Asociación Cultural Ritmos del Mundo

National Network

Carretera de Canillas 98 - 10ºA

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Our organization has a very short staff but a considerable number of volontier workers that collaborate with us in our projects. Budgetary resources of last year (2011) where over 60.000 €. Sources of funding: We have received funding from the Ministry of Culture and the Spanish Agency for Development, as well as the embassies from Spain in different countries such as Egypt, Siria and Morocco. We also raise money with concerts organized. Modalities of action: We work in the field of the performing arts, therefore we promote concert and dance events with artists from different countries. Main partners: Danzas del Mundo Co. (Madrid), Dani Pannullo Dancetheatre Co. (Madrid), Spanish Embassy in Egypt (Cairo).
Mission and Objectives

Promote inter-cultural collaboration in the field of the performing arts with particular attention to young and female audiences and foreing artists from the Mediterranean area.

Main Projects / Activities

We promote artists from Mediterranean origin in Spain and we organize a Mediterranean Hip-Hop Gathering in Cairo every year.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We work on the field of the performing arts promoting artists from the Mediterranean countries in Spain.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe the arts are the best way of bringing people together and bridge cultural differences. For the Arts diversity is an advantage. The Mediterranean is an incredibly rich basin of ancient cultures and we want to cooperate in bringing them together through the Arts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Nabal Aragón
Head of the organisation
Claudia Nabal Aragón
Contact (2) Full Name
Isabel Plá López

Asociación Euroacción

National Network

Calle Capitán Balaca, 12 - 2ºb - 30.003

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Euroaccion is formed by more than 80 members, most of them volunteers, and 5 staff employed. A Board formed by 3 people administrate the regular functioning plus a General Assembly that meets once per year to take very relevant decisions. Our budget for each year is about 155.000 Euros. Our sources of funding are EU programs, National calls from the Ministry of Labour, grants from the Regional authorities for Youth and private donors. The kind of projects we do are: long term trainings on HRE for young offenders, public staff in the prisons, social and youth workers, international seminars and training courses on HR's and on Democracy and Citizenship. We organize also European Voluntary Service projects. Our main partners are International Networks and Federations active at EU level, Council of Europe, Regional Authorities for Youth in Murcia, and NGO from all over Europe, South and Asia
Mission and Objectives

Our Aim is to fight agains social exclusion and Human Rights violations suffered by young people:
Our objectives are:
- to work on developing educational strategies in human rights education with young people and social inclusion
- to facilitate the exchange of experience and practice in human rights education with young people and those working in the field of social exclusion
- to promote human rights and human rights education
- to consolidate the experience that already exists when it comes to human rights education in the world
- to facilitate the contact with the Council of Europe and other institutions active in the field of human rights education
- to mainstream human rights education and social inclusion of young people at risk of exclusion in local, national and international policies, education and youth work practice
- to develop educational materials for young people in human rights education and social inclusion
- to support the development of innovative methodologies and approaches to human rights education & social inclusion with/of young people
- to give visibility to the network as the international umbrella organisation dealing with human rights education with and for young people

Main Projects / Activities

1. Long Term Project on capacity building and Human Rights Education for Young offenders and public staff in the Prison of Murcia (Spain) ( 2011 - 2013)
2. European Training courses on HRE with Young people and Social Inclusion (2010, 2011 & 2012 Editions) under YiA Programme.
3. Socio-therapheutic counseling for social excluded youth - in groups and individual level
4. European Voluntary Service hosting & sending projects (EVS)
5. Euro-Asian long term projects funded by YiA Programme to foster the international cooperation in the field of EVS a unnd HRE.
6. Campaigns about HRE and Youth
In terms of long-term project and multilateral cooperation projects, Euroacción has been partner in LdV Multilateral project called On the Job Market (2005-2007), and in a Multilateral Project within Grundtvig Programme, called Learning 2 Learn (2008 – 2010). Last but not least Euroaccion has the resources and the expertise in order to manage successfully projects and budgets that are over 400.000 Euros.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute through the implementation of joint projects (large scale and short term) at EU level and national level that we normally do but that with the support of Anna Lindh Foundation we could improve its impact and multiplying effect.
We will contribute with our work to the fulfillment of the mission and goals of Anna Lindh Foundation in Spain.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to strengthen efforts and synergies with other partners and networks in order to maximize the potential of our work in the field of HRE and social inclusion.
We also want to contribute with our expertise to the expansion and improvement of the quality of the projects funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicoleta Adriana Juglan
Head of the organisation
Diego Marín Romera
Contact (2) Full Name
Diego Marín Romera

Asociación Intercultural La Galería

National Network



E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Non for profit regional NGO, with a permanent staff of 4 persons, plus other part time contracted staff and some volunteers. Annual budget is provided by the sub - contracting of services by public administrations (national, regional and local level) plus grants obtained in EU, national, regional and local calls. Regional School for Outdoor Activities and Leisure Time Recognized entity for Unemployed People Vocational Training Courses (regional office - SEF) Currently involved in EU financed programmes with IT, EL, PT, EE, LT, BE, CZ, SK, HR, etc... plus other activities with Egyptian and Jordan partners.
Mission and Objectives

The aims of the institution are: Promoting Social, Cultural, Environmental and Occupational groups and social groups such as children, youth, women, seniors, and social groups singled out peculiarities or problems in general. The means to achieve these goals are based on the development of activities and programs of Social Education, Socio-Cultural, Environmental Promotion, Cultural and Occupational Training. Among the many and varied activities carried out aimed to highlight the training and education in the field of social entrepreneurship through courses, workshops, seminars, meetings, etc., In areas as diverse environmental education and outdoor or the revitalization of associations or training of animators.

Main Projects / Activities

Regional Training Courses for Director and Group leaders since 2004
Regional Vocational Training Courses for Unemployed People since 2006
Regional Training Courses in Women's Centres since 2007
Regional Activities in Environment, within the LEADER+ Initiative

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our human resources, experienced in the work with SALTO YOUTH EUROMED and with and Official Master in EU Studies, in process of obtaining the Doctorate. The Master Final work was based on The Alliance of Civizilizations and the Barcelona Treaty

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we have started enlarging our activities in the MEDA Region. We met the regional coordinator by Bulgaria in an activity in Egypt last month and we consider we can contribute in a high level to the ALF Network in Spain

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Asociación Juvenil Inter

National Network

Bda. La Granja, Plaza Ronda 16, 2ºC
Jerez de la Frontera

+34- 956 30 93 58
Mobile Phone
+34-651 08 77 56
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
1. Board of directors elected: president, secretary, treasurer, 2 members. Staff: 1 project manager full time & 3 youth workers part time, plus an indeterminate number of volunteers, because it's open to any youngster interested in participating in our activities. It has an informal network of European youth organisations, & it is considered a body active at European level. 2. Resources: 63.000€ for operational costs, 22.000€ for a seminar about volunteering, plus other projects expecting approval. 3. Sources: YiA programme, subaction 4.1. operational grant, members fees, public institutions. 4. Actions: Youth exchanges, seminars, youth initiatives, youth for democracy, mobility projects (EVS, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig) 5. Partners: Townhall of Jerez, House of Youth, local organisations like AFANAS de Jerez (for disabled people), other European youth organisations (The Society of Orestes (Grecia), HAIR (Romania), Informagiovani/Eurodesk (Italy), Young Steps (Turkey), etc)
Mission and Objectives

The organisation was created to promote values like peace, tolerance, respect towards oneself & others disregarding religion, origin, sex, etc, to put into contact youngsters with other cultures, to share traditions & learn from them.
- Foster tolerance & fighting against exclusion attitudes as xenophobia and racism;
- Promote equality, focusing on gender;
- Promote active participation of young people;
- Encourage intercultural learning;
- Environment awareness.
The target group is youngsters in general, but we give priority to disadvantaged young people (like handicapped, from rural isolated areas, early school leavers, unemployed, with economical or social difficulties)
We use non formal education/learning in order to develop youngsters' personal & professional competences, a methodology which can keep the interest and attention of young people, & at the same time can learn together, from a horizontal way, sharing experiences and knowledge; fostering the team decision-making.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2013
- Seminar to promote volunteering in Greece, approved by YiA.
- International youth initiative to create an alternative guide for disadvantaged urban areas, with Greece & Turkey.
- International youth for democracy project to know the origin of democracy, analyse the current situation & future, with Greece.
Past projects:
- Euromed Seminar “The place of women in the rural societies of the Mediterranean basin”, at Puget-Théniers, France 1-6 July 2006.
- 10th anniversary of Barcelona Declaration, meeting co-organised by the Egyptian National Coordination Office, Salto Youth Euro-Med RC & the Euro-Med Youth Platform Euromed Youth awards 12-16t Octuber 2005 at El Cairo.
- Seminar: Finding out the equality (as Organiser)21-28 April 2008
- Seminar: “Place and role of youth in the Union for the Mediterranean” at Malta (5th-11 July 2009). FZL Youth Seminar, YOUromed
- Seminar “Youth Against poverty” at Muş, Turkey (9–14July 2010). Anatolian European Culture & Advertising Association.
- Bilateral youth exchange: “Protect our Cultural & natural Heritage for the future generations”, at Sobrance, Slovak Republic, July 2000 (Association of Democratic Youth).
- Euromed Multilateral youth exchange: “Equality between all and for all” at Jerez, July 2003
- Multilateral youth exchange: “Express it, the body language a bridge between cultures” at Sanlúcar de Bda. (Spain) July 2003
-Multilateral youth exchange: Sociocultural integration. Jerez, July-August 2004
-Multilateral youth exchange: “Are we equal?” at Sanlúcar de Bda (Spain), July 2006
-Multilateral youth exchange: “Woman is our mother” at Muş, Turkey, 20 – 28June 2010.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are experienced in organising youth projects with/for youngsters, using non formal education as methodology that helps to achieve our/their aims.
We belong to an informal youth network in Europe because of the great number of projects we participated in or organised.
The staff & volunteers are eager to help other organisations to create projects within Youth in Action Programme, & assess on other youth programmes in Europe.
We will also give visibility to the Anna Lindh Foundation to youngsters, local organisations, local administrations & our network via Internet/facebook, so that it is better known & to give the possibility to participate in its projects in the future.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to create new projects & find new partners, especially to foster human rights, equal opportunities for all, & intercultural learning.
Until now, we tried to do projects within EUROMED quite unsucessfully, because it is difficult to find partners in the north of Africa and once we got them, it was not possible to get visa. So we hope to overcome these problems with the support of the foundation too.

Contact (1) Full Name

Associació cultural La Casa Egípcia

National Network



+34 93 544 50 92
Telephone (other)
+ 34 93 579 16 27
+34 93 579 18 97
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
628 328 961
Mobile Phone (other)
658 441 757
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Are an Cultutral Association formed by: President: Montserrat Berché Vice- president: Amr Hamed Secretary: Ricardo M. Lopez Treasurer: Felipe Martinez Two Vocals: Raquel Benito and Pilar Berché Already have partners. Our aim is to give to know the egyptian culture in differents fiels: Authors and Egyptian writers, Courses of Arab, Art and Ancient History.
Mission and Objectives

Others: Courses for boys and trips to Egypt to see and know of near the studied. Others trips for so much to level basic and specialized: Antropology, history, arqueologist.Try do agreeements with yours university for cultural exanges. Kinds of dance so much for boys and for adults and the "Day Of Egypt" in Barcelona and differents arts.

Main Projects / Activities

In the moment, these are some of the proyects that already are beginning to give form little to little.
oyther address of

Contact (1) Full Name
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Bon Pastor, 5 - 08021 Barcelona

93 240 23 84
Telephone (other)
93 393 37 40
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
L’Association RehabiMed est constituée une initiative qui représente dix années d’expérience d’un travail commun entre institutions et organisations provenant de plus de 40 pays Euro-méditerranéens. De fait, il s’agit de formaliser un réseau d’experts qui s’est constitué tout au long de ce travail commun et qui continu entre les pays du Nord et du Sud de la Méditerranée. Les membres fondateurs de l’Association sont la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya,le Col•legi d’Aparelladors, Arquitectes Tèchnics i Enginyers d’Edificació de Barcelona, et l’Ecole d’Avignon. Plus de 400 personnes appartiennent déjà à ce réseau. Les universités, les administrations publiques, les organisations non-gouvernementales…, tous experts dans la réhabilitation du patrimoine et de la revitalisation des centres historiques.
Mission and Objectives

L’objectif principal de l’Association est de promouvoir la réhabilitation durable du parc bâti et la revitalisation sociale et économique des centres historiques, tant en Europe que dans les pays méditerranéens en développement.
Pour atteindre cet objectif, RehabiMed : impulsera la recherche et la formation d’experts en réhabilitation, diffusera une méthodologie de travail multidisciplinaire, augmentera la capacité de gestion des administrations, contribuera à l’amélioration des conditions de vie de la population et stimulera la prise de conscience sur la préservation du patrimoine comme facteur de développement durable.

Main Projects / Activities

L’association RehabiMed a son siège à Barcelone et développe ses objectifs et ses activités dans tous les pays européens et méditerranéens, avec une claire vocation de projection mondiale par le biais de conventions de collaboration avec l’UNESCO.

Contact (1) Full Name
Xavier Casanovas i Boixereu
Head of the organisation
Xavier Casanovas i Boixereu
Contact (2) Full Name
Montserrat Casado Herrera

DEMA - Departament d'Estudis dels Medis Actuals

National Network

Trafalgar, 25 2n 2ª
08010 Barcelona

+34 933198184
+34 933107522
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We are an association with a small work structure (at the moment 3 people on time complete and 4 collaborators). DEMÀ has about 30 associates. Our main financing comes from public funds (EU, etc) supplemented by the associates' contributions. Our budget for 2007 it is of approximately 80,000€ At the moment we are working in three European projects on the role of the adults education in neighborhoods in urban remodeling; the preparation of a course about the improvement of the democracy participate at local level and about the activity and mobility in European level for elderly people. We also participate in diverse initiatives presented in EU.
Mission and Objectives

DEMÀ (DEPARTAMENT D’ESTUDIS DELS MEDIS ACTUALS) is a non-profit Association, founded in October 1998, that intends to work in several areas in adult education, particularly in the field of labour and social integration, training for trainers and the methodological research.
They are part of DEMÀ professional of diverse areas, such as consultants in formation, experts in design and programming of courses, sociologists, graphic designers and experts in new technologies of the communication, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Some European projects in that DEMÀ participates
CHAGAL. Curriculum Guidelines for access programmes into higher education for underrepresented adult learners (Wiener Universitäten. Austria); Web-site:
Community Centres promoting Sustainable Living (University of Malta. Malta); Web-site:
IPLD. Inclusive Practices for Learners with Disabilities (CKU. Poland) Web-site:
Strengthening Participative Democracy through Collaborative Learning. Grundtvig Training Courses. (Fritid & Samfund. Denmark)
“16+” (CESI. Bulgaria); Web-site:
Advocates of the people with disabilities (EuroEd. Romania). Web-site:
COMEDU-EU (Arbeit und Leben. Germany) Web-site:

Contact (1) Full Name
Joan Font Pérez
Head of the organisation
Ricard Martínez i Muntada.

ANUE - Associació per a les Nacions Unides d'Espanya

National Network

C/ Fontanella 14 1er 1ª 08010

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Directive Board (including presidency, secretary, vocals, treasurer and general director) Technical areas: Communication and Youth, Projects and research Administration Staff employed: 7 persons (plus interns) 2. Around 350.000 euros (depends of the sources of funding) 3. Parliament of Catalonia (Department of Well-being and Family and the Catalonian Agency of Cooperation to Development), Barcelona City Hall, Barcelona County Council, Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4. Human Rights Seminars Conferences, meetings about the topics and goals related with the UN Human Rights Courses UN Model Publications Campaigns Peace Prize 5. World Federation of United Nations (WFUNA) Catalan federations of NGOs working for peace, development and human rights, Spanish Federation for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights Observatory for Economic, Cultural and Social Rights Other NGO and institutional actors
Mission and Objectives

Work towards the achievement of the goals that the governments committed to in 1945: “promote the social progress and arise the standard of living within a wider concept of freedom”
Arise the awareness of the civil society on Human Rights
Spread the principles and aims of the UN Charter, as well as the work developed by the organization and its specialised organisms (OIT, FAO, UNESCO, UNICEF, PNUD...)

Main Projects / Activities

Human Rights Seminars
Seminars, conferences and meetings about important topics related with the UN
Human Rights Courses
Catalonia Model United Nations and other Youth related projects
Alliance of Civilizations (linked with the youth projects)
Publications: ANUE magazine (with articles about the UN, the world and our activities), dossiers about international conflicts, UN Agenda, and books about human rights and the UN.
Campaigns (Millennium Development Goals, UN International Years)
Peace Prize

Contact (1) Full Name
Àngels Mataró i Pau
Head of the organisation
Àngels Mataró i Pau
Contact (2) Full Name
Ariadna Quintero Valderrama


National Network


+34 91 279 54 80
Telephone (other)
+34 687 55 65 18
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Our Organization has the following structure: We have two Detpartments: Youth and International Cooperation. We have two employers and between 20-25 voluntaries. Our main partner is The Torrelodones Council. We hope to have a budgetary available this year about 200.000€ for our international cooperation in Senegal and UE Youth in Action Program Proyects. Proyects: LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN RUFISQUE SENEGAL (Build a School and Two more actions to get better the school children conditions giving what the need) Main partner involved: AECID (Spanish Agency of International Cooperation) COUNCILS OF TORRELODONES,VILLALBA AND MAJADAHONDA. ACTION FOR YOUTH: EVS (European Voluntary Service) Cultural Exchange trips for European youth. Raise Activities for young people like cine-fórums, seminars, etc.. Main Partner involved: Youth for Action Program from E.U, and Council of Torrelodones
Mission and Objectives

• To work for the equality of opportunities for everyone. • To get involved and cooperate in those geographic areas where need actions. That way we are encouraging the cooperation between the countries and people. • To make and stimulated actions to make aware of another realities in another areas to has the abilities and potencial to cooperate and learn about it. Also movility and voluntary like a way to learn and cooperate. • Hold about our mission and roll in each action that we make working from committment and the integrity.

Main Projects / Activities

Proyects: LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN RUFISQUE SENEGAL (Build a School and Two more actions to get better the school children conditions giving what the need) Main partner involved: AECID (Spanish Agency of International Cooperation) COUNCILS OF TORRELODONES,VILLALBA AND MAJADAHONDA. ACTION FOR YOUTH: EVS (European Voluntary Service) Cultural Exchange trips for European youth. Raise Activities for young people like cine-fórums, seminars, etc.. Main Partner involved: Youth for Action Program from E.U, and Council of Torrelodones you can see also our web site:

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

C/ Muntaner 340, 1º1ª
08021 Barcelona


(0034) 93 200 58 51
(0034) 93 241 39 01
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
AFAEMME is an Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen composed by a total of twenty-three Associations Members located in Albania, Algeria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Syria, Spain and Turkey. Its headquarters are located in Barcelona, Spain where 4 people are employed as permanent staff. We are a Platform of International Projects financed by International Institutions like the European Commission. For an optimal development of the projects we count on the collaboration of other Associations of Businesswomen and Gender Equality to foster the enterprise and economic objectives. We also organize seminaries, workshops and European conferences. Our key qualifications are being an European and Mediterranean Investigation Centre on Gender Equality and Business Issues and a European and Mediterranean Lobby Organization.
Mission and Objectives

Promote equality in work and improve the conditions for women in their socio-economic, technical and professional lives, eliminating all discrimination.
Promote the development of relations among Mediterranean Businesswomen.
Promote international cooperation with development directed at the integration of the principle of equal opportunities for men and women.
Contribute to the cultural development of Businesswomen and women in general, remaining conscious of its responsibilities of obtaining a large number of women who are in a position to carry out, wholly, the role incumbent on them.
Coordinate the individual efforts of the dispersed Associations and Federations of Mediterranean Businesswomen, connected to the advancement and progress, promoting common activities and projects which multiply the day to day activity and special tasks, overcoming isolation and strengthening solidarity.
Exercise influence on public opinion through work, campaigns and presentations to the authorities, with the objective of perfecting the legal, social and professional conditions of women.

Main Projects / Activities

2008/2009 - MED Franchise: The project tries to develop the participation of businesswomen organizations in the process of exchange of partnership initiatives by using the model of franchises as a tool of international cooperation, business exchange and Foreign Direct Investment towards the Mediterranean region.
2007/2008 - Raising the awareness of companies about combating gender stereotypes: Add Value, Break Stereotypes - AVBS: The project’s overall objective is to help private sector companies, in particular SMEs and in all sectors, to better understand the socio-economic benefits of combating gender stereotypes, and ultimately improve their ability to act and eliminate gender-based discrimination at the workplace.
Other projects: information can be provided upon request.

Contact (1) Full Name
María Helena de Felipe Lehtonen
Head of the organisation
María Helena de Felipe Lehtonen
Contact (2) Full Name
Paola Tatiana Horvath Soliz