Espace Magh

National Network

17 rue du Poinçon
1000 Bruxelles

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Centre culturel avec une équipe composée de 10 personnes. Contrat programme avec la Communauté française de 550.000€/an - 100.000€/an de la Ville de Bruxelles. Les financements nous viennent des pouvoirs publics belges. En tant que Centre culturel nous sommes amenés à travailler sur des projets concrets dans l'espace euro-méditerranéen touchant à l'artistique pur mais aussi à l'action culturelle (projet "Les chemins de la Mémoire" partenariat entre Maroc, France, Espagne et Espace Magh). Nos partenaires principaux : associations de terrain, artistes, écoles, centres culturels,
Mission and Objectives

• créer un espace de dialogue et d’échange, de formation et d’information, de libre pensée et d’expression citoyenne,
• œuvrer à la mise en place d’un centre communautaire maghrébin progressiste, humaniste et pluraliste, ayant pour objectif de contribuer au rayonnement des expressions culturelles, artistiques, intellectuelles et littéraires belgo-maghrébines,
• inscrire notre action dans une dynamique d’éducation permanente et de citoyenneté visant à l’éveil d’une conscience critique au sein de la communauté maghrébine,
• créer un forum ouvert à l’ensemble des acteurs sociaux aux prises avec les problématiques vécues par la population belgo-maghrébine dans l’espace public comme privé,
• œuvrer à l’amélioration de l’image des cultures du Maghreb en Belgique, en s’inscrivant dans une tradition laïque ouverte au dialogue, totalement indépendante, d’inspiration à la fois orientale et occidentale,
• viser à la reconnaissance des identités multiples des personnes issues des migrations maghrébines, qu’elles soient musulmanes ou non, berbères ou non, arabophones ou non, etc. L’association veille à développer un travail pédagogique, notamment auprès des médias, pour faire connaître cette diversité interne et combattre les représentations de cette communauté reposant sur des généralisations abusives,
• valoriser la créativité des citoyens d’origine maghrébine, tout en assurant la promotion du patrimoine culturel et linguistique maghrébin,
• œuvrer pour une plus grande solidarité avec les combats démocratiques des sociétés civiles du Maghreb et, en particulier, les combats ayant trait au respect des droits de l’homme, des libertés publiques, à la justice sociale et au développement durable et équitable, tout en étant indépendant d’un Etat, d’institutions ou de mouvements politiques, syndicaux ou sociaux, qu’ils soient nationaux ou étrangers,

Main Projects / Activities

L’Espace Magh propose des disciplines et des activités diverses qui interrogeront à la fois le sens et les formes dans un lieu pluridisciplinaire et contemporain :
- du Théâtre,
- du Cinéma,
- des Musiques,
- des Arts visuels,
- de la Danse,
- des Rencontres littéraires,
- des Conférences et des débats,
- des Lectures-spectacles,
- un Café-Théâtre,
- des Master-Classes,
- un Studio d’Artistes,
- des Rencontres festives
Autour de ce projet ambitieux et pour servir le public, L’Espace Magh veut mettre en place un réseau constitué :
- d’artistes associés : des artistes liés à la maison par une résidence, une création, une production ou un accompagnement de nos publics dans le cadre d’ateliers.
- des institutions associées : accueils des publics et soutiens logistiques
- d’écoles associées : accompagnement sur le long terme en matière de spectacles et de formations diverses proposées
- d’enseignants associés
- de spectateurs associés

Contact (1) Full Name
GHALLALE, Najib (directeur)
Head of the organisation
LAAOUEJ, Ahmed (président)/ GHALLALE, Najib (directeur)
Contact (2) Full Name
HIRCHI, Rachid, Cooordinateur de la Programmation

European Federation for Intercultural Learning

National Network

Avenue Roger Vandendriessche 18, 1150 Brussels

+32 (0) 2514 5250
Telephone (other)
+32 (0) 2514 5250
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
European Federation for Intercultural Learning (EFIL) is a service organisation that promotes synergies for all its 23 Member Organisations (non-governmental, not-for-profit volunteer organisations) in the field of youth exchanges, global education and intercultural learning. At the moment, EFIL has five full-time staff members, one EVS volunteer and one Leonardo da Vinci intern. The activities of the federation include lobbying, European project and programme co-ordination, training and partner development.
Mission and Objectives

EFIL’s overall objective is to contribute to peace and justice in a diverse world threatened by inequity and intolerance, by promoting intercultural understanding and sensitivity among European and other countries, organisations and citizens.
Specific objectives:
(1) Be a competent partner in Europe in the educational field, with substantial expertise and experience in intercultural learning .
(2) Actively help Members to operate within the European environment and to develop their organisations in order to ultimately support and implement the AFS Mission and Strategic Plan.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities of the federation include lobbying, European project and programme co-ordination, training of volunteers and volunteer trainers (who will have to train their volunteers networks at national and local levels – multiplying effect). EFIL also carries out activities aimed at developing intercultural learning and global education practices. The main activities of its Members are international youth exchanges and the development of educational methods and materials particularly aimed at reinforcing the non-formal education provided by mobility at the secondary school level as well as in the voluntary service sector.

Contact (1) Full Name
Izabela Jurzcik-Arnold, Director of Trainin, Projects and Programmes
Head of the organisation
Paul Claes
Contact (2) Full Name
Frini Ezunkpe, Executive Manager

Euromed Audiovisual Productions (EAP)

National Network

140 Avenue le Marinel
1040 Bruxelles


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Euromed Audiovisual Productions, EAP,, est une association sans but lucratif euro-méditerranéenne dont le siège se trouve à Bruxelles. Elle regroupe des journalistes, reporters, présentateurs, interprètes, traducteurs, cameramen, ingénieurs de son, ainsi que d’autres opérateurs audiovisuels. La mission principale de EAP est de mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires pour mobiliser les soutiens logistiques et financiers afin de permettre la réalisation du projet de création d’une chaîne de télévision, dénommée NISSA TV, qui sera entièrement dédiée aux femmes du bassin méditerranéen. Sources/ Commission Européenne, Copeam, Qatar Foundation, UNESCO, ... La mission principale de EAP est de mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires pour mobiliser les soutiens logistiques et financiers afin de permettre la réalisation du projet de création d’une chaîne de télévision, dénommée NISSA TV, qui sera entièrement dédiée aux femmes du bassin méditerranéen Sources/ Commission Européenne, Copeam, Qatar Foundation, UNESCO, ... Projet: lancement de NISSA TV
Mission and Objectives

En tant que seule, unique et officielle structure en charge de la réalisation du projet NISSA TV, EAP a pour mission principale de s’assurer que tous les soutiens logistiques et financiers sont réunis pour le lancement de NISSA TV.
Par ailleurs, EAP est fortement concernée par le rôle des femmes dans les médias. Dans ce sens, EAP soutient tout projet en accord avec ses objectifs, initié par ou pour les femmes du bassin méditerranéen. EAP promeut l’entrepreunariat des femmes en leur facilitant l’accès au secteur des médias.
Outre le lancement et la gestion du projet NISSA TV, EAP offre les services suivants :
• Production de courts et longs reportages TV ;
• Conception et réalisation d’émissions de télévision ;
• Production de documentaires et de contenus audiovisuels ;
• Traduction consécutive et simultanée ainsi que doublage et sous-titrage.

Main Projects / Activities

Création de NISSA TV, une télévision dédiée entièrement aux femmes euro- méditerranéennes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lila Lefèvre
Head of the organisation
Lila Lefèvre
Contact (2) Full Name
Elise Lignian

Centre de Culture Européenne

National Network

128 avenue des Cerisiers, 1200 Bruxelles

+32 2 734 06 99
Telephone (other)
+32 2 736 19 32
+32 2 736 19 32
Mobile Phone
+32 477 68 16 02
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
I. Association internationale sans but lucratif soutenue par l'UNESCO. Conseil d'Administration : 8 personnes - Comité directeur : 6 personnes - Comité scientifique : 70-90 (selon les projets développés). II. 27.000 € ou 70.000 € (intervention Commission européenne éventuelle). III. 1. service public fédéral de la politique scientifique belge ; 2. Ministère de la Culture de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles ; 3. Ministère de la région Bruxelles Capitale ; 4. Ministère de la région wallone, service de la politique scientifique ; 5. Fondations privées ; 6. Cotisations des membres ; 7. Commission de l'Union européenne par projets acceptés. IV. Coopérations internationales sur thématiques, organisation de cycles de conférences- débats, publications. V. Universités, bureaux d'études spécialisés en Belgique et à l'étranger.
Mission and Objectives

Elever et promouvoir le niveau de compétence des citoyens : élargir et affiner leur conscience historique et civique ; comprendre les mutations du monde contemporain
Développer et renforcer le processus de Barcelone en collaboration avec les pays du européens et nord-africains impliqués dans les travaux d'Alexandrie.
Elaborer un patrimoine culturel commun aux européens et aux pays riverains de la Méditerranée.

Main Projects / Activities

Conduire des travaux de recherche et intégrer les résultats dans des programmes de formation. Communication par les réseaux conventionnels (publications) et par les réseaux sociaux en ligne.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En insistant sur l'indispensable ancrage historique comme dynamique particulière et en intégrant nos travaux dans un cadre plus général, le C.C.E. apporte au réseau belge une dimension nouvelle et importante à la coopération euro-méditerranéenne.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le Centre accorde une importance particulière à l'ancrage historique de ses formations et s'est donc intéressé, dès ses premiers travaux, à l'espace méditerranéen, berceau de la culture européenne. Par ailleurs, notre dernier cycle en cours, L'Europe en dialogue avec le monde au XXIème siècle, a consacré une année académique aux rapports de l'Europe avec ses voisins : Balkans, couloir syro-palestinien, Turquie, Afrique du nord.
Par ailleurs, les travaux du Centre portent depuis plusieurs années sur le phénomène migratoire qui concerne au premier chef les pays du pourtour de la Méditerranée.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Maître Spyros PAPPAS / Professeur Marine IMBERECHTS
Contact (2) Full Name

UNICA, Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe

National Network

UNICA a.i.s.b.l.c/°University Foundationrue d'Egmont, 11B-1000 BrusselsBelgium
1000 Brussels

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

UNICA is a network of 42 comprehensive universities from the capital cities of Europe (further information on the partners are available at: with a combined strength of over 120,000 staff and 1,500,000 students. UNICA members are located in more that 30 European countries. Structure: General Assembly; Steering Committee; International Relations Officers; Working Groups. UNICA Secretariat is located in Brussels. It is composed of the Secretary General, two assistants and 1 or 2 trainees The main source of funding is the annual membership fees: € 250.000 (2009). UNICA is also coordinator of several EC-funded Projects (see document in attachment).

Mission and Objectives

UNICA has developed a goal oriented approach aiming at: - Promoting academic excellence, integration and co-operation between member universities. - Being a driving force in the development of the Bologna process. - Facilitating the integration of universities from Central and Eastern Europe into the European Higher Education Area. - Implementing Diversity and Equality policies. The UNICA Mission Statement on Equal Opportunities that was first signed in 2000 (on the occasion of 10th Anniversary of UNICA, see: All UNICA Universities in the Capital Cities of Europe committed to democratic values pledge themselves to the implementation of policies, procedures and practices which do not discriminate on grounds of gender, marital status, age, disability, colour, ethnic origin, religious belief or sexual orientation.

Main Projects / Activities

UNICA organizes seminars, conferences, meetings, develops projects, etc. in the following 5 clusters of activities: - Internationalization an mobility - Education - Research and Development - Policy and Strategy - Mission and Link with Society For further information, visit: UNICA is also coordinator of several EC-funded Projects (see document in attachment and In the field of Equal Opportunities, UNICA organizes workshops for the equal opportunities officers from the member universities to share good practices. Further information on these workshops is available on the UNICA website ( A document on “Minimum Standards for Disable Persons” was presented at the General Assembly in November 2008 and adopted by the UNICA member Universities as a recommendation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kris Dejonckheere, UNICA Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Stavros A. Zenios, UNICA President and Rector of the University of Cyprus
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Brossico

CISMOC (Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Etude de l’Islam dans le Monde Contemporain – Université catholique de Louvain)

National Network

Place Montesquieu 1 bte 1,
1348, Louvain-la-Neuve

010 / 47 42 51
Telephone (other)
010 / 47 42 40
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Structure d’organisation. Le Cismoc est un réseau de chercheurs/enseignants qui réalisent au moins une partie de leurs travaux sur l’islam contemporain. Ces chercheurs appartiennent à des disciplines différentes : anthropologie, sociologie, sciences politiques, histoire, droit. Le Cismoc est composé de membres effectifs et de membres associés. Il est dirigé par un comité directeur. 2. Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles. Le Cismoc utilise les moyens en locaux et équipement mis à sa disposition par le département des sciences politiques et sociales de l’UCL. Il dispose en plus d’un budget ordinaire de fonctionnement d’environ 15.000 euro par an. En plus des 9 académiques membres du Cismoc, qui sont partie des membres effectifs, il y 4 doctorants et un chercheur post-doctorant. 3. Financements : Le Cismoc fonctionne sur des fonds propres financés par des instances de recherche internes à l’UCL, le Fonds national de la recherche scientifique (Belgique), d‘autres sources publiques et privées de recherche..
Mission and Objectives

Le Cismoc concentre ses activités sur les transformations et le devenir de l’islam et des musulmans. Il constitue un réseau qui « polarise » les recherches dans ce domaine : il vise à promouvoir les activités de recherche et contextuelles à l’Université catholique de Louvain, en valorisant, en s’appuyant et en faisant converger les ressources existantes, disséminées dans plusieurs départements et disciplines.
Le programme des années 2007-2010 se focalise sur le thème des « constructions identitaires dans le monde musulman contemporain : discours, acteurs, relations ».

Main Projects / Activities

- Promouvoir des activités de recherche (doctorats, entre autres)
- Promouvoir des initiatives scientifiques conjointes (séminaire de recherche, publications, colloques scientifiques)
- Participation à des réseaux de chercheurs au niveau international
- Soutien d’une formation continue en « sciences religieuses : islam » (une expérience de formation académique de l’islam, envisagée dans un contexte pluraliste : professeurs et étudiants).

Contact (1) Full Name
Brigitte Maréchal
Head of the organisation
Felice Dassetto
Contact (2) Full Name
Felice Dassetto

EuroArab Forum asbl

National Network

Rue de Savoie, 50
1000 Brussels

0032 485 970 737
Telephone (other)
0032 499 629509
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The EuroArab Forum (EAF)is registered as an asbl in Belgium. Its board consists of 6 people while its core team comprises 10 people who organize on a volunteering basis the activities of the EAF. The EAF is financially self-sustaining through its membership fees. For specific projects EAF seeks cooperation and funding with other organisations.

Mission and Objectives

The vision is to establish a regular and sustained exchange forum in Brussels on relations between Europe and the Arab World. The “EuroArab Forum” will follow a multi-disciplinary approach that includes political, cultural, religious, sociological, psychological, economical and other perspectives of analysis.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Monthly debate about topics relevant to EuroArab relations. The EuroArab Forum Series is organised by the core team members. The EuroArab Forum provides an open, off-the-record discussion forum which features guest speakers on a variety of topics. 2. Participating as speakers and participants in conferences in EAF's field of relevance. 3. Be contact and information point in Brussels for people interested in EuroArab relations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olaf Deussen
Head of the organisation
Olaf Deussen
Contact (2) Full Name
Johan Vrintis

Institute for Research on Civilizations, Tischner European University in Kraków (Instytut Badań nad Cywilizacjami, Europejska Wyższa Szkoła im. ks. Tischnera w Krakowie)

National Network

11 Westerplatte st

0048 606 809 037
Telephone (other)
0048 602 434 907
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Institute for Research on Civilizations (IRC) is a student organization. It is divided into three departments of which each one is run by a person interested in particular region. IRC receives small funds from Tischner European University where most of its members study or studied. Thus, IRC members work on a voluntary basis unless IRC projects are co-funded by another organization. In majority of cases the Institute runs Polish governmental development aid programmes. On average every year we complete 2 such programmes that total value is approximately $120.000. Usually IRC cooperates with foreign organizations that are focused on promoting and development of democratic values. Among such organizations we would name Liberty Institute in Tbilisi, An-Najah University in Nablus, Palestinian Vision Organization from Jerusalem and Leaders Organization form Ramallah.The Institute has its legal status. It is governed by the body of all members who elect the director from among themselves. Institute is divided into departments (East, Middle East, Africa). The institution cooperates with Tischner European University. The budgetary resources depend strictly on Tischner European University and the grants given by donors. Therefore the resources available in the budget varies. usually we coordinate 2 - 3 governmental projects worth approximately $220.000 Although it is not a rule, our main source of funding is the Moinistry of Foreign Affairs of Poland.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of our organization depends mostly on its members' area of interest. As for the time being we would mention wide promotion of intercultural dialogue, involvement in development aid programmes, especially those concerning promotion of civil society, development of sport and free press.
The Institute is specialized in conducting trainings, international study trips, research on geopolitics and creating long term diplomatic network aimed at the support of civil society in developing countries. Our mission is focused mainly on promotion and development of democratic ideas and civil society. To achieve such goals we organize together with our partner organizations study trips, journalists competitions, conferences, and workshops. These activities are aimed mainly at youth. Our objective is to include broad range of participants so that our activities are not exclusive and attract people from different backgrounds.

Main Projects / Activities

The Institute organized also others many globalization academic workshops, debates, and
events such as promotion of knowledge about Tibet, Malaysia, Iran or situation of
immigrants in Poland. Members of Institute participated in many international events
and gained professional experience inter alia in United States (UN), Israel/Palestine and Asia. Another form of activity is holding artistic, photographic exhibitions and
multimedia projections. The institute is also a think-tank – it already published
multilingual (so far in Polish, English and Russian languages) reports on international
Civil Caucasus - a development aid programme focused on research on civil society in Georgia after the revolution. It was conducted in cooperation with Liberty Institute in Tbilisi. The programme included study trips of both Georgian and Polish students to Georgia and Poland.
Civil Palestine - also a development aid programme. Its aim was to promote the idea of civil society in Palestinian Autonomy. It consisted of several workshops, conference, and creation of wide spread net of specialists that worked with youth in various Palestinian cities and villages
Fencers for Palestine - this project focuses on development of sport (fencing) in Palestinian Autonomy. Together with Palestinian Fencing Federation we worked on improvemrnt of skills of Palestinian coaching personnel, usage of equipment and promotion of fencing in schools. According to the Ministry of Sports and Youth, the best development project in its category.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michał Futyra
Head of the organisation
Krzysztof Gurba
Contact (2) Full Name
Michał Futyra

72 Hour Urban Action

National Network

70 Hayarkon St.

+972-54- 4808438
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
72 Hour Urban Action is the founding body of the world's first real-time architecture competition. The inaugural event took place during the Bat-Yam Biennale of Landscape Architecture in 2010 to much acclaimed success. The event and network of professionals are ran by co-directors Arch. Kerem Halbrecht and Cultural Planner Gilly Karjevsky. Events are funded on a local level and per need by local government. The event drew 122 participants from 20 countries and created a vast network of like-minded urban dwellers with a passion for action.
Mission and Objectives

Beyond the production of our core event we are travelling to partner cities during 2011 to hold a series of talks, workshops and meetings that present the project and its subversive mode of urban action. Projects values and issues are discussed in an open debate about the potential of this competition. These values have been established through a unique international network of architects and designers committed to research and challenge the main goals in the heart of the event:
Encourage affirmative action in space.
Motivate independent urban entrepreneurship.
Change public perception towards public space.
Redefine the relationship between local government, local residents and the general public.

Main Projects / Activities

72 Hour Urban Action is a rapid architecture and design festival. Under the constraints of a tight schedule, limited budget and a defined site selected teams are given three days and nights to design and build projects in the public realm, in response to local needs.
72 Hour Urban Action's inaugural event took place at the 2010 Bat-Yam Biennale of Landscape Urbanism and was sponsored by the city of Bat-Yam. 122 participants from 19 countries arrived at their own expense to the city of Bat-Yam to work and create projects in collaboration with local authority and residents. The event got international exposure in various media and was celebrated on the pages of the New-York Times.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gilly Karjevsky
Contact (2) Full Name
Kerem Halbrecht

PeacePlayers International - Middle East

National Network

PO Box 29695, Tel Aviv, 61296, Israel
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Established in 2001, PeacePlayers International (PPI) is non-profit organization that uses the game of basketball to unite, educate and inspire young people in divided communities, based on the premise that children who play together can learn to live together. Since its launch in 2001, PeacePlayers International has worked with approximately 59,000 children in Israel and the West Bank, Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Cyprus. In all of its bases, PPI uses the language and unique dynamic of basketball to break down seemingly insurmountable barriers. PeacePlayers International – Middle East (PPI – ME) uses the game of basketball to facilitate positive relations and peaceful coexistence between Israeli and Palestinian communities – in short, to bridge divides, change perceptions, and develop leaders who will advocate for a shared future. Since 2005, PPI – ME has served over 6,500 children and employed more than 80 coaches. Our programs, which currently operate in the Jerusalem area, and the center and north of Israel, provide a long-term structured framework for interaction, using basketball as a unique tool that helps establish a common goal for all participants, regardless of their backgrounds. In order to serve this goal, PPI – ME has developed a groundbreaking peace-building curriculum together with global conflict resolution consultancy the Arbinger Institute. Using a combination of interactive activities and guided discussion, this curriculum provides players with concrete tools for overcoming conflict in their daily lives, ensuring that gains made on the court extend far beyond it. In addition to peace-building, PPI - ME works to empower marginalized populations, such as new immigrants and impoverished youth, by offering them a warm community and a tangible platform for success. We also teach life skills and train our participants to become tomorrow's leaders. A large percentage of our participants come from families living under the poverty line, and we work to help them create a different future for themselves. PPI – ME also uses the game of basketball to empower young women in Israel. Sports have been associated with better physical and emotional health among teens. Among young women, in particular, athletic activity has also been found to be linked to academic excellence and future professional success. Recognizing the tremendous benefit sports can have for teenage girls, PPI – ME actively drafts young women. In fact, more than 50% of our participants are female.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: To Bridge Divides, Change Perceptions, and Develop Leaders
Overall Objectives: To develop mutual, trust and cross-community cooperation between Palestinian and Israeli young people and their communities, cultivating grassroots support for a just and lasting peace.
Specific Objectives:
• To improve inter-group attitudes and decrease stereotyping and prejudice among Palestinian and Israeli children and youth;
• To provide additional recreational and educational opportunities to girls, the underprivileged, and minorities;
• To cultivate capable youth advocates for peace and trained young adult facilitators, particularly in marginalized communities;
• To promote the adoption of policies that support equal opportunity, especially in the sporting and educational spheres.

Main Projects / Activities

The “Twinned Basketball Clubs” (TBC) program is a network of joint basketball clubs that offers Palestinian and Israeli young people, ages 6 to 15, a year-round opportunity for structured, fun co-existence in a safe and supportive environment. Children participate in twice-weekly basketball and peace education activities with peers from their own cultural group. These activities, which are designed to prepare children for positive, effective joint encounters, culminate in “Twinning” sessions, in which Palestinian and Israeli youth unite for practices, games and further instruction in PPI’s unique Peace Education Curriculum. Twinnings initially occur at least twice each month, and accelerate over time as players become more comfortable with co-existence. In addition to these encounters, participants also take part in supplementary events such as biannual tournaments and an annual Peace Education retreat.
Most participants will twin with the same children for a period of several years, allowing players to form close friendships that transcend communal divides. All activities in the TBC draw on PPI – ME’s hands-on Peace Education Curriculum, developed in conjunction with the Arbinger Institute. Using a combination of interactive activities and guided discussion, the curriculum provides players with concrete tools for transforming conflict in their daily lives, ensuring that gains made on the court extend far beyond it.
Ideally, children begin the program at the age of 6 and continue until the age of 15, when they have the opportunity to join the Leadership Development Program.
Leadership Development Program (LDP): PPI – ME aims to cultivate a cadre of young leaders who graduate to PPI – ME’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) and subsequently become the coaches and leaders of the program in their local communities. At the age of 15, TBC participants have the opportunity to join the LDP. With personal commitment and dedication, every young participant in the TBC can graduate and move on to become a leader of the program in the LDP. After experiencing the benefits of cooperation, leadership, and teamwork firsthand, LDP participants are encouraged to give back to their society by mentoring children and working to promote the wellbeing of the community. This cyclical nature is deliberate; youth grow through the program and become equipped with the skills and knowledge to help others grow in turn. This sense of investment and continuity creates a strong connection to civil society.
Single Identity (SI) Program: The SI Program uses the game of basketball to teach leadership and life skills to socio-economically disadvantaged Palestinian boys and girls ages 10 – 16 years, integrating youth from refugee camps, cities, and rural communities. The program also provides professional development training for young Palestinian coaches and educators in the curriculum, and basketball coaching.
Overall, the SI Program reaches 200 children each year. Approximately 60% of the participants are female, and approximately 80% of the participants live in refugee camps.
Professional Development Program – PPI – ME recruits young adults from within its target communities to lead PPI – ME activities, training them as inter-group facilitators and elite basketball coaches via a yearly retreat and semi-annual follow-up clinics. Through the Professional Development Program, PPI – ME also facilitates the professional training of two exceptional LDP graduates a year. PPI – ME does this by offering scholarships for coaches’ certification training, which is necessary to teach youth basketball in Israel, helping these young leaders make the transition to full-fledged coaches.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karen Doubilet
Head of the organisation
Karen Doubilet