Perot - Društvo za sobivanje človeškega (The Perot Society for the Coexistence of Humanness)

National Network

Karlovška 19
1000 Ljubljana

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organization has around 20 active members, all volunteers, no employees. Due to its recent establishment, it has no funds yet. We plan to get funding from government and local authorities, donors and, to small extent, from the users of our activities. We are in the process of setting up a web page, creating presentation material, and making contact with possible partners. We organize group activities for children, adolescents and volunteers (short-term project groups, camps), long-term individual support for children and parents; training seminars, study groups and mentorship for volunteers; seminars for schoolteachers and parents.
Mission and Objectives

The central aim is implementation of group and pair activities, which are organized by a diverse (in age and occupation) community of highly motivated volunteers with the aim to support children and adolescents. There is considerable diversity among the children and adolescents as well. Our approach is to promote and explore this diversity, in order for the group and its members to subsist and grow. In the context of everyday activities and living together, often in natural habitat, we are exploring alternative ways of understanding individual mental and interpersonal patterns, as well as group dynamics. As the adults let their own vulnerability and fallibility show, a community is created in which the young are not instructed, but rather respected and led to see the growth of people of all ages and walks of life. Regular training activities aim to support the volunteers in their work and personal experience.

Main Projects / Activities

The group activities mainly take the form of camps, workshops, seminars and project groups. A major project is a sociotherapeutic (summer and winter) camp for children and adolescents with psychosocial problems. Membership in groups is assisted by regular individual support of a child or adolescent, as well as the volunteer. Mentorship, several study groups and team work promote and guarantee continuous orientation to research and learning about the practices which are being explored and developed.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasna Solarović
Head of the organisation
Jasna Solarović
Contact (2) Full Name
Manca Kaliman

Feminist Dialog

National Network

Feminist Dialog, Monbijougatan 17E, SE-211 53 Malmoe

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Feminist Dialog is a newly established NGO. The main goals are working for peace and gender equality both within Sweden also global, through dialog and sharing ideas within women right´s activist from different cultures and origins.
Mission and Objectives

Encourage dialog among women from different cultures and origins around questions regarding peace and gender equality.

Main Projects / Activities

Building a network among women rights activists from Middle Eastern countries for peace and gender equality, against militarization and religious fundamentalism. This project is in process and first meetings has taken place in Turkey together with other women organisations from the region.
Feminist Dialog is also planing to organize seminars and work shops in Sweden regarding women from different cultures and religions and their social participation and perspectives for social problems in cities like Malmö.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could contribute with our ideas, experiences and own network among women organisations in Middle East and Sweden.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being a part of ALF Network would help us to be a part of a larger network and we share the Anna Lindh Foundations goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sholeh Irani
Head of the organisation
Parvin Ardalan
Contact (2) Full Name
Parvin Ardalan

Individual Member - Matti KLINGE

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Research
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Matti KLINGE (Professeur, Dr. historien, essayiste)


National Network

building no 140 , alshalabi center wasfi altal street amman
Amman 11181

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
we are an organization established 2007 , we have board consist of 9 persons 7 persons are elected, 2 of them are students at university changed every year. Our resources are form members themselves and we get supporting from different companies case by case , this year we got fund from private company for one of our projects. We are very active in youth program and we are working in project for promoting concepts of tolerance and diversity between religions with 7 and ethnically background , we implemented 2 projects in Cyprus and then we moved to Lyon for another phase. We have very big network in Europe and inside Jordan , the main advantage for us that we established branches in each university here in Jordan so we could reach most of students in age between 18-25 who are studying at universities in very easy way
Mission and Objectives

SEEDS is Jordanian youth organisation aims to adopt all the late king Hussein legacy in working for peace, tolerance, diversity, democracy, human rights, antiracism, and many others issues. It runs by a board represent youth from different backgrounds and experiences. SEED aims: 1. To develop a spirit of citizenship among youth 2. To acquaint youth with their community’s situation including that of its individuals and various sectors in order to motivate them to provide appropriate services for the community 3. To provide opportunities for youth cognitive to actively take part in various experiences related to the international culture and its cultures 4. To enhance positive knowledge, attitudes and skills among youth that instills within them a sense of commitment to active participation in community service 5. To promote diversity and tolerance through youth 6. Promote peace culture and cultures dialogue 7. Enhance democracy life in Jordan through support youth participation in this life 8. Develop new module for Jordanian youth to reach new image for our future

Main Projects / Activities

we are developing youth voluntary service inside and outside jordan we design projects within universities in filed of leadership ,success skills , human rights we are partner in some project within europe

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we are ready to put all our experience in field of intercultural learning, interfaith dialogue, youth exchange, promote values within youth.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we are looking to get chance to be member within ALF family to be able to apply to your projects and to spread our experience and to get from other an experience

Contact (1) Full Name
Raed Gharib
Head of the organisation
Dr Ayman Awwad

Centre Jacques Berque

National Network

35, Avenue Tariq Ibn Ziyad, Hassan, 100000

212 (0)37 76 96 91
Telephone (other)
212 (0)37 76 96 92
212 (0)37 76 96 85
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
212 (0)65 03 14 328
Mobile Phone (other)
212 (0)66 63 73 14 83
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Fondé en 1991, le Centre Jacques-Berque (CJB) pour le développement des sciences humaines et sociales au Maroc est une Unité mixte des instituts français à l’étranger (UMIFRE). Cette unité associe une structure opérationnelle du Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), actuellement l’Unité de service et de recherche USR3136 , et un Institut français de recherche à l’étranger (IFRE) relevant de la Direction générale de la mondialisation du ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes représentée localement par le Service de coopération et d’action culturelle de l’Ambassade de France au Maroc.
Mission and Objectives

L’activité du CJB porte sur les sciences sociales du contemporain au Maroc et s’étend au Maghreb, avec un intérêt particulier pour la Mauritanie. Ses chercheurs conçoivent et mettent en place des programmes de recherche, organisent des séminaires, des colloques et des conférences. Le Centre accueille des chercheurs et des doctorants de diverses nationalités.
Son activité implique des partenariats forts avec des institutions marocaines qui s’inscrivent, pour les principaux, dans un cadre conventionnel. Elle implique aussi des partenariats avec des institutions d’enseignement et de recherche françaises, européennes et internationales.

Main Projects / Activities

La programmation scientifique s’organise autour de huit orientations de recherche mises en place progressivement depuis septembre 2010 :
• Dynamiques politiques et juridiques au Maghreb
• Mouvements migratoires et espaces transfrontaliers
• Pratiques culturelles et faits de langage
• Islam marocain et religions du Maghreb
• Observatoire de la Mauritanie contemporaine
• Questions de société
• Cognition et sciences sociales
• Archéologie et histoire

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean-Noël Ferrié
Head of the organisation
Baudouin Dupret
Contact (2) Full Name
Cédric Baylocq

Netzwerk Bildung und Religion e.V.

National Network

An der Schanz 2
50735 Pulheim / Köln

0049 2238 9588438
Telephone (other)
0049 2238 9588437
Mobile Phone
0049 157 71985082
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information

We are educators, professors of religion, theologians and clergy. As individuals and as a group, we are inspired by the ideals of democracy, justice, mutual cooperation, human dignity and moral education. To us, the work that we aspire to accomplish is not simply a job, but rather a calling. As we hail from diverse cultural backgrounds and religions, we are able to weave our experiences into a rich tapestry of ideas in which we complement and enrich each other’s work. As academics, we represent an array of disciplines whose individual concerns and research inform our individual contributions to the Network.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to effect a change in the world of education and create new educational perspectives that facilitate and promote co-existence, communication and mutual cooperation among people. In our opinion, religion – even in our postmodern world – needs to play an important role in this new educational paradigm. Our goals are:

- To create intercultural educational models to promote bilingualism.

- To create concepts and materials for cooperative religious education and have them adopted by the public school system

- To create and cultivate a wide network of inter-religious contacts

- To offer training and workshops for educators

- To participate in conferences to increase the Network’s reach and attract new members

Main Projects / Activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribulte the knowledge and experience of our competent team.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to work in cooperation with your organization in order to expand our possibilities in the area of intercultural and interreligious education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Canan Kalac
Head of the organisation
Canan Kalac

Catholic University College Limburg/Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg dept SAW

National Network

Agoralaan Gebouw B, bus 7, 3590 Diepenbeek

0032 11288270
0032 11288279
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0032 476217042
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. We are an university of professional education, university college called. The department is social-agogical work. We are situated in a rural area but we have an expertise in the training of social educators (university of professional education). The students are going to work with disabled people, with youth at risk and with immigrants. We have some students with special needs in our school (deaf student, student with spina bifida) and are focusing explicit to students with immigrant backgrounds. At this moment we have 3 adult immigrant students (in the adult Stuwerproject)and 9 immigrant students in the ordinary education. 2. We have a budget for university for about 6000 students and 600 staff members. In our department 700 students and 53 staff members 3. We receive funding from the national government ministry of education. 4. We have a lot of experience with European Grundtvig projecten
Mission and Objectives

Higher education (bachelor degree) for social educators.

Main Projects / Activities

University activities in training and education and in surveys and investigation about several topics i.c. multicultural topics
Ex: http://www.gelijkekansenhogeronderwijs.behttp://www.huwelijkenmigratie…

Contact (1) Full Name
Gerard Gielen
Head of the organisation
Dr. Joke Maes

Middle East and North Africa Research Group

National Network

Universiteitstraat 8
9000 Gent

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The MENARG is a multidisciplinary research group working within the Center for Third World Studies at Ghent University (Belgium). The MENARG is an independent research center as it is not affiliated with any political party. The MENARG’s independence inscribed in its statuses rests on the diversification of its public and private financing sources. Current MENARG staff includes 5 full time researchers. Partners include scientific institutions such as the Center for Islam in Europe, the Conflict Research Group as well as NGO’s (vzw. Vrede,…) and media groups (MO* Magazine). For an overview of activities see:
Mission and Objectives

• The pursuit of informed and rigorous inquiry into the forces shaping politics, economy, and society in the contemporary Arabo-Islamic world;
• Advancing knowledge about, and understanding of, the social and political challenges faced and posed by Muslim communities in Europe;
• Promoting scholarly publication of research related to these themes.
• The translation of specialist knowledge into policy recommendations, as well as into policy tools for governmental and non-governmental organizations;
• The design of courses and the development of educational materials for the general public.
• Promoting informed public understanding of salient issues through seminars, speaking engagements, and contributions to the media.

Main Projects / Activities

Current Research includes:
- Democratic transitions in the Middle East and North Africa. A comparative study of Morocco and Egypt.
- Globalism and the Problematization of Government in the MENA-region.
- The influence of transnational political mobilization on homeland conflicts.
Other themes of particular interest to MENARG affiliated researchers:
- Social movements and contentious politics (particularly Islamism);
- Conflict and political authority in the MENA-region;
- Discourses on islam worldwide and discourse analysis;
- Cities, “governance” and the politics of resistance in the MENA-region and its periphery.
The MENARG carries out research and consultancy, can act as a partner for research for NGOs, organizes seminars and lectures, informs the general public through participation in public debates and designs educational courses.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Sami Zemni
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Sami Zemni
Contact (2) Full Name
Koenraad Bogaert

IETM (international network for contemporary performing arts)

National Network

19, Square Sainctelette

+32 4 95230660
Telephone (other)
+32 2 201 0915
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1. a.i.s.b.l. under Belgian law. 4 full time staff + normally 2 – 3 trainees. Constantly works with partner organisations, estimated 60 people /year to create projects 2. +/- 450.000 through our own accountancy + 450.000 through partner organisations 3. Own income from memberships. EU (DGEAC), EU (MED or other programs: Employ Social etc). Dutch cultural ministry and ‘funds’. Flemish cultural ministry. European Cultural Foundation, HIVOS, Prins Claus, Soros, various foundations and other national and local public sources as per project. 4. Large and smaller conferences, person-exchanges, travel grants, publications (digital and print), training, lectures, assistance to newly forming partnerships and networks. 5. cultural associations, organizations and institutions dealing with contemporary performing arts, arts management, public funding for the arts, arts training. Networks. Local, national, regional, European, international. 6. See annual report 2005 and activity plan 2006 attached.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is:
To stimulate the quality, development and contexts of contemporary performing arts in a global environment by initiating and facilitating:
▪ Professional networking and communication
▪ The dynamic exchange of information
▪ Know-how transfer and presentations of examples of good practice
Our ambitions are:
To be visionary: to anticipate change affecting our sector, and be an actor in that change
To act politically: improve the conditions in which contemporary performing arts are made, diffused and appreciated
To work in solidarity: to be an agent for mobilising members to mutually strengthen one another through sharing and networking
To anticipate artistic tendencies and evolutions in contemporary performing arts.
To promote professionalism and excellence in contemporary performing arts
To support the dynamism of performing arts by catalysing international partnerships, exchanges, collaborations and knowledge transfer.

Main Projects / Activities

art forms): contemporary theatre, dance, music-theatre, interdisciplinary and multi-media performance and installation, innovative practices, workshops, residencies, co-productions tours. (our members) : Festivals, theatres, arts centers, production houses, service organizations, programmers, producers, documentation centers, public authorities on local, regional and national levels, other networks

Contact (1) Full Name
(Ms) Nan van Houte, Secretary General
Head of the organisation
(Ms) Nan van Houte, Secretary General
Contact (2) Full Name
(Ms) Milica Ilic, Administrator


National Network

98, rue Champ du Roi- 1040 Bruxelles
Bruxelles (1040)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
PRESENTATION GENERALE DU PROJET JORSALA Dans les années à venir, un groupe de citoyens européens partira du cœur de l’Europe pour ouvrir la route Jorsala, itinéraire pédestre transeuropéen qui reliera Bruxelles à Istanbul. Pendant 4 mois, cette marche citoyenne, pluriculturelle et non confessionnelle, rassemblera des personnes de toutes origines et de tous horizons autour d’un objectif commun : construire un espace de dialogue interculturel, susceptible de susciter à son tour la création de nouveaux espaces. Afin de préparer et de tester cette édition européenne, nous organiserons une première marche à plus petite échelle en avril 2012 reliant Bruxelles à Aix-la-Chapelle. A travers la marche, nous nous avons le désir d’aller au-delà de nos peurs, pour (re)trouver ce qui nous est commun ; ce qui, au-delà de toutes nos appartenances – culturelles, religieuses, sociales et autres – fait notre humanité profonde, donnant ainsi sens à nos existences, à nos différences et à nos échanges. Nous voulons ainsi nous engager sur la voie du dialogue, indispensable pour la construction d’une paix durable et d’un avenir serein. DE QUOI S’AGIRA-T-IL EXACTEMENT ? D’une marche reliant Bruxelles à Aix-la-Chapelle par les sentiers de « grande randonnée », du 31 mars au 11 avril 2012 (dates correspondant aux vacances de Pâques), ponctuée par différents petits évènements, ainsi qu’un évènement d’une plus grande envergure au départ de Bruxelles. Nous prévoyons un jour de repos à Liège. Nous ouvrirons la marche à un nombre limité de participants (environ 100), en veillant à relayer l’évènement auprès de populations diversifiées, par l’intermédiaire d’associations-relais. Les marcheurs parcourront entre 20 et 25 km par jour et seront accueillis par des collectivités locales. Les marcheurs seront aussi accompagnés d’un caméraman, filmant le quotidien de la marche, ce qui permettra d’alimenter quotidiennement le blog de la marche. Le soir, dans certaines communes, des animations seront prévues pour les marcheurs et les populations locales, visant à favoriser/installer le dialogue, la rencontre et plus largement un esprit de convivialité. Il s’agira de petits concerts par des artistes locaux ou d’autres régions, de conférences, d’activités de découverte historique et culturelle, de rencontres avec des associations locales, etc. Pour en savoir plus et collaborer Jorsala est porté et soutenu par la Fondation M, reconnue d’utilité publique, créée par l’homme d’affaires et mécène belge Pierre Moorkens. Contact • Sebastien de Fooz, initiateur du projet : Tel +32 473 852 014 • Marie Peltier, coordinatrice du projet : Tel +32 474 799 562 Projet Jorsala : 81, av. de Tervuren - B-1040 Bruxelles (Belgique) Tel +32 2 737 74 83 Parties prenantes du projet - L’organisation « Jorsala » - Les autorités publiques (communales, provinciales et régionales) - Les associations partenaires - Les bailleurs de fond
Mission and Objectives

Nous croyons :
- En l’importance de l’existence d’espaces de dialogue entre personnes et groupes humains qui n’ont pas l’occasion de se rencontrer ;
- Au besoin de l’être humain de vivre des expériences porteuses de sens pour fonder ses relations avec autrui ;
- En la dignité de la personne humaine au-delà de toutes ses appartenances.
Objectifs généraux
Le projet Jorsala entend :
- promouvoir un esprit ;
- être une source d’inspiration pour des actions individuelles et collectives ;
- mettre en lumière des initiatives portées par le même esprit.

Main Projects / Activities

D’une marche reliant Bruxelles à Aix-la-Chapelle par les sentiers de « grande randonnée », du 31 mars au 11 avril 2012 (dates correspondant aux vacances de Pâques), ponctuée par différents petits évènements, ainsi qu’un évènement d’une plus grande envergure au départ de Bruxelles. Nous prévoyons un jour de repos à Liège.
Nous ouvrirons la marche à un nombre limité de participants (environ 100), en veillant à relayer l’évènement auprès de populations diversifiées, par l’intermédiaire d’associations-relais. Les marcheurs parcourront entre 20 et 25 km par jour et seront accueillis par des collectivités locales.
Les marcheurs seront aussi accompagnés d’un caméraman, filmant le quotidien de la marche, ce qui permettra d’alimenter quotidiennement le blog de la marche.
Le soir, dans certaines communes, des animations seront prévues pour les marcheurs et les populations locales, visant à favoriser/installer le dialogue, la rencontre et plus largement un esprit de convivialité. Il s’agira de petits concerts par des artistes locaux ou d’autres régions, de conférences, d’activités de découverte historique et culturelle, de rencontres avec des associations locales, etc.
Choix des marcheurs
Nos 100 marcheurs sont issus de la diversité belge et ont été identifiés par l’intermédiaire d’associations de terrain représentatives de cette diversité.
Accompagnement de la marche
Les marcheurs seront accompagnés par des personnes formées par l’organisation Jorsala. Elles veilleront à installer et entretenir la dynamique de groupe, pour favoriser le dialogue et l’interaction entre les marcheurs.
31 mars : Bruxelles
2 avril : Leuven
7 avril : Liège
11 avril : Aix-la-Chapelle

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Le sentier que nous voulons tracer peut-être une mise en réseau "physique" des associations AL. De plus, la marche-relais entre Bxl et Istanbul qui initiera le sentier en 2014 peut constituer un projet porteur et fédérateur pour le réseau du FAL.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Dans la perspective du projet Jorsala 2014, sentier transeuropéen qui rejoindra Istanbul, nous voudrions nous mettre avec un ensemble d'associations le long du parcours.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sébastien de Fooz
Head of the organisation
Sébastien de Fooz
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan Devogelaere