. We see that the Right of Children Declaration does explicitly demand the support of international exchange between children, to enable them to inform themselves and to have access to child-friendly media is NOT fulfilled, not in one single country worldwide. Non-profit, educational and advertising-free media for children by children is not a “nice-to-have”. It is a must – and should therefore be well-established and sustainably financed by national governments, municipality and international organizations to end the constant violation of UN Children's Rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Thomas Rohlinger
Head of the organisation
Thomas Rohlinger
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefan Hopfgarten

StreetGriot Media Education

National Network

Boddinstrasse 42 c/o Karina Piersig

0049 17680571217
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
StreetGriot Media education is a non-profit organization with one full-time staff member and 3-4 education and media art specialists who work in our projects. We have a range of local partners and have been funded by the European Community, the Federal Agency for Political Education (Bundeszentrale fuer Politische Bildung), and the Berlin Senate for Youth and Families. Our annual budget varies according to the projects we are implementing but in the last years was somewhere between 10.000 and 60.000 Euros. We have implemented a range of media education projects and we have a focus on the development of innovative curricula that make use of the new media. We work in local schools, after-school and employment centers.
Mission and Objectives

StreetGriot Media Education offers courses and workshops in which youths find support for their creativity, autonomy, and courage to explore their own ideas. In our projects we create intercultural learning environments in which youths can pursue questions that are of importance to them. Children and youths in our projects work on topics that contribute to their understanding of who they are and the world in which they live, such as turning points in their lives, or political and social structures whose effects they experience in their daily lives. The basic principles of our curriculum are relevance to youths’ lives, active participation, and process orientation. In our projects we create space for applied and academic learning, for emotional and social development, and for youths’positive self-images and the assumption of responsibility on their way to adulthood. Video technology and digital media are our tools: Youths create their own film projects: they decide on and research content, acquire the necessary technological skills, and artistically express their ideas in the medium of film. They use the internet to research information on their film topics and make public interviews that they conduct in their own communities. They also use webquest learning environments designed by us to reflect on political and emotional topics such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Main Projects / Activities

In our courses we work on a wide range of topics which all have in common that they are oriented towards a diversity and social justice perspective. Topics addressed so far in our courses have included gender, identity, immigration, intergroup conflict, Islamophobia, and Anti-Semitism. Our basic media literacy curriculum scaffolds competencies in the areas of digital media, socio-emotional development, and language use. We come ready with our mobile media lab that includes digital cameras, microphones, tripods, and editing software, and we conduct workshops and classes tailored to each setting. Working with digital media in our projects includes more that mere “tech”-knowledge. Almost equally important are the acquisition and development of socio-emotional and language skills. In our courses on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict youths of different backgrounds have the opportunity to explore different perspectives on the conflicting parties, research information, give voice to their experiences and emotions, and understand the experiences and emotions of others. In orientation to other approaches in the field of Peace Education, this line of our work focuses on the youths’ exploration of knowledge, values, attitudes and behaviors that are necessary for a peaceful coexistence. In a series of different modules (e.g., video messages, webcasts) we focus on the critical analysis of the structural and emotional constellations that feed situations of intractable conflict, and which also influence the participants in our courses.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karina Piersig
Head of the organisation
Karina Piersig

Zentrum für Interkulturelle Studien Mainz - Center for Intercultural Studies Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

National Network

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
55099 Mainz

+49 (0)6131 392 32 35
+49 (0)6131 39-22886
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
General Information

The Center for Intercultural Studies-Interdisciplinary Research Platform at Mainz University, Germany, was founded in 1997. The Center aims at generating synergy between the many humanities and cultural studies disciplines at Mainz University. To date, a great number of intercultural and interdisciplinary research projects have been assisted. The projects promoted at present range from investigations into historical contacts between cultures through studies of cultural models conveyed by films to current European issues such as the social and cultural development of the younger generations of immigrant workers or the re-shaping of identities in the post-colonial age.

Mission and Objectives

Interculturality is a central theme of our times. The close proximity and coexistence of people from different cultures in a shared territory is what distinguishes modern societies; the problems and conflicts arising from this are on the agenda in both national and international politics. Close to 100 social scientists and other academics at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz are carrying out interdisciplinary research under the auspices of the Center for Intercultural Studies in various projects. The researchers are analyzing the changes in living conditions that result from emigration/immigration and are investigating the connections between science, politics, and ethnic minorities. In addition to this research, the Center for Intercultural Studies is active in making the various specializations of these focal research units public – in particular in the form of interdisciplinary events, continuous teacher training, guest lectureships, visiting professorships, and project presentations. One of the Center's main concerns is to find access to the public arena. It collaborates widely with partners in politics and the economy, culture, and society. In previous years, the Center has promoted more than sixty conferences, financed more than a dozen guest professorships and put on numerous public events with literary figures, artists and musicians in collaboration with cultural organizations, particularly here in Mainz. The Center endeavors to promote intercultural skills across cultures and to create suitable tools to make intercultural expertise available to its relevant practitioners.

Main Projects / Activities

Conferences Guest Lectures Publications

Contact (1) Full Name
Heike Spickermann M.A.
Head of the organisation
Prof. Anton Escher