Festival EtnoSur

National Network

Paseo de la Estación nº 49, 7ºA

+34 655676725
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
EtnoSur is a festival organized by the City Council of Alcala la Real and produced by Sokolo, equipo de gestión cultura. The number of employees during the festival is more than 150 people. It's sponsored by different gubernamental organizations and by the own festival profits.
Mission and Objectives

Show the word during the three days for all kind of public, doesn't matter ages, culture or taste.

Main Projects / Activities

The festival includes music, circus, workshops, literature mater classes, cinema, documentary video, slowfood, handcraft, theatre, dance, storytellers, conferences, expositions, NGO, exhibitions...

Contact (1) Full Name
Herminia Martínez García
Head of the organisation
Pedro Melguizo Jiménez

FIMAM - Foro de Investigadores Sobre el Mundo Árabe y Musulmán

National Network

Àrea de Dret Internacional Públic i RRII - Departament de Dret Públic - Edifici B, Despatx B3-115/2, - UAB - 08193 Bellaterra – Barcelona - Spain

+34 935812424
+34 935812065
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ángeles Ramírez (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Jordi Moreras (Researcher)

Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo

National Network

C/Charles Darwin, s/n. Pavillon Hassan II. Isla de la Cartuja.41.092
isla de la cartuja

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
2. Budgetary resources available in a year : - 3.000.000 € 3.Sources of funding: Junta de Andalucía (Andalous Governement) 4. Modality of actions : (concrete projects , exchanges , seminars , scholarships.) 5. Principal partners associated to the projects /activities of the organization : Sometimes there are other institutions which collaborate with us or we collaborates with them: - Carta Mediterránea - Ayuntamiento de Sevilla - Hommes de Parole - Universidades Españolas - Universidades Extranjeras - Copeam - Aeci - Ierem - Asociación Atlántica - Festival de Sevilla Entreculturas - Festival de cine de Tarifa - Centro Peres - Panorama Center - Netanya Academia Collage - Osce - Instituto Cervantes - Fride
Mission and Objectives

The promotion of the dialogue, peace and tolerance between people and Mediterranean cultures is the principle which guides the activities of the Foundation "Trois Cultures". Since the Foundation "Trois Cultures". We think that the culture is the best vehicle to promote the dialogue in a sociopolitical context of the Euro-Mediterranean region .
At the time when the confrontation and the particularism cause conflicts and situations of exclusion and marginalization , the foundation "Trois Cultures" of the Mediterranean had assumed the commitment of promoting the coexistence between the cultures and the religions by the means of mutual knowledge and the exchange of ideas and experiences able to encourage a connection between the Mediterranean people.

Main Projects / Activities

-National and international congress
- Concerts
-Book's presentation
-Árabic and Hebraic lessons
- Lessons done in collaboration with diferents universities either national or international

Contact (1) Full Name
Enrique Ojeda Vila
Head of the organisation
Enrique Ojeda Vila
Contact (2) Full Name
Catalina Bejarano Escobar

Fundación para la Promoción Social de la Cultura

National Network

c./Huertas, 71, 5ºD, 28014

+ 34 91 344 01 76
Telephone (other)
+ 34 91 344 15 49
+ 34 91 344 03 66
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Board of Trustees: 14 Members. Executive Commission : 6. Management: 23 persons Departments: Institutional Relations, Studies and Documentation, Project, Quality, Human Resource, Legal Services, Finances, Volunteer, Education, Awareness-Raising 2004: Total income:6.855.332,49 Euros Total expenditure: 9.707.223,48 Private (donations private sector, foundations, individual) Public (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation, European Commission, ministries) Implement development projects in Middle East, North Africa, Africa, South America, Europe and Asia. Organize public awareness campaigns, international seminars, and workshops. Publish studies Maintain the Euro Arab Network of NGO for development and Integration (READI) composed of 44 NGO from Euromed countries. Scholarships and cultural and educational activities. More than 65 local partners all over the world
Mission and Objectives

Proposes, in accordance with human dignity, respecting the cultural identity of peoples and social groups:
? To contribute to the eradication of poverty through sustainable and balanced human, economic and social development, stimulating the development of human capacities and strengthening civil society.
? To encourage education and professional training.
? To favour the promotion of women, increase their social participation, stimulate their access to decision-making.
? To support minorities encouraging cultural balance and contributing to peace.
? To encourage, promote and spread culture as a contribution to dialogue between different cultures.
? To contribute to the creation of a greater joint public consciousness in society.

Main Projects / Activities

It is Non-Governmental Organisation for Development and has the General Consultative Status of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations .
Since 1992, it has developed 197 projects in partnership with local NGO with private and public funds, in Middle East, Central and South America, North and Central Africa, Eastern Europe and Southern and Central America.
Specifically it has reached an important presence in Middle East and North Africa, with a total of 140 projects and programs in education, rural development, environment, water resources, institutional strengthening of civil society, promotion of democracy etc…
The main projects and activities are described in the web page http://www.fundacionfpsc.org

Contact (1) Full Name
Juan Kindelan, General director
Head of the organisation
Pilar Lara Alén, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Jumana Trad, Director Institutional Relations

Taller de Músics (de la Mediterrània)

National Network


34 93 443 43 46
34 93 329 72 11
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Taller de Músics is a private and non profit foundation. Dedicated to the diffusion, promotion and education of the music . The sources of finance come from the same students and government institutions. Organizing seminars, concerts.... At the moment there are no partners .
Mission and Objectives

Promotion and education of the modern and flamenco music

Main Projects / Activities

School, Seminars, cycles, festivals

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Fundación Española para la Innovación de la Artesanía

National Network

C/ Lagasca 134 1º dcha.
28006 Madrid

+34 915 610 262
Telephone (other)
+34 915 901 075
+34 915 633 788
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure: 1 head of Organization, 1 technical secretary, 6 technicians for projects and 1 maintenance worker. Budgetary resources: between 800.000-900.000€ per year Sources of funding: public and private sources Modalities of action: promotion actions, concrete projects, national and international seminars, scholarships, training programs, ... Main Partners involved: local, regional ans state public administration, professional craftsman associations, universities, ...
Mission and Objectives

To work towards the promotion, professionalization and development of small craft businesses within the framework of the public policies established at state level for SMEs, via programmes orientated towards innovation in the sector’s different spheres of activity.
The Foundation, together with local governing bodies and craftsmen, collaborates in the process of adapting to new situations as required by the market, encouraging research and training.
a. To revitalize the Spanish craft sector, both within Spain and abroad:
» As a sector of the economy.
» As a fundamental part of the cultural heritage of Spain’s villages and peoples.
b. To provide a meeting place and a channel for technical cooperation and information transfer between professionals in the CRAFT sector, thus contributing to research and improvement in processes, marketing, design and business management.
c. To boost INNOVATION as the sector's principal development tool, innovation being defined as the introduction of improvements and new elements in any area of craft-related business which are capable of contributing towards its reinforcement.

Main Projects / Activities

Work Areas
1- Promotion of Spanish Crafts at both national and international level.
2- Support for the Craft sector.
3- Collaboration in the implementation of public policies of benefit to the craft sector.
4- Coordination between public institutions and the different players involved in the sector.
5- Support for Research and Studies into CRAFTS, fomenting the structuring of the sector, and the establishment of programmes for the same.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Klecker Alonso de Celada
Head of the organisation
Mercedes Valcárcel Dueñas

Gantalcalá- Asociación Juvenil

National Network

Prof. Esteban Palacios, 7
Alcalá de Guadaíra

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Youth and education
General Information
GANTALCALÁ YOUTH ASSOCIATION is a European youth association which offers young people the opportunity to receive a non-formal education at a European level. GANTALCALÁ Youth Association originates from a desire to promote active European citizenship and the values of democracy, peace, intercultural understanding, gender equality, healthy life style and respect to the environment. Currently, the association has more than 250 members belonging to 8 European countries, across 19 regions as well as partnerships with other European youth associations, universities, high schools and local authorities. GANTALCALÁ Youth Association is becoming a reference in Europe counting so far with branches in: Spain, France, Belgium and the United Kingdom.
Mission and Objectives

To foster mutual understanding between young people from different countries;
To respect and promote cultural and linguistic diversity, while contributing to intercultural dialogue;
To promote young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular;
To develop a sense of European identity, based on common values, history and culture;
To promote gender equality amongst young people;
To promote the development of ICTs and language skills amongst young people as a manner of fostering mobility within the EU borders;
To promote a healthy life style amongst young people by fostering values such as respect to the environment, a balanced diet, and physical exercise.

Main Projects / Activities

At international level: GANTALCALÁ activities go beyond European Union borders, carrying out projects in neighbouring countries from the three regions of South West Europe, Eastern Europe and Caucasus, and MEDA countries.
At European level: GANTALCALÁ activities are mainly focus on the Youth in Action programme (2007-2013). From 6th-13th October 2007, GANTALCALÁ organised the first Youth Exchange in our home town, Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla. “Young Europeans´ Opportunities: a realistic research for a common development in the Youth frame” was the title given to the project of which the aims were: making people aware of their own opportunities and, after analysing each country situation, obtaining a Guide of Good Practices in the Youth frame.

Contact (1) Full Name
David Sanchez
Head of the organisation
David Sanchez
Contact (2) Full Name
Diana Kulikowski

Festival Puerta al Mediterráneo

National Network

Pl. de la Villa, 1
44400 Mora de Rubielos (Teruel)

0034-976 299 887
Telephone (other)
0034-976 392 933
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0034- 618124064
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Maker of projects your organization has in the presence of a director / coordinator, a project manager, counseling and studies; an administrative support person and two junior consultants. This is because, initially, the bulk of the activity other than consulting and project management require the outsourcing of services. The responsibility of both partners and will lie in the management and quality assurance. The annual budget for cultural management is around 1,800,000.00. Most of it is funded through contracts with governmental cultural management. Also through sponsorship, patronage and grants. The lines of action of our organization include project feasibility studies, cultural development projects, cultural events, cultural facilities management, trend studies and research projects.
Mission and Objectives

1. Our strength as a cultural industry, combining design, production and marketing of creative content of a cultural nature, is one of our organizational goals. 2. Analyze and interpret the reality of society itself, by responding to their problems, demands or cultural needs, thereby increasing their welfare. 3. Channel participation and inclusion of groups and individuals to jobs and cultural activities of their community, causing a transition from individual to social. 4. To assist with anticipatory function, to discover and highlight new needs or problems of society and raise a concern in the official ranks of those issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Organization of cultural events. Management of cultural spaces. Studies, trends, and advice on cultural matters.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We hope to contribute ideas once we know more in detail the activities of the Network Spain.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because considedramos helping to meet our objectives, and because we want to be complicit in the very objectives of the Network ALF. In particular some of our most historic "Festival of the Mediterranean Gate" starts this year a cultural action held in the other Afro-Asiatic shore.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Antonio Monzón
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Xarxa Internacional de Periodistes amb Visió de Gènere

National Network

Urgell, 104, sobre àtic, 08011 Barcelona

629 283 240
Telephone (other)
625 126 871
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information
More than 200 journalists and communicators from media and associations of women who want to communicate or inform about what women do. The International Network of Women Journalists and Communicators of Catalonia is integrated in the International Network of Journalists with a Gender Vision. We have organized or participated in the annual meetings of International Network of Women Journalists and Communicators, Estatal Network, Mediterrean Network and International Network of Journalists with a Gender Vision. Sources of founding: ICD (Catalan Institut for Women), Office for the Promotion of Peace and Human Rights (Generalitat de Catalunya), IEMed (European Institute of the Mediterranean). Main partners: Anna Lindh Foundation, 39 y más, ACISI, ACSUR Catalunya, Associació Cultural IBN Batuta, Associació Món Comunicació, Ca la dona, Cooperacció, Dones x dones, Entrepobles, Fundación Euroárabe: Un altavoz para el silencio, Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània, Marxa Mundial de les Dones, Ones de dones (a Ràdio Gràcia), UNESCOCAT, Ennaki, Nosotras en el mundo.
Mission and Objectives

To denunce the invisibility of the work made for the women, the feminization of poverty in the world, and the internacional denunce for the right to live in PEACE and without violences against women and against any person.
This objectives are achieved through the work of the journalists and other communicators members of the network.

Main Projects / Activities

I Meeting of Women Journalists of the Mediterranean: Journalists, Mediterranean and the future (Barcelona, december 1995). Edition of the book of this meeting.
Media covering of the Social Forum of the Mediterranean (Barcelona, june 2005)
II Meeting of Women Journalists of the Mediterranean: “Communicate with another sight: a bridge for the peace and the human rights” (Barcelona, october 2007). Presentation of the show “Women of South Mediterranean”
Meeting of women journalists of the Mediterranean 2008 “Having 20 years in the Mediterranean (Barcelona, February 2008)
Meeting of writers and intellectuals for the intercultural dialogue (Barcelona, may 2008). Elaboration of recommendations for the Euro-mediterranean Ministerial Conference of Culture celebrated in Athens may 2008.
Round table “Loudspeaker against gender violence” (Barcelona, may 2008)
Women, journalist and conflict in the Mediterranean in the IEMed (Barcelona, September 2008). Agenda and recommendations to give a gender vision in the information about countries in conflict in the Mediterranean
II Meeting of Women Journalists and Communicators of the Mediterranean (Marrakesh, october 2008).
Starting of the Newsletter “Women, journalists and conflict at the Mediterranean (November 2009)

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Ayora
Head of the organisation
Montserrat Minobis
Contact (2) Full Name
Marga Pont