Fundació Interarts

National Network

Carrer Mallorca 272, 9th floor
Barcelona 08037

(+34) 934 877 022
(+34) 934 872 644
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
The Interarts Foundation is a private centre based in Barcelona, with 12 members of staff. Its main sources of funding are local, regional and national authorities, international organisations and private organisations. Its range of activities includes research and consultancy projects, one-off seminars and regular conference programmes, training activities and information services. An interest in the converging areas between culture and development and an international spirit are the two main defining lines. Regular partners include the Barcelona City Council, the Barcelona Provincial Council (Diputació), the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat), the Government of Spain and the Organisation of Iberoamerican States (OEI).
Mission and Objectives

The Interarts Foundation aims to develop a better knowledge of the cultural sector, its public policy-making, its private and third sector initiatives, and its contribution to other areas of urban, regional and international development. Interarts aims to combine its research activity with international cooperation to foster cultural dialogue and the exchange of expertise, and to devise strategies for creative cities and cultural entrepreneurs.

Main Projects / Activities

Our areas of work include the following:
? Applied research, on areas including cultural policy, culture and local development, cultural rights, creative industries, international cultural cooperation, etc.
? Multilateral cooperation, through the organisation of or participation in international debates, conferences, networks and publications on cultural matters.
? Information services, including monthly e-newsletter Cyberkaris.
? Training activities
? Advice and consultancy to public and private organisations in the field of culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mercedes Giovinazzo, Director
Head of the organisation
Mercedes Giovinazzo, Director

Irènia - Jocs de Pau

National Network


+34 938259042
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 666571835
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Irenia is the name of a collective made up of working professionals and teachers, from several Mediterranean (Spain, Siria, Greece, Israel) and European countries (UK,Ukraine) and African (Congo), from a wide range of educational backgrounds and experiences; all are conscious of the need to work towards a culture of peace through educational projects which are designed to develop responsible citizenship. We actively support and use teaching and learning approaches through emotional engagement as well as academic knowledge; we base our activities on play, which is seen as an educational resource. Our range of games (using simulation, role-play or board games) allow our participants to see reality through a lens which is different from their own and step into the shoes of other people.
Mission and Objectives

Through its programmes and activities, Irenia brings people closer to a culture of peace, to a knowledge of different cultures, of inequalities and conflicts within the contemporary world, and, specifically, within the Mediterranean region.
Irenia offers a wide range of workshops and activities designed for different age groups within schools and other education centres, including Inset teaching for teachers and trainers. The same courses and workshops are available for local government (within town councils, local authorities, etc) through the design and realisation of courses and programmes covering peace education, intercultural and development projects.

Main Projects / Activities

* Irenia-Peace games: a set of 4 board games to introduce Mediterranean cultures
* Living together in the Mediterranean Region: A programme of workshops using different teaching methodologies aimed at 8-11 years old children to get to know the region
* Mediterranean alphabets: A set of 4 workshops to introduce the 4 non-Latin alphabets used in the Mediterranean region (Greek, Cirillic, Hebrew, Arabic)
* Exploring Child rights: using puppets and forum theater with 8-9 years old children to get to know their rights
* "A" as Africa: A programme of workshops using different teaching methodologies aimed at 8-11 years old children to get to know the region of Western Africa

Contact (1) Full Name

Fundación de Cultura Islámica

National Network

C/ Nuestra Señora del Pilar, 4
28015 Madrid

(+ 34) 91 543 46 73
(+ 34) 91 543 46 73
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+ 34) 4629202623
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
President, Cherif Abderrahman Jah CEO: Encarna Gutiérrez Treasurer: Néstor Martínez Research: Margarita López Communications: Inés Eléxpuru Library and archive: Mercedes Rodríguez Logistics: Juan Carlos Escobar Volunteers Coordinator: José Luján Deputy for the Magreb: Yolanda Guardione 3. Finances its activities by means of the periodic monetary contributing of its members, its cultural publications and other services. Subsidies from other public and private institutions. 4. International symposiums, pedagogical projects, educational exhibitions, musical performances, gastronomical seminars, lectures, courses for volunteers and teacher, and publications. Cooperative projects with local agencies and authorities to aid development. 5. The Caixa Foundation; The Jordania Royal Society of Fine Arts; Moroccan Association Le Gran Atlas; Cervantes Institute; City Council of Madrid; Culture Ministry; Institute of Transcultural Psychology; Complutense University; University C
Mission and Objectives

The Islamic Culture Foundation strives to facilitate Euro-Islamic dialogue and Works towards finding far-reaching solutions to problems of inter-cultural communication which affect our modern societies through research and dissemination of rigorous information about the Islamic world and its historical and cultural links with Europe, in attempt to increase mutual respect and contribute to eradicate racist and xenophobic attitudes. Also aspires to revitalise European historic memory, recognising and celebrating in their proper context early core contributions by the Islamic civilisation to our common European cultural heritage Has also recently initiated a new line of work, actively participating in cooperative projects with local agencies and authorities to aid development and exchange between Muslim and Western countries

Main Projects / Activities

Please go to

Contact (1) Full Name
Encarna Gutiérrez
Head of the organisation
Cherif Abderrahman Jah

Associació civil Jarit

National Network

Calle Buenos Aires 10b


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
1 - Asamblea General - Junta directiva 250 socios, 10 trabajadores y 120 voluntarios 2 - 250.000 Euros aprox. 3 - Generalitat Valenciana - Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional 4 - 5 - Siente el Magreb (sensibilización) Sunnugal en Africa(sensibilización) Coformando Sures (Codesarrollo) Casa de Juventud Hassi Labiad - Marruecos (Cooperación) Acción Social inmigrantes; Servicio Jurídico Extranjería;Formación; Talleres de castellano...
Mission and Objectives

Sensibilizción para la promoción de una sociedad intercultural y de nuevas actitudes solidarias, a través de dinamicas ludicas culturales, formativas y sociales.

Main Projects / Activities

Siente el Magreb (sensibilización)
Sunnugal en Africa(sensibilización)
Coformando Sures (Codesarrollo)
Casa de Juventud Hassi Labiad - Marruecos (Cooperación)
Acción Social inmigrantes; Servicio Jurídico Extranjería;Formación; Talleres de castellano...
viajes de turismo responsable y campos de trabajo, conciertos.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emili Sanchez Martínez
Head of the organisation
Sergi Almiñana Leconte
Contact (2) Full Name
Xavier Part Balerdi

Libertas International

National Network

Calle Maestro Tárrega, 7
Onil, Alicante

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
Libertas is a non govermental organisation based in Spain with branches in Holland, Russia, France and Morocco. The organisation is composed by 187 members that work in a voluntary basis, and only in training courses or seminars being employed. We organise training courses, seminars, conferences, voluntary projects, youth exchanges and manifestations in different cities. Our main partner organisations are The Institute of Humanitarian Development from Moscow, the NGO ALTEA FRANCE from France and the Assocation Amal Timerssit based in Morocco. Also the CASA MEDITERRANEO, a public institution focused on the development and study of the Mediterranean Region.
Mission and Objectives

- To create social awareness among citizens of the world through campaigns, projects and activities
- To promote mobility in Europe where young people can experience and develop some intercultural dialogue with young people from other countries
- Defense and promotion of the Declaration of Human Rights of United Nations
- Defense and promotion of the Convention of rights of children of United Nations
- Defense and development of interests of women in the world
- To create opportunities among communities with fewer opportunities, migrants and disabled people
- To provide legal, logistic and educational support to indigenous peoples
- To create environmental awareness among citizens to fight againt the climate change, to protect the natural resources of the Mother Earth
- To support rural areas, to keep our cultural heritage and to maitain popular activities
- To protect and defende animals under human pressure or abuse

Main Projects / Activities

Our organisation and myself we have a lot of experience in this field. We have been organising different activities within the Euro-Mediterranean region:
- Training course EUROMED YOUTH CHALLENGES: UNDERSTANDING THE PRESENT TO FACE THE FUTURE in Alicante (Spain) from 7-14 october 2012 (partner countries: Spain, France, Italy, Palestine, Egypt and Morocco)
- Training course GAMES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN, is a training course designed for volunteers who are going to organise activities in Mediterranean countries, and they do not have much resources. This was organised in cooperation with the CASA MEDITERRANEO (House of the Mediterranean Region) on the 29th June 2012
- Voluntary Camp at the summer school LE LEADER C’EST TOI in the city of Ait Melloul in Morocco from 3rd-21st July and from 23rd August – 7th September. With 190 local Moroccan children and 20 European volunteers
- Youth Initiative HUMAN LIBRARY at the University of Limoges on the 4th October 2012 where we discuss about different issues related to stereotypes and prejudices as well as human rights.
- For June 2013 we are preparing a training course in Palestine called SPORTS AS A TOOL FOR FIGHTING AGAINS XENOPHOBIA AND RACISM in Ramallah (Partner countries: Spain, Italy, France, Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine)
- For February 2013 we are preparing a seminar called VOICES OF INSPIRATION which intends to share experiences among leader women from Euro-Mediterranean region, and this project will take place in Alicante. (partner countries: Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can offer my experience with Mediterranean countries, and also supporting new projects, helping in the coordination, writing projects, doing evaluation of projects, etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I think this is a great opportunity to strenghten relations with Mediterranean countries and to get deeper in the issues affecting all the countries. Through this network I expect to share also information about possible projects and methodologies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Cristina Juan Carrion
Head of the organisation
Ms. Cristina Juan Carrion
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Rosi Gomis Sansano

Massa d'Or Produccions Cinematogràfiques i Audiovisuals S.L.

National Network

C/ Sant Pere Més Alt 66, pral. 1
Barcelona (08003)

(+34) 93 310 35 10
(+34) 93 268 81 99
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+34) 661 31 31 55
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
1. Massa d’Or Productions is a production company specialised in feature films (fiction and documentaries) TV movies and TV documentaries. 2. The number of employees is four 3. The sources of funding are the pre sales (theatres and TV channels), international pre-sales and co productions and subsidies. 4. Our projects are films and TV projects with international appeal. 5. We co produce with companies in France, Italy, Portugal, and Morocco.
Mission and Objectives

We try to develop ours internationals co- productions with the south-Mediterranean countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: A feature film co- produced with France and Morocco to be shot in the desert and a TV serial about the magreb immigrants to be shot in Barcelona and Morocco.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lluís Ferrando
Head of the organisation
Isona Passola

Organización Carta Mediterránea

National Network

28012 MADRID

+34 91 369 45 98
Telephone (other)
+34 91 369 45 98
+34 91 429 37 81
Mobile Phone
+34 606 39 20 08
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
The General Assembly is made up of over 350 members, coming from 38 different countries. The Board of Directors is made up of 18 members. There are 7 persons holding technical posts, 2 persons on the permanent Secretariat staff and volunteer workers. Activities are funded by public and private grants and membership fees. Most of the actions carried out are seminars, courses, research projects and publications. Organization’s main partners are both public and private entities, such as FHIMADES, Fundación Tres Culturas, Instituto Ciencia y Sociedad, Asociación Cultura Pro Naciones Unidas, the Spanish Diplomatic School, the European Commission Offices in Spain, the Arab League.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of CARTMED, defined in the final text of the Mediterranean Charter, is the promotion of dialogue and cooperation among the peoples of the Mediterranean region, with the aim of achieving peace, stability and security enhancing inter-regional relations, sustainable development of the developing countries and democracy and human rights.
The objectives of CARTMED are, as a civil society initiative, to develop useful knowledge resources for the achieving of the aim, to promote intercultural contacts and relations, and diffusion and sensitizing of the civil society of the region and those relevant agents for the development of the Mediterranean region.

Main Projects / Activities

For 2006:
Publication on research on town planning and the insertion of immigrants in Madrid, El urbanismo ante el encuentro de las culturas. La inserción socioespacial del inmigrante en la comunidad de Madrid. ISBN: 84-451-2812-4.
2nd publication on town planning and immigration.
A CD on Europe – Mediterranean cooperation and regional development, technical documents also included in a book by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In collaboration, Transmisión de valores de convivencia entre civilizaciones, course on coexistence values transmission among civilizations.
Course on Methodology, Projects and Opportunities in the Euromediterranean Cooperation, was hold in Melilla (Spain) and Nador (Morocco) and publication.
Seminar on Co-development: New Actors, New Markets.
Seminar on Alliance of Civilizations, Civilizaciones y culturas: del choque a la alianza

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Red de Jóvenes Palestinos

National Network

C/Maria Zurita 37. 2a


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
This is an international movement of Palestinian youth. we are still in the foundation process. The structure is: local general assemblies electing local board. the local board all together forms the international general assembly. the international general assembly elects 9 people to be the international executive board. the local coordinators in each country form the international coordination committee. we don't have an employed stuff. for last year our budget was 150.000 euro. the source of funding was mainly the spanish agency for international cooperation and development, Alcorcon Municipality and donations. we have organized a summer camp in syria last year with the participation of 15 countries. for this year we are planning a summer school and another summer camp. and we are planning to have an international conference during the spring of 2011. in the activities we organized during the last 4 years of the foundation process, we have worked with SCI Catalunya, General Union of Palestinian Students in France, Wael Zuaiter Association in Italy, Jafra Association in Syria, Social Communication Center (Ajial) from Lebanon, Hewar Childhood Center, Bisan for research and investigation, Baladna cultural center from west bank, palestinians without frontiers in Gaza and Arab Group for the Protection of Nature in Jordan.
Mission and Objectives

The Palestinian Youth Network (“PYN”) is an independent, nonpartisan alliance, founded by a group of young Palestinians scattered throughout the world as a result of the occupation of our homeland. Our belonging to Palestine, passion to preserve our Palestinian identity, and desire to contribute to the liberation of our land and people has driven us to build this network aimed at amplifying the voices of Palestinian youth and enhancing their role in building a better future for ourselves and our children.
- Vision:
To revive a legacy of Palestinian grassroots activism among all Palestinian youth around the world, promoting the youth’s active participation in our struggle and in the struggles of all oppressed and indigenous peoples. To uphold Palestinian collective consciousness and appreciation for our Palestinian national identity, and to assume responsibility towards achieving the political, social, economic, human, civic and environmental rights of the Palestinian people foremost among them the Palestinian refugee right of return.
- Objectives
A. To locate and connect Palestinian youth around the world to each other, and to create the means of communication between these youth through a support network that works to strengthen the efforts of local and regional youth organizations;
B. To strengthen the bonds between Palestinian youth around the world and their Palestinian national identity;
C. To promote the unity of the Palestinian people regardless of their places of residence, factional affiliation, political ideology, or religious beliefs;
D. To develop the leadership skills and capabilities of young Palestinians, and foster their spirit of initiative at all levels;
E. To support Palestinian youth in improving their political, social, cultural and economic status in the various places in which they reside, while raising the consciousness of Palestinian youth of their responsibilities towards the Palestinian people and their homeland;
F. To empower Palestinian youth everywhere to play a leading and effective role in realization of their inherent rights;
G. To inform and raise the awareness of the international community about Palestinian culture, history and struggle.
- Methodology
H. Organizing local and international forums and conferences to raise consciousness and awareness about the Palestinian struggle for freedom;
I. Organizing specialized Palestinian youth workshops aimed at developing leadership skills and capabilities;
J. Creating a Palestinian Youth Voluntary Program in order to promote civic engagement and community service;
K. Supporting and initiating solidarity campaigns aimed at supporting the Palestinian freedom struggle;
L. Distributing regular publications relating to Palestine, its history, culture and people;
M. Distributing regular publications relating to the activities of the PYN;
N. Creating and maintaining a database of demographic information about Palestinian communities around the world;
O. Utilizing a rights-based approach to political advocacy;
P. Developing other mechanisms as necessary to achieve the above-mentioned goals.

Main Projects / Activities

From the beginning of the PYN initiative three years ago, the following has been completed:
1) 1st PYN Conference Barcelona, Spain 2006 (40 participants)
2) 2nd PYN Conference Ven Dome, France, November 2007 (90 participants)
3) 3rd PYN Conference Madrid, Spain, November 2008 (140 participants)
a. Approval of three years in the making PYN Vision and by-laws by founding members
b. Development and approval of a two year strategic action plan
i. Summer camp- cultural exchange July-August 2009
ii. Collaboration with the Palestine International Institute summer camp summer 2009
iii. Speaking Tours of International Executive Board
iv. Development of National Chapters of PYN and increase membership
v. Summer school: summer 2010
c. Election of the first ever official international executive board
4) Delivery of Medical relief to Gaza in collaboration with Paz Ahora and ISM Spain in February of 2008
5) Several demonstrations, events, and campaigns PYN has co-sponsored worldwide including the academic boycott of Israel in the UK
6) 2 Follow Up Committee meetings: 1st Amman Jordan January of 2008, 2nd Madrid Spain July 2008
7) 1 International Executive Board meeting: Copenhagen Denmark February 2009
8) Several Media interviews and several press statements released on current world events

Contact (1) Full Name
Saif Abukeshek
Head of the organisation
Saif Abukeshek
Contact (2) Full Name
Hana Cheikh Ali

Programa de Postgrado y Doctorado en Gestión de la Cultura y el Patrimonio de la UB

National Network

Pg. Vall d’Hebrón, 171 Edifici Llevant. Desp. 008
Barcelona 08035

(+34) 93.403.44.27
Telephone (other)
(+34) 93.403.47.67
(+34) 93.403.47.46
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+34) 609.32.85.82
Mobile Phone (other)
(+34) 676.73.49.26
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Programm of Cultural Management of the University of Barcelona is composed by a multidisciplinary team specialized in management of the cultural heritage, artistic production, cultural and creative industries and bearable tourism. It is structured into 3 areas: Research, Education and Project-developpment 2. The financial management of the programm is carried out by the University of Barcelona and the Bosch i Gimpara Foundation. 3. There are various financing sources. On the one hand from the public administrations of national, autonomic, regional and local environment, thus like private foundations. Also the funds come from international institutions: European Union, World Bank, Interamerican Bank of Developpment, Organization of the spanish/american states, UNESCO. 4. Modalites of action: - Applied Research - Education: concrete programms, exchanges, ... - Projects 5. Partners: Main partners are universities, state organizations (especially Ministry of Culture), local administrations and cultural foundations.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective is the deveoppment of a programm of applied research, education and capacity and the development of projects concerning the environment of the management of cultural heritage, artistic production, creative and cultural industries and sustainable tourism.

Main Projects / Activities

- Applied Research in management of cultural heritage, artistic production, cultural and creative industries and sustainable tourism.
-Education: post graduate courses and master in Culture Management, international cultural cooperation, cultural tourism and management of event production; Culture Management lections in Morocco, Algeria and Mauretania
- Project developpment: Portal of Culture Management in the Maghreb, Ruta de las Caravanas Programm of UNESCO, Archeological Tourism in the Mediterranean (

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Jordi Tresserras Juan
Head of the organisation
Recteur - Màrius Rubiralta i Alcañiz, Vice-Recteur de Politique Internacional – Josep Samitier
Contact (2) Full Name
Natalia Paricio Borrás

Fundación Simetrías

National Network

C/ San Juan de la Penitencia,6


(0034) 925 23 95 59
Mobile Phone
(0034) 610 463 473
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
Mission and Objectives

To work for stimulating the cultural cooperation, the vertebración of the sector cultural industries and favoring the processes of immigrants' social and cultural integration in the society, as well as the modernization of the rural way, bearing his international projection in mind in the regional and local landing, across actions of applied(hardworking) investigation(research), advice, formation(training) and spreading(publication) of public policies

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ainhoa Martín Díaz
Head of the organisation
Mª Angeles Diaz Vieco