Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar

National Network

Marulićev trg 19/1

01 4886 155
01 4828 296
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
1. Public institute, 113 employees, 100 researchers (sociology, psychology, history, philosophy, demography, political science, economy). Regional centers in Split, Gospić, Vukovar, Osijek, Pula, Dubrovnik, headquarter in Zagreb. 2. 15.000.000,00 kn 3. 80 % Ministry of Science, Education and Sport; 20 % projects with other organizations 4. projects 5. ministries of the Republic of Croatia
Mission and Objectives

* Scientific research in the field of social sciences and humanities - basic, applied, and developmental.
* Professional research, expert consulting, and other intellectual services in social sciences and humanistic disciplines.
* Interdisciplinary scientific and professional research combining the fields of social sciences and humanities with those of economy, engineering, technology, medicine, natural sciences, and ecology.
* Strategic analysis and research.
* Market analysis, public opinion research, analysis and evaluation of numerous other issues on a regional and state basis.
* Publishing.
* Public lectures and book presentations.
* Scholarly and professional gatherings.

Main Projects / Activities

The basic objective of research activities may be summed up as investigation of the social structure and social integration with an intention to facilitate the development of integration tendencies and social structures appropriate to the long-term developmental goals of Croatian society. Broad scope of basic, applied, and developmental research includes disciplines such as: urban-rural sociology, sociology of religion, sociology of science, child and youth psychology, criminal psychology, psychology of aging, personality psychology, social psychology, victim psychology, communication psychology, public opinion research, family quality and birth rate increase policy, migrations in Croatian society, psycho-social consequences of the Homeland War, history of Croatian emigration, psycho-social consequences of privatization, demographic picture of Croatia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antun Plenković
Head of the organisation
Prof. dr. Vlado Šakić
Contact (2) Full Name
Blaženka Markeš

Association for Democratic Prosperity - Zid (ADP - Zid)

National Network

P O BOX 370, VII Omladinske 30, 81000 Podgorica

+382 20 207 130
Telephone (other)
+382 20 207 132
+382 20 207 131
Mobile Phone
+382 69 600 791
Mobile Phone (other)
+382 67 273 381
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
ADP - Zid is working on different projects and activities within the following programs: • Voluntary Service of Montenegro; • Community Development; • Social responsibility of enterprises; • Youth and active citizenship; • International cooperation and EU integration; • Legislation and civil society development. ADP – Zid is actively working on youth issues from 1996, which means last 14 years. Our organization has a lot of knowledge and experience related to youth work – on the field, as well as working on the policy, especially involvement in National Youth Policy development and its implementation. ADP - Zid is Contact Point for Youth in Action programme of the EU in Montenegro (check SALTO SEE website), and support involvement of young people from Montenegro in international programs focused on non-formal learning and active participation. In addition to a very important programs where young people are in focus, ADP - Zid as one of the most powerful NGOs in Montenegro is focused on the programs oriented toward development and the social responsibilities of all stakeholders in the community. All these programs are based on the principles of non-discrimination, life-long learning and equal opportunities for all, and also on the organizational values such as participation, innovation, creativity, solidarity and activism of citizens, especially young people. Structure of the organization ADP – Zid have a Assembly and Independent Board of Directors, which represents managing bodies of the organization. Executive bodies of the organization are Executive Director and Programme Board. Within organization number of employees and persons engaging by contract is various, depending of scope of work and activities within actual projects. Large number of young people recognize the work of organization as their priorities, so the number of active volunteers within projects and services of the organization is much lesser than number of volunteers enlisted and included in volunteer's data-base. Independent Board of Directors Independent Board of Directors established by the decision of Assembly of the organization in order to direct supervise the work of organization, on volunteer base, composed from respectable individuals and community representatives interested in work of ADP ZID. Aiming development of strategic plan, programmes and project activities of the organization, Board cooperate very closely with executive director and other officers from the organization. The Board could take the role within realization of certain activities within projects of the organization. In order to make the work more effective, the Board could create some permanent or temporary committees – they could meet by need and President of the Board is in charge of gathering the committees. Work and function of the Board is defined according to special act and corresponding to statute of the organization. President of the Board of Directors is Slaven Radunovic, director of "Office Center" company. You can contact Mr. President by e-mail: Indenpendent Board of Directors is in charge of: • Suggesting to Assembly propositions of changing of Statute of the organization and suggestion about changing of mission and aims of the organization. • Suggesting to Assembly propositions about changing of Board's personal structure. • Providing effective planning of organization with participation within a process of strategic planning of the organization. • Participating in providing of suitable resources for work in organization. • Adopting Annual Report about work and operating of the organization. • Works on promotion of public reputation of the ogranization participating in representing organization in public. • Taking care about legal and ethical integrity of the organization. • Works on recruiting and orientation training of new members and evaluating the efficiency of the Board. ADP-Zid Team: Igor Milosevic Executive Tanja Drobnjak Administration and Aleksandra Gligorovic Coordinatoress of National Volunteer's Zana Bukilic Placement Dusan Ana Skoflek Coordinatoress of volunteer's exchange and volunteer's Sanda Rakocevic Coordinatoress of corporative and social responsibility During 14 years of active work ADP - ZID received support from large number of donors, international and national, and different programmes. Beside others, there are: • FOSI ROM– Foundation Open Society Institute Montenegro • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, FRESTA programme, trough SEEYN • OSCE, Mission in Montenegro • Council of Europe, European Youth Foundation • European Commission – "Youth in Action" programme • FACT – Fund for Active Citizenship • European Agency for Reconstruction (European Integration Fund) • BCIF • Ministry of finances Republic of Montenegro - State gamble fund of Montenegro • UNDP/UNV BiH • SALTO SEE Resource Center • BCYF • USAID – trough CHF International • Westminster Foundation for Democracy • Friedrich Ebert Stiftung • Norwegian People's Aid (NPA) • German Ministry for Foreign Affairs – trough Cetinje Biennale • IOCC • IKV • Haela Stiftung • CCFD • Hivos – trough Citizen's Pact for South Eastern Europe • Press Now • ORT International
Mission and Objectives

Overall goal of Association for Democratic Prosperity – Zid:
„Promotes and strengthens solidarity, responsibility and participation of individuals and organizations by development of the concept of volunteerism and the realization of socially responsible and creative programs at national and international level, which contribute to the development of civil society and sustainable community development.”

Main Projects / Activities

Organization is one of the leading advocacy organizations in Montenegro and has a lot of experience in work on democratisation of the society during past 13 years of its work. ADP – Zid leads or participates in different citizen's initiatives, developing of legal system and policies and contributes in development of civil sector in Montenegro. It has initiated and lead the first serious attempt of networking of NGOs in Montenegro – Citizen's Academy; was a main local partner within Montenegro Advocacy Programme Montenegro (MAP, USAID/ORT) which started aiming to support local and national initiatives of public advocacy; and was a project carrier of one of largest networks of NGOs and communities at Balkans – Citizen's Pact for South East Europe, which is a very good illustration of previous engagement of the organization within this field.
ADP – Zid was an initiator of development of National Strategy for Voluntarism development in Montenegro, adopted by the Government in October 2009. Organisation has developed National Voluntary Service and different programs for inclusion of the young people – Local volunteer Centre, Volunteer Centres in 6 high schools, and Volunteer service in the School for young people with physical handicap.
ADP – Zid is the member of several national and international networks - Network against discrimination in Montenegro, South East European Youth Network, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (hCa), UNITED against racism and intolerance, and Alliance of European Voluntary service organizations. So, beside the work on national level, ADP – Zid every year is organising international meetings, trainings, seminars, campaigns and conferences.
From 1997 to 2007. we published 62 numbers of satirical magazine “ZID”. Other important publications are: «Black on white», book of aphorisms (2002.); «Volunteerism and public institutions» (2004); «Touch of the future» - booklet about EU integration (2005); «You are right! Guide trough the law, And anything else. » (2006 i 2008); "Between the Political Party Convenience and Equal Opportunity"; «Volunteerism – social and economic resource for developing» Agenda of the policy for development of volunteerism (2008); T-Kit on International Voluntary Service on Montenegrin language; Voluntarism – Volunteer management handbook (2010). «Without political party – without job» - caricatures and aphorisms, chosen works from competition, CD edition 2006; «Instead of stupidity» – Strip and photography, chosen works from competition, 2001; «We would like to be volunteers if we have money» - documentary movie (2004); «Jusovaca – independent urban centre» - documentary movie (2003).

Contact (1) Full Name
Igor Milosevic
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Skoflek

EXPEDITIO Center for Sustainable Spatial Development

National Network

postal: P.O.Box 85
office: Škaljari bb

85330 Kotor

+382 32 302 520
+382 32 302 521
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 237 997
Mobile Phone (other)
+382 69 454 982
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The structure of EXPEDITIO consists of: - Assembly - Board of directors - Executive Board - Members - Volunteers EXPEDITIO has four full-time employees, plus a number of occasional collaborators. Budget in 2009: 97.000,00 eu Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment, IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance), SIDA, Foundation Open Society Institute, Municipality of Kotor, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF), Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (REC), PHILIA - Association of Multiethnic Cities of Southeast Europe, Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Montenegro, UNDP, USAID, The Embassy of Netherlands in Belgrade... Partners: • Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment • Ministry of Culture of Montenegro • Municipalities of Kotor, Tivat, Herceg Novi, Cetinje • Regional Institute for Heritage Protection Kotor • University of Valencia, Spain • Europa Nostra, the Hague, Netherlands • Quebec-Labrador Foundation, USA and Canada • SNV, Netherlands Development Organisation • Svenska föreningen för byggnadsvard, Sweden • Cultural Heritage Without Borders • Relais Culture Europe, Paris, France • AMI-Aide aux Musiques Innovatrices, Marseilles, France • Bunker, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mission and Objectives

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

Landscape Stewardship Exchange in the Boka Kotorska Bay (project conducted in partnership)
Benefit Living: A New Layer of Creative Building and Planning in Montenegro
Educating youth/children about the values of space
SOSTENUTO Thinking culture as a factor of economic and social inovation
Reflection of the Arts in Public Spaces in Cetinje
Cultural needs of youth in Boka Kotorska
Museum Treasure of Perast
Database of cultural monuments on the territory of the municipality of Kotor
Inter-municipal cooperation in Boka Kotorska
Energy Days in Montenegro
Better prepared for EU funds
The palaces of Boka Kotorska
Guide, brochure and website on Perast
Spaces without barrier
Managing theSpace - Promoting European Standards
Look Around - Think About Space!
Skadar Lake - Sustainable Spatial Development
Perast – a restoration camp on the Visković Palace
Godinje – an architecture workshop
Twentieth-century architecture and arts in Boka Kotorska
Ecological Building – Building with Nature
Medieval Towns of Montenegro
Perast - a volunteer restoration camps
Cultural Heritage - Potential for the Development of Boka
Regional Advocacy Centre (RAC)
A New Durmitor House
Zagora – an architectural workshop
Perast – an architectural workshops

Contact (1) Full Name
Tatjana Rajic
Head of the organisation
Aleksandra Kapetanovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Vesna Lekovic

Agora Arts & Culture

National Network

7 Ali Abbas El-Halawani st., Ibrahimeya, Alexandria

002 03 5420508
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002 0102224739
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the Organization: The Organization has currently 13 Staff members, all of them are volunteers. Budgetary Resources: The Organization doesn't have operational funding yet, however we have funding by project. Sources of Funding: Contributions in Kind, partnerships Modalities of Action: - Start With Yourself Festival - Photography Exhibitions and Competitions - AGORA Market for young Artisans - Youth Exchanges with France and Germany - Explore the Arts Children educational program - Networks (young artisans, egyptian musicians, and solo performance artists) - Some other small activities such as graffiti campaigns and flag painting events - Nassim elraqs contemporary dance festival Main Partners: - l’association une terre culturelle (Marseille) - Deutsch-französisches Forum junger Kunst (Bayreuth) - Organization Dinamo(Portugal) - Geothe Institute Alexandria - Institute Francais Alexandria AGORA is also very keen to partnership with youth initiatives.
Mission and Objectives

To be a Space of distinction in the production and dissemination of Arts & Culture, an incubator of intercultural dialogue, non-formal learning and self-expression, and support economic growth, cultural development and social change.
- Become a space for self expression and dialogue through arts practice,
- Recapture the spirit of the ancient Agora by Promoting public events.
- Facilitate networking, exchange and experience sharing in the local and international cultural sector,
- Promote Intercultural Dialogue through artistic cooperation,
- Promote arts education through the utilization of non-formal learning techniques,
- Promote Youth Participation and Volunteerism.

Main Projects / Activities

AGORA is running three main programs since February 2011:
1- Arts for Social Change Program:
- Start with Yourself festival and movement
- Explore the Arts Educational program
2- Arts for Economic Development
- AGORA Market for young Artisans
- AGORA Networks
3- Arts for Well-being
still in the conceptualization stage.

Contact (1) Full Name
Reem Kassem
Head of the organisation
Reem Kassem

MEDIS Mediterranean Distribution Network

National Network

84 Avenue Besme,
1190 Forest


+32 2 23 50 793
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
L'AISBL MEDIS est un réseau de distributeurs de films des pays méditerranéens. Le réseau a été créé grâce à l’impulsion du Programme Euromed Audiovisuel III soutenu par l’Union européenne. Les membres de MEDIS sont des distributeurs et des producteurs du Maghreb, du Machrek et de la Péninsule Arabique, établis dans chacun des pays allant du Maroc aux Emirats Arabes Unis. Quelques membres européens sont également présents, dans le but de solidifier les relations avec les partenaires européens. L’objectif principal de MEDIS est de renforcer le secteur de la distribution afin de faciliter l'accès aux contenus cinématographiques régionaux et de qualité pour le public méditerranéen.
Mission and Objectives

L’objectif principal de MEDIS est d’aider à la distribution de films de qualité dans les pays méditerranéens.
Les membres ont décidé de créer la présente association avec les objectifs suivants :
- Alerter les institutions nationales et internationales sur le besoin de soutenir la distribution afin d’accroître la circulation de films de qualité ;
- Échanger des informations et partager le savoir-faire entre ses membres ;
- Promouvoir les cinématographies nationales des pays méditerranéens et pays arabes et des pays alentours ;
- Mener des recherches et constituer un think thank permanent visant à étudier l’évolution de l'industrie cinématographique du Sud méditerranéen et arabe;
- Établir des liens avec les organisations similaires dans le monde pour la défense des mêmes intérêts connexes en tous pays ;
- Chercher des financements publics ou privés pour favoriser la circulation de films de qualité, notamment de la rive sud de la Méditerranée.

Main Projects / Activities

Organisation de séminaires, d'ateliers et de formations en vue de renforcer le secteur de la distribution de films de qualité dans la région Sud-Méditerranée.
Réalisation d'études et organisation de tables rondes pour améliorer les conditions de distribution de films dans la région méditerranéenne.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Toujours prêt au partage de ses savoir-faire et de ses connaissances, le réseau MEDIS constitue un intermédiaire idéal pour les membres du réseau désireux d'établir un contact avec le secteur du cinéma au Sud de la Méditerranée.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le renforcement du secteur de la distribution, du cinéma et l'accès à la culture pour tous ne pourront se faire sans une coopération fructueuse et des échanges enrichissants avec des organisations aux buts similaires ainsi que des acteurs actifs dans d'autres domaines.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valerio Caruso
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Layadi

Association El Ikram pour l'Orientation et l'Animation des Jeunes de la Wilaya de Annaba

National Network

23000 Annaba

00213 (0) 37 24
00213 (0) 38 86 74 66
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00213(0)772 57 97 04
Mobile Phone (other)
00213 (0) 560 19 41 41
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Nbre de membre du bureau: 07 RB : Ministère de Jeunesse et Sports, Direction de Jeunesse et Sports, APC Annaba, Direction de la Culture,Wilaya de Annaba..
Mission and Objectives

L'association met en place des projets culturels et sociaux,et active dans de divers domaines liés à la formation,le patrimoine et à la mobilité de jeunes, à la citoyenneté. Elle collabore avec plusieurs partenaires associatifs et institutionnels et elle œuvre, en particulier, pour la mise en place d'une meilleure prise en charge de la problématique de la culture et de la jeunesse. - Orientation des jeunes dans tous les domaines( social, culture, loisir... ) - Formation et insertion professionnelle des jeunes. - La promotion des activités et l'épanouissement des jeunes.

Main Projects / Activities

- Ateliers de formation pour jeunes sans niveaux (projet financé par MJS)en 2010. - Ateliers de formation pour femmes au foyer (projet financé par Ambassade de CANADA)en 2011. - Mineurs et Justice avec CISP (projet financé par CE)en 2011/2012. - Soutien à la création et au fonctionnement de Conseils Communaux de jeunes à Djanet et Annaba avec CISP (projet financé par CE)en 2012/2014

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

TRAVAILLER EN PARTENARIAT AVEC LES MEMBRES DU RESEAU QUI ONT LES MEME VISIONS. S'Améliorer pour encourager et de soutenir le réseau en Algérie et de mettre en avant les atouts de l’Algérie au plan international...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La fondation ANNA LINDH a des objectifs communs a notre association,surtout La participation des jeunes à la vie locale, doit être vivement encouragée afin de développer des pratiques démocratiques, la diversité et par ce biais renforcer la cohésion aussi tolérance, «vivre ensemble » et dialogue interculturel. on souhaite avec le reseau FAL.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr HAMZAOUI Abdelaaziz
Head of the organisation

Association de la Jeunesse "Nouvelle Génération" - AJNG - Ouargla

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Consists of nine members and 100 member presidents involved Basic resources available seat equipped for lectures, a library, and some devices Sources of funding of some businessmen and member contributions and grants from the state Working modalities awareness lectures and educational programs and awareness campaigns and the Academy of Leadership Development and human development programs Center partners and career paths U.S. bound world of learning and the World Organization for Persons with Disabilities
Mission and Objectives

Upgrade education and youth development and preparation of leaders and provide jobs for young people and students

Main Projects / Activities

Key projects to establish an academy generation of creativity and upgrade teaching and learning in ways very modern and sophisticated to participate in volunteer activities and leadership provide the atmosphere of fun and training for students and young rapprochement between students and employers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network by several things, including the creation of lectures and training courses for students and host of others from other places and help them

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to join your organization to Aanha leader and we want to take advantage of the expertise of very large

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Hemaiaa Centre for Supporting the defenders for human rights

National Network

11 Buildings young Belqas, Dakahlia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
يتكون مركز حمايه من رئيس مجلس اداره واربعة اعضاء مجلس اداره ومدير تنفيذى وعدد 3 باحثين و سكرتاريه ومحاسب المركز منظمة عضو بالمركز العربي الاوربي لحقوق الانسان والقانون الدولي .بالنرويج والذى هو ايضآ عضو بمؤسسة اناليندا وكذلك المركز هو عضو مؤسس لشبكة المنظمات الشابه فى مصر مصادر التمويل: تبرعات الاعضاء وهناك مشروع ممول من قبل مؤسسة ميبى بعنوان (صالون الشباب الفنى لحقوق الانسان
Mission and Objectives

hemaia Center works to raise awareness among young people the importance of human rights Center works to promote a culture of human rights

Main Projects / Activities

The launch of the first Artistic competition for human rights in Egypt Talented youth participate in the presentation of the Art Youth Saloon for human rights in Tanta Egyptian and international condemnation of the events of the Council of Ministers “Participate and express yourself” is a legal campaign from Delta to Upper Egypt. Inaugurating the first artistic youth salon for human rights in Egypt.

Contact (1) Full Name
بركات الضمراني
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
بركات الضمراني

Association de sensibilisation et d'Information Médicales TUJYA

National Network

faculté de médecine de l'université mouloud mammeri
Tizi ouzuo

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
nombre de membres: 120 c'est l'association des etudiants en médecine de jeunes médecins et leur amis sources de financement : communauté européenne, coopération technique belge, la willaya de tizi ouzou et des particuliers, cotisations des membres partenaires principeaux : solimed, adam, .... Projets: la maison de l'information médicale cofinancé par la CO Honneur aux enfants: par la coopération technique belge
Mission and Objectives

volet médical
volet social
et un volet estudiantin

Main Projects / Activities

la maison de l'information médicale:
des campagnes de dépistages et d'information
des groupes de paroles
des montages vidéo...des fetes

Contact (1) Full Name
Menaa Youcef
Head of the organisation
Menaa Youcef
Contact (2) Full Name
Renai Karima

Association el rafik pour malades alité de Béni-Saf

National Network

N°18 Rue bouhmidi

Telephone (other)
043 64 50 83
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0771 709 842
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
bureau executif : 07 membres actifs budget annuel : une moyenne de 500.000,00 DA source de financement : cotisation, dons modalités d'actions : - Assistance psycho-médicale des malades alités - Brèves formation et conseils données aux membres de la famille du malades pour une Meilleur prise en charge (hygiène et autre) et conduites a tenir - deplacement des malades du domicile vers les centres spécialisés pour examens médicaux et cures de rééducation fonctionnelles - soins palliatifs à domicile Partenaires : corps medical et paramedical, collectivité locales
Mission and Objectives

- Favoriser la mise en œuvre de toute initiative et de toute action qui vont dans le sens d'un meilleur soulagement de la douleur et de la qualité de vie
- Encourager l’assistance à domicile des maldes alités par des activités de sensibilisation, d'information, et de formation de l’entourage du malade.
- Promouvoir la notion d’hôpital à domicile qui est déjà en pleine expansion dans les pays développés.

Main Projects / Activities

- Assistance de proximité des malades alités
- alléger les souffrances des malades, et des préoccupations de leur entourage.
- Réduire les séjours trop long à l’hôpital, très couteux pour le malade d’une part et pour l’EHP d’autre part (séjour parfois sans aucun traitement)
- mettre au profit des malades un matériel médical adéquat (orthopédique ou autre) pour le rendre auto dépendant et plus au moins actif (mobile)
- les malades alités à domicile ont besoins de soins palliatifs et d’assistance psycho médical et de cures de rééducation fonctionnelles
- ces problèmes seront solutionnés par l’acquisition de matériels médicale et orthopédique (taux très élevé d’alités) et une formation spécifique des paramédicaux aux soins palliatifs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name