
National Network

P.O. Box 2203

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Tishreen is a non-profit and non-partisan civic organization founded in 2008 in Taybeh, located in Israel’s triangle region. We were founded by a group of some 20 social activists including women and men, academics and the less educated, and concerned citizens spanning the entire political spectrum united by our shared concern for both the social-economic situation of the residents of Taybeh and of Israel’s Arab Palestinian citizens in general. Despite being fully staffed by unpaid volunteers and community activists, in the short time since our founding, we established a physical and human organizational infrastructure. We are currently launching our first intensive fundraising effort with our goal for 2014 being a budget of approximately $50,000USD. We have created a number of local partnerships with civic and governmental bodies including Taybeh’s welfare department and local schools along with a long list of Arab and Jewish NGOs regionally and nationally.
Mission and Objectives

Tishreen sees itself as integrally connected to the local community and its members are active agents of social change, equality and social and environmental justice. We are activists and initiators seeking to encourage creative expression and dialogue while also promoting the formation of coalitions and cooperative relations among and between other activists and organizations in the region. Tishreen focuses on social-artistic endeavors in order to create a rich and productive civil society within the Arab community in Taybeh and in the Triangle region.

Main Projects / Activities

We anticipate working in the following areas in the coming year: 1. Working with youth both within the formal education system and outside of it. 2. Working with a select group of university students. Both youth and students will it to engage them in activities which promote the welfare and cultural life of our city. 3. Planning a number of cultural and identity-building activities locally targeting the general public. 4. Engaging women in a number of empowerment activities with particular emphasis on increasing women’s political participation locally.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a grassroots organization in the Arab Palestinian community that can offer and important perspective on the situation of our constituents.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope to partner with other organizations and access opportunities for training and funding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sajed Haj-Yahya
Head of the organisation
Sajed Haj-Yahya

Association AFAK

National Network

RUE tizi oualou si mustapha
wilaya Boumerdes

si mustapha

213 555 48 07 66
Telephone (other)
213 24 81 05 36
213 24 81 05 36
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
213 555 48 07 66
Mobile Phone (other)
213 56021 89 59
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Le nombre de l'equipe D'AFAK est composé de 13 membre actifs , les ressources de financements viennent des subvention de la wilaya direction de la jeunesse et des sports et des ong international comme financement des projets l'association a deja realisé six projets avec d'autre partenaires locaux et etrangé
Mission and Objectives

les objectifs de notre association et l'encadrement des enfants et des jeunes en matière de la citoyenneté , démocratie et de l'animation en générale , ainsi dans les activités culturelle et artistique théâtre , musique , arts plastique ,,, etc , l'association a investit dans le domaine des femmes en matière d'insertion et d'accompagnement

Main Projects / Activities

l'association a réalisé des projets en direction des enfants et des jeunes , avec des partenaires algériens comme Etoile culturel d'akbou la lpsje de tizi ouzou ,

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

en collaboration avec les partenaire du réseau , l'association souhaite contribuer aux différends activités du réseau

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

l'association AFAK souhaite rejoindre le réseau FAL pour contribuer avec d'autre partenaires a consolidé le réseau

Contact (1) Full Name
Daid Azzedine
Head of the organisation
Merchichi Rabah
Contact (2) Full Name
Dib Radhia

Association Sitar Culturelle pour le théâtre, la télévision et le cinéma de wilaya de Jijel

National Network

Cite Ouled Aissa

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
- عدد أعضاء المؤسسين للجمعية 15 عضو. - موارد الجمعية من نشطاتها. - مصادر التمويل من مساهمة الخاصة من الأ عضاء. - العمل التطوعي بين الأعضاءالجمعية و التعاون في ما بينهم لسعي لتحقيق مشاريع مسطرة. - شركائنا هم أعضاء الجمعية.
Mission and Objectives

التأسيس 16 أبريل، 2012
جمعية الستار الثقافية للمسرح و التلفزيون و السينما لولاية جيجل .
* تأ سست الجمعية في 16 أفريل 2012 بحي أولاد عيسى جيجل بالقرب من مسجد السنة .
الحصول على وصل إعتماد الجمعية في 2012/10/04 .
أهداف الرئسية للجمعية :
- إنتاج وتقديم عروض مسرحية للأطفال و الشباب.
- إنتاج وتصوير أعمال تلفزيونية و سينمائية .
- فتح ورشات و القيام بأ نشطة ذات أبعاد تعلمية ترفهية تثقفية .
- تعليم وتعلم كل مايتعق بالفن و الثقافة بشكل عام .
- السعي قدوما لنهوض بالفن بكل أشكاله و أنواعه لإزدهار الولاية .
- إثراء الساحة الفنية و المساهمة في تطوير السياحة في الولاية .
- تمثيل ولاية جيجل في التظاهرات و المهرجانات الوطنية الفنية .
- تنظيم برامج ترفهية و حفلات و رحلات في مجال نشاط الجمعية .

Main Projects / Activities

أعمال مسرحية و تلفزيونية و سينمائية .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

بالفنون و الثقافة.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لمد جصور التواصل و التعاون.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ammar Zineddar
Head of the organisation
زين الدار عمار


National Network


+213790 347 141
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
L'assiciation culturelle ithrane imaloussene est une assaciation nouvellement crée dont le presidenr c'est Mr AIT RAMDANE AREZKI,SON SECRETAIRE GENERALE Mr AIT RAMDANE RABAH ET LE TRESORIER C4EST MR AIT RAMDANE JUGURTHA.NOTRE ASSOCIATION EST COMPOS2E DE 12 MEMBRES dont 7 son des membres de l'administration et 5 suppliants. comme on est dans nos prmiers jours de creation notre association ne dispose pas de ressources ,nos sources de financement sont du a les cotisations des adherants. le but de creation de cette association est venu de l'amour de la culture etet des echanges de contacts avec d'autres commuanites .
Mission and Objectives

notre missions est de cultuvé la societe et faire participer au developement de notre region et faire la promtion pour les artistes de la region .

Main Projects / Activities

organisation de la fete du lait chaque année au sein de village
organiser des journées d'etudes,des seminaires,et des forums.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

on peut contribuer au reseau avec notre participation honnorable dans des activites qui se programme.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

on veut rejoindre le reseau fal pour ameliorer nos contacts et faire participer au activites qui se passe dans notre region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Association Des Activités Des jeunes TAWASSOUL

National Network

Rue Hamidi Mouhamed Rahmania Wilaya D'Alger Algérie

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
nomination de l'association : AAJT Date de création 17/05/2011 Agrément N° 09/2012 nombre de bureau exécutif personne 05 assemble général 15 personne Sources de financement: cotisation du membre et subvention de l'Etat donateur et sponsoring
Mission and Objectives

promotion les activités des jeunes
promotion les échanges et la communication entre les jeunes et les sociétés jeunesses

Main Projects / Activities

mobilités des jeunes
Accompagner les jeunes dans les moments difficiles
Découvrez et soutenir les jeunes talents

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons développer une stratégie entre votre organisation et notre association

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

L'Association tawassoul chercher à atteindre l'objectif principal de communication entre les jeunes et les et les société jeunesses .Ceci est en ligne avec l'activité de votre organisation

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mellahi Dahmane


National Network

musica gratis


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Deux fois millénaire, la ville de Tamentfoust (antique Rusgunia) fût jadis une des plus importantes villes antiques du littoral Algérien. Aujourd'hui encore la ville est célèbre par ses vestiges romains, son Fort datant du XVIIème siècle et son cap embrassant la mythique baie d’Alger. Ce patrimoine est malheureusement de plus en plus menacé dû entre autre à l’urbanisation intense et au laisser-aller. Sur ce constat critique est née l’ACT. L'ACT (ou Association Culturelle de Tamentfoust), est une association de patrimoine, créer en juin 2011 par un groupe de jeune passionnées de patrimoine, et soucieux du devenir de leur ville. L'association est enregistrée au niveau de la wilaya d'Alger sous le numero d'agrément 65/2012 du 09/05/2012. Le bureau administratif est composé d'une équipe multidisciplinaire de sept membres, élue par une assemblée générale composée de 90 membres dont 32 membres actifs. Nos moyens d'action sont; 1- Le partenariat avec l'administration (étude, expertise & conseil dans le domaine du patrimoine); 2- La mobilisation des compétences au niveau local (diplômés, artisans et étudiants); 3- La sensibilisation des habitants et visiteurs sur l'importance du patrimoine à travers l’usage des différentes techniques de communication(web, FB, affiches, tracts…etc); 4- Education des enfants au respect de l'environnement et du patrimoine à travers les différentes ressources pédagogiques disponibles (centre d’interprétation, activités sportives, scientifiques et culturelles). Les ressources financière dont dispose notre jeune association sont modestes est constituées principalement des cotisations de ses membres, du sponsoring et du mécénat, ce qui n'empêche pas que nous sommes une des associations les plus actives de la région. Nos partenaires peuvent en témoigner(le centre culturelle de Tamentfoust, Le musée de Tamentfoust, La Commune d'El Marsa, la direction de la culture de la wilaya d'Alger).
Mission and Objectives

L’association a pour but principal la participations aux efforts de protection et Promotion du Patrimoine Culturel et Naturel de la Ville de Tamentfoust et de son Cap, et cela afin de préserver ce patrimoine aux générations futures.
L’association ambitionne à terme de participer aux efforts d’amélioration du cadre de vie citoyen par la promotion des espaces verts, l’amélioration des accès aux plages, la création d’un musée marin et la publication d’un guide de Tamentfoust;

Main Projects / Activities

PPMVSA de Tamentfoust: Seul partenaire à titre consultative du PLAN DE PROTECTION ET DE MISE EN VALEUR DU SITE ARCHEOLOGIQUE DE TAMENTFOUST (Direction de la culture de la wilaya d'Alger)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Aider à la protection et la promotion d'un patrimoine commun aux deux rives, qui est la méditerrané(patrimoine naturel et culturel)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nouer des partenariats avec d'autre ville de la méditerrané(échange d'idée et d'expertise).

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Instytut Tolerancji

National Network

Piotrkowska 104, 90-926 Lodz, Poland

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
There are no people employed by the organization, all we do is on the voluntary basis. There are around 30 active members, and many more who sympathise with it. We obtain funds from external sources, mainly by applying for EU founded projects. We cooperated with partners from various, mainly European countriesacross Europe" etc.
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of the organization is promotion of tolerance and fight against intolerance, mainly by education directed to both adult and young learners. This includes teaching about human rights, fighting racise, antisemitism, homophobia tec.

Main Projects / Activities

Most projects were Grundtvig EU projects, like: "Jewish educational traditions in Europe", "Beware of Fanaticism", "Human rights across Europe", projects on refugees and their rights etc. We co-organize a large-scale annual action in Lodz called "Colourful Tolerance".

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could exchange information on our actions with other organizations of the network, start some common projects and benefit from learning from others.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We find the aims of the ALF Network close to our owns.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Goldstein
Head of the organisation
Stanislaw Goldstein


National Network

ul. Piastowska 8

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The foundation main bodies are: executive board (chairman and one member), programme committee, honorary president. Foundation does not have official agreements with partners but we have started cooperation with Małopolski Ogród Sztuki, Jewish Community in Bielsko-Biała among others. Foundation has just started its activity and it does not have an accumulated capital yet. We are searching for a wider range of sources including: different European funds and programmes, ministries’ grants, private sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

Our main fields of activity are: cultural events, scientific researches, educational workshops, publishing dealing with intercultural cooperation, civil society, breaking stereotypes, ecology and also health services for older and handicapped.

Main Projects / Activities

Foundation is already preparing some projects. The first one is International Festival of Modern Art with concerts and other cultural events in Poland and abroad. We also plan to organize an exhibition presenting famous and important personalities from Podbeskidzie region. Another project is March of the Living in 2015, commemorating Jews that were transported to the concentration camps in the area.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our programme committee members are outstanding experts in various fields of knowledge and science. Their theoretical background is strengthened by rich practical experience. The Foundation gives them opportunity to use this potential in non-governmental activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The goals and mission of Anna Lindh Foundation are similar to ours, we wish to partake in common projects with other institutions from Europe and the Mediterranean area. It gives us opportunity to exchange experiences with people who share our ideals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Piotr Głuszyński
Head of the organisation
Piotr Głuszyński
Contact (2) Full Name
Artur Skorek

Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe

National Network

Rue Wiertz 31
1050 Brussels

+381 69 159 4290
Telephone (other)
+381 63 190 1714
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe AISBL (CDN) is a network of 16 Green youth organisations in Eastern Europe, six of which are based in EUROMED countries. We also have six partner organisations, all of which are based in EUROMED countries. Our geographical scope of work is South-Eastern Europe, Turkey, the South Caucasus, as well as other post-Soviet countries. CDN has two half-time employees doing administrative work and project management. Our yearly budget is about 35 000 €, most of which comes from a foundation called Green Forum Sweden and from the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. We mainly organise educational and networking projects, in close cooperation with the Federation of Young European Greens as well as with different civil society actors in Eastern Europe.

Mission and Objectives

Our main aim is to gather young Greens, to provide them with a space for cooperation in an intercultural environment, and to support the development of their personal skills as well as their organisations. We work on a broad range of topics, such as human rights, democracy, gender equality, ecology, social issues, economy and non-violence. With our activities we aim at consolidating a network of Green youth organisations that have a strong impact on their communities as well as internationally. We believe that tomorrow's ecological, social and democratic challenges must be addressed by today's youth and that concrete and sustainable action must be taken.

Main Projects / Activities

We organise educational and networking activites like seminars, study sessions and summer camps on various topics that are close to Green youth organisations, such as gender, non-violence, Green economy, youth culture, ecology, etc. We also organise trainings for our member organisations and their members, recently focusing on topics related to organisational management and intercultural learning but planning to also organise more political trainings, with topics such as campaigning and communcation. A third group of activities is planned for next fall – regional meetings. The aim is to gather young Green activists from a given region (South-Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus) to discuss a political topic that is important in the region and develop an action plan for cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Teo Comet (Directeur Général)
Head of the organisation
Vesna Jusup (Directrice Générale)
Contact (2) Full Name
Vesna Jusup

ELLA (Expertise Centre for Gender and Ethnicity)

National Network

Middaglijnstraat 10
1210 Brussels

0032 2 209 34 67
0032 2 209 34 65
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

ella is an expertise centre, an non-profit organization in Brussels committed to the empowerment and and emancipation of ethnic minority women in Belgium (Flanders and Brussels). We develop publications, brochures, educational tools and packages for youth, women and professionals on themes such as identity, inequality, relationships, role patterns, marriage migration, mixed relationships, gender-related violence, etc. We organize debates, conferences, etc. and publish visual media, booklets, articles and opinion pieces on issues related to gender and ethnicity. We have the equivalent of 6 FTE at the moment. We receive subsidies on a yearly basis from the Ministry of Equal Opportunities and of Youth and other subsidies are project based, from the Ministry of Citizenization and another project financed by the Centre for Racial Equality.

Mission and Objectives

Ella stands at the intersection of issues related to gender and ethnicity. Ella aims to introduce an intersectional perspective into various fields of civil society, including the women’s movement, minority movements, education, social and welfare fields. Ella refers to the maiden name of Sojourner Truth, the very first black feminist. Ella aims to question constructions of gender and ethnicity. Ella aims to deconstruct the gap between women and men. Ella rejects the construction of femininity as the mirror image of masculinity and of ‘ethnic minority’ as the mirror image of the ‘white majority’. You only become an ethnic minority person through the denigrating gaze of the other and only become a woman through the eyes of the man. Ella questions these exclusionary identity constructions . ella demands for more space for self-determination and diversity. Ella aims to break through thinking in terms of black and white and ‘us versus them’ . ella stands for anti-racist feminism and anti-sexist emancipation of ethnic minorities. Ella stands for equal rights between men and women and between minority and majority persons.

Main Projects / Activities

current projects include developing educational material and educational for youth and adults and professionals on: mixed relations; sexual identity; pre-marital relations; marriage migration; self-defense for ethnic minority women... We offer our expertise when questioned by policy, journalists and professionals, students, etc. We organize and participate in panels, conferences, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ELLA is well-known, sought and unique expertise centre in Belgium working on issues related to both gender and ethnicity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are starting to work on international co-operations; our 3 year project on marriage migration includes developing a website, educational package, brochure, etc towards empowering marriage migrants to Belgium from Morocco and Turkey. We are setting up co-operations with women's organizations in Morocco and Turkey and would like to expand this collaboration in view of exchanging expertise and offering train the trainer sessions a range of issues. National funding for transnational exchange is difficult and that is why we are looking for organizations for support for this kind of transnational exchange and projects. This foundation seems perfect for the support of our mission and aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sarah Scheepers
Head of the organisation
Sarah Scheepers