Association Epanouissement Féminin

National Network

11 rue banafsaj n°1 grande ceinture Hay mohemmadi Casablanca Maroc
BP 3068 Roches Noires Casablanca Maroc


212 5 22 61 49 22
212 5 22 61 49 22
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
212 6 74 02 50 42
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
- L’association Epanouissement Féminin est une association non gouvernementale indépendante de tout courant politique ou religieux à but non lucratif - Structure de l'AEF - Les sources de financement: UE- Cooperation belge- Agence de developement social Projet AGR- projet de sensibilisation- projet de formation Agence de developpement Social- Association Marocaine de lutte contre leSida L’association est constituée de : l’Assemblée générale, le Bureau exécutif et les bureaux des sections - L’Assemblée générale est la haute instance de décision. Elle se rassemble tout les 3ans et regroupe tous les adhérents de l’association. Lors de l’assemblée générale, le bureau exécutif présente le rapport moral et financier pour la discussion et l’adoption. L’Assemblée générale modifie le statut légal. - Le Bureau exécutif est constitué de 5 à 11 adhérentes élues par l’assemblée générale par élection directe ou tacite reconduction. - Les adhérentes qui ont passées une année peuvent participer aux élections pour accéder au bureau exécutif.
Mission and Objectives

- Luter contre toutes les formes de discrimination à l’égard des femmes en conformité avec les stipulations des conventions internationales.
- Œuvrer à améliorer la conscience féminine marocaine par tous les moyens disponibles.
- Former les femmes dans les domaines de l’action féminine.
- Œuvrer à l’intégration de la femme dans le processus de développement économique et social.
- Œuvrer à améliorer le niveau de la présence des femmes sur le scène culturelle, économique, juridique et sociale , ainsi que l’engagement de leur participation dans les centres de décision.
- Soutenir et coordonner avec tout mouvement revendicatif visant la défense des droits des femmes

Main Projects / Activities

- Sensibilisation
- Formation
- Plaidoyer
- Promotion du droits economique et social des femmes par le biais des Activités Génératrices de ressources
- L'AEF a mis en place plusieurs projets AGR pour les femmes le plus important c'est le projet Main solidaires Soutenu par l'Union Europeen
- Projet de sensibilisation pour les jeunes dans le domaine des IST SIDA soutenu par la cooperation belge
- L'AEF est Membre du Mouvement pour la Democratie Paritaire

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Renforcer le réseau Marocain
- Prticiper aux differentes manifestations du réseau
- Créer un debat sur la democratie et l'importance des femmes au Maroc

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Etre en connection avec d'autres ONGS dans la region et qui font partie du resau
- echange d'experiences
-Beneficier de l'expertise des autres ONGS dans le domaine des droits des femmes
- developper des experiences de travail commun avec les autres ONGS de la région

Contact (1) Full Name
Mme Touria Eloumri
Head of the organisation
Mme Touria Eloumri

L'OBSERVATOIRE - Centre d'Art et de Recherche

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Staff: 3 Budget : 50 000 euros / year Modalities of action : - Residencies, laboratories and research seminars - Production of books, magazines, films, documentaries, performances, art works - Programming and designing of cycles, workshops and exhibitions in public spaces
Mission and Objectives

L’OBSERVATOIRE strives to create the necessary conditions for artistic projects that are not adapted to the academic, cultural and artistic production systems of the MENA region. It also wants to spread them through the public by experimenting with alternative approaches, through mainly:
- Residencies, laboratories and research seminars
- Production of books, magazines, films, documentaries, performances, art works
- Programming and designing of cycles, workshops and exhibitions in public spaces
- Creation of a resource centre / “Musée Collectif sur l’Oubli” (Museum of Collective oblivion)
In addition, L’OBSERVATOIRE proposes the monitoring and ongoing reflection on the challenges of research and experimentation in Humanities, Art and Film within society.

Main Projects / Activities

LUNJA is a bilingual (French-Arabic) and bimonthly literature review that explores current events, history, culture, humanities and the arts by making it accessible to all, including children from 6 years on.
A journal to grow, that it is aware of culture, art and current issues, but also of history and philosophy. To better understand the world and live it having the necessary weapons for critical thinking.
A journal that proposes a broad cultural agenda and speaks about films, books, exhibitions, concerts, raising curiosity and bringing children and adults into the world of culture.
A magazine to get to know everything about Morocco and its cultural heritage: its cities, its history, its traditions and its great citizens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lea Morin
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Fariji


National Network

Marius van Bouwdijk Bastiaansestraat 32
1054 SP


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Noticias is a non-profit media organization based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We work primarily with volunteers. Organizational costs are covered by donations and advertisements on our website. Staff members are employed on project basis, for funding we rely on media funds or development organisations, like Oxfam Novib and Cordaid. In addition to this we have been working with European Volunteers through the Youth in Action Programme for several years now.
Mission and Objectives

Noticias, a Dutch non-profit media organisation. Noticias provides news and background information about Latin America in the Netherlands. Moreover we publish about the lives of
Latin American migrants in the Netherlands and Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Amongst other since 2010 we have been monitoring and reporting on the GFMD (Global Forum for Migration and Development) and organized media workshops for migrants. In 2013 we started with a project called 'Picturing Migration'. This project is an initiative that links migrants' engagement in the development of their societies of origin and their daily lives in the Netherlands. In addition, it encourages migrants to produce their own media. We produce video's, blogs and do research on the social media use of migrant organizations. All our productions are published on our project website

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network with our productions and with our knowledge and experience with media, making videos, writing articles and doing research on migration related issues.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As member of the ALF network we would like to contribute with our productions to the promotion of intercultural dialogue across Europe, to learn from the other members and possibly form new partnerships within Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mette Groen
Head of the organisation
Pablo Eppelin
Contact (2) Full Name
Pablo Eppelin

Stichting Nes Ammim Nederland

National Network

Nes Ammim Nederland Contact Person 1: Gerard van der Klis
Looiersdreef 805 Rigantstraat 30
7328 HZ Apeldoorn 3813 BR Amersfoort


Telephone (other)
Israel - 049950037
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Nes Ammim is a village in North-Israel with an international, ecumenical Christian community. The members (40 people) strive to be a community of people who live and work together - mainly on a voluntary basis - alongside other Israeli inhabitants, Jews and Arabs. Encounter, dialogue, learning and hospitality are the keywords. Founded in 1963 the pioneers tried to break with the old ‘christian’ antisemitism. Nowadays the mission has been widener: to live and study with all the inhabitants of Israel, Jews and Arabics. The village is being support by European christians and churches. The European volunteers stays 9 months in N.A., most of them are young people, just the first year after school. They works in the Guesthouse that generate the incomes for maintenance the village. They follow a studyprogram about land, history, cultural and religious diversity, and the Israel-Palestinian conflict. In the village is the Centre of Learning and Dialogue, with 5 European volunteers. The Centre is being support (financially) bij de Stichting Nes Ammim Nederland and bij churches in the Netherlands and Germany. Their budget is € 40.000. The Centre facilitate, subsidize and co-organize dialogue-projects for Galilee-inhabitants, especially young people and teachers of bilingual schools: dialogue-seminars, summercamps, studies.
Mission and Objectives

Stichting Nes Ammim Nederland supports the volunteersvillage Nes Ammim in Israel and the Centre of Learning and Dialogue in the village. In Nes Ammim live, work and study European volunteers inspirated by their ecumenical Christian believe, with lessons learned from the history and challenged by the complexe political situation today, in solidarity with all the inhabitants of Israel: Jews, Palestinians, Druses and others.

Main Projects / Activities

See above

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Perhaps there are possibilities to make connections between organisations with simular missions?

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We suppose that the ideals and the mission of Nes Ammim arre matching with the mission of the Anna Lindh Foundation as it is written in your website: "ALF promotes dialogues between cultures in the Euro-Mediterranean Region". The Nes Ammim Centre of Learning and Dialogue is specialized in organising such dialogues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gerard van der Klis
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Gonny Smeets / voorzitter, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Pieter Dronkers / Centre of Learning and Dialogue, Nes Ammim

WEB TV Bel'Afrika Media asbl

National Network

Rue Achille DETIENNE 2 1030 Bruxelles

32(0)2241 69 46
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
32(0)473 66 57 74
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
4 administrateur qui constituent la structure, Une personne au nom Kodjo Degbey chargé de la production du WEB TV sollicite des vacataires périodiques. Resource budgétaire la structure n'en dispose pas elle fonction sur des petits commandes du travail artistique de Mr Degbey kodjo ou de sponsor la structure vie du jour au jour sans subvention. Nous n'avons comme source que des commandes de reportage , vidéo , photos, documentaire, provenant du monde associatif et un partenaire potentiel Air France KLM qui nous à sponsorisé contre sa promo sur notre site et nos réseaux. Concernant les modalités d'action et projet concret nous sommes plus au moins focalisé sur la promotion da la diversité culturelle , la promotion du multiculturalisme et de la participation citoyenne , la cohésion sociale , les jeune , les femme et les minorités, demistifier le stéréotypeen en véhiculant l'image positive du migrant et des personnes marginalisé via notre plate forme media le WEB TV BEL'AFRIKA MEDIA . Nous avons comme partenaire Afrikaansplateform la grande plate qui compte plus de 120 association et reconnu par l'Etat fédéral. Nous avons aussi des partenariat avec de petit association sollicitant nos service pour la couverture ou la promotion de leur évents.
Mission and Objectives

Notre objectif majeur est d'élargir la visibilité des actions africaines à travers cet outil de communication.
Nous allons aussi montrer d'une manière positive la présence et la participation citoyenne de la communauté migrante dans la société belge.
Par la même occasion traiter les difficultés rencontrées par la communauté sub-saharienne en matière d'emploi, de langue, de logement... et présenter les moyens mis en oeuvre par la terre d'accueil pour permettre à cette composante de vivre dans la dignité.
Epingler des problèmes inhérents de la composante africaine; les problèmes identitaires, problématique des bandes urbaines... et analyser les moyens mis en oeuvre par la Belgique pour encadrer les jeunes africains afin
de leur permettre de s'exprimer librement dans le respect de l'autre.
- Présenter la coopération Nord-Sud et montrer dans quelle mesure celle-ci contribue au développement des pays du sud.
Enfin, Bel'Afrika Média veut stimuler les gens à la participation citoyenne, à l'engagement et au dialogue.
A ce jour nous avons plus 7000 Fan FB plus de 1300 visites par jour sur notre site WEB TV 250 vues par jour sur Youtube et sommes suivi partout dans le monde entier voir dossier.
vu l'émergence du projet nous comptons attendre le double dans 6 mois.
Pour les personne concernée;
Bel'Afrika Media crée une interactivité entre les citoyens de toutes communautés sans distinction de races de sexes ou d'identité de genre.
Toutes personne se retrouvant dans une vidéo peuvent envoyer ce lien à l'autre bout du monde pour informer , éduquer etc.
Nos reportages documentaires servirons d'outil didactique sur le WEB et peuvent être utiles ici ou ailleurs pour éduquer et informer encourager les jeunes qui perdent espoir ou les adultes de reprendre confiance en eux.
Nous n'évitons aucun sujet dans nos reportage et la définition de diversité qu'on utilise est inclusif pour tout membre de la famille humaine

Main Projects / Activities

BEL'AFRIKA MEDA a une vocation socio-culturelle artistique, elle assister et apporte son soutien à plusieurs associations socioculturelles, ou institutions qui travaillent pour et avec les africains en diffusant ou partager avec les communautés d'ici et d'ailleurs les activités Afro-caraïbéennes sur Bruxelles.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons contribuer en s'associant à vos réseaux pour renforcer la promotion de vos évènements avec notre public cible et partenaires, diffuser et partager vos informations et événement ou activités importantes , participé à vos activités pour ensuite informer nos internautes

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons rejoindre votre réseaux pour apporter notre service et savoir faire et aussi atteindre plus de visibilité en élargissant notre chant d'action et contribuer à la bonne cause celle de votre structure.
Bel'Afrika Media garanti une couverture médiatique que se soit autour de l'intégration, des échanges, culturels et éducatifs , de reportages, des documentaires, des portraits d'artistes, et promotions d'événements reprenant diverses catégories: Art, Coopération, Culture, événement, Initiative, Festival, Littérature, Modes et Style, Musique, sport voyage.

Contact (1) Full Name
Degbey Kodjo
Head of the organisation
Degbey Kodjo

Police College of Finland, International Relations

National Network

Vaajakatu 233720

+358 50 399 8108
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Ministry of the Interior is responsible for the guidance and supervision of the police. The police service has a two-tier organisation. The National Police Board, which operates under the Ministry of the Interior, directs and guides operational police activities. Within its direct purview are the local police departments, the national police units, the Police College of Finland and the Police Technical Centre. The National Police Board is responsible for the performance guidance of these units. Police College of Finland has 208 employees and its operating expenses in 2012 were 25 million Euros. The Finnish Police receives most of its funding from the State budget.
Mission and Objectives

The Police College of Finland, Finland’s sole police training establishment, is located in Tampere. It is responsible for recruitment for police training, student selection, diploma and advanced studies in the police service, leadership training, further training and research and development in the police field. Strategic objectives: - Improving professional police skills and providing the police field with a broader information base - Continuous improvement of processes - Personnel development - Development of international cooperation

Main Projects / Activities

The Police College offers the following diploma and advanced programmes: Diploma in Police Studies, Finnish Police Sergeant’s Examination and the Bachelor in Police Command. In addition to diploma and advanced programmes, the Police College also provides further training for police officers and other security training. The Bachelor in Police Command is recognized by the Universities of Tampere in the Master’s Degree programmes in police studies. The research carried out in the Police College of Finland covers the social and behavioural aspects of police work. The research focus is on crime, crime combating, policing and other issues central to the police service.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Paakkola Roosa
Head of the organisation

Stedelijk Onderwijs Antwerpen

National Network

Lange Gasthuisstraat 15
2000 Antwerpen

+32 800 23 019
+32 (0)3 338 32 41
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The City Education of Antwerpen (Stedelijk Onderwijs Antwerpen - AGSO) is one of the largest educational providers in Flanders. The City Education provides education to more than 55.000 pupils and students (between 2,5 and 82 years). Every day, the City Education of Antwerp can count on 6.000 teachers, staff members (both subsidized by the Flemish Government as non-subsidized) 140 schools, academies and adult education centers, spread over 250 locations in the city of Antwerpen. The yearly budget of the AGSO in 2012 was 79 million Euro. The main sources of funding are the Flemish Government and the City Of Antwerp. A large portion of the immigrants in Antwerp are from Maghreb/Middle Eastern origin. This evolution is reflected in a "super diverse" school population. This "super diversity" challenges the teachers to a great extent. Together with many partners from the civil society, we are working on the social cohesion of Antwerp and educate learners to become global citizens.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: The City Education of Antwerp offers fair development opportunities with a focus on each individual. We give students and learners the space and resources to develop talents and skills. So they can grow into responsible global citizens who want to build the city of tomorrow. Vision: Through innovative teaching in a warm environment, we want to motivate and inspire our students for life.

Main Projects / Activities

Apart from many other educational projects, the AGSO is particularly involved in educational exchange projects with Morocco. Twinning projects and an educational traineeship programme for teachers, students and professors form the backbone of a strong mutual cooperation between Antwerp and (mainly) the Oriental region in Morocco. The following partners contribute to the success of this cooperation: Steunproject vzw, Imane vzw, Ibn Sina vzw, Imams vzw, University of Antwerp, Artesis Hogeschool, Karel De Grote Hogeschool, Association Safaa, Centre de Formation des Instituteurs Oujda, Collège Allal El Fassi, Ecole primaire à Bni Kitoune, Académie Régionale de l'éducation Oujda

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our large experience in cooperating with Morocco, we would like to share good practices with the other ALF members. We are always seeking for partnerships to strengthen existing projects and establish new projects and programmes that foster international understanding and intercultural sensitivity. We believe that the Anna Lindh Network forms an ideal platform for sustainable partnerships and long term cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In our cooperation with the Maghreb region, and Morocco more specifically, we encounter both successes and challenges. In the ALF network, we would like to share our successes and also seek advice, information and funds to overcome our challenges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bram Goris
Head of the organisation
Frank Noten
Contact (2) Full Name
Nadine Delannoy

Global Political Trends Center

National Network

Istanbul Kultur University, GPOT Center, Atakoy Campus, 4th Floor, 34156, Bakirkoy, Istanbul

+90 212 498 44 76
+90 212 498 44 05
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Global Political Trends Center (GPoT Center) is a non-profit, non-partisan research institution established under the auspices of Istanbul Kültür University in Turkey in 2009. GPoT Center works on issues concerning not only Turkish foreign policy but also the current international agenda. The Center’s international staff conducts a wide range of innovative projects that seek to support reconciliation through dialogue and informed debate.
Mission and Objectives

GPoT Center serves as a platform for the free exchange of views and information on political, social and economic matters concerning a variety of parties and segments of society. We aim to achieve our mission by routinely bringing together opinion leaders, government officials, policy makers, analysts, scholars, experts and members of the media from Turkey and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

A) Region-Specific Programs
-Armenia:We implement a number of large-scale projects aiming to support the rapprochement process between Turkey and Armenia on the political and grass-roots levels by establishing and deepening contacts between the two countries’ civil societies, experts, youth and media.
-Cyprus: In addition to conducting research, we regularly organize second-track diplomacy meetings, known as the “Heybeliada Talks,” for opinion leaders from both sides of Cyprus, Greece and Turkey to discuss issues pertaining to the solution of the Cyprus question. Our efforts on this issue have been commended by the Secretary General of the UN.
-Europe: We have organized a variety of roundtable meetings aiming to open public debate on topics concerning Europe, including EU-Turkey relations, the Visegrad Four, the EU economic crisis and the Euro-Mediterranean region, among others.
-Israel: In addition to research on Israel-Turkey relations, activities conducted under this program are intended to shed light on the regional and political dynamics of the Arab-Israeli conflict and Israel’s bilateral relations with other countries.
-Middle East and North Africa (MENA): Our activities within this program aim to contribute to the establishment of a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone and to support democratization, women’s rights and stability in the region. We also regularly hold Policy Talks on current MENA issues with the participation of the GPoT High Advisory Board, whose members include former ambassadors and state officials.
-Transatlantic Relations: GPoT Center organizes lectures, commissions research and hosts study groups in order to support Transatlantic relations, particularly between Turkey, the United States and NATO.
B) Ad-hoc Events
In addition to its region-specific programs, GPoT Center serves as a platform for the exchange of creative ideas, organizing expert roundtables on pressing issues in international politics, book launches, academic visits for international students, and informed debates with the participation of media.
Our Publications:
Our publications, which can be downloaded for free from our website and found in several online libraries worldwide, feature academic and coffee-table books on issues in international relations; insightful Policy Briefs by global experts; concise Briefs and Op-Eds; Policy Updates providing general background to specific IR-topics; and Meeting Reports with recommendations generated from selected GPoT Center-organized roundtables and conferences.
Our Partners and Networks:
We have a successful history of cooperation on short-term as well as long-term projects with international partner organizations based in Europe, North America, the broader Middle East and North Africa region, and the Caucasus.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Sylvia Tiryaki
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Mensur Akgun


National Network


0038599 7006760
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The organization operates through the work of the president, deputy and secretary. members of the supervisory and management boards. We have 20 active members and nearly as volunteers and two staff persons. Budget: EUR 12,000 per year from the city budget and donations Sources of funding: city, county, various companies Partners: NGO Luna, Beli Manastir, Draft Teatar Tuzla, Bosnia & Hercegovina, City of Beli Manastir (mayor office), NGO for kids in special needs "Baranjski leptirići"... Projects: theatrical performances, seminars in the field of directing, acting, theater forum, roundtables, ekudacije of nonverbal communication, project implementation Buddy for 5 for children with special needs and foster children, theatrical performances at home and abroad, theater exchange ...
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to provide children and youth theater arts as an integral part of their growing up. Our mission is to communicate and hold a dialogue with the young audience about the current and everyday topics that interest them and occupy. We help them through the art of theater to understand the world around them and encourage them to confront it boldly. Our duty is to the stage to ask questions and investigate children's everyday lives and our audience to send messages of encouragement and hope. Our mission theater for young audiences to an equal level with the so-called. theater for an adult audience and constant commitment to excellence evaluating their own work strict art criteria. Our mission to affirm indigenous creation by Croatian authors, but also to promote peak world of creativity for children and teens. Our mission theater initiate communication between generations, especially within the family, enhance mutual understanding and encourage joint overcoming challenges and misunderstandings that accompany growing up.
Theatre in the future is seen as one of the European theater centers from which new ideas and new thinking about the art of theater for young audiences. This theater wants to promote new ideas and forms in line with global knowledge and contemporary trends. Croatian indigenous creativity in this way, the position in the European context. This goal can be achieved only by uncompromising dedication to theater creation of kids. Vision our theaters in the future is the image of a modern theater for children as an art institution with a program that primarily care for the aesthetic education of children and young people, and not (only) means of educational and educational institutions (schools and kindergartens) are used to realize their educational tasks or to complement classroom. Theatre wants to be a theater that raises children art, not educate them in the art, theater, where children are the audience today, and not the public in the future, and finally, a theater that is equal part, and not aid education and professional educations. Young artists from all profiles in this theater not only mature, but also run the theater in the future, a vision is but a realistic goal. In terms of organization, Theatre see the future as an organization that is based on know your management and ongoing education that will bring new ways of managing the new insights

Main Projects / Activities

- theatre plays
- work shops
- projekt "Friends for 5!" - help via culture to Roma children, children in foster family and children and teens with special needs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- with ideas and knowledge in the field of culture

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-the development of our organization and potential common interests in the field of culture

Contact (1) Full Name
Contact (2) Full Name

Gaza Association For Culture And Arts

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Gaza Association For Culture And Arts: It is established in Gaza city as nongovernmental and nonprofit organization, registered in the ministry of interior according to the civil assemblies and associations law no. 12000. it's registered under no. 7466 since 13 august 2005. it's also registered in the ministry of culture under no. 100/2006/gh/769 since 25 May 2006. it's member of the general union of cultural centers since 2006. Its field of work is cultural and artistic. The duration of the board are 3 years, it's selected through the election. The activity of the association extends to all the governorates of the country.
Mission and Objectives

The institution vision : The innovation and difference in keeping on the Palestinian cultural identify and heritage. The institution message : The association of Gaza Association For Culture And Arts is nonprofit institution aims to keep on the national identify and enrich the Palestinian artistic and cultural scene which depend on contemporary civilized basis. The general targets : 1- Spreading the different aspects of culture and arts in the Palestinian society and concentrating on their role in achieving civilized message. 2- Developing the civil society and the skills and abilities of the innovators and working on organizing their cultural actions. 3- Rising the society awareness by the human rights through supporting the democracy cultural and international legitimacy through the artistic work. 4- Rising the abilities of the association to play in the society in the fields of culture and arts.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the achievements of the association : The association implemented some of the cultural projects and activities such as the play "game over", concert of Mahmoud Darwish "Why did you leave the horse alone?" and the exhibitions: "Something must happen" by participating 35 artists, "Object" and "Retouch". It also implemented cinematic shows for narrative and documentary films and concluded cultural meetings and workshops about different literary and intellectual issues such as "prose poem days" and some of poetic evenings. The association celebrated number of the international cultural occasions such as the poetry day, the theatre day, human right day, woman day, child day and heritage day. Add to that it celebrated some the local cultural occasions such as the Palestinian cultural day. Finally it honored some of the writes, and implemented some of the voluntary days.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Help in publishing the ALF publications Participate in the ALF events and activities. that launched to take place in Gaza. Conduct any activities that refers to ALF activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Tِhe ALF is a world wide foundation that helps us in experiences exchange in the field of Arts and it gives us the opportunity to effectively participate at international organizations. Through ALF relations we gain more experiences in the field of inter dialogues and cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
ashraf sahwiel
Head of the organisation
ashraf sahwiel