Résonnance España

National Network

Craywinckel, 25 3º 2ª

0034 93 211 96 71
Telephone (other)
0034 663 90 34 25
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0034 663 90 34 25
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Elizabeth Sombart, pianiste au talent mondialement reconnu, a décidé, il y a plusieurs années, de consacrer bénévolement la plus grande partie de son temps « à porter la musique là où elle ne va pas » c'est-à-dire dans les hôpitaux, maisons de personnes âgées, prisons, etc... Elle a créé pour cela une Fondation appelée Résonnance, dont le siège est à Morges, en Suisse, avec un certain nombre de filiales... Résonnance España est l'une d'elles !
Mission and Objectives

Résonnance-España a pour but :
1.D'apporter la musique dans les lieux où elle n'est pas, les maisons de retraite, les hôpitaux, les prisons.
2.De créer l'école « Résonnance » afin de promouvoir la formation et le perfectionnement du piano. Ses spécificités sont :
•L'enseignement de la « pédagogie Résonnance » : connaissance de la phénoménologie musicale associée à la maîtrise du corps et de la respiration.
•L'absence d'examens et de compétition au sein de l'école.
•L'ouverture à toutes et à tous, sans considération d'âge, de nationalité, de milieu socioprofessionnel ou de niveau technique.
•La gratuité de l'enseignement.

Main Projects / Activities

Créer l'orchestre solidaire Résonnance pour « porter la musique là où elle ne va pas »

Contact (1) Full Name
Pilar Guarné

RESPECT Refugiados

National Network

Carrer Lleida 9, 3-1
Sant Adria de Besos, Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
RESPECT Refugiados is governed by a Board who defines the general guidelines of our work and set the priorities. The daily management is left to the Coordinator/Executive Manager who takes care of implementing RESPECT's strategy. We have also a training director which is in charge of our training programme. Our organization works mainly with volunteers and has one person employed. Our budgetary resources available in a year are aprox. 30000 euros. The sources of funding are public (EU, Council of Europe) and own resources (we give online training to development workers and volunteers). RESPECT acts mainly through concrete projects. We collaborate with organizations all over Europe and we have a few partners with whom we have collaborated in several projects (IMIR www.imir.de, CEIPES www.ceipes.org).
Mission and Objectives

RESPECT (Refugee Sponsorship Programme Enhancing Communities Together) Refugiados is an NGO working to raise awareness among international youth about refugees and refugees’ issues, encouraging activism and further empower refugee children and communities through letter and cultural exchange. We work also intensively in capacity building, increasing the skills and knowledge of local NGOs and volunteers in developing countries as well as creating booklets, leaflets and other PR materials that we distribute among schools and organisations all over Europe. We also prepare and give trainings to the humanitarian community through online courses on development cooperation, NGOs and refugee issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities are focused mainly on awareness raising, education (online trainings) and letter exchange. As part of our awareness raising campaign activities, our ongoing and concluded projects are: 1.Training on Psycho-Social Needs of Refugees -
The project aims to increase the quality for training activities on psycho-social needs of refugees by sharing knowledge and experiences and producing a website for dissemination among several European organizations. 2.Awareness Raising through Comic Books - The purpose of this project was to promote a multicultural society, tolerance and activism by spreading awareness in a fun way about refugees and refugee issues amongst European children, teenagers and young adults. A comic book dealing with different aspects of a refugee/asylum seeker’s life was prepared. 3.European youth training - In partnership with the Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation, we have launched a project focused on Youth European organizations aiming to provide high quality training courses on soft skills and management abilities for international projects. 4.European Awareness Raising Campaign on Refugees - This campaign has been taken place under the “All Different-All Equal” project from the Council of Europe, promoting social values and understanding among people and cultures. Together with our partners we have produced a very interesting material which explains children and youth, in general, about the reality of a refugee. Our online training programme consists in courses in NGO management, soft skills, becoming a professional trainer, conflict resolution, refugees and internally displaced persons, repatriation. Its aim is to help improve the knowledge and skills of NGOs staff to work in development cooperation and the humanitarian aid field. Our third main area of activity is the letter exchange programme, which consists in introducing classes of non-refugee students (from Europe) to a class of refugee students (especially from Africa) of similar age and academic level by pen-pal letter exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Camelia Cosma
Head of the organisation
Alejandro Gonzalez Garcia

SEEA - Sociedad Española de Estudios Árabes

National Network

Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585
08007 Barcelona

958 243 575
Telephone (other)
93 40 35 609
93 40 39 069
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
686 49 60 16
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Research
General Information
1. President: ALFONSO CARMONA GONZÁLEZ Vice-President: CELIA DEL MORAL MOLINA Treasurer: JUAN MARTOS QUESADA Secretary: MÒNICA RIUS Vice -Secretary: CARMEN RUIZ BRAVO-VILLASANTE Counselors: VICTORIA AGUILAR SEBASTIÁN and MARÍA DOLORES SERRANO-NIZA 2. see number 3 3. Quotes of members (3.000€) 4. Seminars, symposiums, awards. 5. Spanish Scholars specialised on Arabic Studies.
Mission and Objectives

The SEEA (Spanish Society for Arabic Studies) is a scientific society created in 1993 which brings together many professors and researchers interested in the development, promotion and diffusion of Arabic studies in Spain. Its main objectives are: to create a network in which members can exchange information; to promote scientific collaboration between members; to organize congresses, meetings and colloquies; to provide support for publications; and to provide training for young scholars.

Main Projects / Activities

The Society’s main activity is its annual symposium. The twelfth symposium was held last year in Barcelona. The SEEA’s General Assembly is held during the symposium.
The SEEA also promotes an annual award for young researchers, which is now in its seventh year.

Contact (1) Full Name
Celia del Moral
Head of the organisation
Alfonso Carmona
Contact (2) Full Name
Mònica Rius

Somni de Mico

National Network

c/.Roser, 10, 2-D

0034 605902177
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
"Sueño de Mono" works with a flexible structure depending on the projects and commissions. Our source of funding is basically the institutions and NGOs which approach us to develop porjects. Also, we work through subventions. Projects which involves photography, documentary, writing, mixed media and multimedia. Our main partner nowadays is the International Catalan Institute for Peace. In the past, there has been partners like Cordaid Holland and Commenius Project EU.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to find new ways to communicate and reflect about themes linked with interculturality, human rights and peace culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Awareness campaings, pedagogical documentaries, photo exhibitions, talks and educational material.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Fernández

Una más una

National Network

Blasco de Garay 1, 6ºA, 28015 Madrid (Spain)

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Una más una” are a couple of professionals in management and cultural production. We have experience in the cultural area, specific knowledge both nationally and internationally, and a group of professionals around us, forming “Una más una” community, including profiles of communication experts, heritage, theater, design, etc.
Mission and Objectives

• Support the development and monitoring of cultural policies, strategic plans, centre plans and museums projects.
• Advice on current regulations and legislation in cultural areas (intellectual property, export of goods, heritage, etc.
• Development of strategies for projects and Institutions on an international and national stage.
• Development of cultural patronage for private companies / Development of cultural sponsorships strategies for private companies.
• Diagnosis and localization of agents and cultural events both nationally and internationally. / Nationally as well internationally
• Strategic planning and operational lines, programs, projects or activities, referring the cultural policies and needs of the Institutions.
• Development of resources / tools, drafting and valuation of proposals and grants, related with cultural areas, new technologies and innovation.
• Development of evaluation and monitoring systems: cultural indicators.
• Design communication plans.
• Definition of financial plans and institutional relationships in the cultural area.
• Comprehensive management of exhibitions, concerts and shows, events such as musical, cinematographic, theatrical and artistic ones, from conceptualization, coordination, production, exhibition and distribution.
• Planning and management of national and international travelling exhibitions, theater and music tours, etc ...
• Coordination and publishing process.
• Development and instruction of educational trainings and workshops related to cultural projects.

Main Projects / Activities

MInistry of Education, Culture and Sports. Spain
Norway Embassy
Association of Historic Theatres in Europe (Iberia Route)
Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo
Spanish Cultural Centre in Guatemala
Universidad de Salamanca
International Forum “Cultural Industries”, Casablanca, Morocco
Madrid Design Festival
Miradas de Mujeres Festival 2012 (Madrid)
Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia
Exhibition “B sides of the history of video arte in Spain” (Korea, Thailand, Australia, Czech Republic)
Corretger5 Space (Barcelona)
Modernito Books.  Editorial
campo adentro_residencia de artistas (inland_ artists residences)

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Aláez
Head of the organisation
Irene Aláez
Contact (2) Full Name
Belén Gil

Fundación Yehudi Menuhin España

National Network

Avenida Ciudad de Barcelona, 53 1º Ext.Dcha
28007 Madrid


+34 91 534 01 43
+ 34 91 456 06 94
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+ 34 678 771 132
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 34 677 305 465
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
FYME Board is chaired by her Majesty Queen Sofia, and compsed by 11 members. President: Mr. Enrique Barón Crespo. FYME Structure: Permanent staff (10), hired artists (141), volunteers (249). Main funders are: European Union, Ministries of Education, Culture, Social Affairs and Health, International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation, Regional Governments, Local Governments, Spanish banks and saving banks, Universities and Private entities. FYME Activities: MUS-E Program, Art for coexistence-living together, Volunteering&Social participation, Show me Africa, Arts on stage, Form-arte (traing through arts) FYME is currently operating in 240 schools with over 40,000 students, within a network of more than 1,600 teachers and 200 artists.
Mission and Objectives

FYME’s objective is to promote Arts as essential elements for people’s intellectual, esthetic and social development, and favor the fully expression of our personality, the interaction of corporal, emotional and esthetic interaction. The artistic expression is a way to create new signs of ourselves and our relationship with the outside world. FYME’s objective is to enable people with different cultural backgrounds to strengthen their links, create a common culture, reinforcing their sense of belonging, contribute to the social integration of handicapped children and disadvantaged social strata, and develop social dynamics based on interdependence and cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

MUS-E: its aim is to teach arts at school hours in order to promote social, educational and cultural integration between children, prevent violence and racism, and favor tolerant attitudes as well as intercultural encounters, always bearing in mind the respect for diversity during the implementation of artistic sessions.
ARTS FOR COEXISTENCE: its purpose is the development of values of coexistence and respect that serve to promote social and cultural integration, as well as to prevent violence, xenophobia and exclusion, out of school hours.
SHOW ME AFRICA (construction and refurbishment of schools in Senegal)
SOCIAL PARTICIPATION & VOLUNTEERING: its aim is to educate, raise awareness and promote initiatives with special incidence in groups at risk of exclusion.
ARTS ON STAGE is a space to approach art to people not accustomed to attend performances and artistic events.
FORM-ARTE (ARTISTIC TRAINING PROGRAM) is aimed to create a training space using arts and the development of emotional intelligence.
Training and Evaluation are implemented throughout all programs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by raising awareness of the Anna Lindh Foundation through our Spanish network of contacts. More than 20,000 children; 125 schools; almost 2,000 teachers involved: tutors, teachers of music and physical education, coordinators and members of management teams; 141 artists; and around 250 volunteers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Spanish Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (FYME) follows the path marked by Yehudi Menuhin, the great violinist, humanist and pro-European. Throughout his life he was a strong advocate of education, human rights, rights of minorities, tolerance and cooperation between different people and cultures, as well as a tireless worker for peace. FYME shares its objectives and purposes with the Anna Lindh Foundation ones.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anabel Domínguez Contreras, Directora
Head of the organisation
Enrique Barón Crespo
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonio Merino Collantes

Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua

National Network

C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12 4º dcha

+34 976 76 15 72
Telephone (other)
+34 976 76 14 88
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The FNCA was born in 1998 with the organization of the 1st Iberian Congress on Water Management and Planning. The FNCA counts on around 100 members, most of them from the academic field. Its main structure is based on a board, with 14 founders from Spain and Portugal. Every year there is a general assembly in which the following year projects are approbed. Last year’s available resources were around 600.000 euros, coming mainly from the members instalments and public administration such the Environment Ministery. The principal actions are research, concrete projects, seminars, meetings and congresses. Our main partners are Bakeaz, Coagret, WWF/Adena, …
Mission and Objectives

The FNCA aims to satisfy ends of general interest, mainly of scientific carácter. Thus, it works on the promotion on I+D initiatives, education, cooperation for development, environment defense, or similars, always related to aspects on water management in its widest sense.
It does it by:
- research activities related to hidrological studies.
- Promoting technical training for professionals on water issues related to the new water culture
- Developing educational activities around the mentioned new water culture
- Promoting and developing cooperation projects, collaboration and studies exchanges
- Any other objective that supports the mentioned ones.

Main Projects / Activities

- Organization and/or sponsoring courses, seminars, conferences, …
- Preparation, edition, difussion and promotion of books, magazines, videos, etc related to the educational purposes of the FNCA
- Enterprise and institutional collaboration
- Library, documentation and batches of documents related to the object and activities done by the FNCA
- Awards and grants for studies or research
- Organization of the Iberian Congress on Water Planning and Management
- Creation and maintenance of an I+D network related to the FNCA objectives

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristina Monge
Head of the organisation
Pedro Arrojo Agudo
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Sánchez

Montenegrin Women's Lobby

National Network

Boska Popovica 15

020 669 158
Mobile Phone
069 454 606
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Strucure of organization: five activists Sources of funding:The Government of Montenegro Modalities of action: shelter for victims of trafficking, sos line for victims of trafficking, partner on the project "Monitoring situation of children returned from EU" Terre des hommes Foundation Hungary. Realised more then 30 porojects, and some of them are: ."Education in Women's Human Rights";International Round Table "Human trafficking"; International seminar "Sex.trafficking-modern slavery";International seminar "Sexual harassment at work, at school and the Faculty", Women leaders -program of training and study tours to the U.S. for future women leaders; Do you hear me?,, /Training of judges and prosecutors for a more humane attitude towards victims of trafficking/; Main partner: The National Office for Antitrafficking
Mission and Objectives

The mission of our organization is working on the gradual elimination of all forms of violence and discrimination against women and children and primarily work on trafficking prevention and education, assistance and support to victims of human trafficking in order to strengthen cooperation with institutions dealing with these issues.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activity of our organization is done through our two ongoing activities:
A. Shelter for victims of trafficking
Program Shelter for victims of human trafficking is being implemented since 2004 on the territory of Podgorica. Project funded by the Government of Montenegro
On the beneficiary, in addition to lodging and food, offering:
1.Medical assistance;
2.Individual and group psychological support;
3. Legal advice;
4.Assistance in contacting the family during their stay in the shelter;
5. Help in the formal and alternative education;
B. SOS line for victims of trafficking
The work of SOS-line funded by the Government of Montenegro
SOS - 24 hour line is available free of charge
The phone has a twofold purpose:
• the provision of preventive and educational information;
• providing support and assistance to (potential) victims of trafficking and their families;
Forms of assistance available to customers and (potential) victims of trafficking are:
• Information about the types of help and support that exist in Montenegro and abroad, as well as contacts of organizations dealing with trafficking and working directly with (potential) victims of trafficking;
• Legal assistance ie. full information regarding the status, rights and relevant laws and procedures;
• Psychological counseling;
• Medical Assistance;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution may include exchanging information and experiences,supporting various activities, initiating actions, working on joint projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is very important for us to be a part of this network in order to exchange information and experiences with other organisations and to improve our work with new projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aida Petrovic
Head of the organisation
Aida Petrovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Valentina Vlahovic

Municipality of Kotor

National Network

Stari grad 317, 85 330 Kotor

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Municipality of Kotor is a legal entity with rights and liabilities which are ascertained by the Constitution, by the Law, and by this Statute. Kotor, as an ancient city under UNESCO’s protection since 1979 is recognizable in the region and the world. Valuable cultural and historical heritage and natural features have contributed to the inscription of the old town of Kotor on the List of World Natural and Cultural Heritage. Boka Bay was named one of the twenty five most beautiful bays in the world whereas Kotor became a member of the Association of Walled cities of the Mediterranean. Over 60% of the monumental heritage of Montenegro is located on the territory of Kotor. The Municipality is represented and its interests are safeguarded by the Mayor. It has 172 employees. It's budget for the year 2013 is 14.500 000,00 € (http://www.cg.opstinakotor.org/images/stories/dokumenti/finansije_i_priv...). The Municipal property consists of mobile and immobile assets, funds, stocks and bonds, and other ownership rights, in accordance with the law. The Municipal property is managed and administrated by the Parliament. The Municipal Parliament can transfer the right of giving the property for rent and the right of selling mobile assets to competent local administrative organs, in accordance with special decision. The Decision to obtain assets, using planned funds from the municipal budget, is brought by the Mayor. The selling or the replacement of mobile and immobile assets owned by the Municipality, is being carried out in the form of proceedings and in the manner regulated by the law. Administrative organs from the Items 2, 3 and 4 are liable to manage and administrate the assets scrupulously, in accordance with the principles of good business performance, and in accordance with the law and this Statute.
Mission and Objectives

The Municipality of Kotor is a Territorial unit and a type of local self governance which acts with the aim of satisfying the needs of direct and common interest to local residents.
The Municipality initiates and develops economic, cultural and other cooperation with cities and municipalities in the country and abroad, in accordance with the law and this Statute
The Municipality autonomously performs the affairs of local self governance, which are of direct and common interest to the local residents, in accordance with the law and this Statute.
The Municipality adopts:
1) Development plans and programs;
2) The program of arranging the construction land;
3) Spatial and urbanistic plans;
4) The budget and the annual financial report;
5) Capital improvement plan and investment policies;
6) Plans and programs in certain administrative areas, in accordance with special laws;
7) The development and environment protection program.

Main Projects / Activities

Municipality of Kotor is member of several prestigious societies, associations and organizations which, aiming to promotion of European standards and values, gather cities with specific historical, geographical, sociological and cultural characteristics. For Municipality of Kotor, the most significant are memberships in the Organization of World Heritage Cities, International Association of Peace Messenger Cities, Association of Walled Cities of the Mediterranean, Organization of The Most Beautiful Bays in The World and The Association of Multiethnic Cities of Southeast Europe - PHILIA.
It is also a member of Adriatic Euroregion, South Adriatic Eurodistrict, Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities (Forum delle citta adriatiche e ioniche), Mediterranean Network cities - Mediterranean citadels

Contact (1) Full Name
Madalena Jovanović
Contact (2) Full Name
Tijana Čađenović

Family Development Association

National Network
00970 592 724972
Mobile Phone
00970 592 724972
Mobile Phone (other)
00970 592 724972
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Organization structure is chief of board of Family Development organization, and staff number Budgetary resource: NGOs and INGOs. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) concrete projects: Job creation for women and universities graduates. Exchange: locally with NGOs. Seminars and workshop: Related and partnership with organization. Main CRS, Mercy Corps, Aneara,Palestinian communication groups...ect.
Mission and Objectives

* To enable the Palestinian family to live in a safety environment.
* Vocational and technical training to students who are disabled and orphans.
* Giving lectures in ToT, communication skills.
* Health workshops for women and their children.

Main Projects / Activities

Mostly , the association has many projects including activities which are various in developing family as a whole via making fundraising in the the following :
* Palestinian Community Assistance Program ( PCAP .
* Gaza Emergency and Recovery Project
* Psychsocial Intervention Project for Palestinian Children and Parents - CAFOD.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Many ways to do that , as follows:
* face to face relationships.
* Technological methdos such as Facebook, Twitter, Radio, TV, and YOUTUBE.
holding workshops with peers and discuss activities ALF.
. Launching periodic meetings with members of Anna Lindha foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For many reasons as follows:
- To enhance the values of mutual cooperation.
- To promote the efficiency and effectiveness through making capacity of the organization.
to broaden the netting of the relations with Mediterranean see.
- To enrich the culture of dialogue among our organization locally, regionally and internationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Salah Keshta
Head of the organisation
Nisreen Alzaaneen