La Chambre de l'art et de la Culture

National Network

144, Avenue Brugmann
1190 Bruxelles

0032-2. 513.20.43.
Telephone (other)
0032-2. 513.20.43.
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

- Association sans But Lucratif, 10 collaborateurs - Education Permanente - Education, animations et formation Gestion de la Diversité Culturelle - Ecoles, Associations, Fonctionnaires

Mission and Objectives

The CCOK organizes trainings and animations whose the goals overlap with the aim of interactions with people, of effectiveness, and dialogue’s recognition. In accordance with that mind, it promotes several notions such as interculturality, the space between the two and non violent educational methods. The principles which structure the Centre’s whole activity are humanism, open-mindedness, pluralism, consciousness’ freedom, and democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

4 SECTIONS: 1.Research The aim is to lead a reflection on the cultural, philosophical, sociological, and psychological basements of traditional and modern societies. 2.Literature The literature is one of the most richest and universal expressing way to communicate with other cultures. 3.Sociocultural This section organizes and suggests concrete and practical services. Their aim is to be useful to help people from other countries in their sociocultural or psychological problems due to their condition living in Belgium, but also to the Belgians confronted with strangers. 4. Artistic Everybody brings the cultural dimension from where he’s born, but also his own experiences, and personal talent. The work of art is the story a person tells from his cultural and personal experiences. Every creation is a work of art and its sharing involves an exchange between at least 2 cultures or 2 personalities. -TRAININGS: Intercultural Education

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Aminian, President
Head of the organisation
Ahmad Aminian, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Nora Bouhjar, Director

Arab Women's Solidarity Association - Belgium

National Network

6, Avenue de l’Eternité 1070 Bruxelles

0032 2 229 38 10
0032 2 229 38 01
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0032 474 79 05 69
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
General Information
-Structure: L'association se constitue d'un Conseil d'administration, composé de 5 administratrices bénévoles élues pour une durée de 4 ans par l'Assemblée générale, composée d'une cinquantaine de membres. L'association emploie une employée polyvalente à temps plein. - Ressources budgétaires: 55.000€ (total des recettes enregistrées pendant l'année 2008) - Sources de financement: Le Ministère de la Culture et de l’Audiovisuel de la Communauté Française de Belgique subventionne le poste d’une employée à temps plein (2008 et 2009). Une partie des frais de fonctionnements sont couvert par un subside ponctuel de la cellule « Politique générale d’appui aux associations » de la Commission Communautaire Française de Belgique (2008 et 2009). D'autres sources de revenus sont des subventions ponctuelles de différents pouvoirs publics belges, les recettes de certaines de nos activités, les cotisation des membres et les dons.
Mission and Objectives

AWSA-Be a pour objectif d’une part de promouvoir les droits et l’amélioration de la condition des femmes originaires de tous les pays du monde arabe, qu’elles résident dans leur pays d’origine ou dans un pays d’accueil, qu’elles soient primo-arrivantes ou issues de la deuxième voire troisième génération et d’autre part de créer, à travers ces femmes, des ponts entre les différentes cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

- Les rencontres d’AWSA: Conférences-débats
- Les soirées d’AWSA : Soirées de promotion d’artistes femmes et d’écrivaines arabes
- Les soirées et rencontres de solidarité internationale
- Femmes au café : Initiation à la mixité de l’espace public
- Les ateliers : Eveil à la situation et aux droits des femmes
- Les cours d’arabe
- La chorale
- Les rencontres littéraires
- Les formations

Contact (1) Full Name
Alicia Arbid
Head of the organisation
Noura AMER

Les Nouveaux Disparus Asbl

National Network

Rue de Liedekerke, 9
1210 Bruxelles

+ 32 2 219 11 98
+ 32 2 219 31 82
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 32 477 20 85 32
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

La Compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus a son siège social à Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode) et un siège d'exploitation à Namur. Cela permet de mener diverses activités sur l'ensemble de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, tout au long de l'année. Son lieu de résidence et de stockage se situe à Schaerbeek.

La Compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus augmente et diminue ses effectifs selon les projets et activités menés. Elle fonctionne avec une équipe de base (direction, administration, gestion de projets, techniciens, assistants), complétée significativement en période de tournée (comédiens, techniciens, animateurs, etc.). Ainsi, elle passe d'une équipe de 9 personnes à 25, en période de forte activité.

Mission and Objectives

La Compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus est une compagnie de théâtre forain, constituée sous forme d'association sans but lucratif, dont la mission principale est de défendre et mettre en place des projets en faveur de la démocratie culturelle.

Perçu comme levier d'insertion et d'égalité, la "culture pour tous" est un concept qui se traduit par des actions concrètes. Avec comme outil principal un ensemble de chapiteaux et de structures mobiles, la Compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus mène un travail unique en son genre. Elle sillonne la Belgique francophone pour permettre à tous, et en particulier à un public défavorisé et éloigné de l'offre culturelle "classique", d'avoir accès à une offre culturelle adaptée et qualitative.

La culture n'est pas seulement un domaine élitiste qu'il conviendrait de démocratiser dans son accessibilité financière. La culture mérite d'être démocratique dans son existence intrinsèque, permettant à chacun d'avoir sa place et son rôle à jouer.

Dans cette optique, la culture est véritablement vectrice de changements, elle suscite la réflexion et la rencontre, elle favorise le rapprochement social.

C'est ce message que porte haut et fort la Compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus à travers l'ensemble de ses projets. 

Main Projects / Activities

Concrètement, la Compagnie mène différents projets.

En premier lieu, elle crée ses propres spectacles sur des thématiques liant toujours le social et l'interculturel. ils sont joués par une troupe de comédiens professionnels, sous chapiteau, dans différents quartiers défavorisés et de logements sociaux. S'inspirant des artistes qui, jadis, déambulaient de village en village, elle développe ainsi un axe de travail original, au plus près du terrain. En effet, lors de chaque implantation, la compagnie mène un important travail d'animation socioculturelle autour du spectacle et ouvre ses portes aux associations et habitants du quartier pour construire ensemble le programme proposé. Ce dispositif s'intitule la MAISON DES CULTURES NOMADE(S), à l'image d'un véritable centre culturel itinérant.

Parallèlement, la Compagnie organise une série d'événements récurrents dont les objectifs se rapprochent toujours de son objet social. Elle mène, entre autres, l'organisation du FESTIVAL THEATRES NOMADES. Ce festival, dont l'accès est entièrement libre et gratuit, propose quatre jours de spectacles et animations à destination d'un public mixte, principalement composé de familles. Il accueille chaque année plus de 20.000 spectateurs, habitués ou novices, venus découvrir la programmation variée - familiale et multiculturelle - du festival.

La Compagnie propose aussi des ateliers théâtraux à destination de jeunes issus de maisons de quartiers de différents communes bruxelloises et wallonnes, dont le résultat final est présenté durant le Festival Mimouna. Une thématique différente est proposée à chaque nouvelle édition, alternant thème sociétal et thème théâtral. En 19 ans, le Festival a accueilli sous ses chapiteaux une moyenne de 25 associations par an, soit environ 200 jeunes par édition.

Les Nouveaux Disparus participent régulièrement à des projets collectifs, et notamment internationaux. En 2019, avec ses partenaires du centre International pour les Théâtres Itinérants (CITI), elle a organisé le projet "Odyssée Karavana", dans le cadre de Plovdiv - Capitale européenne de la Culture 2019.

Le projet en question a fait la part belle au voyage théâtral : 13 compagnies issues de plusieurs pays ont cheminé jusqu'en Bulgarie et y ont défendu, chacune à leur manière, la qualité de la création itinérante.

La Compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus a installé son chapiteau à Stolipinovo, quartier-ghetto de Plovdiv à large prédominance Rom. Elle y a présenté le dispositif de la "Maison des Cultures Nomades", s'articulant autour des représentations du spectacle l'Epopée Gipsy, alors en création.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Les Nouveaux Disparus ont pour projet d'organiser un événement hivernal, le Christmas Souk, qui rassemblera une cinquantaine d'associations membres du réseau belge et également des réseaux partenaires provenant de pays du Sud (Tunisie, Turquie, Maroc, Mauritanie). Cet événement promet d'être un moment important de rassemblement, de concertation et de rencontres porteurs de valeurs de vivre-ensemble et de compréhension mutuelle.



Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Après plusieurs mois de préparation et négociation, la Compagnie est heureuse d'avoir repris en août 2019, le mandat de chef de file du réseau de la fondation Anna Lindh. Pour la Compagnie cette première année en tant que chef de file a été synonyme de reconstruction et de discussion autour de l'organisation du réseau belge et de ses grandes lignes directrices.


Un important travail de réflexion s'est fait avec les membres afin de définir les projets futures et les valeurs qui les entourent.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Jamal Youssfi, Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Jamal Youssfi
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Charlotte Evrard, Administrative Director

Alpha Omega Conseil

National Network

Rue de la Concorde 36
1050 Ixelles

+32 4 91 07 80 35
Telephone (other)
+212 6 71 08 56 43
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Organisation de conseil centrée sur l'humain, Alpha Omega Conseil est une petite structure qui déploit actuellement son énergie sur les sujets afférents à l'UpM, au travers de ses deux positions stratégiques que sont la Belgique et le Maroc (base à Marrakech).
Mission and Objectives

Au delà des activités clients entreprises, Alpha Omega Conseil travaille avec des partenaires locaux au Maroc à la mise en place d'une structure de Fondation dont l'objectif serait de répondre aux impératifs liés à la pauvreté et au chômage par des projets de culture-emploi.

Main Projects / Activities

1. conseil en organisation, management et gestion humaine au quotidien
2. accompagnement de dirigeants mais aussi de personnes indépendantes
3. activités bénévoles tournées vers l'humanitaire et la culture

Contact (1) Full Name
Martin de Waziers
Head of the organisation
Martin de Waziers
Contact (2) Full Name
Guilhène de Cidrac

DUO for a JOB

National Network

18 Rue du Marché aux Herbes

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
DUO for a JOB organizes intergenerational and intercultural mentoring in Brussels between young job seekers from immigration and experienced senior professionals on (early) retirement. The mentor supports and assists the job seeker in his efforts to find employment. Facebook page: Twitter:
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of the association are the following:
- Participate in reducing the rate of unemployment among young immigrants in Brussels by offering a complementary approach to public employment initiatives;
- Recreate social ties and local solidarity;
- Encourage intergenerational and intercultural encounters;
- Encourage active aging ;
- Raise awareness on employment discrimination and other forms of inequalities in access to the labor market.

Main Projects / Activities

- Mobilization of the target populations (job seekers and seniors);
- Supervision of the mentoring activities;
- Organization of conferences and workshops on access to the labor market, discrimination, etc.;
- Advocacy and awareness raising.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As DUO for a job aims at being a lead actor in the field of socioprofessional integration of immigrant youth, we strongly believe DUO for a job will be able to have a strong added value in contributing in ALF belgian network, based on its intercultural and intergenerational experiences in Brussels.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF network would enable us to get in touch with other organizations also active in inter-cultural exchanges. As DUO for a job bases its mission on other organization's work abroad (including France), we are convinced that exchange between organizations working in the same field benefits the different stakeholders.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matthieu Le Grelle
Contact (2) Full Name
Frédéric Simonart

Festival Voix de Femmes

National Network

En Neuvice 46; 4000 Liège
4000 Liège

+32 4 223 18 27
+32 4 223 21 26
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+32 497 12 06 70
Mobile Phone (other)
+32 474 27 69 59
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Asbl recognized by the French Community of Belgium. General meeting: 36 people. Board of directors: 6 people. Team: 2 people. Co-organizer: "Of a certain cheerfulness the Circus Various" asbl. 2. Convention CFB 2006-2009: 92 000 EUR /an APE (coprod Certain cheerfulness) 3. Research at DGCD, European Foundations, Equal opportunity, cities, provinces, areas, sponsors... 4. Festival Voice of Women (biennial): concerts, spectacles, exchanges, meetings, workshops, exposures, publications. 5. Of a certain cheerfulness, the Circus various; Het Zuiderpershuis; Festival of Liege; Philharmonic Room Liege; MAMAC-Liege; Flagey - Brussels; associative network.
Mission and Objectives

The organization of an international festival, in matter artistic, teaching, critical and multicultural which relates to the role, the expression and the identity of the women in the world. Creation, production and reception of female works concerning the fields of the music, the theatre, the dance, the writing and the visual arts, with a view to exchange and cultural diversity. The widening of the artistic platform to the whole of the civil company for a dialogue between the cultures through associations of women, the intellectual ones, the journalists and representing them of various cultures. The Festival is biennial. The seventh edition was held in November 2005.

Main Projects / Activities

The Festival Voice of Women, biennial, is a scene of arts and cultures. It relates to the music, the theatre, the dance and is interested in the alive cultures. During ten days, accomodated in residence, artists, musicians, playwrights, actresses, choreographers, director, plasticians... of various cultures are invited to take part in workshops and meetings, and to give concerts and spectacles. The topic of the "Cultures in resistance" falls under cultural diversity and the safeguard of the immaterial inheritance. Articulated with this topic also created for itself the "world Network of solidarity of the mothers, wives, sisters, girls, close to removed and missing people".

Contact (1) Full Name
Brigitte Kaquet
Head of the organisation
Brigitte Kaquet
Contact (2) Full Name
Camille Lefèvre

Culture & Media Agency Europe, aisbl (CUMEDIAE)

National Network

Rue de l'Orient 71

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Culture & Media Agency Europe aisbl (CUMEDIAE) is a Brussels based non-profit organization created in January 2012. While being a young structure, CUMEDIAE is supported on and by a network of experienced professionals working in different European capitals and with different specialties related to culture and the arts: experts in film funding or film promotion; in festival management; in arts sponsorship and communication; international curators; cultural managers with diverse degrees of expertise; publishers; media and technology-in-the-arts experts; legal advisers in different jurisdictions; European policy and funding experts, and other professionals are, in a way, “part of CUMEDIAE”, which then becomes an instrument for a collaborative effort at the service of culture and the arts.
Mission and Objectives

CUMEDIAE’s mission is to provide advice and services to public and private institutions in the field of cultural industries and the arts with a European and international perspective. CUMEDIAE advises its clients in building their international projects; facilitates their access to public and private funding; provides advice related to international aspects of cultural industries and arts related activities and projects (access to foreign markets, co-productions, search for partners, international promotion and communication); and contributes to the on-line and off line communication aspects of these activities. Finally, CUMEDIAE and its professional network produces analysis and research in its area of expertise.

Main Projects / Activities

CUMEDIAE’s current projects and contracts already involve among others: the European Parliament; the cultural departments of the Cities of Barcelona and Madrid; the Fundació La Caixa; the Forum d’Avignon; IMAGO (European Cinematographers); Europa Distribution, the European Producers Club; the China Europe Youth Orchestra; Madrid’s Círculo de Bellas Artes; the Festival de Cinéma Européen de Les Arcs; or the Casablanca Art Week.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CUMEDIAE would like to foster relationships of artists, organizations and businesses in the field of culture between Europe in one side, and the south Mediterranean countries on the other side, collaborating with members of the Anna Lindh Foundation in the development of their projects and fostering their visibility through our platforms and activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation Network represents for our professional field to be in touch with the leading institutions and professionals in the field of Culture and the Creative and Cultural Industries operating in the Mediterranean region. We would like to participate in the network of contacts and information provided by the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ignasi Guardans
Head of the organisation
Ignasi Guardans

Comité Européen de Coordination

National Network

Chaussée de Boondael ; 6 bte 14

Mobile Phone (other)
(+32) 496.364.408
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1. The team of the CEC is composed of a voluntary president, of a director full time, in charge of project and a secretary half-time. The partners of the CEC are 13 resulting from 7 Member States from the European Union. 2. In 2005: 162.204,73 € 3. Contributions of the members, subsidies European, national and regional 4. Projects, seminars, exchanges between partners, European day before 5. ONG and local public authorities
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of association is:
- the development of a European partnership enters of the organizations having for mission, in particular at the regional level, the social and professional integration, the fight against exclusion and the handicap, the equal opportunity, the formation education throughout the life and the durable development;
- the development with European integration;
- promotion and diffusion good practices;
- the promotion of information and the formation more particularly within the framework of the objectives defined by the European Union;
- the promotion of the formation continues near the various partners of the CEC.

Main Projects / Activities

The CEC is an organization with the service of its partners ensuring the coordination of the projects worked out by the partners, giving relevant information on the initiatives of the U.E., supporting trainee, trainer, experience sharing whom the partners wish to develop. The CEC is the permanent instrument of council and evaluation of the European initiatives taken by the partners on the level of their area. The CEC develops common work, with participation of several of its partners (e.g. regulation of the fight against exclusion, reflexion on the third sector, European integration, equal opportunity, non-discrimination...).

Contact (1) Full Name
Eric Degimbe, Directeur
Head of the organisation
Eric Degimbe
Contact (2) Full Name
Monique Christiaens

University of Antwerp

National Network

Prinsstraat 13
2000 Antwerpen


+ 32 3 265 46 27
Telephone (other)
+32 3 265 4800
+ 32 3 265 41 42
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The University of Antwerp is a modern university with a student body of 11.077 students (degree students). It is characterised by its high standards in education, internationally competitive research and entrepreneurial approach. It offers 24 Bachelor, 40 Master and 48 Advanced Master degrees organised in 7 faculties, 48 centres and 18 institutes. It boasts several internationally renowned research groups. The University of Antwerp is publicly funded. It counts 2524 academic staff members and 1093 administrative and technical staff members. Its core activities are education, research and service to society.
Mission and Objectives

1. The Universiteit Antwerpen is an open, student-oriented, democratic and pluralistic university. It aims for high quality and stimulates innovation in education, research and service.
2. With its scientific research, its academic education and its scientific and social service, the Universiteit Antwerpen wants to play a significant role in the realization of an open, democratic and multicultural society. It is a modern learning organization with continuous attention for the evolving needs of the students, for the developments in scientific research and for the ever changing social needs and developments.
3. It is the ambition of the Universiteit Antwerpen to find answers for actual and relevant scientific, social and policy problems. Starting from a solid tradition, it continuously aims for a renewing, original and multidisciplinary approach. Its profile as a pluralistic university that encourages a real dialogue in mutual respect for all ideological views, where the ideological discourse and ethical reflection are actively and institutionally given shape, forms an ideal environment for the prospering development of high-quality education and scientific research.
4. Academic freedom is a fundamental condition for the realization of the disinterested, democratic and pluralistic mission of the Universiteit Antwerpen, for the university as an organization with respect to the authorities, clients and interest groups, as well as for the co-workers within the university.
Core tasks
5. At the Universiteit Antwerpen, research and education go hand in hand and reinforce each other. The Universiteit Antwerpen wants to be a knowledge-centre for conducting pioneering and innovative research that passes the quality test of the national and international scientific and academic world.
6. As a privileged actor in the contemporary knowledge society, the Universiteit Antwerpen considers itself predestined to play a pioneering role in the context of a number of pillars of research of national and international renown. It thinks of multidisciplinary collaboration as an important stimulator of innovative research and supports the development of initiatives in virgin paths and territories of research that might lead to innovating insights.
7. The Universiteit Antwerpen wants to offer everybody with the appropriate competences the opportunity to acquire scientific knowledge, attitudes and skills to realise his or her role in society. In the light of the need for life-long learning, the Universiteit Antwerpen organises an educational offer in initial, advanced and continuing studies, accessible for specific target groups of all generations.
8. The Universiteit Antwerpen, in collaboration with its alumni, is in direct contact with the field of action through its initiatives for refresher and continuing education and through an institutionalised feedback on its programmes.
9. The Universiteit Antwerpen wants to disseminate the philosophy of sustainable development in all layers of society.
10. Scientific service partly functions as a test for social relevance of its research and education, with special attention for social needs in society and the problems of global imparity.
11. With its knowledge and expertise the University Antwerpen wants to actively contribute to the sustainable development and expansion of the large Antwerp region, in collaboration with all actors involved. They want to participate in a pluralistic association of higher educational institutions and contribute to the development of a full offer of tertiary education in the region.
12. The Universiteit Antwerpen wants to embed itself in the urban fabric, with special attention for the spatial integration of its campuses and the quality of life round them. It also wants to reach for the social, economical, cultural and artistic worlds.
13. The Universiteit Antwerpen recognises the student as a full partner. It wants to form its students as critical and autonomously reflecting individuals, well equipped to find their own way in society. This is guaranteed by an ongoing attention for educational motivation, the improvement of the ability to cope for themselves and the educational professionalization of its academic staff. Together with the academic training, the Universiteit Antwerpen wants to contribute to the students’ individuation by means of an integrated approach of their reception and guidance, in view of academic, as well as social and material aspects.
14. The Universiteit Antwerpen wants to participate maximally in international exchange and collaboration programmes to offer its students an open and global view. It especially takes care over the reception and guidance of first-year students, students with a migrant background, students with restricted social-economical support and students from developing countries.
15. The Universiteit Antwerpen takes special care over all employees, as the quality of education, research and service also depends on them. Every member of staff as an individual can count on the recognition of his/her dignity and of his/her contribution to the realization of the tasks of the university. All members of staff are expected to treat each other on equal terms and in a spirit of mutual respect and trust. Staff policy is oriented at bringing about sustainable staff relations by means of e.g. aiming for maximal opportunities for development and promotion for those who have the appropriate qualifications and capacities, aiming for maximal job security, with a strong social concern, in particular for the family duties of the members of staff, and aiming for equal opportunities for women and members of staff with a migrant background.
16. The Universiteit Antwerpen is founded on the actual participation of all layers of staff in policymaking. The principle of subsidiarity is a basic principle for granting authority to the different levels of management. The managerial structure is simple and transparent, and is also widely anchored in society. The various staff layers and the students are represented on all managerial levels. The Universiteit Antwerpen is run in a spirit of tolerance and pluralism, without any ideological or political dominance. The policy of the Universiteit Antwerpen is developed in all openness and in a direct communication with all those involved.

Main Projects / Activities

The core activities are: education, research and service to the community. Education: The University of Antwerp offers programmes at all levels (Bachelor, Master, PHD). It offers 24 Bachelor, 40 Master and 48 Advanced Master degrees. Education is student-centred and competency based. Research: A great variety of research programmes are carried out by the 2200 members of the academic staff, including 700 researchers employed on externally financed projects. In addition to fundamental scientific research,a great deal of applied and policy-oriented research is carried out for supranational, federal and regional governments as well as for the private sector. The University of Antwerp houses 5 research centres of excellence and several autonomous and interfaculty institutes. Service to society: The University of Antwerp is committed to establishing strong relations with the regional, national and international communities. Particular attention is given to topics like equal opportunities, multiculturalism, and equal access to HE.

Contact (1) Full Name
Piet Van Hove
Head of the organisation
Rector Alain Verschoren
Contact (2) Full Name
Nina Mangelschots

Institute of Contemporary Art - ICA Montenegro

National Network

Gipos V/2/2
Cetinje 81 250

+382 20 230 724
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 382 67 556 378
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
NGO “Institute of Contemporary Art” is established in 2012 with the aim to promote contemporary arts in Montenegro and cultural co-operation between Montenegro and countries in the region. The Organization works both in and out of Montenegro: 1) Activities in Montenegro – bringing together artists and people in the field of arts from the region in order to address common issues on contemporary arts and culture via discussions, exhibitions, production and publications. 2) Activities out of Montenegro – through international meetings, conferences, workshops, prizes and scholarships as well as international exhibitions and fairs with the aim to promote cultural diversity.
Mission and Objectives

The Organization’s ambitions are:
- to establish new professional standards in production and promotion, development, communication, protection and dissemination of all kinds of studies and activities related to the visual arts, performing arts, musical arts and audiovisual arts in Montenegro;
- to contribute in formation of contemporary art practice through educational programs, production and promotion of activities related to culture, literature, music, applied new technologies, design etc.
- to link Montenegrin contemporary art scene with related ones from the region;
- to transfer knowledge and experience with other organizations and individuals from the region
- to educate and animate young artists, history of art theorists and managers of culture;
- to educate and animate citizen of Montenegro through cooperation with educational institutions, workshops, seminars;
- create database on Montenegrin contemporary art;

Main Projects / Activities

in proces

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By organizing international meetings, conferences, workshops, prizes and scholarships as well as international exhibitions and fairs the Organization will promote cultural diversity and strengthen communication between artists and common people. This will increase awareness in number of ethical questions and cultural phenomena that are present in Montenegro.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that being part of ALF network will help the Organization in establishing connection between Montenegrin contemporary art scene and its artists with related ones in the region. Engaging young artists with different cultures and beliefs in various activities will benefit Montenegrin contemporary art scene making it accessible to all and strengthen cultural ties among artists between Montenegro and artists from the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natalija Vujosevic
Head of the organisation
Natalija Vujosevic