Babel Association

National Network

2 rue de la Liberté 93526
st denis cedex

0033 6 16 61 58 75
0033 1 48 22 43 37
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
- Excusive board : 5 person ( elected every 3 years ) - Executive secretariat : 1 employee (projects coordinator ) + 2 Interns - Approximately yearly budget : approximately 42.000 Euro - Funding resources: Local Authorities, National and European projects funding programmes. - Type of actions: training seminars , campaigns , multimedia educations projects and exchanges seminars. - Main Partners: Munisubaility of Paris , CROUS de Creteil, University Paris 8 , Federation Nationale Leo Lagrange and ANCV / SOLEO .
Mission and Objectives

Association babel has been created in 2002 through group of multicultural oriegins whos already working in youth and students activities since few years. it has been created to promote several values of solidarity and intercultural learning through providing deferent programmes and projects in its local community as the universities of Paris and the region of " Ile de France " .
Now Days, Babel became the first " INFO ETUDIANTS Service " in its local community and it provides several information concerning the students & youth life. in Addition on May 2004 , it became member of " Federation National Leo Lagrange " which gives the chance to Babel to interact Nationaly within the populer education movement.
Further more, Babel is member of the Euro Med Youth Platform and have been taking part of the lunching meeting of it in September 2003.

Main Projects / Activities

Student’s interactive information website
* Students Campaigns:
"rights of students campaigns in the University; where the campaigns could offer massive information concerning the students needs and invite them to take their role to interact within the university students life and defend their rights and needs to guard their stability in educational and social life.
* Project of Cultural diversity in the Enlarged Europe :
An European youth Programme project, by sending and hosting several European seminars related to the theme of Racism and xenophobia. The project has been organized in partnership with 8 European organizations, and sending 4 different delegations to many European countries and hosting 2 seminars in France .
* International Students Solidarity Week
create a space of international Solidarity within the large student community. It gives the chance for all students of Paris 8 to exchange political, social and cultural experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marion Mainfray
Head of the organisation
Gulseren PEYKER


National Network

Box 53 Grepgatan

+46 72-554 65 03
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
At our school we work with an approach in which students must take considerable responsibility for their studies and work on projects that are taken from reality. Therefore, we collaborate with researchers and companies outside the school and included in international projects. We have many years experience of providing support for students with different needs. Our way of working is the most developed in the entire Gothenburg region and inspire other schools.  
Mission and Objectives

We hope to form a project that would focus on defining and overcoming national stereotypes of all the countries involved in the project.
We also hope to improve the understanding among young people and encourage communication between students of various nationalities.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities will be on-line discussions, research, work-shops during students’ exchange, discussions and study visits.
Angeredsgymnasiet is the initiator, along with companies in and outside Angered, to something called Angered challenge.
Angered challenge has only one goal: more young people from the suburbs to get out of work or go on after high school to other educational programs. We do this with both small and large companies.
Anyone who has something positive to contribute can be Angered challenge. Right now include Estrella with the challenge and has adopted ekonomiprogrammet. Students at Ekonomiprogrammet will then come to the Estrella several times during their training to see how different parts of a company works.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nina Larsson
Head of the organisation
Patrick Gladh (Rektor)


National Network

16 rue Monmory 94300 Vincennes

00 33 1 43 31 04 80
Mobile Phone
00 33 6 77 13 15 68
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Association employing from one to three persons according to the project . Its ressources comes from the allowance of services , of patnership projects , and subsidies . Amuni helps artists in their course ( particulary in performing arts) and elaborate , coordinate , carry out cultural cooperation projects in Mediterranean including studies ,training workshops , production and documentation activities . Amuni carry out its activities with different partners functions of the projects .
Mission and Objectives

Amuni aims to develop and promote the cultural , artistic ,linguistic activities , in some forms in Europe , Mediterranean and whole over the world .

Main Projects / Activities

-Production and diffusion of works in the sector of arts shows and other artistic disciplines ( theater ,dance ,performances, intersdisciplinary shows , exhibitions ,..)
- Organisation and participation in events allowing the presentation of public works in France and in the world (events and festivals )
- Carry out an artistic cooperation and cultural projects between partners of different countries including formation actions ,productions ,diffusion and assistance to the mobility and the network's setting .
- Conception and relization of every kind of documents dedicated to association activities and cultural and, in particular, in Mediteranean fields

Contact (1) Full Name
Fanny Bouquerel
Head of the organisation
Genevieve Stephenson

Centre d’initiatives artistiques de l’université de Toulouse le Mirail

National Network

Universite de toulouse le Mirail section danse et arts du cirque, département arts du spectacles et communication, 5 allée antonio Machado 31058 Toulouse cedex 1
Toulouse 31058

05 61 50 43 98
Telephone (other)
05 61 50 49 11
05 61 50 42 79
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 03 11 22 60
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Le CIAM, service Art et Culture de l’Université Toulouse le Mirail., a été créé en 1978, Il est composé de 12 personnes, enseignants et conseillers artistiques. Le budget du centre, salaires de 3 enseignants titulaires non compris est de 300 000 euros. Les sources de financement sont au nombre de trois soit budget propre université(1/3), Budget du ministère de l’enseignement supérieur(1/3) et subventions diverses (1/3)(territoires et mécénat). Le CIAM est ouvert toute l’année, propose des ateliers de pratique amateur, des échanges, des séminaires, des spectacles quotidiens et des residences à des artistes ou troupes professionnelles en partenarait avec les départements pédagogiques
Mission and Objectives

Le Ciam est chargé de décliner l’alinea 3 de la loi de 1984, dite loi Savary soit la troisième mission dévolue aux universités: “formation, développement, sensibilisation,confrontation aux formes les plus contemporaines de l’art et incitation, soutien à la création et aux initiatives artistiques émergentes”.
Le Ciam a egalement une préoccupation de démocratisation de l’art et de la culture et toutes les activités et spectacles proposés sur son campus sont gratuits

Main Projects / Activities

Le ciam va être doté à partir de 2007 d’un nouveau batiment culturel de 1500m2 susceptible de prolonger le développement et de porter l’ambition artistique de l’Université. Le Ciam, vraisemblablement appelé”La fabrique Artistique” ,accueillera la maison du théâtre universitaire européen, le pôle de la voix, le refuge des littératures et le projet “images dans sous états.
Le Ciam souhaite devenir un lieu de passage, de partage, d’accompagnement pour les jeunes talents et artistes ( d’Europe mais surtout des pays méditerranéens) qui seront accueillis en residence dans ce lieu “Passerelle pour l’europe” pour travail, production, diffusion, valorisation, promotion...

Contact (1) Full Name
Directeur :Jacques Bétillon
Head of the organisation
President : Daniel Filâtre
Contact (2) Full Name
Administration/Gestion : Beatrice Jean

COBIAC collectif de bibliothecaires et d'intervenants en action culturelle

National Network

210 chemin de granet
13090 Aix en provence

0033442285346 et 00337 49 24 39 16
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

1. French association of law 1901 3 employees and 80 volunteers . 2. Annual budget 2005: 154 000€ 3. Public local, regional , national and European subsidies (FEDER/projet Interreg IIIC NOE), own funds ,(contributions, exhibition locations , allowances, donations ). 4. Regional and international cooperation about books and readings : concrete projects of books donations , libraries formation , technical assistance , expertises , professional and cultural exchange . 5. principal partners : French foreign libraries of public reading ( nationals or municipals) universities or associations. also editors and booksellers for donations or book purchase . local and foreign communities . French embassies for books reception and for the FSP ( Funds of priority solidarity ) / project of public reading .

Mission and Objectives

Mission: the Regional Bank of the Book is a tool for regional and international co-operation to the service of the diffusion of the book and reading in direction of all the professionals of the book in its countries partners: and especially in the southern rivers and the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, Africa. Objectives: to give to the population a better access to the culture in general and the reading in particular, to contribute to the professionalisation of the libraries staff , to make cultural and professional exchanges and on the work practices and on the written, sonorous and visual productions in the countries .

Main Projects / Activities

Regional co-operation: collect books coming from the libraries, booksellers, editors. Technical assistance to the libraries for the withdrawal of the books. Animation of the network of volunteer librarians. Reception of librarians of the training region . The Councils and gifts of books to structures which have projects of libraries abroad. trainers formation , participation at books exhibitions , conferences . International cooperation : sending French books ( in the respect of the book donation charter ) ,purchasing new books in the language of the country bilingual books . receptions of foreign librarian trainees , missions of follow-up and evaluation of the projects, missions of technical assistance to the libraries, participation books exhibition , conferences and network setting.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anne Marie Parein
Head of the organisation
Simonne Cesari
Contact (2) Full Name
Pierre Triballier


National Network

69 rue Tilsit 13006 Marseille

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
General Information
Ixchel est une association loi de 1901. Le bureau est constitué de cind personnes, mais l'association travaille étroitement avec une dizaine de membres, tous liés aux différents corps de métiers des médias et des arts. L'association fonctionne avec une part d'auto-financement et une part de subventions. Les modalités se font sous forme de projets concrets localement et internationalement. Les principaux partenaires sont jusqu'à présent des médias (radio, presse écrite), des ONGs internationales et des lieux d'expositions (galeries, théatres...).
Mission and Objectives

Ixchel est une agence de communication sociale à destination des ONGs et autres structures nécessitant la création d'outils pédagogiques ou de communication sur des thèmes d'intérêts partagés tels que l'eau, les femmes, la migration, l'environnement, les peuples autochtones, le tourisme solidaire, etc... Ixchel propose donc des vidéos éducatives; des reportages sonores, écrit ou photos; des livres... Ixchel y ajoute une dimension de création et un travail conjoint avec des artistes sur les thématiques abordées afin de lier médias et arts pour un résultat intelligent et original. Les travaux faits à l'international sont ensuite transférés localement via des expositions ou des évènements.

Main Projects / Activities

Projets en cours:
_ Série sur l'ex-yougoslavie: après la Bosnie et les dix ans des accords de paix, travail sur le Kosovo avec exposition de reportages photos, conférences et exposition artistique de plasticiens.
- Films pédagogiques pour l'ONG marocaine Migrations et développement: un film sur les échanges de jeunes, un film sur k'eau dans les territoires berbères et un film sur la propreté fes villages.
- Exposition sur les "invisibles": travail sous forme de vidéos, photos, textes et créations plastiques sur les personnages à la marge de la ville, les exclus ou originaux.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maya Collombon Bermudez
Head of the organisation
Maya Collombon Bermudez
Contact (2) Full Name
Vincent Delpech

Centre Culturel 51 France-Maroc

National Network

51000 Châlons en Champagne

03 26 65 37 13
Mobile Phone
06 65 26 51 80
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Association loi 1901,50 adhérents 100 sympathisants environ. Conseil d'Administration (9 personnes Présidente, Vice-Président- Trésorier, Trésorier-Adjoint - Secrétaire - Secrétaire-Adjointe...) Partenaires : Ville de Châlons en Champagne, Conseil Général de la Marne, Conseil Régional Champagne-Ardenne, Etat, ACSE Champagne-Ardenne, Union Commerciale Industrielle et Artisanale de Châlons en Champagne, SNCF, Caisse d'Epargne, Fondation Hassan II pour les Marocains Résidant à l'Etranger, Ambassade du Maroc à Paris, Associations Féminines Locales, Association Eugénie COTTON, Centres Sociaux, Centre Communal d'Action Sociale de Châlons en Champagne, Institut du Monde Arabe, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, L'organisation Internationale pour la Francophonie... Les cofinanceurs (cf partenaires)
Mission and Objectives

Développer des échanges interculturels entre la France et le Maroc et l'Union Européenne dans l'espace méditerranéen. Organiser et gérer des ateliers d'expression culturelle dans toute la région citée plus haut. Favoriser l'insertion et l'épanouissement de l'individu dans le cadre des valeurs universelles, en partenariat avec l'Etat, les Collectivités et autres Organismes. Susciter, développer les initiatives susceptibles de favoriser la participation des habitants à la vie culturelle de ces derniers.

Main Projects / Activities

Organisation : d'ateliers culturels pédagogiques..;, conférences sur le dialogue des cultures, journées culturelles à thèmes, visite des lieux publics, éducation à la citoyenneté internationale, promotion des droits des femmes, expositions, soirées contes, diners-débats, voyages culturels, actions de sensibilisation sur différents thèmes (développement durable, évolution des droits des femmes, journée internationale des femmes, lutte contre les éducation à la citoyenneté, respect de la diversité, préservation du patrimoine...)rencontres internationales

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Formati Sensibili

National Network

Vico San Lucifero, 6

+39 3395644608
Mobile Phone
+39 3395644608
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Formati Sensibili is an independent and no profit culture association for artistic and scientific research. We are interested in multidisciplinary project involving art and science. We conduct and promote interdisciplinary research in collaboration with international an local partners.
Mission and Objectives

It promotes the development and cooperation between people from different fields, disciplines and cultures both locally and internationally. Formati Sensibili seek a new ways to involve artists, scientists and the general public in a new idea of developing and promoting cultural, artistic and scientific issues.
The activities are aimed at supporting and promoting projects in the most varied and innovative forms of research. Formati Sensibili is comprised of a team of professionals working together with scholars, artists and scientists, collectives, companies and research laboratories with the aim of developing innovative high quality projects, and follow each stage of the process: research, concept design, production and post-production.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects have been presented in art galleries, museums, universities, research institutes and other public spaces, aiming to attract and engage in research and production activities, a wide audience. Formati Sensibili aims to stimulate the most curious minds and encourage collaboration, exchange and cooperation between artists and scientists, transcending the traditional boundaries between disciplines, encouraging exploration and experimentation, the development of creative and artistic practice, and helping to deepen understanding of the relationship between science, culture and society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Carboni
Head of the organisation
Alessandro Carboni
Contact (2) Full Name
Alessandro Carboni

Studio e Progetto 2 Cooperativa Sociale Onlus

National Network

Corso Garibaldi 180-182-184
Abbasanta (Oristano)

+39 0785/53696
+39 0785/54912
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Studio e Progetto 2 is a social cooperative active in the field of information, services, social promotion and socioeconomic development of the territory. It provides integrated programs in the area of youth policy and economic development through the implementation of projects related to the field of information, counseling, guidance, aggregation and prevention of discomfort. The co-operative currently consists of 46 people (22 working members, 5 members and 19 highly competent employees). Its revenue comes from the orders of its clients and the participation in calls for tender and proposal promoted by Public Italian Institutions and EU. Its main partners are: Universities of Cagliari and Sassari, ERSU (Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education), Province of Oristano, National Resources Center for vocational guidance, Panta Rei Center – Sardinia, Consorzio Uno, Futura Europa, Associazione Orientare, La Carovana, Digitabile, Lariso and CTR Social Cooperatives. Its turnover was approximately €796.000 in 2012.
Mission and Objectives

Studio e Progetto 2 Onlus pursues the general interest of the community. The overall objectives are as follows:
- Development of community welfare, in particular of its most vulnerable people;
- Development of a solidarity economy that has, at its core, the man and his fundamental needs and not the personal profit;
- Development and dissemination of information and counseling systems as means of personal and social growth;
- Development of participatory democracy, within itself and in local communities, knowledge dissemination, technicalities curbing, transparency and promotion of forms of active citizenship;
- Development of employment opportunities for people exposed to the risk of professional exclusion and social marginalization.

Main Projects / Activities

Studio e Progetto 2 provides integrated programs in the areas of Social Services and Policies: (planning of personal services and measures to promote community development in the field of integration policies and social inclusion for vulnerable people), Youth Policies (management of Youth Information Services and City Information Services),Cultural Services (management of Municipal Libraries), Tourist information Services (management of Tourist Information Centers), Immigration Information Service (management of the Immigration Desk at the Municipality of Oristano. The Service has been extended to the Penitentiary of Oristano), Educational and vocational guidance (planning and management of projects on educational and vocational guidance), Territorial Development and Labour Market (including expert counseling and organization of conferences and seminars on policies and territorial development issues as well as producing of information materials on different topics such as work, education, youth, entrepreneurship, universities and businesses), Communitarian Project (by participating to EU programmes as lead organization or partner).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Studio e Progetto 2 is committed to get in contact with local associations and institutions already members of the Network and to participate in and propose joint projects. We engage with the development of the network by taking advantage of our own contacts, encouraging others to join, and put at disposal our expertise in order to improve the community welfare, in particular of its most vulnerable people, as our mission plans. We will work to ensure that the issues common to the other countries of the Mediterranean area can be discussed at regional and national level trying to find, along with representatives of institutions, associations and civil society, the best strategies to deal with.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Studio e Progetto 2 would like to join ALF Network for the great opportunity the Foundation provides to its members in sharing ideas and values by proposing and implementing projects in fields representing priorities for our cooperative such as intercultural dialogue, integration and cooperation in the Mediterranean Area. The network is an excellent opportunity to broaden horizons, by receiving information and being involved in actions launched and supported by the Foundation and its network of members. We firmly believe that sharing is an essential value in promoting the welfare of communities, that it is only through the dialogue between cultures that the development of peoples can be achieved and that associations, institutions and others, working together, can achieve great results for a real change. For over 20 years the Cooperative has worked for a fairer society, free from any discrimination based on gender, race or other differences. Considering that the Foundation shares our same ideals and aims, we would like to be a part of it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Licheri
Head of the organisation
Alessandro Ghisaura
Contact (2) Full Name
Marcella Melis

Seconde Nature

National Network

Patio/CECDC, 27 rue du 11 novembre, 13090 Aix-en-Provence

+33 4 42 20 96 25
Telephone (other)
+33 4 42 20 96 28
+33 4 42 20 96 40
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Pierre-Emmanuel Reviron
Contact (2) Full Name
Raphaël Sage