European Alliance for Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (EARTH)

National Network

Square de Meeûs 18

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Launched in Brussels on October 2008, the European Alliance for Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (EARTH) is the first European Network created by experts of responsible tourism. The non-profit association (ASBL) is composed by private organizations based in 7 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Germany, France, and Spain). EARTH has one main goal: transform and unite Europe in “One Europe for Responsible Tourism”. The network brings to life the principles of sustainability, fairness and solidarity in the tourism field, by promoting the exchange of good practices, experience and knowledge among its members. There is a Board of directors composed by 7 persons and the coordinator of the network. EARTH has the member's memberships as only income and tries to participate to European projects as external expert. EARTH organizes meetings and participates regularly to European events. The action of the network is European. EARTH is supporting the activity of its members and is doing a great job of tourism watch at the European, National and International level for its members. Apart from its members, EARTH has partners as European networks (International Organisation of Social tourism, NECSTouR, The European Institute of Cultural routes, AREMDT network...).
Mission and Objectives

Sharing good practices along with tools available to both small and micro-enterprises for a sustainable and competitive tourism.
Supporting the EARTH network as a medium to convey to its Members the core vision of the European Agenda on responsible and competitive tourism.
Approving and implementing a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) system.

Main Projects / Activities

Raising travelers awareness about the principles of responsible tourism and good practices during their travel;
Cooperating with conventional tourism agencies to raise their awareness about the principles of responsible tourism
Cooperating with local authorities, public institutions at European, national and local level, agencies, schools and universities, research centers and other Tourist Operators, in defining tourism development policies based on the principles of sustainable development and responsibility
Coordinating the activities of its Members encouraging the mutual exchange of good practices.
Participating in projects involving international cooperation;
Improving the quality of trips from an ethical viewpoint, through the adoption of good practices inspired by the principles of responsible tourism;
Ensuring collaboration among responsible tourism operators and communities in the South of the world and their Organizations;
Promoting the concept of responsible tourism through publications, information and awareness campaigns, meetings and conferences, participating in the international debate on tourism policies;
Training tourist operators following the principles of responsible tourism, through the organization of courses and seminars in Universities and schools and by encouraging hosting placement periods;
Supporting the activities of tour operators, travel agencies and associations specializing in responsible tourism, notably by participating in events and projects such as trade fairs, scholarships and other public initiatives and by assisting in collaborative relations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could organize and participate to meetings. We could represent the FAL at the European level. We could play a role of center of knowledge of the European level. We could transfer to our contacts and network the information and the news coming from FAL.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EARTH is very enthusiastic about joining FAL because we do believe in the same values and we are willing to amplify our network and our contacts. We are looking for new projects, new collaboration in order to share our experience, our knowledge and to support the principles of responsible tourism.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maurizio Davolio
Head of the organisation
Maurizio Davolio
Contact (2) Full Name
Marie Secrétat

Chair for Non-European History University of Vienna Austria

National Network

University of Vienna, Universitätsring 1, A-1010 Vienna Austria

43 1 4277 - 0
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
It was the first University Chair of this kind in Austria (1989ff). Chair person and two assistants paid by the Austrian Ministry of Science. For projects (seminar, conferences) divers public and private funding and up to five additional personnel. Latest project: Brazil-conference in Vienna, october 2013. Close cooperation with Austrian Institute for Latin America and Diplomatic Academy, both Vienna.
Mission and Objectives

Teaching and training for understanding Third World developments and autonomy processes, with special enphasis on foreign policies and intercultural relations. Document peace negotiations and transition phenomena (from military rule to democracy), with special reference to Latin American countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Learning about the "arabic spring" and related processes and transfer these insights to encounters with Latin American students and vice versa. Transfer experiences from Latin American civil societies to members of civil societies in Arabic countries.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In my professional activities (35 years dealing with Latin America, via teaching, writing and conference activies) I accumulated a large bopy of experiences as to transition, democracy building, intercultural relations and foreign policy alternatives. To be shared with colleagues in my country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Intensify debates on intercultural relations and activites of civil societies both in Austria and in Latin American countries and reach actors beyond the university realm.

Contact (1) Full Name
em.Univ.Prof. Dr. Gerhard Drekonja, University of Vienna
Head of the organisation
em.Univ.Prof. Dr. Gerhard Drekonja

MADA for Media Development

National Network

6 أكتوبر, الحي المتميز, أمام جهاز مدينة 6 أكتوبر, بجوار مسجد المرشد، قطعة رقم ٧، منطقة غرب سوميد

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Religion
General Information
نحن فريق عمل إعلامي متكامل مهتم بقضايا الأمة الإعلامية والاجتماعية والتنموية يمتلك الرؤية والمهنية والخبرة التي امتدت لأكثر من عشر سنوات في تجربة "إسلام أون لاين.نت"؛ تلك التجربة الإعلامية الرائدة التي حازت على قدر عالٍ من المصداقية والقبول لدى دوائر فكرية وثقافية عدة في مختلف أنحاء العالم.وفي شهر رمضان المعظم عام 1431هـ/ أغسطس 2010م عزمنا على إطلاق مشروع إعلامي اجتماعي تنموي جديد تحت مسمى "أون إسلام" وجعلنا شعاره: "الإسلام في الحياة والأمة في العالم" وذلك بعد احتضان الفكرة من مجموعة لها الخبرة في العمل الأهلي في مصر، وواجهتنا كثير من التحديات ودار في أذهاننا العديد من الأسئلة مثل: هل يجب أن نسير بالموقع الجديد (أون إسلام) في ركب سابقه (إسلام أون لاين.نت) بوصفه موقعًا إعلاميًّا متعدد اللغات يُعنى بتقديم الإسلام على حركة الحياة، وتغطية شئون الأمة في العالم؛ وما الشكل القانوني للمؤسسة التي ستعنى بالموقع؟ وما مصادر التمويل؟ وكيف تكون أقسام الموقع ممثلة للشعار؟ وكيف يمكن أن نسهم في إعادة اكتشاف المسلمين لدينهم متفاعلاً مع حياتهم؟ وكيف نساعد في الكشف عن مواضع الخلل في فهم العالم للإسلام والمسلمين والمساهمة في علاجها؟الإجابة على كافة الأسئلة السابقة كانت في هذه "التركيبة": إطلاق المشروع الإعلامي الاجتماعي الٌتنموي في مظلة مؤسسة أهلية وهي مدى للتنمية الإعلامية.وللإعلام التنموي أهميته في إحداث التحول الاجتماعي والتغيير والتطوير في المجتمع بشكل عام. ومن منطلق شعارالموقع: "الإسلام في الحياة والأمة في العالم"؟ رأينا أنه يجب تخصيص جزء من أنشطتنا المختلفة لخدمة قضايا المجتمع وأهدافه العامة على أن تمتد هذه المنصة الإعلامية التنموية إلى أنشطة فعلية على أرض الواقع، وتقوم بهذه الأنشطة مكونات إدارية وإنتاجية من داخل المؤسسة تمتلك الخبرة والمهارة، وتتشرب الأهداف والرؤية التي تنطلق منها المؤسسة، وتتمثل في: • إنشاء مركز للتدريب الاجتماعي والإعلامي ويعتمد على التدريب المباشر وكذلك الفصول التخيلية عالية المستوى. • إنشاء وحدة للاستشارات التسويقية والإعلام الرقمي. • إنشاء وحدة تطوير المحتوى الرقمي. في الوقت نفسه لم يجعلنا هذا نغفل عن الاستمرار في الدور الإعلامي الرئيسي الذي قام به فريق العمل طوال السنوات العشر التي سبقت إنشاء مؤسسة مدى وموقع أون إسلام.
Mission and Objectives

للإعلام التنموي أهميته كبرى في إحداث التحول الاجتماعي والتغيير والتطوير والتحديث في المجتمع بشكل عام. ومؤسسة "مدى" للتنمية الإعلامية تأسست لوضع حزمة من النشاطات المختلفة - من منطلق إنساني - في سبيل خدمة قضايا المجتمع وأهدافه العامة، للإعلام التنموي أهميته كبرى في إحداث التحول الاجتماعي والتغيير والتطوير والتحديث في المجتمع بشكل عام. ومؤسسة "مدى" للتنمية الإعلامية تأسست لوضع حزمة من النشاطات المختلفة - من منطلق إنساني - في سبيل خدمة قضايا المجتمع وأهدافه العامة، وتوجيهها بالشكل الذي يتفق مع أهداف الحركة التنموية ومصلحة المجتمع.

Main Projects / Activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Nagwan el Ashwal
Head of the organisation
Hisham Awad
Contact (2) Full Name
Rahma Emara

Press House Palestine BAS

National Network
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Beit Al Sahafa-BAS or Press House Palestine: a centre for the promotion and coordination of independent media in the occupied Palestinian territory Period: 1 January 2013 – 30 Dec 2013 Funded by : Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA, Switzerland Total project Budget: CHF 49,382 Requested from FDFA CHF 27,982 ( %57) Partnerships : 1. The European Union. 2. Palestinian Telecommunication Group " PALTEL ". Board Of Directors: 1. Mr. Bilal Jadallah . ( Head Of the Board ) 2. Mr. Omar Shabaan. ( Head Of the Board ) 3. Mr. Ibrahim Barzak. ( Secretary ) 4. Mr. Abdulghani Jaber. ( Treasurer ) 5. Mr. Hekmat Youssef. ( Member ) 6. Mrs. Maha el Banna. ( Member ) Administrative Structure: 1. Executive Manager: Mr. Bilal Jadallah 2. Programs Manager: Mr. Alaa Nour Eldin 3. Project Coordinator: Mrs. Ghada Zayyan 4. Media Representative: Mr. Abdallah Abulaban
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
Press House Palestine seeks to create a safe, complete autonomous environment to raise the Press efficiency of Palestinian journalists and Media people.
Our Goals:
Media capacity-building, maintaining its durability and enhancing its professionalism.
Rehabilitation a network of young journalists and intellectuals.
Increasing the awareness of journalists and citizens in their rights and duties in a society of freedom and equality.
Networking with local, regional and international partners to upgrade the Palestinian Media.
Producing special materials to develop democratic media, and entrench the uses of the social media networks as a part of influential and free Media.
Holding workshops and seminars about Media, Press and their role as the fourth power.
Participation in media policy discussions, and providing consultancy and support to government institutions and civil society organizations.
Establishing an archived media reference for both written and photographed news.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Palestinian Civil Society Institutions and International Organizations
o Raising issues in a series of Meet the Press.
o Secretarial networking between civil society organizations and international institutions.
o International Exchange and International Visitor .
2. Human Rights, Transparency and The Rule of Law
o Democracy, Human Rights and Political and Administrative Reform.
3. Scholarship and Training
o Formal Representation Project for International and Regional Conferences.
o Vocational and Scientific Rehabilitation, internationally, regionally and locally.
4. Logistics Development and Rehabilitation
o Information News Center.
o Electronic Linkage Project in Networking.
o Wireless Network.
5. Legal Follow-ups
o Monitoring and Violations Follow-ups.
o Property Rights.
o Defense Project and Judicial Representation.
6. Documentation and Publication
o Local Electronic Radio.
o Local Newspaper Project.
o Written and Photographed Printing Project.
o Social Media and Networking Pages Project.
7. Social and Entertainment Activities
o Social Outreach Project.
o Entertainment and Recreation Activities Project.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through establishing partnerships with international organizations, we will gain the qualifications and procedures in implementing our programs in the fields of Media, Democracy, Human Rights, and other.
These partnerships with the east and west of the Middle East, will give positive impact to the local society through recognizing other cultures that support the freedom of expression, general and private.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

• Establishing wide partnerships.
• Empowering real opportunities in exchanging experiences and mutual collaboration.
• Enhancing the principles of collaboration among various cultures.
• Transmitting the Press House message to other societies and gaining new experiences.
• Activating integrated principles through trusted partnerships.
• Proposing initiatives, general and private, to exchange and empower values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Bilal Jadallah
Head of the organisation
Mr. Bilal Jadallah
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Alaa Nour Aldin

Musulmans Progressistes - (Proactifs)

National Network

Rue Purgatoire 69

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Notre organisation a pour objectif de faire la promotion du "Vivre-ensemble" et de la lutte contre les radicalisme afin d'assurer une meilleure entente intercommunautaire. En effet, nous tentons de créer des liens entre les communautés au niveau national en Belgique afin de pallier aux communautarismes ou au dangers du repli communautaire. Nous luttons aussi contre l'islamophobie ainsi que toute forme d'intolérance car elles entravent l'émancipation des citoyens de la diversité.
Mission and Objectives

Notre organisation se donne comme mission la lutte contre les radicalismes, les racismes ainsi que la promotion d'une société plurielle.

Main Projects / Activities

Le rapprochement intercommunautaire ainsi que la lutte contre l'islamophobie sont les deux principales activités. Nous avons pour projets de faire des brochures, clips vidéos et campagne de pin's afin de rendre nos activités plus impactantes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En apportant notre plus value ainsi que notre expérience en ce qui concerne nos préoccupations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Afin de bénéficier de ce que ce réseau peut offrir en terme de networking ou autre.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Creative Womem Association

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information
Creative women association is nongovernmental organization that work in Gaza in the field of women rights and culture, the association has an elected board of directors composed by 7 members and it has 7 employees who work as full time. the main resource of funding is come form catholic relief services and UNRWA. The association is implementing projects that focus on women rights and gender , it conduct many workshops and seminars for youth and women. The association has partnership with the union of cultural centers in Gaza
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the association is supporting creative women and enable her to partcipate positively in the community.
The objective of the association is promoting women rights and gender and raise the awreness of people in the field of women rights.

Main Projects / Activities

- Conduct awareness workshops for women and men on genders
- Conduct seminars about women rights
- Provide training on IT skills for youth
- Provide training for women house hold in handicrafts
- Conduct researches about the situation of women in Gaza

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can coordinate join activities with other members , we can exchange our experience with others members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network in order to be in connection with others members who work in the field of women rights for exchanging experience and for seeking partnership, we would like also to be updated by the events and oppertuinities related to funds.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dareen Diab
Head of the organisation
Donia Al Amal Ismaeel

EMMA for Peace - Euro Mediterranean Music Academy for Peace

National Network

Via del Babuino, 51 00187 Rome, Italy

+ 39 0645675601
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Associazione EMMA for Peace project: EMMA for Peace Honorary President RICCARDO MUTI Founder, President & Director- General PAOLO PETROCELLI
Mission and Objectives

EMMA for Peace, stands for Euro Mediterranean Music Academy for Peace. It is the heart of a global network for music education and for the promotion of a culture of peace, bringing together music institutions, universities, not-for-profit organisations, international philanthropic foundations and social enterprises. Through teaching music and international collaboration, EMMA for Peace intends to promote values of brotherhood and solidarity, thus becoming an internationally valued multicultural centre for the education and training of the new generation.

Main Projects / Activities

EMMA for Peace is the first project on an international scale promoting music education and cultural diplomacy built on an itinerant format. Branches of the Academy will be located in different countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region and the Middle East.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EMMA will support the establishment of an extraordinary network of excellence, which will bring together with international and national organisations, the Nobel Prize, and artists and intellectuals from around the world. A committee of men and women of extraordinary merit, unique in its field, will be launched to diffuse a universal message of peace and brotherhood amongst the youth through education and music teaching and the worth of a multiethnic culture. We already got in contact with FISPMED, one of the member of the Italian Network and we look forward to create synergies with all the members of the national network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Starting in Italy, the peninsula at the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, EMMA for Peace is the first project on an international scale promoting higher musical education built on an itinerant format. Branches of the Academy will be located in the principal cities and places of particular historical-artistic value (such as UNESCO World Heritage sites) of over 40 countries of the World. We want to join the ALF Network in order to be able to make partnerships with some organizations which have the same mission and objectives. EMMA for Peace is creating an unprecedented global network, involving official partnerships with the most prestigious institutions and with the principal players in the world of music education and international cooperation, in order to put musical education and practice at the centre of a project for dialogue among different peoples, the diffusion of a culture of peace, the promotion of artistic talent and musical excellence.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo Petrocelli
Head of the organisation
Paolo Petrocelli


National Network

Am Pilgerrain 15
Bad Homburg

+49 (0) 6172 - 404 - 519
Telephone (other)
+49 (0)6172/404 -500
+49 (0)6172/404 -545
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Bernadette Schwarz-Boenneke, Leiterin « Trialog der Kulturen »
Head of the organisation
Roman Weigand

The Abraham Fund Initiatives

National Network

Hamelacha 5
Lod 7152011

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Abraham Fund Initiatives is a not-for-profit organization working since 1989 to promote coexistence and equality among Israel’s Jewish and Arab citizens. Named for the common ancestor of both Jews and Arabs, The Abraham Fund works toward a prosperous, secure and just society by promoting policies based on innovative social models, conducting large-scale initiatives, advocacy and public education. Founded in 1989 and named for the common ancestor of Jews and Arabs, The Abraham Fund Initiatives is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to advancing coexistence, equality and cooperation among Israel's Jewish and Arab citizens. The Abraham Fund works exclusively in the field of Jewish-Arab relations inside Israel, enabling us to develop our expertise and focus our efforts towards a prosperous and equal society in Israel. The Abraham Fund’s strictly-observed policy of full Jewish-Arab partnership and equality in decision-making practice has established The Abraham Fund as a dedicated advocate of the civic interests of Arab society in Israel, working in close partnership with Arab NGOs and social movements on various projects and initiatives. The Abraham Fund is able to leverage our resources and impact by combining advocacy activities with our actions on the ground, disseminating knowledge gathered through our projects to our partners in local and national government. Through this strategy, The Abraham Fund has successfully harnessed government resources to replicate successful programs and promote policies that advocate values of equality and coexistence between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel.
Mission and Objectives

Israel's Declaration of Independence guarantees complete equality of social and political rights to every citizen, without regard to ethnicity or religion. And yet, Arab citizens of Israel continue to be underserved in budget and land allocation, access to government services, employment opportunities and education. Israeli Arabs consistently rank lowest in socio-economic measures and in educational achievement, and highest in rates of unemployment and poverty. In the words of an Israeli government commission, the status of the Arab sector “is the most sensitive and important domestic issue facing Israel today.”

Main Projects / Activities

• Language as a Cultural Bridge was launched in 2005 with the ultimate goal of mandating bilingual, bicultural education for every child in the Israeli public schools. Already reaching tens of thousands of students in hundreds of schools around the country, the program is based on a unique and engaging Arabic language and culture curriculum taught by Arab teacher-ambassadors in Jewish schools, and contemporary Hebrew language enrichment and cultural workshops in Arab schools. Combined with cultural encounters between neighboring Arab and Jewish children and educators, Language as a Cultural Bridge is breaking down barriers and promoting mutual respect among young Jewish and Arab Israelis. • Policing in a Divided Society is a major national initiative aimed at improving relations between the Israel Police and the Arab community by strengthening police services provided to Arab towns and villages, empowering local Arab leaders to advocate for the needs of their communities, and supporting problem-solving partnerships between local police and Arab leadership. The program equips officers with the skills required to effectively serve a diverse society by providing cultural sensitivity training and by sponsoring international learning seminars to study best practices of multicultural policing around the world. • Promoting Equal and Accessible Services within government agencies, civil society and the business sector aims to address tensions between Israel’s Jewish and Arab citizens that result not only from lack of understanding, but also from disparities in access to resources and services. Projects have included a Center for Emergency Medicine designed to provide culturally sensitive care to the Arab and Jewish communities of the Central Galilee; planning for Israel’s first bilingual/bicultural college in the Northern Negev; and promoting linguistic and cultural accessibility to government websites serving Israel’s Arab citizens. • Arab Women’s and Youth Leadership Initiatives strengthen the leadership and management capabilities of Arab women and youth by providing an extensive training course and personal guidance for select women and youth geared towards integrating them into leadership roles in the public sphere. Built on the platform of The Abraham Fund’s highly successful job training and placement initiative, this program is changing how Arab women and youth are viewed within their families and by society at large – and how they see themselves. • Public Education and Advocacy exposes policy makers and opinion shapers within government, the media and the private sector to the imperative of constructing a shared and inclusive society, and advocates for policies that promote equal opportunity and access to services and jobs. The Abraham Fund conducts groundbreaking research, monitors legislative developments, and offers our policy proposals, experience and knowledge to decision makers. We advocate on the local and national levels through intensive work with Knesset legislators, government ministers and senior civil servants; through frequent Op-Eds, TV, radio and online features; and through our thriving social network community on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. One of our most important and unique tools is our 800 page, Arab Society Informational Manual which allows decision makers to advance well-informed policy relating to the Arab community while relying on comprehensive, reliable and accessible information.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad Darawshe
Head of the organisation
Amnon Beeri-Soliciano

The Multidisciplinary Center, Modiin

National Network

49, Emek Dotan St.

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Multidisciplinary center is a center for Adult Education providing high education opportunities as well as other educational and enrichment courses. The center is operated by the Municipality of Modiin and the Open University. The Multidisciplinary Center is leading the initiative of "learning cities" in Israel and is collaborating with the emerging UNESCO learning cities network.
Mission and Objectives

Providing a high level of educational services and setting a stable and strong infrastructure so that every resident will be able to confidently and properly prepare for future challenges according to the principles of "The Learning City" model.

Main Projects / Activities

Developing high level of educational and enrichment programs in a variety of areas and fields:
Gender/Parenting/ Family studies
Enrichment programs and activities
BizClub- The center for small business and entrepreneurs
Academic Studies by the Open University B.A & M.A

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Orna Mager
Head of the organisation
Dr. Orna Mager